static void vsmap_to_table(lua_State *L, int index, VSMap *map) { struct vf_instance *vf = get_vf(L); struct vf_priv_s *p = vf->priv; const VSAPI *vsapi = p->vsapi; for (int n = 0; n < vsapi->propNumKeys(map); n++) { const char *key = vsapi->propGetKey(map, n); VSPropTypes t = vsapi->propGetType(map, key); switch (t) { case ptInt: lua_pushnumber(L, vsapi->propGetInt(map, key, 0, NULL)); break; case ptFloat: lua_pushnumber(L, vsapi->propGetFloat(map, key, 0, NULL)); break; case ptNode: { VSNodeRef *r = vsapi->propGetNode(map, key, 0, NULL); MP_TARRAY_APPEND(p, p->gc_noderef, p->num_gc_noderef, r); lua_pushlightuserdata(L, r); break; } default: luaL_error(L, "unknown map type"); } lua_setfield(L, index, key); } }
static VSMap *table_to_vsmap(lua_State *L, int index) { struct vf_instance *vf = get_vf(L); struct vf_priv_s *p = vf->priv; const VSAPI *vsapi = p->vsapi; assert(index > 0); VSMap *map = vsapi->createMap(); MP_TARRAY_APPEND(p, p->gc_map, p->num_gc_map, map); if (!map) luaL_error(L, "out of memory"); lua_pushnil(L); // nil while (lua_next(L, index) != 0) { // key value if (lua_type(L, -2) != LUA_TSTRING) { luaL_error(L, "key must be a string, but got %s", lua_typename(L, -2)); } const char *key = lua_tostring(L, -2); switch (lua_type(L, -1)) { case LUA_TNUMBER: { // gross hack because we hate everything if (strncmp(key, "i_", 2) == 0) { vsapi->propSetInt(map, key + 2, lua_tointeger(L, -1), 0); } else { vsapi->propSetFloat(map, key, lua_tonumber(L, -1), 0); } break; } case LUA_TSTRING: { const char *s = lua_tostring(L, -1); vsapi->propSetData(map, key, s, strlen(s), 0); break; } case LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA: { // assume it's VSNodeRef* VSNodeRef *node = lua_touserdata(L, -1); vsapi->propSetNode(map, key, node, 0); break; } default: luaL_error(L, "unknown type"); break; } lua_pop(L, 1); // key } return map; }
static int l_invoke(lua_State *L) { struct vf_instance *vf = get_vf(L); struct vf_priv_s *p = vf->priv; const VSAPI *vsapi = p->vsapi; VSPlugin *plugin = vsapi->getPluginByNs(luaL_checkstring(L, 1), p->vscore); if (!plugin) luaL_error(L, "plugin not found"); VSMap *map = table_to_vsmap(L, 3); VSMap *r = vsapi->invoke(plugin, luaL_checkstring(L, 2), map); MP_TARRAY_APPEND(p, p->gc_map, p->num_gc_map, r); if (!r) luaL_error(L, "?"); const char *err = vsapi->getError(r); if (err) luaL_error(L, "error calling invoke(): %s", err); int err2 = 0; VSNodeRef *node = vsapi->propGetNode(r, "clip", 0, &err2); MP_TARRAY_APPEND(p, p->gc_noderef, p->num_gc_noderef, node); if (node) lua_pushlightuserdata(L, node); return 1; }
/* SETUP ROUTINES */ int initial_set() { int prompt,status; int i; /* On node zero, read lattice size, seed, nflavors1, nflavors2, nflavors, and send to others */ if(mynode()==0){ /* print banner */ printf("SU3 gauge utility program\n"); printf("MIMD version 7\n"); printf("Machine = %s, with %d nodes\n",machine_type(),numnodes()); status=get_prompt(stdin, &prompt); IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"nx", ¶m.nx ); IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"ny", ¶m.ny ); IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"nz", ¶ ); IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"nt", ¶m.nt ); #ifdef FIX_NODE_GEOM IF_OK status += get_vi(stdin, prompt, "node_geometry", param.node_geometry, 4); #ifdef FIX_IONODE_GEOM IF_OK status += get_vi(stdin, prompt, "ionode_geometry", param.ionode_geometry, 4); #endif #endif IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"iseed", ¶m.iseed ); /* beta, quark masses */ IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt,"beta", ¶m.beta ); IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"n_dyn_masses", ¶m.n_dyn_masses ); IF_OK status += get_vf(stdin, prompt, "dyn_mass", param.dyn_mass, param.n_dyn_masses); IF_OK status += get_vi(stdin, prompt, "dyn_flavors", param.dyn_flavors, param.n_dyn_masses); /* Get tadpole factor */ IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt, "u0", ¶m.u0); /* Get translation vector */ if(status>0) param.stopflag=1; else param.stopflag=0; } /* end if(mynode()==0) */ /* Node 0 broadcasts parameter buffer to all other nodes */ broadcast_bytes((char *)¶m,sizeof(param)); if( param.stopflag != 0 ) normal_exit(0); nx=param.nx; ny=param.ny;; nt=param.nt; #ifdef FIX_NODE_GEOM for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) node_geometry[i] = param.node_geometry[i]; #ifdef FIX_IONODE_GEOM for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) ionode_geometry[i] = param.ionode_geometry[i]; #endif #endif iseed=param.iseed; this_node = mynode(); number_of_nodes = numnodes(); volume=nx*ny*nz*nt; beta = param.beta; n_dyn_masses = param.n_dyn_masses; for(i = 0; i < n_dyn_masses; i++){ dyn_mass[i] = param.dyn_mass[i]; dyn_flavors[i] = param.dyn_flavors[i]; } u0 = param.u0; return prompt; }
