Beispiel #1
int mod_main (flux_t *h, int argc, char **argv)
    ctx_t *ctx = getctx (h);
    uint32_t rank;
    flux_msg_handler_t **handlers = NULL;
    int rc = -1;

    if (flux_get_rank (h, &rank) < 0)
        return -1;
    if (rank != 0) {
        flux_log (h, LOG_ERR, "this module must only run on rank 0");
        return -1;
    flux_log (h, LOG_INFO, "module starting");

    if (flux_event_subscribe (h, "sim.start") < 0) {
        flux_log (h, LOG_ERR, "subscribing to event: %s", strerror (errno));
        return -1;
    if (flux_msg_handler_addvec (h, htab, ctx, &handlers) < 0) {
        flux_log (h, LOG_ERR, "flux_msg_handler_add: %s", strerror (errno));
        return -1;

    send_alive_request (h, module_name);

    if (flux_reactor_run (flux_get_reactor (h), 0) < 0) {
        flux_log (h, LOG_ERR, "flux_reactor_run: %s", strerror (errno));
        goto done_delvec;
    rc = 0;
    flux_msg_handler_delvec (handlers);
    return rc;
Beispiel #2
static ctx_t *getctx (flux_t h)
    int saved_errno;
    ctx_t *ctx = (ctx_t *)flux_aux_get (h, "req");

    if (!ctx) {
        ctx = xzmalloc (sizeof (*ctx));
        ctx->h = h;
        ctx->ping_requests = zhash_new ();
        ctx->clog_requests = zlist_new ();
        if (!ctx->clog_requests || !ctx->ping_requests) {
            saved_errno = ENOMEM;
            goto error; 
        if (flux_get_rank (h, &ctx->rank) < 0) {
            saved_errno = errno;
            goto error;
        flux_aux_set (h, "req", ctx, freectx);
    return ctx;
    freectx (ctx);
    errno = saved_errno;
    return NULL;
Beispiel #3
int heartbeat_start (heartbeat_t *hb)
    uint32_t rank;
    struct flux_match match = FLUX_MATCH_EVENT;

    if (!hb->h) {
        errno = EINVAL;
        return -1;
    if (flux_get_rank (hb->h, &rank) < 0)
        return -1;
    if (rank == 0) {
        flux_reactor_t *r = flux_get_reactor (hb->h);
        flux_reactor_now_update (r);
        if (!(hb->timer = flux_timer_watcher_create (r, hb->rate, hb->rate,
                                                     timer_cb, hb)))
            return -1;
        flux_watcher_start (hb->timer);
    match.topic_glob = "hb";
    if (!(hb->mh = flux_msg_handler_create (hb->h, match, event_cb, hb)))
        return -1;
    flux_msg_handler_start (hb->mh);
    return 0;
Beispiel #4
static int rpc_request_send (flux_rpc_t *rpc, int n, const char *topic,
                             const char *json_str, uint32_t nodeid)
    flux_msg_t *msg;
    int flags = 0;
    int rc = -1;

    if (!(msg = flux_request_encode (topic, json_str)))
        goto done;
    if (flux_msg_set_matchtag (msg, rpc->m.matchtag + n) < 0)
        goto done;
    if (nodeid == FLUX_NODEID_UPSTREAM) {
        flags |= FLUX_MSGFLAG_UPSTREAM;
        if (flux_get_rank (rpc->h, &nodeid) < 0)
            goto done;
    if (flux_msg_set_nodeid (msg, nodeid, flags) < 0)
        goto done;
    if (flux_send (rpc->h, msg, 0) < 0)
        goto done;
    rc = 0;
    if (msg)
        flux_msg_destroy (msg);
    return rc;
Beispiel #5
bool flux_treeroot (flux_t h)
    uint32_t rank;
    if (flux_get_rank (h, &rank) == 0 && rank == 0)
        return true;
    return false;
Beispiel #6
int hello_start (hello_t *hello)
    int rc = -1;
    uint32_t rank;

    if (flux_get_rank (hello->h, &rank) < 0)
        goto done;
    if (rank == 0) {
        monotime (&hello->start);
        if (!(hello->timer = flux_timer_watcher_create (hello->reactor,
                                                        timer_cb, hello)))
            goto done;
        flux_watcher_start (hello->timer);
        if (hello_add_rank (hello, 0) < 0)
            goto done;
    } else {
        if (hello_sendmsg (hello, rank) < 0)
            goto done;
    rc = 0;
    return rc;
Beispiel #7
int mod_main (flux_t *h, int argc, char **argv)
    int saved_errno;
    flux_msg_handler_t **handlers = NULL;

