void GstEnginePipeline::SourceSetupCallback(GstURIDecodeBin* bin,
                                            GParamSpec* pspec, gpointer self) {
  GstEnginePipeline* instance = reinterpret_cast<GstEnginePipeline*>(self);
  GstElement* element;
  g_object_get(bin, "source", &element, nullptr);
  if (!element) {

  if (g_object_class_find_property(G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(element), "device") &&
      !instance->source_device().isEmpty()) {
    // Gstreamer is not able to handle device in URL (refering to Gstreamer
    // documentation, this might be added in the future). Despite that, for now
    // we include device inside URL: we decompose it during Init and set device
    // here, when this callback is called.
    g_object_set(element, "device",
                 instance->source_device().toLocal8Bit().constData(), nullptr);
  if (g_object_class_find_property(G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(element),
                                   "extra-headers") &&
      instance->url().host().contains("amazonaws.com")) {
    GstStructure* headers =
        gst_structure_new("extra-headers", "Authorization", G_TYPE_STRING,
                          instance->url().fragment().toAscii().data(), nullptr);
    g_object_set(element, "extra-headers", headers, nullptr);

  if (g_object_class_find_property(G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(element), "user-agent")) {
    QString user_agent =
        QString("%1 %2").arg(QCoreApplication::applicationName(),
    g_object_set(element, "user-agent", user_agent.toUtf8().constData(),

#ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN
    g_object_set(element, "tls-database", instance->engine_->tls_database(),
    g_object_set(element, "ssl-use-system-ca-file", false, nullptr);
    g_object_set(element, "ssl-strict", TRUE, nullptr);
Beispiel #2
static void
g_binding_constructed (GObject *gobject)
  GBinding *binding = G_BINDING (gobject);

  /* assert that we were constructed correctly */
  g_assert (binding->source != NULL);
  g_assert (binding->target != NULL);
  g_assert (binding->source_property != NULL);
  g_assert (binding->target_property != NULL);

  /* we assume a check was performed prior to construction - since
   * g_object_bind_property_full() does it; we cannot fail construction
   * anyway, so it would be hard for use to properly warn here
  binding->source_pspec = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (binding->source), binding->source_property);
  binding->target_pspec = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (binding->target), binding->target_property);
  g_assert (binding->source_pspec != NULL);
  g_assert (binding->target_pspec != NULL);

  /* set the default transformation functions here */
  binding->transform_s2t = default_transform_to;
  binding->transform_t2s = default_transform_from;

  binding->transform_data = NULL;
  binding->notify = NULL;

  binding->source_notify = g_signal_connect (binding->source, "notify",
                                             G_CALLBACK (on_source_notify),

  g_object_weak_ref (binding->source, weak_unbind, binding);
  add_binding_qdata (binding->source, binding);

  if (binding->flags & G_BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL)
    binding->target_notify = g_signal_connect (binding->target, "notify",
                                               G_CALLBACK (on_target_notify),

  g_object_weak_ref (binding->target, weak_unbind, binding);
  add_binding_qdata (binding->target, binding);

Beispiel #3
static void
property_override_default_guint_value (GObjectClass *oclass, const gchar *property_name, guint new_default)
    GParamSpecUInt *pspec = G_PARAM_SPEC_UINT (g_object_class_find_property (oclass, property_name));

    if (pspec != NULL)
        pspec->default_value = new_default;
        g_warning ("pspec for %s not found\n", property_name);
Beispiel #4
 * seahorse_object_lookup_property:
 * @self: the object to look up the property
 * @field: the field to lookup
 * @value: the returned value
 * Looks up the property @field in the object @self and returns it in @value
 * Returns: TRUE if a property was found
seahorse_object_lookup_property (SeahorseObject *self, const gchar *field, GValue *value)
	GParamSpec *spec;
	g_return_val_if_fail (SEAHORSE_IS_OBJECT (self), FALSE);
	g_return_val_if_fail (field, FALSE);
	g_return_val_if_fail (value, FALSE);
	spec = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (self), field);
	if (!spec) {
		/* Some name mapping to new style names */
		if (g_str_equal (field, "simple-name"))
			field = "nickname";
		else if (g_str_equal (field, "key-id"))
			field = "identifier";
		else if (g_str_equal (field, "display-name"))
			field = "label";
		else if (g_str_equal (field, "key-desc"))
			field = "description";
		else if (g_str_equal (field, "ktype"))
			field = "tag";
		else if (g_str_equal (field, "etype"))
			field = "usage";
		else if (g_str_equal (field, "display-id"))
			field = "identifier";
		else if (g_str_equal (field, "stock-id"))
			field = "icon";
		else if (g_str_equal (field, "raw-id"))
			field = "identifier";
			return FALSE;
		/* Try again */
		spec = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (self), field);
		if (!spec)
			return FALSE;

