Beispiel #1
int gridfs_store_buffer( gridfs *gfs, const char *data,
                          gridfs_offset length, const char *remotename,
                          const char *contenttype ) {

    char const *end = data + length;
    const char *data_ptr = data;
    bson_oid_t id;
    int chunkNumber = 0;
    int chunkLen;
    bson *oChunk;

    /* Large files Assertion */
    assert( length <= 0xffffffff );

    /* Generate and append an oid*/
    bson_oid_gen( &id );

    /* Insert the file's data chunk by chunk */
    while ( data_ptr < end ) {
        chunkLen = DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE < ( unsigned int )( end - data_ptr ) ?
                   DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE : ( unsigned int )( end - data_ptr );
        oChunk = chunk_new( id, chunkNumber, data_ptr, chunkLen );
        mongo_insert( gfs->client, gfs->chunks_ns, oChunk );
        chunk_free( oChunk );
        data_ptr += chunkLen;

    /* Inserts file's metadata */
    return gridfs_insert_file( gfs, remotename, id, length, contenttype );
static PyObject * hashsplit_read_chunk(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
    PyObject *source_file = NULL; //gcc complains if these aren't initialized
    PyObject *max_chunk_size = NULL;
    long MAX_CHUNK_SIZE;
    PyObject *result = NULL;
    Chunk *chunk;
    FILE *source;

    if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, "read_chunk", 1, 2, &source_file, &max_chunk_size))
        return NULL;
    if (!(source = PyFile_AsFile(source_file))) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Expected file or file descriptor");
        return NULL;
    if (!max_chunk_size || max_chunk_size == Py_None) {
    } else if ((MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = PyInt_AsLong(max_chunk_size))==-1 && PyErr_Occurred()) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "max_chunk_size should be an integer");
        return NULL;
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "max_chunk_size must be larger than MIN_CHUNK_SIZE");
        return NULL;
    if (!(chunk = chunk_new(MAX_CHUNK_SIZE))) return PyErr_NoMemory();
    if (!read_chunk(source, chunk, MAX_CHUNK_SIZE)) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_EOFError, "");
    } else {
        result = PyString_FromStringAndSize((char*)chunk->data, chunk->length);
    return result;
Beispiel #3
static chunk_t *
b16_enc(const chunk_t *inp)
  chunk_t *ch = chunk_new(inp->len * 2 + 1);
  base16_encode((char *)ch->buf, ch->len, (char*)inp->buf, inp->len);
  return ch;
Beispiel #4
/* Add new agent.  Send agent ID + number of workers +  router map */
static void add_agent(int fd, bool isclient) {
    unsigned agent = next_agent++;
    if (agent >= worker_cnt + maxclients) {
	/* Exceeded client limit */
	chunk_ptr msg = msg_new_nack();
	if (chunk_write(fd, msg)) {
#if RPT >= 1
"Sent nack to potential client due to client limit being exceeded.  Fd = %d", fd);
	} else {
#if RPT >= 3	    
	    report(3, "Couldn't send nack to potential client.  Fd = %d", fd);

