static	void	sysinit(void)
	int32	i;
	struct	procent	*prptr;		/* ptr to process table entry	*/
	struct	sentry	*semptr;	/* prr to semaphore table entry	*/
	struct	memblk	*memptr;	/* ptr to memory block		*/

	/* Initialize system variables */

	/* Count the Null process as the first process in the system */

	prcount = 1;

	/* Scheduling is not currently blocked */

	Defer.ndefers = 0;

	/* Initialize the free memory list */

	maxheap = (void *)addressp2k(MAXADDR);

	memlist.mnext = (struct memblk *)minheap;

	/* Overlay memblk structure on free memory and set fields */

	memptr = (struct memblk *)minheap;
	memptr->mnext = NULL;
	memptr->mlength = memlist.mlength = (uint32)(maxheap - minheap);

	/* Initialize process table entries free */

	for (i = 0; i < NPROC; i++) {
		prptr = &proctab[i];
		prptr->prstate = PR_FREE;
		prptr->prname[0] = NULLCH;
		prptr->prstkbase = NULL;
		prptr->prprio = 0;

	/* Initialize the Null process entry */

	prptr = &proctab[NULLPROC];
	prptr->prstate = PR_CURR;
	prptr->prprio = 0;
	strncpy(prptr->prname, "prnull", 7);
	prptr->prstkbase = minheap;
	prptr->prstklen = NULLSTK;
	prptr->prstkptr = 0;
	currpid = NULLPROC;

	/* Initialize semaphores */

	for (i = 0; i < NSEM; i++) {
		semptr = &semtab[i];
		semptr->sstate = S_FREE;
		semptr->scount = 0;
		semptr->squeue = newqueue();

	/* Initialize buffer pools */


	/* Create a ready list for processes */

	readylist = newqueue();

	/* Initialize real time clock */


	/* Initialize non-volative RAM storage */
#if 0

	/* Initialize devices */

	for (i = 0; i < NDEVS; i++) {
Beispiel #2
 * Intializes all Xinu data structures and devices.
 * @return OK if everything is initialized successfully
static int sysinit(void)
    int i;
    struct thrent *thrptr;      /* thread control block pointer  */
    struct memblock *pmblock;   /* memory block pointer          */

    /* Initialize system variables */
    /* Count this NULLTHREAD as the first thread in the system. */
    thrcount = 1;

    /* Initialize free memory list */
    memheap = roundmb(memheap);
    platform.maxaddr = truncmb(platform.maxaddr); = pmblock = (struct memblock *)memheap;
    memlist.length = (uint)(platform.maxaddr - memheap);
    pmblock->next = NULL;
    pmblock->length = (uint)(platform.maxaddr - memheap);

    /* Initialize thread table */
    for (i = 0; i < NTHREAD; i++)
        thrtab[i].state = THRFREE;

    /* initialize null thread entry */
    thrptr = &thrtab[NULLTHREAD];
    thrptr->state = THRCURR;
    thrptr->prio = 0;
    strlcpy(thrptr->name, "prnull", TNMLEN);
    thrptr->stkbase = (void *)&_end;
    thrptr->stklen = (ulong)memheap - (ulong)&_end;
    thrptr->stkptr = 0;
    thrptr-> = NULL;
    thrptr->memlist.length = 0;
    thrcurrent = NULLTHREAD;

    /* Initialize semaphores */
    for (i = 0; i < NSEM; i++)
        semtab[i].state = SFREE;
        semtab[i].queue = queinit();

    /* Initialize monitors */
    for (i = 0; i < NMON; i++)
        montab[i].state = MFREE;

    /* Initialize buffer pools */
    for (i = 0; i < NPOOL; i++)
        bfptab[i].state = BFPFREE;

    /* initialize thread ready list */
    readylist = queinit();

#if SB_BUS
#endif                          /* SB_BUS */

    /* initialize real time clock */
#endif                          /* RTCLOCK */

    /* Initialize user memory manager */
        void *userheap;             /* pointer to user memory heap   */
        userheap = stkget(UHEAP_SIZE);
        if (SYSERR != (int)userheap)
            userheap = (void *)((uint)userheap - UHEAP_SIZE + sizeof(int));
            memRegionInit(userheap, UHEAP_SIZE);

            /* initialize memory protection */

            /* initialize kernel page mappings */

    /* initialize TLB */
    /* register system call handler */
    exceptionVector[EXC_SYS] = syscall_entry;
#endif                          /* USE_TLB */

