Beispiel #1
BigRigDemo::BigRigDemo(hkDemoEnvironment* env) : CarDemo(env, false)
    // Create the vehicles

        // Create tractor shape.
        hkpListShape* tractorShape = HK_NULL;
            hkReal xSize = 1.9f;
            hkReal xSizeFrontTop = 0.7f;
            hkReal xSizeFrontMid = 1.6f;
            hkReal ySize = 0.9f;
            hkReal ySizeMid = ySize - 0.7f;
            hkReal zSize = 1.0f;
            //hkReal xBumper = 1.9f;
            //hkReal yBumper = 0.35f;
            //hkReal zBumper = 1.0f;
            hkVector4 halfExtents(1.0f, 0.35f, 1.0f);
            // 16 = 4 (size of "each float group", 3 for x,y,z, 1 for padding) * 4 (size of float).
            int stride = sizeof(float) * 4;
                int numVertices = 10;
                float vertices[] = { 
                    xSizeFrontTop, ySize, zSize, 0.0f,	// v0
                        xSizeFrontTop, ySize, -zSize, 0.0f,	// v1
                        xSize, -ySize, zSize, 0.0f,			// v2
                        xSize, -ySize, -zSize, 0.0f,		// v3
                        -xSize, ySize, zSize, 0.0f,			// v4
                        -xSize, ySize, -zSize, 0.0f,		// v5
                        -xSize, -ySize, zSize, 0.0f,		// v6
                        -xSize, -ySize, -zSize, 0.0f,		// v7
                        xSizeFrontMid, ySizeMid, zSize, 0.0f,	// v8
                        xSizeFrontMid, ySizeMid, -zSize, 0.0f,	// v9
                hkpBoxShape* boxShape = new hkpBoxShape(halfExtents, 0.05f );

				hkTransform transform;
                transform.setTranslation(hkVector4(-2.5f, -0.55f, 0.0f));
                hkpConvexTransformShape* transformShape = new hkpConvexTransformShape(boxShape, transform);
				hkpConvexVerticesShape* convexShape;
					hkStridedVertices stridedVerts;
						stridedVerts.m_numVertices = numVertices;
						stridedVerts.m_striding = stride;
						stridedVerts.m_vertices = vertices;

					convexShape = new hkpConvexVerticesShape(stridedVerts);
                hkArray<hkpShape*> shapeArray;
                tractorShape = new hkpListShape(shapeArray.begin(), shapeArray.getSize());
        // Create trailer shape.
        hkpListShape* trailerShape = HK_NULL;
            hkVector4 halfExtents1(5.0f, 1.5f, 1.0f); // Box
            hkVector4 halfExtents2(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); // Tongue
            hkTransform transform;
                hkpBoxShape* boxShape1 = new hkpBoxShape(halfExtents1, 0.05f );
                hkpBoxShape* boxShape2 = new hkpBoxShape(halfExtents2, 0.05f );
                transform.setTranslation(hkVector4(6.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f));
				hkpConvexTransformShape* transformShape = new hkpConvexTransformShape(boxShape2, transform);
                hkArray<hkpShape*> shapeArray;
                trailerShape = new hkpListShape(shapeArray.begin(), shapeArray.getSize());
        // Create the tractor vehicles
			HK_ASSERT(0x526edf5d, m_world->getCollisionFilter() && m_world->getCollisionFilter()->m_type == hkpCollisionFilter::HK_FILTER_GROUP);
			hkpGroupFilter* groupFilter = static_cast<hkpGroupFilter*>(const_cast<hkpCollisionFilter*>(m_world->getCollisionFilter()));
            for (int vehicleId = 0; vehicleId < m_numVehicles; vehicleId++)
				int vehicleGroup = groupFilter->getNewSystemGroup();
                // Create the tractor.
                    // Create the tractor body.
                    hkpRigidBody* tractorRigidBody;
                        hkpRigidBodyCinfo tractorInfo;
                        tractorInfo.m_shape = tractorShape;
                        tractorInfo.m_friction = 0.8f;
                        tractorInfo.m_motionType = hkpMotion::MOTION_BOX_INERTIA;
						tractorInfo.m_collisionFilterInfo = hkpGroupFilter::calcFilterInfo(0, vehicleGroup );