    /* Need to break into sequence of messages according to max. chunk length */
    chunk_ptr msg = NULL;
    size_t bcount = 0;
    size_t ncount = router_addr_set->nelements;
    word_t id;
    bool ok = true;
    while (ok && set_iternext(router_addr_set, &id)) {
	if (bcount == 0) {
	    /* Start new block */
	    size_t blen = ncount;
	    if (blen > MAX_IDS)
		blen = MAX_IDS;
	    msg = chunk_new(blen+1);
	word_t wd = id << 16;
	chunk_insert_word(msg, wd, bcount+1);
	if (bcount == MAX_IDS) {
	    /* This block is filled */
	    size_t h1 = ((word_t) agent << 48) | ((word_t) ncount << 32) |
		((word_t) worker_cnt << 16) | MSG_ACK_AGENT;
	    chunk_insert_word(msg, h1, 0);
	    ok = chunk_write(fd, msg);
	    ncount -= bcount;
	    bcount = 0;
    if (ok && ncount > 0) {
	size_t h1 = ((word_t) agent << 48) | ((word_t) ncount << 32) |
	    ((word_t) worker_cnt << 16) | MSG_ACK_AGENT;
	chunk_insert_word(msg, h1, 0);
	ok = chunk_write(fd, msg);
	ncount -= bcount;
#if RPT >= 3
    report(3, "Added agent %u with descriptor %d", agent, fd);
Beispiel #5
static chunk_t *
b32_enc(const chunk_t *inp)
  chunk_t *ch = chunk_new(base32_encoded_size(inp->len));
  base32_encode((char *)ch->buf, ch->len, (char*)inp->buf, inp->len);
  ch->len = strlen((char *) ch->buf);
  return ch;
Beispiel #6
/* Extract subchunk */
chunk_ptr chunk_get_chunk(chunk_ptr cp, size_t offset, size_t length) {
    chunk_ptr ncp = chunk_new(length);
    size_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
	chunk_insert_word(ncp, chunk_get_word(cp, i+offset), i);
    return ncp;
Beispiel #7
static chunk_t *
b64_enc(const chunk_t *inp)
  chunk_t *ch = chunk_new(BASE64_BUFSIZE(inp->len));
  base64_encode((char *)ch->buf, ch->len, (char *)inp->buf, inp->len, 0);
  ch->len = strlen((char *) ch->buf);
  return ch;
Beispiel #8
static void __chunkqueue_append_file(liChunkQueue *cq, GString *filename, off_t start, off_t length, int fd, gboolean is_temp) {
	liChunk *c = chunk_new();
	c->type = FILE_CHUNK;
	c->data.file.file = li_chunkfile_new(filename, fd, is_temp);
	c->data.file.start = start;
	c->data.file.length = length;

	g_queue_push_tail_link(&cq->queue, &c->cq_link);
	cq->length += length;
	cq->bytes_in += length;
Beispiel #9
/* memory gets copied */
void li_chunkqueue_append_mem(liChunkQueue *cq, const void *mem, gssize len) {
	liChunk *c;
	if (!len) return;
	c = chunk_new();
	c->type = MEM_CHUNK;
	c->mem = g_byte_array_sized_new(len);
	g_byte_array_append(c->mem, mem, len);
	g_queue_push_tail_link(&cq->queue, &c->cq_link);
	cq->length += c->mem->len;
	cq->bytes_in += c->mem->len;
	cqlimit_update(cq, c->mem->len);
Beispiel #10
static chunk_t *
b32_dec(const chunk_t *inp)
  chunk_t *ch = chunk_new(inp->len);//XXXX
  int r = base32_decode((char *)ch->buf, ch->len, (char *)inp->buf, inp->len);
  if (r >= 0) {
    ch->len = r;
  } else {
  return ch;
Beispiel #11
static chunk_t *
b16_dec(const chunk_t *inp)
  chunk_t *ch = chunk_new(CEIL_DIV(inp->len, 2));
  int r = base16_decode((char *)ch->buf, ch->len, (char *)inp->buf, inp->len);
  if (r >= 0) {
    ch->len = r;
  } else {
  return ch;
Beispiel #12
static chunk_t *
b64_dec(const chunk_t *inp)
  chunk_t *ch = chunk_new(inp->len);//XXXX This could be shorter.
  int r = base64_decode((char *)ch->buf, ch->len, (char *)inp->buf, inp->len);
  if (r >= 0) {
    ch->len = r;
  } else {
  return ch;
Beispiel #13
/* Replicate a chunk */
chunk_ptr chunk_clone(chunk_ptr cp) {
    if (cp == NULL && chunk_check_level >= 2) {
	chunk_error("Null Pointer", cp);
	return NULL;
    chunk_ptr ncp = chunk_new(cp->length);
    ncp->length = cp->length;
    size_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < cp->length; i++) {
	    ncp->words[i] = cp->words[i];
    return ncp;
Beispiel #14
 /* pass ownership of mem to chunkqueue, do not free/modify it afterwards
  * you may modify the data (not the length) if you are sure it isn't sent before.
  * if the length is NULL, mem is destroyed immediately
void li_chunkqueue_append_bytearr(liChunkQueue *cq, GByteArray *mem) {
	liChunk *c;
	if (!mem->len) {
		g_byte_array_free(mem, TRUE);
	c = chunk_new();
	c->type = MEM_CHUNK;
	c->mem = mem;
	g_queue_push_tail_link(&cq->queue, &c->cq_link);
	cq->length += mem->len;
	cq->bytes_in += mem->len;
	cqlimit_update(cq, mem->len);
Beispiel #15
 /* pass ownership of str to chunkqueue, do not free/modify it afterwards
  * you may modify the data (not the length) if you are sure it isn't sent before.
  * if the length is NULL, str is destroyed immediately
void li_chunkqueue_append_string(liChunkQueue *cq, GString *str) {
	liChunk *c;
	if (!str->len) {
		g_string_free(str, TRUE);
	c = chunk_new();
	c->type = STRING_CHUNK;
	c->data.str = str;
	g_queue_push_tail_link(&cq->queue, &c->cq_link);
	cq->length += str->len;
	cq->bytes_in += str->len;
	cqlimit_update(cq, str->len);
Beispiel #16
/* increases reference for cf (if length > 0) */
void li_chunkqueue_append_chunkfile(liChunkQueue *cq, liChunkFile *cf, off_t start, off_t length) {
	if (length) {
		liChunk *c = chunk_new();

