Beispiel #1
void ActionEditor::updatePropertyList()
    Solid::DeviceInterface::Type currentType;
    currentType = actionData()->interfaceFromName( ui.CbDeviceType->currentText() );

    ui.CbValueName->addItems( actionData()->propertyList( currentType ) );
void RPG_ActionHandler::PerformAction(RPG_ActionType_e const& action, bool forceAction /*= false*/, RPG_BaseEntity* const interactionEntity /*= NULL*/, 
                                      hkvVec3 const& interactionPosition /*= hkvVec3(0, 0, 0)*/, int const flags /*= 0*/)
  // if the action and the target are the same, we're just updating flags or interaction.
  bool updatingActionParams = false;
  if(m_activeAction.m_Action == action)
    if(m_activeAction.m_interactionEntity != interactionEntity ||
       !m_activeAction.m_interactionPosition.isIdentical(interactionPosition) ||
       m_activeAction.m_flags != flags)
      updatingActionParams = true;

  if(!forceAction && 
     m_activeAction.m_Action != AT_None &&
     action != AT_None)
    // there's an action already playing, and we aren't forcing the new one. perfor more checks.
    if(m_Actions[m_activeAction.m_Action]->CanOverrideActionWith(action) ||
      forceAction = true;

  if (forceAction || updatingActionParams || CanPerformAction(action))
    // bundle the action into a struct for easier network replication
    RPG_ActionData actionData(action, interactionEntity, interactionPosition, flags);

    // simulate the action locally
    ProcessAction(actionData, forceAction);

    // replicate the action to the server
    //@todo: Once the network branch is integrated, here's where we replicate this action to the server.
    Work that needs to happen here:
    - Find out whether this is a non-authoritative client.
    - If all we're doing is updating action flags, preserve bandwidth by calling a client->server UpdateActionFlags() with just that data
    - If we're doing a new Action, call a client->server ProcessAction() using the constructed struct.
  else if(action != AT_None &&
    // can't process the new action, so check to see if we can chain it
    RPG_ActionData actionData(action, interactionEntity, interactionPosition, flags);
    m_pendingAction = actionData;
Beispiel #3
void ActionEditor::updateParameter()
    QModelIndex current = ui.TvPredicateTree->currentIndex();
    PredicateItem * currentItem = static_cast<PredicateItem*>( current.internalPointer() );

    ui.CbParameterType->setCurrentIndex( currentItem->itemType );
    ui.CbDeviceType->setCurrentIndex( actionData()->interfacePosition( currentItem->ifaceType ) );
    int valuePos = actionData()->propertyPosition( currentItem->ifaceType, currentItem->property );
    ui.CbValueName->setCurrentIndex( valuePos );
    ui.LeValueMatch->setText( currentItem->value.toString() );
    ui.CbValueMatch->setCurrentIndex( currentItem->compOperator );
Beispiel #4
ActionEditor::ActionEditor(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent)
    topItem = new PredicateItem( Solid::Predicate(), 0 );
    rootItem = 0;
    rootModel = new PredicateModel( topItem, this );
    // Prepare the dialog
    resize( QSize(600, 600) ); // Set a decent initial size
    // setModal( true );
    // Set up the interface
    ui.TvPredicateTree->setHeaderHidden( true );
    ui.TvPredicateTree->setModel( rootModel );
    ui.IbActionIcon->setIconSize( KIconLoader::SizeLarge );

    ui.CbDeviceType->addItems( actionData()->interfaceList() );

    // Connect up with everything needed -> slot names explain
    connect( ui.TvPredicateTree, SIGNAL(activated(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(updateParameter()) );
    connect( ui.PbParameterSave, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(saveParameter()) );
    connect( ui.PbParameterReset, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(updateParameter()) );
    connect( ui.CbDeviceType, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updatePropertyList()) );
    connect( ui.CbParameterType, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(manageControlStatus()) );

    connect(ui.buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, this, &ActionEditor::accept);
    connect(ui.buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, this, &ActionEditor::reject);

    if (ui.TvPredicateTree->style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_ItemView_ActivateItemOnSingleClick)) {
        connect( ui.TvPredicateTree, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(updateParameter()) );
Beispiel #5
void ActionEditor::saveParameter()
    QModelIndex current = ui.TvPredicateTree->currentIndex();
    PredicateItem * currentItem = static_cast<PredicateItem*>( current.internalPointer() );

    // Hold onto this so we can determine if the number of children has changed...
    Solid::Predicate::Type oldType = currentItem->itemType;

    currentItem->setTypeByInt( ui.CbParameterType->currentIndex() );
    currentItem->ifaceType = actionData()->interfaceFromName( ui.CbDeviceType->currentText() );
    currentItem->property = actionData()->propertyInternal( currentItem->ifaceType, ui.CbValueName->currentText() );
    currentItem->value = QVariant( ui.LeValueMatch->text() );
    currentItem->setComparisonByInt( ui.CbValueMatch->currentIndex() );

    rootModel->itemUpdated( current );
    rootModel->childrenChanging( current, oldType );