int main()
    char* filepath = new char[200];
    ObjGeo objgeo;
    storeGeo(filepath, objgeo);
    float surfaceareavalue = 0;
    surfaceareavalue = surfaceAreaCal(objgeo);

    std::cout << "\n====================\nsurface area = " << surfaceareavalue  << "\n===================="<< std::endl;

	bool OptimizationController::IsOptimizationDisabledForAssembly(const wxString& assemblyPath)
		wxString iniFilePath = GetIniPathFromAssemblyPath(assemblyPath);
		if (fileHandle.get() == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
			return false;
		if (GetFileSizeEx(fileHandle.get(), &fileSize))
			return fileSize.QuadPart == IniFileSize;
		return false;
Beispiel #3
void g2m::interpret_file() {
    nanotimer timer;
    if ( file.endsWith(".ngc") ) {
            // push g-code lines to ui:
        QFile fileHandle( file );
        QString gline;
        if ( QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text) ) {       
            // file opened successfully
            QTextStream t( &fileHandle );        // use a text stream
            // until end of file...
            while ( !t.atEnd() ) {           
                // read and parse the command line
                gline = t.readLine();         // line of text excluding '\n'
                emit gcodeLineMessage(gline);

        emit debugMessage( tr("g2m: interpreting  %1").arg(file) ); 
        interpret(); // reads from file
    } else if (file.endsWith(".canon")) { //just process each line
        if (!chooseToolTable()) {
            infoMsg("Can't find tool table. Aborting.");
        std::ifstream inFile(file.toAscii());
        std::string sLine;
        while(std::getline(inFile, sLine)) {
            if (sLine.length() > 1) {  //helps to prevent segfault in canonLine::cmdMatch()
                processCanonLine(sLine); // requires no interpret()
    } else {
        emit debugMessage( tr("File name must end with .ngc or .canon!") ); 

    double e = timer.getElapsedS();
    emit debugMessage( tr("g2m: Total time to process that file: ") +  timer.humanreadable(e)  ) ;
    //std::cout << "Total time to process that file: " << timer.humanreadable(e).toStdString() << std::endl;

Beispiel #4
int main()
	string WORKDIR;
	fileHandle(WORKDIR);	std::ifstream objFileIn;
	//, std::ios::in);
	NameRefvol namevol;
	storeNameRefvol(WORKDIR , namevol);


	deformFunction(WORKDIR, namevol);

	return 1;
	bool OptimizationController::DisableOptimization()
		//wxFile iniFile(this->iniPath, wxFile::OpenMode::write);
		unique_handle fileHandle(CreateFile(iniPath, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0));
		if (*fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
			return false;
		DWORD written;
		wxScopedCharTypeBuffer<char> anciiString = IniFileContent.ToAscii();
		if (WriteFile(fileHandle.get(),, anciiString.length(), &written, nullptr))
			return true;
		return false;
CAudioContainerLookupTableSA::CAudioContainerLookupTableSA( const SString& strPath )
    std::ifstream fileHandle ( FromUTF8( strPath ), std::ios::binary );
    if ( !fileHandle )

    while (true)
        SAudioLookupEntrySA* entry = new SAudioLookupEntrySA;
        if ( ! ( reinterpret_cast<char*> ( entry ), sizeof ( SAudioLookupEntrySA ) ) )

        m_Entries[entry->index].push_back ( entry );

    fileHandle.close ();
Beispiel #7
std::string FileUtils::read_file(const std::string &fileName)
    std::string line;
    std::string file_contents;
    std::ifstream fileHandle (fileName.c_str());
    if (fileHandle.is_open())
        while ( getline (fileHandle,line) )
            file_contents += line;
        std::cout<<"There was an error loading the file "<<fileName<<std::endl;

    return file_contents;
Beispiel #8
bool DkUtils::moveToTrash(const QString& filePath) {

	QFileInfo fileInfo(filePath);

	if (!fileInfo.exists()) {
		qDebug() << "Sorry, I cannot delete a non-existing file: " << filePath;
		return false;

