Beispiel #1
 * EPIC, PCI, and I/O devices.
 * Initialize Mousse Platform, probe for PCI devices,
 * Query configuration parameters if not set.
int misc_init_f (void)
#if 0
    m48_tod_init(); /* Init SGS M48T59Y TOD/NVRAM */
    printf("RTC:   M48T589 TOD/NVRAM (%d) bytes\n",

    return 0;
Beispiel #2
num_file_start(num_state * state, tw_bf * bf, unsigned int size, tw_lp * lp)
	if(lp->id == DEBUG_LP)
		printf("%ld T%d %s: FILE_START size: %.2lfB\n", 
			lp->id, state->type, get_tod(tw_now(lp)), (double) size / 8.0);

	// send event down to TCP
	state->file_size = size;
	state->start = tw_now(lp);
	rn_event_send(rn_event_new(lp, 0.0, lp, DOWNSTREAM, size/8));
Beispiel #3
num_file_stop(num_state * state, tw_bf * bf, tw_lp * lp)
if(lp->id == DEBUG_LP)
	printf("%ld T%d %s: FILE_STOP\n", lp->id, state->type, get_tod(tw_now(lp)));


	if(g_num_mod < 1)

	// send event down to TCP
	rn_event_send(rn_event_new(lp, 0.0, lp, DOWNSTREAM, 0));
Beispiel #4
 * Main apply handler.
 * Checks for unpaid items before applying.
 * @param op ::object causing tmp to be applied.
 * @param tmp ::object being applied.
 * @param aflag Special (always apply/unapply) flags. Nothing is done
 * with them in this function - they are passed to apply_special().
 * @retval 0 Player or monster can't apply objects of that type.
 * @retval 1 Has been applied, or there was an error applying the object.
 * @retval 2 Objects of that type can't be applied if not in
 * inventory. */
int manual_apply(object *op, object *tmp, int aflag)
	if (tmp->head)
		tmp = tmp->head;

	if (op->type == PLAYER)
		CONTR(op)->praying = 0;

		if (op->type == PLAYER)
			new_draw_info(NDI_UNIQUE, op, "You should pay for it first.");
			return 1;
		/* Monsters just skip unpaid items */
			return 0;

	/* Monsters must not apply random chests, nor magic_mouths with a counter */
	if (op->type != PLAYER && tmp->type == TREASURE)
		return 0;

	/* Trigger the APPLY event */
	if (!(aflag & AP_NO_EVENT) && trigger_event(EVENT_APPLY, op, tmp, NULL, NULL, aflag, 0, 0, SCRIPT_FIX_ACTIVATOR))
		return 1;

	aflag &= ~AP_NO_EVENT;

	/* Control apply by controling a set exp object level or player exp level */
	if (tmp->item_level)
		int tmp_lev;

		if (tmp->item_skill)
			tmp_lev = find_skill_exp_level(op, tmp->item_skill);
			tmp_lev = op->level;

		if (tmp->item_level > tmp_lev)
			new_draw_info(NDI_UNIQUE, op, "The item level is too high to apply.");
			return 1;

	switch (tmp->type)
		case HOLY_ALTAR:
			new_draw_info_format(NDI_UNIQUE, op, "You touch the %s.", tmp->name);

			if (change_skill(op, SK_PRAYING))
				pray_at_altar(op, tmp);
				new_draw_info(NDI_UNIQUE, op, "Nothing happens. It seems you miss the right skill.");

			return 1;

		case HANDLE:
			new_draw_info(NDI_UNIQUE, op, "You turn the handle.");
			play_sound_map(op->map, op->x, op->y, SOUND_TURN_HANDLE, SOUND_NORMAL);
			tmp->value = tmp->value ? 0 : 1;
			SET_ANIMATION(tmp, ((NUM_ANIMATIONS(tmp) / NUM_FACINGS(tmp)) * tmp->direction) + tmp->value);
			update_object(tmp, UP_OBJ_FACE);

			return 1;

		case TRIGGER:
			if (check_trigger(tmp, op))
				new_draw_info(NDI_UNIQUE, op, "You turn the handle.");
				play_sound_map(tmp->map, tmp->x, tmp->y, SOUND_TURN_HANDLE, SOUND_NORMAL);
				new_draw_info(NDI_UNIQUE, op, "The handle doesn't move.");

			return 1;

		case EXIT:
			if (op->type != PLAYER || !tmp->map)
				return 0;

