Beispiel #1
 * Places a random trap at the given location.
 * The location must be a legal, naked, floor grid.
 * Note that all traps start out as "invisible" and "untyped", and then
 * when they are "discovered" (by detecting them or setting them off),
 * the trap is "instantiated" as a visible, "typed", trap.
extern void place_trap(int y, int x)
    int d, grass = 0, floor = 0;

    feature_type *f_ptr = &f_info[cave_feat[y][x]];

    /* Paranoia */
    if (!in_bounds(y, x))

    /* Hack - handle trees */
    if ((tf_has(f_ptr->flags, TF_TREE)) && (cave_o_idx[y][x] == 0)
            && (cave_m_idx[y][x] >= 0)) {
        if (cave_feat[y][x] == FEAT_TREE)
            cave_set_feat(y, x, FEAT_TREE_INVIS);
        else if (cave_feat[y][x] == FEAT_TREE2)
            cave_set_feat(y, x, FEAT_TREE2_INVIS);

    /* Require empty, clean, floor grid */
    if (!cave_naked_bold(y, x))

    /* Adjacent grids vote for grass or floor */
    for (d = 0; d < 8; d++) {
        if (cave_feat[y + ddy_ddd[d]][x + ddx_ddd[d]] == FEAT_FLOOR)
        else if (cave_feat[y + ddy_ddd[d]][x + ddx_ddd[d]] == FEAT_GRASS)

    /* Place an invisible trap */
    if (grass > floor)
        cave_set_feat(y, x, FEAT_GRASS_INVIS);
        cave_set_feat(y, x, FEAT_INVIS);

Beispiel #2
 * Bring up player actions 
void show_player(void)
    int i, j, fy, fx;
    int adj_grid[9];
    bool exist_rock = FALSE;
    bool exist_door = FALSE;
    bool exist_open_door = FALSE;
    bool exist_trap = FALSE;
    bool exist_mtrap = FALSE;
    bool exist_floor = FALSE;
    bool exist_monster = FALSE;

    feature_type *f_ptr;

    /* No commands yet */
    poss = 0;

    /* Get surroundings */

    /* Analyze surroundings */
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) 
	int yy = p_ptr->py + ddy_ddd[i];
	int xx = p_ptr->px + ddx_ddd[i];
	f_ptr = &f_info[adj_grid[i]];

	if (cave_visible_trap(yy, xx))
	    exist_trap = TRUE;
	if (tf_has(f_ptr->flags, TF_DOOR_CLOSED))
	    exist_door = TRUE;
	if (tf_has(f_ptr->flags, TF_ROCK))
	    exist_rock = TRUE;
	if (cave_monster_trap(yy, xx))
	    exist_mtrap = TRUE;
	if (adj_grid[i] == FEAT_OPEN)
	    exist_open_door = TRUE;
	if (cave_naked_bold(yy, xx))
	    exist_floor = TRUE;
	if (cave_m_idx[yy][xx] > 0)
	    exist_monster = TRUE;

    /* In a web? */
    if (cave_web(p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px))
	exist_trap = TRUE;

    /* Alter a grid */
    if (exist_trap || exist_door || exist_rock || exist_mtrap
	|| exist_open_door || count_chests(&fy, &fx, TRUE)
	|| count_chests(&fy, &fx, FALSE) || (player_has(PF_TRAP)
					     && exist_floor)
	|| (player_has(PF_STEAL) && exist_monster && (!SCHANGE))) {
	comm[poss] = '+';
	comm_code[poss] = CMD_ALTER;
	comm_descr[poss++] = "Alter";

    /* Dig a tunnel */
    if (exist_door || exist_rock) {
	comm[poss] = 'T';
	comm_code[poss] = CMD_TUNNEL;
	comm_descr[poss++] = "Tunnel";

    /* Begin Running -- Arg is Max Distance */
	comm[poss] = '.';
	comm_code[poss] = CMD_RUN;
	comm_descr[poss++] = "Run";

    /* Hold still for a turn.  Pickup objects if auto-pickup is true. */
	comm[poss] = ',';
	comm_code[poss] = CMD_HOLD;
	comm_descr[poss++] = "Stand still";