	g_value_init (value, spec->value_type);
	g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (self), field, value);
	return TRUE; 
Beispiel #5
 * gst_child_proxy_lookup:
 * @childproxy: child proxy object to lookup the property in
 * @name: name of the property to look up
 * @target: (out) (allow-none) (transfer full): pointer to a #GObject that
 *     takes the real object to set property on
 * @pspec: (out) (allow-none) (transfer none): pointer to take the #GParamSpec
 *     describing the property
 * Looks up which object and #GParamSpec would be effected by the given @name.
 * MT safe.
 * Returns: TRUE if @target and @pspec could be found. FALSE otherwise. In that
 * case the values for @pspec and @target are not modified. Unref @target after
 * usage. For plain GObjects @target is the same as @object.
gst_child_proxy_lookup (GstChildProxy * childproxy, const gchar * name,
    GObject ** target, GParamSpec ** pspec)
  GObject *object;
  gboolean res = FALSE;
  gchar **names, **current;

  g_return_val_if_fail (GST_IS_CHILD_PROXY (childproxy), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, FALSE);

  object = g_object_ref (childproxy);

  current = names = g_strsplit (name, "::", -1);
  /* find the owner of the property */
  while (current[1]) {
    GObject *next;

    if (!GST_IS_CHILD_PROXY (object)) {
          ("object %s is not a parent, so you cannot request a child by name %s",
          (GST_IS_OBJECT (object) ? GST_OBJECT_NAME (object) : ""), current[0]);
    next = gst_child_proxy_get_child_by_name (GST_CHILD_PROXY (object),
    if (!next) {
      GST_INFO ("no such object %s", current[0]);
    g_object_unref (object);
    object = next;

  /* look for psec */
  if (current[1] == NULL) {
    GParamSpec *spec =
        g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (object), current[0]);
    if (spec == NULL) {
      GST_INFO ("no param spec named %s", current[0]);
    } else {
      if (pspec)
        *pspec = spec;
      if (target) {
        g_object_ref (object);
        *target = object;
      res = TRUE;
  g_object_unref (object);
  g_strfreev (names);
  return res;
static void
gimp_gegl_tool_map (GimpImageMapTool *image_map_tool)
  GimpGeglTool  *tool = GIMP_GEGL_TOOL (image_map_tool);
  GParamSpec   **pspecs;
  guint          n_pspecs;
  gint           i;

  if (! tool->config)

  pspecs = gegl_list_properties (tool->operation, &n_pspecs);

  for (i = 0; i < n_pspecs; i++)
      GParamSpec *gegl_pspec = pspecs[i];
      GParamSpec *gimp_pspec = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (tool->config),

      if (gimp_pspec)
          GValue value = { 0, };

          g_value_init (&value, gimp_pspec->value_type);

          g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (tool->config), gimp_pspec->name,

          if (GIMP_IS_PARAM_SPEC_RGB (gimp_pspec))
              GeglColor *gegl_color = gegl_color_new (NULL);
              GimpRGB    gimp_color;

              gimp_value_get_rgb (&value, &gimp_color);
              g_value_unset (&value);

              gegl_color_set_rgba (gegl_color,

              g_value_init (&value, gegl_pspec->value_type);
              g_value_take_object (&value, gegl_color);

          gegl_node_set_property (image_map_tool->operation, gegl_pspec->name,

          g_value_unset (&value);

  g_free (pspecs);
static void
update_stream_info (GthMediaViewerPage *self)
	GList  *streaminfo;
	GstPad *videopad;

	streaminfo = NULL;
	videopad = NULL;

	g_object_get (self->priv->playbin, "stream-info", &streaminfo, NULL);
	streaminfo = g_list_copy (streaminfo);
	g_list_foreach (streaminfo, (GFunc) g_object_ref, NULL);

	for (/* void */ ; streaminfo; streaminfo = streaminfo->next) {
		GObject    *info;
		int         type;
		GParamSpec *pspec;
		GEnumValue *val;

		info = streaminfo->data;
		if (info == NULL)

                type = -1;

