Beispiel #1
Evas_Module *
evas_module_find_type(Evas_Module_Type type, const char *name)
   const char *path;
   const char *format = NULL;
   char buffer[4096];
   Evas_Module *em;
   Eina_Module *en;
   Eina_List *l;

   if ((unsigned int)type > 3) return NULL;

   em = eina_hash_find(evas_modules[type], name);
   if (em) return em;

   EINA_LIST_FOREACH(evas_module_paths, l, path)
	switch (type)
	   case EVAS_MODULE_TYPE_ENGINE: format = "%s/engines/%s/%s/" EVAS_MODULE_NAME_ENGINE; break;
	   case EVAS_MODULE_TYPE_IMAGE_LOADER: format = "%s/loaders/%s/%s/" EVAS_MODULE_NAME_IMAGE_LOADER; break;
	   case EVAS_MODULE_TYPE_IMAGE_SAVER: format = "%s/savers/%s/%s/" EVAS_MODULE_NAME_IMAGE_SAVER; break;
	   case EVAS_MODULE_TYPE_OBJECT: format = "%s/object/%s/%s/" EVAS_MODULE_NAME_OBJECT; break;

	snprintf(buffer, sizeof (buffer), format, path, name, MODULE_ARCH, name);
	if (!evas_file_path_is_file(buffer)) continue;

	en = eina_module_new(buffer);
	if (!en) continue;

	if (!eina_module_load(en))

	em = eina_hash_find(evas_modules[type], name);
	if (em)
	     eina_evas_modules = eina_list_append(eina_evas_modules, en);
	     return em;


   return NULL;
Beispiel #2
tpe_event_type_add(const char *name){
	struct event_info *einfo;

	/* Register a new event by this name */
	einfo = calloc(1,sizeof(struct event_info));
	einfo->name = strdup(name);
	einfo->ecore_event = ecore_event_type_new();
	einfo->handlers = 0;
	/* XXX: This cast needs to go: Needs a fix in ecore however */
	//ecore_hash_set(hash, (void*)name, einfo);	
	hash = eina_list_append(hash, einfo);
	return 0;
Beispiel #3
pre_line_x1y1(double x1, double y1)
    XY                 *xy;
    Eina_List          *list = NULL;

    xy = (XY *) malloc(sizeof(XY));

    xy->x = x1;
    xy->y = y1;
    list = eina_list_append(list, xy);

    msg_create_and_send(CMD_PRE_DATA, 0, list);
Beispiel #4
EAPI void
e_layout_child_raise(Evas_Object *obj)
   E_Layout_Item *li;
   li = evas_object_data_get(obj, "e_layout_data");
   if (!li) return;
   if (!eina_list_data_find(li->sd->items, obj)) return;
   if ((li->sd->items) && eina_list_next(li->sd->items))
	li->sd->items = eina_list_remove(li->sd->items, obj);
	li->sd->items = eina_list_append(li->sd->items, obj);
 * @brief Refreshes history of realized pages
 * @param self an EailNaviframe object
 * @param list list of realized pages
static void
_refresh_cached_pages(EailNaviframe *self, const Eina_List *list)
   int list_count = eina_list_count(list);


   for (int i = 0; i < list_count; i++)
        AtkObject *child = eail_naviframe_page_new(ATK_OBJECT(self), i);
        atk_object_initialize(child, eina_list_nth(list, i));
        self->cached_pages = eina_list_append(self->cached_pages, child);
Beispiel #6
EAPI Evas_Object *
elm_win_add(Evas_Object *parent, const char *name, Elm_Win_Type type)
   Evas_Object *win;
   Evas_Object * (* _elm_win_add) (Evas_Object *, const char *, Elm_Win_Type) =
      dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "elm_win_add");

   win = _elm_win_add(parent, name, type);
   evas_list = eina_list_append(evas_list, evas_object_evas_get(win));
   printf("Appended EVAS=<%p> list size=<%d>\n", evas_object_evas_get(win), eina_list_count(evas_list));

