Beispiel #1
// Name: make_action
// In: tag, the tag of the message.
//	   command, the command that was send.
//	   message, the trailing message (arguments).
//	   c, the client that sent the message.
//	   msg_is_quoted, wheater or no teh message contains quotes.
//	   clients, all connected clients.
//	   curr_topic, the current topic.
// Out: The action that the client want to do in it's connection.
// Purpose: Parses the command and does the proper action.
int make_action(char* tag, char* command, char* message, 
				clientconn_t *c, char msg_is_quoted, 
				hash *clients, char *curr_topic) {
	if(strlen(tag)==0) {
		return 0;
	if(strcmp(tag, "\r\n")==0) {
		client_write(c, "BAD No tag.\r\n", 13);
		return 0;
	if(strlen(command)==0) {
		client_write(c, tag, strlen(tag));
		client_write(c, " BAD No command.\r\n", 18);
		return 0;
	if(msg_is_quoted && !msg_is_correctly_quoted(message, msg_is_quoted) &&
		strcmp(command, "PRIVATE")) {
		return badly_formed(c, tag);
	if(strcmp(command, "CAPABILITY")==0) {
		return capability(c, tag);
	if(strcmp(command, "JOIN")==0) {
		return join(c, tag, clients);
	if(strcmp(command, "NICK")==0) {
		return nick(c, tag, message, msg_is_quoted, clients);
	if(strcmp(command,"QUIT")==0) {
		return quit(c, tag, clients);
	if(!c->joined) {
		return not_joined(c, tag);
	if(strcmp(command, "LEAVE")==0) {
		return leave(c, tag, clients);
	if(strcmp(command, "TALK")==0) {
		return talk(c, tag, message, clients);
	if(strcmp(command, "NAMES")==0) {
		return names(c, tag, clients);
	if(strcmp(command, "TOPIC")==0) {
		return topic(c, tag, message, clients, curr_topic);
	if(strcmp(command, "PRIVATE")==0) {
		return private(c, tag, message, clients);
	if(strcmp(command, "WHOIS")==0) {
		return whois(c, tag, message, clients);
	client_write(c, tag, strlen(tag));
	client_write(c, " BAD Unkown command.\r\n", 22);
	return 0;

Beispiel #2
// Evaluate/Update ResultMacro
ResultMacroEval Macro_evalResultMacro( ResultPendingElem resultElem )
	// Lookup ResultMacro
	const ResultMacro *macro = &ResultMacroList[ resultElem.index ];
	ResultMacroRecord *record = &ResultMacroRecordList[ resultElem.index ];

	// Current Macro position
	var_uint_t pos = record->pos;

	// Length of combo being processed
	uint8_t comboLength = macro->guide[ pos ];

	// Function Counter, used to keep track of the combo items processed
	var_uint_t funcCount = 0;

	// Combo Item Position within the guide
	var_uint_t comboItem = pos + 1;

	// Iterate through the Result Combo
	while ( funcCount < comboLength )
		// Assign TriggerGuide element (key type, state and scancode)
		ResultGuide *guide = (ResultGuide*)(&macro->guide[ comboItem ]);

		// Do lookup on capability function
		void (*capability)(TriggerMacro*, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*) = \
			(void(*)(TriggerMacro*, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*))(CapabilitiesList[ guide->index ].func);

		// Call capability
		capability( resultElem.trigger, record->state, record->stateType, &guide->args );

		// Increment counters
		comboItem += ResultGuideSize( (ResultGuide*)(&macro->guide[ comboItem ]) );

	// Move to next item in the sequence
	record->pos = comboItem;

	// If the ResultMacro is finished, remove
	if ( macro->guide[ comboItem ] == 0 )
		record->pos = 0;
		return ResultMacroEval_Remove;