		g_object_get (info, "type", &type, NULL);
		pspec = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (info), "type");
		val = g_enum_get_value (G_PARAM_SPEC_ENUM (pspec)->enum_class, type);

		if (strcmp (val->value_nick, "audio") == 0) {
			self->priv->has_audio = TRUE;
		else if (strcmp (val->value_nick, "video") == 0) {
			self->priv->has_video = TRUE;
			if (videopad == NULL)
				g_object_get (info, "object", &videopad, NULL);

	if (videopad != NULL) {
		GstCaps *caps;

		if ((caps = gst_pad_get_negotiated_caps (videopad)) != NULL) {
			GstStructure *structure;

			structure = gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0);
			gst_structure_get_fraction (structure, "framerate", &self->priv->video_fps_n, &self->priv->video_fps_d);

			gst_caps_unref (caps);

	g_list_foreach (streaminfo, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL);
	g_list_free (streaminfo);
void LayoutTestController::overridePreference(JSStringRef key, JSStringRef value)
    GOwnPtr<gchar> originalName(JSStringCopyUTF8CString(key));
    GOwnPtr<gchar> valueAsString(JSStringCopyUTF8CString(value));

    WebKitWebView* view = webkit_web_frame_get_web_view(mainFrame);

    // This transformation could be handled by a hash table (and it once was), but
    // having it prominent, makes it easier for people from other ports to keep the
    // list up to date.
    const gchar* propertyName = 0;
    if (g_str_equal(originalName.get(), "WebKitJavaScriptEnabled"))
        propertyName = "enable-scripts";
    else if (g_str_equal(originalName.get(), "WebKitDefaultFontSize"))
        propertyName = "default-font-size";
    else if (g_str_equal(originalName.get(), "WebKitEnableCaretBrowsing"))
        propertyName = "enable-caret-browsing";
    else if (g_str_equal(originalName.get(), "WebKitUsesPageCachePreferenceKey"))
        propertyName = "enable-page-cache";
    else if (g_str_equal(originalName.get(), "WebKitPluginsEnabled"))
        propertyName = "enable-plugins";
    else if (g_str_equal(originalName.get(), "WebKitHyperlinkAuditingEnabled"))
        propertyName = "enable-hyperlink-auditing";
    else if (g_str_equal(originalName.get(), "WebKitWebGLEnabled"))
        propertyName = "enable-webgl";
    else if (g_str_equal(originalName.get(), "WebKitTabToLinksPreferenceKey")) {
        DumpRenderTreeSupportGtk::setLinksIncludedInFocusChain(!g_ascii_strcasecmp(valueAsString.get(), "true") || !g_ascii_strcasecmp(valueAsString.get(), "1"));
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "LayoutTestController::overridePreference tried to override "
                "unknown preference '%s'.\n", originalName.get());

    WebKitWebSettings* settings = webkit_web_view_get_settings(view);
    GParamSpec* pspec = g_object_class_find_property(G_OBJECT_CLASS(
        WEBKIT_WEB_SETTINGS_GET_CLASS(settings)), propertyName);
    GValue currentPropertyValue = { 0, { { 0 } } };
    g_value_init(&currentPropertyValue, pspec->value_type);

    if (G_VALUE_HOLDS_STRING(&currentPropertyValue))
        g_object_set(settings, propertyName, valueAsString.get(), NULL);
    else if (G_VALUE_HOLDS_BOOLEAN(&currentPropertyValue))
        g_object_set(G_OBJECT(settings), propertyName, !g_ascii_strcasecmp(valueAsString.get(), "true")
                        || !g_ascii_strcasecmp(valueAsString.get(), "1"), NULL);
    else if (G_VALUE_HOLDS_INT(&currentPropertyValue))
        g_object_set(G_OBJECT(settings), propertyName, atoi(valueAsString.get()), NULL);
    else if (G_VALUE_HOLDS_FLOAT(&currentPropertyValue)) {
        gfloat newValue = g_ascii_strtod(valueAsString.get(), 0);
        g_object_set(G_OBJECT(settings), propertyName, newValue, NULL);
    } else
        fprintf(stderr, "LayoutTestController::overridePreference failed to override "
                "preference '%s'.\n", originalName.get());
Beispiel #9
GstUtils::apply_property_value(GObject *g_object_master,
                               GObject *g_object_slave,
                               const char *property_name) {
  if (g_object_master == nullptr || g_object_slave == nullptr)
    return false;

  if (!G_IS_OBJECT(g_object_master) || !G_IS_OBJECT(g_object_slave))
    return false;