						// Position chassis on the ground.
                        tractorInfo.m_position.set(0.0f, -3.0f, (vehicleId + 1) * 9.0f);
                        //tractorInfo.m_angularDamping = 0.5f;

						// No need to set the inertia tensor, as this will be set automatically by the vehicle setup
						tractorInfo.m_mass = 15000.0f;
						tractorInfo.m_inertiaTensor.setDiagonal( 1.f, 1.f, 1.f );
						tractorInfo.m_centerOfMass.set( -1.0f, -0.8f, 0.0f);
                        tractorRigidBody = new hkpRigidBody(tractorInfo);

					TractorSetup tsetup;
                    createTractorVehicle( tsetup, tractorRigidBody, m_vehicles.getSize()-1);

                // Create the trailer body.
                    hkpRigidBody* trailerRigidBody;
                        hkpRigidBodyCinfo trailerInfo;
                        trailerInfo.m_shape = trailerShape;
                        trailerInfo.m_friction = 0.8f;
                        trailerInfo.m_motionType = hkpMotion::MOTION_BOX_INERTIA;
                        trailerInfo.m_position.set(-9.0f, -3.0f, (1 + vehicleId) * 9.0f);
						trailerInfo.m_collisionFilterInfo = hkpGroupFilter::calcFilterInfo(0, vehicleGroup );

						// No need to set the inertia tensor, as this will be set automatically by the vehicle setup
                        trailerInfo.m_mass = 10000.0f;
						trailerInfo.m_inertiaTensor.setDiagonal( 1.f, 1.f, 1.f );

						// Trailers are generally bottom-heavy to improve stability.
						// Move the centre of mass lower but keep it within the chassis limits.
						trailerInfo.m_centerOfMass.set(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
                        trailerRigidBody = new hkpRigidBody(trailerInfo);
					TrailerSetup tsetup;
					createTrailerVehicle( tsetup, trailerRigidBody, m_vehicles.getSize()-1);

					HK_SET_OBJECT_COLOR((hkUlong)trailerRigidBody->getCollidable(), 0x80ff8080);
	//	Create the wheels
		createDisplayWheels(0.5f, 0.2f);

    // Attach Tractors and Trailers
        for (int vehicleId = 0; vehicleId < m_vehicles.getSize(); vehicleId+=2)
            hkpRigidBody* tractor = m_vehicles[vehicleId].m_vehicle->getChassis();
            hkpRigidBody* trailer = m_vehicles[vehicleId + 1 ].m_vehicle->getChassis();

			// Use a hinge constraint to connect the tractor to the trailer
			if (0)
			    // Set the pivot
		        hkVector4 axis(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
				hkVector4 point1(-3.5f, 0.4f, 0.0f);
				hkVector4 point2(6.0f, -0.4f, 0.0f);

			        // Create constraint
				hkpHingeConstraintData* hc = new hkpHingeConstraintData(); 
		        hc->setInBodySpace(point1, point2, axis, axis); 
		        m_world->createAndAddConstraintInstance( tractor, trailer, hc )->removeReference();
			// Use a ball-and-socket constraint to connect the tractor to the trailer
			else if (0)
				hkVector4 point1(-3.5f, 0.4f, 0.0f);
				hkVector4 point2(6.0f, -0.4f, 0.0f);

				// Create the constraint
				hkpBallAndSocketConstraintData* bs = new hkpBallAndSocketConstraintData(); 
				bs->setInBodySpace(point1, point2);
				m_world->createAndAddConstraintInstance( tractor, trailer, bs )->removeReference();