/* read in parameters and coupling constants */ int readin(int prompt) { /* read in parameters for su3 monte carlo */ /* argument "prompt" is 1 if prompts are to be given for input */ int status; /* On node zero, read parameters and send to all other nodes */ if(this_node==0) { printf("\n\n"); status=0; /* find out what kind of starting lattice to use */ IF_OK status += ask_starting_lattice(stdin, prompt, &(param.startflag), param.startfile ); /* Gauge fixing parameters */ IF_OK if (prompt==1) printf("enter 'no_gauge_fix', 'landau_gauge_fix', or 'coulomb_gauge_fix'\n"); IF_OK scanf("%s",param.gauge_fix_description); IF_OK printf("%s\n",param.gauge_fix_description); IF_OK { if(strcmp("coulomb_gauge_fix",param.gauge_fix_description) == 0 ){ param.fixflag = COULOMB_GAUGE_FIX; if(this_node==0)printf("fixing to coulomb gauge\n"); } else if(strcmp("landau_gauge_fix",param.gauge_fix_description) == 0 ) { param.fixflag = LANDAU_GAUGE_FIX; if(this_node==0)printf("fixing to landau gauge\n"); } else if(strcmp("no_gauge_fix",param.gauge_fix_description) == 0 ) { param.fixflag = NO_GAUGE_FIX; if(this_node==0)printf("NOT fixing the gauge\n"); } else{ printf("error in input: fixing_command %s is invalid\n", param.gauge_fix_description); status++; } } /* Gauge fixing parameters */ if(param.fixflag != NO_GAUGE_FIX){ IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt, "gauge_fix_tol", ¶m.gauge_fix_tol); } /* Get translation vector */ IF_OK status += get_vi(stdin, prompt, "rshift", param.rshift, 4); /* Get boundary twist */ IF_OK status += get_vf(stdin, prompt, "momentum_twist", param.bdry_phase, 4); /* find out what to do with lattice at end */ IF_OK status += ask_ending_lattice(stdin, prompt, &(param.saveflag), param.savefile ); IF_OK status += ask_ildg_LFN(stdin, prompt, param.saveflag, param.stringLFN ); if( status > 0)param.stopflag=1; else param.stopflag=0; } /* end if(this_node==0) */
/* read in parameters and coupling constants */ int readin(int prompt) { /* read in parameters for su3 monte carlo */ /* argument "prompt" is 1 if prompts are to be given for input */ int status; Real x; int i; #ifdef SPECTRUM char request_buf[MAX_SPECTRUM_REQUEST]; #endif /* On node zero, read parameters and send to all other nodes */ if(this_node==0) { printf("\n\n"); status=0; /* warms, trajecs */ IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"warms", &par_buf.warms ); IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"trajecs", &par_buf.trajecs ); /* trajectories between propagator measurements */ IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"traj_between_meas", &par_buf.propinterval ); /* microcanonical time step */ IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt,"microcanonical_time_step", &par_buf.epsilon ); /*microcanonical steps per trajectory */ IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"steps_per_trajectory", &par_buf.steps ); /* Data for each pseudofermion */ for(i = 0; i < par_buf.n_pseudo; i++){ Real tmp[3]; int itmp[3]; /* Residuals for multicg solves */ IF_OK status += get_vf(stdin, prompt,"cgresid_md_fa_gr", tmp, 3 ); /* rsqmin is r**2 in conjugate gradient */ IF_OK { par_buf.rsqmin_md[i] = tmp[0]*tmp[0]; par_buf.rsqmin_fa[i] = tmp[1]*tmp[1]; par_buf.rsqmin_gr[i] = tmp[2]*tmp[2]; } /* Max CG iterations for multicg solves */ IF_OK status += get_vi(stdin, prompt, "max_multicg_md_fa_gr", itmp, 3); IF_OK { par_buf.niter_md[i] = itmp[0]; par_buf.niter_fa[i] = itmp[1]; par_buf.niter_gr[i] = itmp[2]; } /* Precision for multicg solves */ IF_OK status += get_vi(stdin, prompt, "cgprec_md_fa_gr", itmp, 3); IF_OK { par_buf.prec_md[i] = itmp[0]; par_buf.prec_fa[i] = itmp[1]; par_buf.prec_gr[i] = itmp[2]; } } /* Precision for fermion force calculation */ IF_OK status = get_i(stdin, prompt, "prec_ff", &par_buf.prec_ff); /* error for propagator conjugate gradient */ IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt,"error_for_propagator", &x ); IF_OK par_buf.rsqprop = x*x; /* maximum no. of conjugate gradient iterations for propagator etc. and maximum no. of restarts */ IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"max_cg_prop", &par_buf.niter ); IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"max_cg_prop_restarts", &par_buf.nrestart ); #ifdef NPBP_REPS /* number of random sources npbp_reps and precision for inversions */ IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"npbp_reps", &par_buf.npbp_reps_in ); IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"prec_pbp", &par_buf.prec_pbp ); #endif #ifdef SPECTRUM /* request list for spectral measurments */ /* prepend and append a comma for ease in parsing */ IF_OK status += get_s(stdin, prompt,"spectrum_request", request_buf ); IF_OK strcpy(par_buf.spectrum_request,","); IF_OK strcat(par_buf.spectrum_request,request_buf); IF_OK strcat(par_buf.spectrum_request,","); /* source time slice and increment */ IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"source_start", &par_buf.source_start ); IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"source_inc", &par_buf.source_inc ); IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"n_sources", &par_buf.n_sources ); /* Additional parameters for spectrum_multimom */ if(strstr(par_buf.spectrum_request,",spectrum_multimom,") != NULL){ IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"spectrum_multimom_nmasses", &par_buf.spectrum_multimom_nmasses ); IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt,"spectrum_multimom_low_mass", &par_buf.spectrum_multimom_low_mass ); IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt,"spectrum_multimom_mass_step", &par_buf.spectrum_multimom_mass_step ); } /* Additional parameters for fpi */ par_buf.fpi_nmasses = 0; if(strstr(par_buf.spectrum_request,",fpi,") != NULL){ IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"fpi_nmasses", &par_buf.fpi_nmasses ); if(par_buf.fpi_nmasses > MAX_FPI_NMASSES){ printf("Maximum of %d exceeded.