Beispiel #1
    CACHE *cache;
    char cmd[2];
    int val, *pval;

    /* Print some instructions. */
    printf("This program demonstrates the various cache manipulation\n");
    printf("routines supplied by this package.  Although this program\n");
    printf("manipulates a cache of integers, data of any type and size\n");
    printf("(and not just integers) are supported by the routines.  See\n");
    printf("the man page for more information.\n\n");
    printf("We illustrate a cache with a maximum size of 3 entries.\n\n");

    /* Allocate a new cache. */
    cache = cache_init(MAX_ELEMENTS);

    /* Get some commands. */
    printf("\n(e)nter new element, (c)heck for element; (q)uit: ");
    while (scanf("%1s", cmd) != EOF) {
        switch (cmd[0]) {
        case 'e':
            printf("Value (int) to enter: ");
            if (scanf("%d", &val)) {
                /* We ignore the return code here, but in practice,
                * we may fail (with a return code of NULL).
                cache_enter(cache, &val, sizeof(val), &pval);
                if (pval != NULL) {
                    printf("%d was removed to make room.\n", *pval);
        case 'c':
            printf("Value (int) to check for: ");
            if (scanf("%d", &val)) {
                pval = (int *) cache_check(cache, (char *) &val, match);
                if (pval != NULL) {
                    printf("%d found!\n", *pval);
                else {
                    printf("Not found.\n");
        case 'q':
            cache_free(cache, CACHE_DEALLOC);
            printf("'%s' not a recognized command!\n", cmd);
        printf("\n(e)nter new element, (c)heck for element; (q)uit: ");

Beispiel #2
fuse_vnode_get(struct mount         *mp,
               uint64_t              nodeid,
               struct vnode         *dvp,
               struct vnode         **vpp,
               struct componentname *cnp,
               enum vtype            vtyp)
    struct thread *td = (cnp != NULL ? cnp->cn_thread : curthread);
    int err = 0;

    debug_printf("dvp=%p\n", dvp);

    err = fuse_vnode_alloc(mp, td, nodeid, vtyp, vpp);
    if (err) {
        return err;

    if (dvp != NULL) {
        MPASS((cnp->cn_flags & ISDOTDOT) == 0);
        MPASS(!(cnp->cn_namelen == 1 && cnp->cn_nameptr[0] == '.'));
        fuse_vnode_setparent(*vpp, dvp);
    if (dvp != NULL && cnp != NULL && (cnp->cn_flags & MAKEENTRY) != 0) {
        ASSERT_VOP_LOCKED(*vpp, "fuse_vnode_get");
        ASSERT_VOP_LOCKED(dvp, "fuse_vnode_get");
        cache_enter(dvp, *vpp, cnp);

    return 0;
Beispiel #3
static void safe_event_disassemble(void * x) {
    DisassembleCmdArgs * args = (DisassembleCmdArgs *)x;
    if (!is_channel_closed(args->c)) {
        cache_enter(disassemble_cache_client, args->c, args, sizeof(DisassembleCmdArgs));
Beispiel #4
static void command_list(char * token, Channel * c) {
    CommandListArgs args;

    json_read_string(&c->inp,, sizeof(;
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOA);
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOM);

    strlcpy(args.token, token, sizeof(args.token));
    cache_enter(command_list_cache_client, c, &args, sizeof(args));
Beispiel #5
static void command_getm(char * token, Channel * c) {
    GetmArgs args;

    args.locs = read_location_list(&c->inp, &args.locs_cnt);
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOA);
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOM);

    strlcpy(args.token, token, sizeof(args.token));
    cache_enter(command_getm_cache_client, c, &args, sizeof(args));
Beispiel #6
static void command_get_location_info(char * token, Channel * c) {
    CommandGetLocationInfo args;

    json_read_string(&c->inp,, sizeof(;
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOA);
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOM);

    strlcpy(args.token, token, sizeof(args.token));
    cache_enter(command_get_location_info_cache_client, c, &args, sizeof(args));
Beispiel #7
static void command_get_capabilities(char * token, Channel * c) {
    GetCapabilitiesCmdArgs args;

    json_read_string(&c->inp,, sizeof(;
    if (read_stream(&c->inp) != 0) exception(ERR_JSON_SYNTAX);
    if (read_stream(&c->inp) != MARKER_EOM) exception(ERR_JSON_SYNTAX);

    strlcpy(args.token, token, sizeof(args.token));
    cache_enter(command_get_capabilities_cache_client, c, &args, sizeof(args));
Beispiel #8
static void command_setm(char * token, Channel * c) {
    SetmArgs args;

    args.locs = read_location_list(&c->inp, &args.locs_cnt);
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOA); = (uint8_t *)json_read_alloc_binary(&c->inp, &args.data_len);
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOA);
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOM);

    strlcpy(args.token, token, sizeof(args.token));
    cache_enter(command_setm_cache_client, c, &args, sizeof(args));
Beispiel #9
static void command_set(char * token, Channel * c) {
    SetArgs args;

    json_read_string(&c->inp,, sizeof(;
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOA); = (uint8_t *)json_read_alloc_binary(&c->inp, &args.data_len);
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOA);
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOM);

    strlcpy(args.token, token, sizeof(args.token));
    cache_enter(command_set_cache_client, c, &args, sizeof(args));
Beispiel #10
static void command_find_by_addr(char * token, Channel * c) {
    CommandFindByAddrArgs args;

    json_read_string(&c->inp,, sizeof(;
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOA);
    args.addr = (ContextAddress)json_read_uint64(&c->inp);
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOA);
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOM);

    strlcpy(args.token, token, sizeof(args.token));
    cache_enter(command_find_by_addr_cache_client, c, &args, sizeof(args));
Beispiel #11
static void command_get_sym_file_info(char * token, Channel * c) {
    CommandSymFileInfo args;

    json_read_string(&c->inp,, sizeof(;
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOA);
    args.addr = (ContextAddress)json_read_uint64(&c->inp);
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOA);
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOM);

    strlcpy(args.token, token, sizeof(args.token));
    cache_enter(command_get_sym_file_info_cache_client, c, &args, sizeof(args));
Beispiel #12
static void command_get_array_type(char * token, Channel * c) {
    CommandGetArrayTypeArgs args;

    json_read_string(&c->inp,, sizeof(;
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOA);
    args.length = json_read_uint64(&c->inp);
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOA);
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOM);

    strlcpy(args.token, token, sizeof(args.token));
    cache_enter(command_get_array_type_cache_client, c, &args, sizeof(args));
Beispiel #13
HEADER *headersDepth(const char *t, time_t time, int depth)
	HEADER hdr, *h = &hdr;
	LIST *l;
	const char* cachekey=t;

	/* D support (doesn't affect C(++), because a source file is never included) */
	if(depth == 0)
	if (!headerhash)
		headerhash = hashinit(sizeof(HEADER), "headers");

	h->key = cachekey;
	h->includes = 0;
	h->time = time;
	h->headers = 0;
	h->newest = 0;
	if (!hashenter(headerhash, (HASHDATA **)&h))
		return h;

	h->key = newstr(t);
#ifdef USE_CACHE
	if (!cache_check(cachekey, time, &h->includes))
		h->includes = headers1(t, depth);
		cache_enter(cachekey, time, h->includes);
	h->includes = headers1(t, depth);
	if(depth == 0)

	l = h->includes;
	while (l)
		const char *t2 = search(t, l->string, &time);
		if (time)
			h->headers = headerentry(h->headers, headersDepth(t2, time, depth+1));
		l = list_next(l);

	return h;
Beispiel #14
static void command_find_by_name_args(char * token, Channel * c, CommandFindByNameArgs * args) {
    args->ip = 0;
    json_read_string(&c->inp, args->id, sizeof(args->id));
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOA);
    if (json_peek(&c->inp) != '"' && json_peek(&c->inp) != 'n') {
        args->ip = (ContextAddress)json_read_uint64(&c->inp);
        json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOA);
    args->name = json_read_alloc_string(&c->inp);
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOA);
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOM);

    strlcpy(args->token, token, sizeof(args->token));
    cache_enter(command_find_by_name_cache_client, c, args, sizeof(CommandFindByNameArgs));
Beispiel #15
static void command_reset(char * token, Channel * c) {
    CommandResetArgs args;

    memset(&args, 0, sizeof(args));
    json_read_string(&c->inp,, sizeof(;
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOA);
    json_read_string(&c->inp, args.type, sizeof(args.type));
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOA);
    json_read_struct(&c->inp, read_reset_params, &args.params);
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOA);
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOM);

    strlcpy(args.token, token, sizeof(args.token));
    cache_enter(command_reset_cache_client, c, &args, sizeof(args));
Beispiel #16
static int
tmpfs_create(struct vop_create_args *v)
	struct vnode *dvp = v->a_dvp;
	struct vnode **vpp = v->a_vpp;
	struct componentname *cnp = v->a_cnp;
	struct vattr *vap = v->a_vap;
	int error;

