Beispiel #1
wl_get_channels(void *wl, int max, int *len, uint16 *channels)
	uint32 chan_buf[WL_NUMCHANNELS + 1];
	wl_uint32_list_t *list;
	int ret;
	uint i;
	int count;

	list = (wl_uint32_list_t *)(void *)chan_buf;
	list->count = htod32(WL_NUMCHANNELS);
	ret = wlu_get(wl, WLC_GET_VALID_CHANNELS, chan_buf, sizeof(chan_buf));
	if (ret < 0)
		return ret;

	count = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < dtoh32(list->count); i++) {
		if (count >= max)
		channels[count++] = dtoh32(list->element[i]);

	*len = count;
	return ret;
Beispiel #2
 *  Configures local channel  for finding server.
 *  Server call this fucntion for getting its current channel,
 *  client uses this fucntion for setting its channel to new channel.
static int
rwl_wifi_config_channel(void *wl, int cmd, int *channel)
	int error;
	channel_info_t ci;
	/* Get functionality is used only by server */
	if (cmd == WLC_GET_CHANNEL) {
		memset((char*)&ci, 0, sizeof(ci));
		if ((error = wl_get(wl, cmd, &ci, sizeof(channel_info_t))))
			return error;
		ci.hw_channel = dtoh32(ci.hw_channel);
		ci.scan_channel = dtoh32(ci.scan_channel);
		ci.target_channel = dtoh32(ci.target_channel);
		if (ci.scan_channel)
			printf("Scan in progress.\n");

		*channel = ci.hw_channel;

	if (cmd == WLC_SET_CHANNEL) {
		/* Set functionality is used by the client */
		ci.target_channel = *channel;
		/*   When user wants to execute local CMD being in remote wifi mode, 
		*	rwl_wifi_swap_remote_type fucntion is used to change the remote types.
		error = wl_set(wl, cmd, &ci.target_channel, sizeof(int));
		/* rever it back to same old remote type */
	return error;
Beispiel #3
static uint16_t
ptp_ptpip_event (PTPParams* params, PTPContainer* event, int wait)
	fd_set		infds;
	struct timeval	timeout;
	int ret;
	unsigned char*	data = NULL;
	PTPIPHeader	hdr;
	int n;

	while (1) {
		FD_SET(params->evtfd, &infds);
		timeout.tv_sec = 0;
		if (wait == PTP_EVENT_CHECK_FAST)
			timeout.tv_usec = 1;
			timeout.tv_usec = 1000; /* 1/1000 second  .. perhaps wait longer? */

		ret = select (params->evtfd+1, &infds, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
		if (1 != ret) {
			if (-1 == ret) {
				gp_log (GP_LOG_DEBUG,"ptpip/event", "select returned error, errno is %d", errno);
				return PTP_ERROR_IO;

		ret = ptp_ptpip_evt_read (params, &hdr, &data);
		if (ret != PTP_RC_OK)
			return ret;
		gp_log (GP_LOG_DEBUG,"ptpip/event", "hdr type %d, length %d", hdr.type, hdr.length);

		if (dtoh32(hdr.type) == PTPIP_EVENT) {

		/* TODO: Handle cancel transaction and ping/pong
		 * If not PTPIP_EVENT, process it and wait for next PTPIP_EVENT
		gp_log (GP_LOG_ERROR, "ptpip/event", "unknown/unhandled event type %d", dtoh32(hdr.type));

	event->Code		= dtoh16a(&data[ptpip_event_code]);
	event->Transaction_ID	= dtoh32a(&data[ptpip_event_transid]);
	n = (dtoh32(hdr.length) - sizeof(hdr) - ptpip_event_param1)/sizeof(uint32_t);
	switch (n) {
	case 3: event->Param3 = dtoh32a(&data[ptpip_event_param3]);
	case 2: event->Param2 = dtoh32a(&data[ptpip_event_param2]);
	case 1: event->Param1 = dtoh32a(&data[ptpip_event_param1]);
	case 0: break;
		gp_log( GP_LOG_ERROR, "ptpip/event", "response got %d parameters?", n);
	free (data);
	return PTP_RC_OK;
static int
dhd_iscan_get_partial_result(void *dhdp, uint *scan_count)
	wl_iscan_results_t *list_buf;
	wl_iscan_results_t list;
	wl_scan_results_t *results;
	iscan_buf_t *iscan_cur;
	int status = -1;
	dhd_pub_t *dhd = dhd_bus_pub(dhdp);
	int rc;