    /* Pick up objects. */
    if (cave_o_idx[p_ptr->py][p_ptr->px]) {
	comm[poss] = 'g';
	comm_code[poss] = CMD_PICKUP;
	comm_descr[poss++] = "Pick up";

    /* Rest -- Arg is time */
	comm[poss] = 'R';
	comm_code[poss] = CMD_REST;
	comm_descr[poss++] = "Rest";

    /* Search for traps/doors */
	comm[poss] = 's';
	comm_code[poss] = CMD_SEARCH;
	comm_descr[poss++] = "Search";

    /* Look around */
	comm[poss] = 'l';
	comm_code[poss] = CMD_NULL;
	comm_descr[poss++] = "Look";

    /* Scroll the map */
	comm[poss] = 'L';
	comm_code[poss] = CMD_NULL;
	comm_descr[poss++] = "Scroll map";

    /* Show the map */
	comm[poss] = 'M';
	comm_code[poss] = CMD_NULL;
	comm_descr[poss++] = "Level map";

    /* Knowledge */
	comm[poss] = '~';
	comm_code[poss] = CMD_NULL;
	comm_descr[poss++] = "Knowledge";

    /* Options */
	comm[poss] = '=';
	comm_code[poss] = CMD_NULL;
	comm_descr[poss++] = "Options";

    /* Toggle search mode */
	comm[poss] = 'S';
	comm_code[poss] = CMD_TOGGLE_SEARCH;
	comm_descr[poss++] = "Toggle searching";

    /* Go up staircase */
    if ((adj_grid[8] == FEAT_LESS)
	|| ((adj_grid[8] >= FEAT_LESS_NORTH) && (!(adj_grid[8] % 2)))) {
	comm[poss] = '<';
	comm_code[poss] = CMD_GO_UP;
	comm_descr[poss++] = "Take stair/path";

    /* Go down staircase */
    if ((adj_grid[8] == FEAT_MORE)
	|| ((adj_grid[8] >= FEAT_LESS_NORTH) && (adj_grid[8] % 2))) {
	comm[poss] = '>';
	comm_code[poss] = CMD_GO_DOWN;
	comm_descr[poss++] = "Take stair/path";

    /* Open a door or chest */
    if (exist_door || count_chests(&fy, &fx, TRUE)
	|| count_chests(&fy, &fx, FALSE)) {
	comm[poss] = 'o';
	comm_code[poss] = CMD_OPEN;
	comm_descr[poss++] = "Open";

    /* Close a door */
    if (exist_open_door) {
	comm[poss] = 'c';
	comm_code[poss] = CMD_CLOSE;
	comm_descr[poss++] = "Close";

    /* Jam a door with spikes */
    if (exist_door) {
	comm[poss] = 'j';
	comm_code[poss] = CMD_JAM;
	comm_descr[poss++] = "Jam";

    /* Bash a door */
    if (exist_door) {
	comm[poss] = 'B';
	comm_code[poss] = CMD_BASH;
	comm_descr[poss++] = "Bash";

    /* Disarm a trap or chest */
    if (count_chests(&fy, &fx, TRUE) || exist_trap || exist_mtrap) {
	comm[poss] = 'D';
	comm_code[poss] = CMD_DISARM;
	comm_descr[poss++] = "Disarm";

    /* Shapechange */
    if ((SCHANGE) || (player_has(PF_BEARSKIN))) {
	comm[poss] = ']';
	comm_code[poss] = CMD_NULL;
	comm_descr[poss++] = "Shapechange";

    /* Save screen */

    /* Prompt */
    put_str("Choose a command, or ESC:", 0, 0);

    /* Hack - delete exact graphics rows */
    if (tile_height > 1) {
	j = poss + 1;
	while ((j % tile_height) && (j <= SCREEN_ROWS))
	    prt("", ++j, 0);

    /* Get a choice */
    (void) show_cmd_menu(FALSE);