\n",MAX_FPI_NMASSES); terminate(1); } for(i = 0; i < par_buf.fpi_nmasses; i++){ IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt,"fpi_mass", &par_buf.fpi_mass[i]); } } #endif /*SPECTRUM*/ /* find out what kind of starting lattice to use */ IF_OK status += ask_starting_lattice(stdin, prompt, &(par_buf.startflag), par_buf.startfile ); /* find out what to do with lattice at end */ IF_OK status += ask_ending_lattice(stdin, prompt, &(par_buf.saveflag), par_buf.savefile ); IF_OK status += ask_ildg_LFN(stdin, prompt, par_buf.saveflag, par_buf.stringLFN ); if( status > 0)par_buf.stopflag=1; else par_buf.stopflag=0; } /* end if(this_node==0) */
/* SETUP ROUTINES */ int initial_set() { int prompt,status,i,tmporder; Real current_naik_mass; /* On node zero, read lattice size, seed, and send to others */ if(mynode()==0){ /* print banner */ printf("SU3 with improved KS action\n"); printf("Microcanonical simulation with refreshing\n"); printf("MIMD version 7 $Name: $\n"); printf("Machine = %s, with %d nodes\n",machine_type(),numnodes()); printf("Rational function hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm\n"); /* Print list of options selected */ node0_printf("Options selected...\n"); show_generic_opts(); show_generic_ks_opts(); #ifdef INT_ALG node0_printf("INT_ALG=%s\n",ks_int_alg_opt_chr()); #endif //#ifdef HISQ_NAIK_ADJUSTABLE // node0_printf("HISQ_NAIK_ADJUSTABLE (means Naik correction is full epsilon and not just mass)\n"); //#endif #ifdef HISQ_FORCE_FILTER node0_printf("HISQ_FORCE_FILTER=%f\n",HISQ_FORCE_FILTER); #endif #ifdef HISQ_REUNIT_ALLOW_SVD node0_printf("HISQ_REUNIT_ALLOW_SVD\n"); #endif #ifdef HISQ_REUNIT_SVD_ONLY node0_printf("HISQ_REUNIT_SVD_ONLY (used together with HISQ_REUNIT_ALLOW_SVD)\n"); #endif #ifdef MILC_GLOBAL_DEBUG node0_printf("MILC_GLOBAL_DEBUG ***********************\n"); #endif #ifdef HISQ_REUNITARIZATION_DEBUG node0_printf("HISQ_REUNITARIZATION_DEBUG is ON\n"); #endif #ifdef HISQ_FF_MULTI_WRAPPER node0_printf("HISQ_FF_MULTI_WRAPPER is ON\n"); #endif #ifdef HISQ_FF_DEBUG node0_printf("HISQ_FF_DEBUG is ON\n"); #endif status=get_prompt(stdin, &prompt); IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"nx", &par_buf.nx ); IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"ny", &par_buf.ny ); IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"nz", & ); IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"nt", &par_buf.nt ); #ifdef FIX_NODE_GEOM IF_OK status += get_vi(stdin, prompt, "node_geometry", par_buf.node_geometry, 4); #ifdef FIX_IONODE_GEOM IF_OK status += get_vi(stdin, prompt, "ionode_geometry", par_buf.ionode_geometry, 4); #endif #endif IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"iseed", &par_buf.iseed ); /* Number of pseudofermions */ IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"n_pseudo", &par_buf.n_pseudo ); if(par_buf.n_pseudo > MAX_N_PSEUDO){ printf("Error: Too many pseudofermion fields. Recompile. Current max is %d\n" ,MAX_N_PSEUDO); terminate(1); } /* get name of file containing rational function parameters */ IF_OK status += get_s(stdin, prompt, "load_rhmc_params", par_buf.rparamfile); /* beta, quark masses */ IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt,"beta", &par_buf.beta ); IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"n_dyn_masses", &par_buf.n_dyn_masses ); IF_OK status += get_vf(stdin, prompt, "dyn_mass", par_buf.dyn_mass, par_buf.n_dyn_masses); IF_OK status += get_vi(stdin, prompt, "dyn_flavors", par_buf.dyn_flavors, par_buf.n_dyn_masses); IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt,"u0", &par_buf.u0 ); if(status>0) par_buf.stopflag=1; else par_buf.stopflag=0; } /* end if(mynode()==0) */ /* Node 0 broadcasts parameter buffer to all other nodes */ broadcast_bytes((char *)&par_buf,sizeof(par_buf)); if( par_buf.stopflag != 0 ) normal_exit(0); nx = par_buf.nx; ny = par_buf.ny; nz =; nt = par_buf.nt; #ifdef FIX_NODE_GEOM for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) node_geometry[i] = par_buf.node_geometry[i]; #ifdef FIX_IONODE_GEOM for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) ionode_geometry[i] = par_buf.ionode_geometry[i]; #endif #endif iseed = par_buf.iseed; n_pseudo = par_buf.n_pseudo; strcpy(rparamfile,par_buf.rparamfile); this_node = mynode(); number_of_nodes = numnodes(); volume=nx*ny*nz*nt; total_iters=0; /* Load rational function parameters */ rparam = load_rhmc_params(rparamfile, n_pseudo); if(rparam == NULL)terminate(1); /* Determine the maximum rational fcn order */ max_rat_order = 0; for(i = 0; i < n_pseudo; i++){ if(rparam[i].MD.order > max_rat_order)max_rat_order = rparam[i].MD.order; if(rparam[i].GR.order > max_rat_order)max_rat_order = rparam[i].GR.order; if(rparam[i].FA.order > max_rat_order)max_rat_order = rparam[i].FA.order; } node0_printf("Maximum rational func order is %d\n",max_rat_order); /* Determine the number of different Naik masses */ current_naik_mass = rparam[0].naik_term_epsilon; tmporder = 0; n_naiks = 0; n_order_naik_total = 0; for( i=0; i<n_pseudo; i++ ) { if( rparam[i].naik_term_epsilon != current_naik_mass ) { if( tmporder > 0 ) { n_orders_naik[n_naiks] = tmporder; masses_naik[n_naiks] = current_naik_mass; current_naik_mass = rparam[i].naik_term_epsilon; n_naiks++; n_order_naik_total += tmporder; tmporder = 0; } } tmporder += rparam[i].MD.order; n_pseudo_naik[n_naiks]++; } if( tmporder > 0 ) { n_orders_naik[n_naiks] = tmporder; masses_naik[n_naiks] = current_naik_mass; n_order_naik_total += tmporder; n_naiks++; } // calculate epsilon corrections for different Naik terms if( 0!