			// Use a ragdoll constraint to connect the tractor to the trailer
			else if(1)
				hkReal planeMin =  HK_REAL_PI * -0.45f;
				hkReal planeMax =  HK_REAL_PI * 0.45f;
				hkReal twistMin =  HK_REAL_PI * -0.005f;
				hkReal twistMax =  HK_REAL_PI *  0.005f;
				hkReal coneMin  =  HK_REAL_PI * -0.55f;
				hkReal coneMax = HK_REAL_PI * 0.55f;

				hkpRagdollConstraintData* rdc = new hkpRagdollConstraintData();

				hkVector4 twistAxisA(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
				hkVector4 planeAxisA(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
				hkVector4 twistAxisB(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
				hkVector4 planeAxisB(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
				hkVector4 point1(-2.3f, -0.7f, 0.0f);
				hkVector4 point2( 7.2f, -1.3f, 0.0f);

				rdc->setInBodySpace(point1, point2, planeAxisA, planeAxisB, twistAxisA, twistAxisB);
				rdc->setAsymmetricConeAngle(coneMin, coneMax);
				m_world->createAndAddConstraintInstance(tractor, trailer, rdc)->removeReference();
    // Create the camera.
		hkp1dAngularFollowCamCinfo cinfo;

		cinfo.m_yawSignCorrection = 1.0f; 
		cinfo.m_upDirWS.set(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); 
		cinfo.m_rigidBodyForwardDir.set(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); 

		cinfo.m_set[0].m_velocity = 10.0f;
		cinfo.m_set[1].m_velocity = 50.0f;
		cinfo.m_set[0].m_speedInfluenceOnCameraDirection = 1.0f;
		cinfo.m_set[1].m_speedInfluenceOnCameraDirection = 1.0f;
		cinfo.m_set[0].m_angularRelaxation = 3.5f;
		cinfo.m_set[1].m_angularRelaxation = 4.5f;

		// The two camera positions ("slow" and "fast" rest positions) are both the same here,
		// -6 units behind the chassis, and 2 units above it. Again, this is dependent on 
		// m_chassisCoordinateSystem.
		cinfo.m_set[0].m_positionUS.set( -27.0f, 8.0f, 0.0f); 
		cinfo.m_set[1].m_positionUS.set( -27.0f, 8.0f, 0.0f); 

		cinfo.m_set[0].m_lookAtUS.set ( 2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
		cinfo.m_set[1].m_lookAtUS.set ( 2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );

		cinfo.m_set[0].m_fov = 70.0f;
		cinfo.m_set[1].m_fov = 70.0f;

		m_camera.reinitialize( cinfo );
Beispiel #2
TruckDemo::TruckDemo(hkDemoEnvironment* env)
:	CarDemo(env, false, 4, 1)
		// Create vehicle's chassis shape.
		hkpConvexVerticesShape* chassisShape = HK_NULL;
			hkReal xSize = 1.9f;
			hkReal xSizeFrontTop = 0.7f;
			hkReal xSizeFrontMid = 1.6f;
			hkReal ySize = 0.9f;
			hkReal ySizeMid = ySize - 0.7f;
			hkReal zSize = 1.0f;

			//hkReal xBumper = 1.9f;
			//hkReal yBumper = 0.35f;
			//hkReal zBumper = 1.0f;

			// 16 = 4 (size of "each float group", 3 for x,y,z, 1 for padding) * 4 (size of float).
			int stride = sizeof(float) * 4;
				int numVertices = 10;

				float vertices[] = { 
					xSizeFrontTop, ySize, zSize, 0.0f,	// v0
					xSizeFrontTop, ySize, -zSize, 0.0f,	// v1
					xSize, -ySize, zSize, 0.0f,			// v2
					xSize, -ySize, -zSize, 0.0f,		// v3
					-xSize, ySize, zSize, 0.0f,			// v4
					-xSize, ySize, -zSize, 0.0f,		// v5
					-xSize, -ySize, zSize, 0.0f,		// v6
					-xSize, -ySize, -zSize, 0.0f,		// v7
					xSizeFrontMid, ySizeMid, zSize, 0.0f,	// v8
					xSizeFrontMid, ySizeMid, -zSize, 0.0f,	// v9
					hkStridedVertices stridedVerts;
						stridedVerts.m_numVertices = numVertices;
						stridedVerts.m_striding = stride;
						stridedVerts.m_vertices = vertices;
					chassisShape = new hkpConvexVerticesShape(stridedVerts);