    /* Load screen */
Beispiel #3
extern void get_chamber_monsters(int y1, int x1, int y2, int x2)
    bool dummy;
    int i, y, x;
    s16b monsters_left, depth;
    char symbol;

    /* Description of monsters in room */
    char *name;

    /* Get a legal depth. */
    depth = p_ptr->danger + randint0(11) - 5;
    if (depth > 60)
	depth = 60;
    if (depth < 5)
	depth = 5;

    /* Choose a monster type, using that depth. */
    symbol = mon_symbol_at_depth[depth / 5 - 1][randint0(13)];

    /* Allow (slightly) tougher monsters. */
    depth = p_ptr->danger + (p_ptr->danger < 60 ? p_ptr->danger / 12 : 5);

    /* Set monster generation restrictions.  Describe the monsters. */
    name = mon_restrict(symbol, (byte) depth, &dummy, TRUE);

    /* A default description probably means trouble, so stop. */
    if (streq(name, "misc") || !name[0])

    /* Build the monster probability table. */
    if (!get_mon_num(depth))

    /* No normal monsters. */
    generate_mark(y1, x1, y2, x2, CAVE_TEMP);

    /* Usually, we want 35 monsters. */
    monsters_left = 35;

    /* Fewer monsters near the surface. */
    if (p_ptr->danger < 45)
	monsters_left = 5 + 2 * p_ptr->danger / 3;

    /* More monsters of kinds that tend to be weak. */
    if (strstr("abciBCFKRS", d_char_req))
	monsters_left += 15;

    /* Place the monsters. */
    for (i = 0; i < 300; i++) {
	/* Check for early completion. */
	if (!monsters_left)

	/* Pick a random in-room square. */
	y = y1 + randint0(1 + ABS(y2 - y1));
	x = x1 + randint0(1 + ABS(x2 - x1));

	/* Require a floor square with no monster in it already. */
	if (!cave_naked_bold(y, x))

	/* Place a single monster.  Sleeping 2/3rds of the time. */
	place_monster_aux(y, x, get_mon_num_quick(depth), (randint0(3) != 0),

	/* One less monster to place. */

    /* Remove our restrictions. */
    (void) mon_restrict('\0', (byte) depth, &dummy, FALSE);

    /* Describe */
    if (OPT(cheat_room)) {
	/* Room type */
	msg("Room of chambers (%s)", name);
Beispiel #4
 * Returns co-ordinates for the player.  Player prefers to be near 
 * walls, because large open spaces are dangerous.
void new_player_spot(void)
    int i = 0;
    int y, x;
    feature_type *f_ptr;

     * Check stored stair locations, then search at random.
    while (TRUE) {

	/* Scan stored locations first. */
	if (i < dun->stair_n) {
	    /* Get location */
	    y = dun->stair[i].y;
	    x = dun->stair[i].x;

	    /* Require exactly three adjacent walls */
	    if (next_to_walls(y, x) != 3)

	    /* If character starts on stairs, ... */
	    if (!OPT(adult_no_stairs) || !p_ptr->depth) {
		/* Accept stairs going the right way or floors. */
		if (p_ptr->create_stair) {
		    /* Accept correct stairs */
		    if (cave_feat[y][x] == p_ptr->create_stair)

		    /* Accept floors, build correct stairs. */
		    f_ptr = &f_info[cave_feat[y][x]];
		    if (cave_naked_bold(y, x) && tf_has(f_ptr->flags, TF_FLOOR)) 
			cave_set_feat(y, x, p_ptr->create_stair);

	    /* If character doesn't start on stairs, ... */
	    else {
		/* Accept only "naked" floor grids */
		f_ptr = &f_info[cave_feat[y][x]];
		if (cave_naked_bold(y, x) && tf_has(f_ptr->flags, TF_FLOOR))		    
	/* Then, search at random */
	else {
	    /* Pick a random grid */
	    y = randint0(DUNGEON_HGT);
	    x = randint0(DUNGEON_WID);

	    /* Refuse to start on anti-teleport (vault) grids */
	    if (cave_has(cave_info[y][x], CAVE_ICKY))

