Beispiel #1
editcmd_dialog_raw_key_query (const char *heading, const char *query, gboolean cancel)
    int w, wq;
    int y = 2;
    WDialog *raw_dlg;

    w = str_term_width1 (heading) + 6;
    wq = str_term_width1 (query);
    w = max (w, wq + 3 * 2 + 1 + 2);

    raw_dlg =
        create_dlg (TRUE, 0, 0, cancel ? 7 : 5, w, dialog_colors, editcmd_dialog_raw_key_query_cb,
                    NULL, NULL, heading, DLG_CENTER | DLG_TRYUP | DLG_WANT_TAB);

    add_widget (raw_dlg, label_new (y, 3, query));
    add_widget (raw_dlg, input_new (y++, 3 + wq + 1, input_get_default_colors (),
                                    w - (6 + wq + 1), "", 0, INPUT_COMPLETE_NONE));
    if (cancel)
        add_widget (raw_dlg, hline_new (y++, -1, -1));
        /* Button w/o hotkey to allow use any key as raw or macro one */
        add_widget_autopos (raw_dlg, button_new (y, 1, B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, _("Cancel"), NULL),
                            WPOS_KEEP_TOP | WPOS_CENTER_HORZ, NULL);

    w = run_dlg (raw_dlg);
    destroy_dlg (raw_dlg);

    return (cancel && (w == ESC_CHAR || w == B_CANCEL)) ? 0 : w;
Beispiel #2
char *
tree_box (const char *current_dir)
    WTree *mytree;
    Dlg_head *dlg;
    char *val = NULL;
    WButtonBar *bar;

    (void) current_dir;

    /* Create the components */
    dlg = create_dlg (TRUE, 0, 0, LINES - 9, COLS - 20, dialog_colors,
                      tree_callback, "[Directory Tree]",
                      _("Directory tree"), DLG_CENTER | DLG_REVERSE);

    mytree = tree_new (2, 2, dlg->lines - 6, dlg->cols - 5, FALSE);
    add_widget (dlg, mytree);
    add_widget (dlg, hline_new (dlg->lines - 4, 1, -1));
    bar = buttonbar_new (TRUE);
    add_widget (dlg, bar);
    /* restore ButtonBar coordinates after add_widget() */
    ((Widget *) bar)->x = 0;
    ((Widget *) bar)->y = LINES - 1;

    if (run_dlg (dlg) == B_ENTER)
        val = g_strdup (tree_selected_name (mytree));

    destroy_dlg (dlg);
    return val;
Beispiel #3
/* Show tree in a box, not on a panel */
char *
tree_box (const char *current_dir)
    WTree    *mytree;
    Dlg_head *dlg;
    char     *val;
    WButtonBar *bar;

    /* Create the components */
    dlg = create_dlg (0, 0, TREE_Y, TREE_X, dialog_colors,
		      tree_callback, "[Directory Tree]", NULL, DLG_CENTER | DLG_REVERSE);
    mytree = tree_new (0, 2, 2, TREE_Y - 6, TREE_X - 5);
    add_widget (dlg, mytree);
    bar = buttonbar_new(1);
    add_widget (dlg, bar);
    bar->widget.x = 0;
    bar->widget.y = LINES - 1;
    run_dlg (dlg);
    if (dlg->ret_value == B_ENTER)
	val = g_strdup (tree_selected_name (mytree));
	val = 0;
    destroy_dlg (dlg);
    return val;
char *
tree (char *current_dir)
    WTree    *mytree;
    Dlg_head *dlg;
    char     *val;
    WButtonBar *bar;

    tree_colors [3] = dialog_colors [0];
    tree_colors [1] = dialog_colors [1];
    /* Create the components */
    dlg = create_dlg (0, 0, TREE_Y, TREE_X, tree_colors,
		      tree_callback, "[Directory Tree]", "tree", DLG_CENTER);
    mytree = tree_new (0, 2, 2, TREE_Y - 6, TREE_X - 5);
    add_widget (dlg, mytree);
    bar = buttonbar_new(1);
    add_widget (dlg, bar);
    bar->widget.x = 0;
    bar->widget.y = LINES - 1;
    run_dlg (dlg);
    if (dlg->ret_value == B_ENTER)
	val = strdup (mytree->selected_ptr->name);
	val = 0;
    destroy_dlg (dlg);
    return val;
Beispiel #5
Listbox *
create_listbox_window (int cols, int lines, const char *title, const char *help)
    int xpos, ypos, len;
    Listbox *listbox = g_new (Listbox, 1);
    const char *cancel_string = _("&Cancel");

    /* Adjust sizes */
    lines = (lines > LINES - 6) ? LINES - 6 : lines;

    if (title && (cols < (len = strlen (title) + 2)))
	cols = len;

    /* no &, but 4 spaces around button for brackets and such */
    if (cols < (len = strlen (cancel_string) + 3))
	cols = len;

    cols = cols > COLS - 6 ? COLS - 6 : cols;
    xpos = (COLS - cols) / 2;
    ypos = (LINES - lines) / 2 - 2;

    /* Create components */
    listbox->dlg =
	create_dlg (ypos, xpos, lines + 6, cols + 4, dialog_colors, NULL,
		    help, title, DLG_CENTER | DLG_REVERSE);

    listbox->list = listbox_new (2, 2, cols, lines, 0);

    add_widget (listbox->dlg,
		button_new (lines + 3, (cols / 2 + 2) - len / 2, B_CANCEL,
			    NORMAL_BUTTON, cancel_string, 0));
    add_widget (listbox->dlg, listbox->list);

    return listbox;
Beispiel #6
edit_files (const GList * files)
    static gboolean made_directory = FALSE;
    Dlg_head *edit_dlg;
    WMenuBar *menubar;
    const GList *file;
    gboolean ok = FALSE;

    if (!made_directory)
        char *dir;

        dir = mc_build_filename (mc_config_get_cache_path (), EDIT_DIR, NULL);
        made_directory = (mkdir (dir, 0700) != -1 || errno == EEXIST);
        g_free (dir);

        dir = mc_build_filename (mc_config_get_path (), EDIT_DIR, NULL);
        made_directory = (mkdir (dir, 0700) != -1 || errno == EEXIST);
        g_free (dir);

        dir = mc_build_filename (mc_config_get_data_path (), EDIT_DIR, NULL);
        made_directory = (mkdir (dir, 0700) != -1 || errno == EEXIST);
        g_free (dir);

    /* Create a new dialog and add it widgets to it */
    edit_dlg =
        create_dlg (FALSE, 0, 0, LINES, COLS, NULL, edit_dialog_callback, edit_dialog_event,
                    "[Internal File Editor]", NULL, DLG_WANT_TAB);

    edit_dlg->get_shortcut = edit_get_shortcut;
    edit_dlg->get_title = edit_get_title;

    menubar = menubar_new (0, 0, COLS, NULL);
    add_widget (edit_dlg, menubar);
    edit_init_menu (menubar);

    add_widget (edit_dlg, buttonbar_new (TRUE));

    for (file = files; file != NULL; file = g_list_next (file))
        mcedit_arg_t *f = (mcedit_arg_t *) file->data;
        gboolean f_ok;

        f_ok = edit_add_window (edit_dlg, edit_dlg->y + 1, edit_dlg->x,
                                edit_dlg->lines - 2, edit_dlg->cols, f->file_vpath, f->line_number);
        /* at least one file has been opened succefully */
        ok = ok || f_ok;

    if (ok)
        run_dlg (edit_dlg);

    if (!ok || edit_dlg->state == DLG_CLOSED)
        destroy_dlg (edit_dlg);

    return ok;
Beispiel #7
static void
init_chown_advanced (void)
    int i;
    enum { dlg_h = 13, dlg_w = 74, n_elem = 4 };
    static int i18n_len = 0;

    if (i18n_len == 0) {
	int dx, cx;
	for (i = 0 ; i < n_elem ; i++) {
	    chown_advanced_but[i].text = _(chown_advanced_but[i].text);
	    i18n_len += str_term_width1 (chown_advanced_but[i].text) + 3;
	    if (DEFPUSH_BUTTON == chown_advanced_but[i].flags)
		i18n_len += 2; /* "<>" */ 
	cx = dx = (dlg_w - i18n_len - 2) / (n_elem + 1);

	/* Reversed order */
	for (i = n_elem - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
	    chown_advanced_but[i].x = cx;
	    cx += str_term_width1 (chown_advanced_but[i].text) + 3 + dx;
#endif /* ENABLE_NLS */

    sf_stat = g_new (struct stat, 1);
    do_refresh ();
    end_chown = need_update = current_file = 0;
    single_set = (current_panel->marked < 2) ? 2 : 0;
    memset (ch_flags, '=', 11);
    flag_pos = 0;
    x_toggle = 070;

    ch_dlg =
	create_dlg (0, 0, dlg_h, dlg_w, dialog_colors, advanced_chown_callback,
		    "[Advanced Chown]", _(" Chown advanced command "),

#define XTRACT(i) BY+chown_advanced_but[i].y, BX+chown_advanced_but[i].x, \
	chown_advanced_but[i].ret_cmd, chown_advanced_but[i].flags, \
	(chown_advanced_but[i].text), 0

    for (i = 0; i < BUTTONS - 5; i++)
	if (!single_set || i < 2)
	    add_widget (ch_dlg, button_new (XTRACT (i)));

    b_att[0] = button_new (XTRACT (8));
    b_att[1] = button_new (XTRACT (7));
    b_att[2] = button_new (XTRACT (6));
    b_user = button_new (XTRACT (5));
    b_group = button_new (XTRACT (4));

    add_widget (ch_dlg, b_group);
    add_widget (ch_dlg, b_user);
    add_widget (ch_dlg, b_att[2]);
    add_widget (ch_dlg, b_att[1]);
    add_widget (ch_dlg, b_att[0]);
Beispiel #8
static Dlg_head *
init_chown (void)
    int i;
    struct passwd *l_pass;
    struct group *l_grp;
    Dlg_head *ch_dlg;

    do_refresh ();
    end_chown = need_update = current_file = 0;
    single_set = (current_panel->marked < 2) ? 3 : 0;

    ch_dlg =
	create_dlg (0, 0, 18, 74, dialog_colors, chown_callback, "[Chown]",
		    _(" Chown command "), DLG_CENTER | DLG_REVERSE);

    for (i = 0; i < BUTTONS - single_set; i++)
	add_widget (ch_dlg,
		    button_new (BY + chown_but[i].y, BX + chown_but[i].x,
				chown_but[i].ret_cmd, chown_but[i].flags,
				_(chown_but[i].text), 0));

