Beispiel #1
/* Function:  p7_builder_SetScoreSystem()
 * Synopsis:  Initialize score system for single sequence queries.
 * Purpose:   Initialize the builder <bld> to be able to parameterize
 *            single sequence queries, using a substitution matrix
 *            from a file.
 *            Read a standard substitution score matrix from file
 *            <mxfile>. If <mxfile> is <NULL>, default to BLOSUM62
 *            scores. If <mxfile> is "-", read score matrix from
 *            <stdin> stream. If <env> is non-<NULL> and <mxfile> is
 *            not found in the current working directory, look for
 *            <mxfile> in colon-delimited directory list contained in
 *            environment variable <env>.
 *            Set the gap-open and gap-extend probabilities to
 *            <popen>, <pextend>, respectively.
 *            Use background residue frequencies in the null model
 *            <bg> to convert substitution matrix scores to
 *            conditional probability parameters.
 * Args:      bld      - <P7_BUILDER> to initialize
 *            mxfile   - score matrix file to use, or NULL for BLOSUM62 default
 *            env      - env variable containing directory list where <mxfile> may reside
 *            popen    - gap open probability
 *            pextend  - gap extend probability
 *            bg       - null model, containing background frequencies
 * Returns:   <eslOK> on success.
 *            <eslENOTFOUND> if <mxfile> can't be found or opened, even
 *            in any of the directories specified by the <env> variable.   
 *            <eslEINVAL> if the score matrix can't be converted into
 *            conditional probabilities; for example, if it has no valid
 *            solution for <lambda>.
 *            On either error, <bld->errbuf> contains a useful error message
 *            for the user.
 * Throws:    <eslEMEM> on allocation failure.
p7_builder_SetScoreSystem(P7_BUILDER *bld, const char *mxfile, const char *env, double popen, double pextend, P7_BG *bg)
  double          *f   = NULL;
  double           slambda;
  int              status;

  bld->errbuf[0] = '\0';

  /* If a score system is already set, delete it. */
  if (bld->S != NULL) esl_scorematrix_Destroy(bld->S);
  if (bld->Q != NULL) esl_dmatrix_Destroy(bld->Q);

  /* Get the scoring matrix */
  if ((bld->S  = esl_scorematrix_Create(bld->abc)) == NULL) { status = eslEMEM; goto ERROR; }
  if (mxfile == NULL) 
      if (bld->abc->type == eslAMINO) {
        if ((status = esl_scorematrix_Set("BLOSUM62", bld->S)) != eslOK) goto ERROR;
      } else {
        if ((status = esl_scorematrix_Set("DNA1", bld->S)) != eslOK) goto ERROR;
      if ((status = esl_fileparser_Open(mxfile, env, &efp))         != eslOK) ESL_XFAIL(status, bld->errbuf, "Failed to find or open matrix file %s", mxfile);
      if ((status = esl_scorematrix_Read(efp, bld->abc, &(bld->S))) != eslOK) ESL_XFAIL(status, bld->errbuf, "Failed to read matrix from %s:\n%s",    mxfile, efp->errbuf);
      efp = NULL;

  /* A wasteful conversion of the HMMER single-precision background probs to Easel double-prec */
  ESL_ALLOC(f, sizeof(double) * bg->abc->K);
  esl_vec_F2D(bg->f, bg->abc->K, f);

  /* Backcalculate joint probability matrix Q, given scores S and background freqs bg->f.  */
  status = esl_scorematrix_ProbifyGivenBG(bld->S, f, f, &slambda, &(bld->Q));
  if      (status == eslEINVAL)  ESL_XFAIL(eslEINVAL, bld->errbuf, "input score matrix %s has no valid solution for lambda", mxfile);
  else if (status == eslENOHALT) ESL_XFAIL(eslEINVAL, bld->errbuf, "failed to solve input score matrix %s for lambda: are you sure it's valid?", mxfile);
  else if (status != eslOK)      ESL_XFAIL(eslEINVAL, bld->errbuf, "unexpected error in solving input score matrix %s for probability parameters", mxfile);

  /* Convert joint probabilities P(ab) to conditionals P(b|a) */
  esl_scorematrix_JointToConditionalOnQuery(bld->abc, bld->Q);

  bld->popen   = popen;
  bld->pextend = pextend;
  return eslOK;