	// Otherwise leave the macro in the list
	return ResultMacroEval_DoNothing;
Beispiel #3
void check_cpu(cpu_t *mcpu) /* This is the function to call to set the globals */
	const char 	*unknown_vendor = "NoVendorName";
	const char	*cyrix = "CyrixInstead";
	long vendor_temp[3];
	cpu_inf t;
	String::memset(mcpu->cpu_vendor, 0, 16);
	if (_is_cpuid_supported())
		mcpu->cpu_cpuid = TRUE;
		t.reg_eax = t.reg_ebx = t.reg_ecx = t.reg_edx = 0;
		mcpu->cpuid_levels = t.reg_eax;
		vendor_temp[0] = t.reg_ebx;
		vendor_temp[1] = t.reg_edx;
		vendor_temp[2] = t.reg_ecx;
		String::memcpy(mcpu->cpu_vendor, vendor_temp, 12);
		if (mcpu->cpuid_levels > 0)
			t.reg_eax = t.reg_ebx = t.reg_ecx = t.reg_edx = 0;
			_get_cpuid_info (1,&t);
			mcpu->cpu_family = ((t.reg_eax>>8) & 0xf);
			mcpu->cpu_model = ((t.reg_eax>>4) & 0xf);
			mcpu->cpu_stepping=(t.reg_eax & 0xf);
			mcpu->cpu_ext_family=((t.reg_eax>>20) & 0xff);
			mcpu->cpu_ext_model=((t.reg_eax>>16) & 0xf);
				case 0:
					String::strcpy(mcpu->dType, "Original");
				case 1:
					String::strcpy(mcpu->dType, "OverDrive");
				case 2:
					String::strcpy(mcpu->dType, "Dual");
			mcpu->cpu_fpu = (t.reg_edx & 1 ? TRUE : FALSE);
			mcpu->cpu_mmx = (t.reg_edx & 0x800000 ? TRUE: FALSE);
Beispiel #4
void cliFunc_capList( char* args )
	print( NL );
	info_msg("Capabilities List ");
	printHex( CapabilitiesNum );

	// Iterate through all of the capabilities and display them
	for ( var_uint_t cap = 0; cap < CapabilitiesNum; cap++ )
		print( NL "\t" );
		printHex( cap );
		print(" - ");

		// Display/Lookup Capability Name (utilize debug mode of capability)
		void (*capability)(TriggerMacro*, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*) = \
			(void(*)(TriggerMacro*, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*))(CapabilitiesList[ cap ].func);
		capability( 0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0 );
TEST(ReachabilitySphere, convertToCapability)
    Capability capability(CONE, 70.0, 55.0, 25.0);
    ReachabilitySphere sphere = createReachabilitySphereFromCapability(capability, 500);

    Capability testCapability = sphere.convertToCapability();

    ASSERT_TRUE(testCapability.getType() == CONE);
    ASSERT_TRUE(std::abs(testCapability.getPhi() - capability.getPhi()) < 2.0);
    ASSERT_TRUE(std::abs(testCapability.getTheta() - capability.getTheta()) < 2.0);
    ASSERT_TRUE(std::abs(testCapability.getHalfOpeningAngle() - capability.getHalfOpeningAngle()) < 2.0);
    ASSERT_EQ(0.0, testCapability.getShapeFitError());

    capability = Capability(CYLINDER_1, 70.0, 55.0, 25.0);
    sphere = createReachabilitySphereFromCapability(capability, 10000);

    testCapability = sphere.convertToCapability();

    ASSERT_TRUE(testCapability.getType() == CYLINDER_1);
    ASSERT_TRUE(std::abs(testCapability.getPhi() - capability.getPhi()) < 2.0);
    ASSERT_TRUE(std::abs(testCapability.getTheta() - capability.getTheta()) < 2.0);
    ASSERT_TRUE(std::abs(testCapability.getHalfOpeningAngle() - capability.getHalfOpeningAngle()) < 2.0);
    // ASSERT_EQ(0.0, testCapability.getShapeFitError());
    // TODO: improve PCA to get correct axis (for now SFE could be 0.0 but is higher)

    capability = Capability(CYLINDER_2, 70.0, 55.0, 25.0);
    sphere = createReachabilitySphereFromCapability(capability, 10000);

    testCapability = sphere.convertToCapability();