    /* Add the widgets for the file information */
    for (i = 0; i < LABELS; i++) {
	chown_label[i].l =
	    label_new (chown_label[i].y, chown_label[i].x, "");
	add_widget (ch_dlg, chown_label[i].l);

    /* get new listboxes */
    l_user = listbox_new (UY + 1, UX + 1, 19, 10, NULL);
    l_group = listbox_new (GY + 1, GX + 1, 19, 10, NULL);

    /* add fields for unknown names (numbers) */
    listbox_add_item (l_user, 0, 0, _("<Unknown user>"), NULL);
    listbox_add_item (l_group, 0, 0, _("<Unknown group>"), NULL);

    /* get and put user names in the listbox */
    setpwent ();
    while ((l_pass = getpwent ())) {
	listbox_add_item (l_user, LISTBOX_APPEND_SORTED, 0, l_pass->pw_name, NULL);
    endpwent ();

    /* get and put group names in the listbox */
    setgrent ();
    while ((l_grp = getgrent ())) {
	listbox_add_item (l_group, LISTBOX_APPEND_SORTED, 0, l_grp->gr_name, NULL);
    endgrent ();

    /* add listboxes to the dialogs */
    add_widget (ch_dlg, l_group);
    add_widget (ch_dlg, l_user);

    return ch_dlg;
Beispiel #9
edit_file (const char *_file, int line)
    static gboolean made_directory = FALSE;
    Dlg_head *edit_dlg;
    WEdit *wedit;
    WMenuBar *menubar;

    if (!made_directory)
        char *dir = concat_dir_and_file (mc_config_get_cache_path (), EDIT_DIR);
        made_directory = (mkdir (dir, 0700) != -1 || errno == EEXIST);
        g_free (dir);

        dir = concat_dir_and_file (mc_config_get_path (), EDIT_DIR);
        made_directory = (mkdir (dir, 0700) != -1 || errno == EEXIST);
        g_free (dir);

        dir = concat_dir_and_file (mc_config_get_data_path (), EDIT_DIR);
        made_directory = (mkdir (dir, 0700) != -1 || errno == EEXIST);
        g_free (dir);

    wedit = edit_init (NULL, 1, 0, LINES - 2, COLS, _file, line);

    if (wedit == NULL)
        return 0;

    /* Create a new dialog and add it widgets to it */
    edit_dlg =
        create_dlg (FALSE, 0, 0, LINES, COLS, NULL, edit_dialog_callback,
                    "[Internal File Editor]", NULL, DLG_WANT_TAB);

    edit_dlg->get_shortcut = edit_get_shortcut;
    edit_dlg->get_title = edit_get_title;

    menubar = menubar_new (0, 0, COLS, NULL);
    add_widget (edit_dlg, menubar);
    edit_init_menu (menubar);

    init_widget (&wedit->widget, wedit->widget.y, wedit->widget.x,
                 wedit->widget.lines, wedit->widget.cols, edit_callback, edit_event);
    widget_want_cursor (wedit->widget, TRUE);

    add_widget (edit_dlg, wedit);

    add_widget (edit_dlg, buttonbar_new (TRUE));

    run_dlg (edit_dlg);

    if (edit_dlg->state == DLG_CLOSED)
        destroy_dlg (edit_dlg);

    return 1;
static void
init_chown (void)
    int i;
    struct passwd *l_pass;
    struct group *l_grp;

    do_refresh ();
    end_chown = need_update = current_file = 0;
    single_set = (cpanel->marked < 2) ? 3 : 0;    

    ch_dlg = create_dlg (0, 0, 18, 74, dialog_colors, chown_callback,
			 "[Chown]", "chown", DLG_CENTER);

#define XTRACT(i) BY+chown_but[i].y, BX+chown_but[i].x, chown_but[i].ret_cmd, chown_but[i].flags, _(chown_but[i].text), 0, 0, NULL

    for (i = 0; i < BUTTONS-single_set; i++)
	add_widget (ch_dlg, button_new (XTRACT (i)));

    /* Add the widgets for the file information */
#define LX(i) chown_label [i].y, chown_label [i].x, "", NULL
    for (i = 0; i < LABELS; i++){
	chown_label [i].l = label_new (LX (i));
	add_widget (ch_dlg, chown_label [i].l);

    /* get new listboxes */
    l_user = listbox_new (UY + 1, UX + 1, 19, 10, 0, l_call, NULL);
    l_group = listbox_new (GY + 1, GX + 1, 19, 10, 0, l_call, NULL);

    listbox_add_item (l_user, 0, 0, _("<Unknown user>"), NULL);	/* add fields for unknown names (numbers) */
    listbox_add_item (l_group, 0, 0, _("<Unknown group>"), NULL);

    setpwent ();		/* get and put user names in the listbox */
    while ((l_pass = getpwent ())) {
	listbox_add_item (l_user, 0, 0, l_pass->pw_name, NULL);
    endpwent ();
    setgrent ();		/* get and put group names in the listbox */
    while ((l_grp = getgrent ())) {
	listbox_add_item (l_group, 0, 0, l_grp->gr_name, NULL);
    endgrent ();
    add_widget (ch_dlg, l_group);
    add_widget (ch_dlg, l_user);	/* add listboxes to the dialogs */
Beispiel #11
static void
edit_about (void)
    const char *header = N_("About");
    const char *button_name = N_("&OK");
    const char *const version = "MCEdit " VERSION;
    char text[BUF_LARGE];

    int win_len, version_len, button_len;
    int cols, lines;

    Dlg_head *about_dlg;

    header = _(header);
    button_name = _(button_name);

    button_len = str_term_width1 (button_name) + 5;
    version_len = str_term_width1 (version);

    g_snprintf (text, sizeof (text),
                _("Copyright (C) 1996-2012 the Free Software Foundation\n\n"
                  "            A user friendly text editor\n"
                  "         written for the Midnight Commander"));

    win_len = str_term_width1 (header);
    win_len = max (win_len, version_len);
    win_len = max (win_len, button_len);

    /* count width and height of text */
    str_msg_term_size (text, &lines, &cols);
    lines += 9;
    cols = max (win_len, cols) + 6;

    /* dialog */
    about_dlg = create_dlg (TRUE, 0, 0, lines, cols, dialog_colors, NULL, NULL,
                            "[Internal File Editor]", header, DLG_CENTER | DLG_TRYUP);

    add_widget (about_dlg, label_new (3, (cols - version_len) / 2, version));
    add_widget (about_dlg, label_new (5, 3, text));
    add_widget (about_dlg, button_new (lines - 3, (cols - button_len) / 2,
                                       B_ENTER, NORMAL_BUTTON, button_name, NULL));

    run_dlg (about_dlg);
    destroy_dlg (about_dlg);
Beispiel #12
static Dlg_head *
init_disp_bits_box (void)
    /* dialog sizes */
    const int DISPY = 11;
    const int DISPX = 46;

    const char *cpname;
    Dlg_head *dbits_dlg;

    do_refresh ();

    dbits_dlg =
	create_dlg (0, 0, DISPY, DISPX, dialog_colors, NULL,
		    "[Display bits]", _(" Display bits "), DLG_CENTER | DLG_REVERSE);

    add_widget (dbits_dlg,
		label_new (3, 4, _("Input / display codepage:")));

    cpname = (new_display_codepage < 0)
	? _("Other 8 bit")
	: codepages[new_display_codepage].name;
    cplabel = label_new (4, 4, cpname);
    add_widget (dbits_dlg, cplabel);

    add_widget (dbits_dlg,
		button_new (DISPY - 3, DISPX / 2 + 3, B_CANCEL,
			    NORMAL_BUTTON, _("&Cancel"), 0));
    add_widget (dbits_dlg,
		button_new (DISPY - 3, 7, B_ENTER, NORMAL_BUTTON, _("&OK"),

    inpcheck =
	check_new (6, 4, !use_8th_bit_as_meta, _("F&ull 8 bits input"));
    add_widget (dbits_dlg, inpcheck);

    cpname = _("&Select");
    add_widget (dbits_dlg,
		button_new (4, DISPX - 7 - str_term_width1 (cpname), B_USER,
			    NORMAL_BUTTON, cpname, sel_charset_button));

    return dbits_dlg;
Beispiel #13
xdiff_view (const char *file1, const char *file2)
    int error;
    WDiff *view;
    WButtonBar *bar;
    Dlg_head *view_dlg;

    /* Create dialog and widgets, put them on the dialog */
    view_dlg =
	create_dlg(0, 0, LINES, COLS, NULL, view_dialog_callback,
		   "[Binary Diff Viewer]", NULL, DLG_WANT_TAB);

    view = g_new0(WDiff, 1);

    init_widget(&view->widget, 0, 0, LINES - 1, COLS,

    widget_want_cursor(view->widget, 0);

    bar = buttonbar_new(1);

    add_widget(view_dlg, bar);
    add_widget(view_dlg, view);

    error = view_init(view, file1, file2);