	DHD_TRACE(("%s: Enter\n", __FUNCTION__));

	iscan_cur = dhd_iscan_allocate_buf(dhd, &iscan_chain);
	if (!iscan_cur) {
		DHD_ERROR(("%s: Failed to allocate node\n", __FUNCTION__));
		dhd_iscan_free_buf(dhdp, 0);
		dhd_iscan_request(dhdp, WL_SCAN_ACTION_ABORT);
		dhd_ind_scan_confirm(dhdp, FALSE);
		goto fail;


	memset(iscan_cur->iscan_buf, 0, WLC_IW_ISCAN_MAXLEN);
	list_buf = (wl_iscan_results_t*)iscan_cur->iscan_buf;
	results = &list_buf->results;
	results->buflen = WL_ISCAN_RESULTS_FIXED_SIZE;
	results->version = 0;
	results->count = 0;

	memset(&list, 0, sizeof(list));
	list.results.buflen = htod32(WLC_IW_ISCAN_MAXLEN);
	bcm_mkiovar("iscanresults", (char *)&list, WL_ISCAN_RESULTS_FIXED_SIZE,
		iscan_cur->iscan_buf, WLC_IW_ISCAN_MAXLEN);
	rc = dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_GET_VAR, iscan_cur->iscan_buf,
	                      WLC_IW_ISCAN_MAXLEN, FALSE, 0);

	results->buflen = dtoh32(results->buflen);
	results->version = dtoh32(results->version);
	*scan_count = results->count = dtoh32(results->count);
	status = dtoh32(list_buf->status);
	DHD_TRACE(("%s: Got %d resuls\n", __FUNCTION__, results->count));


	if (!(*scan_count)) {
		dhd_iscan_free_buf(dhdp, iscan_cur);
	return status;
static int
lua_ctl_aclchk(lua_State *L, void *wl, lua_cmd_t *cmd, char *argv)
	struct maclist *maclist = (struct maclist *) buf;
	struct maclist *acllist = (struct maclist *) (buf + WLC_IOCTL_MAXLEN);
	uint i, j, max = (WLC_IOCTL_MAXLEN - sizeof(int)) / ETHER_ADDR_LEN;
	struct ether_addr *ea, *tea;
	int ret, val, deauth;

	if ((ret = wlu_get(wl, WLC_GET_MACMODE, &val, sizeof(int))) < 0)
		return ret;

	val = dtoh32(val);

	if (val == 0)
		return 0;

	maclist->count = htod32(max);
	if ((ret = wlu_get(wl, WLC_GET_ASSOCLIST, maclist, WLC_IOCTL_MAXLEN)) < 0)
		return ret;
	maclist->count = dtoh32(maclist->count);

	acllist->count = htod32(max);
	if ((ret = wlu_get(wl, WLC_GET_MACLIST, acllist, WLC_IOCTL_MAXLEN)) < 0)
		return ret;
	acllist->count = dtoh32(maclist->count);

	for (i = 0, ea = maclist->ea; i < maclist->count && i < max; i++, ea++)
		deauth = (val == 2) ? 1 : 0;
		for (j = 0, tea = acllist->ea; j < acllist->count && j < max; j++, tea++)
			if (memcmp(ea, tea, sizeof(struct ether_addr)) == 0)
				deauth = !deauth;
		if (deauth)
			/* No reason code furnished, so driver will use its default */
			ret = wlu_set(wl, WLC_SCB_DEAUTHENTICATE, ea, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
	return 0;
static int
lua_get_acllist(lua_State *L, void *wl, lua_cmd_t *cmd, char *argv)
	struct maclist *maclist = (struct maclist *) buf;
	uint i, max = (WLC_IOCTL_MAXLEN - sizeof(int)) / ETHER_ADDR_LEN;
	struct ether_addr *ea;
	int ret;

	maclist->count = htod32(max);
	if ((ret = wlu_get(wl, WLC_GET_MACLIST, maclist, WLC_IOCTL_MAXLEN)) < 0)
		return ret;
	maclist->count = dtoh32(maclist->count);
	for (i = 0, ea = maclist->ea; i < maclist->count && i < max; i++, ea++)

		lua_pushstring(L, wl_ether_etoa(ea));
		lua_setfield(L, -2, "macaddr");

		lua_rawseti(L, -2, i+1);