// code is based on:
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN

	std::wstring winPath = (fileInfo.isSymLink()) ? qStringToStdWString(fileInfo.symLinkTarget()) : qStringToStdWString(filePath);
	winPath.append(1, L'\0');	// path string must be double nul-terminated

	shfos.hwnd   = nullptr;		// handle to window that will own generated windows, if applicable
	shfos.wFunc  = FO_DELETE;
	shfos.pFrom  = winPath.c_str();
	shfos.pTo    = nullptr;		// not used for deletion operations
	shfos.fFlags = FOF_ALLOWUNDO | FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | FOF_NOERRORUI | FOF_SILENT; // use the recycle bin

	const int retVal = SHFileOperationW(&shfos);

	return retVal == 0;		// true if no error code

//#elif Q_OS_LINUX
//	bool TrashInitialized = false;
//	QString TrashPath;
//	QString TrashPathInfo;
//	QString TrashPathFiles;
//	if( !TrashInitialized ) {
//		QStringList paths;
//		const char* xdg_data_home = getenv( "XDG_DATA_HOME" );
//		if( xdg_data_home ){
//			qDebug() << "XDG_DATA_HOME not yet tested";
//			QString xdgTrash( xdg_data_home );
//			paths.append( xdgTrash + "/Trash" );
//		}
//		QString home = QStandardPaths::writableLocation( QStandardPaths::HomeLocation );
//		paths.append( home + "/.local/share/Trash" );
//		paths.append( home + "/.trash" );
//		foreach( QString path, paths ){
//			if( TrashPath.isEmpty() ){
//				QDir dir( path );
//				if( dir.exists() ){
//					TrashPath = path;
//				}
//			}
//		}
//		if (TrashPath.isEmpty())
//			return false;
//		TrashPathInfo = TrashPath + "/info";
//		TrashPathFiles = TrashPath + "/files";
//		if (!QDir(TrashPathInfo).exists() || !QDir(TrashPathFiles).exists())
//			return false;
//		TrashInitialized = true;
//	}
//	QString info;
//	info += "[Trash Info]\nPath=";
//	info += filePath;
//	info += "\nDeletionDate=";
//	info += QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.zzzZ");
//	info += "\n";
//	QString trashname = fileInfo.fileName();
//	QString infopath = TrashPathInfo + "/" + trashname + ".trashinfo";
//	QString trashPath = TrashPathFiles + "/" + trashname;
//	int nr = 1;
//	while( QFileInfo( infopath ).exists() || QFileInfo( trashPath ).exists() ){
//		nr++;
//		trashname = fileInfo.baseName() + "." + QString::number( nr );
//		if( !fileInfo.completeSuffix().isEmpty() ){
//			trashname += QString( "." ) + fileInfo.completeSuffix();
//		}
//		infopath = TrashPathInfo + "/" + trashname + ".trashinfo";
//		trashPath = TrashPathFiles + "/" + trashname;
//	}
//	QDir dir;
//	if( !dir.rename( filePath, trashPath )) {
//		return false;
//	}
//	File infofile;
//	infofile.createUtf8( infopath, info );
//	return true;
	QFile fileHandle(filePath);
	return fileHandle.remove();

	return false;	// should never be hit
khPresenceMask::khPresenceMask(const std::string &filename)
    : numLevels(0),
      beginLevel(MaxFusionLevel),  // opposites ends so we can
      endLevel(0) {                // load the real values
  uint64 fileSize;
  time_t mtime;
  if (!khGetFileInfo(filename, fileSize, mtime)) {
    throw khErrnoException(
        kh::tr("Unable to get file size for %1").arg(filename));

  // open the file, read & verify the header
  khReadFileCloser fileHandle(::open(filename.c_str(), O_RDONLY));
  if (fileHandle.fd() < 0) {
    throw khErrnoException(kh::tr("Unable to open %1").arg(filename));
  PresenceHeader header;
  if (!khReadAll(fileHandle.fd(), &header, sizeof(header))) {
    throw khErrnoException(kh::tr("Unable to read header %1").

  if (memcmp(header.magic, PresenceHeader::themagic,
             sizeof(header.magic)) != 0) {
    throw khException(kh::tr("Corrupted header (magic) %1").

  if (header.presenceFormatVersion == 1) {
    // nothing to do here
  } else {
    throw khException(kh::tr
                      ("Unsupported format version (%1) for %2").

#if 0
  printf("presenceFormatVersion = %d\n", header.presenceFormatVersion);
  printf("totalFileSize = %u\n", header.totalFileSize);
  printf("numLevels = %u\n", header.numLevels);

  // some sanity checks
  if (header.totalFileSize != fileSize) {
    throw khException(kh::tr("Corrupted header (file size) %1").
  if (header.numLevels > NumFusionLevels) {
    throw khException(kh::tr("Corrupted header (num levels) %1").