    /* intialize mailboxes */

    for (i = 0; i < NDEVS; i++)

#ifdef WITH_USB



#if GPIO
    return OK;
Beispiel #3
 *  sysinit  --  initialize all Xinu data structeres and devices
LOCAL	sysinit()

	int i,j,len;
	struct pentry *pptr;	 /* null process entry */
	struct sentry *sptr;
	struct mblock *volatile mptr;

	numproc = 0;			/* initialize system variables */
	nextproc = NPROC-1;
	nextsem = NSEM-1;
	nextqueue = NPROC;		/* q[0..NPROC-1] are processes */

	memlist.mnext = mptr =		/* initialize free memory list */
	    (struct mblock *volatile) roundmb(__malloc_heap_start);
	mptr->mnext = (struct mblock *)NULL;
	mptr->mlen = len = (int) truncmb(RAMEND - NULLSTK - (unsigned)&__bss_end);
	__malloc_heap_start = (char *)mptr;
	__malloc_heap_end = __malloc_heap_start + len;
	kprintf_P(PSTR("Heap: %p of length %d\n"), mptr, len);
	for (i=0 ; i<NPROC ; i++)	/* initialize process table */
		proctab[i].pstate = PRFREE;

	/* initialize null process entry */
	pptr = &proctab[NULLPROC];
	pptr->pstate = PRCURR;
	for (j=0; j<6; j++)
		pptr->pname[j] = "nullp"[j];

	pptr->plimit = (unsigned char *)(RAMEND + 1) - NULLSTK;
	pptr->pbase = (unsigned char *) RAMEND;
	*pptr->pbase = (unsigned char)MAGIC; 	/* clobbers return, but proc 0 doesn't return */
	pptr->paddr = (int *) main;
	pptr->pargs = 0;
	pptr->pprio = 0;
	pptr->pregs[SSP_L] = lobyte((unsigned int)pptr->plimit);	/* for error checking */
	pptr->pregs[SSP_H] = hibyte((unsigned int)pptr->plimit);	/* for error checking */
	currpid = NULLPROC;

	for (i=0 ; i<NSEM ; i++) {	/* initialize semaphores */
		(sptr = &semaph[i])->sstate = SFREE;
		sptr->sqtail = 1 + (sptr->sqhead = newqueue());

	rdytail = 1 + (rdyhead=newqueue());	/* initialize ready list */

#ifdef	MEMMARK
	kprintf("Memory marking\n");
	_mkinit();			/* initialize memory marking */
	kprintf("Pool init\n");
	poolinit();			/* explicitly */

#ifdef	RTCLOCK
	kprintf("init RTC\n");
	clkinit();			/* initialize r.t.clock	*/

#ifdef NDEVS
	for ( i=0 ; i<NDEVS ; i++ ) {
		if (i>0) kprintf("init dev %d\n", i);

#ifdef	NNETS
//	kprintf("net init\n");

	return (OK);
 *  sysinit  --  initialize all Xinu data structeres and devices
LOCAL int sysinit()
	int	i,j;
	struct	pentry	*pptr;
	struct	sentry	*sptr;
	struct	mblock	*mptr;

	numproc = 0;			/* initialize system variables */
	nextproc = NPROC-1;
	nextsem = NSEM-1;
	nextqueue = NPROC;		/* q[0..NPROC-1] are processes */

	/* initialize free memory list */
	/* PC version has to pre-allocate 640K-1024K "hole" */
	if (maxaddr+1 > (char *)HOLESTART) {
		memlist.mnext = mptr = (struct mblock *) roundmb(&end);
		mptr->mnext = (struct mblock *)HOLEEND;
		mptr->mlen = (int) truncew(((unsigned) HOLESTART -
        mptr->mlen -= 4;

		mptr = (struct mblock *) HOLEEND;
		mptr->mnext = 0;
		mptr->mlen = (int) truncew((unsigned)maxaddr - HOLEEND -
	} else {
		/* initialize free memory list */
		memlist.mnext = mptr = (struct mblock *) roundmb(&end);
		mptr->mnext = 0;
		mptr->mlen = (int) truncew((unsigned)maxaddr - (int)&end -

	for (i=0 ; i<NPROC ; i++)	/* initialize process table */
		proctab[i].pstate = PRFREE;

