Beispiel #1
void lock_powerball_deff (void)
	sound_send (SND_TOO_HOT_TO_HANDLE);
	U16 fno;
	dmd_alloc_pair_clean ();
	timer_restart_free (GID_LOCK_POWERBALL, TIME_5S);
	while (task_find_gid (GID_LOCK_POWERBALL))
		ball_search_timer_reset ();
		for (fno = IMG_POWERBALL_START; fno <= IMG_POWERBALL_END; fno += 2)
			dmd_map_overlay ();
			dmd_clean_page_low ();
			font_render_string_center (&font_fireball, 64, 9, "LOCK BALL");
			font_render_string_left (&font_var5, 10, 24, "LEFT: NO");
			font_render_string_right (&font_var5, 118, 24, "RIGHT: YES");
			dmd_text_outline ();

			dmd_alloc_pair ();
			frame_draw (fno);
			dmd_overlay_outline ();
			dmd_show2 ();
			task_sleep (TIME_33MS);
	deff_exit ();
Beispiel #2
 * If we see the shooter at any other time than a trough kick,
 * we will autolaunch it but not if the door is open or we are
 * in tournament mode.
CALLSET_ENTRY (serve, sw_shooter)
	ball_search_timer_reset ();
	if (valid_playfield
		&& !tournament_mode_enabled
		&& !global_flag_test (GLOBAL_FLAG_COIN_DOOR_OPENED))
		/* TODO - this might be game specific.  For example, Simpsons Pinball
		Party would give you a manual skill shot here except during
		multiball. */
		launch_ball ();
Beispiel #3
 * If we see the shooter at any other time than a trough kick,
 * we will autolaunch it but not if the door is open or we are
 * in tournament mode.
CALLSET_ENTRY (serve, sw_shooter) {
	if (!switch_poll_logical (MACHINE_SHOOTER_SWITCH))		return;
	ball_search_timer_reset ();
	if (	valid_playfield
		&& !tournament_mode_enabled
		&& !global_flag_test (GLOBAL_FLAG_COIN_DOOR_OPENED)
		&& !MB_SERVING) {
		launch_ball ();
	}//end of if
} //end of function
Beispiel #4
void mute_and_pause_monitor (void)
	flipper_hold_on ();
	lamp_on (LM_BUY_IN_BUTTON);
	kickout_lock (KLOCK_USER);
	music_disable ();
	callset_invoke (machine_paused);

	/* Timeout after 15 minutes */
	U8 timeout = 180; /* = (60secs * 15)/5 */
	while (--timeout != 0)
		ball_search_timer_reset ();
		task_sleep_sec (5);
	mute_and_pause_stop ();
	task_exit ();
Beispiel #5
 * The entry point for processing a switch transition.  It performs
 * some of the common switch handling logic before calling all
 * event handlers.  Then it also performs some common post-processing.
 * This function runs in a separate task context for each switch that
 * needs to be processed.
void switch_sched_task (void)
	const U8 sw = (U8)task_get_arg ();
	const switch_info_t * const swinfo = switch_lookup (sw);

	/* Ignore any switch that doesn't have a processing function.
	   This shouldn't ever happen if things are working correctly, but it
		was observed on PIC games when the PIC code is broken and reporting
		bad switch returns.  genmachine ensures that all defined switches
		have a non-null value (null_function if nothing needs to be done) */
	if (swinfo->fn == 0)
		goto cleanup;

	/* For test mode : this lets it see what was the last switch
	 * to be scheduled.  Used by the Switch Edges test. */
	sw_last_scheduled = sw;


	/* Don't service switches marked SW_IN_GAME if we're
	 * not presently in a game */
	if ((swinfo->flags & SW_IN_GAME) && !in_game)
		goto cleanup;

	/* Don't service switches not marked SW_IN_TEST, unless we're
	 * actually in test mode */
	if (!(swinfo->flags & SW_IN_TEST) && in_test)
		goto cleanup;

	/* If the switch has an associated lamp, then flicker the lamp when
	 * the switch triggers. */
	if ((swinfo->lamp != 0) && in_live_game)
		task_pid_t tp = task_create_gid (GID_SWITCH_LAMP_PULSE,

		lamp_pulse_data_t *cdata = task_init_class_data (tp, lamp_pulse_data_t);
		cdata->swinfo = swinfo;