=masses_naik[0] ) { node0_printf("IN HISQ ACTION FIRST SET OF PSEUDO FERMION FIELDS SHOULD HAVE EPSILON CORRECTION TO NAIK TERM ZERO.\n"); terminate(1); } eps_naik[0] = 0.0; // first set of X links always has 0 correction for( i=1; i<n_naiks; i++ ) { #ifdef HISQ //#ifdef HISQ_NAIK_ADJUSTABLE // value read from rational function file is considered full epsilon correction eps_naik[i] = masses_naik[i]; //#else // value read from rational function file is considered quark mass // and epsilon correction is calculated with the second order perturbation theory, // HISQ_NAIK_2ND_ORDER is set in the hisq_action.h // eps_naik[i] = HISQ_NAIK_2ND_ORDER*masses_naik[i]*masses_naik[i]; //#endif #else /* HISQ */ // IT IS ASSUMED THAT ACTIONS OTHER THAN HISQ DO NOT HAVE // ANY EPSILON CORRECTION TERMS eps_naik[i] = 0; #endif /* HISQ */ } node0_printf("Naik term correction structure of multi_x:\n"); node0_printf("n_naiks %d\n",n_naiks); for( i=0; i<n_naiks; i++ ) { node0_printf("n_pseudo_naik[%d]=%d\n",i,n_pseudo_naik[i]); node0_printf("n_orders_naik[%d]=%d\n",i,n_orders_naik[i]); node0_printf("masses_naik[%d]=%f\n",i,masses_naik[i]); node0_printf("eps_naik[%d]=%f\n",i,eps_naik[i]); } node0_printf("n_order_naik_total %d\n",n_order_naik_total); #ifdef HISQ if( n_naiks+1 > MAX_NAIK ) { node0_printf("MAX_NAIK=%d < n_naiks+1=%d\n", MAX_NAIK, n_naiks+1 ); node0_printf("Increase MAX_NAIK\n"); terminate(1); } #else /* HISQ */ if( n_naiks>1 ) { node0_printf("FOR ACTIONS OTHER THAN HISQ EPSILON CORRECTION IS NOT USED.\n"); node0_printf("ONLY ONE SET OF X LINKS IS USED.\n"); node0_printf("SET ALL naik_mass TO 0 IN RATIONAL FUNCTION FILE.\n"); terminate(1); } #endif /* HISQ */ beta = par_buf.beta; n_dyn_masses = par_buf.n_dyn_masses; for(i = 0; i < n_dyn_masses; i++){ dyn_mass[i] = par_buf.dyn_mass[i]; dyn_flavors[i] = par_buf.dyn_flavors[i]; } u0 = par_buf.u0; return(prompt); }
/* read in parameters and coupling constants */ int readin(int prompt) { /* read in parameters for su3 monte carlo */ /* argument "prompt" is 1 if prompts are to be given for input */ int status; char savebuf[128]; int i; int ipair; int max_cg_iterations, max_cg_restarts; Real bdry_phase[4]; #ifdef PRTIME double dtime; #endif STARTTIME; /* On node zero, read parameters and send to all other nodes */ if(this_node==0){ printf("\n\n"); status=0; /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Gauge configuration section */ /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ IF_OK status += ask_starting_lattice(stdin, prompt, ¶m.startflag, param.startfile ); IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt,"u0", ¶m.u0 ); IF_OK if (prompt==1) printf("enter 'no_gauge_fix', or 'coulomb_gauge_fix'\n"); IF_OK scanf("%s",savebuf); IF_OK printf("%s\n",savebuf); IF_OK { if(strcmp("coulomb_gauge_fix",savebuf) == 0 ){ param.fixflag = COULOMB_GAUGE_FIX; } else if(strcmp("no_gauge_fix",savebuf) == 0 ) { param.fixflag = NO_GAUGE_FIX; } else{ printf("error in input: fixing_command %s is invalid\n",savebuf); status++; } } /* find out what to do with lattice at end */ IF_OK status += ask_ending_lattice(stdin, prompt, &(param.saveflag), param.savefile ); IF_OK status += ask_ildg_LFN(stdin, prompt, param.saveflag, param.stringLFN ); /* APE smearing parameters (if needed) */ /* Zero suppresses APE smearing */ IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt, "staple_weight", ¶m.staple_weight); IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt, "ape_iter", ¶m.ape_iter); /* Coordinate origin for KS phases and antiperiodic boundary condition */ IF_OK status += get_vi(stdin, prompt, "coordinate_origin", param.coord_origin, 4); /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Propagator inversion control */ /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* maximum no. of conjugate gradient iterations */ IF_OK status += get_i(stdin,prompt,"max_cg_iterations", &max_cg_iterations ); /* maximum no. of conjugate gradient restarts */ IF_OK status += get_i(stdin,prompt,"max_cg_restarts", &max_cg_restarts ); /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Base sources */ /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ IF_OK status += get_i(stdin,prompt,"number_of_base_sources", ¶m.num_base_source); IF_OK { if(param.num_base_source > MAX_SOURCE){ printf("Exceeded dimension %d\n",MAX_SOURCE); status++; } } for(i = 0; i < param.num_base_source; i++){ IF_OK init_qs(¶m.base_src_qs[i]); IF_OK status += get_wv_quark_source( stdin, prompt, ¶m.base_src_qs[i]); /* Base sources