Beispiel #1
/* Get and declare the arguments with macros too */

#define ARGS(TYPEI)                                             \
        int xreg, int yreg, TYPEI *avi, int starti, int jumpi

-- Procedures ---------------------------------------------------------

void array_random_u_2d_f(ARGS(float), double p0, double p1)
    double range = p1 - p0;
        *aifst = range * erand48(seed) + p0;

void array_random_ui_2d_f(ARGS(float), double p0, double p1)
    double range = p1 - p0;
        *aifst = floor(range * erand48(seed) + p0);

float gaussdev (void)
/* Returns a normally distributed deviate using the code from
Numerical Recipes in C (Press et al.) */
    static int iset = 0;
int main( int argc, char** argv ) {

	int pnum, pid;
	double elapsed_time;
	float *A, *B, *C, *Cans;
	float diff;
	int n = 2048;
	int i, j, k;
	unsigned short seed[3];

	if( argc != 1 ){
		if( argc == 2 ){
			n = atoi(argv[1]);
			printf("mmul [n]\n");

	MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
	MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &pnum);
	MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &pid);
	//printf("Processor %d out of %d says hi!\n", pid, pnum);

	if( pid == 0 ){
		//printf("Intializing matrix size : %d x %d x %d\n", n, n, n);

		A = (float*)malloc( sizeof(float) * n * n );
		B = (float*)malloc( sizeof(float) * n * n );
		C = (float*)malloc( sizeof(float) * n * n );

		seed[0] = 0; seed[1] = 1; seed[2] = 2;

		for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
			for (k=0; k<n; k++) {
				A(i,k) = (float)erand48(seed);
		for (k=0; k<n; k++) {
			for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
				B(k,j) = (float)erand48(seed);

	elapsed_time = -1*MPI_Wtime();
	//Please modify the content of this function
	mmul(A, B, C, n);

	elapsed_time += MPI_Wtime();

	if( pid == 0 ){
		printf("Elapsed Time : %f secs\n", elapsed_time);

		Cans = (float*)malloc( sizeof(float) * n * n );
		mmul1(A, B, Cans, n);
		diff = compute_diff(C, Cans, n);

	    printf("Performance  : %.2f GFlops\n", 2.0*n*n*n/elapsed_time/1000000000 );
		printf("Result Diff  : %.3f\%\n", diff*100 );

Beispiel #3
	return erand48(__rand48_seed);
Beispiel #4
Datei: slave.c Projekt: rv1/esb
int beginSlavery(int fd)
    uint16_t randContext[3];
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        randContext[i] = time(NULL) ^ getpid();
    int returnCode = -1;
    json_t* params = NULL;
    json_t* nextCommand = NULL;
    char** values = NULL;
    struct workerTask* tasks = NULL;
    uint32_t connPoolSize = 128;
    uint32_t connPoolCount = 0;
    void** connPool = __xmalloc(sizeof(void*) * connPoolSize);
    memset(connPool, 0, sizeof(void*) * connPoolSize);
    //recieve initial parameters
    params = readCommand(fd, 5000);
        fprintf(stderr, "No initialization packet\n");
        goto exit;
    //make sure the initial packet has all of the required info
    uint64_t slaveID;
    const char* command;
    const char* address;
    const char* username;
    const char* password;
    const char* tableName;
    int port;
    int errorChecking;
    int valueLength;
    int result = json_unpack(params, "{s:s, s:s, s:i, s:I, s:s, s:s, s:s, s:b, s:i}",
                             "command",         &command,
                             "address",         &address,
                             "port",            &port,
                             "slave-id",        &slaveID,
                             "username",        &username,
                             "password",        &password,
                             "table",           &tableName,
                             "error-checking",  &errorChecking,
                             "value-length",    &valueLength);
    if(result != 0 || strcmp(command, "init") || port <= 0 || port > 65535)
        fprintf(stderr, "Invalid initialization packet recieved\n");
        goto exit;