  GParamSpec *pspec_master =
  if (pspec_master == nullptr) {
    g_debug("property %s not found for master ", property_name);
    return false;

  GParamSpec *pspec_slave =
  if (pspec_slave == nullptr) {
    g_debug("property %s, not found for slave", property_name);
    return false;

  if (pspec_master->value_type != pspec_slave->value_type) {
    g_debug("master and slave properties has different type, canont apply");
    return false;

  GValue val = G_VALUE_INIT;
  g_value_init(&val, pspec_master->value_type);

  g_object_get_property(g_object_master, property_name, &val);

  g_object_set_property(g_object_slave, property_name, &val);
  return true;
static void
terminal_profile_init (TerminalProfile *profile)
	TerminalProfilePrivate *priv;
	GObjectClass *object_class;
	GParamSpec **pspecs;
	guint n_pspecs, i;

	priv = profile->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (profile, TERMINAL_TYPE_PROFILE, TerminalProfilePrivate);

	priv->gsettings_notification_pspec = NULL;
	priv->locked = g_new0 (gboolean, LAST_PROP);

	priv->properties = g_value_array_new (LAST_PROP);
	for (i = 0; i < LAST_PROP; ++i)
		g_value_array_append (priv->properties, NULL);

	pspecs = g_object_class_list_properties (G_OBJECT_CLASS (TERMINAL_PROFILE_GET_CLASS (profile)), &n_pspecs);
	for (i = 0; i < n_pspecs; ++i)
		GParamSpec *pspec = pspecs[i];
		GValue *value;

		if (pspec->owner_type != TERMINAL_TYPE_PROFILE)

		g_assert (pspec->param_id < LAST_PROP);
		value = g_value_array_get_nth (priv->properties, pspec->param_id);
		g_value_init (value, pspec->value_type);
		g_param_value_set_default (pspec, value);

	g_free (pspecs);

	/* A few properties don't have defaults via the param spec; set them explicitly */
	object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (TERMINAL_PROFILE_GET_CLASS (profile));
	terminal_profile_reset_property_internal (profile, g_object_class_find_property (object_class, TERMINAL_PROFILE_FOREGROUND_COLOR), FALSE);
	terminal_profile_reset_property_internal (profile, g_object_class_find_property (object_class, TERMINAL_PROFILE_BOLD_COLOR), FALSE);
	terminal_profile_reset_property_internal (profile, g_object_class_find_property (object_class, TERMINAL_PROFILE_BACKGROUND_COLOR), FALSE);
	terminal_profile_reset_property_internal (profile, g_object_class_find_property (object_class, TERMINAL_PROFILE_FONT), FALSE);
	terminal_profile_reset_property_internal (profile, g_object_class_find_property (object_class, TERMINAL_PROFILE_PALETTE), FALSE);
Beispiel #11
static gchar *
gst_ladspa_class_get_param_name (GstLADSPAClass * klass, gint portnum)
  LADSPA_Descriptor *desc;
  gchar *ret, *paren;

  desc = klass->descriptor;

  ret = g_strdup (desc->PortNames[portnum]);

  paren = g_strrstr (ret, " (");
  if (paren != NULL)
    *paren = '\0';

  /* this is the same thing that param_spec_* will do */
  g_strcanon (ret, G_CSET_A_2_Z G_CSET_a_2_z G_CSET_DIGITS "-", '-');
  /* satisfy glib2 (argname[0] must be [A-Za-z]) */
  if (!((ret[0] >= 'a' && ret[0] <= 'z') || (ret[0] >= 'A' && ret[0] <= 'Z'))) {
    gchar *tempstr = ret;

    ret = g_strconcat ("param-", ret, NULL);
    g_free (tempstr);

  /* check for duplicate property names */
  if (g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass), ret)) {
    gint n = 1;
    gchar *nret = g_strdup_printf ("%s-%d", ret, n++);

    while (g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass), nret)) {
      g_free (nret);
      nret = g_strdup_printf ("%s-%d", ret, n++);
    g_free (ret);
    ret = nret;

  GST_DEBUG ("built property name '%s' from port name '%s'", ret,

  return ret;
Beispiel #12
static const gchar *
lookup_method_action_and_details (gpointer instance,
                                  InvocationClient *client,
                                  uid_t uid,
                                  const GDBusMethodInfo *method,
                                  PolkitDetails **details)
  GObjectClass *object_class;
  const gchar *message;

