Beispiel #1
void peano::integration::partitioncoupling::builtin::records::ForceTorquePacked::toString (std::ostream& out) const {
   out << "("; 
   out << "_translationalForce:[";
   for (int i = 0; i < 3-1; i++) {
      out << getTranslationalForce(i) << ",";
   out << getTranslationalForce(3-1) << "]";
   out << ",";
   out << "_torque:[";
   for (int i = 0; i < 3-1; i++) {
      out << getTorque(i) << ",";
   out << getTorque(3-1) << "]";
   out <<  ")";
Beispiel #2
void	PhysShape::pack(BitStream* stream)
    if (stream->writeFlag(isEnabled()))
        bool active = stream->writeFlag(isActive());
        if (!active)
            bool toInactive = active!=mPrevActive;
            mPrevActive = active;
            if (!stream->writeFlag(toInactive))
            mPrevActive = true;

        mathWrite(*stream, getPosition());
        mathWrite(*stream, getRotation());
        mathWrite(*stream, getForce());
        mathWrite(*stream, getTorque());
        mathWrite(*stream, getLinVelocity());
        mathWrite(*stream, getAngVelocity());

Beispiel #3
peano::integration::partitioncoupling::builtin::records::ForceTorque peano::integration::partitioncoupling::builtin::records::ForceTorquePacked::convert() const{
   return ForceTorque(
Beispiel #4
double Motor::getConsumption() const {
	return getConsumption(getFrequency(), getTorque())*getFrequency()*getTorque()/1000.0*2.0*M_PI;
Beispiel #5
void TimeStep::operator()()
   if( numberOfSubIterations_ == 1 )

      collisionResponse_.timestep( timeStepSize_ );
      // during the intermediate time steps of the collision response, the currently acting forces
      // (interaction forces, gravitational force, ...) have to remain constant.
      // Since they are reset after the call to collision response, they have to be stored explicitly before.
      // Then they are set again after each intermediate step.

      // generate map from all known bodies (process local) to total forces/torques
      // this has to be done on a block-local basis, since the same body could reside on several blocks from this process
      using BlockID_T = domain_decomposition::IBlockID::IDType;
      std::map< BlockID_T, std::map< walberla::id_t, std::array< real_t, 6 > > > forceTorqueMap;

      for( auto blockIt = blockStorage_->begin(); blockIt != blockStorage_->end(); ++blockIt )
         BlockID_T blockID = blockIt->getId().getID();
         auto& blockLocalForceTorqueMap = forceTorqueMap[blockID];

         // iterate over local and remote bodies and store force/torque in map
         for( auto bodyIt = pe::BodyIterator::begin(*blockIt, bodyStorageID_); bodyIt != pe::BodyIterator::end(); ++bodyIt )
            auto & f = blockLocalForceTorqueMap[ bodyIt->getSystemID() ];

            const auto & force = bodyIt->getForce();
            const auto & torque = bodyIt->getTorque();

            f = {{force[0], force[1], force[2], torque[0], torque[1], torque[2] }};

      // perform pe time steps
      const real_t subTimeStepSize = timeStepSize_ / real_c( numberOfSubIterations_ );
      for( uint_t i = 0; i != numberOfSubIterations_; ++i )

         // in the first iteration, forces are already set
         if( i != 0 )
            for( auto blockIt = blockStorage_->begin(); blockIt != blockStorage_->end(); ++blockIt )
               BlockID_T blockID = blockIt->getId().getID();
               auto& blockLocalForceTorqueMap = forceTorqueMap[blockID];

               // re-set stored force/torque on bodies
               for( auto bodyIt = pe::BodyIterator::begin(*blockIt, bodyStorageID_); bodyIt != pe::BodyIterator::end(); ++bodyIt )

                  const auto f = blockLocalForceTorqueMap.find( bodyIt->getSystemID() );

                  if( f != blockLocalForceTorqueMap.end() )
                     const auto & ftValues = f->second;
                     bodyIt->addForce ( ftValues[0], ftValues[1], ftValues[2] );
                     bodyIt->addTorque( ftValues[3], ftValues[4], ftValues[5] );