  // set my member now that I know what it shold be
  numLevels = header.numLevels;

  // mmap the entire index
  uchar *filebuf = static_cast<uchar*>(mmap(0, header.totalFileSize, PROT_READ,
                                            MAP_PRIVATE, fileHandle.fd(), 0));
  if (filebuf == MAP_FAILED) {
    throw khErrnoException(kh::tr("Unable to mmap %1").arg(filename));
  khMunmapGuard munmapGuard(filebuf, header.totalFileSize);

  PresenceLevelRecord *recs =
      reinterpret_cast<PresenceLevelRecord*>(filebuf + sizeof(PresenceHeader));
  for (uint i = 0; i < header.numLevels; ++i) {
    PresenceLevelRecord rec = recs[i];

#if 0
    printf("    ----- level %d -----\n", rec.levelNum);
    printf("    presenceBufferOffset = %u\n", rec.presenceBufferOffset);
    printf("    presenceBufferSize   = %u\n", rec.presenceBufferSize);
    printf("    startRow = %u\n", rec.startRow);
    printf("    startCol = %u\n", rec.startCol);
    printf("    numRows = %u\n", rec.numRows);
    printf("    numCols = %u\n", rec.numCols);

    // sanity check the index (in case it got corrupted)
    if (rec.levelNum >= NumFusionLevels) {
      throw khException
        (kh::tr("Corrupted level header (levelNum) %1: level %2").
    if (rec.presenceBufferSize !=
                                            rec.numCols)) {
      throw khException
        (kh::tr("Corrupted level header (size) %1: level %2").
    if (rec.presenceBufferOffset + rec.presenceBufferSize >
        header.totalFileSize) {
      throw khException
        (kh::tr("Corrupted level header (offset) %1: level %2").

    levels[rec.levelNum] =
          new khLevelPresenceMask
                             rec.startRow + rec.numRows,
                             rec.startCol + rec.numCols),
           filebuf + rec.presenceBufferOffset));

    if (rec.levelNum >= endLevel)
      endLevel = rec.levelNum+1;
    if (rec.levelNum < beginLevel)
      beginLevel = rec.levelNum;

  if (numLevels != endLevel - beginLevel) {
    throw khException
      (kh::tr("Corrupted header (min/max/num) %1").

  // munmapGuard's destructor will call munmap

  // fileHandle's destructor will take care of closing the file
Beispiel #10
// ============================================== //
// Load a mesh material from a file
t_error ResourceManager::LoadMeshMaterial (const char* filename, Mesh* mesh) {

	// load the mesh material file
	ifstream fileHandle( filename );
	if ( !fileHandle.is_open() ) {
		Log( str( format( "Error opening material file (%1%)" ) % filename ), LOG_ERROR );
		throw BadFileException(filename);

	// parse mtl file
	string buffer;
	while ( fileHandle.good() ) {
		getline( fileHandle, buffer );
		if ( buffer.empty() ) continue;
		// setup tokenizer
		CharSeparator tokenSeparator( " \t" );
		CharTokenizer tokens( buffer, tokenSeparator );
		CharTokenizer::iterator token = tokens.begin();
		CharTokenizer::iterator lastToken = tokens.end();

		// Log ( str( format( "buffer: %1%" ) % (buffer) ) );
		// Log ( str( format( "token: %1%" ) % (*token) ) );
		if ( (*token)[0] == '#' ) { continue; } // comment
		else if ( (*token) == "Ka" ) { // ambient colour
			float r = tokenToFloat(++token);
			float g = tokenToFloat(++token);
			float b = tokenToFloat(++token);
			Log( str( format( "Ka: %1%,%2%,%3%" ) % r % g % b ), LOG_DEBUG );
			mesh->color_ambient = fTriple( r, g, b );
		} else if ( (*token) == "Kd" ) { // diffuse colour
			float r = tokenToFloat(++token);
			float g = tokenToFloat(++token);
			float b = tokenToFloat(++token);
			Log( str( format( "Kd: %1%,%2%,%3%" ) % r % g % b ), LOG_DEBUG );
			mesh->color_diffuse = fTriple( r, g, b );
		} else if ( (*token) == "Ks" ) { // specular colour
			float r = tokenToFloat(++token);
			float g = tokenToFloat(++token);
			float b = tokenToFloat(++token);
			Log( str( format( "Ks: %1%,%2%,%3%" ) % r % g % b ), LOG_DEBUG );
			mesh->color_specular = fTriple( r, g, b );
		} else if ( (*token) == "map_Kd" ) { // texture

			// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
			// TODO: load texture in resource mgr; use a lookup table to find the gl id and point to that
			string texFilename = *(++token);
			mesh->loadTexture( texFilename.c_str(), MeshRenderData::MESH_RENDER_TEXTURE );
			// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

		} else if ( (*token) == "bump" ) { // bumpmap
			string texFilename = *(++token);
			mesh->loadTexture( texFilename.c_str(), MeshRenderData::MESH_RENDER_TEXBUMP );
		} else {
			Log ( str( format( "Unknown line: %1%" ) % buffer ) );

	return NO_ERROR;
Beispiel #11
// ============================================== //
// Load a mesh from a file
Entity* ResourceManager::LoadMesh (RenderGroup* renderer, const char* filename) {

	// load the mesh file
	ifstream fileHandle( filename );
	if ( !fileHandle.is_open() ) {
		Log( str( format( "Error opening mesh file (%1%)" ) % filename ), LOG_ERROR );
		throw BadFileException(filename);

	// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
	// TODO: store mesh elsewhere
	Mesh* mesh;
	if (renderer) {
		mesh = new Mesh(true);
		mesh->renderData->gl = renderer->program->programid;
		glGenTextures(2, mesh->renderData->textures);
	} else {
		mesh = new Mesh(false);
	// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

	// parse obj file
	string buffer;
	while ( fileHandle.good() ) {
		getline( fileHandle, buffer );
		if ( buffer.empty() ) continue;
		// setup tokenizer
		CharSeparator tokenSeparator( " \t" );
		CharTokenizer tokens( buffer, tokenSeparator );
		CharTokenizer::iterator token = tokens.begin();
		CharTokenizer::iterator lastToken = tokens.end();

		// Log ( str( format( "buffer: %1%" ) % (buffer) ) );
		// Log ( str( format( "token: %1%" ) % (*token) ) );
		if ( (*token)[0] == '#' ) { continue; } // comment
		else if ( (*token) == "v" ) { // vertex
			float x = tokenToFloat(++token);
			float y = tokenToFloat(++token);
			float z = tokenToFloat(++token);
			mesh->addVertex( x, y, z );
		} else if ( (*token) == "vn" ) { // vertex normal
			float x = tokenToFloat(++token);
			float y = tokenToFloat(++token);
			float z = tokenToFloat(++token);
			mesh->addVertexNormal( x, y, z );
		} else if ( *token == "vt" ) { // vertex texcoord
			float s = tokenToFloat(++token);
			float t = tokenToFloat(++token);
			mesh->addVertexTex( s, t );
		} else if ( *token == "f" ) { // face
			/* each face contains 3 or more vertices
			 * Vertex only format is:  v1 v2 v3 ... 
			 * Vertex/Texture format:  v1/vt1 v2/vt2 v3/vt3 ...
			 * Vertex/Tex/Norm format: v1/vt1/vn1 v2/vt2/vn2 v3/vt3/vn3 ...
			 * Vertex/Normal format:   v1//vn1 v2//vn2 v3//vn3 ...

			ushort point_index = 0; // this helps with auto-face texcoord deciding (in case no UV mapping is specified)
			short v_index, n_index, t_index;
			do {

				// setup sub-tokenizer (vert, norm, texcoord)
				v_index = -1, n_index = -1, t_index = -1; // NOTE: -1 means nonexistent; do NOT use ushort since 0 is a legal index
				CharTokenizer v_indices( (*token), CharSeparator("/ ","",boost::keep_empty_tokens) );
				CharTokenizer::iterator index = v_indices.begin();

				for (uchar tokenIndex=0; (index) != v_indices.end() && tokenIndex <= 2 ; ++tokenIndex, ++index ) {
					if ( (*index).empty() ) continue;
					switch (tokenIndex) {
						case 0: // Vertex Index
							// Log( str( format( "Face Index: %1%" ) % tokenToUShort( index ) ) );
							v_index = tokenToUShort( index ) - 1; break;
						case 1: // Texcoord Index
							// Log( str( format( "Tex Index: %1%" ) % tokenToUShort( index ) ) );
							t_index = tokenToUShort( index ) -1; break;
						case 2: // Norm Index
							// Log( str( format( "Norm Index: %1%" ) % tokenToUShort( index ) ) );
							n_index = tokenToUShort( index ) -1; break;

				// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
				// if no texcoord specified then create one
				// TODO: this assumes we're running quads, provide a NON-HARDCODED solution
				if ( t_index == -1 ) {
					if ( mesh->texcoords.empty() ) {

						float top = 0.0f, bottom = 1.0f; // TODO: test st coords for correct top/bottom
						mesh->texcoords.push_back( 1.0f ); // bottom right
						mesh->texcoords.push_back( bottom );

						mesh->texcoords.push_back( 1.0f ); // top right
						mesh->texcoords.push_back( top );

						mesh->texcoords.push_back( 0.0f ); // top left
						mesh->texcoords.push_back( top );

						mesh->texcoords.push_back( 0.0f ); // bottom left
						mesh->texcoords.push_back( bottom );


					t_index = point_index % 4;
				// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

				mesh->pushVertex( v_index, t_index, n_index );

			} while( (++token) != tokens.end() );
			if ( point_index == 3 ) {
				// tri-face; since we're expecting quads just overlap the 2 end points
				mesh->pushVertex( v_index, t_index, n_index );

		} else if ( *token == "mtllib" ) { // material file

			// TODO: test that this will work on Windows (\\ path end could return only \ which may break the mtl filename)
			ushort path_ending = string( filename ).find_last_of( "/\\" ) + 1; // works for /home/user/.. or c:\\programfiles\\..
			string mtlFilename = string( filename ).substr( 0, path_ending ).append( *(++token) );
			// load material file
			if ( LoadMeshMaterial( mtlFilename.c_str(), mesh ) & ERROR ) {
				Log( str( format( "Error opening material file (%1%)" ) % mtlFilename ), LOG_ERROR );
				throw BadFileException(mtlFilename);
			Log( str( format( "Loaded material file (%1%)" ) % mtlFilename ), LOG_INFO );

		} else {
			Log ( str( format( "Unknown line: %1%" ) % buffer ) );


	// finish the entity construction
	Entity* entity = new Entity();
	entity->mesh = mesh;
	if (renderer) renderer->entities.push_back(entity);

	return entity;
Beispiel #12
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	// we need the -schema <schema>, -input <json file or directory containing $(basename schema)*.json> and -pass <bool>
	QStringList arguments;
	std::string schema, input;
	bool pass = true;

	for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
		if (argv[i][0] == '-') {
			switch (argv[i][1]) {
				case 's':
					if (strcmp(argv[i], "-schema") == 0) {
						schema = argv[++i];
				case 'i':
					if (strcmp(argv[i], "-input") == 0) {
						input = argv[++i];
				case 'p':
					if (strcmp(argv[i], "-pass") == 0) {
						pass = strcmp(argv[++i], "0") != 0;
				case '-':
					if (strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0) {
						printUsage(stdout, 1, argc, argv);
		arguments += argv[i];

	raw_buffer schemaData;
	QFileInfo schemaFileInfo(QString::fromStdString(schema));
	FilePtr schemaFile(map(schemaFileInfo.absoluteFilePath(), schemaData));
	if (schemaFile.isNull())
		printUsage(stderr, 2, argc, argv);
	resolutionDir = schemaFileInfo.dir();
	qDebug() << "Looking for schemas in" << resolutionDir.absolutePath();

	QList<FilePtr> fileHandles;
	pjson::testc::Inputs jsonInput;

	QString inputQStr = QString::fromStdString(input);
	QFileInfo inputInfo(inputQStr);
	QDir inputsDir(inputInfo.dir());
	if (inputInfo.isDir()) {
		QStringList nameFilters;
		nameFilters += QFileInfo(QString::fromStdString(schema)).completeBaseName() + "*.json";
		QFileInfoList tests = inputsDir.entryInfoList(nameFilters, QDir::Files | QDir::Readable, QDir::Name);
		for (int i = 0; i < tests.size(); i++) {
			jsonInput.fileNames <<;
	} else {
		jsonInput.fileNames += inputQStr;

	for (int i = 0; i < jsonInput.fileNames.size(); i++) {
		raw_buffer fileData;
		FilePtr fileHandle(map(, fileData));
		if (fileHandle == NULL) {
			printUsage(stderr, 3, argc, argv);

		fileHandles += fileHandle;
		jsonInput.fileData += fileData;

	if (jsonInput.fileData.size() == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "No json inputs found to validate against in %s\n", input.c_str());
		printUsage(stderr, 4, argc, argv);

	Q_ASSERT(jsonInput.fileData.size() == jsonInput.fileNames.size());

	pjson::testc::TestSchema schemaTester(schemaData, jsonInput, pass);

	return QTest::qExec(&schemaTester, arguments);