	    /* Must be a "naked" floor grid */
	    f_ptr = &f_info[cave_feat[y][x]];
	    if (!(cave_naked_bold(y, x) && tf_has(f_ptr->flags, TF_FLOOR)))

	    /* Player prefers to be near walls. */
	    if (i < 300 && (next_to_walls(y, x) < 2))
	    else if (i < 600 && (next_to_walls(y, x) < 1))

	    /* Success */

    /* Place the player */
    player_place(y, x);
Beispiel #5
 * Allocates some objects (using "place" and "type")
void alloc_object(int set, int typ, int num)
    int y, x, k;
    feature_type *f_ptr;

    /* Place some objects */
    for (k = 0; k < num; k++) {
	/* Pick a "legal" spot */
	while (TRUE) {
	    bool room;

	    /* Location */
	    y = randint0(DUNGEON_HGT);
	    x = randint0(DUNGEON_WID);
	    f_ptr = &f_info[cave_feat[y][x]];

	    /* Paranoia - keep objects out of the outer walls */
	    if (!in_bounds_fully(y, x))

	    /* Require "naked" floor grid */
	    f_ptr = &f_info[cave_feat[y][x]];
	    if (!(cave_naked_bold(y, x) && tf_has(f_ptr->flags, TF_FLOOR)))

	    /* Check for "room" */
	    room = cave_has(cave_info[y][x], CAVE_ROOM) ? TRUE : FALSE;

	    /* Require corridor? */
	    if ((set == ALLOC_SET_CORR) && room)

	    /* Require room? */
	    if ((set == ALLOC_SET_ROOM) && !room)

	    /* Accept it */

	/* Place something */
	switch (typ) {
		place_rubble(y, x);

		place_trap(y, x, -1, p_ptr->depth);

		place_gold(y, x);

		place_object(y, x, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
Beispiel #6
 * Places some staircases near walls
void alloc_stairs(int feat, int num, int walls)
    int y, x, i, j;
    feature_type *f_ptr;
    bool no_down_shaft = (!stage_map[stage_map[p_ptr->stage][DOWN]][DOWN]
			  || is_quest(stage_map[p_ptr->stage][DOWN])
			  || is_quest(p_ptr->stage));
    bool no_up_shaft = (!stage_map[stage_map[p_ptr->stage][UP]][UP]);
    bool morgy = is_quest(p_ptr->stage)
	&& stage_map[p_ptr->stage][DEPTH] == 100;

    /* Place "num" stairs */
    for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
	/* Try hard to place the stair */
	for (j = 0; j < 3000; j++) {
	    /* Cut some slack if necessary. */
	    if ((j > dun->stair_n) && (walls > 2))
		walls = 2;
	    if ((j > 1000) && (walls > 1))
		walls = 1;
	    if (j > 2000)
		walls = 0;

	    /* Use the stored stair locations first. */
	    if (j < dun->stair_n) {
		y = dun->stair[j].y;
		x = dun->stair[j].x;

	    /* Then, search at random. */
	    else {
		/* Pick a random grid */
		y = randint0(DUNGEON_HGT);
		x = randint0(DUNGEON_WID);

	    /* Require "naked" floor grid */
	    f_ptr = &f_info[cave_feat[y][x]];
	    if (!(cave_naked_bold(y, x) && tf_has(f_ptr->flags, TF_FLOOR)))

	    /* Require a certain number of adjacent walls */
	    if (next_to_walls(y, x) < walls)

	    /* If we've asked for a shaft and they're forbidden, fail */
	    if (no_down_shaft && (feat == FEAT_MORE_SHAFT))
	    if (no_up_shaft && (feat == FEAT_LESS_SHAFT))

	    /* Town or no way up -- must go down */
	    if ((!p_ptr->depth) || (!stage_map[p_ptr->stage][UP])) {
		/* Clear previous contents, add down stairs */
		if (feat != FEAT_MORE_SHAFT)
		    cave_set_feat(y, x, FEAT_MORE);

