Beispiel #1
static void clear_board_block(struct board *dest_board, int dest_offset,
 int block_width, int block_height)
  char *level_id = dest_board->level_id;
  char *level_param = dest_board->level_param;
  char *level_color = dest_board->level_color;
  char *level_under_id = dest_board->level_under_id;
  char *level_under_param = dest_board->level_under_param;
  char *level_under_color = dest_board->level_under_color;

  int dest_width = dest_board->board_width;
  int dest_skip = dest_width - block_width;

  enum thing dest_id;
  int dest_param;
  int i, i2;

  for(i = 0; i < block_height; i++)
    for(i2 = 0; i2 < block_width; i2++)
      dest_id = (enum thing)level_id[dest_offset];
      if(dest_id != PLAYER)
        dest_param = level_param[dest_offset];

        if(dest_id == SENSOR)
          clear_sensor_id(dest_board, dest_param);

          clear_scroll_id(dest_board, dest_param);

          clear_robot_id(dest_board, dest_param);

        level_id[dest_offset] = (char)SPACE;
        level_param[dest_offset] = 0;
        level_color[dest_offset] = 7;

      level_under_id[dest_offset] = (char)SPACE;
      level_under_param[dest_offset] = 0;
      level_under_color[dest_offset] = 7;


    dest_offset += dest_skip;
Beispiel #2
static int load_mzm_common(struct world *mzx_world, const void *buffer, int file_length, int start_x,
 int start_y, int mode, int savegame, char *name)
  const unsigned char *bufferPtr = buffer;
  char magic_string[5];
  int storage_mode;
  int width, height;
  int savegame_mode;
  int num_robots;
  int robots_location;

  int data_start;
  int expected_data_size;

  // MegaZeux 2.83 is the last version that won't save the ver,
  // so if we don't have a ver, just act like it's 2.83
  int mzm_world_version = 0x0253;

  if (file_length < 4)
    goto err_invalid;

  memcpy(magic_string, bufferPtr, 4);
  bufferPtr += 4;

  magic_string[4] = 0;

  if(!strncmp(magic_string, "MZMX", 4))
    // An MZM1 file is always storage mode 0
    storage_mode = 0;
    savegame_mode = 0;
    num_robots = 0;
    robots_location = 0;
    if (file_length < 16) goto err_invalid;
    width = mem_getc(&bufferPtr);
    height = mem_getc(&bufferPtr);
    bufferPtr += 10;

  if(!strncmp(magic_string, "MZM2", 4))
    if (file_length < 16) goto err_invalid;
    width = mem_getw(&bufferPtr);
    height = mem_getw(&bufferPtr);
    robots_location = mem_getd(&bufferPtr);
    num_robots = mem_getc(&bufferPtr);
    storage_mode = mem_getc(&bufferPtr);
    savegame_mode = mem_getc(&bufferPtr);
    bufferPtr += 1;

  if(!strncmp(magic_string, "MZM3", 4))
    if (file_length < 20) goto err_invalid;
    // MZM3 is like MZM2, except the robots are stored as source code if
    // savegame_mode is 0 and version >= VERSION_PROGRAM_SOURCE.
    width = mem_getw(&bufferPtr);
    height = mem_getw(&bufferPtr);
    robots_location = mem_getd(&bufferPtr);
    num_robots = mem_getc(&bufferPtr);
    storage_mode = mem_getc(&bufferPtr);
    savegame_mode = mem_getc(&bufferPtr);
    mzm_world_version = mem_getw(&bufferPtr);
    bufferPtr += 3;

    goto err_invalid;

  data_start = bufferPtr - (const unsigned char *)buffer;
  expected_data_size = (width * height) * (storage_mode ? 2 : 6);

  // Validate
    (savegame_mode > 1) || (savegame_mode < 0) // Invalid save mode
    || (storage_mode > 1) || (storage_mode < 0) // Invalid storage mode
    || (file_length - data_start < expected_data_size) // not enough space to store data
    || (file_length < robots_location) // The end of file is before the robot offset
    || (robots_location && (expected_data_size + data_start > robots_location)) // robots offset before data end
    goto err_invalid;

