Beispiel #1
void mde_delta_h_coll_handle_block(t_mde_delta_h_coll *dhc,
                                   t_enxframe *fr, int nblock)
    int i;
    t_enxblock *blk;

    /* add one block with one subblock as the collection's own data */
    add_blocks_enxframe(fr, nblock);
    blk=fr->block + (nblock-1);

    add_subblocks_enxblock(blk, 1);

    dhc->subblock_d[0] = dhc->temperature; /* temperature */
    dhc->subblock_d[1] = dhc->start_time; /* time of first sample */
    dhc->subblock_d[2] = dhc->delta_time; /* time difference between samples */
    dhc->subblock_d[3] = dhc->start_lambda; /* lambda at starttime */
    dhc->subblock_d[4] = dhc->delta_lambda; /* lambda diff. between samples */

        add_blocks_enxframe(fr, nblock);
        blk=fr->block + (nblock-1);

        mde_delta_h_handle_block(dhc->dh+i, blk);
Beispiel #2
void print_ebin(ener_file_t fp_ene, gmx_bool bEne, gmx_bool bDR, gmx_bool bOR,
                FILE *log,
                gmx_int64_t step, double time,
                int mode,
                t_mdebin *md, t_fcdata *fcd,
                gmx_groups_t *groups, t_grpopts *opts)
    /*static char **grpnms=NULL;*/
    char         buf[246];
    int          i, j, n, ni, nj, b;
    int          ndisre = 0;
    real        *disre_rm3tav, *disre_rt;

    /* these are for the old-style blocks (1 subblock, only reals), because
       there can be only one per ID for these */
    int          nr[enxNR];
    int          id[enxNR];
    real        *block[enxNR];

    t_enxframe   fr;

    switch (mode)
        case eprNORMAL:
            fr.t            = time;
            fr.step         = step;
            fr.nsteps       = md->ebin->nsteps;
            fr.dt           = md->delta_t;
            fr.nsum         = md->ebin->nsum;
            fr.nre          = (bEne) ? md->ebin->nener : 0;
            fr.ener         = md->ebin->e;
            ndisre          = bDR ? fcd->disres.npair : 0;
            disre_rm3tav    = fcd->disres.rm3tav;
            disre_rt        = fcd->disres.rt;
            /* Optional additional old-style (real-only) blocks. */
            for (i = 0; i < enxNR; i++)
                nr[i] = 0;
            if (fcd-> > 0 && bOR)
                nr[enxOR]     = fcd->;
                block[enxOR]  = fcd->orires.otav;
                id[enxOR]     = enxOR;
                nr[enxORI]    = (fcd->orires.oinsl != fcd->orires.otav) ?
                    fcd-> : 0;
                block[enxORI] = fcd->orires.oinsl;
                id[enxORI]    = enxORI;
                nr[enxORT]    = fcd->orires.nex*12;
                block[enxORT] = fcd->orires.eig;
                id[enxORT]    = enxORT;

            /* whether we are going to wrte anything out: */
            if (fr.nre || ndisre || nr[enxOR] || nr[enxORI])

                /* the old-style blocks go first */
                fr.nblock = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < enxNR; i++)
                    if (nr[i] > 0)
                        fr.nblock = i + 1;
                add_blocks_enxframe(&fr, fr.nblock);
                for (b = 0; b < fr.nblock; b++)
                    add_subblocks_enxblock(&(fr.block[b]), 1);
                    fr.block[b].id        = id[b];
                    fr.block[b].sub[0].nr = nr[b];
                    fr.block[b].sub[0].type = xdr_datatype_float;
                    fr.block[b].sub[0].fval = block[b];
                    fr.block[b].sub[0].type = xdr_datatype_double;
                    fr.block[b].sub[0].dval = block[b];

                /* check for disre block & fill it. */
                if (ndisre > 0)
                    int db = fr.nblock;
                    fr.nblock += 1;
                    add_blocks_enxframe(&fr, fr.nblock);

                    add_subblocks_enxblock(&(fr.block[db]), 2);
                    fr.block[db].id        = enxDISRE;
                    fr.block[db].sub[0].nr = ndisre;
                    fr.block[db].sub[1].nr = ndisre;
                    fr.block[db].sub[0].type = xdr_datatype_float;
                    fr.block[db].sub[1].type = xdr_datatype_float;
                    fr.block[db].sub[0].fval = disre_rt;
                    fr.block[db].sub[1].fval = disre_rm3tav;
                    fr.block[db].sub[0].type = xdr_datatype_double;
                    fr.block[db].sub[1].type = xdr_datatype_double;
                    fr.block[db].sub[0].dval = disre_rt;
                    fr.block[db].sub[1].dval = disre_rm3tav;
                /* here we can put new-style blocks */

