Beispiel #1
// Check whether the given node is a valid provides type
static bool check_provides_type(ast_t* type)
  assert(type != NULL);

    case TK_NOMINAL:
      AST_GET_CHILDREN(type, ignore0, ignore1, ignore2, cap, ephemeral);

      if(ast_id(cap) != TK_NONE)
        ast_error(cap, "can't specify a capability in a provides type");
        return false;

      if(ast_id(ephemeral) != TK_NONE)
        ast_error(ephemeral, "can't specify ephemeral in a provides type");
        return false;

      return true;

    case TK_PROVIDES:
    case TK_ISECTTYPE:
      // Check all our children are also legal
      for(ast_t* p = ast_child(type); p != NULL; p = ast_sibling(p))
          return false;

      return true;

      ast_error(type, "invalid provides type. Can only provide "
        "interfaces, traits and intersects of those.");
      return false;
Beispiel #2
static void list_doc_params(docgen_t* docgen, ast_t* params)
  assert(docgen != NULL);
  assert(docgen->type_file != NULL);
  assert(params != NULL);

  ast_t* first = ast_child(params);

  for(ast_t* param = first; param != NULL; param = ast_sibling(param))
    if(param == first)
      fprintf(docgen->type_file, "#### Parameters\n\n");

    fprintf(docgen->type_file, "* ");

    AST_GET_CHILDREN(param, id, type, def_val);
    const char* name = ast_name(id);
    assert(name != NULL);

    fprintf(docgen->type_file, "  %s: ", name);
    doc_type(docgen, type, true);

    // if we have a default value, add it to the documentation
    if(ast_id(def_val) != TK_NONE)
        case TK_STRING:
          fprintf(docgen->type_file, "= \"%s\"", ast_get_print(def_val));

          fprintf(docgen->type_file, " = %s", ast_get_print(def_val));

    fprintf(docgen->type_file, "\n");

  fprintf(docgen->type_file, "\n");
Beispiel #3
static ast_t* type_typeexpr(token_id t, ast_t* l_type, ast_t* r_type)
  bool is_union = t == TK_UNIONTYPE;

  if(l_type == NULL)
    return r_type;

  if(r_type == NULL)
    return l_type;

  if(is_subtype(l_type, r_type))
      return r_type;
      return l_type;

  if(is_subtype(r_type, l_type))
      return l_type;
      return r_type;

  ast_t* type = ast_from(l_type, t);
  append_to_typeexpr(type, l_type, is_union);
  append_to_typeexpr(type, r_type, is_union);

  // If there's only one element, remove the type expression node.
  ast_t* child = ast_child(type);

  if(ast_sibling(child) == NULL)
    child = ast_dup(child);
    type = child;

  return type;
Beispiel #4
// A dependency group is a strongly connected component in the dependency graph.
package_group_list_t* package_dependency_groups(ast_t* first_package)
  package_group_list_t* groups = NULL;
  package_stack_t* stack = NULL;
  size_t index = 0;

  while(first_package != NULL)
    pony_assert(ast_id(first_package) == TK_PACKAGE);
    package_t* package = (package_t*)ast_data(first_package);

    if(package->group_index == (size_t)-1)
      make_dependency_group(package, &groups, &stack, &index);

    first_package = ast_sibling(first_package);

  pony_assert(stack == NULL);
  return package_group_list_reverse(groups);
Beispiel #5
static void show_send(pass_opt_t* opt, ast_t* ast)
  ast_t* child = ast_child(ast);

  while(child != NULL)
    if(ast_cansend(child) || ast_mightsend(child))
      show_send(opt, child);

    child = ast_sibling(child);

  if(ast_id(ast) == TK_CALL)
      ast_error(opt->check.errors, ast, "a message can be sent here");
    else if(ast_mightsend(ast))
      ast_error(opt->check.errors, ast, "a message might be sent here");
Beispiel #6
LLVMValueRef gen_seq(compile_t* c, ast_t* ast)
  ast_t* child = ast_child(ast);
  LLVMValueRef value = NULL;