   return win;
Beispiel #7

   Eina_List *compare = NULL, *itr1, *itr2;
   Eina_List *inherits_list = NULL;
   char *str1, *str2;
   compare = eina_list_append(compare, "MyBaseClass1");
   compare = eina_list_append(compare, "MyBaseClass2");

   inherits_list = (Eina_List*) database_class_inherits_list_get("MyClassName");
   ck_assert_int_eq(eina_list_count(inherits_list), 2);
   itr2 = compare;
   EINA_LIST_FOREACH(inherits_list, itr1, str1)
        str2 = eina_list_data_get(itr2);
        ck_assert_str_eq(str1, str2);

        itr2 = eina_list_next(itr2);
Beispiel #8
EAPI void
e_init_status_set(const char *str)
   if (!init_exe) return;
//   printf("---STAT %p %s\n", client, str);
   if (!client)
        stats = eina_list_append(stats, eina_stringshare_add(str));
//   printf("---SEND\n");
   ecore_ipc_client_send(client, E_IPC_DOMAIN_INIT, 1, 0, 0, 0, (void *)str,
                         strlen(str) + 1);
Eina_List* DumpRenderTreeSupportEfl::frameChildren(const Evas_Object* ewkFrame)
    DRT_SUPPORT_FRAME_GET_OR_RETURN(ewkFrame, frame, 0);

    Eina_List* childFrames = 0;

    for (unsigned index = 0; index < frame->tree().childCount(); index++) {
        WebCore::Frame *childFrame = frame->tree().child(index);
        WebCore::FrameLoaderClientEfl& client = static_cast<WebCore::FrameLoaderClientEfl&>(childFrame->loader().client());

        childFrames = eina_list_append(childFrames, client.webFrame());

    return childFrames;
Beispiel #10
void setup_panel(Evas *_e)
	int w;
	Panel_Button *pbutton1, *pbutton2, *pbutton3;

	o_panel = evas_object_image_add(_e);
	evas_object_image_file_set(o_panel, IM "panel.png",
			IM "panel.png");

	evas_object_image_size_get(o_panel, &w, NULL);
	evas_object_move(o_panel, 0, 0);
	evas_object_resize(o_panel, w, win_h);
	evas_object_image_fill_set(o_panel, 0, 0, w, win_h);
	evas_object_layer_set(o_panel, 200);


	/* Panel title */
	o_txt_paneltitle = evas_object_text_add(_e);
	evas_object_text_font_set(o_txt_paneltitle, "sinon", 17);
	evas_object_text_text_set(o_txt_paneltitle, "Etox Test");
	evas_object_color_set(o_txt_paneltitle, 255, 255, 255, 255);
	evas_object_layer_set(o_txt_paneltitle, 250);

	/* Panel buttons */
	pbutton1 = panel_button(evas, "Basic", basic_tests());
	pbuttons = eina_list_append(pbuttons, pbutton1);

	pbutton2 = panel_button(evas, "Style", style_tests());
	pbuttons = eina_list_append(pbuttons, pbutton2);

	pbutton3 = panel_button(evas, "Callbacks", callback_tests());
	pbuttons = eina_list_append(pbuttons, pbutton3);

Beispiel #11
 * @brief Prepares Eina_List filled with Elm_Object_Item* objects
 * representing items in the list
 * @return filled list with list items. Call eina_list_free on that list when
 * results processing has been finished
static Eina_List *
eail_genlist_get_items(EailGenlist *genlist)
    Eina_List *items = NULL;
    Elm_Object_Item *item;
    Evas_Object *widget = eail_widget_get_widget(EAIL_WIDGET(genlist));

    item = elm_genlist_first_item_get(widget);
    while (item) {
        items = eina_list_append(items, item);
        item = elm_genlist_item_next_get(item);

