Beispiel #1
 * open an existing project from a file.
static int
project_open( char *filename )
	Ewler_Project *p;

	p = project_copy();
	if( !p ) {
		ewler_error("project_open: out of memory!");
		return -1;

	active_project->filename = strdup(filename);
	active_project->files = ecore_hash_new(ecore_str_hash, ecore_str_compare);

	if( file_project_open(active_project) == 0 ) {
		active_project->dirty = false;
		active_project->ever_saved = true;
	} else {
		active_project = p;
		ewler_error("Unable to open project file: %s", active_project->filename);
		return -1;

	return 0;
Beispiel #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
//  debug_new::PrintTrace PrintingOn; // merely activates logging of new/delete

    //print arguments
    std::cout << "Argument list with "<<argc<<" arguments\n";
    for (int i=0; i<argc; i++)
        std::cout << argv[i] <<"\n";
    //first argument is the filename of this program containing the current working directory
    //second argument is *.mod filename which needs to be opened at startup


    QApplication a( argc, argv );
    //a.QApplication::setGraphicsSystem("raster"); //important to fix a bug in QT with scaling of pen sizes

    //QTranslator tor( 0 );

    // set the location where your .qm files are in load() below as the last parameter instead of "."
    // for development, use "/" to use the english original as
    // .qm files are stored in the base project directory.

    //tor.load( QString("eelsmodel.") + QTextCodec::locale(), "." );

    //  a.installTranslator( &tor );
    /* uncomment the following line, if you want a Windows 95 look*/

    //create menu, toolbar and init the workspace
    MenuEelsmodel* mymainwindow=new MenuEelsmodel();
    //store the workspace
    //init the eelsmodel class
    Eelsmodel* myeelsmodel=new Eelsmodel(global_workspaceptr,"version 4.1");
    //and store a global pointer

    //show the window
    //a.setMainWidget( mymainwindow );

    //make connections between menu and eelsmodel program
    QObject::connect(mymainwindow, SIGNAL(file_new()),myeelsmodel, SLOT(newspectrum()) );
    QObject::connect(mymainwindow, SIGNAL(model_componentmaintenance()),myeelsmodel, SLOT(componentmaintenance()) );
    QObject::connect(mymainwindow, SIGNAL(model_newmodel()),myeelsmodel, SLOT(newmodel()) );
    QObject::connect(mymainwindow, SIGNAL(model_detector()),myeelsmodel, SLOT(slot_model_detector()) );

    QObject::connect(mymainwindow, SIGNAL(file_open_msa()),myeelsmodel, SLOT(openmsa()) );
    QObject::connect(mymainwindow, SIGNAL(file_open_DM()),myeelsmodel, SLOT(openDM()) );

    QObject::connect(mymainwindow, SIGNAL(model_iterativefit()),myeelsmodel, SLOT(iterativefit()) );
    QObject::connect(mymainwindow, SIGNAL(edit_undoselection()),myeelsmodel, SLOT(undoselection()) );
    QObject::connect(mymainwindow, SIGNAL(edit_exclude()),myeelsmodel, SLOT(exclude()) );
    QObject::connect(mymainwindow, SIGNAL(edit_resetexclude()),myeelsmodel, SLOT(resetexclude()) );

    QObject::connect(mymainwindow, SIGNAL(file_project_open()),myeelsmodel, SLOT(slot_open_project()) );
    QObject::connect(mymainwindow, SIGNAL(file_project_save()),myeelsmodel, SLOT(slot_save_project()) );
    QObject::connect(mymainwindow, SIGNAL(file_model_save()),myeelsmodel, SLOT(slot_save_model()) );
    QObject::connect(mymainwindow, SIGNAL(file_report_save()),myeelsmodel, SLOT((slot_save_report())) );
    QObject::connect(mymainwindow, SIGNAL(file_save_as()),myeelsmodel, SLOT(slot_save_as()) );
    QObject::connect(myeelsmodel, SIGNAL(enablemodel(bool)),mymainwindow, SLOT(slot_enable_model(bool)));

    Hello myhello;
    //=new Hello();
    //(void*) myhello;//supress unused warning
    if (argc>1) {
        //get a *.mod file from the arguments
        std::string arg1=argv[0]; //contains program directory+program name
        std::string arg2=argv[1]; //contains argument ideally a *.mod filename to open

    const int result=a.exec();
    //delete the pointers we have
    //if (myhello!=0) delete(myhello); //the hello window is deleted by itself when pressing done

    //if (mymainwindow!=0) delete(mymainwindow);
    //if (myeelsmodel!=0) delete(myeelsmodel);

    return result;