  /* Exception: The Job interface is not marked up like all our others */
  if (UDISKS_IS_JOB (instance) && g_str_equal (method->name, "Cancel"))
      *details = polkit_details_new ();
      polkit_details_insert (*details, "polkit.message",
                             N_("Authentication is required to cancel a job"));

      /* This is a thread-safe call */
      if (uid != udisks_job_get_started_by_uid (instance))
        return "org.freedesktop.udisks2.cancel-job-other-user";
        return "org.freedesktop.udisks2.cancel-job";

  *details = NULL;

  object_class = G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (instance);
  if (g_object_class_find_property (object_class, "polkit-details") != NULL)
      ObjectGetDetails ogd = { instance, NULL };

      g_main_context_invoke (NULL, object_get_polkit_details, &details);

      g_mutex_lock (&inv.mutex);
      while (ogd.details == NULL)
        g_cond_wait (&inv.wait_cond, &inv.mutex);
      g_mutex_unlock (&inv.mutex);

      *details = ogd.details;

  if (!*details || polkit_details_lookup (*details, "polkit.message"))
      message = g_dbus_annotation_info_lookup (method->annotations, "polkit.message");
      if (message)
          if (!*details)
            *details = polkit_details_new ();
          polkit_details_insert (*details, "polkit.message", message);

  return g_dbus_annotation_info_lookup (method->annotations, "polkit.action_id");
Beispiel #13
 * Sets the string value of a GstElement's property
 * @return false if the value could not be set.
bool GstHelper::setProperty(GstElement *elem, const char *propertyName, const QByteArray &propertyValue)
    Q_ASSERT(propertyName && strlen(propertyName));

    if (g_object_class_find_property(G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(elem), propertyName)) {
        g_object_set(G_OBJECT(elem), propertyName, propertyValue.constData(), NULL);
        return true;
    return false;
Beispiel #14
void _owr_session_emit_ice_state_changed(OwrSession *session, guint session_id,
    OwrComponentType component_type, OwrIceState state)
    OwrIceState old_state, new_state;
    gchar *old_state_name, *new_state_name;
    GParamSpec *pspec;
    gboolean rtcp_mux = FALSE;

    pspec = g_object_class_find_property(G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(session), "rtcp-mux");
    if (pspec && G_PARAM_SPEC_TYPE(pspec) == G_TYPE_BOOLEAN)
        g_object_get(session, "rtcp-mux", &rtcp_mux, NULL);

    if (rtcp_mux) {
        old_state = session->priv->rtp_ice_state;
    } else {
        old_state = owr_session_aggregate_ice_state(session->priv->rtp_ice_state,

    if (component_type == OWR_COMPONENT_TYPE_RTP)
        session->priv->rtp_ice_state = state;
        session->priv->rtcp_ice_state = state;

    if (rtcp_mux) {
        new_state = session->priv->rtp_ice_state;
    } else {
        new_state = owr_session_aggregate_ice_state(session->priv->rtp_ice_state,

    if (old_state == new_state)

    old_state_name = owr_ice_state_get_name(old_state);
    new_state_name = owr_ice_state_get_name(new_state);

    if (new_state == OWR_ICE_STATE_FAILED) {
        GST_ERROR_OBJECT(session, "Session %u, ICE failed to establish a connection!\n"
            "ICE state changed from %s to %s",
            session_id, old_state_name, new_state_name);
    } else if (new_state == OWR_ICE_STATE_CONNECTED || new_state == OWR_ICE_STATE_READY) {
        GST_INFO_OBJECT(session, "Session %u, ICE state changed from %s to %s",
            session_id, old_state_name, new_state_name);
    } else {
        GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(session, "Session %u, ICE state changed from %s to %s",
            session_id, old_state_name, new_state_name);

    session->priv->ice_state = new_state;
    g_object_notify_by_pspec(G_OBJECT(session), obj_properties[PROP_ICE_STATE]);
Beispiel #15
static void
update_sub_sync (GstElement * sink, gpointer data)
  /* Some sinks (like autovideosink) don't have the sync property so
   * we check it exists before setting it to avoid a warning at
   * runtime. */
  if (g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (sink), "sync"))
    g_object_set (sink, "sync", *((gboolean *) data), NULL);
    GST_WARNING ("Internal sink doesn't have sync property");
void QGstreamerVideoInputDeviceControl::update()