    if (argc == 1 && !strcmp (argv[0], "--init-failure")) {
        flux_log (h, LOG_INFO, "aborting during init per test request");
        errno = EIO;
        goto error;
    if (!(modules = zhash_new ())) {
        errno = ENOMEM;
        goto error;
    if (flux_get_rank (h, &rank) < 0)
        goto error;
    if (flux_msg_handler_addvec (h, htab, NULL, &handlers) < 0)
        goto error;
    if (flux_reactor_run (flux_get_reactor (h), 0) < 0) {
        flux_log_error (h, "flux_reactor_run");
        goto error;
    zhash_destroy (&modules);
    return 0;
    saved_errno = errno;
    flux_msg_handler_delvec (handlers);
    zhash_destroy (&modules);
    errno = saved_errno;
    return -1;
Beispiel #8
static ctx_t *getctx (flux_t *h)
    ctx_t *ctx = (ctx_t *)flux_aux_get (h, "flux::barrier");

    if (!ctx) {
        ctx = xzmalloc (sizeof (*ctx));
        if (!(ctx->barriers = zhash_new ())) {
            errno = ENOMEM;
            goto error;
        if (flux_get_rank (h, &ctx->rank) < 0) {
            flux_log_error (h, "flux_get_rank");
            goto error;
        if (!(ctx->timer = flux_timer_watcher_create (flux_get_reactor (h),
                       barrier_reduction_timeout_sec, 0., timeout_cb, ctx) )) {
            flux_log_error (h, "flux_timer_watacher_create");
            goto error;
        ctx->h = h;
        flux_aux_set (h, "flux::barrier", ctx, freectx);
    return ctx;
    freectx (ctx);
    return NULL;
Beispiel #9
int flux_info (flux_t h, uint32_t *rank, uint32_t *size, int *arity)
    if (rank && flux_get_rank (h, rank) < 0)
        return -1;
    if (size && flux_get_size (h, size) < 0)
        return -1;
    if (arity && flux_get_arity (h, arity) < 0)
        return -1;
    return 0;
Beispiel #10
void *thread (void *arg)
    thd_t *t = arg;
    char *key, *fence_name = NULL;
    int i, flags = 0;
    struct timespec t0;
    uint32_t rank;
    flux_future_t *f;
    flux_kvs_txn_t *txn;

    if (!(t->h = flux_open (NULL, 0))) {
        log_err ("%d: flux_open", t->n);
        goto done;
    if (flux_get_rank (t->h, &rank) < 0) {
        log_err ("%d: flux_get_rank", t->n);
        goto done;
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        if (!(txn = flux_kvs_txn_create ()))
            log_err_exit ("flux_kvs_txn_create");
        key = xasprintf ("%s.%"PRIu32".%d.%d", prefix, rank, t->n, i);
        if (fopt)
            fence_name = xasprintf ("%s-%d", prefix, i);
        if (sopt)
            monotime (&t0);
        if (flux_kvs_txn_pack (txn, 0, key, "i", 42) < 0)
            log_err_exit ("%s", key);
        if (nopt && (i % nopt_divisor) == 0)
            flags |= FLUX_KVS_NO_MERGE;
            flags = 0;
        if (fopt) {
            if (!(f = flux_kvs_fence (t->h, flags, fence_name,
                                                   fence_nprocs, txn))
                    || flux_future_get (f, NULL) < 0)
                log_err_exit ("flux_kvs_fence");
            flux_future_destroy (f);
        } else {
            if (!(f = flux_kvs_commit (t->h, flags, txn))
                    || flux_future_get (f, NULL) < 0)
                log_err_exit ("flux_kvs_commit");
            flux_future_destroy (f);
        if (sopt && zlist_append (t->perf, ddup (monotime_since (t0))) < 0)
            oom ();
        free (key);
        free (fence_name);
        flux_kvs_txn_destroy (txn);
    if (t->h)
        flux_close (t->h);
    return NULL;
Beispiel #11
int flux_rank (flux_t h)
    uint32_t rank;
    if (flux_get_rank (h, &rank) < 0)
        return -1;
    if (rank >= INT_MAX) {
        errno = ERANGE;
        return -1;
    return rank;
Beispiel #12
int mod_main (flux_t *h, int argc, char **argv)
    zhash_t *args = zhash_fromargv (argc, argv);
    ctx_t *ctx;
    char *eoc_str;
    bool exit_on_complete;
    uint32_t rank;

    if (flux_get_rank (h, &rank) < 0)
        return -1;

    if (rank != 0) {
        flux_log (h, LOG_ERR, "sim module must only run on rank 0");
        return -1;