    /* Please note that if you add another widget,
     * you have to modify view_adjust_size to
     * be aware of it
    if (!error) {
	view_search(view, -1);
	view_fini(view, 1);

    return error;
Beispiel #14
editcmd_dialog_raw_key_query (const char *heading, const char *query, int cancel)
    int w = str_term_width1 (query) + 7;
    struct Dlg_head *raw_dlg =
        create_dlg (0, 0, 7, w, dialog_colors, editcmd_dialog_raw_key_query_cb,
                    NULL, heading,
                    DLG_CENTER | DLG_TRYUP | DLG_WANT_TAB);
    add_widget (raw_dlg,
                input_new (3 - cancel, w - 5, INPUT_COLOR, 2, "", 0, INPUT_COMPLETE_DEFAULT));
    add_widget (raw_dlg, label_new (3 - cancel, 2, query));
    if (cancel)
        add_widget (raw_dlg, button_new (4, w / 2 - 5, B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, _("Cancel"), 0));
    w = run_dlg (raw_dlg);
    destroy_dlg (raw_dlg);
    if (cancel) {
        if (w == XCTRL ('g') || w == XCTRL ('c') || w == ESC_CHAR || w == B_CANCEL)
            return 0;

    return w;
Beispiel #15
static Dlg_head *
init_chmod (void)
    int i;
    Dlg_head *ch_dlg;

    do_refresh ();
    end_chmod = c_file = need_update = 0;
    single_set = (current_panel->marked < 2) ? 2 : 0;

    ch_dlg =
        create_dlg (TRUE, 0, 0, 22 - single_set, 70, dialog_colors,
                    chmod_callback, "[Chmod]", _("Chmod command"), DLG_CENTER | DLG_REVERSE);

    for (i = 0; i < BUTTONS; i++)
        if (i == 2 && single_set)
            add_widget (ch_dlg,
                        button_new (BY + chmod_but[i].y - single_set,
                                    BX + chmod_but[i].x,
                                    chmod_but[i].flags, _(chmod_but[i].text), 0));

    add_widget (ch_dlg, groupbox_new (FY, FX, 10, 25, _("File")));

    for (i = 0; i < PERMISSIONS; i++)
        check_perm[i].check = check_new (PY + (PERMISSIONS - i), PX + 2, 0, _(check_perm[i].text));
        add_widget (ch_dlg, check_perm[i].check);

    add_widget (ch_dlg, groupbox_new (PY, PX, PERMISSIONS + 2, 33, _("Permission")));

    return ch_dlg;
Beispiel #16
mcview_viewer (const char *command, const vfs_path_t * file_vpath, int start_line)
    gboolean succeeded;
    mcview_t *lc_mcview;
    WDialog *view_dlg;

    /* Create dialog and widgets, put them on the dialog */
    view_dlg = create_dlg (FALSE, 0, 0, LINES, COLS, NULL, mcview_dialog_callback, NULL,
                           "[Internal File Viewer]", NULL, DLG_WANT_TAB);

    lc_mcview = mcview_new (0, 0, LINES - 1, COLS, FALSE);
    add_widget (view_dlg, lc_mcview);

    add_widget (view_dlg, buttonbar_new (TRUE));

    view_dlg->get_title = mcview_get_title;

        char *file;

        file = vfs_path_to_str (file_vpath);
        succeeded = mcview_load (lc_mcview, command, file, start_line);
        g_free (file);

    if (succeeded)
        run_dlg (view_dlg);
        view_dlg->state = DLG_CLOSED;

    if (view_dlg->state == DLG_CLOSED)
        destroy_dlg (view_dlg);

    return succeeded;
Beispiel #17
static void init_layout (void)
    static int i18n_layt_flag = 0;
	static int b1, b2, b3;
    int i = sizeof (s_split_direction) / sizeof(char*) ;
	char* ok_button = _("&Ok");
	char* cancel_button = _("&Cancel");
	char* save_button = _("&Save");
    if (!i18n_layt_flag)
		register int l1;
		first_width = 19; /* length of line with '<' '>' buttons */
		layout_title = _(" Layout ");
		title1 = _(" Panel split ");
		title2 = _(" Highlight... ");
		title3 = _(" Other options ");
		output_lines_label = _("output lines");
		while (i--)
		    s_split_direction [i] = _(s_split_direction [i]);
			l1 = strlen (s_split_direction [i]) + 7;
			if (l1 > first_width)
				first_width = l1;

		for (i = 0; i <= 8; i++)
			check_options[i].text = _(check_options[i].text);
			l1 = strlen (check_options[i].text) + 7;
			if (l1 > first_width)
				first_width = l1;

		l1 = strlen (title1) + 1;
		if (l1 > first_width)
			first_width = l1;
		l1 = strlen (title2) + 1;
		if (l1 > first_width)
			first_width = l1;

		second_width = strlen (title3) + 1;
		for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
			check_options[i].text = _(check_options[i].text);
			l1 = strlen (check_options[i].text) + 7;
			if (l1 > second_width)
				second_width = l1;
		if (console_flag)
			l1 = strlen (output_lines_label) + 13;
			if (l1 > second_width)
				second_width = l1;

		 * [email protected]:
		 * To be completely correct, one need to check if layout_title
		 * does not exceed dialog length and total length of 3 buttons
		 * allows their placement in one row. But assuming this dialog
		 * is wide enough, I don't include such a tests.
		 * Now the last thing to do - properly space buttons...
		l1 = 11 + strlen (ok_button)   /* 14 - all brackets and inner space */
		 	+ strlen (save_button)     /* notice: it is 3 char less because */
			+ strlen (cancel_button);  /* of '&' char in button text */
		i = (first_width + second_width - l1) / 4;
		b1 = 5 + i;
		b2 = b1 + strlen(ok_button) + i + 6;
		b3 = b2 + strlen(save_button) + i + 4;

		i18n_layt_flag = 1;

    layout_dlg = create_dlg (0, 0, 15, first_width + second_width + 9, 
		dialog_colors, layout_callback,
		"[Layout]", "layout", DLG_CENTER | DLG_GRID);
    x_set_dialog_title (layout_dlg, _("Layout"));

    add_widgetl (layout_dlg,
		button_new (BY, b3, B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, cancel_button, 0, 0, "c"), 
    add_widgetl (layout_dlg,
		button_new (BY, b2, B_EXIT, NORMAL_BUTTON, save_button, 0, 0, "s"),
    add_widgetl (layout_dlg,
		button_new (BY, b1, B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, ok_button, 0, 0, "o"),
#ifndef HAVE_X
    if (console_flag){
	add_widget (layout_dlg,
		    button_new (9, 12 + first_width, B_MINUS, NARROW_BUTTON, "&-",
			bminus_cback, 0, NULL));
	add_widget (layout_dlg,
		    button_new (9, 7 + first_width, B_PLUS, NARROW_BUTTON, "&+", 
			bplus_cback, 0, NULL));

#define XTRACT(i) *check_options[i].variable, check_options[i].text, check_options[i].tkname

    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++){
	check_options [i].widget = check_new (8 - i, 7 + first_width, XTRACT(i));
	add_widgetl (layout_dlg, check_options [i].widget, XV_WLAY_BELOWCLOSE);
    add_widgetl (layout_dlg, label_new (2, 7 + first_width, _("Other options"), "oo"),
    add_widgetl (layout_dlg, label_new (8, 5, _("Highlight..."), "hl"),
    add_widgetl (layout_dlg, label_new (2, 5, _("Panel split"), "ps"),
    check_options [8].widget = check_new (10, 6, XTRACT(8));
    add_widgetl (layout_dlg, check_options [8].widget, XV_WLAY_BELOWCLOSE);
    check_options [7].widget = check_new (9, 6, XTRACT(7));
    add_widgetl (layout_dlg, check_options [7].widget, XV_WLAY_BELOWCLOSE);

    _filetype_mode = filetype_mode;
    _permission_mode = permission_mode;
    _equal_split = equal_split;
    _menubar_visible = menubar_visible;
    _command_prompt = command_prompt;
    _keybar_visible = keybar_visible;
    _message_visible = message_visible;
    _xterm_hintbar = xterm_hintbar;
#ifndef HAVE_X
    bright_widget = button_new(6, 15, B_2RIGHT, NARROW_BUTTON, "&>", b2right_cback, 0, ">");
    add_widgetl (layout_dlg, bright_widget, XV_WLAY_RIGHTOF);
    bleft_widget = button_new (6, 9, B_2LEFT, NARROW_BUTTON, "&<", b2left_cback, 0, "<");
    add_widgetl (layout_dlg, bleft_widget, XV_WLAY_RIGHTOF);
    check_options [6].widget = check_new (5, 6, XTRACT(6));
    old_first_panel_size = -1;
    old_horizontal_split = -1;
    old_output_lines     = -1;
    _first_panel_size = first_panel_size;
    _output_lines = output_lines;
#ifndef HAVE_X
    add_widget (layout_dlg, check_options [6].widget);
    radio_widget = radio_new (3, 6, 2, s_split_direction, 1, "r");
    add_widget (layout_dlg, radio_widget);
    radio_widget->sel = horizontal_split;
Beispiel #18
 * FIXME: probably it is better to replace this with quick dialog machinery,
 * but actually I'm not familiar with it and have not much time :(
 *   alex
static replace_action_t
overwrite_query_dialog (FileOpContext * ctx, enum OperationMode mode)
#define ADD_RD_BUTTON(i) \
    add_widget (ui->replace_dlg, \
            button_new (rd_widgets [i].ypos, rd_widgets [i].xpos, rd_widgets [i].value, \
                        NORMAL_BUTTON, rd_widgets [i].text, 0))

#define ADD_RD_LABEL(i, p1, p2) \
    g_snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), rd_widgets [i].text, p1, p2); \
    add_widget (ui->replace_dlg, label_new (rd_widgets [i].ypos, rd_widgets [i].xpos, buffer))