         // evaluate forces (e.g. lubrication forces)

         collisionResponse_.timestep( subTimeStepSize );
void PhysicsBody::changed(ConstFieldMaskArg whichField, 
        UInt32            origin,
        BitVector         details)
    Inherited::changed(whichField, origin, details);

    //Do not respond to changes that have a Sync origin
    if(origin & ChangedOrigin::Sync)

    if(whichField & WorldFieldMask)
        if(_BodyID != 0)

        if(getWorld() != NULL)
            _BodyID = dBodyCreate(getWorld()->getWorldID());
    if(   ((whichField & PositionFieldMask)
                || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
            && getWorld() != NULL)
        dBodySetPosition(_BodyID, getPosition().x(),getPosition().y(),getPosition().z());
    if(   ((whichField & RotationFieldMask)
                || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
            && getWorld() != NULL)
        dMatrix3 rotation;
        Vec4f v1 =  getRotation()[0];
        Vec4f v2 =  getRotation()[1];
        Vec4f v3 =  getRotation()[2];
        rotation[0]   = v1.x();
        rotation[1]   = v1.y();
        rotation[2]   = v1.z();
        rotation[3]   = 0;
        rotation[4]   = v2.x();
        rotation[5]   = v2.y();
        rotation[6]   = v2.z();
        rotation[7]   = 0;
        rotation[8]   = v3.x();
        rotation[9]   = v3.y();
        rotation[10]  = v3.z();
        rotation[11]  = 0;
        dBodySetRotation(_BodyID, rotation);
    if(   ((whichField & QuaternionFieldMask)
                || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
            && getWorld() != NULL)
        dQuaternion q;
    if(   ((whichField & LinearVelFieldMask)
                || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
            && getWorld() != NULL)
        dBodySetLinearVel(_BodyID, getLinearVel().x(),getLinearVel().y(),getLinearVel().z());
    if(   ((whichField & AngularVelFieldMask)
                || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
            && getWorld() != NULL)
        dBodySetAngularVel(_BodyID, getAngularVel().x(),getAngularVel().y(),getAngularVel().z());
    if(   ((whichField & ForceFieldMask)
                || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
            && getWorld() != NULL)
        dBodySetForce(_BodyID, getForce().x(),getForce().y(),getForce().z());
    if(   ((whichField & TorqueFieldMask)
                || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
            && getWorld() != NULL)
        dBodySetTorque(_BodyID, getTorque().x(),getTorque().y(),getTorque().z());
    if(   ((whichField & AutoDisableFlagFieldMask)
                || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
            && getWorld() != NULL)
        dBodySetAutoDisableFlag(_BodyID, getAutoDisableFlag());
    if(   ((whichField & AutoDisableLinearThresholdFieldMask)
                || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
            && getWorld() != NULL)
        dBodySetAutoDisableLinearThreshold(_BodyID, getAutoDisableLinearThreshold());
    if(   ((whichField & AutoDisableAngularThresholdFieldMask)
                || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
            && getWorld() != NULL)
        dBodySetAutoDisableAngularThreshold(_BodyID, getAutoDisableAngularThreshold());
    if(   ((whichField & AutoDisableStepsFieldMask)
                || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
            && getWorld() != NULL)
        dBodySetAutoDisableSteps(_BodyID, getAutoDisableSteps());
    if(   ((whichField & AutoDisableTimeFieldMask)
                || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
            && getWorld() != NULL)
        dBodySetAutoDisableTime(_BodyID, getAutoDisableTime());
    if(   ((whichField & FiniteRotationModeFieldMask)
                || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
            && getWorld() != NULL)
        dBodySetFiniteRotationMode(_BodyID, getFiniteRotationMode());
    if(   ((whichField & FiniteRotationModeFieldMask)
                || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
            && getWorld() != NULL)
        dBodySetFiniteRotationMode(_BodyID, getFiniteRotationMode());
    if(   ((whichField & FiniteRotationAxisFieldMask)
                || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
            && getWorld() != NULL)
        dBodySetFiniteRotationAxis(_BodyID, getFiniteRotationAxis().x(),getFiniteRotationAxis().y(),getFiniteRotationAxis().z());
    if(   ((whichField & GravityModeFieldMask)
                || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
            && getWorld() != NULL)
        dBodySetGravityMode(_BodyID, getGravityMode());
    if(   ((whichField & LinearDampingFieldMask)
                || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
            && getWorld() != NULL)
        dBodySetLinearDamping(_BodyID, getLinearDamping());
    if(   ((whichField & AngularDampingFieldMask)
                || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
            && getWorld() != NULL)
        dBodySetAngularDamping(_BodyID, getAngularDamping());
    if(   ((whichField & LinearDampingThresholdFieldMask)
                || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
            && getWorld() != NULL)
        dBodySetLinearDampingThreshold(_BodyID, getLinearDampingThreshold());
    if(   ((whichField & AngularDampingThresholdFieldMask)
                || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
            && getWorld() != NULL)
        dBodySetAngularDampingThreshold(_BodyID, getAngularDampingThreshold());
    if(   ((whichField & MaxAngularSpeedFieldMask)
                || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
            && getWorld() != NULL)
        if(getMaxAngularSpeed() >= 0.0)
            dBodySetMaxAngularSpeed(_BodyID, getMaxAngularSpeed());
            dBodySetMaxAngularSpeed(_BodyID, dInfinity);