    uint64_t numKeys = 0;
    //loop and execute commands from the master
        nextCommand = readCommand(fd, 15000);
            fprintf(stderr, "Invalid next command\n");
            goto exit;
        const char* command;
        int result = json_unpack(nextCommand, "{s:s}", "command", &command);
        if(result == -1)
            fprintf(stderr, "Packet missing command field\n");
            goto exit;
        //parse commands and modify keyRange array if needed
        struct workerTask task;
        if(!strcmp(command, "add"))
            uint64_t numKeysToAdd;
            int result = json_unpack(nextCommand, "{s:I}", "amount", &numKeysToAdd);
            if(result == -1)
                goto exit;

                values = __xrealloc(values, sizeof(char*) * (numKeys + numKeysToAdd));
                for(uint64_t i = 0; i < numKeysToAdd; i++)
                    values[numKeys + i] = __xmalloc(valueLength + 1);
                    for(int j = 0; j < valueLength; j++)
                        values[numKeys + i][j] = (erand48(randContext) * 26) + 'A';
                    values[numKeys + i][valueLength] = '\0';
            task.startingKey = slaveID + numKeys;
            task.numKeys = numKeysToAdd;
            task.type = kClientAddKeys;
            task.values = values;
            numKeys += task.numKeys;
        else if(!strcmp(command, "remove"))
            uint64_t numKeysToRemove;
            int result = json_unpack(nextCommand, "{s:I}", "amount", &numKeysToRemove);
            if(result == -1)
                goto exit;
                uint64_t position = numKeys - numKeysToRemove;
                for(uint64_t i = 0; i < numKeysToRemove; i++)
                    free(values[position + i]);
                values = __xrealloc(&values, sizeof(char*) * (numKeys - numKeysToRemove));
            if(numKeysToRemove > numKeys)
                goto exit;
            task.startingKey = slaveID + numKeys - numKeysToRemove;
            task.numKeys = numKeysToRemove;
            task.type = kClientRemoveKeys;
            task.values = NULL;
            numKeys -= numKeysToRemove;
        else if(!strcmp(command, "test"))
            json_t* array = json_object_get(nextCommand, "workload");

            //right now we only need 1 workload type
            if(!(json_is_array(array) && json_array_size(array) == kWorkloadTypes))
                goto exit;
            for(int i = 0; i < kWorkloadTypes; i++)
                task.workloadComposition[i] = json_number_value(json_array_get(array, i));
            int result = json_unpack(nextCommand, "{s:I}", "amount", &task.count);
            if(result == -1)
                goto exit;
            task.startingKey = slaveID;
            task.numKeys = numKeys;
            task.values = values;
            task.type = kClientRunWorkload;
        else if(!strcmp(command, "quit"))
            returnCode = 0;
            goto exit;
            fprintf(stderr, "unknown command from client: %s\n", command);
            goto exit;
        int numClients;
        result = json_unpack(nextCommand, "{s:i, s:F}", "num-clients", &numClients, "throughput", &task.throughput);
        if(result == -1)
            fprintf(stderr, "Packet missing number of clients or throughput value\n");
            goto exit;
        task.connOpenDelay = 0;
        //fill out the generic task information
        task.table = tableName;
        task.valueSize = valueLength;
        task.workerID = slaveID;
        task.hostname = address;
        task.username = username;
        task.password = password;
        task.port = port;
        //split the request between the clients
        while(numClients >= connPoolSize)
            size_t oldSize = connPoolSize;
            connPoolSize *= 8;
            connPool = __xrealloc(connPool, connPoolSize * sizeof(void*));
            memset(&connPool[oldSize], 0, sizeof(void*) * oldSize * 7);
        if(numClients < connPoolCount)
            for(int i = connPoolCount - 1; i >= numClients; i--)
                connPool[i] = NULL;
        tasks = __xmalloc(sizeof(struct workerTask) * numClients);
        splitTasks(&task, tasks, numClients, connPool);
        //perform the request
        json_t* requestResponse;
        performRequest(tasks, numClients, &requestResponse);
        //save the connections for next time
        for(int i = 0; i < numClients; i++)
            connPool[i] = tasks[i].conn;
        connPoolCount = numClients;
        //send the result back to the master
        char* serialResponse = json_dumps(requestResponse, JSON_COMPACT);
        size_t len = strlen(serialResponse);
        if(len > 1048576)
            fprintf(stderr, "Response too large (%zd)\n", len);
            goto exit;
        char sizeBuf[9];
        sprintf(sizeBuf, "%08d", (int)len);
        sendAll(fd, sizeBuf, 8);
        if(sendAll(fd, serialResponse, strlen(serialResponse)) == -1)
            goto exit;

