Beispiel #1
void _debug( code_part part, const char *function, const char *str, ... )
	va_list ap;
	static char outputBuffer[MAX_LEN_LOG_LINE];
	static unsigned int repeated = 0; /* times current message repeated */
	static unsigned int next = 2;     /* next total to print update */
	static unsigned int prev = 0;     /* total on last update */

	va_start(ap, str);
	vssprintf(outputBuffer, str, ap);

	ssprintf(inputBuffer[useInputBuffer1 ? 1 : 0], "[%s] %s", function, outputBuffer);

	if (sstrcmp(inputBuffer[0], inputBuffer[1]) == 0)
		// Received again the same line
		if (repeated == next) {
			if (repeated > 2) {
				ssprintf(outputBuffer, "last message repeated %u times (total %u repeats)", repeated - prev, repeated);
			} else {
				ssprintf(outputBuffer, "last message repeated %u times", repeated - prev);
			prev = repeated;
			next *= 2;
	} else {
		// Received another line, cleanup the old
		if (repeated > 0 && repeated != prev && repeated != 1) {
			/* just repeat the previous message when only one repeat occurred */
			if (repeated > 2) {
				ssprintf(outputBuffer, "last message repeated %u times (total %u repeats)", repeated - prev, repeated);
			} else {
				ssprintf(outputBuffer, "last message repeated %u times", repeated - prev);
		repeated = 0;
		next = 2;
		prev = 0;

	if (!repeated)
		time_t rawtime;
		struct tm * timeinfo;
		char ourtime[15];		//HH:MM:SS

		time ( &rawtime );
		timeinfo = localtime ( &rawtime );
		strftime (ourtime,15,"%I:%M:%S",timeinfo);

		// Assemble the outputBuffer:
		ssprintf(outputBuffer, "%-8s|%s: %s", code_part_names[part], ourtime, useInputBuffer1 ? inputBuffer[1] : inputBuffer[0]);


		if (part == LOG_ERROR)
			// used to signal user that there was a error condition, and to check the logs.
			NotifyUserOfError(useInputBuffer1 ? inputBuffer[1] : inputBuffer[0]);

		// Throw up a dialog box for users since most don't have a clue to check the dump file for information. Use for (duh) Fatal errors, that force us to terminate the game.
		if (part == LOG_FATAL)
#if defined(WZ_OS_WIN)
			char wbuf[512];
			ssprintf(wbuf, "%s\n\nPlease check your stderr.txt file in the same directory as the program file for more details. \
				\nDo not forget to upload both the stderr.txt file and the warzone2100.rpt file in your bug reports!", useInputBuffer1 ? inputBuffer[1] : inputBuffer[0]);
			MessageBoxA( NULL,
				"Warzone has terminated unexpectedly", MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR);
#elif defined(WZ_OS_MAC)
			cocoaShowAlert("Warzone has terminated unexpectedly.",
			               "Please check your logs for more details."
			               "\n\nRun, search for \"wz2100\", and copy that to a file."
			               "\n\nIf you are on 10.4 (Tiger) or 10.5 (Leopard) the crash report"
			               " is in ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter."
			               " If you are on 10.6 (Snow Leopard), it is in"
			               "\n\nDo not forget to upload and attach those to a bug report at"
			               "\nThanks!", 2);
			const char* popupBuf = useInputBuffer1 ? inputBuffer[1] : inputBuffer[0];
Beispiel #2
void _debug(int line, code_part part, const char *function, const char *str, ...)
	va_list ap;
	static char outputBuffer[MAX_LEN_LOG_LINE];
	static unsigned int repeated = 0; /* times current message repeated */
	static unsigned int next = 2;     /* next total to print update */
	static unsigned int prev = 0;     /* total on last update */

	va_start(ap, str);
	vssprintf(outputBuffer, str, ap);

