Beispiel #1
void KonfUpdate::copyGroup(const KConfigBase *cfg1, const QString &group1,
                           KConfigBase *cfg2, const QString &group2)
    KConfigGroup cg1(cfg1, group1);
    KConfigGroup cg2(cfg2, group2);
    copyGroup(cg1, cg2);
Beispiel #2
void tst_QBrush::testQGradientCopyConstructor()
        QLinearGradient lg1(101, 102, 103, 104);

        QLinearGradient lg2 = lg1;
        QCOMPARE(lg1.start(), lg2.start());
        QCOMPARE(lg1.finalStop(), lg2.finalStop());

        QGradient g = lg1;
        QCOMPARE(((QLinearGradient *) &g)->start(), lg1.start());
        QCOMPARE(((QLinearGradient *) &g)->finalStop(), lg1.finalStop());

        QRadialGradient rg1(101, 102, 103, 104, 105);

        QRadialGradient rg2 = rg1;
        QCOMPARE(rg1.focalPoint(), rg2.focalPoint());
        QCOMPARE(rg1.radius(), rg2.radius());

        QGradient g = rg1;
        QCOMPARE(((QRadialGradient *) &g)->center(),;
        QCOMPARE(((QRadialGradient *) &g)->focalPoint(), rg1.focalPoint());
        QCOMPARE(((QRadialGradient *) &g)->radius(), rg1.radius());

        QConicalGradient cg1(101, 102, 103);

        QConicalGradient cg2 = cg1;
        QCOMPARE(cg1.angle(), cg2.angle());

        QGradient g = cg1;
        QCOMPARE(((QConicalGradient *) &g)->center(),;
        QCOMPARE(((QConicalGradient *) &g)->angle(), cg1.angle());

Beispiel #3
/*! This most be called after loading and before saving or using the
  LLK targets in any way. i.e. if you accumulate the log likelihood
  target in one program and use it in another, then you must call
  prep_llk() both before saving the targets in the first program and
  after loading in the second program. */
void LLK_map_target::prep_llk()
  clipper::NXmap_base::Map_reference_index ix;

  // first make a llk target, if necessary
  if ( naccum != 0 ) {
    // aliases for maps
    clipper::NXmap<float>& mrho = target;
    clipper::NXmap<float>& mrho2 = weight;
    // calculate density moments for whole map
    clipper::ftype sn = 0.0, sr = 0.0, sr2 = 0.0;
    for ( ix = mrho.first(); !ix.last(); )
      if ( mrho2[ix] > 0.0 ) {
	sn  += naccum;        // overall desnity stats
	sr  += mrho[ix];
	sr2 += mrho2[ix];
    float rmap = sr/sn;
    float smap = sqrt( sn*sr2 - sr*sr )/sn;
    // and for individual positions within map
    for ( ix = mrho.first(); !ix.last(); )
      if ( mrho2[ix] > 0.0 ) {
	mrho[ix]  /= naccum;  // local density stats
	mrho2[ix] /= naccum;  // limit std to no less than 3% of map std
	mrho2[ix] = sqrt( clipper::Util::max( mrho2[ix] - mrho[ix]*mrho[ix],
					      0.001f*smap*smap ) );
    // convert density moments to llk target
    float rho, std, v1, v2, w1, w2;
    for ( ix = mrho.first(); !ix.last(); )
      if ( mrho2[ix] > 0.0 ) {
	rho = mrho[ix];
	std = mrho2[ix];
	v1 = std*std;
	v2 = smap*smap;
	w1 = clipper::Util::max( v2/v1-1.0, 0.001 );  // weight must be +ve
	w2 = clipper::Util::min( 1.0/w1, 2.0 );  // limit density upweighting
	target[ix] = rho + w2*(rho-rmap);
	weight[ix] = w1 * 0.5/v2;
    // done
    naccum = 0;

  // now truncate the functions at the limit radii
  for ( ix = target.first(); !ix.last(); )
    if ( ix.coord_orth().lengthsq() > radius * radius )
      weight[ix] = target[ix] = 0.0;

  // now assemble optimised llk lists
  clipper::Coord_grid cg, dg;
  clipper::Coord_orth co;
  clipper::Coord_map cm;
  const clipper::ftype r0 = radius * 3.0 / 8.0;
  clipper::Coord_grid cg0( clipper::Coord_map( target.operator_orth_grid() * clipper::Coord_map( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) ).coord_grid() );
  clipper::Coord_grid cg1( clipper::Coord_map( target.operator_orth_grid() * clipper::Coord_map( radius, 0.0, 0.0 ) ).coord_grid() );
  int irad = cg1.u() - cg0.u();

  // Make list of sites for the approximate LLK fn
  for ( cg.u() = -1; cg.u() <= 1; cg.u()++ )
    for ( cg.v() = -1; cg.v() <= 1; cg.v()++ )
      for ( cg.w() = -1; cg.w() <= 1; cg.w()++ )
	if ( (cg.u()+cg.v()+cg.w())%2 == 0 ) {
	  co = clipper::Coord_orth( r0 * cg.coord_map() );
	  cm = target.coord_map( co );
	  cm = clipper::Coord_map( target.operator_orth_grid() * co );
	  fasttgt.insert( co, target.interp<clipper::Interp_cubic>( cm ),
                              weight.interp<clipper::Interp_cubic>( cm ) );
  // Make list of sites for the accurate LLK fn
  for ( ix = target.first(); !ix.last(); ) {
    cg = ix.coord();
    if ( (cg.u()+cg.v()+cg.w())%2 == 0 ) {  // only use alternate grids
      dg = cg - cg0;
      if ( dg*dg <= irad*irad ) {
	co = target.coord_orth( cg.coord_map() );
	slowtgt.insert( co, target[ix], weight[ix] );