	/* If we're in a live game and the switch declares a standard
	 * sound, then make it happen. */
	if ((swinfo->sound != 0) && in_live_game)
		sound_send (swinfo->sound);

	if (swinfo->fn != null_function && sw < 72)
		dbprintf ("SW: ");
		sprintf_far_string (names_of_switches + sw);
		dbprintf1 ();
		dbprintf (" (%d) ", sw);
		dbprintf ("\n");

	/* If the switch declares a processing function, call it. */
	if (swinfo->fn)
		callset_pointer_invoke (swinfo->fn);

	/* Declare this as a hardware event that affects the random number
	generator. */
	random_hw_event ();

	/* If a switch is marked SW_PLAYFIELD and we're in a game,
	 * then call the global playfield switch handler and check for
	 * valid playfield.  Also, reset the ball search timer so that
	 * it doesn't expire.
	if ((swinfo->flags & SW_PLAYFIELD) && in_game)
		callset_invoke (any_pf_switch);

		/* If valid playfield was not asserted yet, then see if this
		 * switch validates it.  Most playfield switches do this right
		 * away, but for some switches, like special solenoids (jets
		 * or slings), which could repeatedly trigger if misaligned,
		 * count the activations and validate only when some number
		 * of different switches have triggered.  Device counting
		 * switches are ignored here, but an 'enter' event will
		 * set it. */
		if (!valid_playfield)
			if (swinfo->flags & SW_NOVALID)
				if (!SW_HAS_DEVICE (swinfo))
					try_validate_playfield (sw);
				set_valid_playfield ();
		ball_search_timer_reset ();

	/* If the switch is part of a device, then let the device
	 * subsystem process the event.  Note this will always occur
	 * regardless of any of the above conditions checked. */
	if (SW_HAS_DEVICE (swinfo))
		device_sw_handler (SW_GET_DEVICE (swinfo));

	task_exit ();
Beispiel #6
/** A monitor task that checks whether or not a ball search is
necessary.  This task periodically bumps a counter, which is
normally reset as scoring switches are triggered.  If the
counter reaches a threshold, and ball search is allowed to run,
then it is initiated.
	This task is also responsible for incrementing the ball time
statistic, when ball search is not necessary. */
void ball_search_monitor_task (void)
	ball_search_timer_reset ();
	while (in_game)
		task_sleep (TIME_1S);

		/* Step the ball search timer as long as a game
		 * is in progess.  But don't allow a ball search in
		 * some situations:
		 * - ball is on the shooter switch
		 * - either flipper button is held
		if (in_live_game && !in_bonus && (live_balls || !valid_playfield)
				&& !switch_poll_logical (MACHINE_SHOOTER_SWITCH)
				&& !switch_poll_logical (SW_LEFT_BUTTON)
				&& !switch_poll_logical (SW_RIGHT_BUTTON))
			ball_search_timer_step ();
			if (ball_search_timed_out ())
				ball_search_count = 0;
				while (ball_search_timer != 0)
					if ((ball_search_count >= 5) && chase_ball_enabled ())
						/* If chase ball is enabled, after the 5th ball search
						we will force endball. */
						audit_increment (&system_audits.chase_balls);
						end_ball ();
						/* Perform a ball search */
						ball_search_run ();

					/* After the third ball search, cancel the tilt lamp
					effect, to help the player find the missing ball. */
					if (ball_search_count == 3)
						leff_stop (LEFF_TILT);

					if (ball_search_count < 10)
						/* Delay a small amount for the first few ball searches */
						task_sleep_sec (12);
						/* Delay longer after many ball searches */
						task_sleep_sec (20);

					/* After a while, just give up -- but don't do that in tournament
					mode or on free play; this is just to keep a location game from cycling
					continuously. */
					if (ball_search_count >= 25 &&
							!price_config.free_play && !system_config.tournament_mode)

				/* A ball was seen -- clear the counter and exit */
				ball_search_count = 0;
	task_exit ();