        tasks = NULL;        
        //free the parsed command
        nextCommand = NULL;
    for(uint32_t i = 0; i < connPoolCount; i++)
        for(uint64_t i = 0; i < numKeys; i++)
    return returnCode;
Beispiel #5
const char* testClient(void* parameters)
    struct workerTask* worker = (struct workerTask*)parameters;
    uint16_t randContext[3];
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        randContext[i] = time(NULL) ^ worker->workerID;
        //spread the load from new connections so the server won't be overloaded
        usleep(erand48(randContext) * 1000 + 1000*worker->connOpenDelay);
        worker->conn = storage_connect(worker->hostname, worker->port);
            printf("storage_connect failed\n");
            return ece297strerror(errno);
        int result = storage_auth(worker->username, worker->password, worker->conn);
        if(result == -1)
            printf("storage_auth failed\n");
            worker->conn = NULL;
            return ece297strerror(errno);
    uint64_t loopCount = worker->numKeys;
    if(worker->type == kClientRunWorkload)
        loopCount = worker->count;
    uint64_t period = 0;
    //0 throughput = no limit
        period = (1/worker->throughput) * 1000000;
        //start at a random time
        usleep(erand48(randContext) * period);
    struct timeval next;
    gettimeofday(&next, NULL);
    for(uint64_t i = 0; i < loopCount; i++)
            int64_t timeRemaining = -uSElapsed(&next);
            if(timeRemaining > 0)
            uint64_t newTime = next.tv_usec + period;
            next.tv_sec += newTime / 1000000;
            next.tv_usec = newTime % 1000000;
        switch (worker->type)
            case kClientAddKeys:
                char keyBuf[20]; //as per ECE297 spec
				stringGen(worker->startingKey + i, worker->keySecret, keyBuf, sizeof(keyBuf));
                struct storage_record record;
                memset(&record.metadata, 0, sizeof(record.metadata));
				stringGen(worker->startingKey + i, worker->valueSecret, record.value, sizeof(record.value));
                struct timeval start;
                gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
                if(storage_set(worker->table, keyBuf, &record, worker->conn) == -1)
                    printf("storage_set failed\n");
                    return ece297strerror(errno);
                recordLatency(timeElapsed(&start), worker->latencyResults);
            case kClientRunWorkload:
				//WATCH the floating point promotion - it must be cast to a uint64_t BEFORE adding worker->startingKey
                uint64_t keyIndex = ((uint64_t)(erand48(randContext) * worker->numKeys)) + worker->startingKey;
                char keyBuf[20]; //as per ECE297 spec
				stringGen(keyIndex, worker->keySecret, keyBuf, sizeof(keyBuf));
                char expectedValue[1024];
				stringGen(keyIndex, worker->valueSecret, expectedValue, sizeof(expectedValue));
                struct timeval start;
                gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
                struct storage_record rec;
                if(storage_get(worker->table, keyBuf, &rec, worker->conn) == -1)
                    printf("storage_get failed (key index = %u)\n", keyIndex);
                    return ece297strerror(errno);
                if(strcmp(rec.value, expectedValue)) {
                	return "Server returned incorrect key";
                recordLatency(timeElapsed(&start), worker->latencyResults);
    return NULL;
Beispiel #6
/* Utility Function: init_cell
 * Initializes atoms in a cell
void init_cell(Cell* this_cell, int xi, int yi, int zi, const SimParams* params)
  // Set some cell values
  this_cell->x = xi;
  this_cell->y = yi;
  this_cell->z = zi;
  const double pdx = params->max_x - params->min_x;
  const double pdy = params->max_y - params->min_y;
  const double pdz = params->max_z - params->min_z;

  this_cell->min_x = params->min_x + (pdx * xi) / params->cell_dim_x;
  this_cell->max_x = params->min_x + (pdx * (xi+1)) / params->cell_dim_x;
  this_cell->min_y = params->min_y + (pdy * yi) / params->cell_dim_y;
  this_cell->max_y = params->min_y + (pdy * (yi+1)) / params->cell_dim_y;
  this_cell->min_z = params->min_z + (pdz * zi) / params->cell_dim_z;
  this_cell->max_z = params->min_z + (pdz * (zi+1)) / params->cell_dim_z;