	pptr = &proctab[NULLPROC];	/* initialize null process entry */
	pptr->pstate = PRCURR;
	for (j=0; j<7; j++)
		pptr->pname[j] = "prnull"[j];
	pptr->plimit = (WORD)(maxaddr + 1) - NULLSTK;
	pptr->pbase = (WORD) maxaddr - 3;
	pptr->pesp = pptr->pbase-4;	/* for stkchk; rewritten before used */
	*( (int *)pptr->pbase ) = MAGIC;
	pptr->paddr = (WORD) nulluser;
	pptr->pargs = 0;
	pptr->pprio = 0;
	currpid = NULLPROC;

	for (i=0 ; i<NSEM ; i++) {	/* initialize semaphores */
		(sptr = &semaph[i])->sstate = SFREE;
		sptr->sqtail = 1 + (sptr->sqhead = newqueue());

	rdytail = 1 + (rdyhead=newqueue());/* initialize ready list */

#ifdef	MEMMARK
	_mkinit();			/* initialize memory marking */

#ifdef	RTCLOCK
	clkinit();			/* initialize r.t.clock	*/

	pci_init();	/* PCI */

	mon_init();	/* init monitor */
//	ripinit();

#ifdef NDEVS
	for (i=0 ; i<NDEVS ; i++ ) {	    
Beispiel #5
 *  sysinit  --  initialize all Xinu data structeres and devices
	static	long	currsp;
	int	i,j;
	struct	pentry	*pptr;
	struct	sentry	*sptr;
	struct	mblock	*mptr;

	numproc = 0;			/* initialize system variables */
	nextproc = NPROC-1;
	nextsem = NSEM-1;
	nextqueue = NPROC;		/* q[0..NPROC-1] are processes */

#ifdef X__COM32__
#ifdef __COM32__
	/* initialize free memory list */
	kprintf("com32topmem %d\n", (unsigned long) com32topmem);
	com32topmem = com32topmem - 1024*64; /* !!! we need some space fort this code */
	maxaddr =  (char*) com32topmem;
	kprintf("maxaddr     %d\n", (unsigned long) maxaddr);
	memlist.mnext = mptr = (struct mblock *) roundmb(&end);
	mptr->mnext = 0;
	mptr->mlen = (int) truncew((unsigned)maxaddr - (int)&end -
	/* initialize free memory list */
	/* PC version has to pre-allocate 640K-1024K "hole" */
	if (maxaddr+1 > HOLESTART) {
		memlist.mnext = mptr = (struct mblock *) roundmb(&end);
		mptr->mnext = (struct mblock *)HOLEEND;
		mptr->mlen = (int) truncew((unsigned) HOLESTART -
	     		 (unsigned)&end - 4);

		mptr = (struct mblock *) HOLEEND;
		mptr->mnext = 0;
		mptr->mlen = (int) truncew(maxaddr - HOLEEND - NULLSTK);
	} else {
		/* initialize free memory list */
		memlist.mnext = mptr = (struct mblock *) roundmb(&end);
		mptr->mnext = 0;
		mptr->mlen = (int) truncew((unsigned)maxaddr - (int)&end -
#ifdef X__COM32__
	puts_com32("sysinit() free memory list done\n");
	for (i=0 ; i<NPROC ; i++)	/* initialize process table */
		proctab[i].pstate = PRFREE;

#ifdef X__COM32__
	puts_com32("sysinit() proctab done\n");
	pptr = &proctab[NULLPROC];	/* initialize null process entry */
	pptr->pstate = PRCURR;
	for (j=0; j<7; j++)
		pptr->pname[j] = "prnull"[j];
	pptr->plimit = (WORD)(maxaddr + 1) - NULLSTK;
	pptr->pbase = (WORD) maxaddr - 3;
	pptr->pesp = pptr->pbase-4;	/* for stkchk; rewritten before used */
	*( (int *)pptr->pbase ) = MAGIC;
	pptr->paddr = (WORD) nulluser;
	pptr->pargs = 0;
	pptr->pprio = 0;
	currpid = NULLPROC;

	for (i=0 ; i<NSEM ; i++) {	/* initialize semaphores */
		(sptr = &semaph[i])->sstate = SFREE;
		sptr->sqtail = 1 + (sptr->sqhead = newqueue());

	rdytail = 1 + (rdyhead=newqueue());/* initialize ready list */

#ifdef X__COM32__
	puts_com32("sysinit() semaphores done\n");
#ifdef	MEMMARK
	_mkinit();			/* initialize memory marking */
#ifdef __COM32__
	puts_com32("sysinit()  memory marking done\n");