  if (efp) esl_fileparser_Close(efp);
  if (f)   free(f);
  return status;
Beispiel #2
/* Function:  p7_builder_LoadScoreSystem()
 * Synopsis:  Load a standard score system for single sequence queries.
 * Purpose:   Initialize the builder <bld> to be able to parameterize
 *            single sequence queries, using the standard (built-in) score
 *            matrix named <mx>.
 *            Available score matrices <mx> include PAM30, 70, 120, and 240;
 *            and BLOSUM45, 50, 62, 80, and 90. See <esl_scorematrix.c>.
 *            Set the gap-open and gap-extend probabilities to
 *            <popen>, <pextend>, respectively.
 *            Use background residue frequencies in the null model
 *            <bg> to convert substitution matrix scores to
 *            conditional probability parameters.
 * Args:      bld      - <P7_BUILDER> to initialize
 *            matrix   - score matrix file to use
 *            popen    - gap open probability
 *            pextend  - gap extend probability
 *            bg       - null model, containing background frequencies           
 * Returns:   <eslOK> on success.
 *            <eslENOTFOUND> if <mxfile> can't be found or opened, even
 *            in any of the directories specified by the <env> variable.   
 *            <eslEINVAL> if the score matrix can't be converted into
 *            conditional probabilities; for example, if it has no valid
 *            solution for <lambda>.
 *            On either error, <bld->errbuf> contains a useful error message
 *            for the user.
 * Throws:    <eslEMEM> on allocation failure.
p7_builder_LoadScoreSystem(P7_BUILDER *bld, const char *matrix, double popen, double pextend, P7_BG *bg)
  double  *f = NULL;
  double   slambda;
  int      status;

  bld->errbuf[0] = '\0';

  /* If a score system is already set, delete it. */
  if (bld->S != NULL) esl_scorematrix_Destroy(bld->S);
  if (bld->Q != NULL) esl_dmatrix_Destroy(bld->Q);

  /* Get the scoring matrix */
  if ((bld->S  = esl_scorematrix_Create(bld->abc)) == NULL) { status = eslEMEM; goto ERROR; }
  status =  esl_scorematrix_Set(matrix, bld->S);
  if      (status == eslENOTFOUND) ESL_XFAIL(status, bld->errbuf, "no matrix named %s is available as a built-in", matrix);
  else if (status != eslOK)        ESL_XFAIL(status, bld->errbuf, "failed to set score matrix %s as a built-in",   matrix);

  /* A wasteful conversion of the HMMER single-precision background probs to Easel double-prec */
  ESL_ALLOC(f, sizeof(double) * bg->abc->K);
  esl_vec_F2D(bg->f, bg->abc->K, f);

  /* Backcalculate joint probability matrix Q, given scores S and background freqs bg->f.  */
  /* Failures shouldn't happen here: these are standard matrices.  */
  status = esl_scorematrix_ProbifyGivenBG(bld->S, f, f, &slambda, &(bld->Q));
  if      (status == eslEINVAL)  ESL_XFAIL(eslEINVAL, bld->errbuf, "built-in score matrix %s has no valid solution for lambda", matrix);
  else if (status == eslENOHALT) ESL_XFAIL(eslEINVAL, bld->errbuf, "failed to solve score matrix %s for lambda", matrix);
  else if (status != eslOK)      ESL_XFAIL(eslEINVAL, bld->errbuf, "unexpected error in solving score matrix %s for probability parameters", matrix);

  /* Convert joint probabilities P(ab) to conditionals P(b|a) */
  esl_scorematrix_JointToConditionalOnQuery(bld->abc, bld->Q);

  bld->popen   = popen;
  bld->pextend = pextend;
  return eslOK;

  if (f) free(f);
  return status;
Beispiel #3
main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_GETOPTS    *go      = p7_CreateDefaultApp(options, 2, argc, argv, banner, usage);
  ESL_ALPHABET   *abc     = esl_alphabet_Create(eslAMINO);
  char           *qfile   = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1);
  char           *tfile   = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 2);
  ESL_SQFILE     *qfp     = NULL;
  ESL_SQFILE     *tfp     = NULL;
  ESL_SQ         *qsq     = esl_sq_CreateDigital(abc);
  ESL_SQ         *tsq     = esl_sq_CreateDigital(abc);
  ESL_SCOREMATRIX *S      = esl_scorematrix_Create(abc);
  ESL_DMATRIX     *Q      = NULL;
  P7_BG           *bg     = p7_bg_Create(abc);
  P7_HMM          *hmm    = NULL;
  P7_PROFILE      *gm     = NULL;
  P7_REFMX        *vit    = p7_refmx_Create(200, 400); /* will grow as needed */
  double          *fa     = malloc(sizeof(double) * abc->K);
  double          popen   = 0.02;
  double          pextend = 0.4;
  double          lambda;
  float           vsc;
  float           nullsc;
  int             status;

  esl_vec_D2F(fa, abc->K, bg->f);
  esl_scorematrix_Set("BLOSUM62", S);
  esl_scorematrix_ProbifyGivenBG(S, fa, fa, &lambda, &Q); 
  esl_scorematrix_JointToConditionalOnQuery(abc, Q);

  if (esl_sqfile_OpenDigital(abc, qfile, eslSQFILE_UNKNOWN, NULL, &qfp) != eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to open %s", qfile);
  if (esl_sqio_Read(qfp, qsq) != eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to read query seq");