  while(child != NULL)
    if(ast_id(child) == TK_NONE)

    value = gen_expr(c, child);

    if(value == NULL)
      return NULL;

    child = ast_sibling(child);

  return value;
Beispiel #7
static ast_result_t flatten_sendable_params(ast_t* params)
  ast_t* param = ast_child(params);
  ast_result_t r = AST_OK;

  while(param != NULL)
    AST_GET_CHILDREN(param, id, type, def);

      ast_error(type, "this parameter must be sendable (iso, val or tag)");
      r = AST_ERROR;

    param = ast_sibling(param);

  return r;
Beispiel #8
static bool package_access(pass_opt_t* opt, ast_t** astp)
  ast_t* ast = *astp;

  // Left is a packageref, right is an id.
  ast_t* left = ast_child(ast);
  ast_t* right = ast_sibling(left);
  ast_t* type = ast_type(left);

    return false;

  assert(ast_id(left) == TK_PACKAGEREF);
  assert(ast_id(right) == TK_ID);

  // Must be a type in a package.
  const char* package_name = ast_name(ast_child(left));
  ast_t* package = ast_get(left, package_name, NULL);

  if(package == NULL)
    ast_error(right, "can't access package '%s'", package_name);
    return false;

  assert(ast_id(package) == TK_PACKAGE);
  const char* type_name = ast_name(right);
  type = ast_get(package, type_name, NULL);

  if(type == NULL)
    ast_error(right, "can't find type '%s' in package '%s'",
      type_name, package_name);
    return false;

  ast_settype(ast, type_sugar(ast, package_name, type_name));
  ast_setid(ast, TK_TYPEREF);

  return expr_typeref(opt, astp);
Beispiel #9
static ast_result_t syntax_ffi(pass_opt_t* opt, ast_t* ast,
  bool return_optional)
  assert(ast != NULL);
  AST_GET_CHILDREN(ast, id, typeargs, args, named_args);
  ast_result_t r = AST_OK;

  // We don't check FFI names are legal, if the lexer allows it so do we

  if((ast_child(typeargs) == NULL && !return_optional) ||
    ast_childidx(typeargs, 1) != NULL)
    ast_error(opt->check.errors, typeargs,
      "FFIs must specify a single return type");
    r = AST_ERROR;

  for(ast_t* p = ast_child(args); p != NULL; p = ast_sibling(p))
    if(ast_id(p) == TK_PARAM)
      ast_t* def_val = ast_childidx(p, 2);
      assert(def_val != NULL);

      if(ast_id(def_val) != TK_NONE)
        ast_error(opt->check.errors, def_val,
          "FFIs parameters cannot have default values");
        r = AST_ERROR;

  if(ast_id(named_args) != TK_NONE)
    ast_error(opt->check.errors, typeargs, "FFIs cannot take named arguments");
    r = AST_ERROR;

  return r;
Beispiel #10
// Coerce a literal control block to be the specified target type
static bool coerce_control_block(ast_t** astp, ast_t* target_type,
  lit_chain_t* chain, pass_opt_t* options, bool report_errors)
  assert(astp != NULL);
  ast_t* literal_expr = *astp;
  assert(literal_expr != NULL);

  ast_t* lit_type = ast_type(literal_expr);
  assert(lit_type != NULL);
  assert(ast_id(lit_type) == TK_LITERAL);
  ast_t* block_type = ast_type(lit_type);

  for(ast_t* p = ast_child(lit_type); p != NULL; p = ast_sibling(p))
    assert(ast_id(p) == TK_LITERALBRANCH);
    ast_t* branch = (ast_t*)ast_data(p);
    assert(branch != NULL);

    if(!coerce_literal_to_type(&branch, target_type, chain, options,
      return false;

    block_type = type_union(block_type, ast_type(branch));

    return false;