			/* If no map path specified, we assume it is the map path of the exit. */
			if (!EXIT_PATH(tmp))
				FREE_AND_ADD_REF_HASH(EXIT_PATH(tmp), tmp->map->path);

			if (!EXIT_PATH(tmp) || !is_legal_2ways_exit(op, tmp) || (EXIT_Y(tmp) == -1 && EXIT_X(tmp) == -1))
				new_draw_info_format(NDI_UNIQUE, op, "The %s is closed.", query_name(tmp, NULL));
				/* Don't display messages for random maps. */
				if (tmp->msg && strncmp(EXIT_PATH(tmp), "/!", 2) && strncmp(EXIT_PATH(tmp), "/random/", 8))
					new_draw_info(NDI_NAVY, op, tmp->msg);

				enter_exit(op, tmp);

			return 1;

		case SIGN:
			apply_sign(op, tmp);
			return 1;

		case BOOK:
			if (op->type == PLAYER)
				apply_book(op, tmp);
				return 1;

			return 0;

			if (op->type == PLAYER)
				apply_skillscroll(op, tmp);
				return 1;

			return 0;

			if (op->type == PLAYER)
				apply_spellbook(op, tmp);
				return 1;

			return 0;

		case SCROLL:
			apply_scroll(op, tmp);
			return 1;

		case POTION:
			(void) apply_potion(op, tmp);
			return 1;

			apply_player_light(op, tmp);
			return 1;

			apply_player_light_refill(op, tmp);
			return 1;

		/* Eneq( Handle apply on containers. */
		case CLOSE_CON:
			if (op->type == PLAYER)
				(void) esrv_apply_container(op, tmp->env);

			return 1;

			if (op->type == PLAYER)
				(void) esrv_apply_container(op, tmp);

			return 1;

		case TREASURE:
			apply_treasure(op, tmp);
			return 1;

		case WEAPON:
		case ARMOUR:
		case BOOTS:
		case GLOVES:
		case AMULET:
		case GIRDLE:
		case BRACERS:
		case SHIELD:
		case HELMET:
		case RING:
		case CLOAK:
		case WAND:
		case ROD:
		case HORN:
		case SKILL:
		case BOW:
		case SKILL_ITEM:
			/* Not in inventory */
			if (tmp->env != op)
				return 2;

			(void) apply_special(op, tmp, aflag);
			return 1;

		case DRINK:
		case FOOD:
		case FLESH:
			apply_food(op, tmp);
			return 1;

		case POISON:
			apply_poison(op, tmp);
			return 1;

		case SAVEBED:
			if (op->type == PLAYER)
				return 1;

			return 0;

			if (op->type == PLAYER)
				apply_armour_improver(op, tmp);
				return 1;

			return 0;

			apply_weapon_improver(op, tmp);
			return 1;

		case CLOCK:
			if (op->type == PLAYER)
				timeofday_t tod;

				new_draw_info_format(NDI_UNIQUE, op, "It is %d minute%s past %d o'clock %s", tod.minute + 1, ((tod.minute + 1 < 2) ? "" : "s"), ((tod.hour % (HOURS_PER_DAY / 2) == 0) ? (HOURS_PER_DAY / 2) : ((tod.hour) % (HOURS_PER_DAY / 2))), ((tod.hour >= (HOURS_PER_DAY / 2)) ? "pm" : "am"));
				return 1;

			return 0;

			apply_power_crystal(op, tmp);
			return 1;

		/* For lighting torches/lanterns/etc */
		case LIGHTER:
			if (op->type == PLAYER)
				apply_lighter(op, tmp);
				return 1;

			return 0;

		/* So the below default case doesn't execute for these objects,
		 * even if they have message. */
		case DOOR:
			return 0;

