Beispiel #1
static void
async_invoke_thread (gpointer data)
	MonoDomain *domain;
	MonoWSQ *wsq;
	ThreadPool *tp;
	gboolean must_die;
	tp = data;
	wsq = NULL;
	if (!tp->is_io)
		wsq = add_wsq ();

	set_tp_thread_info (tp);

	if (tp_start_func)
		tp_start_func (tp_hooks_user_data);

	data = NULL;
	for (;;) {
		MonoAsyncResult *ar;
		MonoClass *klass;
		gboolean is_io_task;
		gboolean is_socket;
		int n_naps = 0;

		is_io_task = FALSE;
		ar = (MonoAsyncResult *) data;
		if (ar) {
			InterlockedIncrement (&tp->busy_threads);
			domain = ((MonoObject *)ar)->vtable->domain;
			klass = ((MonoObject *) data)->vtable->klass;
			is_io_task = !is_corlib_asyncresult (domain, klass);
			is_socket = FALSE;
			if (is_io_task) {
				MonoSocketAsyncResult *state = (MonoSocketAsyncResult *) data;
				is_socket = is_socketasyncresult (domain, klass);
				ar = state->ares;
				switch (state->operation) {
				case AIO_OP_RECEIVE:
					state->total = ICALL_RECV (state);
				case AIO_OP_SEND:
					state->total = ICALL_SEND (state);
			/* worker threads invokes methods in different domains,
			 * so we need to set the right domain here */
			g_assert (domain);

			if (mono_domain_is_unloading (domain) || mono_runtime_is_shutting_down ()) {
				threadpool_jobs_dec ((MonoObject *)ar);
				data = NULL;
				ar = NULL;
				InterlockedDecrement (&tp->busy_threads);
			} else {
				mono_thread_push_appdomain_ref (domain);
				if (threadpool_jobs_dec ((MonoObject *)ar)) {
					data = NULL;
					ar = NULL;
					mono_thread_pop_appdomain_ref ();
					InterlockedDecrement (&tp->busy_threads);

				if (mono_domain_set (domain, FALSE)) {
					MonoObject *exc;

					if (tp_item_begin_func)
						tp_item_begin_func (tp_item_user_data);

					exc = mono_async_invoke (tp, ar);
					if (tp_item_end_func)
						tp_item_end_func (tp_item_user_data);
					if (exc)
						mono_internal_thread_unhandled_exception (exc);
					if (is_socket && tp->is_io) {
						MonoSocketAsyncResult *state = (MonoSocketAsyncResult *) data;

						if (state->completed && state->callback) {
							MonoAsyncResult *cb_ares;
							cb_ares = create_simple_asyncresult ((MonoObject *) state->callback,
												(MonoObject *) state);
							icall_append_job ((MonoObject *) cb_ares);
					mono_domain_set (mono_get_root_domain (), TRUE);
				mono_thread_pop_appdomain_ref ();
				InterlockedDecrement (&tp->busy_threads);
				clear_thread_state ();

		ar = NULL;
		data = NULL;
		must_die = should_i_die (tp);
		if (must_die) {
			mono_wsq_suspend (wsq);
		} else {
			if (tp->is_io || !mono_wsq_local_pop (&data))
				dequeue_or_steal (tp, &data, wsq);

		n_naps = 0;
		while (!must_die && !data && n_naps < 4) {
			gboolean res;

			InterlockedIncrement (&tp->waiting);

			// Another thread may have added a job into its wsq since the last call to dequeue_or_steal
			// Check all the queues again before entering the wait loop
			dequeue_or_steal (tp, &data, wsq);
			if (data) {
				InterlockedDecrement (&tp->waiting);

			mono_gc_set_skip_thread (TRUE);

#if defined(__OpenBSD__)
			while (mono_cq_count (tp->queue) == 0 && (res = mono_sem_wait (&tp->new_job, TRUE)) == -1) {// && errno == EINTR) {
			while (mono_cq_count (tp->queue) == 0 && (res = mono_sem_timedwait (&tp->new_job, 2000, TRUE)) == -1) {// && errno == EINTR) {
				if (mono_runtime_is_shutting_down ())
				check_for_interruption_critical ();
			InterlockedDecrement (&tp->waiting);

			mono_gc_set_skip_thread (FALSE);

			if (mono_runtime_is_shutting_down ())
			must_die = should_i_die (tp);
			dequeue_or_steal (tp, &data, wsq);

		if (!data && !tp->is_io && !mono_runtime_is_shutting_down ()) {
			mono_wsq_local_pop (&data);
			if (data && must_die) {
				InterlockedCompareExchange (&tp->destroy_thread, 1, 0);
				pulse_on_new_job (tp);