  // If the mzm version is newer than the MZX version, show a message and continue.
  if(mzm_world_version > WORLD_VERSION)
    error_message(E_MZM_FILE_VERSION_TOO_RECENT, mzm_world_version, name);

  // If the MZM is a save MZM but we're not loading at runtime, show a message and continue.
  if(savegame_mode > savegame)
    error_message(E_MZM_FILE_FROM_SAVEGAME, 0, name);

    // Write to board
    case 0:
      struct board *src_board = mzx_world->current_board;
      int board_width = src_board->board_width;
      int board_height = src_board->board_height;
      int effective_width = width;
      int effective_height = height;
      int file_line_skip;
      int line_skip;
      int x, y;
      int offset = start_x + (start_y * board_width);
      char *level_id = src_board->level_id;
      char *level_param = src_board->level_param;
      char *level_color = src_board->level_color;
      char *level_under_id = src_board->level_under_id;
      char *level_under_param = src_board->level_under_param;
      char *level_under_color = src_board->level_under_color;
      enum thing src_id;

      // Clip

      if((effective_width + start_x) >= board_width)
        effective_width = board_width - start_x;

      if((effective_height + start_y) >= board_height)
        effective_height = board_height - start_y;

      line_skip = board_width - effective_width;

        case 0:
          // Board style, write as is
          enum thing current_id;
          int current_robot_loaded = 0;
          int robot_x_locations[256];
          int robot_y_locations[256];
          int width_difference;
          int i;

          width_difference = width - effective_width;

          for(y = 0; y < effective_height; y++)
            for(x = 0; x < effective_width; x++, offset++)
              current_id = (enum thing)mem_getc(&bufferPtr);

              if(current_id >= SENSOR)
                  robot_x_locations[current_robot_loaded] = x + start_x;
                  robot_y_locations[current_robot_loaded] = y + start_y;
                // Wipe a bunch of crap we don't want in MZMs with spaces
                  current_id = 0;

              src_id = (enum thing)level_id[offset];

              if(src_id >= SENSOR)
                if(src_id == SENSOR)
                  clear_sensor_id(src_board, level_param[offset]);

                  clear_scroll_id(src_board, level_param[offset]);

                  clear_robot_id(src_board, level_param[offset]);

              // Don't allow the player to be overwritten
              if(src_id != PLAYER)
                level_id[offset] = current_id;
                level_param[offset] = mem_getc(&bufferPtr);
                level_color[offset] = mem_getc(&bufferPtr);
                level_under_id[offset] = mem_getc(&bufferPtr);
                level_under_param[offset] = mem_getc(&bufferPtr);
                level_under_color[offset] = mem_getc(&bufferPtr);

                // We don't want this on the under layer, thanks
                if(level_under_id[offset] >= SENSOR)
                  level_under_id[offset] = 0;
                  level_under_param[offset] = 0;
                  level_under_color[offset] = 7;
                bufferPtr += 5;

            offset += line_skip;

            // Gotta run through and mark the next robots to be skipped
            for(i = 0; i < width_difference; i++)
              current_id = (enum thing)mem_getc(&bufferPtr);
              bufferPtr += 5;

                robot_x_locations[current_robot_loaded] = -1;

          for(i = current_robot_loaded; i < num_robots; i++)
            robot_x_locations[i] = -1;

            struct zip_archive *zp;
            unsigned int file_id;
            unsigned int robot_id;
            int result;

            struct robot *cur_robot;
            int current_x, current_y;
            int offset;
            int new_param;
            int robot_calculated_size = 0;
            int robot_partial_size = 0;
            int current_position;
            int dummy = 0;

            // We suppress the errors that will generally occur here and barely
            // error check the zip functions. Why? This needs to run all the way
            // through, regardless of whether it finds errors. Otherwise, we'll
            // get invalid robots with ID=0 littered around the board.