    flux_log (h, LOG_INFO, "sim comms module starting");

    if (!(eoc_str = zhash_lookup (args, "exit-on-complete"))) {
        flux_log (h,
                  "exit-on-complete argument is not set, defaulting to false");
        exit_on_complete = false;
    } else {
        exit_on_complete =
            (!strcmp (eoc_str, "true") || !strcmp (eoc_str, "True"));
    ctx = getctx (h, exit_on_complete);

    if (flux_event_subscribe (h, "rdl.update") < 0) {
        flux_log (h, LOG_ERR, "subscribing to event: %s", strerror (errno));
        return -1;

    if (flux_msg_handler_addvec (h, htab, ctx) < 0) {
        flux_log (h, LOG_ERR, "flux_msg_handler_add: %s", strerror (errno));
        return -1;

    if (send_start_event (h) < 0) {
        flux_log (h, LOG_ERR, "sim failed to send start event");
        return -1;
    flux_log (h, LOG_DEBUG, "sim sent start event");

    if (flux_reactor_run (flux_get_reactor (h), 0) < 0) {
        flux_log (h, LOG_ERR, "flux_reactor_run: %s", strerror (errno));
        return -1;
    return 0;
Beispiel #13
static ctx_t *getctx (flux_t h)
    ctx_t *ctx = (ctx_t *)flux_aux_get (h, "barriersrv");

    if (!ctx) {
        ctx = xzmalloc (sizeof (*ctx));
        if (!(ctx->barriers = zhash_new ()))
            oom ();
        if (flux_get_rank (h, &ctx->rank) < 0)
            err_exit ("flux_get_rank");
        ctx->h = h;
        flux_aux_set (h, "barriersrv", ctx, freectx);

    return ctx;
Beispiel #14
void shutdown_set_handle (shutdown_t *s, flux_t h)
    struct flux_match match = FLUX_MATCH_EVENT;

    s->h = h;

    match.topic_glob = "shutdown";
    if (!(s->shutdown = flux_msg_handler_create (s->h, match,
                                                 shutdown_handler, s)))
        log_err_exit ("flux_msg_handler_create");
    flux_msg_handler_start (s->shutdown);
    if (flux_event_subscribe (s->h, "shutdown") < 0)
        log_err_exit ("flux_event_subscribe");

    if (flux_get_rank (s->h, &s->myrank) < 0)
        log_err_exit ("flux_get_rank");
Beispiel #15
static ns_t *ns_guess (flux_t h)
    ns_t *ns = xzmalloc (sizeof (*ns));
    uint32_t size, rank;

    if (flux_get_rank (h, &rank) < 0)
        log_err_exit ("flux_get_rank");
    if (flux_get_size (h, &size) < 0)
        log_err_exit ("flux_get_size");
    ns->ok = nodeset_create ();
    ns->slow = nodeset_create ();
    ns->fail = nodeset_create ();
    ns->unknown = nodeset_create ();
    if (!ns->ok || !ns->slow || !ns->fail || !ns->unknown)
        oom ();
    nodeset_add_range (ns->ok, rank, size - 1);
    return ns;
Beispiel #16
void flux_vlog (flux_t *h, int level, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
    logctx_t *ctx = getctx (h);
    int saved_errno = errno;
    uint32_t rank;
    flux_rpc_t *rpc = NULL;
    int n, len;
    char timestamp[WALLCLOCK_MAXLEN];
    char hostname[STDLOG_MAX_HOSTNAME + 1];
    struct stdlog_header hdr;

    stdlog_init (&hdr);
    hdr.pri = STDLOG_PRI (level, LOG_USER);
    if (wallclock_get_zulu (timestamp, sizeof (timestamp)) >= 0)
        hdr.timestamp = timestamp;
    if (flux_get_rank (h, &rank) == 0) {
        snprintf (hostname, sizeof (hostname), "%" PRIu32, rank);
        hdr.hostname = hostname;
    hdr.appname = ctx->appname;
    hdr.procid = ctx->procid;

    len = stdlog_encode (ctx->buf, sizeof (ctx->buf), &hdr,
                         STDLOG_NILVALUE, "");
    assert (len < sizeof (ctx->buf));

    n = vsnprintf (ctx->buf + len, sizeof (ctx->buf) - len, fmt, ap);
    if (n > sizeof (ctx->buf) - len) /* ignore truncation of message */
        n = sizeof (ctx->buf) - len;
    len += n;