    if(   ((whichField & MassFieldMask)
                || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
            && getWorld() != NULL)
        dMass TheMass;
        dBodyGetMass(_BodyID, &TheMass);

        TheMass.mass = getMass();

        dBodySetMass(_BodyID, &TheMass);
    if(   ((whichField & MassCenterOfGravityFieldMask)
                || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
            && getWorld() != NULL)
        //dMass TheMass;
        //dBodyGetMass(_BodyID, &TheMass);

        ////TheMass.c[0] = getMassCenterOfGravity().x();
        ////TheMass.c[1] = getMassCenterOfGravity().y();
        ////TheMass.c[2] = getMassCenterOfGravity().z();

        //Vec4f v1 =  getMassInertiaTensor()[0];
        //Vec4f v2 =  getMassInertiaTensor()[1];
        //Vec4f v3 =  getMassInertiaTensor()[2];
        //TheMass.I[0]   = v1.x();
        //TheMass.I[1]   = v1.y();
        //TheMass.I[2]   = v1.z();
        //TheMass.I[3]   = getMassCenterOfGravity().x();
        //TheMass.I[4]   = v2.x();
        //TheMass.I[5]   = v2.y();
        //TheMass.I[6]   = v2.z();
        //TheMass.I[7]   = getMassCenterOfGravity().y();
        //TheMass.I[8]   = v3.x();
        //TheMass.I[9]   = v3.y();
        //TheMass.I[10]  = v3.z();
        //TheMass.I[11]  = getMassCenterOfGravity().z();

        //dBodySetMass(_BodyID, &TheMass);
    if(   ((whichField & MassInertiaTensorFieldMask)
                || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
            && getWorld() != NULL)
        dMass TheMass;
        dBodyGetMass(_BodyID, &TheMass);

        Vec4f v1 =  getMassInertiaTensor()[0];
        Vec4f v2 =  getMassInertiaTensor()[1];
        Vec4f v3 =  getMassInertiaTensor()[2];
        TheMass.I[0]   = v1.x();
        TheMass.I[1]   = v1.y();
        TheMass.I[2]   = v1.z();
        TheMass.I[3]   = 0;
        TheMass.I[4]   = v2.x();
        TheMass.I[5]   = v2.y();
        TheMass.I[6]   = v2.z();
        TheMass.I[7]   = 0;
        TheMass.I[8]   = v3.x();
        TheMass.I[9]   = v3.y();
        TheMass.I[10]  = v3.z();
        TheMass.I[11]  = 0;

        dBodySetMass(_BodyID, &TheMass);
    if(   ((whichField & KinematicFieldMask)
                || (whichField & WorldFieldMask))
            && getWorld() != NULL)