  // block_type may be a sub-tree of the current type of literal_expr.
  // This means we must copy it before setting it as the type since ast_settype
  // will first free the existing type of literal_expr, which may include
  // block_type.
  if(ast_parent(block_type) != NULL)
    block_type = ast_dup(block_type);

  ast_settype(literal_expr, block_type);
  return true;
Beispiel #11
static bool is_nominal_sub_trait(ast_t* sub, ast_t* super)
  ast_t* sub_def = (ast_t*)ast_data(sub);

  // Get our typeparams and typeargs.
  ast_t* typeparams = ast_childidx(sub_def, 1);
  ast_t* typeargs = ast_childidx(sub, 2);

  // Check traits, depth first.
  ast_t* traits = ast_childidx(sub_def, 3);
  ast_t* trait = ast_child(traits);

  while(trait != NULL)
    // Reify the trait with our typeargs.
    ast_t* r_trait = reify(typeargs, trait, typeparams, typeargs);

    if(r_trait == NULL)
      return false;

    // Use the cap and ephemerality of the subtype.
    AST_GET_CHILDREN(sub, pkg, name, typeparams, cap, eph);
    ast_t* rr_trait = set_cap_and_ephemeral(r_trait, ast_id(cap), ast_id(eph));

    if(rr_trait != r_trait)
      r_trait = rr_trait;

    bool is_sub = is_subtype(r_trait, super);

      return true;

    trait = ast_sibling(trait);

  return false;
Beispiel #12
// Tidy up the method_t structures in the given type
static void tidy_up(ast_t* ast)
  assert(ast != NULL);

  ast_t* members = ast_childidx(ast, 4);
  assert(members != NULL);

  for(ast_t* p = ast_child(members); p != NULL; p = ast_sibling(p))
      method_t* info = (method_t*)ast_data(p);
      assert(info != NULL);

      ast_t* body_donor = info->body_donor;
      POOL_FREE(method_t, info);
      ast_setdata(p, body_donor);
Beispiel #13
static matchtype_t could_subtype_union(ast_t* sub, ast_t* super)
  // Some component type must be a possible match with the supertype.
  ast_t* child = ast_child(sub);
  matchtype_t ok = MATCHTYPE_REJECT;

  while(child != NULL)
    matchtype_t sub_ok = could_subtype(child, super);

    if(sub_ok != MATCHTYPE_REJECT)
      ok = sub_ok;

    if(ok == MATCHTYPE_DENY)
      return ok;

    child = ast_sibling(child);

  return ok;
Beispiel #14
static reachable_type_t* add_isect_or_union(reachable_method_stack_t** s,
  reachable_types_t* r, uint32_t* next_type_id, ast_t* type)
  reachable_type_t* t = reach_type(r, type);

  if(t != NULL)
    return t;

  t = add_reachable_type(r, type);
  t->type_id = ++(*next_type_id);

  ast_t* child = ast_child(type);

  while(child != NULL)
    add_type(s, r, next_type_id, child);
    child = ast_sibling(child);

  return t;
Beispiel #15
// Determine the UIF types that the given non-tuple intersection type may be
static int uifset_intersect(pass_opt_t* opt, ast_t* type, lit_chain_t* chain)
  assert(type != NULL);
  assert(ast_id(type) == TK_ISECTTYPE);

  int uif_set = UIF_ALL_TYPES;
  int constraint = 0;

  for(ast_t* p = ast_child(type); p != NULL; p = ast_sibling(p))
    int r = uifset(opt, p, chain);

    if(r == UIF_ERROR)  // Propogate errors
      return UIF_ERROR;

    if((r & UIF_CONSTRAINED) != 0)
      // We have a formal parameter
      constraint = r;
      uif_set |= r;

  if(constraint != 0)
    // We had a formal parameter
    int constraint_set = constraint & UIF_ALL_TYPES;

    if((constraint_set & uif_set) != constraint_set)
      // UIF type limits formal parameter types, no UIF guaranteed
      return UIF_NO_TYPES;

    return constraint;