#ifdef	RTCLOCK
	clkinit();			/* initialize r.t.clock	*/
#ifdef __COM32__
	puts_com32("sysinit() rtc done\n");

#ifdef NDEVS
	for ( i=0 ; i<NDEVS ; i++ ) {
#ifdef __COM32__
	puts_com32("sysinit() devs done\n");

#ifdef	NNETS
#ifdef __COM32__
	puts_com32("sysinit() netinit() done\n");

Beispiel #6
 * sysinit  -  Initialize all Xinu data structures and devices
static	void	sysinit()
	int32	i;
	struct	procent	*prptr;		/* Ptr to process table entry	*/
	struct	sentry	*semptr;	/* Ptr to semaphore table entry	*/

	/* Platform Specific Initialization */

/*	kprintf("\033[39;49m\n\r%s\n\n\r", VERSION);*/

	/* Initialize the interrupt vectors */

	/* Initialize free memory list */

	/* Initialize system variables */

	/* Count the Null process as the first process in the system */

	prcount = 1;

	/* Scheduling is not currently blocked */

	Defer.ndefers = 0;

	/* Initialize process table entries free */

	for (i = 0; i < NPROC; i++) {
		prptr = &proctab[i];
		prptr->prstate = PR_FREE;
		prptr->prname[0] = NULLCH;
		prptr->prstkbase = NULL;
		prptr->prprio = 0;

	/* Initialize the Null process entry */	

	prptr = &proctab[NULLPROC];
	prptr->prstate = PR_CURR;
	prptr->prprio = 0;
	strncpy(prptr->prname, "prnull", 7);
	prptr->prstkbase = getstk(NULLSTK);
	prptr->prstklen = NULLSTK;
	prptr->prstkptr = 0;
	currpid = NULLPROC;
	/* Initialize semaphores */

	for (i = 0; i < NSEM; i++) {
		semptr = &semtab[i];
		semptr->sstate = S_FREE;
		semptr->scount = 0;
		semptr->squeue = newqueue();

	/* Initialize buffer pools */


	/* Create a ready list for processes */

	readylist = newqueue();

	/* Initialize the real time clock */


	for (i = 0; i < NDEVS; i++) {
Beispiel #7
 *  sysinit  --  initialize all Xinu data structeres and devices
	static	long	currsp;
	int	i,j, avail;
	struct	pentry	*pptr;
	struct	sentry	*sptr;
	struct	mblock	*mptr;
	SYSCALL pfintr();

	set_evec(14, pfintr);

	pptr = &proctab[NULLPROC]; /* initialize null process entry */

	numproc = 0;			/* initialize system variables */
	nextproc = NPROC-1;
	nextsem = NSEM-1;
	nextqueue = NPROC;		/* q[0..NPROC-1] are processes */

	/* initialize free memory list */
	/* PC version has to pre-allocate 640K-1024K "hole" */
	if (maxaddr+1 > HOLESTART) {
		memlist.mnext = mptr = (struct mblock *) roundmb(&end);
		mptr->mnext = (struct mblock *)HOLEEND;
		mptr->mlen = (int) truncew(((unsigned) HOLESTART -
        mptr->mlen -= 4;

		mptr = (struct mblock *) HOLEEND;
		mptr->mnext = 0;
		mptr->mlen = (int) truncew((unsigned)maxaddr - HOLEEND -
		mptr->mlen = (int) truncew((unsigned)maxaddr - (4096 - 1024 ) *  4096 - HOLEEND - NULLSTK);
	} else {
		/* initialize free memory list */
		memlist.mnext = mptr = (struct mblock *) roundmb(&end);
		mptr->mnext = 0;
		mptr->mlen = (int) truncew((unsigned)maxaddr - (int)&end -

	for (i=0 ; i<NPROC ; i++)	/* initialize process table */
		proctab[i].pstate = PRFREE;