                /* Free energy perturbation blocks */
                if (md->dhc)
                    mde_delta_h_coll_handle_block(md->dhc, &fr, fr.nblock);

                /* we can now free & reset the data in the blocks */
                if (md->dhc)

                /* do the actual I/O */
                do_enx(fp_ene, &fr);
                if (fr.nre)
                    /* We have stored the sums, so reset the sum history */
        case eprAVER:
            if (log)
                pprint(log, "A V E R A G E S", md);
        case eprRMS:
            if (log)
                pprint(log, "R M S - F L U C T U A T I O N S", md);
            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Invalid print mode (%d)", mode);

    if (log)
        for (i = 0; i < opts->ngtc; i++)
            if (opts->annealing[i] != eannNO)
                fprintf(log, "Current ref_t for group %s: %8.1f\n",
        if (mode == eprNORMAL && fcd-> > 0)
            print_orires_log(log, &(fcd->orires));
        fprintf(log, "   Energies (%s)\n", unit_energy);
        pr_ebin(log, md->ebin, md->ie, md->f_nre+md->nCrmsd, 5, mode, TRUE);
        fprintf(log, "\n");

        if (mode == eprAVER)
            if (md->bDynBox)
                pr_ebin(log, md->ebin, md->ib, md->bTricl ? NTRICLBOXS : NBOXS, 5,
                        mode, TRUE);
                fprintf(log, "\n");
            if (md->bConstrVir)
                fprintf(log, "   Constraint Virial (%s)\n", unit_energy);
                pr_ebin(log, md->ebin, md->isvir, 9, 3, mode, FALSE);
                fprintf(log, "\n");
                fprintf(log, "   Force Virial (%s)\n", unit_energy);
                pr_ebin(log, md->ebin, md->ifvir, 9, 3, mode, FALSE);
                fprintf(log, "\n");
            fprintf(log, "   Total Virial (%s)\n", unit_energy);
            pr_ebin(log, md->ebin, md->ivir, 9, 3, mode, FALSE);
            fprintf(log, "\n");
            fprintf(log, "   Pressure (%s)\n", unit_pres_bar);
            pr_ebin(log, md->ebin, md->ipres, 9, 3, mode, FALSE);
            fprintf(log, "\n");
            if (md->bMu)
                fprintf(log, "   Total Dipole (%s)\n", unit_dipole_D);
                pr_ebin(log, md->ebin, md->imu, 3, 3, mode, FALSE);
                fprintf(log, "\n");

            if (md->nE > 1)
                if (md->print_grpnms == NULL)
                    snew(md->print_grpnms, md->nE);
                    n = 0;
                    for (i = 0; (i < md->nEg); i++)
                        ni = groups->grps[egcENER].nm_ind[i];
                        for (j = i; (j < md->nEg); j++)
                            nj = groups->grps[egcENER].nm_ind[j];
                            sprintf(buf, "%s-%s", *(groups->grpname[ni]),
                            md->print_grpnms[n++] = gmx_strdup(buf);
                sprintf(buf, "Epot (%s)", unit_energy);
                fprintf(log, "%15s   ", buf);
                for (i = 0; (i < egNR); i++)
                    if (md->bEInd[i])
                        fprintf(log, "%12s   ", egrp_nm[i]);
                fprintf(log, "\n");
                for (i = 0; (i < md->nE); i++)
                    fprintf(log, "%15s", md->print_grpnms[i]);
                    pr_ebin(log, md->ebin, md->igrp[i], md->nEc, md->nEc, mode,
                fprintf(log, "\n");
            if (md->nTC > 1)
                pr_ebin(log, md->ebin, md->itemp, md->nTC, 4, mode, TRUE);
                fprintf(log, "\n");
            if (md->nU > 1)
                fprintf(log, "%15s   %12s   %12s   %12s\n",
                        "Group", "Ux", "Uy", "Uz");
                for (i = 0; (i < md->nU); i++)
                    ni = groups->grps[egcACC].nm_ind[i];
                    fprintf(log, "%15s", *groups->grpname[ni]);
                    pr_ebin(log, md->ebin, md->iu+3*i, 3, 3, mode, FALSE);
                fprintf(log, "\n");

Beispiel #3
/* write the metadata associated with all the du blocks, and call
   handle_block to write out all the du blocks */
void mde_delta_h_coll_handle_block(t_mde_delta_h_coll *dhc,
                                   t_enxframe *fr, int nblock)
    int         i;
    t_enxblock *blk;