  return uif_set;
Beispiel #16
static bool check_fields_defined(ast_t* ast)
  assert(ast_id(ast) == TK_NEW);

  ast_t* members = ast_parent(ast);
  ast_t* member = ast_child(members);
  bool result = true;

  while(member != NULL)
      case TK_FVAR:
      case TK_FLET:
      case TK_EMBED:
        sym_status_t status;
        ast_t* id = ast_child(member);
        ast_t* def = ast_get(ast, ast_name(id), &status);

        if((def != member) || (status != SYM_DEFINED))
          ast_error(def, "field left undefined in constructor");
          result = false;


      default: {}

    member = ast_sibling(member);

    ast_error(ast, "constructor with undefined fields is here");

  return result;
Beispiel #17
static ast_t* get_fun(ast_t* type, const char* name, ast_t* typeargs)
  ast_t* this_type = set_cap_and_ephemeral(type, TK_REF, TK_NONE);
  ast_t* fun = lookup(NULL, NULL, this_type, name);
  assert(fun != NULL);

  if(typeargs != NULL)
    ast_t* typeparams = ast_childidx(fun, 2);
    ast_t* r_fun = reify(fun, typeparams, typeargs);
    fun = r_fun;
    assert(fun != NULL);

  // No signature for any function with a tuple argument or return value, or
  // any function that might raise an error.
  AST_GET_CHILDREN(fun, cap, id, typeparams, params, result, can_error);

  if(ast_id(can_error) == TK_QUESTION)
    return NULL;

  if(ast_id(result) == TK_TUPLETYPE)
    return NULL;

  ast_t* param = ast_child(params);

  while(param != NULL)
    AST_GET_CHILDREN(param, p_id, p_type);

    if(ast_id(p_type) == TK_TUPLETYPE)
      return NULL;

    param = ast_sibling(param);

  return fun;
Beispiel #18
static void init_module(compile_t* c, ast_t* program, pass_opt_t* opt)
  c->opt = opt;

  // Get the first package and the builtin package.
  ast_t* package = ast_child(program);
  ast_t* builtin = ast_sibling(package);

  // If we have only one package, we are compiling builtin itself.
  if(builtin == NULL)
    builtin = package;

  c->reachable = reach_new();
  reach_primitives(c->reachable, opt, builtin);

  // The name of the first package is the name of the program.
  c->filename = package_filename(package);

  // LLVM context and machine settings.
  c->context = LLVMContextCreate();
  c->machine = make_machine(opt);
  c->target_data = LLVMGetTargetMachineData(c->machine);

  // Create a module.
  c->module = LLVMModuleCreateWithNameInContext(c->filename, c->context);

  // Set the target triple.
  LLVMSetTarget(c->module, opt->triple);

  // Set the data layout.
  char* layout = LLVMCopyStringRepOfTargetData(c->target_data);
  LLVMSetDataLayout(c->module, layout);

  // IR builder.
  c->builder = LLVMCreateBuilderInContext(c->context);

  // Empty frame stack.
  c->frame = NULL;
Beispiel #19
static trace_t trace_type_isect(ast_t* type)
  trace_t trace = TRACE_DYNAMIC;

  for(ast_t* child = ast_child(type);
    child != NULL;
    child = ast_sibling(child))
    trace_t t = trace_type(child);

      case TRACE_NONE:
      case TRACE_MAYBE: // Maybe, any refcap.
        // Can't be in an isect.
        return TRACE_NONE;

      case TRACE_PRIMITIVE: // Primitive, any refcap.
      case TRACE_ACTOR: // Actor, tag.
      case TRACE_KNOWN_VAL:
      case TRACE_KNOWN: // Class or struct, not tag.
        return t;

      case TRACE_UNKNOWN: // Trait or interface, not tag.
      case TRACE_TAG: // Class or struct, tag.
      case TRACE_TAG_OR_ACTOR: // Trait or interface, tag.
        if(trace > t)
          trace = t;

      case TRACE_DYNAMIC:
      case TRACE_TUPLE:

  return trace;
Beispiel #20
bool is_this_incomplete(typecheck_t* t, ast_t* ast)
  // If we're in a default argument, we're incomplete by definition.
  if(t->frame->method == NULL)
    return true;

