// sends a can message
// description:
//      this operation send a canmessage (not CANopen!) to the pci-can board. therefore this
//      operation has to fill the correct data (corresponding to the values wriiten in the
//      gui) into the can-message struct.
void CANFestivalGui::sendCan( )
    Message m;
    unsigned char data[8];
    int ID;

    if( ui->canCountOfByteActiv->isChecked( ) )
    {   // the user has given a message length ( from 0 up to 8 bytes)
        m.len = ui->canCountOfByte->text( ).toInt( );
    {   // the length of the value is calculated automatically
        m.len = getLength( canDataList );

    // converts the data written in the gui to integer values (remember: the gui is able to
    // handle hex, decimal and binary values
    for( int i=0; i<m.len; i++ ) {
        if( ui->canHexFormat->isChecked( ) ) {
            data[i] = strtol( canDataList.at( i )->text( ).toStdString().c_str(), NULL, 16 );
        } else if( ui->canBinFormat->isChecked( ) ) {
            data[i] = strtol( canDataList.at( i )->text( ).toStdString().c_str(), NULL, 2 );
        } else {
            data[i] = canDataList.at( i )->text( ).toInt( );

    // converts the can identifier into decimal data
    if( ui->canHexFormat->isChecked( ) ) {
        ID = strtol( ui->canIdentifier->text( ).toStdString().c_str(), NULL, 16 );
    } else if( ui->canBinFormat->isChecked( ) ) {
        ID = strtol( ui->canIdentifier->text( ).toStdString().c_str(), NULL, 2 );
    } else {
        ID = ui->canIdentifier->text( ).toInt( );
    m.cob_id.w = ID;

    // sets the RTR bit (retrieve bit)
    if( ui->canRTR->isChecked( ) ) {
        m.rtr = 0x01;
    } else {
        m.rtr = 0x00;
    // copies the data into the can-message struct (could have be done directly...)
    memcpy(&(m.data), &(data[0]), m.len);

    // now send the data onto the bus
    f_can_send( 0, &m );
Beispiel #2
UNS8 sendPDO(UNS8 bus_id, s_PDO *pdo, UNS8 req)
	UNS8 i;
	if( nodeState == Operational ) 
		//Message m;
		/* Message copy for sending */
		//m.cob_id = 
		pdo->cob_id &= 0x7FF; // Because the cobId is 11 bytes length
		if ( req == DONNEES ) 
		//	UNS8 i;
			//m.rtr = DONNEES;
			pdo->rtr= DONNEES;
		//	m.len = pdo->len;
		//	for (i = 0 ; i < pdo->len ; i++)
		//		m.data[i] = pdo->data[i];
			//m.rtr = REQUETE;
			//m.len = 0;
			pdo->len = 0;
			pdo->rtr = REQUETE;
		MSG_WAR(0x3901, "sendPDO cobId :", pdo->cob_id);
		MSG_WAR(0x3902,  "     Nb octets  : ",  pdo->len);
		//for (i = 0 ; i < m.len ; i++) 
			//MSG_WAR(0x3920,"           data : ", m->data[i]);
		return f_can_send(bus_id,pdo);
	} // end if 
	return 0xFF;
Beispiel #3
/* Retourne le node-id */
UNS8 proceedNMTerror(UNS8 bus_id, Message* m )
//	UNS16 time, should_time;
//	UNS8 *   pbConsumerHeartbeatCount;
	// Pointer to HBConsumerTimeArray (Array of expected heartbeat cycle time for each node.
	// HBConsumerTimeArray is defined in objdict.c *  \param CheckAccess if other than 0, do not read if the data is Write Only
//	UNS32 *  pbConsumerHeartbeatEntry;// Index 1016 on 32 bits
	UNS8 *   pdwSize;
	UNS8     dwSize;//, count, ConsummerHeartBeat_nodeId ;
//	UNS8 index; // Index to scan the table of heartbeat consumers
	UNS8 nodeId = (UNS8) GET_NODE_ID((*m));