  // Build up the list of atoms, using a uniform random distribution
  // Since we are doing each cell separately, we don't know exactly
  // how many atoms to put in it.  Therefore, we will allocate a
  // random number such that the total number of atoms on average
  // would come out right.  We'll do this by pretending to assign
  // all the atoms, but only actually assigning a 1/# of cells fraction
  // of them.
  double* x = new double[params->n_atoms];
  double* y = new double[params->n_atoms];
  double* z = new double[params->n_atoms];
  int atom_count = 0;

  const double prob = 1.0 / (params->cell_dim_x * params->cell_dim_y 
			    * params->cell_dim_z);
  const double cdx = this_cell->max_x - this_cell->min_x;
  const double cdy = this_cell->max_y - this_cell->min_y;
  const double cdz = this_cell->max_z - this_cell->min_z;

  // Give some seed that is unique to this cell
  unsigned short int seed[3];
  seed[0] = (unsigned short)xi;
  seed[1] = (unsigned short)yi;
  seed[2] = (unsigned short)zi;

  int i;
  for(i=0; i < params->n_atoms; i++) {
    if (erand48(seed) < prob) {
      x[atom_count] = this_cell->min_x + (cdx * erand48(seed));
      y[atom_count] = this_cell->min_y + (cdy * erand48(seed));
      z[atom_count] = this_cell->min_z + (cdz * erand48(seed));
  if(atom_count > 40) atom_count = 40 ; 

  // Allocate the atom array for the cell
  this_cell->atoms = new Atom[atom_count];
  this_cell->n_atoms = atom_count;

  // Store the positions into the cells.  Also randomly determine
  // a mass and charge, and zero out the velocity and force
  for(i=0;i<atom_count;i++) {
    Atom* this_atom = &(this_cell->atoms[i]);
    this_atom->m = 10.0 * erand48(seed);
    this_atom->q = 5.0 * erand48(seed) - 2.5;
    this_atom->x = x[i];
    this_atom->y = y[i];
    this_atom->z = z[i];
    this_atom->vx = this_atom->vy = this_atom->vz = 0;
    this_atom->vhx = this_atom->vhy = this_atom->vhz = 0;
    this_atom->fx = this_atom->fy = this_atom->fz = 0;
//CmiPrintf("m:%f, q:%f, x:%f y:%f z:%f\n", this_atom->m, this_atom->q, this_atom->x, this_atom->y, this_atom->z);

  delete [] x;
  delete [] y;
  delete [] z;
Beispiel #7
 * fetch a source random number from the pseudo random number generator:
 * erand48()
static double
rand_src_rand48(unsigned short *xi)
	return (erand48(xi));
main (void)
  unsigned short int xs[3] = { 0x0001, 0x0012, 0x0123 };
  unsigned short int lxs[7];
  unsigned short int *xsp;
  int result = 0;
  long int l;
  double d;
  double e;

  /* Test srand48.  */
  srand48 (0x98765432);
  /* Get the values of the internal Xi array.  */
  xsp = seed48 (xs);
  if (xsp[0] != 0x330e || xsp[1] != 0x5432 || xsp[2] != 0x9876)
      puts ("srand48(0x98765432) didn't set correct value");
      printf ("  expected: { %04hx, %04hx, %04hx }\n", 0x330e, 0x5432, 0x9876);
      printf ("  seen:     { %04hx, %04hx, %04hx }\n", xsp[0], xsp[1], xsp[2]);
      result = 1;
  /* Put the values back.  */
  memcpy (xs, xsp, sizeof (xs));
  (void) seed48 (xs);