have no parents or ops */ IF_OK param.parent_source[i] = BASE_SOURCE_PARENT; IF_OK init_qss_op(¶m.src_qs_op[i]); IF_OK set_qss_op_offset(¶m.src_qs_op[i], param.coord_origin); /* Get optional file for saving the base source */ IF_OK { int source_type, saveflag_s; char descrp[MAXDESCRP]; char savefile_s[MAXFILENAME]; status += ask_output_quark_source_file( stdin, prompt, &saveflag_s, &source_type, NULL, descrp, savefile_s ); IF_OK { param.base_src_qs[i].savetype = source_type; param.base_src_qs[i].saveflag = saveflag_s; strcpy(param.base_src_qs[i].save_file, savefile_s); if(saveflag_s != FORGET && source_type != DIRAC_FIELD_FILE && source_type != VECTOR_FIELD_FILE){ printf("Unsupported output source type\n"); status++; } } /* OK */ } /* OK */ } /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Modified sources */ /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ IF_OK status += get_i(stdin,prompt,"number_of_modified_sources", ¶m.num_modified_source); IF_OK { if(param.num_base_source + param.num_modified_source > MAX_SOURCE){ printf("Total including base sources exceeds dimension %d\n", MAX_SOURCE); status++; } } for(i = 0; i < param.num_modified_source; i++){ /* We append the modified sources to the list of base sources */ int is = param.num_base_source + i; IF_OK status += get_i(stdin,prompt,"source", ¶m.parent_source[is]); IF_OK { if( param.parent_source[is] >= is){ printf("Source index must be less than %d here\n",is); status++; } } IF_OK init_qss_op(¶m.src_qs_op[is]); set_qss_op_offset(¶m.src_qs_op[is], param.coord_origin); /* Get source operator attributes */ IF_OK status += get_wv_field_op( stdin, prompt, ¶m.src_qs_op[is]); /* Copy parent source attributes to the derived source structure */ IF_OK { int p = param.parent_source[is]; param.base_src_qs[is] = param.base_src_qs[p]; param.base_src_qs[is].op = copy_qss_op_list(param.base_src_qs[p].op); /* Add the new operator to the linked list */ insert_qss_op(¶m.base_src_qs[is], ¶m.src_qs_op[is]); /* Append the operator info to the description if the operator is nontrivial, but simply copy the label */ if(param.src_qs_op[is].type != IDENTITY){ char *descrp = param.base_src_qs[is].descrp; char *op_descrp = param.src_qs_op[is].descrp; char *label = param.base_src_qs[is].label; char *op_label = param.src_qs_op[is].label; strncat(descrp, "/", MAXDESCRP-strlen(descrp)-1); strncat(descrp, op_descrp, MAXDESCRP-strlen(descrp)-1); strncpy(label, op_label, MAXSRCLABEL-strlen(label)-1); } } /* Get optional file for saving the modified source */ IF_OK { int source_type, saveflag_s; char descrp[MAXDESCRP]; char savefile_s[MAXFILENAME]; status += ask_output_quark_source_file( stdin, prompt, &saveflag_s, &source_type, NULL, descrp, savefile_s ); IF_OK { param.base_src_qs[is].savetype = source_type; param.base_src_qs[is].saveflag = saveflag_s; strcpy(param.base_src_qs[is].save_file, savefile_s); if(saveflag_s != FORGET && source_type != DIRAC_FIELD_FILE && source_type != VECTOR_FIELD_FILE){ printf("Unsupported output source type\n"); status++; } } /* OK */ } /* OK */ } /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Propagators and their sources */ /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Number of propagators */ IF_OK status += get_i(stdin,prompt,"number_of_propagators", ¶m.num_prop ); if( param.num_prop>MAX_PROP ){ printf("num_prop = %d must be <= %d!\n", param.num_prop, MAX_PROP); status++; } /* Get propagator parameters */ IF_OK for(i = 0; i < param.num_prop; i++){ /* Initialize dependency */ param.prop_dep_qkno[i] = 0; /* Type of propagator */ IF_OK status += get_s(stdin, prompt,"propagator_type", savebuf ); IF_OK { /* Standard clover */ if(strcmp(savebuf,"clover") == 0)param.prop_type[i] = CLOVER_TYPE; /* Standard staggered (asqtad or HISQ) to be converted to naive */ else if(strcmp(savebuf,"KS") == 0)param.prop_type[i] = KS_TYPE; /* Same as standard staggered, but conversion to naive is based on hypercube offset 0 */ else if(strcmp(savebuf,"KS0") == 0)param.prop_type[i] = KS0_TYPE; /* Staggered propagator originating from an extended Dirac source */ else if(strcmp(savebuf,"KS4") == 0)param.prop_type[i] = KS4_TYPE; /* Improved fermion lattice action (OK action) */ else if(strcmp(savebuf,"ifla") == 0 )param.prop_type[i] = IFLA_TYPE; else { printf("Unknown quark type %s\n",savebuf); status++; } } /* Mass parameters, etc */ if(param.prop_type[i] == CLOVER_TYPE){ IF_OK status += get_s(stdin, prompt,"kappa", param.kappa_label[i]); IF_OK param.dcp[i].Kappa = atof(param.kappa_label[i]); IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt,"clov_c", ¶m.dcp[i].Clov_c ); param.dcp[i].U0 = param.u0; } else if(param.prop_type[i] == IFLA_TYPE) { printf("Ifla Type Fermion\n"); #ifndef HAVE_QOP printf("Compilation with the QOP package is required for this fermion type\n"); terminate(1); #endif IF_OK status += get_s(stdin,prompt,"kapifla",param.kappa_label[i]); IF_OK param.nap[i].kapifla = atof(param.kappa_label[i]); IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt, "kappa_s", ¶m.nap[i].kappa_s); IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt, "kappa_t", ¶m.nap[i].kappa_t); IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt, "r_s", ¶m.nap[i].r_s); IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt, "r_t", ¶m.nap[i].r_t); IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt, "zeta", ¶m.nap[i].zeta); IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt, "c_E", ¶m.nap[i].c_E); IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt, "c_B", ¶m.nap[i].c_B); IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt, "c_1", ¶m.nap[i].c_1); IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt, "c_2", ¶m.nap[i].c_2); IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt, "c_3", ¶m.nap[i].c_3); IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt, "c_4", ¶m.nap[i].c_4); IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt, "c_5", ¶m.nap[i].c_5); IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt, "c_EE", ¶m.nap[i].c_EE); param.nap[i].u0 = param.u0; } else { /* KS_TYPE || KS0_TYPE || KS4_TYPE */ IF_OK status += get_s(stdin, prompt,"mass", param.mass_label[i] ); IF_OK param.ksp[i].mass = atof(param.mass_label[i]); #if FERM_ACTION == HISQ IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt, "naik_term_epsilon", ¶m.ksp[i].naik_term_epsilon); #else IF_OK param.ksp[i].naik_term_epsilon = 0.0; #endif } /* Should we solve for the propagator? */ IF_OK status += get_s(stdin, prompt,"check", savebuf); IF_OK { /* Should we be checking the propagator by running the solver? */ if(strcmp(savebuf,"no") == 0)param.check[i] = CHECK_NO; else if(strcmp(savebuf,"yes") == 0) param.check[i] = CHECK_YES; else if(strcmp(savebuf,"sourceonly") == 0) param.check[i] = CHECK_SOURCE_ONLY; else{ printf("Unrecognized 'check' option. Wanted 'no', 'yes', or 'sourceonly'\n"); status++; } } /* Error for propagator conjugate gradient or bicg */ IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt,"error_for_propagator", ¶m.qic[i].resid ); IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt,"rel_error_for_propagator", ¶m.qic[i].relresid ); IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"precision", ¶m.qic[i].prec ); #if ! defined(HAVE_QOP) && ! defined(USE_CG_GPU) if(param.qic[i].prec != PRECISION){ node0_printf("WARNING: Compiled precision %d overrides request\n",PRECISION); node0_printf("QOP or CG_GPU compilation is required for mixed precision\n"); param.qic[i].prec = PRECISION; } #endif param.qic[i].max = max_cg_iterations; param.qic[i].nrestart = max_cg_restarts; param.qic[i].parity = EVENANDODD; param.qic[i].min = 0; param.qic[i].start_flag = 0; param.qic[i].nsrc = 1; /* Momentum twist and time boundary condition */ IF_OK status += get_vf(stdin, prompt, "momentum_twist", bdry_phase, 3); IF_OK status += get_s(stdin, prompt,"time_bc", savebuf); if(param.prop_type[i] == CLOVER_TYPE || param.prop_type[i] == IFLA_TYPE){ /* NOTE: The Dirac built-in bc is periodic. */ IF_OK { if(strcmp(savebuf,"antiperiodic") == 0)bdry_phase[3] = 1; else if(strcmp(savebuf,"periodic") == 0)bdry_phase[3] = 0; else{ node0_printf("Expecting 'periodic' or 'antiperiodic' but found %s\n", savebuf); status++; } } } else { /* KS_TYPE || KS0_TYPE || KS4_TYPE */
/** * @brief Initialize and start the GUI. */ void guiInit(void) { char **argvf; int ret; plItem *playlist; mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_V, "GUI init.\n"); /* check options */ if (!cdrom_device) cdrom_device = strdup(DEFAULT_CDROM_DEVICE); if (!dvd_device) dvd_device = strdup(DEFAULT_DVD_DEVICE); #ifdef CONFIG_DXR3 if (!gtkDXR3Device) gtkDXR3Device = strdup("/dev/em8300-0"); #endif if (stream_cache_size > 0) { gtkCacheOn = True; gtkCacheSize = stream_cache_size; } else if (stream_cache_size == 0) gtkCacheOn = False; if (autosync && (autosync != gtkAutoSync)) { gtkAutoSyncOn = True; gtkAutoSync = autosync; } gtkASS.enabled = ass_enabled; gtkASS.use_margins = ass_use_margins; gtkASS.top_margin = ass_top_margin; gtkASS.bottom_margin = ass_bottom_margin; argvf = get_vf("rotate"); guiInfo.Rotation = (argvf && argvf[1] ? atoi(argvf[1]) : -1); /* initialize graphical user interfaces */ wsInit(mDisplay); gtkInit(mDisplayName); /* load skin */ skinDirInHome = get_path("skins"); skinDirInData = MPLAYER_DATADIR "/skins"; mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG2, "[interface] skin directory #1: %s\n", skinDirInHome); mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG2, "[interface] skin directory #2: %s\n", skinDirInData); if (!skinName) skinName = strdup("default"); ret = skinRead(skinName); if (ret == -1 && strcmp(skinName, "default") != 0) { mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_WARN, MSGTR_GUI_MSG_SkinCfgSelectedNotFound, skinName); skinName = strdup("default"); ret = skinRead(skinName); } switch (ret) { case -1: gmp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_FATAL, MSGTR_GUI_MSG_SkinCfgNotFound, skinName); mplayer(MPLAYER_EXIT_GUI, EXIT_ERROR, 0); case -2: gmp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_FATAL, MSGTR_GUI_MSG_SkinCfgError, skinName); mplayer(MPLAYER_EXIT_GUI, EXIT_ERROR, 0); } /* initialize windows */ if (gui_save_pos) { if (gui_main_pos_x != -3) guiApp.main.x = gui_main_pos_x; if (gui_main_pos_y != -3) guiApp.main.y = gui_main_pos_y; if (gui_video_pos_x != -3) = gui_video_pos_x; if (gui_video_pos_y != -3) = gui_video_pos_y; } if (WinID > 0) { guiApp.videoWindow.Parent = WinID; = 0; = 0; } if (guiWinID >= 0) guiApp.mainWindow.Parent = guiWinID; uiMainInit(); // main window must be first! uiVideoInit(); // video window must be second! uiPlaybarInit(); uiMenuInit(); WinID = (Window)guiApp.videoWindow.WindowID; btnValue(evSetVolume, &guiInfo.Volume); btnValue(evSetBalance, &guiInfo.Balance); btnValue(evSetMoviePosition, &guiInfo.Position); if (guiInfo.Position) uiEvent(evSetMoviePosition, guiInfo.Position); wsWindowVisibility(&guiApp.mainWindow, wsShowWindow); if (gtkShowVideoWindow) { wsWindowVisibility(&guiApp.videoWindow, wsShowWindow); guiInfo.VideoWindow = True; if (gtkLoadFullscreen) uiFullScreen(); } else wsWindowBackground(&guiApp.videoWindow, 0, 0, 0); if (gtkLoadFullscreen) btnSet(evFullScreen, btnPressed); guiInfo.Playing = GUI_STOP; playlist = listMgr(PLAYLIST_ITEM_GET_CURR, 0); if (playlist && !filename) { uiSetFile(playlist->path, playlist->name, STREAMTYPE_FILE); guiInfo.Tracks = (uintptr_t)listMgr(PLAYLIST_ITEM_GET_POS, 0); guiInfo.Track = 1; filename = NULL; // don't start playing } if (subdata) setdup(&guiInfo.SubtitleFilename, subdata->filename); orig_fontconfig = font_fontconfig; set_fontconfig(); guiInitialized = True; }
/* read in parameters and coupling constants */ int readin(int prompt) { /* read in parameters for su3 monte carlo */ /* argument "prompt" is 1 if prompts are to be given for input */ int status; int i; /* On node zero, read parameters and send to all other nodes */ if(this_node==0) { printf("\n\n"); status=0; /* warms, trajecs */ IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"warms", &par_buf.warms ); IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"trajecs", &par_buf.trajecs ); /* trajectories between propagator measurements */ IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"traj_between_meas", &par_buf.propinterval ); /* microcanonical time step */ IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt,"microcanonical_time_step", &par_buf.epsilon ); /*microcanonical steps per trajectory */ IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"steps_per_trajectory", &par_buf.steps ); /* Data for each pseudofermion */ for(i = 0; i < par_buf.n_pseudo; i++){ Real tmp[3]; int itmp[3]; /* Residuals for multicg solves */ IF_OK status += get_vf(stdin, prompt,"cgresid_md_fa_gr", tmp, 3 ); /* rsqmin is r**2 in conjugate gradient */ IF_OK { par_buf.rsqmin_md[i] = tmp[0]*tmp[0]; par_buf.rsqmin_fa[i] = tmp[1]*tmp[1]; par_buf.rsqmin_gr[i] = tmp[2]*tmp[2]; } /* Max CG iterations for multicg solves */ IF_OK status += get_vi(stdin, prompt, "max_multicg_md_fa_gr", itmp, 3); IF_OK { par_buf.niter_md[i] = itmp[0]; par_buf.niter_fa[i] = itmp[1]; par_buf.niter_gr[i] = itmp[2]; } /* Precision for multicg solves */ IF_OK status += get_vi(stdin, prompt, "cgprec_md_fa_gr", itmp, 3); IF_OK { par_buf.prec_md[i] = itmp[0]; par_buf.prec_fa[i] = itmp[1]; par_buf.prec_gr[i] = itmp[2]; } } /* Max restarts for cleanup solves */ IF_OK par_buf.nrestart = 5; /* Precision for fermion force calculation */ IF_OK status = get_i(stdin, prompt, "prec_ff", &par_buf.prec_ff); /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Chiral condensate and related quantities */ /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt, "number_of_pbp_masses", &par_buf.num_pbp_masses); if(par_buf.num_pbp_masses > MAX_MASS_PBP){ printf("Number of masses exceeds dimension %d\n",MAX_MASS_PBP); status++; } IF_OK if(par_buf.num_pbp_masses > 0){ IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt, "max_cg_prop", &par_buf.qic_pbp[0].max); IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt, "max_cg_prop_restarts", &par_buf.qic_pbp[0].nrestart); IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt, "npbp_reps", &par_buf.npbp_reps ); IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt, "prec_pbp", &par_buf.prec_pbp); IF_OK for(i = 0; i < par_buf.num_pbp_masses; i++){ IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt, "mass", &par_buf.ksp_pbp[i].mass); #if FERM_ACTION == HISQ IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt, "naik_term_epsilon", &par_buf.ksp_pbp[i].naik_term_epsilon); #endif par_buf.qic_pbp[i].min = 0; par_buf.qic_pbp[i].start_flag = 0; par_buf.qic_pbp[i].nsrc = 1; par_buf.qic_pbp[i].max = par_buf.qic_pbp[0].max; par_buf.qic_pbp[i].nrestart = par_buf.qic_pbp[0].nrestart; par_buf.qic_pbp[i].prec = par_buf.prec_pbp; IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt, "error_for_propagator", &par_buf.qic_pbp[i].resid); IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt, "rel_error_for_propagator", &par_buf.qic_pbp[i].relresid ); } }