  p7_Seqmodel(abc, qsq->dsq, qsq->n, qsq->name, Q, bg->f, popen, pextend, &hmm);  
  p7_hmm_SetConsensus(hmm, qsq); 
  gm = p7_profile_Create(hmm->M, abc);
  p7_profile_ConfigUnilocal(gm, hmm, bg, 400);
  if (esl_sqfile_OpenDigital(abc, tfile, eslSQFILE_UNKNOWN, NULL, &tfp) != eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to open %s", tfile);
  while ((status = esl_sqio_Read(tfp, tsq)) == eslOK)
      p7_bg_SetLength     (bg, tsq->n);
      p7_profile_SetLength(gm, tsq->n);
      p7_ReferenceViterbi(tsq->dsq, tsq->n, gm, vit, NULL, &vsc);    
      p7_bg_NullOne(bg, tsq->dsq, tsq->n, &nullsc);

      printf("%.4f %-25s %-25s\n", (vsc - nullsc) / eslCONST_LOG2, tsq->name, gm->name);
  return 0;
Beispiel #4
main(int argc, char **argv)
  ESL_GETOPTS    *go    = p7_CreateDefaultApp(options, 2, argc, argv, banner, usage);
  ESL_ALPHABET   *abc   = esl_alphabet_Create(eslAMINO);
  char           *hmmfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1);
  char           *qfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 2);
  ESL_SQ         *qsq   = esl_sq_CreateDigital(abc);
  ESL_SQFILE     *qfp   = NULL;
  FILE           *hmmfp = NULL;
  ESL_SCOREMATRIX *S    = esl_scorematrix_Create(abc);
  ESL_DMATRIX     *Q    = NULL;
  P7_BG           *bg   = p7_bg_Create(abc);		
  P7_HMM          *hmm  = NULL;
  double          *fa   = NULL;
  double          popen   = esl_opt_GetReal  (go, "-q");
  double          pextend = esl_opt_GetReal  (go, "-r");
  char            *mxfile = esl_opt_GetString(go, "-m");
  char            errbuf[eslERRBUFSIZE];
  double          slambda;
  int             a,b;
  int             status;

  /* Reverse engineer a scoring matrix to obtain conditional prob's
   * that we'll use for the single-seq query HMM. Because score mx is
   * symmetric, we can set up P[a][b] = P(b | a), so we can use the
   * matrix rows as HMM match emission vectors. This means dividing
   * the joint probs through by f_a.
  if (mxfile == NULL) {
    if (esl_scorematrix_Set("BLOSUM62", S) != eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to set BLOSUM62 scores");
  } else {

    if ( esl_fileparser_Open(mxfile, NULL,  &efp) != eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to open score file %s",  mxfile);
    if ( esl_scorematrix_Read(efp, abc, &S)               != eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to read matrix from %s", mxfile);

  /* A wasteful conversion of the HMMER single-precision background probs to Easel double-prec */
  ESL_ALLOC(fa, sizeof(double) * bg->abc->K);
  esl_vec_F2D(bg->f, bg->abc->K, fa);

  /* Backcalculate joint probabilities Q, given score matrix S and background frequencies fa */
  status = esl_scorematrix_ProbifyGivenBG(S, fa, fa, &slambda, &Q); 
  if      (status == eslEINVAL)  esl_fatal("built-in score matrix %s has no valid solution for lambda", matrix);
  else if (status == eslENOHALT) esl_fatal("failed to solve score matrix %s for lambda", matrix);
  else if (status != eslOK)      esl_fatal("unexpected error in solving score matrix %s for probability parameters", matrix);

  esl_scorematrix_JointToConditionalOnQuery(abc, Q);

  /* Open the query sequence file in FASTA format */
  status = esl_sqfile_Open(qfile, eslSQFILE_FASTA, NULL, &qfp);
  if      (status == eslENOTFOUND) esl_fatal("No such file %s.", qfile);
  else if (status == eslEFORMAT)   esl_fatal("Format of %s unrecognized.", qfile);
  else if (status == eslEINVAL)    esl_fatal("Can't autodetect stdin or .gz.");
  else if (status != eslOK)        esl_fatal("Open of %s failed, code %d.", qfile, status);

  /* Open the output HMM file */
  if ((hmmfp = fopen(hmmfile, "w")) == NULL) esl_fatal("Failed to open output HMM file %s", hmmfile);

  /* For each sequence, build a model and save it. 
  while ((status = esl_sqio_Read(qfp, qsq)) == eslOK)
      p7_Seqmodel(abc, qsq->dsq, qsq->n, qsq->name, Q, bg->f, popen, pextend, &hmm);
      if ( p7_hmm_Validate(hmm, errbuf, 1e-5)     != eslOK) esl_fatal("HMM validation failed: %s\n", errbuf);
      if ( p7_hmmfile_WriteASCII(hmmfp, -1, hmm)  != eslOK) esl_fatal("HMM save failed");

  if      (status == eslEFORMAT) esl_fatal("Parse failed (sequence file %s line %" PRId64 "):\n%s\n",
					    qfp->filename, qfp->linenumber, qfp->errbuf);     
  else if (status != eslEOF)     esl_fatal("Unexpected error %d reading sequence file %s",
					    status, qfp->filename);
  return 0;