  // If we're not in a constructor, we're complete by definition.
  if(ast_id(t->frame->method) != TK_NEW)
    return false;

  // Check if all fields have been marked as defined.
  ast_t* members = ast_childidx(t->frame->type, 4);
  ast_t* member = ast_child(members);

  while(member != NULL)
      case TK_FLET:
      case TK_FVAR:
      case TK_EMBED:
        sym_status_t status;
        ast_t* id = ast_child(member);
        ast_get(ast, ast_name(id), &status);

        if(status != SYM_DEFINED)
          return true;


      default: {}

    member = ast_sibling(member);

  return false;
Beispiel #21
static bool tuple_contains_embed(ast_t* ast)
  assert(ast_id(ast) == TK_TUPLE);
  ast_t* child = ast_child(ast);
  while(child != NULL)
    if(ast_id(child) != TK_DONTCARE)
      assert(ast_id(child) == TK_SEQ);
      ast_t* member = ast_childlast(child);
      if(ast_id(member) == TK_EMBEDREF)
        return true;
      } else if(ast_id(member) == TK_TUPLE) {
          return true;
    child = ast_sibling(child);
  return false;
Beispiel #22
static ast_result_t scope_entity(typecheck_t* t, ast_t* ast)
  AST_GET_CHILDREN(ast, id, typeparams, cap, provides, members);

  if(!set_scope(t, t->frame->package, id, ast))
    return AST_ERROR;

  // Scope fields and methods immediately, so that the contents of method
  // signatures and bodies cannot shadow fields and methods.
  ast_t* member = ast_child(members);

  while(member != NULL)
      case TK_FVAR:
      case TK_FLET:
      case TK_EMBED:
        if(!set_scope(t, member, ast_child(member), member))
          return AST_ERROR;

      case TK_NEW:
      case TK_BE:
      case TK_FUN:
        if(!scope_method(t, member))
          return AST_ERROR;

        return AST_FATAL;

    member = ast_sibling(member);

  return AST_OK;
Beispiel #23
static void reachable_pattern(reachable_method_stack_t** s,
  reachable_types_t* r, uint32_t* next_type_id, ast_t* ast)
    case TK_DONTCARE:
    case TK_NONE:

    case TK_VAR:
    case TK_LET:
      AST_GET_CHILDREN(ast, idseq, type);
      add_type(s, r, next_type_id, type);

    case TK_TUPLE:
    case TK_SEQ:
      ast_t* child = ast_child(ast);

      while(child != NULL)
        reachable_pattern(s, r, next_type_id, child);
        child = ast_sibling(child);

      reachable_method(s, r, next_type_id, ast_type(ast), stringtab("eq"),
      reachable_expr(s, r, next_type_id, ast);
Beispiel #24
static matchtype_t could_subtype_isect(ast_t* sub, ast_t* super)
  // If any component is a match, we're a match. Otherwise return the worst
  // of reject or deny.
  ast_t* child = ast_child(sub);
  matchtype_t ok = MATCHTYPE_REJECT;

  while(child != NULL)
    matchtype_t sub_ok = could_subtype(child, super);

    if(sub_ok == MATCHTYPE_ACCEPT)
      return sub_ok;

    if(ok == MATCHTYPE_DENY)
      ok = sub_ok;

    child = ast_sibling(child);

  return ok;
Beispiel #25
static ast_result_t syntax_ellipsis(ast_t* ast)
  assert(ast != NULL);
  ast_result_t r = AST_OK;

  ast_t* fn = ast_parent(ast_parent(ast));
  assert(fn != NULL);

  if(ast_id(fn) != TK_FFIDECL)
    ast_error(ast, "... may only appear in FFI declarations");
    r = AST_ERROR;

  if(ast_sibling(ast) != NULL)
    ast_error(ast, "... must be the last parameter");
    r = AST_ERROR;

  return r;
Beispiel #26
static void sugar_docstring(ast_t* ast)
  assert(ast != NULL);