	    /* Bottom of dungeon, Morgoth or underworld -- must go up */
	    else if ((!stage_map[p_ptr->stage][DOWN]) || underworld || morgy) {
		/* Clear previous contents, add up stairs */
		if (feat != FEAT_LESS_SHAFT)
		    cave_set_feat(y, x, FEAT_LESS);

	    /* Requested type */
	    else {
		/* Clear previous contents, add stairs */
		cave_set_feat(y, x, feat);

	    /* Finished with this staircase. */
Beispiel #7
 * Manipulate an adjacent grid in some way
 * Attack monsters, tunnel through walls, disarm traps, open doors,
 * or, for rogues, set traps and steal money.
 * This command must always take energy, to prevent free detection
 * of invisible monsters.
 * The "semantics" of this command must be chosen before the player
 * is confused, and it must be verified against the new grid.
void do_cmd_alter(void)
	int py = p_ptr->py;
	int px = p_ptr->px;

	int y, x, dir;

	int feat;

	bool did_nothing = TRUE;
	bool more = FALSE;

	monster_type *m_ptr;

	/* Get a direction */
	if (!get_rep_dir(&dir)) return;

	/* Get location */
	y = py + ddy[dir];
	x = px + ddx[dir];

	/* Original feature */
	feat = cave_feat[y][x];

	/* Must have knowledge to know feature XXX XXX */
	if (!(cave_info[y][x] & (CAVE_MARK))) feat = FEAT_NONE;

	/* Take a turn */
	p_ptr->energy_use = 100;

	/* Apply confusion */
	if (confuse_dir(&dir))
		/* Get location */
		y = py + ddy[dir];
		x = px + ddx[dir];

	/* Allow repeated command */
	if (p_ptr->command_arg)
		/* Set repeat count */
		p_ptr->command_rep = p_ptr->command_arg - 1;

		/* Redraw the state */
		p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_STATE);

		/* Cancel the arg */
		p_ptr->command_arg = 0;

	/* If a monster is present, and visible, Rogues may steal from it.
	 * Otherwise, the player will simply attack. -LM-
	if (cave_m_idx[y][x] > 0)
		if ((check_ability(SP_STEAL)) && (!SCHANGE))
			m_ptr = &m_list[cave_m_idx[y][x]];
			if (m_ptr->ml) py_steal(y, x);
			else py_attack(y, x);
		else py_attack(y, x);
		did_nothing = FALSE;

	 * Some players can set traps.  Total number is checked in py_set_trap.
	else if ((check_ability(SP_TRAP)) && (cave_naked_bold(y, x)))
		py_set_trap(y, x);
		did_nothing = FALSE;

	/* Disarm advanced monster traps */
	else if (feat > FEAT_MTRAP_HEAD)
		/* Disarm */
		more = do_cmd_disarm_aux(y, x);

	/* Modify basic monster traps */
	else if (feat == FEAT_MTRAP_HEAD)
		/* Modify */
		py_modify_trap(y, x);

	/* Tunnel through walls */
	else if (feat >= FEAT_SECRET)
		/* Tunnel */
		more = do_cmd_tunnel_aux(y, x);

	/* Bash jammed doors */
	else if (feat >= FEAT_DOOR_HEAD + 0x08)
		/* Bash */
		more = do_cmd_bash_aux(y, x);

	/* Open closed doors */
	else if (feat >= FEAT_DOOR_HEAD)
		/* Close */
		more = do_cmd_open_aux(y, x);

	/* Disarm traps */
	else if (feat >= FEAT_TRAP_HEAD)
		/* Disarm */
		more = do_cmd_disarm_aux(y, x);

	/* Oops */
	else if (did_nothing)
		/* Oops */
		msg_print("You spin around.");

	/* Cancel repetition unless we can continue */
	if (!more) disturb(0, 0);
Beispiel #8
 * Generate the "consistent" town features, and place the player
 * Hack -- play with the R.N.G. to always yield the same town
 * layout, including the size and shape of the buildings, the
 * locations of the doorways, and the location of the stairs.
static void town_gen_hack(void)
    int i, y, x, k, n, py = 1, px = 1;

    int qy = DUNGEON_HGT / 3;
    int qx = DUNGEON_WID / 3;
    int stage = p_ptr->stage;
    int last_stage = p_ptr->last_stage;

    int rooms[MAX_STORES_BIG + 1];

    bool place = FALSE;
    bool major = FALSE;