    /* dialog sizes */
    const int rd_ylen = 17;
    int rd_xlen = 60;

        const char *text;
        int ypos, xpos;
        int value;              /* 0 for labels */
    } rd_widgets[] =
    /* *INDENT-OFF* */
        /*  0 */
        { N_("Target file already exists!"), 3, 4, 0 },
        /*  1 */
        { "%s", 4, 4, 0 },
        /*  2 */ /* cannot use PRIuMAX here; %llu is used instead */
        { N_("Source date: %s, size %llu"), 6, 4, 0 },
        /*  3 */  /* cannot use PRIuMAX here; %llu is used instead */
        { N_("Target date: %s, size %llu"), 7, 4, 0 },
        /*  4 */
        { N_("&Abort"), 14, 25, REPLACE_ABORT },
        /*  5 */
        { N_("If &size differs"), 12, 28, REPLACE_SIZE },
        /*  6 */
        { N_("Non&e"), 11, 47, REPLACE_NEVER },
        /*  7 */
        { N_("&Update"), 11, 36, REPLACE_UPDATE },
        /*  8 */
        { N_("A&ll"), 11, 28, REPLACE_ALWAYS },
        /*  9 */
        { N_("Overwrite all targets?"), 11, 4, 0 },
        /* 10 */
        { N_("&Reget"), 10, 28, REPLACE_REGET },
        /* 11 */
        { N_("A&ppend"), 9, 45, REPLACE_APPEND },
        /* 12 */
        { N_("&No"), 9, 37, REPLACE_NO },
        /* 13 */
        { N_("&Yes"), 9, 28, REPLACE_YES },
        /* 14 */
        { N_("Overwrite this target?"), 9, 4, 0 }
    /* *INDENT-ON* */

    const int num = sizeof (rd_widgets) / sizeof (rd_widgets[0]);
    int *widgets_len;

    FileOpContextUI *ui = ctx->ui;

    char buffer[BUF_SMALL];
    const char *title;
    const char *stripped_name = strip_home_and_password (ui->replace_filename);
    int stripped_name_len;

    int result;

    widgets_len = g_new0 (int, num);

    if (mode == Foreground)
        title = _("File exists");
        title = _("Background process: File exists");

    stripped_name_len = str_term_width1 (stripped_name);

        int i, l1, l2, l, row;

        for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
            if (i != 1)         /* skip filename */
                rd_widgets[i].text = _(rd_widgets[i].text);
#endif /* ENABLE_NLS */
            widgets_len[i] = str_term_width1 (rd_widgets[i].text);

         * longest of "Overwrite..." labels
         * (assume "Target date..." are short enough)
        l1 = max (widgets_len[9], widgets_len[14]);

        /* longest of button rows */
        i = num;
        for (row = l = l2 = 0; i--;)
            if (rd_widgets[i].value != 0)
                if (row != rd_widgets[i].ypos)
                    row = rd_widgets[i].ypos;
                    l2 = max (l2, l);
                    l = 0;
                l += widgets_len[i] + 4;

        l2 = max (l2, l);       /* last row */
        rd_xlen = max (rd_xlen, l1 + l2 + 8);
        rd_xlen = max (rd_xlen, str_term_width1 (title) + 2);
        rd_xlen = max (rd_xlen, min (COLS, stripped_name_len + 8));

        /* Now place widgets */
        l1 += 5;                /* start of first button in the row */
        i = num;
        for (l = l1, row = 0; --i > 1;)
            if (rd_widgets[i].value != 0)
                if (row != rd_widgets[i].ypos)
                    row = rd_widgets[i].ypos;
                    l = l1;
                rd_widgets[i].xpos = l;
                l += widgets_len[i] + 4;

        /* Abort button is centered */
        rd_widgets[4].xpos = (rd_xlen - widgets_len[4] - 3) / 2;

    /* FIXME - missing help node */
    ui->replace_dlg =
        create_dlg (TRUE, 0, 0, rd_ylen, rd_xlen, alarm_colors, NULL, "[Replace]",
                    title, DLG_CENTER | DLG_REVERSE);

    /* prompt -- centered */
    add_widget (ui->replace_dlg,
                label_new (rd_widgets[0].ypos, (rd_xlen - widgets_len[0]) / 2, rd_widgets[0].text));
    /* file name -- centered */
    stripped_name = str_trunc (stripped_name, rd_xlen - 8);
    stripped_name_len = str_term_width1 (stripped_name);
    add_widget (ui->replace_dlg,
                label_new (rd_widgets[1].ypos, (rd_xlen - stripped_name_len) / 2, stripped_name));

    /* source date and size */
    ADD_RD_LABEL (2, file_date (ui->s_stat->st_mtime), (unsigned long long) ui->s_stat->st_size);
    /* destination date and size */
    ADD_RD_LABEL (3, file_date (ui->d_stat->st_mtime), (unsigned long long) ui->d_stat->st_size);

    ADD_RD_BUTTON (4);          /* Abort */
    ADD_RD_BUTTON (5);          /* If size differs */
    ADD_RD_BUTTON (6);          /* None */
    ADD_RD_BUTTON (7);          /* Update */
    ADD_RD_BUTTON (8);          /* All" */
    ADD_RD_LABEL (9, 0, 0);     /* Overwrite all targets? */

    /* "this target..." widgets */
    if (!S_ISDIR (ui->d_stat->st_mode))
        if ((ctx->operation == OP_COPY) && (ui->d_stat->st_size != 0)
            && (ui->s_stat->st_size > ui->d_stat->st_size))
            ADD_RD_BUTTON (10); /* Reget */

        ADD_RD_BUTTON (11);     /* Append */
    ADD_RD_BUTTON (12);         /* No */
    ADD_RD_BUTTON (13);         /* Yes */
    ADD_RD_LABEL (14, 0, 0);    /* Overwrite this target? */

    result = run_dlg (ui->replace_dlg);
    destroy_dlg (ui->replace_dlg);

    g_free (widgets_len);

    return (result == B_CANCEL) ? REPLACE_ABORT : (replace_action_t) result;
Beispiel #19
Datei: learn.c Projekt: dborca/mc
static void
init_learn (void)
    int x, y, i, j;
    key_code_name_t *key;
    char buffer[BUF_TINY];

    static int i18n_flag = 0;
    if (!i18n_flag) {
	learn_but[0].text = _(learn_but[0].text);
	learn_but[0].x = 78 / 2 + 4;

	learn_but[1].text = _(learn_but[1].text);
	learn_but[1].x = 78 / 2 - (strlen (learn_but[1].text) + 9);

	learn_title = _(learn_title);
	i18n_flag = 1;
#endif				/* ENABLE_NLS */

    do_refresh ();

    learn_dlg =
	create_dlg (0, 0, 23, 78, dialog_colors, learn_callback,
		    "[Learn keys]", learn_title, DLG_CENTER | DLG_REVERSE);

    for (i = 0; i < BUTTONS; i++)
	add_widget (learn_dlg,
		    button_new (BY + learn_but[i].y, learn_but[i].x,
				learn_but[i].ret_cmd, learn_but[i].flags,
				_(learn_but[i].text), 0));

    x = UX;
    y = UY;
    for (key = key_name_conv_tab, j = 0;
	 key->name != NULL && strcmp (key->name, "kpleft"); key++, j++);
    learnkeys = g_new (learnkey, j);
    x += ((j - 1) / ROWS) * COLSHIFT;
    y += (j - 1) % ROWS;
    learn_total = j;
    learnok = 0;
    learnchanged = 0;
    for (i = j - 1, key = key_name_conv_tab + j - 1; i >= 0; i--, key--) {
	learnkeys[i].ok = 0;
	learnkeys[i].sequence = NULL;
	g_snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%-16s", _(key->longname));
	add_widget (learn_dlg, learnkeys[i].button = (Widget *)
		    button_new (y, x, B_USER + i, NARROW_BUTTON, buffer,
	add_widget (learn_dlg, learnkeys[i].label = (Widget *)
		    label_new (y, x + 19, ""));
	if (i % 13)
	else {
	    x -= COLSHIFT;
	    y = UY + ROWS - 1;
    add_widget (learn_dlg,
		label_new (UY + 14, 5,
			   ("Press all the keys mentioned here. After you have done it, check")));
    add_widget (learn_dlg,
		label_new (UY + 15, 5,
			   ("which keys are not marked with OK.  Press space on the missing")));
    add_widget (learn_dlg,
		label_new (UY + 16, 5,
			   ("key, or click with the mouse to define it. Move around with Tab.")));
Beispiel #20
/* Returns 1 if the user would like to see us again */
static int
complete_engine (WInput *in, int what_to_do)
    if (in->completions && in->point != end)
    	free_completions (in);
    if (!in->completions){
    	end = in->point;
        for (start = end ? end - 1 : 0; start > -1; start--)
    	    if (strchr (" \t;|<>", in->buffer [start]))
    	if (start < end)
    	in->completions = try_complete (in->buffer, &start, &end, in->completion_flags);
    if (in->completions){
    	if (what_to_do & DO_INSERTION || ((what_to_do & DO_QUERY) && !in->completions[1])) {
    	    if (insert_text (in, in->completions [0], strlen (in->completions [0]))){
    	        if (in->completions [1])
    	    	    beep ();
		    free_completions (in);
	    } else
	        beep ();
    	if ((what_to_do & DO_QUERY) && in->completions && in->completions [1]) {
    	    int maxlen = 0, i, count = 0;
    	    int x, y, w, h;
    	    int start_x, start_y;
    	    char **p, *q;
    	    Dlg_head *query_dlg;
    	    WListbox *query_list;
    	    for (p=in->completions + 1; *p; count++, p++)
    	    	if ((i = strlen (*p)) > maxlen)
    	    	    maxlen = i;
    	    start_x = in->widget.x;
    	    start_y = in->widget.y;
    	    if (start_y - 2 >= count) {
    	    	y = start_y - 2 - count;
    	    	h = 2 + count;
    	    } else {
    	    	if (start_y >= LINES - start_y - 1) {
    	    	    y = 0;
    	    	    h = start_y;
    	    	} else {
    	    	    y = start_y + 1;
    	    	    h = LINES - start_y - 1;
    	    x = start - in->first_shown - 2 + start_x;
    	    w = maxlen + 4;
    	    if (x + w > COLS)
    	    	x = COLS - w;
    	    if (x < 0)
    	    	x = 0;
    	    if (x + w > COLS)
    	    	w = COLS;
    	    input = in;
    	    min_end = end;
	    query_height = h;
	    query_width  = w;
    	    query_dlg = create_dlg (y, x, query_height, query_width,
				    dialog_colors, query_callback,
				    "[Completion]", NULL, DLG_COMPACT);
    	    query_list = listbox_new (1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, NULL);
    	    add_widget (query_dlg, query_list);
    	    for (p = in->completions + 1; *p; p++)
    	    	listbox_add_item (query_list, 0, 0, *p, NULL);
    	    run_dlg (query_dlg);
    	    q = NULL;
    	    if (query_dlg->ret_value == B_ENTER){
    	    	listbox_get_current (query_list, &q, NULL);
    	    	if (q)
    	    	    insert_text (in, q, strlen (q));
    	    if (q || end != min_end)
    	    	free_completions (in);
    	    i = query_dlg->ret_value; /* B_USER if user wants to start over again */
    	    destroy_dlg (query_dlg);
    	    if (i == B_USER)
    	    	return 1;
    } else
    	beep ();
    return 0;
Beispiel #21
static Dlg_head *
display_init (int radio_sel, char *init_text, int _check_status, char **_status)
    int dlg_width = 48, dlg_height = 15;
    Dlg_head *dd;