	MPASS(vap->va_type == VREG || vap->va_type == VSOCK);

	error = tmpfs_alloc_file(dvp, vpp, vap, cnp, NULL);
	if (error == 0 && (cnp->cn_flags & MAKEENTRY) != 0)
		cache_enter(dvp, *vpp, cnp);
	return (error);
Beispiel #17
static void command_find_in_scope(char * token, Channel * c) {
    CommandFindInScopeArgs args;

    json_read_string(&c->inp, args.frame_id, sizeof(args.frame_id));
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOA);
    args.ip = (ContextAddress)json_read_uint64(&c->inp);
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOA);
    json_read_string(&c->inp, args.scope_id, sizeof(args.scope_id));
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOA); = json_read_alloc_string(&c->inp);
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOA);
    json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOM);

    strlcpy(args.token, token, sizeof(args.token));
    cache_enter(command_find_in_scope_cache_client, c, &args, sizeof(args));
Beispiel #18
static void command_disassemble(char * token, Channel * c) {
    DisassembleCmdArgs args;

    memset(&args, 0, sizeof(args));
    json_read_string(&c->inp,, sizeof(;
    if (read_stream(&c->inp) != 0) exception(ERR_JSON_SYNTAX);
    args.addr = (ContextAddress)json_read_uint64(&c->inp);
    if (read_stream(&c->inp) != 0) exception(ERR_JSON_SYNTAX);
    args.size = (ContextAddress)json_read_uint64(&c->inp);
    if (read_stream(&c->inp) != 0) exception(ERR_JSON_SYNTAX);
    json_read_struct(&c->inp, read_disassembly_params, &args);
    if (read_stream(&c->inp) != 0) exception(ERR_JSON_SYNTAX);
    if (read_stream(&c->inp) != MARKER_EOM) exception(ERR_JSON_SYNTAX);

    strlcpy(args.token, token, sizeof(args.token));
    cache_enter(disassemble_cache_client, c, &args, sizeof(DisassembleCmdArgs));
Beispiel #19
 * smbfs_create call
 * Create a regular file. On entry the directory to contain the file being
 * created is locked.  We must release before we return.
smbfs_create(void *v)
	struct vop_create_v3_args /* {
		struct vnode *a_dvp;
		struct vnode **a_vpp;
		struct componentname *a_cnp;
		struct vattr *a_vap;
	} */ *ap = v;
	struct vnode *dvp = ap->a_dvp;
	struct vattr *vap = ap->a_vap;
	struct componentname *cnp = ap->a_cnp;
	struct smbnode *dnp = VTOSMB(dvp);
	struct smbfattr fattr;
	struct smb_cred scred;
	const char *name = cnp->cn_nameptr;
	int nmlen = cnp->cn_namelen;
	int error = EINVAL;

	if (vap->va_type != VREG)
		goto out;

	smb_makescred(&scred, curlwp, cnp->cn_cred);
	error = smbfs_smb_create(dnp, name, nmlen, &scred);
	if (error)
		goto out;

	error = smbfs_smb_lookup(dnp, name, nmlen, &fattr, &scred);
	if (error)
		goto out;
	error = smbfs_nget(VTOVFS(dvp), dvp, name, nmlen, &fattr, ap->a_vpp);
	if (error)
		goto out;

	cache_enter(dvp, *ap->a_vpp, cnp->cn_nameptr, cnp->cn_namelen,

	return (error);
Beispiel #20
void dnlc_update(struct vnode *vp, char *name, struct vnode *tp)

#if 0
    // If tp is NULL, it is a negative-cache entry
    struct componentname cn;

    // OSX panics if you give empty(non-NULL) name
    if (!name || !*name || !strlen(name)) return;

	bzero(&cn, sizeof (cn));
	cn.cn_nameiop = CREATE;
	cn.cn_flags = ISLASTCN;
	cn.cn_nameptr = (char *)name;
	cn.cn_namelen = strlen(name);

    cache_enter(vp, tp==DNLC_NO_VNODE?NULL:tp, &cn);
Beispiel #21
fuse_vnode_get(struct mount *mp,
    struct fuse_entry_out *feo,
    uint64_t nodeid,
    struct vnode *dvp,
    struct vnode **vpp,
    struct componentname *cnp,
    enum vtype vtyp)
	struct thread *td = (cnp != NULL ? cnp->cn_thread : curthread);
	int err = 0;

	err = fuse_vnode_alloc(mp, td, nodeid, vtyp, vpp);
	if (err) {
		return err;
	if (dvp != NULL) {
		MPASS((cnp->cn_flags & ISDOTDOT) == 0);
		MPASS(!(cnp->cn_namelen == 1 && cnp->cn_nameptr[0] == '.'));
		fuse_vnode_setparent(*vpp, dvp);
	if (dvp != NULL && cnp != NULL && (cnp->cn_flags & MAKEENTRY) != 0 &&
	    feo != NULL &&
	    (feo->entry_valid != 0 || feo->entry_valid_nsec != 0)) {
		ASSERT_VOP_LOCKED(*vpp, "fuse_vnode_get");
		ASSERT_VOP_LOCKED(dvp, "fuse_vnode_get");
		cache_enter(dvp, *vpp, cnp);

	 * In userland, libfuse uses cached lookups for dot and dotdot entries,
	 * thus it does not really bump the nlookup counter for forget.
	 * Follow the same semantic and avoid tu bump it in order to keep
	 * nlookup counters consistent.
	if (cnp == NULL || ((cnp->cn_flags & ISDOTDOT) == 0 &&
	    (cnp->cn_namelen != 1 || cnp->cn_nameptr[0] != '.')))

	return 0;
Beispiel #22
fuse_vncache_enter(vnode_t dvp, vnode_t vp, struct componentname *cnp)
    IOLog("osxfuse: cache enter dvp=%p, vp=%p, %s\n", dvp, vp, cnp->cn_nameptr);

    struct fuse_data *data = fuse_get_mpdata(vnode_mount(dvp));
    bool biglock_locked = fuse_biglock_have_lock(data->biglock);

    if (biglock_locked) {
    cache_enter(dvp, vp, cnp);
    if (biglock_locked) {
Beispiel #23
load_name_cache(kvm_t *kd)
	struct namecache _ncp, *ncp, *oncp;
	struct nchashhead _ncpp, *ncpp; 
	u_long lnchash;
	size_t nchash, i;


	_KDEREF(kd, nchash_addr, &lnchash, sizeof(lnchash));
	nchash = (size_t)lnchash + 1;
	nchashtbl = ecalloc(nchash, sizeof(*nchashtbl));
	_KDEREF(kd, nchashtbl_addr, nchashtbl, sizeof(*nchashtbl) * nchash);

	ncpp = &_ncpp;

	for (i = 0; i < nchash; i++) {
		ncpp = &nchashtbl[i];
		oncp = NULL;
		LIST_FOREACH(ncp, ncpp, nc_hash) {
			if (ncp == oncp ||
			    ncp == (void*)0xdeadbeef)
			oncp = ncp;
			_KDEREF(kd, (u_long)ncp, &_ncp, sizeof(*ncp));
			ncp = &_ncp;
			if (ncp->nc_nlen > 0) {
				if (ncp->nc_nlen > 2 ||
				    ncp->nc_name[0] != '.' ||
				    (ncp->nc_name[1] != '.' &&
				     ncp->nc_nlen != 1))
					cache_enter(i, ncp);
Beispiel #24
 * Convert a component of a pathname into a pointer to a locked inode.
 * This is a very central and rather complicated routine.
 * If the file system is not maintained in a strict tree hierarchy,
 * this can result in a deadlock situation (see comments in code below).
 * The cnp->cn_nameiop argument is LOOKUP, CREATE, RENAME, or DELETE depending
 * on whether the name is to be looked up, created, renamed, or deleted.
 * When CREATE, RENAME, or DELETE is specified, information usable in
 * creating, renaming, or deleting a directory entry may be calculated.
 * If flag has LOCKPARENT or'ed into it and the target of the pathname
 * exists, lookup returns both the target and its parent directory locked.
 * When creating or renaming and LOCKPARENT is specified, the target may
 * not be ".".  When deleting and LOCKPARENT is specified, the target may
 * be "."., but the caller must check to ensure it does an vrele and vput
 * instead of two vputs.
 * Overall outline of ufs_lookup:
 *	check accessibility of directory
 *	look for name in cache, if found, then if at end of path
 *	  and deleting or creating, drop it, else return name
 *	search for name in directory, to found or notfound
 * notfound:
 *	if creating, return locked directory, leaving info on available slots
 *	else return error
 * found:
 *	if at end of path and deleting, return information to allow delete
 *	if at end of path and rewriting (RENAME and LOCKPARENT), lock target
 *	  inode and return info to allow rewrite
 *	if not at end, add name to cache; if at end and neither creating
 *	  nor deleting, add name to cache
ufs_lookup(void *v)
	struct vop_lookup_args *ap = v;
	struct vnode *vdp;		/* vnode for directory being searched */
	struct inode *dp;		/* inode for directory being searched */
	struct buf *bp;			/* a buffer of directory entries */
	struct direct *ep;		/* the current directory entry */
	int entryoffsetinblock;		/* offset of ep in bp's buffer */
	enum {NONE, COMPACT, FOUND} slotstatus;
	doff_t slotoffset;		/* offset of area with free space */
	int slotsize;			/* size of area at slotoffset */
	int slotfreespace;		/* amount of space free in slot */
	int slotneeded;			/* size of the entry we're seeking */
	int numdirpasses;		/* strategy for directory search */
	doff_t endsearch;		/* offset to end directory search */
	doff_t prevoff;			/* prev entry dp->i_offset */
	struct vnode *pdp;		/* saved dp during symlink work */
	struct vnode *tdp;		/* returned by VFS_VGET */
	doff_t enduseful;		/* pointer past last used dir slot */
	u_long bmask;			/* block offset mask */
	int lockparent;			/* 1 => lockparent flag is set */
	int wantparent;			/* 1 => wantparent or lockparent flag */
	int namlen, error;
	struct vnode **vpp = ap->a_vpp;
	struct componentname *cnp = ap->a_cnp;
	struct ucred *cred = cnp->cn_cred;
	int flags;
	int nameiop = cnp->cn_nameiop;
	struct proc *p = cnp->cn_proc;

