Beispiel #1
void tbb_thread_v3::internal_start( __TBB_NATIVE_THREAD_ROUTINE_PTR(start_routine),
                                    void* closure ) {
#if _WIN32||_WIN64
    unsigned thread_id;
    // The return type of _beginthreadex is "uintptr_t" on new MS compilers,
    // and 'unsigned long' on old MS compilers.  Our uintptr works for both.
    uintptr status = _beginthreadex( NULL, ThreadStackSize, start_routine,
                                     closure, 0, &thread_id ); 
    if( status==0 )
    else {
        my_handle = (HANDLE)status;
        my_thread_id = thread_id;
    pthread_t thread_handle;
    int status;
    pthread_attr_t stack_size;
    status = pthread_attr_init( &stack_size );
    if( status )
        handle_perror( status, "pthread_attr_init" );
    status = pthread_attr_setstacksize( &stack_size, ThreadStackSize );
    if( status )
        handle_perror( status, "pthread_attr_setstacksize" );

    status = pthread_create( &thread_handle, &stack_size, start_routine, closure );
    if( status )
        handle_perror( status, "pthread_create" );

    my_handle = thread_handle;
#endif // _WIN32||_WIN64
Beispiel #2
void governor::acquire_resources () {
    int status = theTLS.create(auto_terminate);
    int status = theTLS.create();
    if( status )
        handle_perror(status, "TBB failed to initialize task scheduler TLS\n");
void governor::release_resources () {
    if( __TBB_InitOnce::initialization_done() && theTLS.get() ) 
        runtime_warning( "TBB is unloaded while tbb::task_scheduler_init object is alive?" );
    int status = theTLS.destroy();
    if( status )
        handle_perror(status, "TBB failed to destroy TLS storage");
Beispiel #4
void tbb_thread_v3::internal_start( __TBB_NATIVE_THREAD_ROUTINE_PTR(start_routine),
                                    void* closure ) {
#if _WIN32||_WIN64
    std::thread* thread_tmp=new std::thread(start_routine, closure);
    my_handle  = thread_tmp->native_handle();
//  TODO: to find out the way to find thread_id without GetThreadId and other
//  desktop functions.
//  Now tbb_thread does have its own thread_id that stores std::thread object
    my_thread_id = (size_t)thread_tmp;
    unsigned thread_id;
    // The return type of _beginthreadex is "uintptr_t" on new MS compilers,
    // and 'unsigned long' on old MS compilers.  uintptr_t works for both.
    uintptr_t status = _beginthreadex( NULL, ThreadStackSize, start_routine,
                                     closure, 0, &thread_id );
    if( status==0 )
    else {
        my_handle = (HANDLE)status;
        my_thread_id = thread_id;
    pthread_t thread_handle;
    int status;
    pthread_attr_t stack_size;
    status = pthread_attr_init( &stack_size );
    if( status )
        handle_perror( status, "pthread_attr_init" );
    status = pthread_attr_setstacksize( &stack_size, ThreadStackSize );
    if( status )
        handle_perror( status, "pthread_attr_setstacksize" );

    status = pthread_create( &thread_handle, &stack_size, start_routine, closure );
    if( status )
        handle_perror( status, "pthread_create" );

    my_handle = thread_handle;
#endif // _WIN32||_WIN64
void governor::acquire_resources () {
    int status = theTLS.create(auto_terminate);
    int status = theTLS.create();
    if( status )
        handle_perror(status, "TBB failed to initialize TLS storage\n");

    ::rml::factory::status_type res =; 
    UsePrivateRML = res != ::rml::factory::st_success;
Beispiel #6
void tbb_thread_v3::detach() {
    __TBB_ASSERT( joinable(), "only joinable thread can be detached" );
#if _WIN32||_WIN64
    BOOL status = CloseHandle( my_handle );
    if ( status == 0 )
      handle_win_error( GetLastError() );
    my_thread_id = 0;
    int status = pthread_detach( my_handle );
    if( status )
        handle_perror( status, "pthread_detach" );
#endif // _WIN32||_WIN64
    my_handle = 0;
Beispiel #7
void tbb_thread_v3::join()
    __TBB_ASSERT( joinable(), "thread should be joinable when join called" );
#if _WIN32||_WIN64 
    DWORD status = WaitForSingleObject( my_handle, INFINITE );
    if ( status == WAIT_FAILED )
        handle_win_error( GetLastError() );
    BOOL close_stat = CloseHandle( my_handle );
    if ( close_stat == 0 )
        handle_win_error( GetLastError() );
    my_thread_id = 0;
    int status = pthread_join( my_handle, NULL );
    if( status )
        handle_perror( status, "pthread_join" );
#endif // _WIN32||_WIN64 
    my_handle = 0;
Beispiel #8
void tbb_thread_v3::join()
    __TBB_ASSERT( joinable(), "thread should be joinable when join called" );
#if _WIN32||_WIN64
    std::thread* thread_tmp=(std::thread*)my_thread_id;
    delete thread_tmp;
    DWORD status = WaitForSingleObjectEx( my_handle, INFINITE, FALSE );
    if ( status == WAIT_FAILED )
        handle_win_error( GetLastError() );
    BOOL close_stat = CloseHandle( my_handle );
    if ( close_stat == 0 )
        handle_win_error( GetLastError() );
    my_thread_id = 0;
#endif // __TBB_WIN8UI_SUPPORT
    int status = pthread_join( my_handle, NULL );
    if( status )
        handle_perror( status, "pthread_join" );
#endif // _WIN32||_WIN64
    my_handle = 0;