    if (ctx->cb) {
        ctx->cb (ctx->buf, len, ctx->cb_arg);
    } else {
        if (!(rpc = flux_rpc_raw (h, "cmb.log", ctx->buf, len,
                                  FLUX_NODEID_ANY, FLUX_RPC_NORESPONSE)))
            goto done;
    flux_rpc_destroy (rpc);
    errno = saved_errno;
Beispiel #17
// Send out a call to all modules that the simulation is starting
// and that they should join
int send_start_event (flux_t *h)
    int rc = 0;
    flux_msg_t *msg = NULL;
    uint32_t rank;

    if (flux_get_rank (h, &rank) < 0)
        return -1;

    if (!(msg = flux_event_pack ("sim.start", "{ s:s s:i s:i }",
                                    "mod_name", "sim",
                                    "rank", rank,
                                    "sim_time", 0))
        || flux_send (h, msg, 0) < 0) {
        rc = -1;

    flux_msg_destroy (msg);
    return rc;
Beispiel #18
int main (int argc, char **argv)
    flux_t h;
    uint32_t rank, n;
    int k;

    if (!(h = flux_open (NULL, 0)))
        err_exit ("flux_open");
    if (flux_get_rank (h, &rank) < 0)
        err_exit ("flux_get_rank");
    if (flux_get_size (h, &n) < 0)
        err_exit ("flux_get_size");
    if (flux_get_arity (h, &k) < 0)
        err_exit ("flux_get_arity");
    printf ("height of %d-ary tree of size %" PRIu32 ": %d\n",
            k, n, tree_height (n, k));
    printf ("height of %d-ary at rank %" PRIu32 ": %d\n",
            k, rank, tree_height (rank + 1, k));
    flux_close (h);
    return (0);
Beispiel #19
static void ping_request_cb (flux_t *h, flux_msg_handler_t *mh,
                             const flux_msg_t *msg, void *arg)
    const char *json_str;
    char *route_str = NULL;
    char *full_route_str = NULL;
    char *resp_str = NULL;
    uint32_t rank, userid, rolemask;

    if (flux_request_decode (msg, NULL, &json_str) < 0)
        goto error;
    if (flux_msg_get_rolemask (msg, &rolemask) < 0)
        goto error;
    if (flux_msg_get_userid (msg, &userid) < 0)
        goto error;
    if (!(route_str = flux_msg_get_route_string (msg)))
        goto error;
    if (flux_get_rank (h, &rank) < 0)
        goto error;
    if (asprintf (&full_route_str, "%s!%u", route_str, rank) < 0) {
        errno = ENOMEM;
        goto error;
    if (!(resp_str = make_json_response_payload (json_str, full_route_str,
                                                 userid, rolemask))) {
        goto error;
    if (flux_respond (h, msg, resp_str) < 0)
        flux_log_error (h, "%s: flux_respond", __FUNCTION__);
    free (route_str);
    free (full_route_str);
    free (resp_str);
    if (flux_respond_error (h, msg, errno, NULL) < 0)
        flux_log_error (h, "%s: flux_respond_error", __FUNCTION__);
    free (route_str);
    free (full_route_str);
    free (resp_str);
Beispiel #20
static int rpc_request_prepare (flux_rpc_t *rpc, flux_msg_t *msg,
                                uint32_t nodeid)
    int flags = 0;
    int rc = -1;
    uint32_t matchtag = rpc->m.matchtag & ~FLUX_MATCHTAG_GROUP_MASK;
    uint32_t matchgrp = rpc->m.matchtag & FLUX_MATCHTAG_GROUP_MASK;

    /* So that flux_rpc_get_nodeid() can get nodeid from a response:
     * For group rpc, use the lower matchtag bits to stash the nodeid
     * in the request, and it will come back in the response.
     * For singleton rpc, stash destination nodeid in rpc->nodeid.
     * TODO-scalability: If nodeids exceed 1<<20, we may need to use a seq#
     * in lower matchtag bits and stash a mapping array inthe rpc object.
    if (matchgrp > 0) {
        if ((nodeid & FLUX_MATCHTAG_GROUP_MASK) != 0) {
            errno = ERANGE;
            goto done;
        matchtag = matchgrp | nodeid;
    } else
        rpc->nodeid = nodeid;
    if (flux_msg_set_matchtag (msg, matchtag) < 0)
        goto done;
    if (nodeid == FLUX_NODEID_UPSTREAM) {
        flags |= FLUX_MSGFLAG_UPSTREAM;
        if (flux_get_rank (rpc->h, &nodeid) < 0)
            goto done;
    if (flux_msg_set_nodeid (msg, nodeid, flags) < 0)
        goto done;
    rc = 0;
    return rc;
Beispiel #21
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int ch;
    bool copt = false;
    bool aopt = false;
    char *key = NULL;
    int blocksize = 4096;
    int kzoutflags = KZ_FLAGS_WRITE;
    flux_t *h;
    uint32_t rank;
    bool rawtty = false;