	cnp->cn_flags &= ~PDIRUNLOCK;
	flags = cnp->cn_flags;

	bp = NULL;
	slotoffset = -1;
	*vpp = NULL;
	vdp = ap->a_dvp;
	dp = VTOI(vdp);
	lockparent = flags & LOCKPARENT;
	wantparent = flags & (LOCKPARENT|WANTPARENT);

	 * Check accessiblity of directory.
	if ((DIP(dp, mode) & IFMT) != IFDIR)
		return (ENOTDIR);
	if ((error = VOP_ACCESS(vdp, VEXEC, cred)) != 0)
		return (error);

	if ((flags & ISLASTCN) && (vdp->v_mount->mnt_flag & MNT_RDONLY) &&
	    (cnp->cn_nameiop == DELETE || cnp->cn_nameiop == RENAME))
		return (EROFS);

	 * We now have a segment name to search for, and a directory to search.
	 * Before tediously performing a linear scan of the directory,
	 * check the name cache to see if the directory/name pair
	 * we are looking for is known already.
	if ((error = cache_lookup(vdp, vpp, cnp)) >= 0)
		return (error);

	 * Suppress search for slots unless creating
	 * file and at end of pathname, in which case
	 * we watch for a place to put the new file in
	 * case it doesn't already exist.
	slotstatus = FOUND;
	slotfreespace = slotsize = slotneeded = 0;
	if ((nameiop == CREATE || nameiop == RENAME) &&
	    (flags & ISLASTCN)) {
		slotstatus = NONE;
		slotneeded = (sizeof(struct direct) - MAXNAMLEN +
			cnp->cn_namelen + 3) &~ 3;

	 * If there is cached information on a previous search of
	 * this directory, pick up where we last left off.
	 * We cache only lookups as these are the most common
	 * and have the greatest payoff. Caching CREATE has little
	 * benefit as it usually must search the entire directory
	 * to determine that the entry does not exist. Caching the
	 * location of the last DELETE or RENAME has not reduced
	 * profiling time and hence has been removed in the interest
	 * of simplicity.
	bmask = VFSTOUFS(vdp->v_mount)->um_mountp->mnt_stat.f_iosize - 1;

	 * Use dirhash for fast operations on large directories. The logic
	 * to determine whether to hash the directory is contained within
	 * ufsdirhash_build(); a zero return means that it decided to hash
	 * this directory and it successfully built up the hash table.
	if (ufsdirhash_build(dp) == 0) {
		/* Look for a free slot if needed. */
		enduseful = DIP(dp, size);
		if (slotstatus != FOUND) {
			slotoffset = ufsdirhash_findfree(dp, slotneeded,
			if (slotoffset >= 0) {
				slotstatus = COMPACT;
				enduseful = ufsdirhash_enduseful(dp);
				if (enduseful < 0)
					enduseful = DIP(dp, size);
		/* Look up the component. */
		numdirpasses = 1;
		entryoffsetinblock = 0; /* silence compiler warning */
		switch (ufsdirhash_lookup(dp, cnp->cn_nameptr, cnp->cn_namelen,
		    &dp->i_offset, &bp, nameiop == DELETE ? &prevoff : NULL)) {
		case 0:
			ep = (struct direct *)((char *)bp->b_data +
			    (dp->i_offset & bmask));
			goto foundentry;
		case ENOENT:
#define roundup2(x, y)	(((x)+((y)-1))&(~((y)-1))) /* if y is powers of two */
			dp->i_offset = roundup2(DIP(dp, size), DIRBLKSIZ);
			goto notfound;
			/* Something failed; just do a linear search. */
#endif /* UFS_DIRHASH */

	if (nameiop != LOOKUP || dp->i_diroff == 0 ||
	    dp->i_diroff >= DIP(dp, size)) {
		entryoffsetinblock = 0;
		dp->i_offset = 0;
		numdirpasses = 1;
	} else {
		dp->i_offset = dp->i_diroff;
		if ((entryoffsetinblock = dp->i_offset & bmask) &&
		    (error = UFS_BUFATOFF(dp, (off_t)dp->i_offset, NULL, &bp)))
			return (error);
		numdirpasses = 2;
	prevoff = dp->i_offset;
	endsearch = roundup(DIP(dp, size), DIRBLKSIZ);
	enduseful = 0;

	while (dp->i_offset < endsearch) {
		 * If necessary, get the next directory block.
		if ((dp->i_offset & bmask) == 0) {
			if (bp != NULL)
			error = UFS_BUFATOFF(dp, (off_t)dp->i_offset, NULL,
			if (error)
				return (error);
			entryoffsetinblock = 0;
		 * If still looking for a slot, and at a DIRBLKSIZE
		 * boundary, have to start looking for free space again.
		if (slotstatus == NONE &&
		    (entryoffsetinblock & (DIRBLKSIZ - 1)) == 0) {
			slotoffset = -1;
			slotfreespace = 0;
		 * Get pointer to next entry.
		 * Full validation checks are slow, so we only check
		 * enough to insure forward progress through the
		 * directory. Complete checks can be run by patching
		 * "dirchk" to be true.
		ep = (struct direct *)((char *)bp->b_data + entryoffsetinblock);
		if (ep->d_reclen == 0 ||
		    (dirchk && ufs_dirbadentry(vdp, ep, entryoffsetinblock))) {
			int i;

			ufs_dirbad(dp, dp->i_offset, "mangled entry");
			i = DIRBLKSIZ - (entryoffsetinblock & (DIRBLKSIZ - 1));
			dp->i_offset += i;
			entryoffsetinblock += i;

		 * If an appropriate sized slot has not yet been found,
		 * check to see if one is available. Also accumulate space
		 * in the current block so that we can determine if
		 * compaction is viable.
		if (slotstatus != FOUND) {
			int size = ep->d_reclen;

			if (ep->d_ino != 0)
				size -= DIRSIZ(FSFMT(vdp), ep);
			if (size > 0) {
				if (size >= slotneeded) {
					slotstatus = FOUND;
					slotoffset = dp->i_offset;
					slotsize = ep->d_reclen;
				} else if (slotstatus == NONE) {
					slotfreespace += size;
					if (slotoffset == -1)
						slotoffset = dp->i_offset;
					if (slotfreespace >= slotneeded) {
						slotstatus = COMPACT;
						slotsize = dp->i_offset +
						      ep->d_reclen - slotoffset;

		 * Check for a name match.
		if (ep->d_ino) {
				if (vdp->v_mount->mnt_maxsymlinklen > 0)
					namlen = ep->d_namlen;
					namlen = ep->d_type;
#			else
				namlen = ep->d_namlen;
#			endif
			if (namlen == cnp->cn_namelen &&
			    !memcmp(cnp->cn_nameptr, ep->d_name, namlen)) {
				 * Save directory entry's inode number and
				 * reclen in ndp->ni_ufs area, and release
				 * directory buffer.
				dp->i_ino = ep->d_ino;
				dp->i_reclen = ep->d_reclen;
				goto found;
		prevoff = dp->i_offset;
		dp->i_offset += ep->d_reclen;
		entryoffsetinblock += ep->d_reclen;
		if (ep->d_ino)
			enduseful = dp->i_offset;
	 * If we started in the middle of the directory and failed
	 * to find our target, we must check the beginning as well.
	if (numdirpasses == 2) {
		dp->i_offset = 0;
		endsearch = dp->i_diroff;
		goto searchloop;
	if (bp != NULL)
	 * If creating, and at end of pathname and current
	 * directory has not been removed, then can consider
	 * allowing file to be created.
	if ((nameiop == CREATE || nameiop == RENAME) &&
	    (flags & ISLASTCN) && dp->i_effnlink != 0) {
		 * Access for write is interpreted as allowing
		 * creation of files in the directory.
		error = VOP_ACCESS(vdp, VWRITE, cred);
		if (error)
			return (error);
		 * Return an indication of where the new directory
		 * entry should be put.  If we didn't find a slot,
		 * then set dp->i_count to 0 indicating
		 * that the new slot belongs at the end of the
		 * directory. If we found a slot, then the new entry
		 * can be put in the range from dp->i_offset to
		 * dp->i_offset + dp->i_count.
		if (slotstatus == NONE) {
			dp->i_offset = roundup(DIP(dp, size), DIRBLKSIZ);
			dp->i_count = 0;
			enduseful = dp->i_offset;
		} else if (nameiop == DELETE) {
			dp->i_offset = slotoffset;
			if ((dp->i_offset & (DIRBLKSIZ - 1)) == 0)
				dp->i_count = 0;
				dp->i_count = dp->i_offset - prevoff;
		} else {
			dp->i_offset = slotoffset;
			dp->i_count = slotsize;
			if (enduseful < slotoffset + slotsize)
				enduseful = slotoffset + slotsize;
		dp->i_endoff = roundup(enduseful, DIRBLKSIZ);
		 * We return with the directory locked, so that
		 * the parameters we set up above will still be
		 * valid if we actually decide to do a direnter().
		 * We return ni_vp == NULL to indicate that the entry
		 * does not currently exist; we leave a pointer to
		 * the (locked) directory inode in ndp->ni_dvp.
		 * The pathname buffer is saved so that the name
		 * can be obtained later.
		 * NB - if the directory is unlocked, then this
		 * information cannot be used.
		cnp->cn_flags |= SAVENAME;
		if (!lockparent) {
			VOP_UNLOCK(vdp, 0);
			cnp->cn_flags |= PDIRUNLOCK;
		return (EJUSTRETURN);
	 * Insert name into cache (as non-existent) if appropriate.
	if ((cnp->cn_flags & MAKEENTRY) && nameiop != CREATE)
		cache_enter(vdp, *vpp, cnp);
	return (ENOENT);