            set_error_suppression(E_WORLD_ROBOT_MISSING, 1);
            set_error_suppression(E_BOARD_ROBOT_CORRUPT, 1);

            // Reset the error count.

            if(mzm_world_version <= WORLD_LEGACY_FORMAT_VERSION)
              robot_partial_size =

              bufferPtr = buffer;
              bufferPtr += robots_location;
              zp = NULL;

              zp = zip_open_mem_read(buffer, file_length);
              assign_fprops(zp, 1);

            // If we're loading a "runtime MZM" then it means that we're loading
            // bytecode. And to do this we must both be in-game and must be
            // running the same version this was made in. But since loading
            // dynamically created MZMs in the editor is still useful, we'll just
            // dummy out the robots.

            if((savegame_mode > savegame) ||
              (WORLD_VERSION < mzm_world_version))
              dummy = 1;

            for(i = 0; i < num_robots; i++)
              cur_robot = cmalloc(sizeof(struct robot));

              current_x = robot_x_locations[i];
              current_y = robot_y_locations[i];

              // TODO: Skipped legacy robots aren't checked for, so the loaded
              // chars for dummy robots on clipped MZMs might be off. This
              // shouldn't matter too often though.

              if(mzm_world_version <= WORLD_LEGACY_FORMAT_VERSION)

                current_position = bufferPtr - (const unsigned char *)buffer;

                // If we fail, we have to continue, or robots won't be dummied
                // correctly. In this case, seek to the end.

                if(current_position + robot_partial_size <= file_length)
                  robot_calculated_size =
                   legacy_load_robot_calculate_size(bufferPtr, savegame_mode,

                  if(current_position + robot_calculated_size <= file_length)
                    legacy_load_robot_from_memory(mzx_world, cur_robot, bufferPtr,
                     savegame_mode, mzm_world_version, (int)current_position);
                    bufferPtr = (const unsigned char*)buffer + file_length;
                    dummy = 1;
                  bufferPtr = (const unsigned char*)buffer + file_length;
                  dummy = 1;

                bufferPtr += robot_calculated_size;

              // Search the zip until a robot is found.
              else do
                result = zip_get_next_prop(zp, &file_id, NULL, &robot_id);

                if(result != ZIP_SUCCESS)
                  // We have to continue, or we'll get screwed up robots.
                  dummy = 1;

                if(file_id != FPROP_ROBOT || (int)robot_id < i)
                  // Not a robot or is a skipped robot

                if((int)robot_id > i)
                  // There's a robot missing.

                  load_robot(mzx_world, cur_robot, zp, savegame_mode,

                // Unfortunately, getting the actual character for the robot is
                // kind of a lot of work right now. We have to load it then
                // throw it away.

                // If this is from a futer version and the format changed, we'll
                // just end up with an 'R' char, but this shouldn't happen again
                if(current_x != -1)
                  offset = current_x + (current_y * board_width);
                  level_id[offset] = CUSTOM_BLOCK;
                  level_param[offset] = cur_robot->robot_char;

                cur_robot->world_version = mzx_world->version;
                cur_robot->xpos = current_x;
                cur_robot->ypos = current_y;

                // If we're loading source code at runtime, we need to compile it
                if(savegame_mode < savegame)
                  prepare_robot_bytecode(mzx_world, cur_robot);

                if(current_x != -1)
                  new_param = find_free_robot(src_board);
                  offset = current_x + (current_y * board_width);

                  if(new_param != -1)
                    if((enum thing)level_id[offset] != PLAYER)
                      add_robot_name_entry(src_board, cur_robot,
                      src_board->robot_list[new_param] = cur_robot;
                      cur_robot->xpos = current_x;
                      cur_robot->ypos = current_y;
                      level_param[offset] = new_param;
                    level_id[offset] = 0;
                    level_param[offset] = 0;
                    level_color[offset] = 7;

            if(mzm_world_version > WORLD_LEGACY_FORMAT_VERSION)
              zip_close(zp, NULL);