    /* Controls whether the array strings have been translated */
    const char *displays[LIST_TYPES] = {
        N_("&Full file list"),
        N_("&Brief file list"),
        N_("&Long file list"),
        N_("&User defined:")

    /* Index in displays[] for "user defined" */
    const int user_type_idx = 3;

    const char *display_title = N_("Listing mode");
    const char *user_mini_status = N_("User &mini status");
    const char *ok_name = N_("&OK");
    const char *cancel_name = N_("&Cancel");

    WButton *ok_button, *cancel_button;

        int i, maxlen = 0;
        const char *cp;
        int ok_len, cancel_len, b_len, gap;

        display_title = _(display_title);
        user_mini_status = _(user_mini_status);
        ok_name = _(ok_name);
        cancel_name = _(cancel_name);

        for (i = 0; i < LIST_TYPES; i++)
            displays[i] = _(displays[i]);

        /* get hotkey of user-defined format string */
        cp = strchr (displays[user_type_idx], '&');
        if (cp != NULL && *++cp != '\0')
            display_user_hotkey = g_ascii_tolower (*cp);

        /* xpos will be fixed later */
        ok_button = button_new (dlg_height - 3, 0, B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, ok_name, 0);
        ok_len = button_get_len (ok_button);
        cancel_button = button_new (dlg_height - 3, 0, B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, cancel_name, 0);
        cancel_len = button_get_len (cancel_button);
        b_len = ok_len + cancel_len + 2;

        dlg_width = max (dlg_width, str_term_width1 (display_title) + 10);
        /* calculate max width of radiobutons */
        for (i = 0; i < LIST_TYPES; i++)
            maxlen = max (maxlen, str_term_width1 (displays[i]));
        dlg_width = max (dlg_width, maxlen);
        dlg_width = max (dlg_width, str_term_width1 (user_mini_status) + 13);

        /* buttons */
        dlg_width = max (dlg_width, b_len + 6);
        gap = (dlg_width - 6 - b_len) / 3;
        ok_button->widget.x = 3 + gap;
        cancel_button->widget.x = ok_button->widget.x + ok_len + gap + 2;

    displays_status = _status;

    dd = create_dlg (TRUE, 0, 0, dlg_height, dlg_width, dialog_colors,
                     display_callback, "[Listing Mode...]", display_title,
                     DLG_CENTER | DLG_REVERSE);

    add_widget (dd, cancel_button);
    add_widget (dd, ok_button);

    display_mini_status =
        input_new (10, 8, input_get_default_colors (), dlg_width - 12, _status[radio_sel],
                   "mini-input", INPUT_COMPLETE_DEFAULT);
    add_widget (dd, display_mini_status);

    display_check_status = check_new (9, 4, _check_status, user_mini_status);
    add_widget (dd, display_check_status);

    display_user_format = input_new (7, 8, input_get_default_colors (), dlg_width - 12, init_text,
                                     "user-fmt-input", INPUT_COMPLETE_DEFAULT);
    add_widget (dd, display_user_format);

    display_radio = radio_new (3, 4, LIST_TYPES, displays);
    display_radio->sel = display_radio->pos = radio_sel;
    add_widget (dd, display_radio);

    return dd;
Beispiel #22
            char *cp = va_arg (ap, char *);
            win_len += str_term_width1 (cp) + 6;
            if (strchr (cp, '&') != NULL)
        va_end (ap);

    /* count coordinates */
    str_msg_term_size (text, &lines, &cols);
    cols = 6 + max (win_len, max (str_term_width1 (header), cols));
    lines += 4 + (count > 0 ? 2 : 0);

    /* prepare dialog */
    query_dlg =
        create_dlg (TRUE, 0, 0, lines, cols, query_colors, default_query_callback,
                    "[QueryBox]", header, dlg_flags);

    if (count > 0)
        cols = (cols - win_len - 2) / 2 + 2;
        va_start (ap, count);
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
            int xpos;

            cur_name = va_arg (ap, char *);
            xpos = str_term_width1 (cur_name) + 6;
            if (strchr (cur_name, '&') != NULL)

            button = button_new (lines - 3, cols, B_USER + i, NORMAL_BUTTON, cur_name, 0);
Beispiel #23
Datei: quick.c Projekt: BrEacK/mc
quick_dialog_skip (QuickDialog * qd, int nskip)
#define I18N(x) (x = !qd->i18n && x != NULL && *x != '\0' ? _(x): x)
#define I18N(x) (x = x)
    Dlg_head *dd;
    QuickWidget *qw;
    WInput *in;
    WRadio *r;
    int return_val;

    I18N (qd->title);

    if ((qd->xpos == -1) || (qd->ypos == -1))
        dd = create_dlg (TRUE, 0, 0, qd->ylen, qd->xlen,
                         dialog_colors, qd->callback, qd->mouse, qd->help, qd->title,
                         DLG_CENTER | DLG_TRYUP | DLG_REVERSE);
        dd = create_dlg (TRUE, qd->ypos, qd->xpos, qd->ylen, qd->xlen,
                         dialog_colors, qd->callback, qd->mouse, qd->help, qd->title, DLG_REVERSE);

    for (qw = qd->widgets; qw->widget_type != quick_end; qw++)
        int xpos;
        int ypos;

        xpos = (qd->xlen * qw->relative_x) / qw->x_divisions;
        ypos = (qd->ylen * qw->relative_y) / qw->y_divisions;

        switch (qw->widget_type)
        case quick_checkbox:
            qw->widget =
                (Widget *) check_new (ypos, xpos, *qw->u.checkbox.state,
                                      I18N (qw->u.checkbox.text));

        case quick_button:
            qw->widget = (Widget *) button_new (ypos, xpos, qw->u.button.action,
                                                (qw->u.button.action ==
                                                 B_ENTER) ? DEFPUSH_BUTTON : NORMAL_BUTTON,
                                                I18N (qw->u.button.text), qw->u.button.callback);

        case quick_input:
            in = input_new (ypos, xpos, input_get_default_colors (),
                            qw->u.input.len, qw->u.input.text, qw->u.input.histname,
            in->is_password = (qw->u.input.flags == 1);
            if ((qw->u.input.flags & 2) != 0)
                in->completion_flags |= INPUT_COMPLETE_CD;
            if ((qw->u.input.flags & 4) != 0)
                in->strip_password = TRUE;
            qw->widget = (Widget *) in;
            *qw->u.input.result = NULL;

        case quick_label:
            qw->widget = (Widget *) label_new (ypos, xpos, I18N (qw->u.label.text));

        case quick_groupbox:
            qw->widget = (Widget *) groupbox_new (ypos, xpos,
                                                  I18N (qw->u.groupbox.title));

        case quick_radio:
                int i;
                char **items = NULL;

                /* create the copy of radio_items to avoid mwmory leak */
                items = g_new0 (char *, qw-> + 1);

                if (!qd->i18n)
                    for (i = 0; i < qw->; i++)
                        items[i] = g_strdup (_(qw->[i]));
                    for (i = 0; i < qw->; i++)
                        items[i] = g_strdup (qw->[i]);

                r = radio_new (ypos, xpos, qw->, (const char **) items);
                r->pos = r->sel = *qw->;
                qw->widget = (Widget *) r;
                g_strfreev (items);

            qw->widget = NULL;
            fprintf (stderr, "QuickWidget: unknown widget type\n");

        if (qw->widget != NULL)
            qw->widget->options |= qw->options; /* FIXME: cannot reset flags, setup only */
            add_widget (dd, qw->widget);

    while (nskip-- != 0)
        dd->current = g_list_next (dd->current);
        if (dd->current == NULL)
            dd->current = dd->widgets;

    return_val = run_dlg (dd);

    /* Get the data if we found something interesting */
    if (return_val != B_CANCEL)
        for (qw = qd->widgets; qw->widget_type != quick_end; qw++)
            switch (qw->widget_type)
            case quick_checkbox:
                *qw->u.checkbox.state = ((WCheck *) qw->widget)->state & C_BOOL;

            case quick_input:
                if ((qw->u.input.flags & 2) != 0)
                    *qw->u.input.result = tilde_expand (((WInput *) qw->widget)->buffer);
                    *qw->u.input.result = g_strdup (((WInput *) qw->widget)->buffer);

            case quick_radio:
                *qw-> = ((WRadio *) qw->widget)->sel;


    destroy_dlg (dd);

    return return_val;
#undef I18N
Beispiel #24
static Dlg_head *
init_listmode (char *oldlistformat)
    int i;
    char *s;
    int format_width = 0;
    int format_columns = 0;
    Dlg_head *listmode_dlg;

    static struct listmode_label listmode_labels[] = {
	{UY + 13, UX + 22, "Item width:"}

    static struct listmode_button listmode_but[] = {
	{B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, BY, BX + 53, "&Cancel", NULL},
	{B_ADD, NORMAL_BUTTON, BY, BX + 22, "&Add item", badd_cback},
	{B_REMOVE, NORMAL_BUTTON, BY, BX + 10, "&Remove", bremove_cback},
	{B_PLUS, NARROW_BUTTON, UY + 13, UX + 37, "&+", bplus_cback},
	{B_MINUS, NARROW_BUTTON, UY + 13, UX + 34, "&-", bminus_cback},

    do_refresh ();

    listmode_dlg =
	create_dlg (0, 0, 22, 74, dialog_colors, NULL, listmode_section,
		    "Listing format edit", DLG_CENTER | DLG_REVERSE);

    add_widget (listmode_dlg,
		groupbox_new (UX, UY, 63, 4, "General options"));
    add_widget (listmode_dlg, groupbox_new (UX, UY + 4, 18, 11, "Items"));
    add_widget (listmode_dlg,
		groupbox_new (UX + 20, UY + 4, 43, 11, "Item options"));

    for (i = 0;
	 i < sizeof (listmode_but) / sizeof (struct listmode_button); i++)
	add_widget (listmode_dlg,
		    button_new (listmode_but[i].y, listmode_but[i].x,