	if (numdirpasses == 2)
	 * Check that directory length properly reflects presence
	 * of this entry.
	if (dp->i_offset + DIRSIZ(FSFMT(vdp), ep) > DIP(dp, size)) {
		ufs_dirbad(dp, dp->i_offset, "i_ffs_size too small");
		DIP_ASSIGN(dp, size, dp->i_offset + DIRSIZ(FSFMT(vdp), ep));
		dp->i_flag |= IN_CHANGE | IN_UPDATE;

	 * Found component in pathname.
	 * If the final component of path name, save information
	 * in the cache as to where the entry was found.
	if ((flags & ISLASTCN) && nameiop == LOOKUP)
		dp->i_diroff = dp->i_offset &~ (DIRBLKSIZ - 1);

	 * If deleting, and at end of pathname, return
	 * parameters which can be used to remove file.
	 * If the wantparent flag isn't set, we return only
	 * the directory (in ndp->ni_dvp), otherwise we go
	 * on and lock the inode, being careful with ".".
	if (nameiop == DELETE && (flags & ISLASTCN)) {
		 * Write access to directory required to delete files.
		error = VOP_ACCESS(vdp, VWRITE, cred);
		if (error)
			return (error);
		 * Return pointer to current entry in dp->i_offset,
		 * and distance past previous entry (if there
		 * is a previous entry in this block) in dp->i_count.
		 * Save directory inode pointer in ndp->ni_dvp for dirremove().
		if ((dp->i_offset & (DIRBLKSIZ - 1)) == 0)
			dp->i_count = 0;
			dp->i_count = dp->i_offset - prevoff;
		if (dp->i_number == dp->i_ino) {
			*vpp = vdp;
			return (0);
		error = VFS_VGET(vdp->v_mount, dp->i_ino, &tdp);
		if (error)
			return (error);
		 * If directory is "sticky", then user must own
		 * the directory, or the file in it, else she
		 * may not delete it (unless she's root). This
		 * implements append-only directories.
		if ((DIP(dp, mode) & ISVTX) &&
		    cred->cr_uid != 0 &&
		    cred->cr_uid != DIP(dp, uid) &&
		    DIP(VTOI(tdp), uid) != cred->cr_uid) {
			return (EPERM);
		*vpp = tdp;
		if (!lockparent) {
			VOP_UNLOCK(vdp, 0);
			cnp->cn_flags |= PDIRUNLOCK;
		return (0);

	 * If rewriting (RENAME), return the inode and the
	 * information required to rewrite the present directory
	 * Must get inode of directory entry to verify it's a
	 * regular file, or empty directory.
	if (nameiop == RENAME && wantparent &&
	    (flags & ISLASTCN)) {
		error = VOP_ACCESS(vdp, VWRITE, cred);
		if (error)
			return (error);
		 * Careful about locking second inode.
		 * This can only occur if the target is ".".
		if (dp->i_number == dp->i_ino)
			return (EISDIR);
		error = VFS_VGET(vdp->v_mount, dp->i_ino, &tdp);
		if (error)
			return (error);
		*vpp = tdp;
		cnp->cn_flags |= SAVENAME;
		if (!lockparent) {
			VOP_UNLOCK(vdp, 0);
			cnp->cn_flags |= PDIRUNLOCK;
		return (0);

	 * Step through the translation in the name.  We do not `vput' the
	 * directory because we may need it again if a symbolic link
	 * is relative to the current directory.  Instead we save it
	 * unlocked as "pdp".  We must get the target inode before unlocking
	 * the directory to insure that the inode will not be removed
	 * before we get it.  We prevent deadlock by always fetching
	 * inodes from the root, moving down the directory tree. Thus
	 * when following backward pointers ".." we must unlock the
	 * parent directory before getting the requested directory.
	 * There is a potential race condition here if both the current
	 * and parent directories are removed before the VFS_VGET for the
	 * inode associated with ".." returns.  We hope that this occurs
	 * infrequently since we cannot avoid this race condition without
	 * implementing a sophisticated deadlock detection algorithm.
	 * Note also that this simple deadlock detection scheme will not
	 * work if the file system has any hard links other than ".."
	 * that point backwards in the directory structure.
	pdp = vdp;
	if (flags & ISDOTDOT) {
		VOP_UNLOCK(pdp, 0);	/* race to get the inode */
		cnp->cn_flags |= PDIRUNLOCK;
		error = VFS_VGET(vdp->v_mount, dp->i_ino, &tdp);
		if (error) {
			if (vn_lock(pdp, LK_EXCLUSIVE | LK_RETRY, p) == 0)
				cnp->cn_flags &= ~PDIRUNLOCK;
			return (error);
		if (lockparent && (flags & ISLASTCN)) {
			if ((error = vn_lock(pdp, LK_EXCLUSIVE, p))) {
				return (error);
			cnp->cn_flags &= ~PDIRUNLOCK;
		*vpp = tdp;
	} else if (dp->i_number == dp->i_ino) {
		vref(vdp);	/* we want ourself, ie "." */
		*vpp = vdp;
	} else {
		error = VFS_VGET(vdp->v_mount, dp->i_ino, &tdp);
		if (error)
			return (error);
		if (!lockparent || !(flags & ISLASTCN)) {
			VOP_UNLOCK(pdp, 0);
			cnp->cn_flags |= PDIRUNLOCK;
		*vpp = tdp;

	 * Insert name into cache if appropriate.
	if (cnp->cn_flags & MAKEENTRY)
		cache_enter(vdp, *vpp, cnp);
	return (0);
Beispiel #25
static int
nwfs_readvdir(struct vnode *vp, struct uio *uio, struct ucred *cred) {
	struct nwmount *nmp = VTONWFS(vp);
	int error, count, i;
	struct dirent dp;
	struct nwnode *np = VTONW(vp);
	struct nw_entry_info fattr;
	struct vnode *newvp;
	struct componentname cn;
	ncpfid fid;

	np = VTONW(vp);
	if (uio->uio_resid < DE_SIZE || (uio->uio_offset < 0))
		return (EINVAL);
	error = 0;
	count = 0;
	i = uio->uio_offset / DE_SIZE; /* offset in directory */
	if (i == 0) {
		error = ncp_initsearch(vp, uio->uio_td, cred);
		if (error) {
			NCPVNDEBUG("cannot initialize search, error=%d",error);
			return( error );

	for (; uio->uio_resid >= DE_SIZE; i++) {
		bzero((char *) &dp, DE_SIZE);
		dp.d_reclen = DE_SIZE;
		switch (i) {
		    case 0:		/* `.' */
		    case 1:		/* `..' */
			dp.d_fileno = (i == 0) ? np->n_fid.f_id : np->n_parent.f_id;
			if (!dp.d_fileno) dp.d_fileno = NWFS_ROOT_INO;
			dp.d_namlen = i + 1;
			dp.d_name[0] = '.';
			dp.d_name[1] = '.';
			dp.d_name[i + 1] = '\0';
			dp.d_type = DT_DIR;
			error = ncp_search_for_file_or_subdir(nmp, &np->n_seq, &fattr, uio->uio_td, cred);
			if (error && error < 0x80) break;
			dp.d_fileno = fattr.dirEntNum;
			dp.d_type = (fattr.attributes & aDIR) ? DT_DIR : DT_REG;
			dp.d_namlen = fattr.nameLen;
			bcopy(fattr.entryName, dp.d_name, dp.d_namlen);
			dp.d_name[dp.d_namlen] = '\0';
#if 0
			if (error && eofflag) {
			/*	*eofflag = 1;*/
		if (nwfs_fastlookup && !error && i > 1) {
			fid.f_id = fattr.dirEntNum;
			fid.f_parent = np->n_fid.f_id;
			error = nwfs_nget(vp->v_mount, fid, &fattr, vp, &newvp);
			if (!error) {
				VTONW(newvp)->n_ctime = VTONW(newvp)->n_vattr.va_ctime.tv_sec;
				cn.cn_nameptr = dp.d_name;
				cn.cn_namelen = dp.d_namlen;
				cache_enter(vp, newvp, &cn);
			} else
				error = 0;
		if (error >= 0x80) {
		    error = 0;
		if ((error = uiomove(&dp, DE_SIZE, uio)))

	uio->uio_offset = i * DE_SIZE;
	return (error);
Beispiel #26
static int
vboxvfs_vnode_lookup(struct vnop_lookup_args *args)
    int rc;

    vnode_t          vnode;
    vboxvfs_vnode_t *pVnodeData;