            // If any errors were encountered, report
              goto err_robots;

        case 1:
          // Compact style; expand to customblocks
          // Board style, write as is

          file_line_skip = (width - effective_width) * 2;

          for(y = 0; y < effective_height; y++)
            for(x = 0; x < effective_width; x++, offset++)
              src_id = (enum thing)level_id[offset];

              if(src_id == SENSOR)
                clear_sensor_id(src_board, level_param[offset]);

                clear_scroll_id(src_board, level_param[offset]);

                clear_robot_id(src_board, level_param[offset]);

              // Don't allow the player to be overwritten
              if(src_id != PLAYER)
                level_id[offset] = CUSTOM_BLOCK;
                level_param[offset] = mem_getc(&bufferPtr);
                level_color[offset] = mem_getc(&bufferPtr);
                level_under_id[offset] = 0;
                level_under_param[offset] = 0;
                level_under_color[offset] = 0;
                bufferPtr += 2;

            offset += line_skip;
            bufferPtr += file_line_skip;

    // Overlay/vlayer
    case 1:
    case 2:
      struct board *src_board = mzx_world->current_board;
      int dest_width = src_board->board_width;
      int dest_height = src_board->board_height;
      char *dest_chars;
      char *dest_colors;
      int effective_width = width;
      int effective_height = height;
      int file_line_skip;
      int line_skip;
      int x, y;
      int offset;

      if(mode == 1)
        // Overlay
          setup_overlay(src_board, 3);

        dest_chars = src_board->overlay;
        dest_colors = src_board->overlay_color;
        dest_width = src_board->board_width;
        dest_height = src_board->board_height;
        // Vlayer
        dest_chars = mzx_world->vlayer_chars;
        dest_colors = mzx_world->vlayer_colors;
        dest_width = mzx_world->vlayer_width;
        dest_height = mzx_world->vlayer_height;

      offset = start_x + (start_y * dest_width);

      // Clip

      if((effective_width + start_x) >= dest_width)
        effective_width = dest_width - start_x;

      if((effective_height + start_y) >= dest_height)
        effective_height = dest_height - start_y;

      line_skip = dest_width - effective_width;

        case 0:
          // Coming from board storage; for now use param as char

          file_line_skip = (width - effective_width) * 6;

          for(y = 0; y < effective_height; y++)
            for(x = 0; x < effective_width; x++, offset++)
              // Skip ID
              bufferPtr += 1;
              dest_chars[offset] = mem_getc(&bufferPtr);
              dest_colors[offset] = mem_getc(&bufferPtr);
              // Skip under parts
              bufferPtr += 3;

            offset += line_skip;
            bufferPtr += file_line_skip;

        case 1:
          // Coming from layer storage; transfer directly

          file_line_skip = (width - effective_width) * 2;

          for(y = 0; y < effective_height; y++)
            for(x = 0; x < effective_width; x++, offset++)
              dest_chars[offset] = mem_getc(&bufferPtr);
              dest_colors[offset] = mem_getc(&bufferPtr);

            offset += line_skip;
            bufferPtr += file_line_skip;


  // Clear none of the validation error suppressions:
  // 1) in combination with poor practice, they could lock MZX,
  // 2) they'll get reset after reloading the world.
  return 0;

  // The main file loaded fine, but there was a problem handling robots
  error_message(E_MZM_ROBOT_CORRUPT, 0, name);
  return 0;

  error_message(E_MZM_FILE_INVALID, 0, name);
  return -1;
Beispiel #3
void change_board_size(struct board *src_board, int new_width, int new_height)
  int board_width = src_board->board_width;
  int board_height = src_board->board_height;

  if(new_width == 0)
    new_width = 1;

  if(new_height == 0)
    new_height = 1;

  if((board_width != new_width) || (board_height != new_height))
    char *level_id = src_board->level_id;
    char *level_color = src_board->level_color;
    char *level_param = src_board->level_param;
    char *level_under_id = src_board->level_under_id;
    char *level_under_color = src_board->level_under_color;
    char *level_under_param = src_board->level_under_param;
    char *overlay = src_board->overlay;
    char *overlay_color = src_board->overlay_color;
    int overlay_mode = src_board->overlay_mode;
    int board_size = board_width * board_height;
    int new_size = new_width * new_height;
    int i;

