fsg_model_add_alt(fsg_model_t * fsg, char const *baseword,
                  char const *altword)
    int i, basewid, altwid;
    int ntrans;

    /* FIXME: This will get slow, eventually... */
    for (basewid = 0; basewid < fsg->n_word; ++basewid)
        if (0 == strcmp(fsg->vocab[basewid], baseword))
    if (basewid == fsg->n_word) {
        E_ERROR("Base word %s not present in FSG vocabulary!\n", baseword);
        return -1;
    altwid = fsg_model_word_add(fsg, altword);
    if (fsg->altwords == NULL)
        fsg->altwords = bitvec_alloc(fsg->n_word_alloc);
    bitvec_set(fsg->altwords, altwid);
    if (fsg_model_is_filler(fsg, basewid)) {
         if (fsg->silwords == NULL)
	      fsg->silwords = bitvec_alloc(fsg->n_word_alloc);
         bitvec_set(fsg->silwords, altwid);

    E_DEBUG(2, ("Adding alternate word transitions (%s,%s) to FSG\n",
                baseword, altword));

    /* Look for all transitions involving baseword and duplicate them. */
    /* FIXME: This will also get slow, eventually... */
    ntrans = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < fsg->n_state; ++i) {
        hash_iter_t *itor;
        if (fsg->trans[i].trans == NULL)
        for (itor = hash_table_iter(fsg->trans[i].trans); itor;
             itor = hash_table_iter_next(itor)) {
            glist_t trans;
            gnode_t *gn;

            trans = hash_entry_val(itor->ent);
            for (gn = trans; gn; gn = gnode_next(gn)) {
                fsg_link_t *fl = gnode_ptr(gn);
                if (fl->wid == basewid) {
                    fsg_link_t *link;

                    /* Create transition object */
                    link = listelem_malloc(fsg->link_alloc);
                    link->from_state = fl->from_state;
                    link->to_state = fl->to_state;
                    link->logs2prob = fl->logs2prob;    /* FIXME!!!??? */
                    link->wid = altwid;

                    trans = glist_add_ptr(trans, (void *) link);
            hash_entry_val(itor->ent) = trans;

    E_DEBUG(2, ("Added %d alternate word transitions\n", ntrans));
    return ntrans;
Beispiel #2
 * Compute the left and right context CIphone sets for each state.
static void
fsg_lextree_lc_rc(fsg_lextree_t *lextree)
    int32 s, i, j;
    int32 n_ci;
    fsg_model_t *fsg;
    int32 silcipid;
    int32 len;

    silcipid = bin_mdef_silphone(lextree->mdef);
    assert(silcipid >= 0);
    n_ci = bin_mdef_n_ciphone(lextree->mdef);

    fsg = lextree->fsg;
     * lextree->lc[s] = set of left context CIphones for state s.  Similarly, rc[s]
     * for right context CIphones.
    lextree->lc = ckd_calloc_2d(fsg->n_state, n_ci + 1, sizeof(**lextree->lc));
    lextree->rc = ckd_calloc_2d(fsg->n_state, n_ci + 1, sizeof(**lextree->rc));
    E_INFO("Allocated %d bytes (%d KiB) for left and right context phones\n",
           fsg->n_state * (n_ci + 1) * 2,
           fsg->n_state * (n_ci + 1) * 2 / 1024);

    for (s = 0; s < fsg->n_state; s++) {
        fsg_arciter_t *itor;
        for (itor = fsg_model_arcs(fsg, s); itor; itor = fsg_arciter_next(itor)) {
            fsg_link_t *l = fsg_arciter_get(itor);
            int32 dictwid; /**< Dictionary (not FSG) word ID!! */

            if (fsg_link_wid(l) >= 0) {
                dictwid = dict_wordid(lextree->dict,
                                      fsg_model_word_str(lextree->fsg, l->wid));

                 * Add the first CIphone of l->wid to the rclist of state s, and
                 * the last CIphone to lclist of state d.
                 * (Filler phones are a pain to deal with.  There is no direct
                 * marking of a filler phone; but only filler words are supposed to
                 * use such phones, so we use that fact.  HACK!!  FRAGILE!!)
                if (fsg_model_is_filler(fsg, fsg_link_wid(l))) {
                    /* Filler phone; use silence phone as context */
                    lextree->rc[fsg_link_from_state(l)][silcipid] = 1;
                    lextree->lc[fsg_link_to_state(l)][silcipid] = 1;
                else {
                    len = dict_pronlen(lextree->dict, dictwid);
                    lextree->rc[fsg_link_from_state(l)][dict_pron(lextree->dict, dictwid, 0)] = 1;
                    lextree->lc[fsg_link_to_state(l)][dict_pron(lextree->dict, dictwid, len - 1)] = 1;

    for (s = 0; s < fsg->n_state; s++) {
         * Add SIL phone to the lclist and rclist of each state.  Strictly
         * speaking, only needed at start and final states, respectively, but
         * all states considered since the user may change the start and final
         * states.  In any case, most applications would have a silence self
         * loop at each state, hence these would be needed anyway.
        lextree->lc[s][silcipid] = 1;
        lextree->rc[s][silcipid] = 1;

     * Propagate lc and rc lists past null transitions.  (Since FSG contains
     * null transitions closure, no need to worry about a chain of successive
     * null transitions.  Right??)
     * This can't be joined with the previous loop because we first calculate 
     * contexts and only then we can propagate them.
    for (s = 0; s < fsg->n_state; s++) {
        fsg_arciter_t *itor;
        for (itor = fsg_model_arcs(fsg, s); itor; itor = fsg_arciter_next(itor)) {
            fsg_link_t *l = fsg_arciter_get(itor);
            if (fsg_link_wid(l) < 0) {

                 * lclist(d) |= lclist(s), because all the words ending up at s, can
                 * now also end at d, becoming the left context for words leaving d.
                for (i = 0; i < n_ci; i++)
                    lextree->lc[fsg_link_to_state(l)][i] |= lextree->lc[fsg_link_from_state(l)][i];
                 * Similarly, rclist(s) |= rclist(d), because all the words leaving d
                 * can equivalently leave s, becoming the right context for words
                 * ending up at s.
                for (i = 0; i < n_ci; i++)
                    lextree->rc[fsg_link_from_state(l)][i] |= lextree->rc[fsg_link_to_state(l)][i];

    /* Convert the bit-vector representation into a list */
    for (s = 0; s < fsg->n_state; s++) {
        j = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < n_ci; i++) {
            if (lextree->lc[s][i]) {
                lextree->lc[s][j] = i;
        lextree->lc[s][j] = -1;     /* Terminate the list */

        j = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < n_ci; i++) {
            if (lextree->rc[s][i]) {
                lextree->rc[s][j] = i;
        lextree->rc[s][j] = -1;     /* Terminate the list */