		/* Nothing from the above... but show a message if it has one. */
			if (tmp->msg)
				new_draw_info(NDI_UNIQUE, op, tmp->msg);
				return 1;

			return 0;
Beispiel #5
void boot_slave( void ) {
    int sv[2];

    int i;

    int maxfds;

    char *s;

    maxfds = getdtablesize();
    maxfds = sysconf( _SC_OPEN_MAX );

    if( slave_socket != -1 ) {
        close( slave_socket );
        slave_socket = -1;
    if( socketpair( AF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, sv ) < 0 ) {
     * set to nonblocking
#ifdef FNDELAY
    if( fcntl( sv[0], F_SETFL, FNDELAY ) == -1 ) {
    if( fcntl( sv[0], F_SETFL, O_NDELAY ) == -1 ) {
        close( sv[0] );
        close( sv[1] );
    slave_pid = vfork();
    switch( slave_pid ) {
    case -1:
        close( sv[0] );
        close( sv[1] );

    case 0:		/* child */
        close( sv[0] );
        if( dup2( sv[1], 0 ) == -1 ) {
            _exit( 1 );
        if( dup2( sv[1], 1 ) == -1 ) {
            _exit( 1 );
        for( i = 3; i < maxfds; ++i ) {
            close( i );
        s = ( char * ) XMALLOC( MBUF_SIZE, "boot_slave" );
        sprintf( s, "%s/slave", mudconf.binhome );
        execlp( s, "slave", NULL );
        XFREE( s, "boot_slave" );
        _exit( 1 );
    close( sv[1] );

#ifdef FNDELAY
    if( fcntl( sv[0], F_SETFL, FNDELAY ) == -1 ) {
    if( fcntl( sv[0], F_SETFL, O_NDELAY ) == -1 ) {
        close( sv[0] );
    slave_socket = sv[0];
    log_write( LOG_ALWAYS, "NET", "SLAVE", "DNS lookup slave started on fd %d", slave_socket );

int make_socket( int port ) {
    int s, opt;

    struct sockaddr_in server;

    s = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
    if( s < 0 ) {
        log_perror( "NET", "FAIL", NULL, "creating master socket" );
        exit( 3 );
    opt = 1;
    if( setsockopt( s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR,
                    ( char * ) &opt, sizeof( opt ) ) < 0 ) {
        log_perror( "NET", "FAIL", NULL, "setsockopt" );
    server.sin_family = AF_INET;
    server.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
    server.sin_port = ( unsigned short ) htons( ( unsigned short ) port );
    if( !mudstate.restarting )
        if( bind( s, ( struct sockaddr * ) &server, sizeof( server ) ) ) {
            log_perror( "NET", "FAIL", NULL, "bind" );
            close( s );
            exit( 4 );
    listen( s, 5 );
    return s;

void shovechars( int port ) {
    fd_set input_set, output_set;

    struct timeval last_slice, current_time, next_slice, timeout,
    int found, check;

    DESC *d, *dnext, *newd;

    int avail_descriptors, maxfds;

    struct stat fstatbuf;

#define CheckInput(x)	FD_ISSET(x, &input_set)
#define CheckOutput(x)	FD_ISSET(x, &output_set)

    mudstate.debug_cmd = ( char * ) "< shovechars >";
    if( !mudstate.restarting ) {
        sock = make_socket( port );
    if( !mudstate.restarting ) {
        maxd = sock + 1;

    get_tod( &last_slice );

    maxfds = getdtablesize();
    maxfds = sysconf( _SC_OPEN_MAX );

    avail_descriptors = maxfds - 7;

    while( mudstate.shutdown_flag == 0 ) {
        get_tod( &current_time );
        last_slice = update_quotas( last_slice, current_time );


        if( mudstate.shutdown_flag ) {

         * We've gotten a signal to dump flatfiles

        if( mudstate.flatfile_flag && !mudstate.dumping ) {
            if( *mudconf.dump_msg ) {
                raw_broadcast( 0, "%s", mudconf.dump_msg );

            mudstate.dumping = 1;
            log_write( LOG_DBSAVES, "DMP", "CHKPT", "Flatfiling: %s.#%d#", mudconf.db_file, mudstate.epoch );
            dump_database_internal( DUMP_DB_FLATFILE );
            mudstate.dumping = 0;

            if( *mudconf.postdump_msg ) {
                raw_broadcast( 0, "%s", mudconf.postdump_msg );
            mudstate.flatfile_flag = 0;
         * test for events


         * any queued robot commands waiting?

        timeout.tv_sec = que_next();
        timeout.tv_usec = 0;
        next_slice = msec_add( last_slice, mudconf.timeslice );
        slice_timeout = timeval_sub( next_slice, current_time );

        FD_ZERO( &input_set );
        FD_ZERO( &output_set );

         * Listen for new connections if there are free descriptors

        if( ndescriptors < avail_descriptors ) {
            FD_SET( sock, &input_set );
         * Listen for replies from the slave socket

        if( slave_socket != -1 ) {
            FD_SET( slave_socket, &input_set );
         * Mark sockets that we want to test for change in status