    /* add one block with one subblock as the collection's own data */
    add_blocks_enxframe(fr, nblock);
    blk = fr->block + (nblock-1);

    /* only allocate lambda vector component blocks if they must be written out
       for backward compatibility */
    if (dhc->native_lambda_components != NULL)
        add_subblocks_enxblock(blk, 2);
        add_subblocks_enxblock(blk, 1);

    dhc->subblock_d[0] = dhc->temperature;  /* temperature */
    dhc->subblock_d[1] = dhc->start_time;   /* time of first sample */
    dhc->subblock_d[2] = dhc->delta_time;   /* time difference between samples */
    dhc->subblock_d[3] = dhc->start_lambda; /* old-style lambda at starttime */
    dhc->subblock_d[4] = dhc->delta_lambda; /* lambda diff. between samples */
    /* set the lambda vector components if they exist */
    if (dhc->native_lambda_components != NULL)
        for (i = 0; i < dhc->n_lambda_vec; i++)
            dhc->subblock_d[5+i] = dhc->native_lambda_vec[i];
    blk->id          = enxDHCOLL;
    blk->sub[0].nr   = 5 + dhc->n_lambda_vec;
    blk->sub[0].type = xdr_datatype_double;
    blk->sub[0].dval = dhc->subblock_d;

    if (dhc->native_lambda_components != NULL)
        dhc->subblock_i[0] = dhc->lambda_index;
        /* set the lambda vector component IDs if they exist */
        dhc->subblock_i[1] = dhc->n_lambda_vec;
        for (i = 0; i < dhc->n_lambda_vec; i++)
            dhc->subblock_i[i+2] = dhc->native_lambda_components[i];
        blk->sub[1].nr   = 2 + dhc->n_lambda_vec;
        blk->sub[1].type = xdr_datatype_int;
        blk->sub[1].ival = dhc->subblock_i;

    for (i = 0; i < dhc->ndh; i++)
        add_blocks_enxframe(fr, nblock);
        blk = fr->block + (nblock-1);

        mde_delta_h_handle_block(dhc->dh+i, blk);
Beispiel #4
static gmx_bool do_eheader(ener_file_t ef,int *file_version,t_enxframe *fr,
                       int nre_test,gmx_bool *bWrongPrecision,gmx_bool *bOK)
    int  magic=-7777777;
    real first_real_to_check;
    int  b,i,zero=0,dum=0;
    gmx_bool bRead = gmx_fio_getread(ef->fio);
    int  tempfix_nr=0;
    int  ndisre=0;
    int  startb=0;
#ifndef GMX_DOUBLE
    xdr_datatype dtreal=xdr_datatype_float; 
    xdr_datatype dtreal=xdr_datatype_double; 
    if (nre_test >= 0)
        *bWrongPrecision = FALSE;

    /* The original energy frame started with a real,
     * so we have to use a real for compatibility.
     * This is VERY DIRTY code, since do_eheader can be called
     * with the wrong precision set and then we could read r > -1e10,
     * while actually the intention was r < -1e10.
     * When nre_test >= 0, do_eheader should therefore terminate
     * before the number of i/o calls starts depending on what has been read
     * (which is the case for for instance the block sizes for variable
     * number of blocks, where this number is read before).
    first_real_to_check = -2e10;
    if (!gmx_fio_do_real(ef->fio, first_real_to_check))
        return FALSE;
    if (first_real_to_check > -1e10)
        /* Assume we are reading an old format */
        *file_version = 1;
        fr->t = first_real_to_check;
        if (!gmx_fio_do_int(ef->fio, dum))   *bOK = FALSE;
        fr->step = dum;
        if (!gmx_fio_do_int(ef->fio, magic))       *bOK = FALSE;
        if (magic != -7777777)
            enx_warning("Energy header magic number mismatch, this is not a GROMACS edr file");
            return FALSE;
        *file_version = enx_version;
        if (!gmx_fio_do_int(ef->fio, *file_version)) *bOK = FALSE;
        if (*bOK && *file_version > enx_version)
            gmx_fatal(FARGS,"reading tpx file (%s) version %d with version %d program",gmx_fio_getname(ef->fio),file_version,enx_version);
        if (!gmx_fio_do_double(ef->fio, fr->t))       *bOK = FALSE;
        if (!gmx_fio_do_gmx_large_int(ef->fio, fr->step)) *bOK = FALSE;
        if (!bRead && fr->nsum == 1) {
            /* Do not store sums of length 1,
             * since this does not add information.
            if (!gmx_fio_do_int(ef->fio, zero))      *bOK = FALSE;
        } else {
            if (!gmx_fio_do_int(ef->fio, fr->nsum))  *bOK = FALSE;
        if (*file_version >= 3)
            if (!gmx_fio_do_gmx_large_int(ef->fio, fr->nsteps)) *bOK = FALSE;
            fr->nsteps = max(1,fr->nsum);
        if (*file_version >= 5)
            if (!gmx_fio_do_double(ef->fio, fr->dt)) *bOK = FALSE;
            fr->dt = 0;
    if (!gmx_fio_do_int(ef->fio, fr->nre))     *bOK = FALSE;
    if (*file_version < 4)
        if (!gmx_fio_do_int(ef->fio, ndisre))  *bOK = FALSE;
        /* now reserved for possible future use */
        if (!gmx_fio_do_int(ef->fio, dum))  *bOK = FALSE;