    PDEBUG("Looking up for vnode...");

    AssertReturn(args,                      EINVAL);
    AssertReturn(args->a_dvp,               EINVAL);
    AssertReturn(vnode_isdir(args->a_dvp),  EINVAL);
    AssertReturn(args->a_cnp,               EINVAL);
    AssertReturn(args->a_cnp->cn_nameptr,   EINVAL);
    AssertReturn(args->a_vpp,               EINVAL);

    pVnodeData = (vboxvfs_vnode_t *)vnode_fsnode(args->a_dvp);
    AssertReturn(pVnodeData, EINVAL);
    AssertReturn(pVnodeData->pLock, EINVAL);

    todo: take care about args->a_cnp->cn_nameiop

    if      (args->a_cnp->cn_nameiop == LOOKUP) PDEBUG("LOOKUP");
    else if (args->a_cnp->cn_nameiop == CREATE) PDEBUG("CREATE");
    else if (args->a_cnp->cn_nameiop == RENAME) PDEBUG("RENAME");
    else if (args->a_cnp->cn_nameiop == DELETE) PDEBUG("DELETE");
    else PDEBUG("Unknown cn_nameiop: 0x%X", (int)args->a_cnp->cn_nameiop);


    /* Take care about '.' and '..' entries */
    if (vboxvfs_vnode_lookup_dot_handler(args, &vnode) == 0)
        *args->a_vpp = vnode;


        return 0;

    /* Look into VFS cache and attempt to find previously allocated vnode there. */
    rc = cache_lookup(args->a_dvp, &vnode, args->a_cnp);
    if (rc == -1) /* Record found */
        PDEBUG("Found record in VFS cache");

        /* Check if VFS object still exist on a host side */
        if (vboxvfs_exist_internal(vnode))
            /* Prepare & return cached vnode */
            *args->a_vpp = vnode;

            rc = 0;
            /* If vnode exist in guets VFS cache, but not exist on a host -- just forget it. */
            /* todo: free vnode data here */
            rc = ENOENT;
        PDEBUG("cache_lookup() returned %d, create new VFS vnode", rc);

        rc = vboxvfs_vnode_lookup_instantinate_vnode(args->a_dvp, args->a_cnp->cn_nameptr, &vnode);
        if (rc == 0)
            cache_enter(args->a_dvp, vnode, args->a_cnp);
            *args->a_vpp = vnode;
            rc = ENOENT;


    return rc;
 * When we search a directory the blocks containing directory entries are
 * read and examined.  The directory entries contain information that would
 * normally be in the inode of a unix filesystem.  This means that some of
 * a directory's contents may also be in memory resident denodes (sort of
 * an inode).  This can cause problems if we are searching while some other
 * process is modifying a directory.  To prevent one process from accessing
 * incompletely modified directory information we depend upon being the
 * sole owner of a directory block.  bread/brelse provide this service.
 * This being the case, when a process modifies a directory it must first
 * acquire the disk block that contains the directory entry to be modified.
 * Then update the disk block and the denode, and then write the disk block
 * out to disk.  This way disk blocks containing directory entries and in
 * memory denode's will be in synch.
msdosfs_lookup(void *v)
	struct vop_lookup_v2_args /* {
		struct vnode *a_dvp;
		struct vnode **a_vpp;
		struct componentname *a_cnp;
	} */ *ap = v;
	struct vnode *vdp = ap->a_dvp;
	struct vnode **vpp = ap->a_vpp;
	struct componentname *cnp = ap->a_cnp;
	daddr_t bn;
	int error;
	int slotcount;
	int slotoffset = 0;
	int frcn;
	u_long cluster;
	int blkoff;
	int diroff;
	int blsize;
	int isadir;		/* ~0 if found direntry is a directory	 */
	u_long scn;		/* starting cluster number		 */
	struct vnode *pdp;
	struct denode *dp;
	struct denode *tdp;
	struct msdosfsmount *pmp;
	struct buf *bp = 0;
	struct direntry *dep;
	u_char dosfilename[12];
	int flags;
	int nameiop = cnp->cn_nameiop;
	int wincnt = 1;
	int chksum = -1, chksum_ok;
	int olddos = 1;

	flags = cnp->cn_flags;

	printf("msdosfs_lookup(): looking for %.*s\n",
		(int)cnp->cn_namelen, cnp->cn_nameptr);
	dp = VTODE(vdp);
	pmp = dp->de_pmp;
	*vpp = NULL;
	printf("msdosfs_lookup(): vdp %p, dp %p, Attr %02x\n",
	    vdp, dp, dp->de_Attributes);

	 * Check accessiblity of directory.
	if ((error = VOP_ACCESS(vdp, VEXEC, cnp->cn_cred)) != 0)
		return (error);

	if ((flags & ISLASTCN) && (vdp->v_mount->mnt_flag & MNT_RDONLY) &&
	    (cnp->cn_nameiop == DELETE || cnp->cn_nameiop == RENAME))
		return (EROFS);

	 * We now have a segment name to search for, and a directory to search.
	 * Before tediously performing a linear scan of the directory,
	 * check the name cache to see if the directory/name pair
	 * we are looking for is known already.
	if (cache_lookup(vdp, cnp->cn_nameptr, cnp->cn_namelen,
			 cnp->cn_nameiop, cnp->cn_flags, NULL, vpp)) {
		return *vpp == NULLVP ? ENOENT: 0;

	 * If they are going after the . or .. entry in the root directory,
	 * they won't find it.  DOS filesystems don't have them in the root
	 * directory.  So, we fake it. deget() is in on this scam too.
	if ((vdp->v_vflag & VV_ROOT) && cnp->cn_nameptr[0] == '.' &&
	    (cnp->cn_namelen == 1 ||
		(cnp->cn_namelen == 2 && cnp->cn_nameptr[1] == '.'))) {
		isadir = ATTR_DIRECTORY;
		printf("msdosfs_lookup(): looking for . or .. in root directory\n");
		cluster = MSDOSFSROOT;
		goto foundroot;

	switch (unix2dosfn((const u_char *)cnp->cn_nameptr, dosfilename,
	    cnp->cn_namelen, 0)) {
	case 0:
		return (EINVAL);
	case 1:
	case 2:
		wincnt = winSlotCnt((const u_char *)cnp->cn_nameptr,
		    cnp->cn_namelen) + 1;
	case 3:
		olddos = 0;
		wincnt = winSlotCnt((const u_char *)cnp->cn_nameptr,
		    cnp->cn_namelen) + 1;
	if (pmp->pm_flags & MSDOSFSMNT_SHORTNAME)
		wincnt = 1;

	 * Suppress search for slots unless creating
	 * file and at end of pathname, in which case
	 * we watch for a place to put the new file in
	 * case it doesn't already exist.
	slotcount = wincnt;
	if ((nameiop == CREATE || nameiop == RENAME) &&
	    (flags & ISLASTCN))
		slotcount = 0;

	printf("msdosfs_lookup(): dos filename: %s\n", dosfilename);
	 * Search the directory pointed at by vdp for the name pointed at
	 * by cnp->cn_nameptr.
	tdp = NULL;
	 * The outer loop ranges over the clusters that make up the
	 * directory.  Note that the root directory is different from all
	 * other directories.  It has a fixed number of blocks that are not
	 * part of the pool of allocatable clusters.  So, we treat it a
	 * little differently. The root directory starts at "cluster" 0.
	diroff = 0;
	for (frcn = 0; diroff < dp->de_FileSize; frcn++) {
		if ((error = pcbmap(dp, frcn, &bn, &cluster, &blsize)) != 0) {
			if (error == E2BIG)
			return (error);
		error = bread(pmp->pm_devvp, de_bn2kb(pmp, bn), blsize, NOCRED,
		    0, &bp);
		if (error) {
			return (error);
		for (blkoff = 0; blkoff < blsize;
		     blkoff += sizeof(struct direntry),
		     diroff += sizeof(struct direntry)) {
			dep = (struct direntry *)((char *)bp->b_data + blkoff);
			 * If the slot is empty and we are still looking
			 * for an empty then remember this one.  If the
			 * slot is not empty then check to see if it
			 * matches what we are looking for.  If the slot
			 * has never been filled with anything, then the
			 * remainder of the directory has never been used,
			 * so there is no point in searching it.
			if (dep->deName[0] == SLOT_EMPTY ||
			    dep->deName[0] == SLOT_DELETED) {
				 * Drop memory of previous long matches
				chksum = -1;

				if (slotcount < wincnt) {
					slotoffset = diroff;
				if (dep->deName[0] == SLOT_EMPTY) {
					brelse(bp, 0);
					goto notfound;
			} else {
				 * If there wasn't enough space for our
				 * winentries, forget about the empty space
				if (slotcount < wincnt)
					slotcount = 0;