    // subdevsrc and the like have a camera-device property that takes an enumeration
    // identifying a primary or secondary camera, so return identifiers that map to those
    // instead of a list of actual devices.
    if (m_source && g_object_class_find_property(G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(m_source), "camera-device")) {
        m_names << QLatin1String("primary") << QLatin1String("secondary");
        m_descriptions << tr("Main camera") << tr("Front camera");

    QDir devDir("/dev");

    QFileInfoList entries = devDir.entryInfoList(QStringList() << "video*");

    foreach( const QFileInfo &entryInfo, entries ) {
        //qDebug() << "Try" << entryInfo.filePath();

        int fd = qt_safe_open(entryInfo.filePath().toLatin1().constData(), O_RDWR );
        if (fd == -1)

        bool isCamera = false;

        v4l2_input input;
        memset(&input, 0, sizeof(input));
        for (; ::ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_ENUMINPUT, &input) >= 0; ++input.index) {
            if(input.type == V4L2_INPUT_TYPE_CAMERA || input.type == 0) {
                isCamera = ::ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_S_INPUT, input.index) != 0;

        if (isCamera) {
            // find out its driver "name"
            QString name;
            struct v4l2_capability vcap;
            memset(&vcap, 0, sizeof(struct v4l2_capability));

            if (ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_QUERYCAP, &vcap) != 0)
                name = entryInfo.fileName();
                name = QString((const char*)vcap.card);
            //qDebug() << "found camera: " << name;

Beispiel #17
empathy_audio_src_supports_changing_mic (EmpathyGstAudioSrc *self)
  EmpathyGstAudioSrcPrivate *priv = EMPATHY_GST_AUDIO_SRC_GET_PRIVATE (self);
  GObjectClass *object_class;

  object_class = G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (priv->src);

  return (g_object_class_find_property (object_class,
          "source-output-index") != NULL);
static void
layout_notify (GObject    *object,
               GParamSpec *pspec,
               gpointer    user_data)
  GObject *self = user_data;
  const char *prop_name = g_param_spec_get_name (pspec);

  if (g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (self), prop_name))
    g_object_notify (self, prop_name);
static void
set_sysfs_uint (const char *iface,
                GObject *obj,
                const char *obj_prop,
                const char *dir,
                const char *sysfs_prop,
                gboolean default_if_zero,
                gboolean user_hz_compensate)
	char *path, *s;
	GParamSpec *pspec;
	GValue val = { 0 };
	guint32 uval = 0;

	pspec = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (obj), obj_prop);
	g_return_if_fail (pspec != NULL);

	/* Get the property's value */
	g_value_init (&val, G_PARAM_SPEC_VALUE_TYPE (pspec));
	g_object_get_property (obj, obj_prop, &val);
		uval = g_value_get_boolean (&val) ? 1 : 0;
	else if (G_VALUE_HOLDS_UINT (&val)) {
		uval = g_value_get_uint (&val);

		/* zero means "unspecified" for some NM properties but isn't in the
		 * allowed kernel range, so reset the property to the default value.
		if (default_if_zero && uval == 0) {
			g_value_unset (&val);
			g_value_init (&val, G_PARAM_SPEC_VALUE_TYPE (pspec));
			g_param_value_set_default (pspec, &val);
			uval = g_value_get_uint (&val);
	} else
		g_assert_not_reached ();

	g_value_unset (&val);

	/* Linux kernel bridge interfaces use 'centiseconds' for time-based values.
	 * In reality it's not centiseconds, but depends on HZ and USER_HZ, which
	 * is almost always works out to be a multiplier of 100, so we can assume
	 * centiseconds.  See clock_t_to_jiffies().
	if (user_hz_compensate)
		uval *= 100;

	path = g_strdup_printf ("/sys/class/net/%s/%s/%s", iface, dir, sysfs_prop);
	s = g_strdup_printf ("%u", uval);
	/* FIXME: how should failure be handled? */
	nm_utils_do_sysctl (path, s);
	g_free (path);
	g_free (s);
static void
playbin_source_cb (GstElement *playbin,
    GParamSpec *pspec, GbpPlayer *player)
  GstElement *element;
  GObjectClass *klass;

  g_object_get (G_OBJECT (playbin), "source", &element, NULL);
  klass = G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (element);

  if (g_object_class_find_property (klass, "latency")) {
    g_object_set (element, "latency",
        GST_TIME_AS_MSECONDS (player->priv->latency), NULL);

  if (g_object_class_find_property (klass, "tcp-timeout")) {
    g_object_set (element, "tcp-timeout",
        GST_TIME_AS_USECONDS (player->priv->tcp_timeout), NULL);
static gboolean
set_videosrc_zoom (GstWrapperCameraBinSrc * self, gfloat zoom)
  gboolean ret = FALSE;