    return items;
void *
evas_gl_font_texture_new(void *context, RGBA_Font_Glyph *fg)
   Evas_Engine_GL_Context *gc = context;
   Evas_GL_Texture *tex;
   int w, h, j, nw, fh, x, y;
   DATA8 *ndata, *data, *p1, *p2;

   if (fg->ext_dat) return fg->ext_dat; // FIXME: one engine at a time can do this :(

   w = fg->glyph_out->bitmap.width;
   h = fg->glyph_out->bitmap.rows;
   if ((w == 0) || (h == 0)) return NULL;

   if (!fg->glyph_out->rle) return NULL;
   data = evas_common_font_glyph_uncompress(fg, &w, &h);
   if (!data) return NULL;
   j = w;
   if (j < w) j = w;

   // expand to 32bit (4 byte) aligned rows for texture upload
   nw = ((w + 3) / 4) * 4;
   ndata = alloca(nw *h);
   if (!ndata) return NULL;
   for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
        p1 = data + (j * y);
        p2 = ndata + (nw * y);
        for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
             *p2 = *p1;
   fh = fg->fi->max_h;
   tex = evas_gl_common_texture_alpha_new(gc, ndata, w, h, fh);
   if (!tex) goto done;
   tex->sx1 = ((double)(tex->x)) / (double)tex->pt->w;
   tex->sy1 = ((double)(tex->y)) / (double)tex->pt->h;
   tex->sx2 = ((double)(tex->x + tex->w)) / (double)tex->pt->w;
   tex->sy2 = ((double)(tex->y + tex->h)) / (double)tex->pt->h;
   tex->fglyph = fg;
   gc->font_glyph_textures = eina_list_append(gc->font_glyph_textures, tex);
   return tex;
Beispiel #13
E_API E_Drag *
e_drag_new(int x, int y,
           const char **types, unsigned int num_types,
           void *data, int size,
           void *(*convert_cb)(E_Drag * drag, const char *type),
           void (*finished_cb)(E_Drag *drag, int dropped))
   E_Drag *drag;
   unsigned int i;

   /* No need to create a drag object without type */
   if ((!types) || (!num_types)) return NULL;
   drag = e_object_alloc(sizeof(E_Drag) + num_types * sizeof(char *),
                         E_DRAG_TYPE, E_OBJECT_CLEANUP_FUNC(_e_drag_free));
   if (!drag) return NULL;

   drag->x = x;
   drag->y = y;
   drag->w = 24;
   drag->h = 24;
   drag->layer = E_LAYER_CLIENT_DRAG;

   drag->evas = e_comp->evas;

   drag->type = E_DRAG_NONE;

   for (i = 0; i < num_types; i++)
     drag->types[i] = eina_stringshare_add(types[i]);
   drag->num_types = num_types;
   drag->data = data;
   drag->data_size = size;
   drag->cb.convert = convert_cb;
   drag->cb.finished = finished_cb;

   _drag_list = eina_list_append(_drag_list, drag);

   if (e_comp_util_has_x())

   _drag_win_root = e_comp->root;

   drag->cb.key_down = NULL;
   drag->cb.key_up = NULL;

   return drag;
Beispiel #14
azy_content_deserialize_request_json(Azy_Content *content,
                                     const char *buf,
                                     ssize_t len  EINA_UNUSED)
   cJSON *object, *grab;
   int i;

   if ((!content) || (!buf))
     return EINA_FALSE;

   if (!(object = cJSON_Parse(buf)))
        azy_content_error_code_set(content, AZY_ERROR_REQUEST_JSON_OBJECT);
        return EINA_FALSE;

   if ((grab = cJSON_GetObjectItem(object, "id")))
     content->id = grab->valueint;

   if (!(grab = cJSON_GetObjectItem(object, "method")))
        azy_content_error_code_set(content, AZY_ERROR_REQUEST_JSON_METHOD);
        return EINA_FALSE;

   content->method = eina_stringshare_add(grab->valuestring);

   grab = cJSON_GetObjectItem(object, "params");