				 * Check for Win95 long filename entry
				if (dep->deAttributes == ATTR_WIN95) {
					if (pmp->pm_flags & MSDOSFSMNT_SHORTNAME)

					chksum = winChkName((const u_char *)cnp->cn_nameptr,
							    (struct winentry *)dep,

				 * Ignore volume labels (anywhere, not just
				 * the root directory).
				if (dep->deAttributes & ATTR_VOLUME) {
					chksum = -1;

				 * Check for a checksum or name match
				chksum_ok = (chksum == winChksum(dep->deName));
				if (!chksum_ok && (
					!olddos ||
					memcmp(&dosfilename[0],dep->deName,8) ||
					memcmp(&dosfilename[8],dep->deExtension,3))) {
					chksum = -1;
				printf("msdosfs_lookup(): match blkoff %d, diroff %d\n",
				    blkoff, diroff);
				 * Remember where this directory
				 * entry came from for whoever did
				 * this lookup.
				dp->de_fndoffset = diroff;
				if (chksum_ok && nameiop == RENAME) {
					 * Target had correct long name
					 * directory entries, reuse them
					 * as needed.
					dp->de_fndcnt = wincnt - 1;
				} else {
					 * Long name directory entries
					 * not present or corrupt, can only
					 * reuse dos directory entry.
					dp->de_fndcnt = 0;

				goto found;
		}	/* for (blkoff = 0; .... */
		 * Release the buffer holding the directory cluster just
		 * searched.
		brelse(bp, 0);
	}	/* for (frcn = 0; ; frcn++) */

	 * We hold no disk buffers at this point.

	 * If we get here we didn't find the entry we were looking for. But
	 * that's ok if we are creating or renaming and are at the end of
	 * the pathname and the directory hasn't been removed.
	printf("msdosfs_lookup(): op %d, refcnt %ld, slotcount %d, slotoffset %d\n",
	    nameiop, dp->de_refcnt, slotcount, slotoffset);
	if ((nameiop == CREATE || nameiop == RENAME) &&
	    (flags & ISLASTCN) && dp->de_refcnt != 0) {
		 * Access for write is interpreted as allowing
		 * creation of files in the directory.
		error = VOP_ACCESS(vdp, VWRITE, cnp->cn_cred);
		if (error)
			return (error);

		 * Fixup the slot description to point to the place where
		 * we might put the new DOS direntry (putting the Win95
		 * long name entries before that)
		if (!slotcount) {
			slotcount = 1;
			slotoffset = diroff;
		if (wincnt > slotcount) {
			slotoffset +=
				sizeof(struct direntry) * (wincnt - slotcount);

		 * Return an indication of where the new directory
		 * entry should be put.
		dp->de_fndoffset = slotoffset;
		dp->de_fndcnt = wincnt - 1;

		 * We return with the directory locked, so that
		 * the parameters we set up above will still be
		 * valid if we actually decide to do a direnter().
		 * We return ni_vp == NULL to indicate that the entry
		 * does not currently exist; we leave a pointer to
		 * the (locked) directory inode in ndp->ni_dvp.
		 * NB - if the directory is unlocked, then this
		 * information cannot be used.
		return (EJUSTRETURN);

#if 0
	 * Insert name into cache (as non-existent) if appropriate.
	 * XXX Negative caching is broken for msdosfs because the name
	 * cache doesn't understand peculiarities such as case insensitivity
	 * and 8.3 filenames.  Hence, it may not invalidate all negative
	 * entries if a file with this name is later created.
	 * e.g. creating a file 'foo' won't invalidate a negative entry 
	 * for 'FOO'.
	if (nameiop != CREATE)
		cache_enter(vdp, *vpp, cnp->cn_nameptr, cnp->cn_namelen,

	return (ENOENT);

	 * NOTE:  We still have the buffer with matched directory entry at
	 * this point.
	isadir = dep->deAttributes & ATTR_DIRECTORY;
	scn = getushort(dep->deStartCluster);
	if (FAT32(pmp)) {
		scn |= getushort(dep->deHighClust) << 16;
		if (scn == pmp->pm_rootdirblk) {
			 * There should actually be 0 here.
			 * Just ignore the error.

	if (isadir) {
		cluster = scn;
		if (cluster == MSDOSFSROOT)
			blkoff = MSDOSFSROOT_OFS;
			blkoff = 0;
	} else if (cluster == MSDOSFSROOT)
		blkoff = diroff;

	 * Now release buf to allow deget to read the entry again.
	 * Reserving it here and giving it to deget could result
	 * in a deadlock.
	brelse(bp, 0);

	 * If we entered at foundroot, then we are looking for the . or ..
	 * entry of the filesystems root directory.  isadir and scn were
	 * setup before jumping here.  And, bp is already null.
	if (FAT32(pmp) && scn == MSDOSFSROOT)
		scn = pmp->pm_rootdirblk;

	 * If deleting, and at end of pathname, return
	 * parameters which can be used to remove file.
	 * Lock the inode, being careful with ".".
	if (nameiop == DELETE && (flags & ISLASTCN)) {
		 * Don't allow deleting the root.
		if (blkoff == MSDOSFSROOT_OFS)
			return EINVAL;

		 * Write access to directory required to delete files.
		error = VOP_ACCESS(vdp, VWRITE, cnp->cn_cred);
		if (error)
			return (error);

		 * Return pointer to current entry in dp->i_offset.
		 * Save directory inode pointer in ndp->ni_dvp for dirremove().
		if (dp->de_StartCluster == scn && isadir) {	/* "." */
			*vpp = vdp;
			return (0);
		if ((error = deget(pmp, cluster, blkoff, &tdp)) != 0)
			return (error);
		*vpp = DETOV(tdp);
		return (0);

	 * If rewriting (RENAME), return the inode and the
	 * information required to rewrite the present directory
	 * Must get inode of directory entry to verify it's a
	 * regular file, or empty directory.
	if (nameiop == RENAME && (flags & ISLASTCN)) {

		if (vdp->v_mount->mnt_flag & MNT_RDONLY)
			return (EROFS);

		if (blkoff == MSDOSFSROOT_OFS)
			return EINVAL;

		error = VOP_ACCESS(vdp, VWRITE, cnp->cn_cred);
		if (error)
			return (error);

		 * Careful about locking second inode.
		 * This can only occur if the target is ".".
		if (dp->de_StartCluster == scn && isadir)
			return (EISDIR);

		if ((error = deget(pmp, cluster, blkoff, &tdp)) != 0)
			return (error);
		*vpp = DETOV(tdp);
		return (0);

	 * Step through the translation in the name.  We do not `vput' the
	 * directory because we may need it again if a symbolic link
	 * is relative to the current directory.  Instead we save it
	 * unlocked as "pdp".  We must get the target inode before unlocking
	 * the directory to insure that the inode will not be removed
	 * before we get it.  We prevent deadlock by always fetching
	 * inodes from the root, moving down the directory tree. Thus
	 * when following backward pointers ".." we must unlock the
	 * parent directory before getting the requested directory.
	 * There is a potential race condition here if both the current
	 * and parent directories are removed before the VFS_VGET for the
	 * inode associated with ".." returns.  We hope that this occurs
	 * infrequently since we cannot avoid this race condition without
	 * implementing a sophisticated deadlock detection algorithm.
	 * Note also that this simple deadlock detection scheme will not
	 * work if the file system has any hard links other than ".."
	 * that point backwards in the directory structure.
	pdp = vdp;
	if (flags & ISDOTDOT) {
		VOP_UNLOCK(pdp);	/* race to get the inode */
		error = deget(pmp, cluster, blkoff, &tdp);
		vn_lock(pdp, LK_EXCLUSIVE | LK_RETRY);
		if (error) {
			return error;
		*vpp = DETOV(tdp);
	} else if (dp->de_StartCluster == scn && isadir) {
		vref(vdp);	/* we want ourself, ie "." */
		*vpp = vdp;
	} else {
		if ((error = deget(pmp, cluster, blkoff, &tdp)) != 0)
			return (error);
		*vpp = DETOV(tdp);