    ASSERT_TRUE(testCapability.getType() == CYLINDER_2);
    ASSERT_TRUE(std::abs(testCapability.getPhi() - capability.getPhi()) < 2.0);
    ASSERT_TRUE(std::abs(testCapability.getTheta() - capability.getTheta()) < 2.0);
    ASSERT_TRUE(std::abs(testCapability.getHalfOpeningAngle() - capability.getHalfOpeningAngle()) < 2.0);
    // ASSERT_EQ(0.0, testCapability.getShapeFitError());
uint8_t Connect_receive_RemoteCapability( uint8_t byte, uint16_t *pending_bytes, uint8_t uart_num )
	// Check which byte in the packet we are at
	switch ( (*pending_bytes)-- )
	// Byte count always starts at 0xFFFF
	case 0xFFFF: // Device Id = byte;

	case 0xFFFE: // Capability Index
		Connect_receive_RemoteCapabilityBuffer.capabilityIndex = byte;

	case 0xFFFD: // State
		Connect_receive_RemoteCapabilityBuffer.state = byte;

	case 0xFFFC: // StateType
		Connect_receive_RemoteCapabilityBuffer.stateType = byte;

	case 0xFFFB: // Number of args
		Connect_receive_RemoteCapabilityBuffer.numArgs = byte;
		*pending_bytes = byte;

	default:     // Args (# defined by previous byte)
			Connect_receive_RemoteCapabilityBuffer.numArgs - *pending_bytes + 1
		] = byte;

		// If entire packet has been fully received
		if ( *pending_bytes == 0 )
			// Determine if this is the node to run the capability on
			// Conditions: Matches or broadcast (0xFF)
			if ( == 0xFF
				|| == Connect_id )
				extern const Capability CapabilitiesList[]; // See generatedKeymap.h
				void (*capability)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*) = (void(*)(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*))(
					CapabilitiesList[ Connect_receive_RemoteCapabilityBuffer.capabilityIndex ].func

			// If this is not the correct node, keep sending it in the same direction (doesn't matter if more nodes exist)
			// or if this is a broadcast
			if ( == 0xFF
				|| != Connect_id )
				// Prepare outgoing packet
				Connect_receive_RemoteCapabilityBuffer.command = RemoteCapability;

				// Send to the other UART (not the one receiving the packet from
				uint8_t uart_direction = uart_num == UART_Master ? UART_Slave : UART_Master;

				// Lock Tx UART
				switch ( uart_direction )
				case UART_Master: uart_lockTx( UART_Master ); break;
				case UART_Slave:  uart_lockTx( UART_Slave );  break;

				// Send header
				uint8_t header[] = { 0x16, 0x01 };
				Connect_addBytes( header, sizeof( header ), uart_direction );

				// Send Remote Capability and arguments
				Connect_addBytes( (uint8_t*)&Connect_receive_RemoteCapabilityBuffer, sizeof( RemoteCapabilityCommand ), uart_direction );
				Connect_addBytes( Connect_receive_RemoteCapabilityArgs, Connect_receive_RemoteCapabilityBuffer.numArgs, uart_direction );

				// Unlock Tx UART
				switch ( uart_direction )
				case UART_Master: uart_unlockTx( UART_Master ); break;
				case UART_Slave:  uart_unlockTx( UART_Slave );  break;

	// Check whether the scan codes have finished sending
	return *pending_bytes == 0 ? 1 : 0;
Beispiel #7
void macroDebugShowResult( var_uint_t index )
	// Only proceed if the macro exists
	if ( index >= ResultMacroNum )

	// Trigger Macro Show
	const ResultMacro *macro = &ResultMacroList[ index ];

	print( NL );
	info_msg("Result Macro Index: ");
	printInt16( (uint16_t)index ); // Hopefully large enough :P (can't assume 32-bit)
	print( NL );