	pdwSize = &dwSize;
	if((m->rtr == 1) ) /* Notice that only the master can have sent this node guarding request */
	{ // Receiving a NMT NodeGuarding (request of the state by the master)
		//  only answer to the NMT NodeGuarding request, the master is not checked (not implemented)
		if (nodeId == bDeviceNodeId )
			Message msg;
			msg.cob_id = bDeviceNodeId + 0x700;
			msg.len = (UNS8)0x01;
			msg.rtr = 0;
			msg.data[0] = getState(); 
			if (toggle)
				msg.data[0] |= 0x80 ;
				toggle = 0 ;
				toggle = 1 ; 
				// send the nodeguard response.
			MSG_WAR(0x3130, "Sending NMT Nodeguard to master, state: ", nodeState);
			f_can_send( bus_id, &msg );
		return 1 ;
	if (m->rtr == 0) // Not a request CAN
		MSG_WAR(0x3110, "Received NMT nodeId : ", nodeId);
		/* the slave's state receievd is stored in the NMTable */
		// The state is stored on 7 bit
	//	NMTable[bus_id][nodeId] = (e_nodeState) ((*m).data[0] & 0x7F) ;
		/* Boot-Up frame reception */
//		if ( NMTable[bus_id][nodeId] == Initialisation)
//		{
			// The device send the boot-up message (Initialisation)
			// to indicate the master that it is entered in pre_operational mode
			// Because the  device enter automaticaly in pre_operational mode,
			// the pre_operational mode is stored 
			//  NMTable[bus_id][nodeId] = Pre_operational;
	//		MSG_WAR(0x3100, "The NMT is a bootup from node : ", nodeId);
	//		return 1;
	//	}
/*		if( NMTable[bus_id][nodeId] != Unknown_state ) 
			if( getODentry( (UNS16)0x1016, (UNS8)0x0, 
							(void * *) &pbConsumerHeartbeatCount, 
							pdwSize, 0 ) == OD_SUCCESSFUL )
				if (*pbConsumerHeartbeatCount > (UNS8)NB_OF_HEARTBEAT_PRODUCERS)
					count = *pbConsumerHeartbeatCount ;

				for( index = (UNS8)0x00; index < count; index++ )
					if( getODentry( (UNS16)0x1016, (UNS8)index + 1,
									(void * *)&pbConsumerHeartbeatEntry, 
									pdwSize, 0 ) == OD_SUCCESSFUL )
						should_time = (UNS16) ( (*pbConsumerHeartbeatEntry) & (UNS32)0x0000FFFF ) ;
						ConsummerHeartBeat_nodeId = (UNS8)( ((*pbConsumerHeartbeatEntry) & (UNS32)0x00FF0000) >> (UNS8)16 );
						if (( should_time )&&( nodeId == ConsummerHeartBeat_nodeId ))
							time = getTime16( &(heartBeatTable[index].time) );
							MSG_WAR(0x3105, "HeartBeat received from node : ", nodeId );
							MSG_WAR(0x3106, "                     at time : ", time);
							setTime16( &heartBeatTable[index].time, (UNS8)0x0000 );
							if( bErrorOccured == TRUE )
								lifeguardCallback( (UNS8)CONNECTION_OK ); // a little strange
								return 0 ;
				} // end for
		} //End if( NMTable[bus_id][nodeId] != Unknown_state) 
	} // End if (m->rtr == 0)
	return 1;
Beispiel #4
UNS8 sendSDO(UNS8 bus_id, s_SDO sdo)
	UNS32 objDict;

	if( (nodeState == Operational) ||  (nodeState == Pre_operational ))  
		Message m;
		UNS8 i;
		UNS32 * pwCobId = NULL;
		UNS8 * pwNodeId = NULL;
		UNS8 *    pSize;
		UNS8      size;	
		pSize = &size;	
		MSG_WAR(0x3A00, "sendSDO",0);			

		/*get the communication CobId*/
		if ( sdo.nodeId == bDeviceNodeId )	/*case server*/
			getODentry( 0x1200, (UNS8)2, (void * *)&pwCobId, pSize, 0);
		{			/*case client*/
			UNS16 sdoNum = 0;
			for( ; sdoNum < dict_cstes.max_count_of_client_SDO; sdoNum++)
				MSG_WAR(0x3A52,"Reading index : ", 0x1280 + sdoNum);
				objDict = getODentry( (UNS16)0x1280 + sdoNum, (UNS8)3, (void * *)&pwNodeId, pSize, 0);
				MSG_WAR(0x3A53, "Read in dict, nodeId = ", *pwNodeId);
				if (objDict == OD_SUCCESSFUL)
					if(*pwNodeId == sdo.nodeId)
					MSG_ERR(0x1A50, "Erreur dans les SDO client, subindex 2, index : ", (UNS16)1280 + sdoNum);
					return 0xFF;
			if (sdoNum == dict_cstes.max_count_of_client_SDO)
				MSG_WAR (0x2A51, "No SDO client corresponds to the mesage sent to node ", sdo.nodeId);
				return 0xFF;
			getODentry( (UNS16)0x1280 + sdoNum, (UNS8)1, (void * *)&pwCobId, pSize, 0);
		/* message copy for sending */
		m.cob_id = *pwCobId;
		m.rtr = DONNEES; 
		//the length of SDO must be 8
		m.len = 8;
		//memcpy(&m.data, &sdo.body, m.len);
		// This Memcpy depends on packing structure. Avoid
		if (sdo.len > 0)
			m.data[0] = sdo.body.SCS;
		for (i = 1 ; i < sdo.len ; i++) 
			m.data[i] =  sdo.body.data[i - 1];
		for (i = sdo.len ; i < 8; i++)
		return f_can_send(bus_id,&m);
	return 0xFF;