Beispiel #1
static fastcall
zap_w_flush(queue_t *q, mblk_t *mp)
	/* canonical flush for driver write queue */
	if (mp->b_rptr[0] & FLUSHW) {
		if (mp->b_rptr[0] & FLUSHBAND)
			flushband(q, mp->b_rptr[1], FLUSHDATA);
			flushq(q, FLUSHDATA);
		mp->b_rptr[0] &= ~FLUSHW;
	if (mp->b_rptr[0] & FLUSHR) {
		if (mp->b_rptr[0] & FLUSHBAND)
			flushband(_RD(q), mp->b_rptr[1], FLUSHDATA);
			flushq(_RD(q), FLUSHDATA);
		qreply(q, mp);
		return (0);
	return (0);
Beispiel #2
/* Give some pretty, formatted output */
int mr4kd_sprintf ( char *dest, char *name, uint32_t instruction, uint32_t pc, char *fmt )
    ** Format specifiers:
    **  - %rs
    **  - %rt
    **  - %rd
    **  - %fs
    **  - %ft
    **  - %fd
    **  - %cp   Coprocessor register
    **  - %ff   FP mode (single, double etc)
    **  - %fc   FP compare condition
    **  - %ih   Immediate (hex)
    **  - %id   Immediate (dec)
    **  - %br   Branch address
    **  - %jm   Jump target
    **  - %co   COP #
    **  - %ns   Name
    **  - %nc   Name with COP number
    **  - %nf   Name with FP format
    **  - %sa   Shift amount
    **  - %SP   Remainder spacing
    int s = 0; /* Source */
    int d = 0; /* Dest   */
    uint16_t token;
    /* Scan the format string for specifiers */
    for( s = 0; fmt[s]; s++ )
        /* No token? */
        if( fmt[s] != '%' )
            dest[d++] = fmt[s];
        /* Got token, read it in */
        token = (fmt[s + 1] << 8 | fmt[s + 2]);
        /* Check */
        switch( token )
            /* GPRs */
            case TOKEN('r', 's'): d += mr4kd_rcpy_gpr( &dest[d], _RS(instruction) ); break;
            case TOKEN('r', 't'): d += mr4kd_rcpy_gpr( &dest[d], _RT(instruction) ); break;
            case TOKEN('r', 'd'): d += mr4kd_rcpy_gpr( &dest[d], _RD(instruction) ); break;
            /* FPRs */
            case TOKEN('f', 's'): d += mr4kd_rcpy_fpr( &dest[d], _FS(instruction) ); break;
            case TOKEN('f', 't'): d += mr4kd_rcpy_fpr( &dest[d], _FT(instruction) ); break;
            case TOKEN('f', 'd'): d += mr4kd_rcpy_fpr( &dest[d], _FD(instruction) ); break;
            /* COP */
            case TOKEN('c', 'p'): d += sprintf( &dest[d], "%s", registers_a_cop[_FS(instruction)] ); break;
            /* Immediate (hex) */
            case TOKEN('i', 'h'):
             d += sprintf( &dest[d], MR4KD_FLAG_GET(MR4KD_HLOWER) ? "0x%04x" : "0x%04X", _IMMEDIATE(instruction) );
            /* Immediate (decimal) */
            case TOKEN('i', 'd'):
             d += sprintf( &dest[d], "%i", (int)((short)_IMMEDIATE(instruction)) );
            /* Branch address */
            case TOKEN('b', 'r'):
             d += sprintf( &dest[d], MR4KD_FLAG_GET(MR4KD_HLOWER) ? "0x%08x" : "0x%08X", ((unsigned int)pc + 4 + (short)(instruction & 0xFFFF) * 4) );
            /* Jump target */
            case TOKEN('j', 'm'):
             d += sprintf( &dest[d], MR4KD_FLAG_GET(MR4KD_HLOWER) ? "0x%08x" : "0x%08X", _TARGET(instruction) | (pc & 0xF0000000) );
            /* Coprocessor number */
            case TOKEN('c', 'o'):
             d += sprintf( &dest[d], "%u", _COP(instruction) );
            /* Shift amount */
            case TOKEN('s', 'a'):
             d += sprintf( &dest[d], "%u", _SHAM(instruction) );
            /* Floating point compare mode */
            case TOKEN('f', 'c'):
             d += sprintf( &dest[d], "%s", fp_compare_types[instruction & 0xF] );
            /* Floating point mode */
            case TOKEN('f', 'f'):
             d += sprintf( &dest[d], "%c", fpu_fmt_names[_FMT(instruction) - 16] );
            /* Spacing! */
            case TOKEN('S', 'P'):
             d += sprintf( &dest[d], "%*s", (int)-((mr4kd_conf >> 24) - d), " ");
            /* Instruction name - regular (no space) */
            case TOKEN('n', '0'):
                int i; char nb[32];
                /* Convert to the proper case */
                for( i = 0; name[i]; i++ )
                    nb[i] = ( mr4kd_conf & MR4KD_OLOWER ) ? tolower((uint8_t)name[i]) : toupper((uint8_t)name[i]);
                /* Copy it to dest */
                d += sprintf( &dest[d], "%.*s", i, nb );
            /* Instruction name - regular */
            case TOKEN('n', 's'):
                int i; char nb[32];
                /* Convert to the proper case */
                for( i = 0; name[i]; i++ )
                    nb[i] = ( mr4kd_conf & MR4KD_OLOWER ) ? tolower((uint8_t)name[i]) : toupper((uint8_t)name[i]);
                /* Copy it to dest */
                d += sprintf( &dest[d], "%*.*s", (int)-(mr4kd_conf >> 24), i, nb );
            /* Instruction name - with COP# */
            case TOKEN('n', 'c'):
                int i; char nb[32];
                /* Convert to the proper case */
                for( i = 0; name[i]; i++ )
                    nb[i] = ( mr4kd_conf & MR4KD_OLOWER ) ? tolower((uint8_t)name[i]) : toupper((uint8_t)name[i]);
                /* Copy number */
                i += sprintf( &nb[i], "%u", _COP(instruction) );
                /* Copy it to dest */
                d += sprintf( &dest[d], "%*.*s", (int)-(mr4kd_conf >> 24), i, nb );
            /* Floating point format */
            case TOKEN('n', 'f'):
                int i; char nb[32];
                /* Convert to the proper case */
                for( i = 0; name[i]; i++ )
                    nb[i] = ( mr4kd_conf & MR4KD_OLOWER ) ? tolower((uint8_t)name[i]) : toupper((uint8_t)name[i]);
                /* Copy the precision mode */
                i += sprintf( &nb[i], ".%c",( mr4kd_conf & MR4KD_OLOWER ) ?
                    tolower((uint8_t)fpu_fmt_names[_FMT(instruction)-16]) :
                    toupper((uint8_t)fpu_fmt_names[_FMT(instruction)-16]) );
                /* Copy it to dest */
                d += sprintf( &dest[d], "%*.*s", (int)-(mr4kd_conf >> 24), i, nb );
        /* Update source pointer */
        s += 2;
    /* Null terminate output */
    dest[d] = 0;
    /* Return chars processed */
    return d;