		createDisplayWheels(0.5f, 0.3f);

		for (int vehicleId = 0; vehicleId < m_numVehicles; vehicleId++)
			// Create the vehicle.
				// Create the chassis body.
				hkpRigidBody* chassisRigidBody;
					hkpRigidBodyCinfo chassisInfo;

					chassisInfo.m_mass = 5000.0f;	
					chassisInfo.m_shape = chassisShape;
					chassisInfo.m_friction = 0.8f;
					chassisInfo.m_motionType = hkpMotion::MOTION_BOX_INERTIA;
					// Position chassis on the ground.
					chassisInfo.m_position.set(-10.0f, -4.5f, vehicleId * 5.0f);

					chassisRigidBody = new hkpRigidBody(chassisInfo);

				TruckSetup tsetup;
				m_vehicles[vehicleId].m_vehicle = createVehicle( tsetup, chassisRigidBody);
				m_vehicles[vehicleId].m_lastRPM = 0.0f;

				HK_SET_OBJECT_COLOR((hkUlong)chassisRigidBody->getCollidable(), 0x80ff8080);

				// This hkpAction flips the car upright if it turns over. 	 
				if (vehicleId == 0) 	 
					hkVector4 rotationAxis(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); 	 
					hkVector4 upAxis(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); 	 
					hkReal strength = 8.0f; 	 
					m_reorientAction = new hkpReorientAction(chassisRigidBody, rotationAxis, upAxis, strength); 	 


	// Create the camera.
		VehicleApiUtils::createCamera( m_camera );
VehicleApiDemo::VehicleApiDemo(hkDemoEnvironment* env)
:	hkDefaultPhysicsDemo(env)
	m_tag = 0;

	/// Initially controller is set to 0,0 i.e. neither turning left/right or forward/backward,
	/// so vehicle is not accelerating or turning.	///
	m_inputXPosition = 0.0f;
	m_inputYPosition = 0.0f;

		hkVector4 from(0.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f);
		hkVector4 to(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
		hkVector4 up(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
		setupDefaultCameras( env, from, to, up );

	// Create the world.
		hkpWorldCinfo info;
		info.m_collisionTolerance = 0.1f;
		info.m_gravity.set(0.0f, -9.8f, 0.0f);
		info.setBroadPhaseWorldSize(1000.0f) ;
		m_world = new hkpWorld( info );

		// Register all agents.

		// Graphics.


	/// Build the landscape to drive on and add it to m_world. The landscape is simply five
	/// boxes, one for the ground and four for the walls.

	/// Create the chassis
	hkpConvexVerticesShape* chassisShape = VehicleApiUtils::createCarChassisShape(); 
	hkpRigidBody* chassisRigidBody;
		hkpRigidBodyCinfo chassisInfo;

		// NB: The inertia value is reset by the vehicle SDK.  However we give it a
		// reasonable value so that the hkpRigidBody does not assert on construction. See
		// VehicleSetup for the yaw, pitch and roll values used by hkVehicle.
		chassisInfo.m_mass = 750.0f;	
		chassisInfo.m_shape = chassisShape;
		chassisInfo.m_friction = 0.4f;

		// The chassis MUST have m_motionType hkpMotion::MOTION_BOX_INERTIA to correctly simulate
		// vehicle roll, pitch and yaw.
		chassisInfo.m_motionType = hkpMotion::MOTION_BOX_INERTIA;
		chassisInfo.m_position.set(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

		chassisRigidBody = new hkpRigidBody(chassisInfo);

		// No longer need reference to shape as the hkpRigidBody holds one.