#ifdef	MEMMARK
	_mkinit();			/* initialize memory marking */

#ifdef	RTCLOCK
	clkinit();			/* initialize r.t.clock	*/

	mon_init();     /* init monitor */

#ifdef NDEVS
	for (i=0 ; i<NDEVS ; i++ ) {	    

	pptr = &proctab[NULLPROC];	/* initialize null process entry */
	pptr->pstate = PRCURR;
	for (j=0; j<7; j++)
		pptr->pname[j] = "prnull"[j];
	pptr->plimit = (WORD)(maxaddr + 1) - NULLSTK;
	pptr->pbase = (WORD) maxaddr - 3;
	pptr->plimit = (WORD)(maxaddr + 1) - NULLSTK - (4096 - 1024 )*4096;
	pptr->pbase = (WORD) maxaddr - 3 - (4096-1024)*4096;
	pptr->pesp = pptr->pbase-4;	/* for stkchk; rewritten before used */
	*( (int *)pptr->pbase ) = MAGIC;
	pptr->paddr = (WORD) nulluser;
	pptr->pargs = 0;
	pptr->pprio = 0;
	currpid = NULLPROC;
	for (i=0 ; i<NSEM ; i++) {	/* initialize semaphores */
		(sptr = &semaph[i])->sstate = SFREE;
		sptr->sqtail = 1 + (sptr->sqhead = newqueue());

	rdytail = 1 + (rdyhead=newqueue());/* initialize ready list */


	kprintf("initialize page tables for null process\n");
	// init pg dir for proc 0
	frame_t *pg_dir = get_free_frame();
	init_pg_dir(pg_dir, NULLPROC);
	pptr->pdbr = pg_dir->frm_num;
	pptr->pd = pg_dir;
Beispiel #8
//  sysinit  --  initialize all Xinu data structures and devices
static int
	static int (*nulluserp)() = &nulluser;
	static uword *nulluserpp = (uword *)&nulluserp;

	struct pentry *pptr;
	struct mblock *mptr;

	// initialize system variables
	numproc = 0;
	nextproc = NPROC - 1;
	nextsem = NSEM - 1;
	nextqueue = NPROC;	// q[0..NPROC-1] are processes

	// initialize free memory list
	memlist.mnext = mptr = (struct mblock *)roundew(&end);
	mptr->mnext = (struct mblock *)NULL;
	mptr->mlen = (uword)truncew((uintptr_t)maxaddr - NULLSTK - (uintptr_t)&end);

	// initialize process table
	for (int k = 0; k < NPROC; k++)
		proctab[k].pstate = PRFREE;

	// initialize null process entry
	pptr = &proctab[NULLPROC];
	pptr->pstate = PRCURR;
	pptr->pprio = 0;
	strlcpy(pptr->pname, "prnull", PNMLEN);
	pptr->plimit = ((char *)maxaddr) - NULLSTK - sizeof(uword);
	pptr->pbase = (char *)maxaddr;
	*((uword *)pptr->pbase) = MAGIC;
	pptr->paddr = (char *)(*nulluserpp);
	pptr->phasmsg = FALSE;
	pptr->pargs = 0;
	currpid = NULLPROC;

	// initialize semaphores
	for (int k = 0; k < NSEM; k++) {
		struct sentry *sptr = &semaph[k];
		sptr->sstate = SFREE;
		sptr->sqtail = 1 + (sptr->sqhead = newqueue());

	// initialize ready list
	rdyhead = newqueue();
	rdytail = 1 + rdyhead;

	// initialize memory marking

	// initialize r.t.clock

	// initialize disk buffers
	dskdbp = mkpool(DBUFSIZ, NDBUFF);
	dskrbp = mkpool(DREQSIZ, NDREQ);

	// initialize devices
	for (int k = 0; k < NDEVS; k++)

	return OK;
Beispiel #9
 * Intializes all Xinu data structures and devices.
 * @return OK if everything is initialized successfully
static int sysinit(void)
    int i;
    void *userheap;             /* pointer to user memory heap   */
    struct thrent *thrptr;      /* thread control block pointer  */
    device *devptr;             /* device entry pointer          */
    struct sement *semptr;      /* semaphore entry pointer       */
    struct memblock *pmblock;   /* memory block pointer          */
    struct bfpentry *bfpptr;

    /* Initialize system variables */
    /* Count this NULLTHREAD as the first thread in the system. */
    thrcount = 1;

    kprintf("variable i in this function is at 0x%x\r\n", &i);
    kprintf("this function sysinit is at 0x%x\r\n", &sysinit);
    kprintf("_start is at 0x%x\r\n", _start);
    kprintf("_end is at (the end) at 0x%x\r\n", &_end);
    kprintf("readylist is at 0x%x\r\n", &readylist);
    kprintf("kputc is at 0x%x\r\n", &kputc);
    kprintf("NTHREAD is %d\r\n", NTHREAD);

    kprintf("memheap is 0x%x\r\n", memheap);