  /* See whether the correct values are installed.  */
  l = lrand48 ();
  if (l != 0x2fed1413l)
      printf ("lrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0x2fed1413l, l);
      result = 1;

  l = mrand48 ();
  if (l != 0xa28c1003l)
      printf ("mrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0xa28c1003l, l);
      result = 1;

  l = lrand48 ();
  if (l != 0x585fcfb7l)
      printf ("lrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0x585fcfb7l, l);
      result = 1;

  l = mrand48 ();
  if (l != 0x9e88f474l)
      printf ("mrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0x9e88f474l, l);
      result = 1;

  /* Test seed48.  The previous call should have install the values in
     the initialization of `xs' above.  */
  xs[0] = 0x1234;
  xs[1] = 0x5678;
  xs[2] = 0x9012;
  xsp = seed48 (xs);
  if (xsp[0] != 0x62f2 || xsp[1] != 0xf474 || xsp[2] != 0x9e88)
      puts ("seed48() did not install the values correctly");
      printf ("  expected: { %04hx, %04hx, %04hx }\n", 0x62f2, 0xf474, 0x9e88);
      printf ("  seen:     { %04hx, %04hx, %04hx }\n", xsp[0], xsp[1], xsp[2]);
      result = 1;

  /* Test lrand48 and mrand48.  We continue from the seed established
     above.  */
  l = lrand48 ();
  if (l != 0x017e48b5l)
      printf ("lrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0x017e48b5l, l);
      result = 1;

  l = mrand48 ();
  if (l != 0xeb7a1fa3l)
      printf ("mrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0xeb7a1fa3l, l);
      result = 1;

  l = lrand48 ();
  if (l != 0x6b6a3f95l)
      printf ("lrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0x6b6a3f95l, l);
      result = 1;

  l = mrand48 ();
  if (l != 0x175c0d6fl)
      printf ("mrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0x175c0d6fl, l);
      result = 1;

  /* Test lcong48.  */
  lxs[0] = 0x4567;
  lxs[1] = 0x6789;
  lxs[2] = 0x8901;
  lxs[3] = 0x0123;
  lxs[4] = 0x2345;
  lxs[5] = 0x1111;
  lxs[6] = 0x2222;
  lcong48 (lxs);

  /* See whether the correct values are installed.  */
  l = lrand48 ();
  if (l != 0x6df63d66l)
      printf ("lrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0x6df63d66l, l);
      result = 1;

  l = mrand48 ();
  if (l != 0x2f92c8e1l)
      printf ("mrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0x2f92c8e1l, l);
      result = 1;

  l = lrand48 ();
  if (l != 0x3b4869ffl)
      printf ("lrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0x3b4869ffl, l);
      result = 1;

  l = mrand48 ();
  if (l != 0x5cd4cc3el)
      printf ("mrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0x5cd4cc3el, l);
      result = 1;

  /* Check whether srand48() restores the A and C parameters.  */
  srand48 (0x98765432);

  /* See whether the correct values are installed.  */
  l = lrand48 ();
  if (l != 0x2fed1413l)
      printf ("lrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0x2fed1413l, l);
      result = 1;

  l = mrand48 ();
  if (l != 0xa28c1003l)
      printf ("mrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0xa28c1003l, l);
      result = 1;

  l = lrand48 ();
  if (l != 0x585fcfb7l)
      printf ("lrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0x585fcfb7l, l);
      result = 1;

  l = mrand48 ();
  if (l != 0x9e88f474l)
      printf ("mrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0x9e88f474l, l);
      result = 1;

  /* And again to see whether seed48() does the same.  */
  lcong48 (lxs);

  /* See whether lxs wasn't modified.  */
  l = lrand48 ();
  if (l != 0x6df63d66l)
      printf ("lrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0x6df63d66l, l);
      result = 1;

  /* Test seed48.  The previous call should have install the values in
     the initialization of `xs' above.  */
  xs[0] = 0x1234;
  xs[1] = 0x5678;
  xs[2] = 0x9012;
  xsp = seed48 (xs);
  if (xsp[0] != 0x0637 || xsp[1] != 0x7acd || xsp[2] != 0xdbec)
      puts ("seed48() did not install the values correctly");
      printf ("  expected: { %04hx, %04hx, %04hx }\n", 0x0637, 0x7acd, 0xdbec);
      printf ("  seen:     { %04hx, %04hx, %04hx }\n", xsp[0], xsp[1], xsp[2]);
      result = 1;