	 * Insert name into cache if appropriate.
	cache_enter(vdp, *vpp, cnp->cn_nameptr, cnp->cn_namelen, cnp->cn_flags);

	if (*vpp != vdp)

	return 0;
ntfs_lookup(void *v)
	struct vop_lookup_args /* {
		struct vnode *a_dvp;
		struct vnode **a_vpp;
		struct componentname *a_cnp;
	} */ *ap = v;
	struct vnode *dvp = ap->a_dvp;
	struct ntnode *dip = VTONT(dvp);
	struct ntfsmount *ntmp = dip->i_mp;
	struct componentname *cnp = ap->a_cnp;
	kauth_cred_t cred = cnp->cn_cred;
	int error;

	dprintf(("ntfs_lookup: \"%.*s\" (%lld bytes) in %llu\n",
	    (int)cnp->cn_namelen, cnp->cn_nameptr, (long long)cnp->cn_namelen,
	    (unsigned long long)dip->i_number));

	error = VOP_ACCESS(dvp, VEXEC, cred);
		return (error);

	if ((cnp->cn_flags & ISLASTCN) &&
	    (dvp->v_mount->mnt_flag & MNT_RDONLY) &&
	    (cnp->cn_nameiop == DELETE || cnp->cn_nameiop == RENAME))
		return (EROFS);

	 * We now have a segment name to search for, and a directory
	 * to search.
	 * Before tediously performing a linear scan of the directory,
	 * check the name cache to see if the directory/name pair
	 * we are looking for is known already.
	if (cache_lookup(ap->a_dvp, cnp->cn_nameptr, cnp->cn_namelen,
			 cnp->cn_nameiop, cnp->cn_flags, NULL, ap->a_vpp)) {
		return *ap->a_vpp == NULLVP ? ENOENT : 0;

	if(cnp->cn_namelen == 1 && cnp->cn_nameptr[0] == '.') {
		dprintf(("ntfs_lookup: faking . directory in %llu\n",
		    (unsigned long long)dip->i_number));

		*ap->a_vpp = dvp;
		error = 0;
	} else if (cnp->cn_flags & ISDOTDOT) {
		struct ntvattr *vap;

		dprintf(("ntfs_lookup: faking .. directory in %llu\n",
		    (unsigned long long)dip->i_number));

		error = ntfs_ntvattrget(ntmp, dip, NTFS_A_NAME, NULL, 0, &vap);
		if (error) {
			vn_lock(dvp, LK_EXCLUSIVE | LK_RETRY);
			return (error);

		dprintf(("ntfs_lookup: parentdir: %d\n",
		error = VFS_VGET(ntmp->ntm_mountp,
		vn_lock(dvp, LK_EXCLUSIVE | LK_RETRY);
		if (error) {
			return (error);
	} else {
		error = ntfs_ntlookupfile(ntmp, dvp, cnp, ap->a_vpp);
		if (error) {
			dprintf(("ntfs_ntlookupfile: returned %d\n", error));
			return (error);

		dprintf(("ntfs_lookup: found ino: %llu\n",
		    (unsigned long long)VTONT(*ap->a_vpp)->i_number));

	cache_enter(dvp, *ap->a_vpp, cnp->cn_nameptr, cnp->cn_namelen,

	return error;
reiserfs_lookup(struct vop_cachedlookup_args *ap)
	int error, retval;
	struct vnode *vdp         = ap->a_dvp;
	struct vnode **vpp        = ap->a_vpp;
	struct componentname *cnp = ap->a_cnp;

	int flags         = cnp->cn_flags;
	struct thread *td = cnp->cn_thread;
	struct cpu_key *saved_ino;

	struct vnode *vp;
	struct vnode *pdp;  /* Saved dp during symlink work */
	struct reiserfs_node *dp;
	struct reiserfs_dir_entry de;

	char c = cnp->cn_nameptr[cnp->cn_namelen];
	cnp->cn_nameptr[cnp->cn_namelen] = '\0';
	reiserfs_log(LOG_DEBUG, "looking for `%s', %ld (%s)\n",
	    cnp->cn_nameptr, cnp->cn_namelen, cnp->cn_pnbuf);
	cnp->cn_nameptr[cnp->cn_namelen] = c;

	vp = NULL;
	dp = VTOI(vdp);

	if (REISERFS_MAX_NAME(dp->i_reiserfs->s_blocksize) < cnp->cn_namelen)
		return (ENAMETOOLONG);

	reiserfs_log(LOG_DEBUG, "searching entry\n");
	de.de_gen_number_bit_string = 0;
	retval = reiserfs_find_entry(dp, cnp->cn_nameptr, cnp->cn_namelen,
	    &path_to_entry, &de);

	if (retval == NAME_FOUND) {
		reiserfs_log(LOG_DEBUG, "found\n");
	} else {
		reiserfs_log(LOG_DEBUG, "not found\n");

	if (retval == NAME_FOUND) {
#if 0
		/* Hide the .reiserfs_priv directory */
		if (reiserfs_xattrs(dp->i_reiserfs) &&
		    !old_format_only(dp->i_reiserfs) &&
		    REISERFS_SB(dp->i_reiserfs)->priv_root &&
		    REISERFS_SB(dp->i_reiserfs)->priv_root->d_inode &&
		    de.de_objectid == le32toh(INODE_PKEY(REISERFS_SB(
		    dp->i_reiserfs)->priv_root->d_inode)->k_objectid)) {
			return (EACCES);

		reiserfs_log(LOG_DEBUG, "reading vnode\n");
		pdp = vdp;
		if (flags & ISDOTDOT) {
			saved_ino = (struct cpu_key *)&(de.de_dir_id);
			VOP_UNLOCK(pdp, 0);
			error = reiserfs_iget(vdp->v_mount,
			    saved_ino, &vp, td);
			vn_lock(pdp, LK_EXCLUSIVE | LK_RETRY);
			if (error != 0)
				return (error);
			*vpp = vp;
		} else if (de.de_objectid == dp->i_number &&
		    de.de_dir_id == dp->i_ino) {
			VREF(vdp); /* We want ourself, ie "." */
			*vpp = vdp;
		} else {
			if ((error = reiserfs_iget(vdp->v_mount,
			    (struct cpu_key *)&(de.de_dir_id), &vp, td)) != 0)
				return (error);
			*vpp = vp;

		 * Propogate the priv_object flag so we know we're in the
		 * priv tree
		/*if (is_reiserfs_priv_object(dir))
			REISERFS_I(inode)->i_flags |= i_priv_object;*/
	} else {
		if (retval == IO_ERROR) {
			reiserfs_log(LOG_DEBUG, "IO error\n");
			return (EIO);

		return (ENOENT);

	/* Insert name into cache if appropriate. */
	if (cnp->cn_flags & MAKEENTRY)
		cache_enter(vdp, *vpp, cnp);

	reiserfs_log(LOG_DEBUG, "done\n");
	return (0);
 * Convert a component of a pathname into a pointer to a locked inode.
 * This is a very central and rather complicated routine.
 * If the file system is not maintained in a strict tree hierarchy,
 * this can result in a deadlock situation (see comments in code below).
 * The flag argument is LOOKUP, CREATE, RENAME, or DELETE depending on
 * whether the name is to be looked up, created, renamed, or deleted.
 * When CREATE, RENAME, or DELETE is specified, information usable in
 * creating, renaming, or deleting a directory entry may be calculated.
 * If flag has LOCKPARENT or'ed into it and the target of the pathname
 * exists, lookup returns both the target and its parent directory locked.
 * When creating or renaming and LOCKPARENT is specified, the target may
 * not be ".".  When deleting and LOCKPARENT is specified, the target may
 * be "."., but the caller must check to ensure it does an vrele and iput
 * instead of two iputs.
 * Overall outline of ufs_lookup:
 *	check accessibility of directory
 *	look for name in cache, if found, then if at end of path
 *	  and deleting or creating, drop it, else return name
 *	search for name in directory, to found or notfound
 * notfound:
 *	if creating, return locked directory, leaving info on available slots
 *	else return error
 * found:
 *	if at end of path and deleting, return information to allow delete
 *	if at end of path and rewriting (RENAME and LOCKPARENT), lock target
 *	  inode and return info to allow rewrite
 *	if not at end, add name to cache; if at end and neither creating
 *	  nor deleting, add name to cache
 * NOTE: (LOOKUP | LOCKPARENT) currently returns the parent inode unlocked.
cd9660_lookup(struct vnop_lookup_args *ap)
	register struct vnode *vdp;	/* vnode for directory being searched */
	register struct iso_node *dp;	/* inode for directory being searched */
	register struct iso_mnt *imp;	/* file system that directory is in */
	struct buf *bp;			/* a buffer of directory entries */
	struct iso_directory_record *ep = NULL;/* the current directory entry */
	int entryoffsetinblock;		/* offset of ep in bp's buffer */
	int saveoffset = 0;		/* offset of last directory entry in dir */
	int numdirpasses;		/* strategy for directory search */
	doff_t endsearch;		/* offset to end directory search */
	struct vnode *pdp;		/* saved dp during symlink work */
	struct vnode *tdp;		/* returned by cd9660_vget_internal */
	u_long bmask;			/* block offset mask */
	int lockparent;			/* 1 => lockparent flag is set */
	int wantparent;			/* 1 => wantparent or lockparent flag */
	int wantassoc;
	int error;
	ino_t ino = 0;
	int reclen;
	u_short namelen;
	int isoflags;
	char altname[ISO_RRIP_NAMEMAX];
	int res;
	int len;
	char *name;
	struct vnode **vpp = ap->a_vpp;
	struct componentname *cnp = ap->a_cnp;
	int flags = cnp->cn_flags;
	int nameiop = cnp->cn_nameiop;
	vfs_context_t ctx = cnp->cn_context;
	size_t altlen;
	bp = NULL;
	*vpp = NULL;
	vdp = ap->a_dvp;
	dp = VTOI(vdp);
	imp = dp->i_mnt;
	lockparent = flags & LOCKPARENT;
	wantparent = flags & (LOCKPARENT|WANTPARENT);
	wantassoc = 0;