    /* We add the labels. */
    for (i = 0;
	 i < sizeof (listmode_labels) / sizeof (struct listmode_label);
	 i++) {
	pname =
	    label_new (listmode_labels[i].y, listmode_labels[i].x,
	add_widget (listmode_dlg, pname);

    radio_itemwidth = radio_new (UY + 9, UX + 22, 3, s_itemwidth);
    add_widget (listmode_dlg, radio_itemwidth);
    radio_itemwidth = 0;
    radio_justify = radio_new (UY + 5, UX + 22, 3, s_justify);
    add_widget (listmode_dlg, radio_justify);
    radio_justify->sel = 1;

    /* get new listbox */
    l_listmode = listbox_new (UY + 5, UX + 1, 16, 9, NULL);

    if (strncmp (oldlistformat, "full ", 5) == 0) {
	format_width = 1;
	oldlistformat += 5;
    if (strncmp (oldlistformat, "half ", 5) == 0) {
	oldlistformat += 5;
    if (strncmp (oldlistformat, "2 ", 2) == 0) {
	format_columns = 1;
	oldlistformat += 2;
    if (strncmp (oldlistformat, "1 ", 2) == 0) {
	oldlistformat += 2;
    s = strtok (oldlistformat, ",");

    while (s) {
	listbox_add_item (l_listmode, 0, 0, s, NULL);
	s = strtok (NULL, ",");

    /* add listbox to the dialogs */
    add_widget (listmode_dlg, l_listmode);

    radio_columns = radio_new (UY + 1, UX + 32, 2, s_columns);
    add_widget (listmode_dlg, radio_columns);
    radio_columns->sel = format_columns;
    radio_genwidth = radio_new (UY + 1, UX + 2, 2, s_genwidth);
    add_widget (listmode_dlg, radio_genwidth);
    radio_genwidth->sel = format_width;

    return listmode_dlg;
static int
find_parameters (char **start_dir, char **pattern, char **content)
    int return_value;
    char *temp_dir;
    static char *in_contents = NULL;
    static char *in_start_dir = NULL;
    static char *in_start_name = NULL;

	static char* labs[] = {N_("Start at:"), N_("Filename:"), N_("Content: ")};
	static char* buts[] = {N_("&Ok"), N_("&Tree"), N_("&Cancel")};
	static int ilen = 30, istart = 14;
	static int b0 = 3, b1 = 16, b2 = 36;

	static int i18n_flag = 0;
	if (!i18n_flag)
		register int i = sizeof(labs)/sizeof(labs[0]);
		int l1, maxlen = 0;
		while (i--)
			l1 = strlen (labs [i] = _(labs [i]));
			if (l1 > maxlen)
				maxlen = l1;
		i = maxlen + ilen + 7;
		if (i > FIND_X)
			FIND_X = i;
		for (i = sizeof(buts)/sizeof(buts[0]), l1 = 0; i--; )
			l1 += strlen (buts [i] = _(buts [i]));
		l1 += 21;
		if (l1 > FIND_X)
			FIND_X = l1;

		ilen = FIND_X - 7 - maxlen; /* for the case of very long buttons :) */
		istart = FIND_X - 3 - ilen;
		b1 = b0 + strlen(buts[0]) + 7;
		b2 = FIND_X - (strlen(buts[2]) + 6);
		i18n_flag = 1;
#endif /* ENABLE_NLS */

    if (!in_start_dir)
	in_start_dir = strdup (".");
    if (!in_start_name)
	in_start_name = strdup (easy_patterns ? "*" : ".");
    if (!in_contents)
	in_contents = strdup ("");
    find_dlg = create_dlg (0, 0, FIND_Y, FIND_X, dialog_colors,
			   common_dialog_callback, "[Find File]", "findfile",
    x_set_dialog_title (find_dlg, _("Find File"));

	add_widgetl (find_dlg, button_new (9, b2, B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON,
		buts[2], 0 ,0, "cancel"), XV_WLAY_RIGHTOF);
#ifndef HAVE_GNOME
	add_widgetl (find_dlg, button_new (9, b1, B_TREE, NORMAL_BUTTON,
		buts[1], 0, 0, "tree"), XV_WLAY_RIGHTOF);
	add_widgetl (find_dlg, button_new (9, b0, B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON,
		buts[0], 0, 0, "ok"), XV_WLAY_CENTERROW);

	in_with  = input_new (7, istart, INPUT_COLOR, ilen,	in_contents, "content");
    add_widgetl (find_dlg, in_with, XV_WLAY_BELOWOF);

	in_name  = input_new (5, istart, INPUT_COLOR, ilen, in_start_name, "name");
    add_widgetl (find_dlg, in_name, XV_WLAY_BELOWOF);

	in_start = input_new (3, istart, INPUT_COLOR, ilen,	in_start_dir, "start");
    add_widgetl (find_dlg, in_start, XV_WLAY_NEXTCOLUMN);

	add_widgetl (find_dlg, label_new (7, 3, labs[2], "label-cont"), XV_WLAY_BELOWOF);
	add_widgetl (find_dlg, label_new (5, 3, labs[1], "label-file"), XV_WLAY_BELOWOF);
	add_widgetl (find_dlg, label_new (3, 3, labs[0], "label-start"), XV_WLAY_NEXTCOLUMN);

    run_dlg (find_dlg);

    switch (find_dlg->ret_value){
    case B_CANCEL:
	return_value = 0;

#ifndef HAVE_GNOME
    case B_TREE:
	temp_dir = strdup (in_start->buffer);
	destroy_dlg (find_dlg);
	free (in_start_dir);
	if (strcmp (temp_dir, ".") == 0){
	    free (temp_dir);
	    temp_dir = strdup (cpanel->cwd);
	in_start_dir = tree (temp_dir);
	if (in_start_dir)
	    free (temp_dir);
	    in_start_dir = temp_dir;
	/* Warning: Dreadful goto */
	goto find_par_start;
	return_value = 1;
	*start_dir = strdup (in_start->buffer);
	*pattern   = strdup (in_name->buffer);

	free (in_contents);
	if (in_with->buffer [0]){
	    *content    = strdup (in_with->buffer);
	    in_contents = strdup (*content);
	} else 
	    *content = in_contents = NULL;

	free (in_start_dir);
	in_start_dir = strdup (*start_dir);
	free (in_start_name);
	in_start_name = strdup (*pattern);

    destroy_dlg (find_dlg);
    return return_value;
Beispiel #26
Datei: quick.c Projekt: rutsky/mc
quick_dialog_skip (quick_dialog_t * quick_dlg, int nskip)
    int len;
    int blen = 0;
    int x, y;                   /* current positions */
    int y1 = 0;                 /* bottom of 1st column in case of two columns */
    int y2 = -1;                /* start of two columns */
    int width1 = 0;             /* width of single column */
    int width2 = 0;             /* width of each of two columns */
    gboolean have_groupbox = FALSE;
    gboolean two_columns = FALSE;
    gboolean put_buttons = FALSE;

    /* x position of 1st column is 3 */
    const int x1 = 3;
    /* x position of 2nd column is 4 and it will be fixed later, after creation of all widgets */
    int x2 = 4;

    GArray *widgets;
    size_t i;
    quick_widget_t *quick_widget;
    WGroupbox *g = NULL;
    WDialog *dd;
    int return_val;

    len = str_term_width1 (I18N (quick_dlg->title)) + 6;
    quick_dlg->cols = max (quick_dlg->cols, len);

    y = 1;
    x = x1;

    /* create widgets */
    widgets = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (quick_widget_item_t), 8);

    for (quick_widget = quick_dlg->widgets; quick_widget->widget_type != quick_end; quick_widget++)
        quick_widget_item_t item = { NULL, quick_widget };
        int width = 0;

        switch (quick_widget->widget_type)
        case quick_checkbox:
            item.widget =
                WIDGET (check_new
                        (++y, x, *quick_widget->u.checkbox.state,
                         I18N (quick_widget->u.checkbox.text)));
            g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
            width = item.widget->cols;
            if (g != NULL)
                width += 2;
            if (two_columns)
                width2 = max (width2, width);
                width1 = max (width1, width);

        case quick_button:
            /* single button */
            item.widget = WIDGET (button_new (++y, x, quick_widget->u.button.action,
                                              quick_widget->u.button.action == B_ENTER ?
                                              DEFPUSH_BUTTON : NORMAL_BUTTON,
                                              I18N (quick_widget->u.button.text),
            g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
            width = item.widget->cols;
            if (g != NULL)
                width += 2;
            if (two_columns)
                width2 = max (width2, width);
                width1 = max (width1, width);

        case quick_input:
            *quick_widget->u.input.result = NULL;
            if (quick_widget->u.input.label_location != input_label_none)
                quick_create_labeled_input (widgets, &y, x, quick_widget, &width);
                item.widget = WIDGET (quick_create_input (y, x, quick_widget));
                g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
                width = item.widget->cols;
            if (g != NULL)
                width += 2;
            if (two_columns)
                width2 = max (width2, width);
                width1 = max (width1, width);

        case quick_label:
            item.widget = WIDGET (label_new (++y, x, I18N (quick_widget->u.label.text)));
            g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
            y += item.widget->lines - 1;
            width = item.widget->cols;
            if (g != NULL)
                width += 2;
            if (two_columns)
                width2 = max (width2, width);
                width1 = max (width1, width);

        case quick_radio:
            WRadio *r;
            char **items = NULL;