    // Shrinking height? Remove any robots/scrolls/sensors from excess lines
    if(new_height < board_height)
      int offset;
      int check_id;

      for(offset = new_height * board_width; offset < board_size;
        check_id = level_id[offset];

        if(check_id == 122)
          clear_sensor_id(src_board, level_param[offset]);

        if((check_id == 126) || (check_id == 125))
          clear_scroll_id(src_board, level_param[offset]);

        if((check_id == 123) || (check_id == 124))
          clear_robot_id(src_board, level_param[offset]);

    if(new_width < board_width)
      // Take out pieces from each width, then reallocate.
      // Only do this for the current height or the new height, whichever is
      // less.

      int src_offset, dest_offset;
      int max_height = new_height;
      int check_id, offset;

      if(new_height > board_height)
        max_height = board_height;

      for(i = 0, src_offset = 0, dest_offset = 0; i < max_height;
       i++, src_offset += board_width, dest_offset += new_width)
        // First, remove any robots/scrolls/sensors from excess chunks
        for(offset = src_offset + new_width; offset < src_offset + board_width;
          check_id = level_id[offset];

          if(check_id == 122)
            clear_sensor_id(src_board, level_param[offset]);

          if((check_id == 126) || (check_id == 125))
            clear_scroll_id(src_board, level_param[offset]);

          if((check_id == 123) || (check_id == 124))
            clear_robot_id(src_board, level_param[offset]);

        memmove(level_id + dest_offset, level_id + src_offset, new_width);
        memmove(level_param + dest_offset, level_param + src_offset, new_width);
        memmove(level_color + dest_offset, level_color + src_offset, new_width);
        memmove(level_under_id + dest_offset,
         level_under_id + src_offset, new_width);
        memmove(level_under_param + dest_offset,
         level_under_param + src_offset, new_width);
        memmove(level_under_color + dest_offset,
         level_under_color + src_offset, new_width);

      // Resize layers
      src_board->level_id = crealloc(level_id, new_size);
      src_board->level_color = crealloc(level_color, new_size);
      src_board->level_param = crealloc(level_param, new_size);
      src_board->level_under_id = crealloc(level_under_id, new_size);
      src_board->level_under_color = crealloc(level_under_color, new_size);
      src_board->level_under_param = crealloc(level_under_param, new_size);

      level_id = src_board->level_id;
      level_color = src_board->level_color;
      level_param = src_board->level_param;
      level_under_id = src_board->level_under_id;
      level_under_color = src_board->level_under_color;
      level_under_param = src_board->level_under_param;

      // Do the overlay too, if it exists
        for(i = 0, src_offset = 0, dest_offset = 0; i < max_height;
         i++, src_offset += board_width, dest_offset += new_width)
          memmove(overlay + dest_offset, overlay + src_offset, new_width);
          memmove(overlay_color + dest_offset, overlay_color + src_offset, new_width);

        src_board->overlay = crealloc(overlay, new_size);
        src_board->overlay_color = crealloc(overlay_color, new_size);

        overlay = src_board->overlay;
        overlay_color = src_board->overlay_color;

    if(new_width > board_width)
      // Reallocate first, then copy over pieces, padding in widths
      // Only do this for the current height or the new height, whichever is
      // less.
      int src_offset, dest_offset;
      int max_height = new_height;
      int width_difference = new_width - board_width;

      if(new_height > board_height)
        max_height = board_height;

      // Resize first this time.
      src_board->level_id = crealloc(level_id, new_size);
      src_board->level_color = crealloc(level_color, new_size);
      src_board->level_param = crealloc(level_param, new_size);
      src_board->level_under_id = crealloc(level_under_id, new_size);
      src_board->level_under_color = crealloc(level_under_color, new_size);
      src_board->level_under_param = crealloc(level_under_param, new_size);