	return ret;
Beispiel #7
/* produce a growing image file */
int make_growing_image(FILE *fp, Bit64u sec)
        redolog_header_t header;
        Bit32u i, not_allocated = htod32(REDOLOG_PAGE_NOT_ALLOCATED);

        memset(&header, 0, sizeof(header));
        make_redolog_header(&header, REDOLOG_SUBTYPE_GROWING, sec * 512);

        if (fwrite(&header, sizeof(header), 1, fp) != 1)
                fclose (fp);
                fatal ("ERROR: The disk image is not complete - could not write header!");

        for (i=0; i<dtoh32(header.specific.catalog); i++)
                if (fwrite(&not_allocated, sizeof(Bit32u), 1, fp) != 1)
                        fclose (fp);
                        fatal ("ERROR: The disk image is not complete - could not write catalog!");

        return 0;
Beispiel #8
int wlmEstimatedPowerGet(int *estPower, int chain)
	tx_power_t power;
	int mimo;

	memset(&power, 0, sizeof(power));

	if (wlu_get(irh, WLC_CURRENT_PWR, &power, sizeof(power)) < 0) {
		printf("wlmEstimatedPowerGet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
		return FALSE;
	power.flags = dtoh32(power.flags);
	power.chanspec = dtohchanspec(power.chanspec);
	mimo = (power.flags & WL_TX_POWER_F_MIMO);

	/* value returned is in units of quarter dBm, need to multiply by 250 to get milli-dBm */
	if (mimo) {
		*estPower = power.est_Pout[chain] * 250;
	} else {
		*estPower = power.est_Pout[0] * 250;

	if (!mimo && CHSPEC_IS2G(power.chanspec)) {
		*estPower = power.est_Pout_cck * 250;

	return TRUE;
wldev_get_ap_status(struct net_device *dev)
	int res = 0;
	int ap = 0;
	int apsta = 0;
       	char smbuf[WLC_IOCTL_SMLEN];

	printf("%s: enter\n", __FUNCTION__);

        if (!dev) {
                WLDEV_ERROR(("%s: dev is null\n", __FUNCTION__));
                return -1;

        if ((res = wldev_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_AP, &ap, sizeof(ap), 0))) {
                WLDEV_ERROR(("%s fail to get ap\n", __FUNCTION__));
		ap = 0;

        if ((res = wldev_iovar_getbuf(dev, "apsta", &apsta, sizeof(apsta), smbuf, sizeof(smbuf), NULL)) < 0 ){
                WLDEV_ERROR(("%s fail to get apsta \n", __FUNCTION__));
        } else {
		memcpy(&apsta, smbuf, sizeof(apsta));
		apsta = dtoh32(apsta);

	return (ap||apsta);
Beispiel #10
ptp_ptpip_getresp (PTPParams* params, PTPContainer* resp)
	PTPIPHeader	hdr;
	unsigned char	*data = NULL;
	uint16_t 	ret;
	int		n;

	ret = ptp_ptpip_cmd_read (params, &hdr, &data);
	if (ret != PTP_RC_OK)
		return ret;

	resp->Code		= dtoh16a(&data[ptpip_resp_code]);
	resp->Transaction_ID	= dtoh32a(&data[ptpip_resp_transid]);
	n = (dtoh32(hdr.length) - sizeof(hdr) - ptpip_resp_param1)/sizeof(uint32_t);
	switch (n) {
	case 5: resp->Param5 = dtoh32a(&data[ptpip_resp_param5]);
	case 4: resp->Param4 = dtoh32a(&data[ptpip_resp_param4]);
	case 3: resp->Param3 = dtoh32a(&data[ptpip_resp_param3]);
	case 2: resp->Param2 = dtoh32a(&data[ptpip_resp_param2]);
	case 1: resp->Param1 = dtoh32a(&data[ptpip_resp_param1]);
	case 0: break;
		gp_log( GP_LOG_ERROR, "ptpip/getresp", "response got %d parameters?", n);
	free (data);
	return PTP_RC_OK;
Beispiel #11
static uint16_t
ptp_ptpip_init_command_ack (PTPParams* params)
	PTPIPHeader	hdr;
	unsigned char	*data = NULL;
	uint16_t 	ret;
	int		i;
	unsigned short	*name;

