Beispiel #1
GFn_el_t & GFn_el_t::operator /= (unsigned int _a) {
    unsigned int a = gf_inv(prime, _a%prime);

    poly_mul(prime, degree, comp, degree, comp, 0, &a);

    return *this;
Beispiel #2
Datei: gf.c Projekt: nimrody/rs
gf gf_div(gf a, gf b)
    gf c = gf_inv(b);
    gf result = gf_mul(a, c);

    return result;
Beispiel #3
MAT key_genmat(gf_t *L, poly_t g)
  //L- Support
  //t- Number of errors, i.e.=30.
  //n- Length of the Goppa code, i.e.=2^11
  //m- The extension degree of the GF, i.e. =11
  //g- The generator polynomial.
  gf_t x,y;
  MAT H,R; 
  int i,j,k,r,n;
  int * perm, Laux[LENGTH];

  r=NB_ERRORS*gf_extd();//32 x 11=352

  H=mat_ini(r,n);//initialize matrix with actual no. of bits.
  mat_set_to_zero(H); //set the matrix with all 0's.

  for(i=0;i< n;i++)
      x = poly_eval(g,L[i]);//evaluate the polynomial at the point L[i].
      x = gf_inv(x);
      y = x;
	      if(y & (1<<k))//if((y>>k) & 1)
		mat_set_coeff_to_one(H,j*gf_extd()+k,i);//the co-eff. are set in 2^0,...,2^11 ; 2^0,...,2^11 format along the rows/cols?
	  y = gf_mul(y,L[i]);
    }//The H matrix is fed.
  perm = mat_rref(H);
  if (perm == NULL) {
    return NULL;
  R = mat_ini(n-r,r);
  mat_set_to_zero(R); //set the matrix with all 0's.
  for (i = 0; i < R->rown; ++i)
    for (j = 0; j < R->coln; ++j)
      if (mat_coeff(H,j,perm[i]))

  for (i = 0; i < LENGTH; ++i)
    Laux[i] = L[perm[i]];
  for (i = 0; i < LENGTH; ++i)
    L[i] = Laux[i];


  return (R);
Beispiel #4
int gf_invert_matrix(unsigned char *in_mat, unsigned char *out_mat, const int n)
	int i, j, k;
	unsigned char temp;

	// Set out_mat[] to the identity matrix
	for (i = 0; i < n * n; i++)	// memset(out_mat, 0, n*n)
		out_mat[i] = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		out_mat[i * n + i] = 1;

	// Inverse
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		// Check for 0 in pivot element
		if (in_mat[i * n + i] == 0) {
			// Find a row with non-zero in current column and swap
			for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
				if (in_mat[j * n + i])

			if (j == n)	// Couldn't find means it's singular
				return -1;

			for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {	// Swap rows i,j
				temp = in_mat[i * n + k];
				in_mat[i * n + k] = in_mat[j * n + k];
				in_mat[j * n + k] = temp;

				temp = out_mat[i * n + k];
				out_mat[i * n + k] = out_mat[j * n + k];
				out_mat[j * n + k] = temp;

		temp = gf_inv(in_mat[i * n + i]);	// 1/pivot
		for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {	// Scale row i by 1/pivot
			in_mat[i * n + j] = gf_mul(in_mat[i * n + j], temp);
			out_mat[i * n + j] = gf_mul(out_mat[i * n + j], temp);

		for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
			if (j == i)

			temp = in_mat[j * n + i];
			for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
				out_mat[j * n + k] ^= gf_mul(temp, out_mat[i * n + k]);
				in_mat[j * n + k] ^= gf_mul(temp, in_mat[i * n + k]);
	return 0;
Beispiel #5
void gf_gen_cauchy1_matrix(unsigned char *a, int m, int k)
	int i, j;
	unsigned char *p;

	// Identity matrix in high position
	memset(a, 0, k * m);
	for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
		a[k * i + i] = 1;

	// For the rest choose 1/(i + j) | i != j
	p = &a[k * k];
	for (i = k; i < m; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < k; j++)
			*p++ = gf_inv(i ^ j);