    log_init ("kzutil");

    while ((ch = getopt_long (argc, argv, OPTIONS, longopts, NULL)) != -1) {
        switch (ch) {
            case 'a': /* --attach NAME */
                aopt = true;
                key = xstrdup (optarg);
            case 'c': /* --copy */
                copt = true;
            case 'k': /* --key NAME */
                key = xstrdup (optarg);
            case 'r': /* --raw-tty */
                rawtty = true;
            case 't': /* --trunc */
                kzoutflags |= KZ_FLAGS_TRUNC;
            case 'd': /* --delay-commit */
                kzoutflags |= KZ_FLAGS_DELAYCOMMIT;
            case 'b': /* --blocksize bytes */
                blocksize = strtoul (optarg, NULL, 10);
            default:  /* --help|? */
                usage ();
    argc -= optind;
    argv += optind;
    if (!aopt && !copt)
        usage ();
    if (copt) {
        if (argc != 2)
            usage ();
    } else {
        if (argc != 0)
            usage ();

    if (!(h = flux_open (NULL, 0)))
        log_err_exit ("flux_open");
    if (flux_get_rank (h, &rank) < 0)
        log_err_exit ("flux_get_rank");

    if (aopt) {
        attach (h, key, rawtty, kzoutflags, blocksize);
    } else if (copt) {
        copy (h, argv[0], argv[1], kzoutflags, blocksize);

    flux_close (h);

    free (key);
    log_fini ();
    return 0;
Beispiel #22
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    flux_t h;
    int ch;
    uint32_t rank = FLUX_NODEID_ANY; /* local */
    char *cmd;
    int e;

    log_init ("flux-comms");

    while ((ch = getopt_long (argc, argv, OPTIONS, longopts, NULL)) != -1) {
        switch (ch) {
            case 'h': /* --help */
                usage ();
            case 'r': /* --rank N */
                rank = strtoul (optarg, NULL, 10);
                usage ();
    if (optind == argc)
        usage ();
    cmd = argv[optind++];
    if (rank != FLUX_NODEID_ANY
            && (!strcmp (cmd, "recover-all") || !strcmp (cmd, "info")))
        usage ();

    if (!(h = flux_open (NULL, 0)))
        log_err_exit ("flux_open");

    if (!strcmp (cmd, "reparent")) {
        if (optind != argc - 1)
            usage ();
        if (flux_reparent (h, rank, argv[optind]) < 0)
            log_err_exit ("flux_reparent");
    } else if (!strcmp (cmd, "idle")) {
        if (optind != argc)
            usage ();
        char *peers;
        if (!(peers = flux_lspeer (h, rank)))
            log_err_exit ("flux_peer");
        printf ("%s\n", peers);
        free (peers);
    } else if (!strcmp (cmd, "panic")) {
        char *msg = NULL;
        size_t len = 0;
        if (optind < argc) {
            if ((e = argz_create (argv + optind, &msg, &len)) != 0)
                log_errn_exit (e, "argz_create");
            argz_stringify (msg, len, ' ');
        flux_panic (h, rank, msg);
        if (msg)
            free (msg);
    } else if (!strcmp (cmd, "failover")) {
        if (optind != argc)
            usage ();
        if (flux_failover (h, rank) < 0)
            log_err_exit ("flux_failover");
    } else if (!strcmp (cmd, "recover")) {
        if (optind != argc)
            usage ();
        if (flux_recover (h, rank) < 0)
            log_err_exit ("flux_recover");
    } else if (!strcmp (cmd, "recover-all")) {
        if (optind != argc)
            usage ();
        if (flux_recover_all (h) < 0)
            log_err_exit ("flux_recover_all");
    } else if (!strcmp (cmd, "info")) {
        int arity;
        uint32_t rank, size;
        const char *s;
        if (flux_get_rank (h, &rank) < 0 || flux_get_size (h, &size) < 0)
            log_err_exit ("flux_get_rank/size");
        if (!(s = flux_attr_get (h, "tbon.arity", NULL)))
            log_err_exit ("flux_attr_get tbon.arity");
        arity = strtoul (s, NULL, 10);
        printf ("rank=%d\n", rank);
        printf ("size=%d\n", size);
        printf ("arity=%d\n", arity);
    } else
        usage ();

    flux_close (h);
    log_fini ();
    return 0;