	ret = ptp_ptpip_generic_read (params, params->cmdfd, &hdr, &data);
	if (ret != PTP_RC_OK)
		return ret;
	if (hdr.type != dtoh32(PTPIP_INIT_COMMAND_ACK)) {
		gp_log (GP_LOG_ERROR, "ptpip/init_cmd_ack", "bad type returned %d", htod32(hdr.type));
		free (data);
		return PTP_RC_GeneralError;
	params->eventpipeid = dtoh32a(&data[ptpip_cmdack_idx]);
	memcpy (params->cameraguid, &data[ptpip_cmdack_guid], 16);
	name = (unsigned short*)&data[ptpip_cmdack_name];
	for (i=0;name[i];i++) /* EMPTY */;
	params->cameraname = malloc((i+1)*sizeof(uint16_t));
	for (i=0;name[i];i++)
		params->cameraname[i] = name[i];
	free (data);
	return PTP_RC_OK;
wl_update_rssi_cache(wl_rssi_cache_ctrl_t *rssi_cache_ctrl, wl_scan_results_t *ss_list)
	wl_rssi_cache_t *node, *prev, *leaf, **rssi_head;
	wl_bss_info_t *bi = NULL;
	int i, j, k;

	if (!ss_list->count)

	rssi_head = &rssi_cache_ctrl->m_cache_head;

	/* update RSSI */
	for (i = 0; i < ss_list->count; i++) {
		node = *rssi_head;
		prev = NULL;
		k = 0;
		bi = bi ? (wl_bss_info_t *)((uintptr)bi + dtoh32(bi->length)) : ss_list->bss_info;
		for (;node;) {
			if (!memcmp(&node->BSSID, &bi->BSSID, ETHER_ADDR_LEN)) {
				ANDROID_INFO(("%s: Update %d with BSSID %pM, RSSI=%d, SSID \"%s\"\n",
					__FUNCTION__, k, &bi->BSSID, dtoh16(bi->RSSI), bi->SSID));
				for(j=0; j<RSSIAVG_LEN-1; j++)
					node->RSSI[j] = node->RSSI[j+1];
				node->RSSI[j] = dtoh16(bi->RSSI);
				node->dirty = 0;
			prev = node;
			node = node->next;

		if (node)

		leaf = kmalloc(sizeof(wl_rssi_cache_t), GFP_KERNEL);
		if (!leaf) {
			ANDROID_ERROR(("%s: Memory alloc failure %d\n",
				__FUNCTION__, sizeof(wl_rssi_cache_t)));
		ANDROID_INFO(("%s: Add %d with cached BSSID %pM, RSSI=%d, SSID \"%s\" in the leaf\n",
				__FUNCTION__, k, &bi->BSSID, dtoh16(bi->RSSI), bi->SSID));

		leaf->next = NULL;
		leaf->dirty = 0;
		memcpy(&leaf->BSSID, &bi->BSSID, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
		for (j=0; j<RSSIAVG_LEN; j++)
			leaf->RSSI[j] = dtoh16(bi->RSSI);

		if (!prev)
			*rssi_head = leaf;
			prev->next = leaf;
Beispiel #13
int wlmIsAdapterUp(int *up)
	/*  Get 'isup' - check if adapter is up */
	up = dtoh32(up);
	if (wlu_get(irh, WLC_GET_UP, up, sizeof(int))) {
		printf("wlmIsAdapterUp: %s\n", wlmLastError());
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
Beispiel #14
int vmware3_image_t::read_ints(int fd, Bit32u *buffer, size_t count)
    size_t i;
    Bit32u *p;

    int res=::read(fd, (void*)buffer, count * 4);
    for (p = buffer, i=0; i<count; p++, i++)

    return res;
Beispiel #15
int wl_p2p_dev(void *wl, int *bsscfgIndex)
	int *ptr;
	int err;

	err = wlu_var_getbuf(wl, "p2p_dev", NULL, 0, (void*)&ptr);
	if (err >= 0)
		*bsscfgIndex = dtoh32(*ptr);

	return err;
Beispiel #16
int wl_p2p_if(void *wl, struct ether_addr *ea, int *bsscfgIndex)
	wl_p2p_ifq_t *ptr;
	int err;

	err = wlu_var_getbuf(wl, "p2p_if", ea, sizeof(*ea), (void*)&ptr);
	if (err >= 0)
		*bsscfgIndex = dtoh32(ptr->bsscfgidx);

	return err;
Beispiel #17
 * get named iovar as an integer value
 * iovar name is converted to lower case
wlu_iovar_getint(void *wl, const char *iovar, int *pval)
	int ret;

	ret = wlu_iovar_get(wl, iovar, pval, sizeof(int));
	if (ret >= 0)
		*pval = dtoh32(*pval);
	return ret;
Beispiel #18
int wlmRssiGet(int *rssi)
	wl_pkteng_stats_t *cnt;

	if (wlu_var_getbuf(irh, "pkteng_stats", NULL, 0, (void **)&cnt)) {
		printf("wlmRssiGet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
		return FALSE;