	 * We now have a segment name to search for, and a directory to search.
	 * Before tediously performing a linear scan of the directory,
	 * check the name cache to see if the directory/name pair
	 * we are looking for is known already.
	if ((error = cache_lookup(vdp, vpp, cnp))) {
		if (error == ENOENT)
			return (error);
		return (0);
	len = cnp->cn_namelen;
	name = cnp->cn_nameptr;
	altname[0] = '\0';
	 * A "._" prefix means, we are looking for an associated file
	if (imp->iso_ftype != ISO_FTYPE_RRIP &&
	    *name == ASSOCCHAR1 && *(name+1) == ASSOCCHAR2) {
		wantassoc = 1;
		len -= 2;
		name += 2;
	 * Decode search name into UCS-2 (Unicode)
	if ((imp->iso_ftype == ISO_FTYPE_JOLIET) &&
	    !((len == 1 && *name == '.') || (flags & ISDOTDOT))) {
		int flags1 = UTF_PRECOMPOSED;

		(void) utf8_decodestr(name, len, (u_int16_t*) altname, &altlen,
					sizeof(altname), 0, flags1);
		name = altname;
		len = altlen;
	 * If there is cached information on a previous search of
	 * this directory, pick up where we last left off.
	 * We cache only lookups as these are the most common
	 * and have the greatest payoff. Caching CREATE has little
	 * benefit as it usually must search the entire directory
	 * to determine that the entry does not exist. Caching the
	 * location of the last DELETE or RENAME has not reduced
	 * profiling time and hence has been removed in the interest
	 * of simplicity.
	bmask = imp->im_sector_size - 1;
	if (nameiop != LOOKUP || dp->i_diroff == 0 ||
	    dp->i_diroff > dp->i_size) {
		entryoffsetinblock = 0;
		dp->i_offset = 0;
		numdirpasses = 1;
	} else {
		dp->i_offset = dp->i_diroff;
		if ((entryoffsetinblock = dp->i_offset & bmask) &&
		    (error = cd9660_blkatoff(vdp, SECTOFF(imp, dp->i_offset), NULL, &bp)))
				return (error);
		numdirpasses = 2;
	endsearch = dp->i_size;
	while (dp->i_offset < endsearch) {
		 * If offset is on a block boundary,
		 * read the next directory block.
		 * Release previous if it exists.
		if ((dp->i_offset & bmask) == 0) {
			if (bp != NULL)
			if ( (error = cd9660_blkatoff(vdp, SECTOFF(imp,dp->i_offset), NULL, &bp)) )
				return (error);
			entryoffsetinblock = 0;
		 * Get pointer to next entry.
		ep = (struct iso_directory_record *)
			((char *)0 + buf_dataptr(bp) + entryoffsetinblock);
		reclen = isonum_711(ep->length);
		if (reclen == 0) {
			/* skip to next block, if any */
			dp->i_offset =
			    (dp->i_offset & ~bmask) + imp->im_sector_size;
			/* illegal entry, stop */
		if (entryoffsetinblock + reclen > imp->im_sector_size) {
			/* entries are not allowed to cross sector boundaries */
		namelen = isonum_711(ep->name_len);
		isoflags = isonum_711(ep->flags);
		if (reclen < ISO_DIRECTORY_RECORD_SIZE + namelen)
			/* illegal entry, stop */
		 * Check for a name match.
		if (imp->iso_ftype == ISO_FTYPE_RRIP) {
			if (isoflags & directoryBit)
				ino = isodirino(ep, imp);
				ino = ((daddr_t)buf_blkno(bp) << imp->im_bshift) + entryoffsetinblock;
			dp->i_ino = ino;
			if (namelen == cnp->cn_namelen
			    && !bcmp(name,altname,namelen))
				goto found;
			ino = 0;
		} else {
			if ((!(isoflags & associatedBit)) == !wantassoc) {
				if ((len == 1
				     && *name == '.')
				    || (flags & ISDOTDOT)) {
					if (namelen == 1
					    && ep->name[0] == ((flags & ISDOTDOT) ? 1 : 0)) {
						 * Save directory entry's inode number and
						 * release directory buffer.
						dp->i_ino = isodirino(ep, imp);
						goto found;
					if (namelen != 1
					    || ep->name[0] != 0)
						goto notfound;
				} else if (imp->iso_ftype != ISO_FTYPE_JOLIET && !(res = isofncmp(name, len, ep->name, namelen))) {
					if ( isoflags & directoryBit )
						ino = isodirino(ep, imp);
						ino = ((daddr_t)buf_blkno(bp) << imp->im_bshift) + entryoffsetinblock;
					saveoffset = dp->i_offset;
				} else if (imp->iso_ftype == ISO_FTYPE_JOLIET && !(res = ucsfncmp((u_int16_t*)name, len,
							    (u_int16_t*) ep->name, namelen))) {
					if ( isoflags & directoryBit )
						ino = isodirino(ep, imp);
						ino = ((daddr_t)buf_blkno(bp) << imp->im_bshift) + entryoffsetinblock;
					saveoffset = dp->i_offset;
				} else if (ino)
					goto foundino;
#ifdef	NOSORTBUG	/* On some CDs directory entries are not sorted correctly */
				else if (res < 0)
					goto notfound;
				else if (res > 0 && numdirpasses == 2)
		dp->i_offset += reclen;
		entryoffsetinblock += reclen;
	} /* endwhile */
	if (ino) {
		dp->i_ino = ino;
		if (saveoffset != dp->i_offset) {
			if (lblkno(imp, dp->i_offset) !=
			    lblkno(imp, saveoffset)) {
				if (bp != NULL)
				if ( (error = cd9660_blkatoff(vdp, SECTOFF(imp, saveoffset), NULL, &bp)) )
					return (error);
			entryoffsetinblock = saveoffset & bmask;
			ep = (struct iso_directory_record *)
				((char *)0 + buf_dataptr(bp) + entryoffsetinblock);
			dp->i_offset = saveoffset;
		goto found;
	 * If we started in the middle of the directory and failed
	 * to find our target, we must check the beginning as well.
	if (numdirpasses == 2) {
		dp->i_offset = 0;
		endsearch = dp->i_diroff;
		goto searchloop;
	if (bp != NULL)

	 * Insert name into cache (as non-existent) if appropriate.
	if (cnp->cn_flags & MAKEENTRY)
		cache_enter(vdp, *vpp, cnp);
	return (ENOENT);
	if (numdirpasses == 2)
	 * Found component in pathname.
	 * If the final component of path name, save information
	 * in the cache as to where the entry was found.
	if ((flags & ISLASTCN) && nameiop == LOOKUP)
		dp->i_diroff = dp->i_offset;
	 * Step through the translation in the name.  We do not `iput' the
	 * directory because we may need it again if a symbolic link
	 * is relative to the current directory.  Instead we save it
	 * unlocked as "pdp".  We must get the target inode before unlocking
	 * the directory to insure that the inode will not be removed
	 * before we get it.  We prevent deadlock by always fetching
	 * inodes from the root, moving down the directory tree. Thus
	 * when following backward pointers ".." we must unlock the
	 * parent directory before getting the requested directory.
	 * There is a potential race condition here if both the current
	 * and parent directories are removed before the `iget' for the
	 * inode associated with ".." returns.  We hope that this occurs
	 * infrequently since we cannot avoid this race condition without
	 * implementing a sophisticated deadlock detection algorithm.
	 * Note also that this simple deadlock detection scheme will not
	 * work if the file system has any hard links other than ".."
	 * that point backwards in the directory structure.
	pdp = vdp;
	 * If ino is different from dp->i_ino,
	 * it's a relocated directory.
	if (flags & ISDOTDOT) {
		error = cd9660_vget_internal(vnode_mount(vdp), dp->i_ino, &tdp, NULL, NULL,
					     dp->i_ino != ino, ep,
		VTOI(tdp)->i_parent = VTOI(pdp)->i_number;

		*vpp = tdp;
	} else if (dp->i_number == dp->i_ino) {
		vnode_get(vdp);	/* we want ourself, ie "." */
		*vpp = vdp;
	} else {
	        error = cd9660_vget_internal(vnode_mount(vdp), dp->i_ino, &tdp, vdp, cnp,
			     dp->i_ino != ino, ep, vfs_context_proc(ctx));
		/* save parent inode number */
		VTOI(tdp)->i_parent = VTOI(pdp)->i_number;
		if (error)
			return (error);
		*vpp = tdp;
	return (0);