	// Read the comboLength for combo in the sequence (sequence of combos)
	var_uint_t pos = 0;
	uint8_t comboLength = macro->guide[ pos++ ];

	// Iterate through and interpret the guide
	while ( comboLength != 0 )
		// Function Counter, used to keep track of the combos processed
		var_uint_t funcCount = 0;

		// Iterate through the combo
		while ( funcCount < comboLength )
			// Assign TriggerGuide element (key type, state and scancode)
			ResultGuide *guide = (ResultGuide*)(&macro->guide[ pos ]);

			// Display Function Index
			printHex( guide->index );

			// Display Function Ptr Address
			printHex( (nat_ptr_t)CapabilitiesList[ guide->index ].func );

			// Display/Lookup Capability Name (utilize debug mode of capability)
			void (*capability)(TriggerMacro*, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*) = \
				(void(*)(TriggerMacro*, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*))(CapabilitiesList[ guide->index ].func);
			capability( 0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0 );

			// Display Argument(s)
			for ( var_uint_t arg = 0; arg < CapabilitiesList[ guide->index ].argCount; arg++ )
				// Arguments are only 8 bit values
				printHex( (&guide->args)[ arg ] );

				// Only show arg separator if there are args left
				if ( arg + 1 < CapabilitiesList[ guide->index ].argCount )

			// Increment position
			pos += ResultGuideSize( guide );

			// Increment function count

			// Only show combo separator if there are combos left in the sequence element
			if ( funcCount < comboLength )

		// Read the next comboLength
		comboLength = macro->guide[ pos++ ];

		// Only show sequence separator if there is another combo to process
		if ( comboLength != 0 )

	/* XXX (HaaTa) Fix for ring-buffer record list
	ResultMacroRecord *record = &ResultMacroRecordList[ index ];

	// Display current position
	print( NL "Position: " );
	printInt16( (uint16_t)record->pos ); // Hopefully large enough :P (can't assume 32-bit)
	print(" ");
	printInt16( (uint16_t)record->prevPos );

	// Display final trigger state/type
	print( NL "Final Trigger State (State/Type): " );
	printHex( record->state );
	printHex( record->stateType );
Beispiel #8
void cliFunc_capSelect( char* args )
	// Parse code from argument
	char* curArgs;
	char* arg1Ptr;
	char* arg2Ptr = args;

	// Total number of args to scan (must do a lookup if a keyboard capability is selected)
	var_uint_t totalArgs = 2; // Always at least two args
	var_uint_t cap = 0;

	// Arguments used for keyboard capability function
	var_uint_t argSetCount = 0;
	uint8_t *argSet = (uint8_t*)args;

	// Process all args
	for ( var_uint_t c = 0; argSetCount < totalArgs; c++ )
		curArgs = arg2Ptr;
		CLI_argumentIsolation( curArgs, &arg1Ptr, &arg2Ptr );

		// Stop processing args if no more are found
		// Extra arguments are ignored
		if ( *arg1Ptr == '\0' )

		// For the first argument, choose the capability
		if ( c == 0 ) switch ( arg1Ptr[0] )
		// Keyboard Capability
		case 'K':
			// Determine capability index
			cap = numToInt( &arg1Ptr[1] );

			// Lookup the number of args
			totalArgs += CapabilitiesList[ cap ].argCount;

		// Because allocating memory isn't doable, and the argument count is arbitrary
		// The argument pointer is repurposed as the argument list (much smaller anyways)
		argSet[ argSetCount++ ] = (uint8_t)numToInt( arg1Ptr );

		// Once all the arguments are prepared, call the keyboard capability function
		if ( argSetCount == totalArgs )
			// Indicate that the capability was called
			print( NL );
			printInt8( cap );
			print(" - ");
			printHex( argSet[0] );
			print(" - ");
			printHex( argSet[1] );
			print(" - ");
			printHex( argSet[2] );
			print( "..." NL );