            /* create the copy of radio_items to avoid mwmory leak */
            items = g_new (char *, quick_widget-> + 1);
            for (i = 0; i < (size_t) quick_widget->; i++)
                items[i] = g_strdup (_(quick_widget->[i]));
            items[i] = NULL;

            r = radio_new (++y, x, quick_widget->, (const char **) items);
            r->pos = r->sel = *quick_widget->;
            g_strfreev (items);
            item.widget = WIDGET (r);
            g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
            y += item.widget->lines - 1;
            width = item.widget->cols;
            if (g != NULL)
                width += 2;
            if (two_columns)
                width2 = max (width2, width);
                width1 = max (width1, width);

        case quick_start_groupbox:
            I18N (quick_widget->u.groupbox.title);
            len = str_term_width1 (quick_widget->u.groupbox.title);
            g = groupbox_new (++y, x, 1, len + 4, quick_widget->u.groupbox.title);
            item.widget = WIDGET (g);
            g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
            have_groupbox = TRUE;

        case quick_stop_groupbox:
            if (g != NULL)
                Widget *w = WIDGET (g);

                w->lines = y + 1 - w->y;
                g = NULL;

                g_array_append_val (widgets, item);

        case quick_separator:
            if (quick_widget->u.separator.line)
                item.widget = WIDGET (hline_new (y, x, 1));
                g_array_append_val (widgets, item);

        case quick_start_columns:
            y2 = y;
            g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
            two_columns = TRUE;

        case quick_next_column:
            x = x2;
            y1 = y;
            y = y2;

        case quick_stop_columns:
            x = x1;
            y = max (y1, y);
            g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
            two_columns = FALSE;

        case quick_buttons:
            /* start put several buttons in bottom line */
            if (quick_widget->

                if (quick_widget->u.separator.line)
                    item.widget = WIDGET (hline_new (y, 1, -1));

            g_array_append_val (widgets, item);

            /* several buttons in bottom line */
            for (; quick_widget->widget_type == quick_button; quick_widget++)
                item.widget = WIDGET (button_new (y, x++, quick_widget->u.button.action,
                                                  quick_widget->u.button.action == B_ENTER ?
                                                  DEFPUSH_BUTTON : NORMAL_BUTTON,
                                                  I18N (quick_widget->u.button.text),
                item.quick_widget = quick_widget;
                g_array_append_val (widgets, item);
                blen += item.widget->cols + 1;

            /* stop dialog build here */
            quick_widget->widget_type = quick_end;


    /* adjust dialog width */
    quick_dlg->cols = max (quick_dlg->cols, blen + 6);
    if (have_groupbox)
        if (width1 != 0)
            width1 += 2;
        if (width2 != 0)
            width2 += 2;
    if (width2 == 0)
        len = width1 + 6;
        len = width2 * 2 + 7;
        if (width1 != 0)
            len = max (len, width1 + 6);

    quick_dlg->cols = max (quick_dlg->cols, len);
    width1 = quick_dlg->cols - 6;
    width2 = (quick_dlg->cols - 7) / 2;

    if (quick_dlg->x == -1 || quick_dlg->y == -1)
        dd = create_dlg (TRUE, 0, 0, y + 3, quick_dlg->cols,
                         dialog_colors, quick_dlg->callback, quick_dlg->mouse, quick_dlg->help,
                         quick_dlg->title, DLG_CENTER | DLG_TRYUP);
        dd = create_dlg (TRUE, quick_dlg->y, quick_dlg->x, y + 3, quick_dlg->cols,
                         dialog_colors, quick_dlg->callback, quick_dlg->mouse, quick_dlg->help,
                         quick_dlg->title, DLG_NONE);

    /* add widgets into the dialog */
    x2 = x1 + width2 + 1;
    g = NULL;
    two_columns = FALSE;
    x = (WIDGET (dd)->cols - blen) / 2;

    for (i = 0; i < widgets->len; i++)
        quick_widget_item_t *item;
        int column_width;

        item = &g_array_index (widgets, quick_widget_item_t, i);
        column_width = two_columns ? width2 : width1;

        /* adjust widget width and x position */
        switch (item->quick_widget->widget_type)
        case quick_label:
            quick_widget_t *input = item->quick_widget->u.label.input;

            if (input != NULL && input->u.input.label_location == input_label_right)
                /* location of this label will be adjusted later */
        /* fall through */
        case quick_checkbox:
        case quick_radio:
            if (item->widget->x != x1)
                item->widget->x = x2;
            if (g != NULL)
                item->widget->x += 2;

        case quick_button:
            if (!put_buttons)
                if (item->widget->x != x1)
                    item->widget->x = x2;
                if (g != NULL)
                    item->widget->x += 2;
                item->widget->x = x;
                x += item->widget->cols + 1;

        case quick_input:
            Widget *label = WIDGET (INPUT (item->widget)->label);
            int width = column_width;

            if (g != NULL)
                width -= 4;

            switch (item->quick_widget->u.input.label_location)
            case input_label_left:
                /* label was adjusted before; adjust input line */
                item->widget->x = label->x + label->cols + 1 - WIDGET (label->owner)->x;
                item->widget->cols = width - label->cols - 1;

            case input_label_right:
                label->x =
                    item->widget->x + item->widget->cols + 1 - WIDGET (item->widget->owner)->x;
                item->widget->cols = width - label->cols - 1;

                if (item->widget->x != x1)
                    item->widget->x = x2;
                if (g != NULL)
                    item->widget->x += 2;
                item->widget->cols = width;

            /* forced update internal variables of inpuit line */
            input_set_origin (INPUT (item->widget), item->widget->x, item->widget->cols);

        case quick_start_groupbox:
            g = GROUPBOX (item->widget);
            if (item->widget->x != x1)
                item->widget->x = x2;
            item->widget->cols = column_width;

        case quick_stop_groupbox:
            g = NULL;

        case quick_separator:
            if (item->widget != NULL)
                if (g != NULL)
                    Widget *wg = WIDGET (g);

                    HLINE (item->widget)->auto_adjust_cols = FALSE;
                    item->widget->x = wg->x + 1 - WIDGET (wg->owner)->x;
                    item->widget->cols = wg->cols;
                else if (two_columns)
                    HLINE (item->widget)->auto_adjust_cols = FALSE;
                    if (item->widget->x != x1)
                        item->widget->x = x2;
                    item->widget->cols = column_width + 2;
                    HLINE (item->widget)->auto_adjust_cols = TRUE;

        case quick_start_columns:
            two_columns = TRUE;

        case quick_stop_columns:
            two_columns = FALSE;

        case quick_buttons:
            /* several buttons in bottom line */
            put_buttons = TRUE;


        if (item->widget != NULL)
            unsigned long id;

            /* add widget into dialog */
            item->widget->options |= item->quick_widget->options;       /* FIXME: cannot reset flags, setup only */
            id = add_widget_autopos (dd, item->widget, item->quick_widget->pos_flags, NULL);
            if (item->quick_widget->id != NULL)
                *item->quick_widget->id = id;

    while (nskip-- != 0)
        dd->current = g_list_next (dd->current);
        if (dd->current == NULL)
            dd->current = dd->widgets;

    return_val = run_dlg (dd);

    /* Get the data if we found something interesting */
    if (return_val != B_CANCEL)
        for (i = 0; i < widgets->len; i++)
            quick_widget_item_t *item;

            item = &g_array_index (widgets, quick_widget_item_t, i);

            switch (item->quick_widget->widget_type)
            case quick_checkbox:
                *item->quick_widget->u.checkbox.state = CHECK (item->widget)->state & C_BOOL;

            case quick_input:
                if ((quick_widget->u.input.flags & 2) != 0)
                    *item->quick_widget->u.input.result =
                        tilde_expand (INPUT (item->widget)->buffer);
                    *item->quick_widget->u.input.result = g_strdup (INPUT (item->widget)->buffer);

            case quick_radio:
                *item->quick_widget-> = RADIO (item->widget)->sel;


    destroy_dlg (dd);

    /* destroy input labels created before */
    for (i = 0; i < widgets->len; i++)
        quick_widget_item_t *item;

        item = &g_array_index (widgets, quick_widget_item_t, i);
        if (item->quick_widget->widget_type == quick_input)
            g_free (item->quick_widget->u.input.label);

    g_array_free (widgets, TRUE);

    return return_val;
Beispiel #27
static int
complete_engine (WInput * in, int what_to_do)
    if (in->completions != NULL && str_offset_to_pos (in->buffer, in->point) != end)
        input_free_completions (in);
    if (in->completions == NULL)
        char *s;

        end = str_offset_to_pos (in->buffer, in->point);

        s = in->buffer;
        if (in->point != 0)
            /* get symbol before in->point */
            size_t i;
            for (i = in->point - 1; i > 0; i--)
                str_next_char (&s);

        for (; s >= in->buffer; str_prev_char (&s))
            start = s - in->buffer;
            if (strchr (" \t;|<>", *s) != NULL)

        if (start < end)
            str_next_char (&s);
            start = s - in->buffer;

        in->completions = try_complete (in->buffer, &start, &end, in->completion_flags);

    if (in->completions != NULL)
        if (what_to_do & DO_INSERTION || ((what_to_do & DO_QUERY) && !in->completions[1]))
            char *lc_complete = in->completions[0];
            if (insert_text (in, lc_complete, strlen (lc_complete)))
                if (in->completions[1])
                    tty_beep ();
                    input_free_completions (in);
                tty_beep ();
        if ((what_to_do & DO_QUERY) && in->completions && in->completions[1])
            int maxlen = 0, i, count = 0;
            int x, y, w, h;
            int start_x, start_y;
            char **p, *q;
            Dlg_head *query_dlg;
            WListbox *query_list;