  /* Test lrand48 and mrand48.  We continue from the seed established
     above.  */
  l = lrand48 ();
  if (l != 0x017e48b5l)
      printf ("lrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0x017e48b5l, l);
      result = 1;

  l = mrand48 ();
  if (l != 0xeb7a1fa3l)
      printf ("mrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0xeb7a1fa3l, l);
      result = 1;

  l = lrand48 ();
  if (l != 0x6b6a3f95l)
      printf ("lrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0x6b6a3f95l, l);
      result = 1;

  l = mrand48 ();
  if (l != 0x175c0d6fl)
      printf ("mrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0x175c0d6fl, l);
      result = 1;

  /* Test drand48.  */
  d = drand48 ();
  if (d != 0.0908832261858485424)
      printf ("drand48() in line %d failed: expected %.*g, seen %.*g\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, DECIMAL_DIG, 0.0908832261858485424,
	      DECIMAL_DIG, d);
      result = 1;

  d = drand48 ();
  if (d != 0.943149381730059133133)
      printf ("drand48() in line %d failed: expected %.*g, seen %.*g\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, DECIMAL_DIG, 0.943149381730059133133,
	      DECIMAL_DIG, d);
      result = 1;

  /* Now the functions which get the Xis passed.  */
  xs[0] = 0x3849;
  xs[1] = 0x5061;
  xs[2] = 0x7283;

  l = nrand48 (xs);
  if (l != 0x1efe61a1l)
      printf ("nrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0x1efe61a1l, l);
      result = 1;

  l = jrand48 (xs);
  if (l != 0xf568c7a0l)
      printf ("jrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0xf568c7a0l, l);
      result = 1;

  l = nrand48 (xs);
  if (l != 0x2a5e57fel)
      printf ("nrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0x2a5e57fel, l);
      result = 1;

  l = jrand48 (xs);
  if (l != 0x71a779a8l)
      printf ("jrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0x71a779a8l, l);
      result = 1;

  /* Test whether the global A and C are used.  */
  lcong48 (lxs);

  l = nrand48 (xs);
  if (l != 0x32beee9fl)
      printf ("nrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0x32beee9fl, l);
      result = 1;

  l = jrand48 (xs);
  if (l != 0x7bddf3bal)
      printf ("jrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0x7bddf3bal, l);
      result = 1;

  l = nrand48 (xs);
  if (l != 0x85bdf28l)
      printf ("nrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0x85bdf28l, l);
      result = 1;

  l = jrand48 (xs);
  if (l != 0x7b433e47l)
      printf ("jrand48() in line %d failed: expected %lx, seen %lx\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, 0x7b433e47l, l);
      result = 1;

  /* Test erand48.  Also compare with the drand48 results.  */
  (void) seed48 (xs);

  d = drand48 ();
  e = erand48 (xs);
  if (d != e)
      printf ("\
drand48() and erand48 in lines %d and %d produce different results\n",
	      __LINE__ - 6, __LINE__ - 5);
      printf ("  drand48() = %g, erand48() = %g\n", d, e);
      result = 1;
  else if (e != 0.640650904452755298735)
      printf ("erand48() in line %d failed: expected %.*g, seen %.*g\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, DECIMAL_DIG, 0.640650904452755298735,
	      DECIMAL_DIG, e);
      result = 1;


  d = drand48 ();
  e = erand48 (xs);
  if (d != e)
      printf ("\
drand48() and erand48 in lines %d and %d produce different results\n",
	      __LINE__ - 6, __LINE__ - 5);
      printf ("  drand48() = %g, erand48() = %g\n", d, e);
      result = 1;
  else if (e != 0.115372323508150742555)
      printf ("erand48() in line %d failed: expected %.*g, seen %.*g\n",
	      __LINE__ - 4, DECIMAL_DIG, 0.0115372323508150742555,
	      DECIMAL_DIG, e);
      result = 1;