		c->type = FILE_CHUNK;
		c->data.file.file = cf;
		c->data.file.start = start;
		c->data.file.length = length;

		g_queue_push_tail_link(&cq->queue, &c->cq_link);
		cq->length += length;
		cq->bytes_in += length;
int gridfs_store_file( gridfs *gfs, const char *filename,
                       const char *remotename, const char *contenttype ) {

    char buffer[DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE];
    FILE *fd;
    bson_oid_t id;
    int chunkNumber = 0;
    gridfs_offset length = 0;
    gridfs_offset chunkLen = 0;
    bson *oChunk;

    /* Open the file and the correct stream */
    if ( strcmp( filename, "-" ) == 0 ) fd = stdin;
    else {
        fd = fopen( filename, "rb" );
        if (fd == NULL)
            return MONGO_ERROR;

    /* Generate and append an oid*/
    bson_oid_gen( &id );

    /* Insert the file chunk by chunk */
    chunkLen = fread( buffer, 1, DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, fd );
    do {
        oChunk = chunk_new( id, chunkNumber, buffer, chunkLen );
        mongo_insert( gfs->client, gfs->chunks_ns, oChunk, NULL );
        chunk_free( oChunk );
        length += chunkLen;
        chunkLen = fread( buffer, 1, DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, fd );
    while ( chunkLen != 0 );

    /* Close the file stream */
    if ( fd != stdin ) fclose( fd );

    /* Large files Assertion */
    /* assert(length <= 0xffffffff); */

    /* Optional Remote Name */
    if ( remotename == NULL || *remotename == '\0' ) {
        remotename = filename;

    /* Inserts file's metadata */
    return gridfs_insert_file( gfs, remotename, id, length, contenttype );
Beispiel #18
 /* pass ownership of one buffer reference to chunkqueue
  * if the length is NULL, reference is released immediately
void li_chunkqueue_append_buffer(liChunkQueue *cq, liBuffer *buffer) {
	liChunk *c;
	if (!buffer->used) {
	c = chunk_new();
	c->type = BUFFER_CHUNK;
	c->data.buffer.buffer = buffer;
	c->data.buffer.offset = 0;
	c->data.buffer.length = buffer->used;
	g_queue_push_tail_link(&cq->queue, &c->cq_link);
	cq->length += buffer->used;
	cq->bytes_in += buffer->used;
	cqlimit_update(cq, buffer->used);
Beispiel #19
void li_chunkqueue_append_buffer2(liChunkQueue *cq, liBuffer *buffer, gsize offset, gsize length) {
	liChunk *c;
	if (length == 0) {
	assert(offset + length <= buffer->used);
	c = chunk_new();
	c->type = BUFFER_CHUNK;
	c->data.buffer.buffer = buffer;
	c->data.buffer.offset = offset;
	c->data.buffer.length = length;
	g_queue_push_tail_link(&cq->queue, &c->cq_link);
	cq->length += length;
	cq->bytes_in += length;
	cqlimit_update(cq, length);
Beispiel #20
/* Convert a string into a chunk.  Limited to strings of length <= WORD_BYTES */
chunk_ptr str2chunk(char *s) {
    size_t len = (strnlen(s, WORD_BYTES * CHUNK_MAX_LENGTH)
    chunk_ptr cp = chunk_new(len);
    size_t cidx, bidx;
    size_t sidx = 0;
    for (cidx = 0; cidx < len; cidx++) {
	for (bidx = 0; bidx < WORD_BYTES && s[sidx]; bidx++) {
	    buf[bidx] = s[sidx++];
	for (; bidx < WORD_BYTES; bidx++) {
	    buf[bidx] = '\0';
	word_t wd = *(word_t *) buf;
	chunk_insert_word(cp, wd, cidx);
    return cp;
Beispiel #21
bson gridfile_writer_done( gridfile* gfile )