			// Make sure this isn't the reload capability
			// If it is, and the remote reflash define is not set, ignore
			if ( flashModeEnabled_define == 0 ) for ( uint32_t cap = 0; cap < CapabilitiesNum; cap++ )
				if ( CapabilitiesList[ cap ].func == (const void*)Output_flashMode_capability )
					print( NL );
					warn_print("flashModeEnabled not set, cancelling firmware reload...");
					info_msg("Set flashModeEnabled to 1 in your kll configuration.");

			void (*capability)(TriggerMacro*, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*) = \
				(void(*)(TriggerMacro*, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t*))(CapabilitiesList[ cap ].func);
			capability( 0, argSet[0], argSet[1], &argSet[2] );
Beispiel #9
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -Wthread-safety -verify %s

struct __attribute__((capability("thread role"))) ThreadRole {};
struct __attribute__((shared_capability("mutex"))) Mutex {};
struct NotACapability {};

int Test1 __attribute__((capability("test1")));  // expected-error {{'capability' attribute only applies to structs}}
int Test2 __attribute__((shared_capability("test2"))); // expected-error {{'shared_capability' attribute only applies to structs}}
int Test3 __attribute__((acquire_capability("test3")));  // expected-error {{'acquire_capability' attribute only applies to functions}}
int Test4 __attribute__((try_acquire_capability("test4"))); // expected-error {{'try_acquire_capability' attribute only applies to functions}}
int Test5 __attribute__((release_capability("test5"))); // expected-error {{'release_capability' attribute only applies to functions}}

struct __attribute__((capability(12))) Test3 {}; // expected-error {{'capability' attribute requires a string}}
struct __attribute__((shared_capability(Test2))) Test4 {}; // expected-error {{'shared_capability' attribute requires a string}}

struct __attribute__((capability)) Test5 {}; // expected-error {{'capability' attribute takes one argument}}
struct __attribute__((shared_capability("test1", 12))) Test6 {}; // expected-error {{'shared_capability' attribute takes one argument}}

struct NotACapability BadCapability;
struct ThreadRole GUI, Worker;
void Func1(void) __attribute__((requires_capability(GUI))) {}
void Func2(void) __attribute__((requires_shared_capability(Worker))) {}

void Func3(void) __attribute__((requires_capability)) {}  // expected-error {{'requires_capability' attribute takes at least 1 argument}}
void Func4(void) __attribute__((requires_shared_capability)) {}  // expected-error {{'requires_shared_capability' attribute takes at least 1 argument}}

void Func5(void) __attribute__((requires_capability(1))) {}  // expected-warning {{'requires_capability' attribute requires arguments that are class type or point to class type}}
void Func6(void) __attribute__((requires_shared_capability(BadCapability))) {}  // expected-warning {{'requires_shared_capability' attribute requires arguments whose type is annotated with 'capability' attribute; type here is 'struct NotACapability'}}

void Func7(void) __attribute__((assert_capability(GUI))) {}
void Func8(void) __attribute__((assert_shared_capability(GUI))) {}
Beispiel #10
void get_capabilities()
	char buffer[2500] = "";
	char *buf=buffer;

	termtype = getenv("TERM");

	maxcolors = tgetnum("Co");
	maxpairs = tgetnum("pa");

	capability(&buf, "AF", &c_setfore);
	capability(&buf, "AB", &c_setback);
	capability(&buf, "op", &c_resetcolor);
	capability(&buf, "md", &c_bold);
	capability(&buf, "mh", &c_dim);
	capability(&buf, "mr", &c_reverse);
	capability(&buf, "mb", &c_blinking);
	capability(&buf, "so", &c_standstr);
	capability(&buf, "se", &c_exit_stand);
	capability(&buf, "me", &c_exit_attr);
	capability(&buf, "Ic", &c_inicolor_str);
	capability(&buf, "Yw", &c_clrnames);
	capability(&buf, "op", &c_opair);