	*rssi = dtoh32(cnt->rssi);

	return TRUE;
Beispiel #19
int wlmRxGetReceivedPackets(unsigned int *count)
	wl_cnt_t *cnt;

	if (wlu_var_getbuf(irh, "counters", NULL, 0, (void **)&cnt)) {
		printf("wlmRxGetReceivedPackets: %s\n", wlmLastError());
		return FALSE;

	*count = dtoh32(cnt->pktengrxducast);

	return TRUE;
int wldev_get_ssid(
	struct net_device *dev, wlc_ssid_t *pssid)
	int error;

	if (!pssid)
		return -ENOMEM;
	error = wldev_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_SSID, pssid, sizeof(wlc_ssid_t), 0);
	if (unlikely(error))
		return error;
	pssid->SSID_len = dtoh32(pssid->SSID_len);
	return error;
int wldev_get_datarate(struct net_device *dev, int *datarate)
	int error = 0;

	error = wldev_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_RATE, datarate, sizeof(int), false);
	if (error) {
		return -1;
	} else {
		*datarate = dtoh32(*datarate);

	return error;
Beispiel #22
static void
printheader(FILE *f, const struct kerneldumpheader *h, const char *device,
    int bounds, const int status)
	uint64_t dumplen;
	time_t t;
	const char *stat_str;

	fprintf(f, "Dump header from device %s\n", device);
	fprintf(f, "  Architecture: %s\n", h->architecture);
	fprintf(f, "  Architecture Version: %u\n",
	dumplen = dtoh64(h->dumplength);
	fprintf(f, "  Dump Length: %lldB (%lld MB)\n", (long long)dumplen,
	    (long long)(dumplen >> 20));
	fprintf(f, "  Blocksize: %d\n", dtoh32(h->blocksize));
	t = dtoh64(h->dumptime);
	fprintf(f, "  Dumptime: %s", ctime(&t));
	fprintf(f, "  Hostname: %s\n", h->hostname);
	fprintf(f, "  Magic: %s\n", h->magic);
	fprintf(f, "  Version String: %s", h->versionstring);
	fprintf(f, "  Panic String: %s\n", h->panicstring);
	fprintf(f, "  Dump Parity: %u\n", h->parity);
	fprintf(f, "  Bounds: %d\n", bounds);

	switch(status) {
		stat_str = "bad";
		stat_str = "good";
		stat_str = "unknown";
	fprintf(f, "  Dump Status: %s\n", stat_str);
int32_t vp_wlc_get_instant_power(uint32_t *power)
  int val;
  uint8_t buffer[WLC_IOCTL_MAXLEN];
  uint32 *int_ptr;
  bool override = TRUE;

  strcpy((char*)&buffer[0], "qtxpower");
  if( vp_wlc_get(WLC_GET_VAR, &buffer[0], strlen((char *)&buffer[0]) + 5) < 0)
    return -1;

  int_ptr = (uint32 *)&buffer[0];
  val = dtoh32(*int_ptr);
  override = (bool)(val & WL_TXPWR_OVERRIDE);
Beispiel #24
static uint16_t
ptp_ptpip_generic_read (PTPParams *params, int fd, PTPIPHeader *hdr, unsigned char**data) {
	int	ret, len, curread;
	unsigned char *xhdr;