    /* Hack -- Use the "simple" RNG */
    Rand_quick = TRUE;

    /* Hack -- Induce consistent town layout */
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
	if (stage == towns[i])
	    Rand_value = seed_town[i];

    if (OPT(adult_dungeon))
	Rand_value = seed_town[0];

    /* Set major town flag if necessary */
    if ((stage > 150) || OPT(adult_dungeon))
	major = TRUE;

    /* Hack - reduce width for minor towns */
    if (!major)
	qx /= 2;

    /* Prepare an Array of "remaining stores", and count them */
    if (major)
	for (n = 0; n < MAX_STORES_BIG; n++)
	    rooms[n] = n;
    else {
	rooms[0] = 9;
	rooms[1] = 3;
	rooms[2] = 4;
	rooms[3] = 7;
	n = 4;

    if (OPT(adult_dungeon))
	rooms[n++] = 9;

    /* No stores for ironmen away from home */
    if ((!OPT(adult_ironman)) || (p_ptr->stage == p_ptr->home)) {
	/* Place two rows of stores */
	for (y = 0; y < 2; y++) {
	    /* Place two, four or five stores per row */
	    for (x = 0; x < (OPT(adult_dungeon) ? 5 : 4); x++) {
		/* Pick a random unplaced store */
		k = ((n <= 1) ? 0 : randint0(n));

		/* Build that store at the proper location */
		build_store(rooms[k], y, x, stage);

		/* Shift the stores down, remove one store */
		rooms[k] = rooms[--n];

		/* Cut short if a minor town */
		if ((x > 0) && !major)
	/* Hack -- Build the 9th store.  Taken from Zangband */
	if (major && !OPT(adult_dungeon))
	    build_store(rooms[0], randint0(2), 4, stage);

    if (OPT(adult_dungeon)) {
	/* Place the stairs */
	while (TRUE) {
	    /* Pick a location at least "three" from the outer walls */
	    y = 1 + rand_range(3, DUNGEON_HGT / 3 - 4);
	    x = 1 + rand_range(3, DUNGEON_WID / 3 - 4);

	    /* Require a "naked" floor grid */
	    if (cave_naked_bold(y, x))

	/* Clear previous contents, add down stairs */
	cave_set_feat(y, x, FEAT_MORE);

	/* Place the player */
	player_place(y, x);

    else {

	/* Place the paths */
	for (n = 2; n < 6; n++) {
	    /* Pick a path direction for the player if not obvious */
	    if (((!last_stage) || (last_stage == 255)) && (stage_map[stage][n]))
		last_stage = stage_map[stage][n];

	    /* Where did we come from? */
	    if ((last_stage) && (last_stage == stage_map[stage][n]))
		place = TRUE;

	    /* Pick a location at least "three" from the corners */
	    y = 1 + rand_range(3, qy - 4);
	    x = 1 + rand_range(3, qx - 4);

	    /* Shove it to the wall, place the path */
	    switch (n) {
	    case NORTH:
		    y = 1 + 1;
		    if (stage_map[stage][n])
			cave_set_feat(y, x, FEAT_MORE_NORTH);
	    case EAST:
		    x = 1 + qx - 2;
		    if (stage_map[stage][n])
			cave_set_feat(y, x, FEAT_MORE_EAST);
	    case SOUTH:
		    y = 1 + qy - 2;
		    if (stage_map[stage][n])
			cave_set_feat(y, x, FEAT_MORE_SOUTH);
	    case WEST:
		    x = 1 + 1;
		    if (stage_map[stage][n])
			cave_set_feat(y, x, FEAT_MORE_WEST);
	    if (place) {
		py = y;
		px = x;
		place = FALSE;

	/* Place the player */
	player_place(py, px);

    /* Hack -- use the "complex" RNG */
    Rand_quick = FALSE;