  /* write any remaining pending chunk data.
   * pending data will always take up less than one chunk
  bson* oChunk;
  if( gfile->pending_data )
    oChunk = chunk_new(gfile->id, gfile->chunk_num, gfile->pending_data, gfile->pending_len);
    mongo_insert(gfile->gfs->client, gfile->gfs->chunks_ns, oChunk);
    gfile->length += gfile->pending_len;

  /* insert into files collection */
  return gridfs_insert_file(gfile->gfs, gfile->remote_name, gfile->id,
      gfile->length, gfile->content_type);
Beispiel #22
static void*
chunk_alloc_mem(rb_tracelog_chunk_t* chunk, size_t size)
    size_t space_left;
    void* ret;

    assert(chunk->capacity >= chunk->len);
    space_left = chunk->capacity - chunk->len;
    if (space_left < size) {
        rb_tracelog_chunk_t *new_chunk = chunk_new();
        chunk->next = new_chunk;
        g_tracelog->tail_chunk = new_chunk;
        return chunk_alloc_mem(new_chunk, size);

    chunk->len += size;
    ret = chunk->data_head;
    chunk->data_head = (void*)((uintptr_t)chunk->data_head + size);
    return ret;
Beispiel #23
    rb_tracelog_event_t* event;

    g_tracelog = ALLOC(rb_tracelog_t);
    g_tracelog->head_chunk = chunk_new();
    g_tracelog->tail_chunk = g_tracelog->head_chunk;

    event = tracelog_alloc_mem(sizeof(rb_tracelog_event_t));
    event->name = "TracingStartSentinel";
    event->category = "TraceLog";
    event->args = NULL;
    event->phase = 'I';
    event->timestamp = clock_abs_ns();
    event->next = NULL;

    g_tracelog->head_event = event;
    g_tracelog->tail_event = event;

    g_tracelog->head_category = NULL;
Beispiel #24
void gridfile_write_buffer( gridfile *gfile, const char *data,
    gridfs_offset length ) {

    int bytes_left = 0;
    int data_partial_len = 0;
    int chunks_to_write = 0;
    char *buffer;
    bson *oChunk;
    gridfs_offset to_write = length + gfile->pending_len;

    if ( to_write < DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE ) { /* Less than one chunk to write */
        if( gfile->pending_data ) {
            gfile->pending_data = ( char * )bson_realloc( ( void * )gfile->pending_data, gfile->pending_len + to_write );
            memcpy( gfile->pending_data + gfile->pending_len, data, length );
        } else if ( to_write > 0 ) {
            gfile->pending_data = ( char * )bson_malloc( to_write );
            memcpy( gfile->pending_data, data, length );
        gfile->pending_len += length;

    } else { /* At least one chunk of data to write */

        /* If there's a pending chunk to be written, we need to combine
         * the buffer provided up to DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE.
        if ( gfile->pending_len > 0 ) {
            chunks_to_write = to_write / DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE;
            bytes_left = to_write % DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE;

            data_partial_len = DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE - gfile->pending_len;
            buffer = ( char * )bson_malloc( DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE );
            memcpy( buffer, gfile->pending_data, gfile->pending_len );
            memcpy( buffer + gfile->pending_len, data, data_partial_len );

            oChunk = chunk_new( gfile->id, gfile->chunk_num, buffer, DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE );
            mongo_insert( gfile->gfs->client, gfile->gfs->chunks_ns, oChunk );
            chunk_free( oChunk );
            gfile->length += DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE;
            data += data_partial_len;


            bson_free( buffer );

        while( chunks_to_write > 0 ) {
            oChunk = chunk_new( gfile->id, gfile->chunk_num, data, DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE );
            mongo_insert( gfile->gfs->client, gfile->gfs->chunks_ns, oChunk );
            chunk_free( oChunk );
            gfile->length += DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE;
            data += DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE;

        bson_free( gfile->pending_data );