  AST_GET_CHILDREN(ast, cap, id, type_params, params, return_type,
    error, body, docstring);

  if(ast_id(docstring) == TK_NONE)
    ast_t* first = ast_child(body);

    // First expression in body is a docstring if it is a string literal and
    // there are any other expressions in the body sequence
    if((first != NULL) &&
      (ast_id(first) == TK_STRING) &&
      (ast_sibling(first) != NULL))
      ast_replace(&docstring, first);
Beispiel #27
static ast_result_t sugar_case(ast_t* ast)
  ast_t* body = ast_childidx(ast, 2);

  if(ast_id(body) != TK_NONE)
    return AST_OK;

  // We have no body, take a copy of the next case with a body
  ast_t* next = ast;
  ast_t* next_body = body;

  while(ast_id(next_body) == TK_NONE)
    next = ast_sibling(next);
    assert(next != NULL);
    assert(ast_id(next) == TK_CASE);
    next_body = ast_childidx(next, 2);

  ast_replace(&body, next_body);
  return AST_OK;
Beispiel #28
static LLVMValueRef declare_ffi(compile_t* c, const char* f_name,
  reach_type_t* t, ast_t* args, bool intrinsic)
  ast_t* last_arg = ast_childlast(args);

  if((last_arg != NULL) && (ast_id(last_arg) == TK_ELLIPSIS))
    return declare_ffi_vararg(c, f_name, t);

  int count = (int)ast_childcount(args);
  size_t buf_size = count * sizeof(LLVMTypeRef);
  LLVMTypeRef* f_params = (LLVMTypeRef*)ponyint_pool_alloc_size(buf_size);
  count = 0;

  ast_t* arg = ast_child(args);

  deferred_reification_t* reify = c->frame->reify;

  while(arg != NULL)
    ast_t* p_type = ast_type(arg);

    if(p_type == NULL)
      p_type = ast_childidx(arg, 1);

    p_type = deferred_reify(reify, p_type, c->opt);
    reach_type_t* pt = reach_type(c->reach, p_type);
    pony_assert(pt != NULL);
    f_params[count++] = ((compile_type_t*)pt->c_type)->use_type;
    arg = ast_sibling(arg);

  LLVMTypeRef r_type = ffi_return_type(c, t, intrinsic);
  LLVMTypeRef f_type = LLVMFunctionType(r_type, f_params, count, false);
  LLVMValueRef func = LLVMAddFunction(c->module, f_name, f_type);

  ponyint_pool_free_size(buf_size, f_params);
  return func;
Beispiel #29
static reach_type_t* add_isect_or_union(reach_t* r, ast_t* type,
  pass_opt_t* opt)
  reach_type_t* t = reach_type(r, type);

  if(t != NULL)
    return t;

  t = add_reach_type(r, type);
  t->underlying = ast_id(t->ast);
  t->type_id = r->next_type_id++;

  ast_t* child = ast_child(type);

  while(child != NULL)
    add_type(r, child, opt);
    child = ast_sibling(child);

  return t;
Beispiel #30
ast_t* type_for_fun(ast_t* ast)
  AST_GET_CHILDREN(ast, cap, name, typeparams, params, result);
  token_id fcap = ast_id(cap);

  if(fcap == TK_NONE)
    fcap = TK_TAG;

  // The params may already have types attached. If we build the function type
  // directly from those we'll get nested types which can mess things up. To
  // avoid this make a clean version of the params without types.
  ast_t* clean_params = ast_dup(params);

  for(ast_t* p = ast_child(clean_params); p != NULL; p = ast_sibling(p))
    ast_settype(p, NULL);

  BUILD(fun, ast,
      NODE(fcap) TREE(typeparams) TREE(clean_params) TREE(result)));

  return fun;