		if (!data) {
			gint nt;
			gboolean down;
			while (1) {
				nt = tp->nthreads;
				down = mono_runtime_is_shutting_down ();
				if (!down && nt <= tp->min_threads)
				if (down || InterlockedCompareExchange (&tp->nthreads, nt - 1, nt) == nt) {
					mono_perfcounter_update_value (tp->pc_nthreads, TRUE, -1);
					if (!tp->is_io) {
						remove_wsq (wsq);

					fire_profiler_thread_end ();

					if (tp_finish_func)
						tp_finish_func (tp_hooks_user_data);

					if (!tp->is_io) {
						if (threads) {
							mono_mutex_lock (&threads_lock);
							if (threads)
								g_ptr_array_remove_fast (threads, mono_thread_current ()->internal_thread);
							mono_mutex_unlock (&threads_lock);


	g_assert_not_reached ();

ves_icall_System_Threading_ThreadPool_GetAvailableThreads (gint *workerThreads, gint *completionPortThreads)
	*workerThreads = async_tp.max_threads - async_tp.busy_threads;
	*completionPortThreads = async_io_tp.max_threads - async_io_tp.busy_threads;
Beispiel #2
static void
pre_fuzz_handler(void *wrapcxt, INOUT void **user_data)
    void *dcontext = drwrap_get_drcontext(wrapcxt);
    app_pc target_to_fuzz = drwrap_get_func(wrapcxt);
    fuzz_target_t *target = hashtable_lookup(&fuzz_target_htable, target_to_fuzz);
    fuzz_pass_context_t *fp = (fuzz_pass_context_t *) drmgr_get_tls_field(dcontext,
    bool is_target_entry = false;
    pass_target_t *live = NULL;
    dr_mcontext_t *mc;
    uint i;

    ASSERT(target != NULL, "pre_fuzz must be associated with a fuzz target");

    DRFUZZ_LOG(3, "pre_fuzz() for target "PFX" with %d args\n",
               target_to_fuzz, target->arg_count);

    /* XXX i#1734: this heuristic may be incorrect when a handled fault occurs during
     * the very last iteration of the last fuzz pass on any thread.

    /* Stop the target iterator that was captured at the last critical fault, because
     * the fact that we are in pre-fuzz implies the fault was handled and doesn't matter.
    if (fp->thread_state->targets != NULL)

    /* XXX: assumes the fuzz target is never called recursively */
    if (fp->live_targets != NULL && fp->live_targets->target->func_pc == target_to_fuzz) {
        live = fp->live_targets; /* this is a repetition of the last live target */
    } else {
        is_target_entry = true; /* this is a new invocation of a target */
        live = activate_cached_target(fp, target_to_fuzz); /* check the cache */
        if (live == NULL)
            live = create_pass_target(dcontext, wrapcxt);
        live->next = fp->live_targets; /* push to live stack */
        fp->live_targets = live;

    /* required by dr_redirect_execution() (avoids having to merge the mcontext) */
    mc = drwrap_get_mcontext_ex(wrapcxt, DR_MC_ALL); /* XXX: can we relax this? */

    if (is_target_entry) {
        live->xsp = mc->xsp;
#ifdef X86
        live->unclobber.retaddr_loc = (reg_t *) mc->xsp; /* see retaddr_unclobber_t */
        live->unclobber.retaddr = (reg_t) drwrap_get_retaddr(wrapcxt);
        DRFUZZ_LOG(4, "fuzz target "PFX": saving stack pointer "PFX"\n",
                   target_to_fuzz, mc->xsp);
        for (i = 0; i < target->arg_count; i++) { /* store the original arg values */
            live->original_args[i] = (reg_t) drwrap_get_arg(wrapcxt, i);
            /* copy original args to current args for the first iteration of the fuzz */
            live->current_args[i] = live->original_args[i];
            DRFUZZ_LOG(4, "fuzz target "PFX": saving original arg #%d: "PFX"\n",
                       target_to_fuzz, i, live->original_args[i]);

    /* restore the original arg values before calling the client */
    for (i = 0; i < target->arg_count; i++) {
        DRFUZZ_LOG(4, "fuzz target "PFX": restoring original arg #%d: "PFX"\n",
                   target_to_fuzz, i, live->original_args[i]);
        drwrap_set_arg(wrapcxt, i, (void *) live->original_args[i]);

#ifdef ARM
    mc->lr = live->unclobber.retaddr; /* restore retaddr to link register */
#else /* X86 */
    *live->unclobber.retaddr_loc = live->unclobber.retaddr; /* restore retaddr to stack */

    target->pre_fuzz_cb(fp, (generic_func_t) target_to_fuzz, mc);
    for (i = 0; i < target->arg_count; i++)
        live->current_args[i] = (reg_t) drwrap_get_arg(wrapcxt, i);

    *user_data = fp;