Beispiel #1
 * cinnamon_app_system_lookup_desktop_wmclass:
 * @system: a #CinnamonAppSystem
 * @wmclass: (allow-none): A WM_CLASS value
 * Find a valid application whose .desktop file, without the extension
 * and properly canonicalized, matches @wmclass.
 * Returns: (transfer none): A #CinnamonApp for @wmclass
CinnamonApp *
cinnamon_app_system_lookup_desktop_wmclass (CinnamonAppSystem *system,
                                            const char        *wmclass)
  char *canonicalized;
  char *desktop_file;
  char *stripped_name;
  CinnamonApp *app;

  if (wmclass == NULL)
    return NULL;

  canonicalized = g_ascii_strdown (wmclass, -1);

  stripped_name = strip_extension(canonicalized);

  /* This handles "Fedora Eclipse", probably others.
   * Note g_strdelimit is modify-in-place. */
  g_strdelimit (stripped_name, " ", '-');

  desktop_file = g_strconcat (stripped_name, ".desktop", NULL);

  app = cinnamon_app_system_lookup_heuristic_basename (system, desktop_file);

  g_free (canonicalized);
  g_free (stripped_name);
  g_free (desktop_file);

  return app;
 * get_app_from_window_wmclass:
 * Looks only at the given window, and attempts to determine
 * an application based on WM_CLASS.  If one can't be determined,
 * return %NULL.
 * Return value: (transfer full): A newly-referenced #CinnamonApp, or %NULL
static CinnamonApp *
get_app_from_window_wmclass (MetaWindow  *window)
  CinnamonApp *app;
  CinnamonAppSystem *appsys;
  char *wmclass;
  char *with_desktop;

  appsys = cinnamon_app_system_get_default ();
  wmclass = strip_extension(get_appid_from_window (window));

  if (!wmclass)
    return NULL;

  with_desktop = g_strjoin (NULL, wmclass, ".desktop", NULL);
  g_free (wmclass);

  app = cinnamon_app_system_lookup_heuristic_basename (appsys, with_desktop);
  if (app != NULL)
    g_object_ref (app);
  g_free (with_desktop);

  return app;