   for (i = 0; grab && (i < cJSON_GetArraySize(grab)); i++)
        Eina_Value *v;

        if (!(v = azy_value_deserialize_json(cJSON_GetArrayItem(grab, i))))
             azy_content_error_faultmsg_set(content, -1, "Can't parse JSON-RPC request. Failed to deserialize parameter %d.", i);
             return EINA_FALSE;

        content->params = eina_list_append(content->params, v);

   return EINA_TRUE;
static Config_Item *
_forecasts_config_item_get(const char *id)
   Eina_List *l;
   Config_Item *ci;
   char buf[128];

   if (!id)
        int num = 0;

        /* Create id */
        if (forecasts_config->items)
             const char *p;
             ci = eina_list_last(forecasts_config->items)->data;
             p = strrchr(ci->id, '.');
             if (p) num = strtol(p + 1, NULL, 10) + 1;
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.%d",, num);
        id = buf;
        for (l = forecasts_config->items; l; l = l->next)
             ci = l->data;
             if (!ci->id)
             if (!strcmp(ci->id, id))
               return ci;

   ci = E_NEW(Config_Item, 1);
   ci->id = eina_stringshare_add(id);
   ci->poll_time = 60.0;
   ci->days = 15.0;
   ci->degrees = DEGREES_C;
   ci->host = eina_stringshare_add("");
   ci->code = eina_stringshare_add(DEFAULT_LOCATION);
   ci->show_text = 1;
   ci->popup_on_hover = 1;
   ci->by_code = 1;

   forecasts_config->items = eina_list_append(forecasts_config->items, ci);
   return ci;
EAPI void *
e_modapi_init (E_Module * m)
  char buf[4096];

  snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s/locale", e_module_dir_get (m));
  bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, buf);
  bind_textdomain_codeset (PACKAGE, "UTF-8");

  conf_item_edd = E_CONFIG_DD_NEW ("MPDule_Config_Item", Config_Item);
#undef T
#undef D
#define T Config_Item
#define D conf_item_edd
  E_CONFIG_VAL (D, T, id, STR);
  E_CONFIG_VAL (D, T, poll_time, DOUBLE);
  E_CONFIG_VAL (D, T, hostname, STR);
  E_CONFIG_VAL (D, T, port, INT);
  E_CONFIG_VAL (D, T, show_popup, UCHAR);

  conf_edd = E_CONFIG_DD_NEW ("MPDule_Config", Config);
#undef T
#undef D
#define T Config
#define D conf_edd
  E_CONFIG_LIST (D, T, items, conf_item_edd);

  mpdule_config = e_config_domain_load ("module.mpdule", conf_edd);
  if (!mpdule_config)
      Config_Item *ci;

      mpdule_config = E_NEW (Config, 1);

      ci = E_NEW (Config_Item, 1);
      ci->id = eina_stringshare_add ("0");
      ci->poll_time = 1.0;
      ci->hostname = eina_stringshare_add ("localhost");
      ci->port = 6600;
      ci->show_popup = 1;

      mpdule_config->items = eina_list_append (mpdule_config->items, ci);
  mpdule_config->module = m;

  e_gadcon_provider_register (&_gc_class);
  return m;
Beispiel #17
Efl_Net_Socket_Windows_Operation *
_efl_net_socket_windows_operation_new(Eo *o, Efl_Net_Socket_Windows_Operation_Success_Cb success_cb, Efl_Net_Socket_Windows_Operation_Failure_Cb failure_cb, const void *data)
   Efl_Net_Socket_Windows_Operation *op;
   Efl_Net_Socket_Windows_Data *pd = efl_data_scope_get(o, EFL_NET_SOCKET_WINDOWS_CLASS);


   op = calloc(1, sizeof(*op));

   op->base.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
   if (!op->base.hEvent)
        char *msg = _efl_net_windows_error_msg_get(GetLastError());
        ERR("socket=%p success_cb=%p failure_cb=%p data=%p: error=%s",
            op->o, op->success_cb, op->failure_cb, op->data, msg);
        goto error_event;