    /* Initialize free memory list */
    memheap = roundmb(memheap);
    platform.maxaddr = truncmb(platform.maxaddr);
    kprintf("platform.maxaddr is 0x%x\r\n", platform.maxaddr); = pmblock = (struct memblock *)memheap;
    memlist.length = (uint)(platform.maxaddr - memheap);
    pmblock->next = NULL;
    pmblock->length = (uint)(platform.maxaddr - memheap);

    /* Initialize thread table */
    for (i = 0; i < NTHREAD; i++)
        thrtab[i].state = THRFREE;
    kprintf("thrtab is at 0x%x, size %d\r\n", thrtab, sizeof(thrtab));

    /* initialize null thread entry */
    thrptr = &thrtab[NULLTHREAD];
    thrptr->state = THRCURR;
    thrptr->prio = 0;
    strncpy(thrptr->name, "prnull", 7);
    thrptr->stkbase = (void *)&_end;
    thrptr->stklen = (ulong)memheap - (ulong)&_end;
    thrptr->stkptr = 0;
    thrptr-> = NULL;
    thrptr->memlist.length = 0;
    thrcurrent = NULLTHREAD;

    kprintf("&_end is 0x%x\n", &_end);

    /* Initialize semaphores */
    for (i = 0; i < NSEM; i++)
        semptr = &semtab[i];
        semptr->state = SFREE;
        semptr->count = 0;
        semptr->queue = queinit();

    kprintf("NPOOL is %d\n", NPOOL);

    /* Initialize buffer pools */
    for (i = 0; i < NPOOL; i++)
        bfpptr = &bfptab[i];
        bfpptr->state = BFPFREE;
    kprintf("calling queinit() for readylist\r\n");

    /* initialize thread ready list */
    readylist = queinit();

#if SB_BUS
#endif                          /* SB_BUS */

    /* initialize real time clock */
    kprintf("Clock being initialized.\r\n" );
#endif                          /* RTCLOCK */

    /* Initialize user memory manager */
    userheap = stkget(UHEAP_SIZE);
    if (SYSERR != (int)userheap)
        userheap = (void *)((uint)userheap - UHEAP_SIZE + sizeof(int));
        memRegionInit(userheap, UHEAP_SIZE);

        /* initialize memory protection */

        /* initialize kernel page mappings */
    userheap = NULL;
#endif                          /* UHEAP_SIZE */

    /* initialize TLB */
    /* register system call handler */
    exceptionVector[EXC_SYS] = syscall_entry;
#endif                          /* USE_TLB */

    /* intialize mailboxes */

    for (i = 0; i < NDEVS; i++)
        if (!isbaddev(i))
            devptr = (device *)&devtab[i];
            (devptr->init) (devptr);
#if 0
    kprintf("SO MUCH MORE NOT done with sysinit()\r\n");
    kprintf("NOT done with sysinit()\r\n");
#if GPIO
    kprintf("done with sysinit()\r\n");

    return OK;
Beispiel #10
static	void	sysinit(void)
	int32	i;
	struct	procent	*prptr;		/* ptr to process table entry	*/
	struct	dentry	*devptr;	/* ptr to device table entry	*/
	struct	sentry	*semptr;	/* prr to semaphore table entry	*/
	struct	memblk	*memptr;	/* ptr to memory block		*/

	/* Initialize the interrupt vectors */


	/* Initialize system variables */

	/* Count the Null process as the first process in the system */

	prcount = 1;

	/* Scheduling is not currently blocked */

	Defer.ndefers = 0;

	/* Initialize the free memory list */

	/* Note: PC version has to pre-allocate 640K-1024K "hole" */

	maxheap = (void *)MAXADDR;
	minheap = &end;

	memptr = memlist.mnext = (struct memblk *)roundmb(minheap);
	if ((char *)(maxheap+1) > HOLESTART) {
		/* create two blocks that straddle the hole */
		memptr->mnext = (struct memblk *)HOLEEND;
		memptr->mlength = (int) truncmb((unsigned) HOLESTART -
	     		 (unsigned)&end - 4);
		memptr = (struct memblk *) HOLEEND;
		memptr->mnext = (struct memblk *) NULL;
		memptr->mlength = (int) truncmb( (uint32)maxheap - 
				(uint32)HOLEEND - NULLSTK);
	} else {
		/* initialize free memory list to one block */
		memlist.mnext = memptr = (struct memblk *) roundmb(&end);
		memptr->mnext = (struct memblk *) NULL;
		memptr->mlength = (uint32) truncmb((uint32)maxheap -
				(uint32)&end - NULLSTK);