/* SETUP ROUTINES */ static int initial_set(void) { int prompt,status,i,tmporder; Real current_naik_epsilon; /* On node zero, read lattice size, seed, and send to others */ if(mynode()==0){ /* print banner */ printf("SU3 with improved KS action\n"); printf("Microcanonical simulation with refreshing\n"); printf("Rational function hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm\n"); printf("MIMD version %s\n",MILC_CODE_VERSION); printf("Machine = %s, with %d nodes\n",machine_type(),numnodes()); gethostname(hostname, 128); printf("Host(0) = %s\n",hostname); printf("Username = %s\n", getenv("USER")); time_stamp("start"); /* Print list of options selected */ node0_printf("Options selected...\n"); show_generic_opts(); show_generic_ks_opts(); show_generic_ks_md_opts(); #ifdef INT_ALG node0_printf("INT_ALG=%s\n",ks_int_alg_opt_chr()); #endif #if FERM_ACTION == HISQ show_su3_mat_opts(); show_hisq_links_opts(); show_hisq_force_opts(); #endif status=get_prompt(stdin, &prompt); IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"nx", &par_buf.nx ); IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"ny", &par_buf.ny ); IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"nz", & ); IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"nt", &par_buf.nt ); #ifdef FIX_NODE_GEOM IF_OK status += get_vi(stdin, prompt, "node_geometry", par_buf.node_geometry, 4); #ifdef FIX_IONODE_GEOM IF_OK status += get_vi(stdin, prompt, "ionode_geometry", par_buf.ionode_geometry, 4); #endif #endif IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"iseed", &par_buf.iseed ); /* Number of pseudofermions */ IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"n_pseudo", &par_buf.n_pseudo ); if(par_buf.n_pseudo > MAX_N_PSEUDO){ printf("Error: Too many pseudofermion fields. Recompile. Current max is %d\n" ,MAX_N_PSEUDO); terminate(1); } /* get name of file containing rational function parameters */ IF_OK status += get_s(stdin, prompt, "load_rhmc_params", par_buf.rparamfile); /* beta, quark masses */ IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt,"beta", &par_buf.beta ); IF_OK status += get_i(stdin, prompt,"n_dyn_masses", &par_buf.n_dyn_masses ); IF_OK status += get_vf(stdin, prompt, "dyn_mass", par_buf.dyn_mass, par_buf.n_dyn_masses); IF_OK status += get_vi(stdin, prompt, "dyn_flavors", par_buf.dyn_flavors, par_buf.n_dyn_masses); IF_OK status += get_f(stdin, prompt,"u0", &par_buf.u0 ); if(status>0) par_buf.stopflag=1; else par_buf.stopflag=0; } /* end if(mynode()==0) */ /* Node 0 broadcasts parameter buffer to all other nodes */ broadcast_bytes((char *)&par_buf,sizeof(par_buf)); if( par_buf.stopflag != 0 ) normal_exit(0); nx = par_buf.nx; ny = par_buf.ny; nz =; nt = par_buf.nt; #ifdef FIX_NODE_GEOM for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) node_geometry[i] = par_buf.node_geometry[i]; #ifdef FIX_IONODE_GEOM for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) ionode_geometry[i] = par_buf.ionode_geometry[i]; #endif #endif iseed = par_buf.iseed; n_pseudo = par_buf.n_pseudo; strcpy(rparamfile,par_buf.rparamfile); this_node = mynode(); number_of_nodes = numnodes(); volume=nx*ny*nz*nt; total_iters=0; #ifdef HISQ_SVD_COUNTER hisq_svd_counter = 0; #endif #ifdef HISQ_FORCE_FILTER_COUNTER hisq_force_filter_counter = 0; #endif /* Load rational function parameters */ rparam = load_rhmc_params(rparamfile, n_pseudo); if(rparam == NULL)terminate(1); /* Determine the maximum rational fcn order */ max_rat_order = 0; for(i = 0; i < n_pseudo; i++){ if(rparam[i].MD.order > max_rat_order)max_rat_order = rparam[i].MD.order; if(rparam[i].GR.order > max_rat_order)max_rat_order = rparam[i].GR.order; if(rparam[i].FA.order > max_rat_order)max_rat_order = rparam[i].FA.order; } node0_printf("Maximum rational func order is %d\n",max_rat_order); /* Determine the number of different Naik masses and fill in n_orders_naik and n_pseudo_naik */ current_naik_epsilon = rparam[0].naik_term_epsilon; tmporder = 0; n_naiks = 0; n_order_naik_total = 0; for( i=0; i<n_pseudo; i++ ) { if( rparam[i].naik_term_epsilon != current_naik_epsilon ) { if( tmporder > 0 ) { n_orders_naik[n_naiks] = tmporder; eps_naik[n_naiks] = current_naik_epsilon; current_naik_epsilon = rparam[i].naik_term_epsilon; n_naiks++; n_order_naik_total += tmporder; tmporder = 0; } } tmporder += rparam[i].MD.order; n_pseudo_naik[n_naiks]++; } if( tmporder > 0 ) { n_orders_naik[n_naiks] = tmporder; eps_naik[n_naiks] = current_naik_epsilon; n_order_naik_total += tmporder; n_naiks++; } #if FERM_ACTION == HISQ // calculate epsilon corrections for different Naik terms if( 0 != eps_naik[0] ) { node0_printf("IN HISQ ACTION FIRST SET OF PSEUDO FERMION FIELDS SHOULD HAVE EPSILON CORRECTION TO NAIK TERM ZERO.\n"); terminate(1); } #endif node0_printf("Naik term correction structure of multi_x:\n"); node0_printf("n_naiks %d\n",n_naiks); for( i=0; i<n_naiks; i++ ) { node0_printf("n_pseudo_naik[%d]=%d\n", i, n_pseudo_naik[i]); node0_printf("n_orders_naik[%d]=%d\n", i, n_orders_naik[i]); #if FERM_ACTION == HISQ node0_printf("eps_naik[%d]=%f\n", i, eps_naik[i]); #endif } node0_printf("n_order_naik_total %d\n",n_order_naik_total); #if FERM_ACTION == HISQ if( n_naiks+1 > MAX_NAIK ) { node0_printf("MAX_NAIK=%d < n_naiks+1=%d\n", MAX_NAIK, n_naiks+1 ); node0_printf("Increase MAX_NAIK\n"); terminate(1); } #else /* HISQ */ if( n_naiks>1 ) { node0_printf("FOR ACTIONS OTHER THAN HISQ EPSILON CORRECTION IS NOT USED.\n"); node0_printf("ONLY ONE SET OF X LINKS IS USED.\n"); node0_printf("SET ALL naik_mass TO 0 IN RATIONAL FUNCTION FILE.\n"); terminate(1); } #endif /* HISQ */ beta = par_buf.beta; n_dyn_masses = par_buf.n_dyn_masses; for(i = 0; i < n_dyn_masses; i++){ dyn_mass[i] = par_buf.dyn_mass[i]; dyn_flavors[i] = par_buf.dyn_flavors[i]; } u0 = par_buf.u0; return(prompt); }