  return result;
Beispiel #9
-- mlp_forback --------------------------------------------------------
int mlp_forback(
    float *stims,
    int *stimstarts,
    int ndim,
    int negs,
    int *stimoffs,
    int nin,
    int *nunits,
    int nlevels,
    int *tranfns,
    float *activs,
    float *biases,
    int ntunits,
    float *weights,
    int nweights,
    float *bschange,
    float *wtchange,
    float *etas,
    float *etbs,
    float alpha,
    float decay,
    float *targs,
    int *targstarts,
    int *targoffs,
    int nout,
    int niter,
    int nbatch,
    int ransel,
    float *err,
    float *errvar)
/* Carries out niter learning cycles on the machine, selecting
 stimuli at random from the stims and targs arrays if
 RANSEL is non-zero, otherwise taking them in sequence.
 Other parameters are as in bprop, fprop and mlp_forward, with targs
 etc. instead of outs etc.

 If nbatch is 1, then does continuous learning with momentum governed by
 alpha. If nbatch is greater than 1, then does batch learning, averaging
 errors over nbatch examples before updating. In this case, alpha is ignored.

 - one special case - if niter is 0, just do a single
 backward pass, assuming that the forward pass has already
 been carried out.

 On return activs is set to the latest error signals,
 and an explicit call of fprop is needed to get activations.

 Err returns the mean error, errvar its variance. Returns fail code. */
    float anegs = negs, cerr, errsum = 0.0, errsumsqu = 0.0;
    int iter, eg = -1, dofwd = niter > 0, batching = nbatch > 1, si, so;

    /* check inputs to avoid having to do so on each iteration */
    int ifail = checkns(nunits,nlevels,nin,nout,ntunits,nweights);
    if (ifail) return ifail;
    if (nbatch <= 0) return 10;

    /* When batching, niter is given as number of batches - change to
       no of egs and ensure weight change arrays are zeroed */
    if (batching) {
        niter *= nbatch;
        mlp_fillvec(0.0, wtchange, nweights);
        mlp_fillvec(0.0, bschange, ntunits);

    if (niter == 0) niter = 1;  /* Always do a backward pass */

    /* Iterate */
    for (iter = 1; iter <= niter; iter++) {
        if (ndim) {
            /* stimstarts is n-D array giving limits */
            si = mlp_getsample(ndim, stimstarts, ransel);
            so = mlp_getoutsample(ndim, stimstarts, targstarts);
        } else {
            /* stimstarts 1-D array of starting points */
            if (ransel)
                eg = (int)(erand48(seed) * anegs);
                eg = (eg+1) % negs;
            si = *(stimstarts+eg);
            so = *(targstarts+eg);

        if (dofwd)
            fprop(stims+si, stimoffs,nin,nunits,nlevels,tranfns,activs,

        if (batching) {
            cerr = bprop_batch(stims+si, stimoffs, nin, nunits, nlevels,
                tranfns, activs, ntunits, weights, nweights, wtchange,
                bschange, targs+so, targoffs, nout);
            if (iter % nbatch == 0)
                bwtupd_batch(biases, ntunits, weights, nweights,
                    wtchange, bschange, etas, etbs, decay, nbatch);
            cerr = bprop(stims+si, stimoffs, nin, nunits, nlevels, tranfns,
                activs, biases, ntunits, weights, nweights, wtchange,
                bschange, etas, etbs, alpha, decay, targs+so, targoffs,

        errsum += cerr;
        errsumsqu += cerr * cerr;

    /* Calculate the error and its variance over this set of trials.
     It's divided by 2 because bprop returns a sum of squares, but actually
      uses the derivative with respect to half the sum of squares. */
    *err = errsum/(2*niter);
    *errvar = errsumsqu/(4*niter) - *err * *err;
    return 0;
Beispiel #10
void mlp_randomvec(float *arr, int n, float x0, float x1)
    float *arrend = arr+n, x1mx0 = x1-x0;
    while (arr < arrend) *arr++ = x0 + x1mx0 * erand48(seed);