   op->event_handler = ecore_main_win32_handler_add(op->base.hEvent, _efl_net_socket_windows_operation_event, op);
   if (!op->event_handler)
        ERR("socket=%p success_cb=%p failure_cb=%p data=%p: could not create event handler",
            op->o, op->success_cb, op->failure_cb, op->data);
        goto error_handler;

   op->success_cb = success_cb;
   op->failure_cb = failure_cb;
   op->data = data;
   op->o = o;
   pd->pending_ops = eina_list_append(pd->pending_ops, op);

   DBG("op=%p (socket=%p) success_cb=%p failure_cb=%p data=%p",
       op, op->o, op->success_cb, op->failure_cb, op->data);

   return op;

   return NULL;
Beispiel #18
Enna_Volumes_Listener *
enna_volumes_listener_add(const char *name, EnnaVolumesFunc add, EnnaVolumesFunc rmv, void *data)
   Enna_Volumes_Listener *vl;

   vl = ENNA_NEW(Enna_Volumes_Listener, 1);
   vl->name = eina_stringshare_add(name);
   vl->add = add;
   vl->remove = rmv;
   vl->data = data;

   enna_log(ENNA_MSG_EVENT, "volumes", "Add: %s listener", vl->name);

   enna_volumes_listeners = eina_list_append(enna_volumes_listeners, vl);
   return vl;
static size_t
_ecore_con_url_header_cb(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nitems, void *stream)
   size_t real_size = size * nitems;
   Ecore_Con_Url *url_con = stream;

   char *header = malloc(sizeof(char)*(real_size + 1));
   if (!header) return real_size;
   memcpy(header, ptr, real_size);
   header[real_size] = '\0';

   url_con->response_headers = eina_list_append(url_con->response_headers,

   return real_size;
Beispiel #20
static int
elua_init_module(lua_State *L)
   if (!lua_isnoneornil(L, 1))
        lua_pushvalue(L, 1);
        lua_call(L, 0, 0);
   if (!lua_isnoneornil(L, 2))
        lua_pushvalue(L, 2);
        elua_modlist = eina_list_append(elua_modlist,
           (void*)(size_t)luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX));
   return 0;
Beispiel #21
ephysics_constraint_body_del(EPhysics_Body *body)
   void *ldata;
   EPhysics_Constraint *constraint;
   Eina_List *l, *constraints, *rem = NULL;

   constraints = ephysics_world_constraints_get(body->world);
   if (!constraints) return;

   EINA_LIST_FOREACH(constraints, l, ldata)
        constraint = (EPhysics_Constraint *)ldata;
        if (constraint->bodies[0] == body || constraint->bodies[1])
          rem = eina_list_append(rem, constraint);
Beispiel #22
 * @brief Gets the list of widget's children
 * @param widget EailWidget instance
 * @returns Eina_list representing the list of children
 * or NULL if widget has no children
static Eina_List *
eail_button_get_widget_children(EailWidget *widget)
   Eina_List *list = NULL;
   Evas_Object *child, *obj;

   obj = eail_widget_get_widget(EAIL_WIDGET(widget));
   if (obj)
        child = elm_object_part_content_get(obj, "icon");
        if (child && elm_object_widget_check(child))
          list = eina_list_append(list, child);

   return list;
Beispiel #23
static void
bs_menu_add (Bookstore_Service *s)
    Enna_File *f;

    if (!s)

    f          = calloc (1, sizeof(Enna_File));
    f->icon    = (char *) eina_stringshare_add(s->icon);
    f->label   = (char *) eina_stringshare_add(s->label);
    f->type = ENNA_FILE_MENU;

    enna_wall_file_append(mod->menu, f, bs_menu_item_cb_selected, s);
    mod->menu_items = eina_list_append (mod->menu_items, f);
static Config_Item *
_tclock_config_item_get(const char *id)
   Eina_List *l;
   Config_Item *ci;

   if (!id)
	int  num = 0;
        char buf[128];