      // Resize the overlay too, if it exists
        src_board->overlay = crealloc(overlay, new_size);
        src_board->overlay_color = crealloc(overlay_color, new_size);
        overlay = src_board->overlay;
        overlay_color = src_board->overlay_color;

      level_id = src_board->level_id;
      level_color = src_board->level_color;
      level_param = src_board->level_param;
      level_under_id = src_board->level_under_id;
      level_under_color = src_board->level_under_color;
      level_under_param = src_board->level_under_param;

      // And start at the end instead of the beginning
      src_offset = board_width * (max_height - 1);
      dest_offset = new_width * (max_height - 1);

      for(i = 0; i < max_height; i++, src_offset -= board_width, dest_offset -= new_width)
        memmove(level_id + dest_offset, level_id + src_offset, board_width);
        memmove(level_param + dest_offset, level_param + src_offset, board_width);
        memmove(level_color + dest_offset, level_color + src_offset, board_width);
        memmove(level_under_id + dest_offset,
         level_under_id + src_offset, board_width);
        memmove(level_under_param + dest_offset,
         level_under_param + src_offset, board_width);
        memmove(level_under_color + dest_offset,
         level_under_color + src_offset, board_width);
        // And fill in the remainder with blanks
        memset(level_id + dest_offset + board_width, 0, width_difference);
        memset(level_param + dest_offset + board_width, 0, width_difference);
        memset(level_color + dest_offset + board_width, 7, width_difference);
        memset(level_under_id + dest_offset + board_width, 0, width_difference);
        memset(level_under_param + dest_offset + board_width, 0, width_difference);
        memset(level_under_color + dest_offset + board_width, 7, width_difference);

      src_offset = board_width * (max_height - 1);
      dest_offset = new_width * (max_height - 1);

      // Do the overlay too, if it exists
        for(i = 0; i < max_height; i++, src_offset -= board_width, dest_offset -= new_width)
          memmove(overlay + dest_offset, overlay + src_offset, board_width);
          memmove(overlay_color + dest_offset, overlay_color + src_offset, board_width);
          // And fill in the remainder with blanks
          memset(overlay + dest_offset + board_width, 32, width_difference);
          memset(overlay_color + dest_offset + board_width, 7, width_difference);
      // Width remains the same, just a straight resize

      src_board->level_id = crealloc(level_id, new_size);
      src_board->level_color = crealloc(level_color, new_size);
      src_board->level_param = crealloc(level_param, new_size);
      src_board->level_under_id = crealloc(level_under_id, new_size);
      src_board->level_under_color = crealloc(level_under_color, new_size);
      src_board->level_under_param = crealloc(level_under_param, new_size);

      // Resize the overlay too, if it exists
        src_board->overlay = crealloc(overlay, new_size);
        src_board->overlay_color = crealloc(overlay_color, new_size);

      level_id = src_board->level_id;
      level_color = src_board->level_color;
      level_param = src_board->level_param;
      level_under_id = src_board->level_under_id;
      level_under_color = src_board->level_under_color;
      level_under_param = src_board->level_under_param;
      overlay = src_board->overlay;
      overlay_color = src_board->overlay_color;

    // Fill in any blanks
    if(new_height > board_height)
      int offset = new_width * board_height;
      int size_difference = new_size - offset;

      memset(level_id + offset, 0, size_difference);
      memset(level_param + offset, 0, size_difference);
      memset(level_color + offset, 7, size_difference);
      memset(level_under_id + offset, 0, size_difference);
      memset(level_under_param + offset, 0, size_difference);
      memset(level_under_color + offset, 7, size_difference);

        memset(overlay + offset, 32, size_difference);
        memset(overlay_color + offset, 7, size_difference);

    // Set the new sizes
    src_board->board_width = new_width;
    src_board->board_height = new_height;