    if (!gmx_fio_do_int(ef->fio, fr->nblock))  *bOK = FALSE;
    if (fr->nblock < 0) *bOK=FALSE;

    if (ndisre!=0)
        if (*file_version >= 4)
            enx_warning("Distance restraint blocks in old style in new style file");
            return FALSE;

    /* Frames could have nre=0, so we can not rely only on the fr->nre check */
    if (bRead && nre_test >= 0 &&
        ((fr->nre > 0 && fr->nre != nre_test) ||
         fr->nre < 0 || ndisre < 0 || fr->nblock < 0))
        *bWrongPrecision = TRUE;
        return *bOK;

    /* we now know what these should be, or we've already bailed out because
       of wrong precision */
    if ( *file_version==1 && (fr->t < 0 || fr->t > 1e20 || fr->step < 0 ) )
        enx_warning("edr file with negative step number or unreasonable time (and without version number).");
        return FALSE;

    if (*bOK && bRead)
        add_blocks_enxframe(fr, fr->nblock);

    if (ndisre>0)
        /* sub[0] is the instantaneous data, sub[1] is time averaged */
        add_subblocks_enxblock(&(fr->block[0]), 2);

    /* read block header info */
    for(b=startb; b<fr->nblock; b++)
        if (*file_version<4)
            /* blocks in old version files always have 1 subblock that 
               consists of reals. */
            int nrint;

            if (bRead)
                add_subblocks_enxblock(&(fr->block[b]), 1);
                if (fr->block[b].nsub != 1)
                    gmx_incons("Writing an old version .edr file with too many subblocks");
                if (fr->block[b].sub[0].type != dtreal)
                    gmx_incons("Writing an old version .edr file the wrong subblock type");
            nrint = fr->block[b].sub[0].nr;
            if (!gmx_fio_do_int(ef->fio, nrint))
                *bOK = FALSE;
            fr->block[b].id          = b - startb;
            fr->block[b].sub[0].nr   = nrint;
            fr->block[b].sub[0].type = dtreal;
            int i;
            /* in the new version files, the block header only contains
               the ID and the number of subblocks */
            int nsub=fr->block[b].nsub;
            *bOK = *bOK && gmx_fio_do_int(ef->fio, fr->block[b].id);
            *bOK = *bOK && gmx_fio_do_int(ef->fio, nsub);

            if (bRead)
                add_subblocks_enxblock(&(fr->block[b]), nsub);

            /* read/write type & size for each subblock */
                t_enxsubblock *sub=&(fr->block[b].sub[i]); /* shortcut */
                int typenr=sub->type;

                *bOK=*bOK && gmx_fio_do_int(ef->fio, typenr);
                *bOK=*bOK && gmx_fio_do_int(ef->fio, sub->nr);

                sub->type = (xdr_datatype)typenr;
    if (!gmx_fio_do_int(ef->fio, fr->e_size))  *bOK = FALSE;

    /* now reserved for possible future use */
    if (!gmx_fio_do_int(ef->fio, dum))  *bOK = FALSE;

    /* Do a dummy int to keep the format compatible with the old code */
    if (!gmx_fio_do_int(ef->fio, dum))         *bOK = FALSE;
    if (*bOK && *file_version == 1 && nre_test < 0)
#if 0
        if (fp >= ener_old_nalloc)
            gmx_incons("Problem with reading old format energy files");
        if (!ef->eo.bReadFirstStep)
            ef->eo.bReadFirstStep = TRUE;
            ef->eo.first_step     = fr->step;
            ef->eo.step_prev      = fr->step;
            ef->eo.nsum_prev      = 0;
        fr->nsum   = fr->step - ef->eo.first_step + 1;
        fr->nsteps = fr->step - ef->eo.step_prev;
        fr->dt     = 0;
    return *bOK;