	/* Create id */
	if (tclock_config->items)
	     const char *p;

	     ci = eina_list_last(tclock_config->items)->data;
	     p = strrchr(ci->id, '.');
	     if (p) num = atoi(p + 1) + 1;
	snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.%d",, num);
	id = buf;
	for (l = tclock_config->items; l; l = l->next)
	     ci = l->data;
	     if (!ci->id) continue;
	     if (!strcmp(ci->id, id)) return ci;

   ci = E_NEW(Config_Item, 1);
   ci->id = eina_stringshare_add(id);
   ci->show_date = 1;
   ci->show_time = 1;
   ci->show_tip = 1;
   ci->time_format = eina_stringshare_add("%T");
   ci->time_offset = eina_stringshare_add("0");
   ci->date_format = eina_stringshare_add("%d/%m/%y");
   ci->tip_format = eina_stringshare_add("%A, %B %d, %Y");

   tclock_config->items = eina_list_append(tclock_config->items, ci);
   return ci;
static void
_joystick_register(const char* syspath)
   int fd, index;
   const char *devnode;
   Joystick_Info *ji;
   Joystick_Mapper mapper;

   devnode = eeze_udev_syspath_get_devpath(syspath);
   if (!devnode) return;
   if (!eina_str_has_prefix(devnode, joystickPrefix)) goto register_failed;

   mapper = _joystick_mapping_info_get(syspath);
   if (!mapper)
        ERR("Unsupported joystick.");
        goto register_failed;

   index = _joystick_index_get(devnode);
   if (index == -1)
        ERR("Invalid index value.");
        goto register_failed;

   ji = calloc(1, sizeof(Joystick_Info));
   if (!ji)
        ERR("Cannot allocate memory.");
        goto register_failed;

   ji->index = index;
   ji->mapper = mapper;
   ji->system_path = eina_stringshare_ref(syspath);

   fd = open(devnode, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
   ji->fd_handler = ecore_main_fd_handler_add(fd, ECORE_FD_READ,
                                             _fd_handler_cb, ji, 0, 0);

   joystick_list = eina_list_append(joystick_list, ji);
   _joystick_connected_event_add(index, EINA_TRUE);

static Config_Item *
_wlan_config_item_get (const char *id)
   Eina_List *l;
   Config_Item *ci;
   char buf[128];

   if (!id)
	int  num = 0;

	/* Create id */
	if (wlan_config->items)
	     const char *p;

	     ci = eina_list_last (wlan_config->items)->data;
	     p = strrchr (ci->id, '.');
	     if (p) num = atoi (p + 1) + 1;
	snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s.%d",, num);
	id = buf;
	for (l = wlan_config->items; l; l = l->next)
	     ci = l->data;
	     if (!ci->id) continue;
	     if (!strcmp (ci->id, id)) 
		  if (!ci->device)
		    ci->device = eina_stringshare_add ("wlan0");
		  return ci;
   ci = E_NEW (Config_Item, 1);
   ci->id = eina_stringshare_add (id);
   ci->device = eina_stringshare_add ("wlan0");  
   ci->poll_time = 1.0;
   ci->always_text = 0;
   ci->show_percent = 1;

   wlan_config->items = eina_list_append (wlan_config->items, ci);
   return ci;
Beispiel #27
_evas_render2(Eo *eo_e, Evas_Public_Data *e)
   double t;

   // if nothing changed at all since last render - skip this frame
   if (!e->changed) return EINA_FALSE;
   // we are still rendering while being asked to render - skip this
   if (e->rendering) return EINA_FALSE;
   // mark this canvas as a render2 canvas - not normal render
   e->render2 = EINA_TRUE;
   // check viewport size is same as output - not allowed to differ
   if ((e->output.w != e->viewport.w) || (e->output.h != e->viewport.h))
     ERR("viewport size != output size!");