	/* Initialize process table entries free */

	for (i = 0; i < NPROC; i++) {
		prptr = &proctab[i];
		prptr->prstate = PR_FREE;
		prptr->prname[0] = NULLCH;
		prptr->prstkbase = NULL;
		prptr->prprio = 0;

	/* Initialize the Null process entry */

	prptr = &proctab[NULLPROC];
	prptr->prstate = PR_CURR;
	prptr->prprio = 0;
	strncpy(prptr->prname, "prnull", 7);
	prptr->prstkbase = getstk(NULLSTK);
	prptr->prstklen = NULLSTK;
	prptr->prstkptr = 0;
	currpid = NULLPROC;

	/* Initialize semaphores */

	for (i = 0; i < NSEM; i++) {
		semptr = &semtab[i];
		semptr->sstate = S_FREE;
		semptr->scount = 0;
		semptr->squeue = newqueue();

	/* Initialize buffer pools */

	/* Create a ready list for processes */

	readylist = newqueue();

	/* Initialize the PCI bus */


	/* Initialize the real time clock */


	for (i = 0; i < NDEVS; i++) {
		if (! isbaddev(i)) {
			devptr = (struct dentry *) &devtab[i];
			(devptr->dvinit) (devptr);
Beispiel #11
static	void	sysinit(void)
	int32	i;
	struct	procent	*prptr;		/* ptr to process table entry	*/
	struct	dentry	*devptr;	/* ptr to device table entry	*/
	struct	sentry	*semptr;	/* prr to semaphore table entry	*/
	struct	memblk	*memptr;	/* ptr to memory block		*/

	/* Initialize system variables */

	/* Count the Null process as the first process in the system */

	prcount = 1;

	/* Scheduling is not currently blocked */

	Defer.ndefers = 0;

	/* Initialize the free memory list */

	maxheap = (void *)addressp2k(MAXADDR);

	memlist.mnext = (struct memblk *)minheap;

	/* Overlay memblk structure on free memory and set fields */

	memptr = (struct memblk *)minheap;
	memptr->mnext = NULL;
	memptr->mlength = memlist.mlength = (uint32)(maxheap - minheap);

	/* Initialize process table entries free */

	for (i = 0; i < NPROC; i++) {
		prptr = &proctab[i];
		prptr->prstate = PR_FREE;
		prptr->prname[0] = NULLCH;
		prptr->prstkbase = NULL;
		prptr->prprio = 0;

	/* Initialize the Null process entry */

	prptr = &proctab[NULLPROC];
	prptr->prstate = PR_CURR;
	prptr->prprio = 0;
	strncpy(prptr->prname, "prnull", 7);
	prptr->prstkbase = minheap;
	prptr->prstklen = NULLSTK;
	prptr->prstkptr = 0;
	currpid = NULLPROC;

	/* Initialize semaphores */

	for (i = 0; i < NSEM; i++) {
		semptr = &semtab[i];
		semptr->sstate = S_FREE;
		semptr->scount = 0;
		semptr->squeue = newqueue();

	/* Initialize buffer pools */


	/* Create a ready list for processes */

	readylist = newqueue();

	/* Initialize real time clock */


	/* Initialize non-volative RAM storage */


	for (i = 0; i < NDEVS; i++) {
		if (! isbaddev(i)) {
			devptr = (struct dentry *) &devtab[i];
			(devptr->dvinit) (devptr);
	 * Initialize the last two entries in lflcblk used for
	 * directory manipulation.
	struct dentry dircblk;
	dircblk.dvminor = Nlfl;
	dircblk.dvminor = Nlfl+1;
	lfDirCblkMutex = semcreate(1);


	/* Create a process to handle network packets */
	resume((create(netin, 8192, 500, "netin", 0)) );

 * sysinit  -  Initialize all Xinu data structures and devices
static	void	sysinit()
	int32	i;
	struct	procent	*prptr;		/* Ptr to process table entry	*/
	struct	sentry	*semptr;	/* Ptr to semaphore table entry	*/

	/* Platform Specific Initialization */


	/* Initialize the interrupt vectors */

	/* Initialize free memory list */

	/* Initialize system variables */

	/* Count the Null process as the first process in the system */

	prcount = 1;