  if (g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (self->src_vid_src),
          "zoom")) {
    g_object_set (G_OBJECT (self->src_vid_src), "zoom", zoom, NULL);
    ret = TRUE;
  return ret;
static void
empathy_video_widget_element_set_sink_properties_unlocked (
  EmpathyVideoWidget *self)
  EmpathyVideoWidgetPriv *priv = GET_PRIV (self);

  if (priv->overlay == NULL)

  if (g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (priv->overlay),
    g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->overlay), "force-aspect-ratio", TRUE, NULL);

  if (g_object_class_find_property (
      G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (priv->overlay), "sync"))
    g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->overlay), "sync", priv->sync, NULL);

  if (g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (priv->overlay),
    g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->overlay), "async", priv->async, NULL);
Beispiel #23
/** Reads an integer from the GTK default settings registry
 * (see http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/stable/GtkSettings.html).
 * @param property_name The property to read.
 * @param default_value The default value in case the value could not be read.
 * @return The value for the property if it exists, otherwise the @a default_value.
gint ui_get_gtk_settings_integer(const gchar *property_name, gint default_value)
	if (g_object_class_find_property(G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(G_OBJECT(
		gtk_settings_get_default())), property_name))
		gint value;
		g_object_get(G_OBJECT(gtk_settings_get_default()), property_name, &value, NULL);
		return value;
		return default_value;
Beispiel #24
static GParamSpec *
_g_type_struct_find_property (GType        the_type,
                              gpointer     type_struct,
                              const gchar *property_name)
  if (G_TYPE_IS_INTERFACE (the_type))
    return g_object_interface_find_property (type_struct, property_name);
  else if (G_TYPE_IS_OBJECT (the_type))
    return g_object_class_find_property (type_struct, property_name);
    g_return_val_if_reached (NULL);
static void
gimp_operation_histogram_sink_attach (GeglOperation *self)
  GeglOperation *operation    = GEGL_OPERATION (self);
  GObjectClass  *object_class = G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (self);

  GEGL_OPERATION_CLASS (parent_class)->attach (self);

  gegl_operation_create_pad (operation,
                             g_object_class_find_property (object_class,
rb_gst_encoder_set_encoding_style (GstElement *encoder, const char *style)
	GstElementFactory *factory;
	char *group_name;
	char **keys;
	int i;

	factory = gst_element_get_factory (encoder);
	group_name = g_strdup_printf (ENCODER_STYLE_SETTINGS_PREFIX "%s-%s",
				      gst_plugin_feature_get_name (GST_PLUGIN_FEATURE (factory)),
	rb_debug ("applying settings from %s", group_name);

	keys = g_key_file_get_keys (get_target_keyfile (), group_name, NULL, NULL);
	if (keys == NULL) {
		rb_debug ("nothing to apply");
		g_free (group_name);
		return FALSE;

	for (i = 0; keys[i] != NULL; i++) {
		GParamSpec *pspec;
		GValue v = {0,};
		char *value;

		pspec = g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (encoder), keys[i]);
		if (pspec == NULL) {
			rb_debug ("couldn't find property %s", keys[i]);

		value = g_key_file_get_string (get_target_keyfile (), group_name, keys[i], NULL);
		if (value == NULL) {
			rb_debug ("couldn't get value for property %s", keys[i]);

		g_value_init (&v, pspec->value_type);
		if (gst_value_deserialize (&v, value)) {
			rb_debug ("applying value \"%s\" to property %s", value, keys[i]);
			g_object_set_property (G_OBJECT (encoder), keys[i], &v);
		} else {
			rb_debug ("couldn't deserialize value \"%s\" for property %s", value, keys[i]);

		g_value_unset (&v);

	g_strfreev (keys);
	g_free (group_name);
	return TRUE;
static void
gimp_mandala_constructed (GObject *object)
  GimpSymmetry     *sym;
  GParamSpecDouble *dspec;

  sym = GIMP_SYMMETRY (object);