	xhdr = (unsigned char*)hdr; curread = 0; len = sizeof (PTPIPHeader);
	while (curread < len) {
		ret = read (fd, xhdr + curread, len - curread);
		if (ret == -1) {
			perror ("read PTPIPHeader");
			return PTP_RC_GeneralError;
		gp_log_data ( "ptpip/generic_read", (char*)xhdr+curread, ret);
		curread += ret;
		if (ret == 0) {
			gp_log (GP_LOG_ERROR, "ptpip", "End of stream after reading %d bytes of ptpipheader", ret);
			return PTP_RC_GeneralError;
	len = dtoh32 (hdr->length) - sizeof (PTPIPHeader);
	if (len < 0) {
		gp_log (GP_LOG_ERROR, "ptpip/generic_read", "len < 0, %d?", len);
		return PTP_RC_GeneralError;
	*data = malloc (len);
	if (!*data) {
		gp_log (GP_LOG_ERROR, "ptpip/generic_read", "malloc failed.");
		return PTP_RC_GeneralError;
	curread = 0;
	while (curread < len) {
		ret = read (fd, (*data)+curread, len-curread);
		if (ret == -1) {
			gp_log (GP_LOG_ERROR, "ptpip/generic_read", "error %d in reading PTPIP data", errno);
			free (*data);*data = NULL;
			return PTP_RC_GeneralError;
		} else {
			gp_log_data ( "ptpip/generic_read", (char*)((*data)+curread), ret);
		if (ret == 0)
		curread += ret;
	if (curread != len) {
		gp_log (GP_LOG_ERROR, "ptpip/generic_read", "read PTPIP data, ret %d vs len %d", ret, len);
		free (*data);*data = NULL;
		return PTP_RC_GeneralError;
	return PTP_RC_OK;
Beispiel #25
int wl_iw_get_wireless_stats(dhd_pub_t *pub, struct iw_statistics *wstats)
	int res = 0;
	wl_cnt_t cnt;
	int phy_noise;
	scb_val_t scb_val;

	if (pub == NULL)
		pub = G_dhd;

    #if 0
	phy_noise = 0;
	res = dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(pub, WLC_GET_PHY_NOISE, &phy_noise, sizeof(phy_noise), 0);
	if (res)
		goto done;

	phy_noise = dtoh32(phy_noise);
	printf("wl_iw_get_wireless_stats phy noise=%d\n", phy_noise);

	bzero(&scb_val, sizeof(scb_val_t));
	res = dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(pub, WLC_GET_RSSI, &scb_val, sizeof(scb_val_t), 0);
	if (res)
		goto done;
	WiFiCurAPRssi = -dtoh32(scb_val.val);
    printf("WiFiCurAPRssi = %d\n", WiFiCurAPRssi);
	//printf("wl_iw_get_wireless_stats phy rssi=%d %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", WiFiCurAPRssi, 
	//	  scb_val.ea.octet[0], scb_val.ea.octet[1], scb_val.ea.octet[2], scb_val.ea.octet[3],
	//	  scb_val.ea.octet[4], scb_val.ea.octet[5]);

	return res;
Beispiel #26
static void
printheader(xo_handle_t *xo, const struct kerneldumpheader *h, const char *device,
    int bounds, const int status)
	uint64_t dumplen;
	time_t t;
	const char *stat_str;

	xo_emit_h(xo, "{Lwc:Dump header from device}{:dump_device/%s}\n", device);
	xo_emit_h(xo, "{P:  }{Lwc:Architecture}{:architecture/%s}\n", h->architecture);
	xo_emit_h(xo, "{P:  }{Lwc:Architecture Version}{:architecture_version/%u}\n", dtoh32(h->architectureversion));
	dumplen = dtoh64(h->dumplength);
	xo_emit_h(xo, "{P:  }{Lwc:Dump Length}{:dump_length_bytes/%lld}\n", (long long)dumplen);
	xo_emit_h(xo, "{P:  }{Lwc:Blocksize}{:blocksize/%d}\n", dtoh32(h->blocksize));
	t = dtoh64(h->dumptime);
	xo_emit_h(xo, "{P:  }{Lwc:Dumptime}{:dumptime/%s}", ctime(&t));
	xo_emit_h(xo, "{P:  }{Lwc:Hostname}{:hostname/%s}\n", h->hostname);
	xo_emit_h(xo, "{P:  }{Lwc:Magic}{:magic/%s}\n", h->magic);
	xo_emit_h(xo, "{P:  }{Lwc:Version String}{:version_string/%s}", h->versionstring);
	xo_emit_h(xo, "{P:  }{Lwc:Panic String}{:panic_string/%s}\n", h->panicstring);
	xo_emit_h(xo, "{P:  }{Lwc:Dump Parity}{:dump_parity/%u}\n", h->parity);
	xo_emit_h(xo, "{P:  }{Lwc:Bounds}{:bounds/%d}\n", bounds);

	switch(status) {
		stat_str = "bad";
		stat_str = "good";
		stat_str = "unknown";
	xo_emit_h(xo, "{P:  }{Lwc:Dump Status}{:dump_status/%s}\n", stat_str);
Beispiel #27
int wlmGetBandList(WLM_BAND * bands)
	unsigned int list[3];
	unsigned int i;

	if (wlu_get(irh, WLC_GET_BANDLIST, list, sizeof(list))) {
		printf("wlmGetBandList: %s\n", wlmLastError());
		return FALSE;

	list[0] = dtoh32(list[0]);
	list[1] = dtoh32(list[1]);
	list[2] = dtoh32(list[2]);