            for (p = in->completions + 1; *p != NULL; count++, p++)
                i = str_term_width1 (*p);
                if (i > maxlen)
                    maxlen = i;
            start_x = in->widget.x;
            start_y = in->widget.y;
            if (start_y - 2 >= count)
                y = start_y - 2 - count;
                h = 2 + count;
                if (start_y >= LINES - start_y - 1)
                    y = 0;
                    h = start_y;
                    y = start_y + 1;
                    h = LINES - start_y - 1;
            x = start - in->term_first_shown - 2 + start_x;
            w = maxlen + 4;
            if (x + w > COLS)
                x = COLS - w;
            if (x < 0)
                x = 0;
            if (x + w > COLS)
                w = COLS;
            input = in;
            min_end = end;
            query_height = h;
            query_width = w;
            query_dlg = create_dlg (TRUE, y, x, query_height, query_width,
                                    dialog_colors, query_callback, NULL,
                                    "[Completion]", NULL, DLG_COMPACT);
            query_list = listbox_new (1, 1, h - 2, w - 2, FALSE, NULL);
            add_widget (query_dlg, query_list);
            for (p = in->completions + 1; *p; p++)
                listbox_add_item (query_list, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, *p, NULL);
            run_dlg (query_dlg);
            q = NULL;
            if (query_dlg->ret_value == B_ENTER)
                listbox_get_current (query_list, &q, NULL);
                if (q)
                    insert_text (in, q, strlen (q));
            if (q || end != min_end)
                input_free_completions (in);
            i = query_dlg->ret_value;   /* B_USER if user wants to start over again */
            destroy_dlg (query_dlg);
            if (i == B_USER)
                return 1;
        tty_beep ();
    return 0;
Beispiel #28
char *
history_show (GList ** history, Widget * widget, int current)
    GList *z, *hlist = NULL, *hi;
    size_t maxlen, i, count = 0;
    char *r = NULL;
    Dlg_head *query_dlg;
    WListbox *query_list;
    history_dlg_data hist_data;

    if (*history == NULL)
        return NULL;

    maxlen = str_term_width1 (_("History")) + 2;

    for (z = *history; z != NULL; z = g_list_previous (z))
        WLEntry *entry;

        i = str_term_width1 ((char *) z->data);
        maxlen = max (maxlen, i);

        entry = g_new0 (WLEntry, 1);
        /* history is being reverted here */
        entry->text = g_strdup ((char *) z->data);
        hlist = g_list_prepend (hlist, entry);

    hist_data.widget = widget;
    hist_data.count = count;
    hist_data.maxlen = maxlen;

    query_dlg =
        create_dlg (TRUE, 0, 0, 4, 4, dialog_colors, history_dlg_callback, NULL,
                    "[History-query]", _("History"), DLG_COMPACT);
    query_dlg->data = &hist_data;

    query_list = listbox_new (1, 1, 2, 2, TRUE, NULL);

    /* this call makes list stick to all sides of dialog, effectively make
       it be resized with dialog */
    add_widget_autopos (query_dlg, query_list, WPOS_KEEP_ALL, NULL);

    /* to avoid diplicating of (calculating sizes in two places)
       code, call dlg_hist_callback function here, to set dialog and
       controls positions.
       The main idea - create 4x4 dialog and add 2x2 list in
       center of it, and let dialog function resize it to needed
       size. */
    history_dlg_callback (query_dlg, NULL, DLG_RESIZE, 0, NULL);

    if (query_dlg->y < widget->y)
        /* draw list entries from bottom upto top */
        listbox_set_list (query_list, hlist);
        if (current < 0 || (size_t) current >= count)
            listbox_select_last (query_list);
            listbox_select_entry (query_list, count - 1 - (size_t) current);
        /* draw list entries from top downto bottom */
        /* revert history direction */
        hlist = g_list_reverse (hlist);
        listbox_set_list (query_list, hlist);
        if (current > 0)
            listbox_select_entry (query_list, current);

    if (run_dlg (query_dlg) != B_CANCEL)
        char *q;

        listbox_get_current (query_list, &q, NULL);
        r = g_strdup (q);

    /* get modified history from dialog */
    z = NULL;
    for (hi = query_list->list; hi != NULL; hi = g_list_next (hi))
        WLEntry *entry;

        entry = (WLEntry *) hi->data;
        /* history is being reverted here again */
        z = g_list_prepend (z, entry->text);
        entry->text = NULL;

    /* restore history direction */
    if (query_dlg->y < widget->y)
        z = g_list_reverse (z);

    destroy_dlg (query_dlg);

    g_list_foreach (*history, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
    g_list_free (*history);
    *history = g_list_last (z);

    return r;
Beispiel #29
file_op_context_create_ui_without_init (FileOpContext * ctx, gboolean with_eta,
                                        filegui_dialog_type_t dialog_type)
    FileOpContextUI *ui;
    int minus = 0, total_reserve = 0;
    const char *abort_button_label = N_("&Abort");
    const char *skip_button_label = N_("&Skip");
    int abort_button_width, skip_button_width, buttons_width;
    int dlg_width;

    g_return_if_fail (ctx != NULL);
    g_return_if_fail (ctx->ui == NULL);

    abort_button_label = _(abort_button_label);
    skip_button_label = _(skip_button_label);

    abort_button_width = str_term_width1 (abort_button_label) + 3;
    skip_button_width = str_term_width1 (skip_button_label) + 3;
    buttons_width = abort_button_width + skip_button_width + 2;

    dlg_width = max (WX, buttons_width + 6);

    ui = g_new0 (FileOpContextUI, 1);
    ctx->ui = ui;

    ctx->dialog_type = dialog_type;

    switch (dialog_type)
        total_reserve = 0;
        minus = verbose ? 0 : 2;
        total_reserve = 5;
        minus = verbose ? 0 : 7;
        total_reserve = -5;
        minus = 0;

    ctx->recursive_result = RECURSIVE_YES;

    ui->replace_result = REPLACE_YES;
    ui->showing_eta = with_eta;
    ui->showing_bps = with_eta;

    ui->op_dlg =
        create_dlg (TRUE, 0, 0, WY - minus + 1 + total_reserve, dlg_width,
                    dialog_colors, NULL, NULL, op_names[ctx->operation], DLG_CENTER | DLG_REVERSE);

    add_widget (ui->op_dlg,
                button_new (WY - minus - 2 + total_reserve,
                            dlg_width / 2 + 1, FILE_ABORT,
                            NORMAL_BUTTON, abort_button_label, NULL));
    add_widget (ui->op_dlg,
                button_new (WY - minus - 2 + total_reserve,
                            dlg_width / 2 - 1 - skip_button_width, FILE_SKIP,
                            NORMAL_BUTTON, skip_button_label, NULL));

    if (verbose && dialog_type == FILEGUI_DIALOG_MULTI_ITEM)
        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, hline_new (8, 1, dlg_width - 2));

        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->total_bytes_label = label_new (8, FCOPY_LABEL_X + 15, ""));

        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->progress_total_gauge =
                    gauge_new (9, FCOPY_LABEL_X + 3, 0, 100, 0));

        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->total_files_processed_label =
                    label_new (11, FCOPY_LABEL_X, ""));

        add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->time_label = label_new (12, FCOPY_LABEL_X, ""));

    add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->progress_file_label = label_new (7, FCOPY_LABEL_X, ""));

    add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->progress_file_gauge = gauge_new (6, FCOPY_LABEL_X + 3, 0, 100, 0));

    add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->file_string[1] = label_new (5, FCOPY_LABEL_X, ""));

    add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->file_label[1] = label_new (4, FCOPY_LABEL_X, ""));
    add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->file_string[0] = label_new (3, FCOPY_LABEL_X, ""));
    add_widget (ui->op_dlg, ui->file_label[0] = label_new (2, FCOPY_LABEL_X, ""));

    if ((right_panel == current_panel) && !classic_progressbar)
        ui->progress_file_gauge->from_left_to_right = FALSE;
        if (verbose && dialog_type == FILEGUI_DIALOG_MULTI_ITEM)
            ui->progress_total_gauge->from_left_to_right = FALSE;
Beispiel #30
static void
init_panelize (void)
        int ret_cmd;
        button_flags_t flags;
        const char *text;
    } panelize_but[] =
        /* *INDENT-OFF* */
        { B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, N_("Pane&lize") },
        { B_REMOVE, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("&Remove") },
        { B_ADD, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("&Add new") },
        { B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_("&Cancel") }
        /* *INDENT-ON* */

    size_t i;
    int blen;
    int panelize_cols;
    struct panelize *current;
    int x, y;

    last_listitem = 0;

    do_refresh ();

    i = G_N_ELEMENTS (panelize_but);
    blen = i - 1;               /* gaps between buttons */
    while (i-- != 0)
        panelize_but[i].text = _(panelize_but[i].text);
        blen += str_term_width1 (panelize_but[i].text) + 3 + 1;
        if (panelize_but[i].flags == DEFPUSH_BUTTON)
            blen += 2;

    panelize_cols = COLS - 6;
    panelize_cols = max (panelize_cols, blen + 4);

    panelize_dlg =
        create_dlg (TRUE, 0, 0, 20, panelize_cols, dialog_colors, panelize_callback, NULL,
                    "[External panelize]", _("External panelize"), DLG_CENTER);

    /* add listbox to the dialogs */
    y = UY;
    add_widget (panelize_dlg, groupbox_new (y++, UX, 12, panelize_cols - UX * 2, ""));

    l_panelize = listbox_new (y, UX + 1, 10, panelize_cols - UX * 2 - 2, FALSE, NULL);
    for (current = panelize; current != NULL; current = current->next)
        listbox_add_item (l_panelize, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, current->label, current);
    listbox_select_entry (l_panelize, listbox_search_text (l_panelize, _("Other command")));
    add_widget (panelize_dlg, l_panelize);

    y += WIDGET (l_panelize)->lines + 1;
    add_widget (panelize_dlg, label_new (y++, UX, _("Command")));
    pname =
        input_new (y++, UX, input_get_default_colors (), panelize_cols - UX * 2, "", "in",
    add_widget (panelize_dlg, pname);

    add_widget (panelize_dlg, hline_new (y++, -1, -1));

    x = (panelize_cols - blen) / 2;
    for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (panelize_but); i++)
        WButton *b;

        b = button_new (y, x,
                        panelize_but[i].ret_cmd, panelize_but[i].flags, panelize_but[i].text, NULL);
        add_widget (panelize_dlg, b);

        x += button_get_len (b) + 1;

    dlg_select_widget (l_panelize);