        /* If there are any leftover bytes, store them as pending data. */
        if( bytes_left == 0 )
            gfile->pending_data = NULL;
        else {
            gfile->pending_data = ( char * )bson_malloc( bytes_left );
            memcpy( gfile->pending_data, data, bytes_left );

        gfile->pending_len = bytes_left;
Beispiel #25
Chunk* get_chunk (void) {
  if (nb_recyclable_chunks == 0) return chunk_new ();
  else                           return chunks[--nb_recyclable_chunks];
Beispiel #26
/* steal up to length bytes from in and put them into out, return number of bytes stolen */
goffset li_chunkqueue_steal_len(liChunkQueue *out, liChunkQueue *in, goffset length) {
	liChunk *c, *cnew;
	GList* l;
	goffset bytes = 0, meminbytes = 0, memoutbytes = 0;
	goffset we_have;

	while ( (NULL != (c = li_chunkqueue_first_chunk(in))) && length > 0 ) {
		we_have = li_chunk_length(c);
		if (!we_have) { /* remove empty chunks */
			if (c->type == STRING_CHUNK) meminbytes -= c->data.str->len;
			else if (c->type == MEM_CHUNK) meminbytes -= c->mem->len;
			else if (c->type == BUFFER_CHUNK) meminbytes -= c->data.buffer.length;
			chunk_free(in, c);
		if (we_have <= length) { /* move complete chunk */
			l = g_queue_pop_head_link(&in->queue);
			g_queue_push_tail_link(&out->queue, l);
			bytes += we_have;
			if (c->type == STRING_CHUNK) {
				meminbytes -= c->data.str->len;
				memoutbytes += c->data.str->len;
			} else if (c->type == MEM_CHUNK) {
				meminbytes -= c->mem->len;
				memoutbytes += c->mem->len;
			} else if (c->type == BUFFER_CHUNK) {
				meminbytes -= c->data.buffer.length;
				memoutbytes += c->data.buffer.length;
			length -= we_have;
		} else { /* copy first part of a chunk */
			cnew = chunk_new();
			switch (c->type) {
			case UNUSED_CHUNK: /* impossible, has length 0 */
				/* remove "empty" chunks */
				chunk_free(in, c);
				chunk_free(NULL, cnew);
			case STRING_CHUNK: /* change type to MEM_CHUNK, as we copy it anyway */
				cnew->type = MEM_CHUNK;
				cnew->mem = g_byte_array_sized_new(length);
				g_byte_array_append(cnew->mem, (guint8*) c->data.str->str + c->offset, length);
				memoutbytes += length;
			case MEM_CHUNK:
				cnew->type = MEM_CHUNK;
				cnew->mem = g_byte_array_sized_new(length);
				g_byte_array_append(cnew->mem, (guint8*) c->mem->data + c->offset, length);
				memoutbytes += length;
			case FILE_CHUNK:
				cnew->type = FILE_CHUNK;
				cnew->data.file.file = c->data.file.file;
				cnew->data.file.start = c->data.file.start + c->offset;
				cnew->data.file.length = length;
				cnew->type = BUFFER_CHUNK;
				cnew->data.buffer.buffer = c->data.buffer.buffer;
				cnew->data.buffer.offset = c->data.buffer.offset + c->offset;
				cnew->data.buffer.length = length;
				memoutbytes += length;
			c->offset += length;
			bytes += length;
			length = 0;
			g_queue_push_tail_link(&out->queue, &cnew->cq_link);

	in->bytes_out += bytes;
	in->length -= bytes;
	out->bytes_in += bytes;
	out->length += bytes;
	cqlimit_update(out, memoutbytes);
	cqlimit_update(in, meminbytes);

	return bytes;