	/* Scheduling is not currently blocked */

	Defer.ndefers = 0;

	/* Initialize process table entries free */

	for (i = 0; i < NPROC; i++) {
		prptr = &proctab[i];
		prptr->prstate = PR_FREE;
		prptr->prname[0] = NULLCH;
		prptr->prstkbase = NULL;
		prptr->prprio = 0;
        prptr->prcpu_wait_ratio = 0; // Initializing waits at creation for each process to 0

	/* Initialize the Null process entry */	

	prptr = &proctab[NULLPROC];
	prptr->prstate = PR_CURR;
    /* Setting the null process initial priority as the highest so that all other processes can run before it*/
    prptr->initprio = MAXKEY;
    prptr->prcpumsec = 0;
    prptr->prctxswintime = 0;
    /* Reversing the priority order in case of Dynamic Process Scheduling (Q4 and Q5.) */
    if (LAB2COND) {
        prptr->prprio = MAXKEY;// prptr->initprio + prptr->prcpumsec; //Highest int16 value. The Null process must take the lowest priority.
    else {
        prptr->prprio = MINPRIO;

    strncpy(prptr->prname, "prnull", 7);
	prptr->prstkbase = getstk(NULLSTK);
	prptr->prstklen = NULLSTK;
	prptr->prstkptr = 0;
	currpid = NULLPROC;
	/* Initialize semaphores */

	for (i = 0; i < NSEM; i++) {
		semptr = &semtab[i];
		semptr->sstate = S_FREE;
		semptr->scount = 0;
		semptr->squeue = newqueue();

	/* Initialize buffer pools */


	/* Create a ready list for processes */

	readylist = newqueue();

	/* Initialize the real time clock */


	for (i = 0; i < NDEVS; i++) {
Beispiel #13
static	void	sysinit(void)
	int32	i;
	struct  pipentry *pipptr;       /* ptr to pipe tabe entry       */  
	struct	procent	*prptr;		/* ptr to process table entry	*/
	struct	dentry	*devptr;	/* ptr to device table entry	*/
	struct	sentry	*semptr;	/* prr to semaphore table entry	*/
	struct	memblk	*memptr;	/* ptr to memory block		*/

	/* Initialize system variables */

	/* Count the Null process as the first process in the system */

	prcount = 1;

	/* Scheduling is not currently blocked */

	Defer.ndefers = 0;

	/* Initialize the free memory list */

	maxheap = (void *)addressp2k(MAXADDR);

	memlist.mnext = (struct memblk *)minheap;

	/* Overlay memblk structure on free memory and set fields */

	memptr = (struct memblk *)minheap;
	memptr->mnext = NULL;
	memptr->mlength = memlist.mlength = (uint32)(maxheap - minheap);

	/* Initialize pipe table entries free */

	for (i = 0; i < NPIPE; i++) {
		pipptr = &piptab[i];
		pipptr->pipstate = PR_FREE;
		pipptr->owner = NPROC + 1;
		pipptr->rdend = NPROC + 1;
		pipptr->wrtend = NPROC + 1;
		pipptr->nextpos = -1;
		pipptr->buffer[0] = NULL;

	/* Initialize process table entries free */

	for (i = 0; i < NPROC; i++) {
		prptr = &proctab[i];
		prptr->prstate = PR_FREE;
		prptr->prname[0] = NULLCH;
		prptr->prstkbase = NULL;
		prptr->prprio = 0;

	/* Initialize the Null process entry */

	prptr = &proctab[NULLPROC];
	prptr->prstate = PR_CURR;
	prptr->prprio = 0;
	strncpy(prptr->prname, "prnull", 7);
	prptr->prstkbase = minheap;
	prptr->prstklen = NULLSTK;
	prptr->prstkptr = 0;
	currpid = NULLPROC;

	/* Initialize semaphores */

	for (i = 0; i < NSEM; i++) {
		semptr = &semtab[i];
		semptr->sstate = S_FREE;
		semptr->scount = 0;
		semptr->squeue = newqueue();

	/* Initialize buffer pools */


	/* Create a ready list for processes */

	readylist = newqueue();

	/* Initialize real time clock */


	for (i = 0; i < NDEVS; i++) {
		if (! isbaddev(i)) {
			devptr = (struct dentry *) &devtab[i];
			(devptr->dvinit) (devptr);