	if (part == LOG_WARNING)
		std::pair<std::map<std::string, int>::iterator, bool> ret;
		ret = warning_list.insert(std::pair<std::string, int>(std::string(function) + "-" + std::string(outputBuffer), line));
		if (ret.second)
			ssprintf(inputBuffer[useInputBuffer1 ? 1 : 0], "[%s:%d] %s (**Further warnings of this type are suppressed.)", function, line, outputBuffer);
			return;	// don't bother adding any more
		ssprintf(inputBuffer[useInputBuffer1 ? 1 : 0], "[%s:%d] %s", function, line, outputBuffer);

	if (sstrcmp(inputBuffer[0], inputBuffer[1]) == 0)
		// Received again the same line
		if (repeated == next)
			if (repeated > 2)
				ssprintf(outputBuffer, "last message repeated %u times (total %u repeats)", repeated - prev, repeated);
				ssprintf(outputBuffer, "last message repeated %u times", repeated - prev);
			prev = repeated;
			next *= 2;
		// Received another line, cleanup the old
		if (repeated > 0 && repeated != prev && repeated != 1)
			/* just repeat the previous message when only one repeat occurred */
			if (repeated > 2)
				ssprintf(outputBuffer, "last message repeated %u times (total %u repeats)", repeated - prev, repeated);
				ssprintf(outputBuffer, "last message repeated %u times", repeated - prev);
		repeated = 0;
		next = 2;
		prev = 0;

	if (!repeated)
		time_t rawtime;
		struct tm *timeinfo;
		char ourtime[15];		//HH:MM:SS

		timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime);
		strftime(ourtime, 15, "%I:%M:%S", timeinfo);

		// Assemble the outputBuffer:
		ssprintf(outputBuffer, "%-8s|%s: %s", code_part_names[part], ourtime, useInputBuffer1 ? inputBuffer[1] : inputBuffer[0]);


		if (part == LOG_ERROR)
			// used to signal user that there was a error condition, and to check the logs.
			sstrcpy(errorStore, useInputBuffer1 ? inputBuffer[1] : inputBuffer[0]);
			errorWaiting = true;

		// Throw up a dialog box for users since most don't have a clue to check the dump file for information. Use for (duh) Fatal errors, that force us to terminate the game.
		if (part == LOG_FATAL)
			if (wzIsFullscreen())
#if defined(WZ_OS_WIN)
			char wbuf[512];
			ssprintf(wbuf, "%s\n\nPlease check the file (%s) in your configuration directory for more details. \
				\nDo not forget to upload the %s file, WZdebuginfo.txt and the warzone2100.rpt files in your bug reports at!", useInputBuffer1 ? inputBuffer[1] : inputBuffer[0], WZ_DBGFile, WZ_DBGFile);
			MessageBoxA(NULL, wbuf, "Warzone has terminated unexpectedly", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
#elif defined(WZ_OS_MAC)
			int clickedIndex = \
			                   cocoaShowAlert("Warzone has quit unexpectedly.",
			                                  "Please check your logs and attach them along with a bug report. Thanks!",
			                                  2, "Show Log Files & Open Bug Reporter", "Ignore", NULL);
			if (clickedIndex == 0)
				if (WZDebugfilename == NULL)
					cocoaShowAlert("Unable to open debug log.",
					               "The debug log subsystem has not yet been initialised.",
					               2, "Continue", NULL);
			const char *popupBuf = useInputBuffer1 ? inputBuffer[1] : inputBuffer[0];

		// Throw up a dialog box for windows users since most don't have a clue to check the stderr.txt file for information
		// This is a popup dialog used for times when the error isn't fatal, but we still need to notify user what is going on.
		if (part == LOG_POPUP)
#if defined(WZ_OS_WIN)
			char wbuf[512];
			ssprintf(wbuf, "A non fatal error has occurred.\n\n%s\n\n", useInputBuffer1 ? inputBuffer[1] : inputBuffer[0]);
			            "Warzone has detected a problem.", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
#elif defined(WZ_OS_MAC)
			cocoaShowAlert("Warzone has detected a problem.", inputBuffer[useInputBuffer1 ? 1 : 0], 0, "OK", NULL);