  /* Update property values to actual image size. */
  dspec = G_PARAM_SPEC_DOUBLE (g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (object),
  dspec->maximum = gimp_image_get_width (sym->image);

  dspec = G_PARAM_SPEC_DOUBLE (g_object_class_find_property (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (object),
  dspec->maximum = gimp_image_get_height (sym->image);

  g_signal_connect (sym->image, "size-changed-detailed",
                    G_CALLBACK (gimp_mandala_image_size_changed_cb),
Beispiel #28
/* Build attachment's full path. 
 * Create new relative location for attachment if it's empty. 
 * WARNING! Keep in mind that attachment's location might be changed 
 * between midgard_blob method calls! */
static void __get_filepath(MidgardBlob *self)

	gchar *fname = NULL;
	gchar *location = NULL;
	gchar *up_a, *up_b;
	MidgardObject *attachment = self->priv->attachment;

	GParamSpec *pspec =
				G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(G_OBJECT(attachment)), "location");

	/* FIXME, we can not depend on just location property here.
	 * This must be defined in mgdschema file. */
				"Invalid Object. "
				"Blobs can not be attached to %s",

	g_object_get(G_OBJECT(self->priv->attachment), "location", &location, NULL);

	if(location == NULL || *location == '\0') {
		fname = midgard_uuid_new();
		up_a = g_strdup(" ");
		up_a[0] = g_ascii_toupper(fname[0]);
		up_b = g_strdup(" ");
		up_b[0] = g_ascii_toupper(fname[1]);
		/* g_strdup is used to avoid filling every byte, which should be done with g_new(gchar, 2) */
		location = g_build_path(G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, 
				up_a, up_b, fname, NULL);

		g_object_set(G_OBJECT(self->priv->attachment), "location", location , NULL);


	self->priv->location = location;

	self->priv->filepath = 
				self->priv->blobdir, self->priv->location, NULL);
void GstEnginePipeline::SourceSetupCallback(GstURIDecodeBin* bin,
                                            GParamSpec* pspec, gpointer self) {
  GstEnginePipeline* instance = reinterpret_cast<GstEnginePipeline*>(self);
  GstElement* element;
  g_object_get(bin, "source", &element, nullptr);
  if (!element) {

  if (g_object_class_find_property(G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(element), "device") &&
      !instance->source_device().isEmpty()) {
    // Gstreamer is not able to handle device in URL (refering to Gstreamer
    // documentation, this might be added in the future). Despite that, for now
    // we include device inside URL: we decompose it during Init and set device
    // here, when this callback is called.
    g_object_set(element, "device",
                 instance->source_device().toLocal8Bit().constData(), nullptr);
  if (g_object_class_find_property(G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(element),
                                   "extra-headers") &&
      instance->url().host().contains("grooveshark")) {
    // Grooveshark streaming servers will answer with a 400 error 'Bad request'
    // if we don't specify 'Range' field in HTTP header.
    // Maybe it could be useful in some other cases, but for now, I prefer to
    // keep this grooveshark specific.
    GstStructure* headers;
    headers = gst_structure_new("extra-headers", "Range", G_TYPE_STRING,
                                "bytes=0-", nullptr);
    g_object_set(element, "extra-headers", headers, nullptr);

  if (g_object_class_find_property(G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(element), "user-agent")) {
    QString user_agent =
        QString("%1 %2").arg(QCoreApplication::applicationName(),
    g_object_set(element, "user-agent", user_agent.toUtf8().constData(),
Beispiel #30
static void
cs_binding_B_changed (GObject    *objectB,
                      GParamSpec *arg1,
                      Binding    *binding)
  GParamSpec   *pspecA, *pspecB;
  GObjectClass *klassA, *klassB;
  GValue        valueB = {0, };
  DelayedUpdateAClosure *uac;

  if (binding->refs!=2)

  klassA = G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (binding->objectA);
  klassB = G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (binding->objectB);
  pspecA = g_object_class_find_property (klassA, binding->propertyA);
  pspecB = g_object_class_find_property (klassB, binding->propertyB);

  g_value_init (&valueB, pspecB->value_type);

  uac = g_new0 (DelayedUpdateAClosure, 1);
  uac->binding = binding;
  g_value_init (&uac->valueA, pspecA->value_type);
  g_object_get_property (objectB, binding->propertyB, &valueB);
  if (!g_value_transform (&valueB, &uac->valueA))
      g_warning ("failed to transform value from %s to %s",
                  g_type_name (pspecB->value_type),
                  g_type_name (pspecA->value_type));
      g_value_unset (&uac->valueA);
      g_free (uac);
      if (binding->a_changed_idle)
        g_source_remove (binding->a_changed_idle);
      binding->a_changed_idle = g_timeout_add (0, delayed_update_A, uac);
  g_value_unset (&valueB);