        DESC_ITER_ALL( d ) {
            if( !d->input_head ) {
                FD_SET( d->descriptor, &input_set );
            if( d->output_head ) {
                FD_SET( d->descriptor, &output_set );

         * Wait for something to happen
        found = select( maxd, &input_set, &output_set, ( fd_set * ) NULL,
                        &timeout );

        if( found < 0 ) {
            if( errno == EBADF ) {
                 * This one is bad, as it results in a spiral
                 * of doom, unless we can figure out what the
                 * bad file descriptor is and get rid of it.
                log_perror( "NET", "FAIL", "checking for activity", "select" );
                DESC_ITER_ALL( d ) {
                    if( fstat( d->descriptor,
                               &fstatbuf ) < 0 ) {
                         * It's a player. Just toss
                         * the connection.
                        log_write( LOG_PROBLEMS, "ERR", "EBADF", "Bad descriptor %d", d->descriptor );
                        shutdownsock( d,R_SOCKDIED );
                if( ( slave_socket == -1 ) ||
                        ( fstat( slave_socket, &fstatbuf ) < 0 ) ) {
                     * Try to restart the slave, since it
                     * presumably died.
                    log_write( LOG_PROBLEMS, "ERR", "EBADF", "Bad slave descriptor %d", slave_socket );
                if( ( sock != -1 ) &&
                        ( fstat( sock, &fstatbuf ) < 0 ) ) {
                     * That's it, game over.
                    log_write( LOG_PROBLEMS, "ERR", "EBADF", "Bad game port descriptor %d", sock );
            } else if( errno != EINTR ) {
                log_perror( "NET", "FAIL", "checking for activity", "select" );
Beispiel #6
 * num_file_complete: handler routine for file completions
 * Files may complete in two ways:
 *	1. TCP sends an UPSTREAM event with file x-fer size
 *	2. TCP sends an UPSTREAM event with file size 0
 *		(indicates TCP failure)
 * Upon completion, if throughput is good, ask for a larger file.
 * If throughput is less than desired, but acceptable, ask for
 * same size file.  If throughput is not acceptable, ask for
 * minimum size file.
num_file_complete(num_state * state, tw_bf * bf, rn_message * msg, tw_lp * lp)
	tw_stime	 elapsed;
	tw_stime	 ts, tn;

	num_profile	*np;

	int		 actual;
	int		 timeofday;

	if(lp->id == DEBUG_LP)
		printf("%ld T%d %s: FILE_COMPLETE\n", lp->id, state->type,

	tn = tw_now(lp);
	timeofday = (int) tn % TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS;
 	elapsed = tn - state->start;

	if(msg->size == 40)
		tw_error(TW_LOC, "Received TCP ACK!");
	} else if (msg->size > 40)
		state->stats->s_total_time += elapsed;
		state->stats->s_total_kb += state->file_size;
	} else
		// try again?
		state->stats->s_nfailures = 3;;


	actual = state->file_size / elapsed;
	np = &g_num_profiles[state->type];

	if(lp->id == DEBUG_LP)
		printf("%ld T%d %s: actual: %d, desired: %u, size: %.2lfB, elapsed: %lf\n",
			lp->id, state->type, get_tod(tw_now(lp)), actual, 
			np->bitrate, (double) state->file_size / 8.0, elapsed);

#if ONE
	if(lp->id != DEBUG_LP)

	// If after quitting time, then do not ask for another file
	if(timeofday >= QUIT_TIME)

	// Both rate and desired are in bits / second
	if(actual >= np->bitrate)
		// Stay with file_size if achieved the desired bitrate
		ts = tn + ((state->file_size / np->bitrate) - elapsed);
		if ( ts <= tn )
			ts = tn + 1.0;
		if((int) ts % TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS >= QUIT_TIME)

		rn_timer_init(lp, ts);
	} else if (actual >= np->bitrate / 10.0)
		// Ask for another file right away
		state->file_size *= 2;

		if(state->file_size > MAX_FILE_SIZE)
			state->file_size = MAX_FILE_SIZE;

		num_file_start(state, bf, state->file_size, lp);
	} else
		// rate is less than acceptable, walk away from network
		// this would be stage 2
		state->stats->s_nfailures = 2;