   // if render threads not initted - init them - maybe move this later?

   printf("-------------------------------------------- %p %p\n", eo_e, e);
   // wait for any previous render pass to do its thing
   t = get_time();
   t = get_time() - t;
   printf("T: block wait: "); out_time(t);
   // we have to calculate smare objects before render so do that here
   t = get_time();
   t = get_time() - t;
   printf("T: smart calc: "); out_time(t);
   // call canvas callbacks saying we are in the pre-render state
   _always_call(eo_e, EVAS_CALLBACK_RENDER_PRE, NULL);
   // bock any susbequent rneders from doing this walk
   // gain a reference
   // put into the "i'm rendering" pool
   e->rendering = EINA_TRUE;
   _rendering = eina_list_append(_rendering, eo_e);

   // call our flush pre at this point before rendering begins...
   _always_call(eo_e, EVAS_CALLBACK_RENDER_FLUSH_PRE, NULL);

   // tell main render thread to wake up and begin processing this canvas
   _evas_render2_th_main_msg_render(eo_e, e);

   return EINA_FALSE;
Beispiel #28
static Item_Menu *
_item_menu_add(Plugin *p, Efreet_Menu *menu)
   Item_Menu *m;

   m = EVRY_ITEM_NEW(Item_Menu, p, NULL, NULL, NULL);
   EVRY_ITEM(m)->browseable = EINA_TRUE;
   EVRY_ITEM(m)->label = eina_stringshare_add(menu->name);
   EVRY_ITEM(m)->icon = eina_stringshare_add(menu->icon);
   EVRY_ITEM(m)->usage = -1;

   m->menu = menu;
   p->menu_items = eina_list_append(p->menu_items, m);

   return m;
Beispiel #29
 * @brief Get a list of all the network interfaces available
 * @return A list of Eeze_Net objects
 * Use this function to get all network interfaces available to the application.
 * This list must be freed by the user.
Eina_List *
   struct if_nameindex *ifs, *i;
   Eina_List *ret = NULL;
   Eeze_Net *net;

   ifs = if_nameindex();
   for (i = ifs; i && i->if_name && i->if_name[0]; i++)
        net = eeze_net_new(i->if_name);
        if (net) ret = eina_list_append(ret, net);
   return ret;
EAPI void *
e_modapi_init (E_Module * m)
  char buf[PATH_MAX];

  snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s/locale", e_module_dir_get (m));
  bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, buf);
  bind_textdomain_codeset (PACKAGE, "UTF-8");

  conf_item_edd = E_CONFIG_DD_NEW ("Wlan_Config_Item", Config_Item);
#undef T
#undef D
#define T Config_Item
#define D conf_item_edd
  E_CONFIG_VAL (D, T, id, STR);
  E_CONFIG_VAL (D, T, device, STR);  
  E_CONFIG_VAL (D, T, poll_time, DOUBLE);
  E_CONFIG_VAL (D, T, always_text, INT);
  E_CONFIG_VAL (D, T, show_percent, INT);

  conf_edd = E_CONFIG_DD_NEW ("Wlan_Config", Config);
#undef T
#undef D
#define T Config
#define D conf_edd
  E_CONFIG_LIST (D, T, items, conf_item_edd);

  wlan_config = e_config_domain_load ("module.wlan", conf_edd);
  if (!wlan_config)
      Config_Item *ci;

      wlan_config = E_NEW (Config, 1);

      ci = E_NEW (Config_Item, 1);
      ci->id = eina_stringshare_add ("0");
      ci->device = eina_stringshare_add ("wlan0");      
      ci->poll_time = 1.0;
      ci->always_text = 0;
      ci->show_percent = 1;
      wlan_config->items = eina_list_append (wlan_config->items, ci);
  wlan_config->module = m;
  e_gadcon_provider_register (&_gc_class);
  return m;