	/// In this example, the chassis is added to the Vehicle Kit in the createVehicle() method.

	createVehicle( chassisRigidBody );

	/// This camera follows the vehicle when it moves.
		VehicleApiUtils::createCamera( m_camera );


Beispiel #4
VehicleManagerDemo::VehicleManagerDemo( hkDemoEnvironment* env, hkBool createWorld, int numWheels, int numVehicles )
:	hkDefaultPhysicsDemo( env )
	const MTVehicleRayCastDemoVariant& variant = g_MTVehicleRayCastDemoVariants[m_variantId];

	m_bootstrapIterations = 150;

	numVehicles = 50;
	m_numVehicles = numVehicles;
	m_numWheels = numWheels;

	m_vehicles.setSize( m_numVehicles );


	if (!createWorld)


	// Create a vehicle manager and a vehicle setup object.
	VehicleSetup* vehicleSetup;
	if ( variant.m_demoType == MTVehicleRayCastDemoVariant::SINGLETHREADED_RAY_CAST || variant.m_demoType == MTVehicleRayCastDemoVariant::MULTITHREADED_RAY_CAST )
		m_vehicleManager = new hkpVehicleRayCastBatchingManager();
		vehicleSetup = new VehicleSetup();
		m_vehicleManager = new hkpVehicleLinearCastBatchingManager();
		vehicleSetup = new LinearCastVehicleSetup();

	// Setup vehicle chassis and create vehicles
		// Create vehicle's chassis shape.
		hkpConvexVerticesShape* chassisShape = VehicleApiUtils::createCarChassisShape(); 


		for ( int vehicleId = 0; vehicleId < m_vehicles.getSize(); vehicleId++ )
			// Create the vehicle.
				// Create the chassis body.
				hkpRigidBody* chassisRigidBody;
					hkpRigidBodyCinfo chassisInfo;
					chassisInfo.m_mass = 750.0f;	
					chassisInfo.m_shape = chassisShape;
					chassisInfo.m_friction = 0.8f;
					chassisInfo.m_motionType = hkpMotion::MOTION_BOX_INERTIA;
					// Position chassis on the ground.

					// Inertia tensor will be set by VehicleSetupMultithreaded.
					chassisInfo.m_position.set(-40.0f, -4.5f, vehicleId * 5.0f);
					chassisInfo.m_inertiaTensor.setDiagonal(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
					chassisInfo.m_centerOfMass.set( -0.037f, 0.143f, 0.0f);
					chassisInfo.m_collisionFilterInfo = hkpGroupFilter::calcFilterInfo( CHASSIS_LAYER, 0 );

					chassisRigidBody = new hkpRigidBody( chassisInfo );

				// Create vehicle
					hkpVehicleInstance *const vehicle = new hkpVehicleInstance( chassisRigidBody );
					vehicleSetup->buildVehicle( m_world, *vehicle );
					vehicle->addToWorld( m_world );
					m_vehicleManager->addVehicle( vehicle );

					m_vehicles[vehicleId].m_vehicle = vehicle;
					m_vehicles[vehicleId].m_lastRPM = 0.0f;
					m_vehicles[vehicleId].m_vehicle->m_wheelCollide->setCollisionFilterInfo( hkpGroupFilter::calcFilterInfo( WHEEL_LAYER, 0 ) );

				// This hkpAction flips the car upright if it turns over. 	 
				if (vehicleId == 0) 	 
					hkVector4 rotationAxis(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); 	 
					hkVector4 upAxis(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); 	 
					m_reorientAction = new hkpReorientAction(chassisRigidBody, rotationAxis, upAxis); 	 


	// Create the camera.
		VehicleApiUtils::createCamera( m_camera );
		m_followCarView = true;


	// Setup for multithreading.
	hkpCollisionQueryJobQueueUtils::registerWithJobQueue( m_jobQueue );
	// register the default addCdPoint() function; you are free to register your own implementation here though

	// Special case for this demo variant: we do not allow the # of active SPUs to drop to zero as this can cause a deadlock.
	if ( variant.m_demoType == MTVehicleRayCastDemoVariant::MULTITHREADED_RAY_CAST || variant.m_demoType == MTVehicleRayCastDemoVariant::MULTITHREADED_LINEAR_CAST )
		m_allowZeroActiveSpus = false;