Beispiel #6
// p contiendra son reste modulo g
void poly_rem(poly_t p, poly_t g) {
    int i, j, d;
    gf_t a, b;

    d = poly_deg(p) - poly_deg(g);
    if (d >= 0) {
        a = gf_inv(poly_tete(g));
        for (i = poly_deg(p); d >= 0; --i, --d) {
            if (poly_coeff(p, i) != gf_zero()) {
                b = gf_mul_fast(a, poly_coeff(p, i));
                for (j = 0; j < poly_deg(g); ++j)
                    poly_addto_coeff(p, j + d, gf_mul_fast(b, poly_coeff(g, j)));
                poly_set_coeff(p, i, gf_zero());
        poly_set_deg(p, poly_deg(g) - 1);
        while ((poly_deg(p) >= 0) && (poly_coeff(p, poly_deg(p)) == gf_zero()))
            poly_set_deg(p, poly_deg(p) - 1);
Beispiel #7
int main(void) 
    int     i, p, x;
    uint8_t s1[256], s1_inv[256], s2[256], s2_inv[256];

    for (x=0; x<256; x++) {
      // generate s-box 1 
      s1[x] = matmul8(A, gf_inv(x)) ^ 0x63; 
      // generate s-box 2
      s2[x] = matmul8(B, gf_exp(x, 247, 0x1b)) ^ 0xE2; 
    for (i=0; i<256; i++) {
      s1_inv[s1[i]] = i;
      s2_inv[s2[i]] = i;
    bin2hex("ARIA s1", s1, 256);    
    bin2hex("ARIA inverse s1", s1_inv, 256);    
    bin2hex("ARIA s2", s2, 256);    
    bin2hex("ARIA inverse s2", s2_inv, 256);    
    return 0;
Beispiel #8
poly_t poly_quo(poly_t p, poly_t d) {
  int i, j, dd, dp;
  gf_t a, b;
  poly_t quo, rem;

  dd = poly_calcule_deg(d);
  dp = poly_calcule_deg(p);
  rem = poly_copy(p);
  quo = poly_alloc(dp - dd);
  poly_set_deg(quo, dp - dd);
  a = gf_inv(poly_coeff(d, dd));
  for (i = dp; i >= dd; --i) {
    b = gf_mul_fast(a, poly_coeff(rem, i));
    poly_set_coeff(quo, i - dd, b);
    if (b != gf_zero()) {
      poly_set_coeff(rem, i, gf_zero());
      for (j = i - 1; j >= i - dd; --j)
	poly_addto_coeff(rem, j, gf_mul_fast(b, poly_coeff(d, dd - i + j)));

  return quo;
Beispiel #9
const GFn_el_t GFn_el_t::inv() const {
    int i;

    unsigned int u0[degree + 1], r0[degree + 1];
    unsigned int u1[degree + 1], r1[degree + 1];

    unsigned int q[degree + 1], r[degree + 1];

    unsigned int u[2*degree + 1];

        for(i = degree; i >= 0 && 0 == comp[i]; --i)
            r1[i] = 0;

        assert( i >= 0 );

        if( 0 == i )
            return GFn_el_t(GFn, gf_inv(prime, comp[0]));

        for(; i >= 0; --i)
            r1[i] = comp[i];

        for(i = degree; i >= 1; --i)
            u1[i] = 0;

        u1[0] = 1;
        poly_divmod(prime, degree, u0, degree, r0,, GFn.mod, degree, comp);

        poly_sub(prime, degree, u0, -1, NULL, degree, u0);

    while( true ) {

            for(i = degree; i >= 0 && 0 == r0[i] ; --i);

            assert( i >= 0 );

            if( 0 == i ) {
                unsigned int inv = gf_inv(prime, r0[0]);

                poly_mul(prime, degree, u0, degree, u0, 0, &inv);

                return GFn_el_t(GFn, u0);

        poly_divmod(prime, degree, q, degree, r, degree, r1, degree, r0);

        for(i = degree; i >= 0; --i) {
            r1[i] = r0[i];
            r0[i] = r[i];

        poly_mul(prime, 2*degree, u, degree, u0, degree, q);
        poly_sub(prime, 2*degree, u, degree, u1, 2*degree, u);

        for( i = degree; i >= 0; --i)
            u1[i] = u0[i];

        poly_divmod(prime, -1, NULL, degree, u0, 2*degree, u,, GFn.mod);