	/* list[0] is count, followed by 'count' bands */

	if (list[0] > 2)
		list[0] = 2;

	for (i = 1, *bands = (WLM_BAND)0; i <= list[0]; i++)
		*bands |= list[i];

	return TRUE;
Beispiel #28
int wl_status(void *wl, int *isAssociated, int biBufferSize, wl_bss_info_t *biBuffer)
	int ret;
	struct ether_addr bssid;
	wl_bss_info_t *bi;

	*isAssociated = FALSE;

	if ((ret = wlu_get(wl, WLC_GET_BSSID, &bssid, ETHER_ADDR_LEN)) == 0) {
		/* The adapter is associated. */
		*(uint32*)buf = htod32(WLC_IOCTL_MAXLEN);
		if ((ret = wlu_get(wl, WLC_GET_BSS_INFO, buf, WLC_IOCTL_MAXLEN)) < 0)
			return ret;

		bi = (wl_bss_info_t*)(buf + 4);
		if (dtoh32(bi->version) == WL_BSS_INFO_VERSION ||
		    dtoh32(bi->version) == LEGACY2_WL_BSS_INFO_VERSION ||
		    dtoh32(bi->version) == LEGACY_WL_BSS_INFO_VERSION) {

		    *isAssociated = TRUE;
		    if (bi->length <= (uint32)biBufferSize) {
				memcpy(biBuffer, bi, bi->length);
		    else {
				fprintf(stderr, "buffer too small %d > %d\n",
					bi->length, biBufferSize);
			fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, your driver has bss_info_version %d "
				"but this program supports only version %d.\n",
				bi->version, WL_BSS_INFO_VERSION);

	return 0;
Beispiel #29
* print scan cache
* print partial iscan_skip list differently
dhd_iscan_print_cache(iscan_buf_t *iscan_skip)
	int i = 0, l = 0;
	iscan_buf_t *iscan_cur;
	wl_iscan_results_t *list;
	wl_scan_results_t *results;
	wl_bss_info_t UNALIGNED *bi;


	iscan_cur = dhd_iscan_result_buf();

	while (iscan_cur) {
		list = (wl_iscan_results_t *)iscan_cur->iscan_buf;
		if (!list)

		results = (wl_scan_results_t *)&list->results;
		if (!results)

		if (results->version != WL_BSS_INFO_VERSION) {
			DHD_ERROR(("%s: results->version %d != WL_BSS_INFO_VERSION\n",
				__FUNCTION__, results->version));
			goto done;

		bi = results->bss_info;
		for (i = 0; i < results->count; i++) {
			if (!bi)

			DHD_ERROR(("%s[%2.2d:%2.2d] %X:%X:%X:%X:%X:%X\n",
				iscan_cur != iscan_skip?"BSS":"bss", l, i,
				bi->BSSID.octet[0], bi->BSSID.octet[1], bi->BSSID.octet[2],
				bi->BSSID.octet[3], bi->BSSID.octet[4], bi->BSSID.octet[5]));

			bi = (wl_bss_info_t *)((uintptr)bi + dtoh32(bi->length));
		iscan_cur = iscan_cur->next;

	return 0;
s32 wldev_iovar_getint_bsscfg(
	struct net_device *dev, s8 *iovar, s32 *pval, s32 bssidx)
	s8 iovar_buf[WLC_IOCTL_SMLEN];
	s32 err;

	memset(iovar_buf, 0, sizeof(iovar_buf));
	err = wldev_iovar_getbuf_bsscfg(dev, iovar, pval, sizeof(*pval), iovar_buf,
		sizeof(iovar_buf), bssidx, NULL);
	if (err == 0)
		memcpy(pval, iovar_buf, sizeof(*pval));
		*pval = dtoh32(*pval);
	return err;