// Testcase to test hpx_lco_get_all function
static int _getAll_handler(uint32_t *args, size_t size) {
  uint32_t n = *args;
  if (n < 2) {
    return HPX_THREAD_CONTINUE(n);

  hpx_addr_t peers[] = {

  uint32_t ns[] = {
    n - 1,
    n - 2

  hpx_addr_t futures[] =  {

  uint32_t ssn[] = {

  void *addrs[] = {

  size_t sizes[] = {

  hpx_call(peers[0], _getAll, futures[0], &ns[0], sizeof(uint32_t));
  hpx_call(peers[1], _getAll, futures[1], &ns[1], sizeof(uint32_t));

  hpx_lco_get_all(2, futures, sizes, addrs, NULL);


  hpx_addr_t wait = hpx_lco_future_new(0);
  hpx_lco_delete_all(2, futures, wait);
  hpx_lco_delete(wait, HPX_NULL);

  uint32_t sn = ssn[0] * ssn[0] + ssn[1] * ssn[1];

static int lco_waitall_handler(void) {
  int size = HPX_LOCALITIES;
  int block_size = 1;
  int ranks = hpx_get_num_ranks();

  printf("Starting the HPX LCO Wait all test\n");
  printf("localities: %d\n", size);

  // Start the timer
  hpx_time_t t1 = hpx_time_now();

  uint32_t blocks = size;
  uint32_t block_bytes = block_size * sizeof(uint32_t);

  printf("Number of blocks and bytes per block = %d, %d\n", blocks, block_bytes);
  printf("Ranks and blocks per rank = %d, %d\n", ranks, blocks / ranks);
  hpx_addr_t addr = hpx_gas_alloc_cyclic(blocks, sizeof(uint32_t), 0);

  uint32_t args[2] = {
    (blocks / ranks)

  int rem = blocks % ranks;
  hpx_addr_t done[2] = {

  for (int i = 0; i < ranks; i++) {
    hpx_addr_t there = hpx_addr_add(addr, i * block_bytes, sizeof(uint32_t));
    hpx_call(there, _init_memory, done[0], args, sizeof(args));

  for (int i = 0; i < rem; i++) {
    hpx_addr_t block = hpx_addr_add(addr, args[1] * ranks + i * block_bytes, block_bytes);
    hpx_call(block, _init_memory, done[1], args, sizeof(args));

  // Blocks the thread until all of the LCO's have been set.
  hpx_lco_wait_all(2, done, NULL);
  hpx_lco_delete_all(2, done, HPX_NULL);
  hpx_gas_free(addr, HPX_NULL);

  printf(" Elapsed: %g\n", hpx_time_elapsed_ms(t1));
  return HPX_SUCCESS;
/// Handle the test broadcast.
/// We want to stress the allreduce by generating a bunch of parallel operations
/// on it from different parts of the system. We do this by broadcasting this
/// operation, which will spawn N instances of the @p leaf operation locally.
static int
_test_bcast_handler(hpx_addr_t allreduce, hpx_addr_t sum, hpx_action_t leaf) {
  int r;
  for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    int j = row + i;
    int k = i + 1;
    // &sum is passed explicitly instead of as a continuation for the _join_leaf
    CHECK( hpx_call(HPX_HERE, leaf, HPX_NULL, &allreduce, &j, &k, &sum) );
  return HPX_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #4
static int _test_action_handler(void) {
  char local;

  // Everyone joins the barrier once.
  if (sync_barrier_join(barrier, HPX_THREAD_ID)) {
    // I win the race.
    printf("thread %d running action on stack %p\n", HPX_THREAD_ID, &local);

    // This will push the task onto my queue, then I have to induce myself to
    // transfer to it---everyone else is blocked, so all I have to do is call
    // yield, which should do the transfer on the same stack, and make this
    // thread available to whoever wakes up.
    // Note that the _test_task task actually releases the lock here, this
    // prevents anyone from stealing the parent thread (or getting it from the
    // yield queue) until I have already transferred to the child.
    // We send our continuation along so that the test doesn't terminate early.
    hpx_addr_t and = hpx_thread_current_cont_target();
    int e = hpx_call(HPX_HERE, _test_task, and);
    assert(e == HPX_SUCCESS);
    printf("action stolen by %d\n", HPX_THREAD_ID);

    // Now, this thread should have been "stolen" or taken from the yield queue
    // or whatnot. We expect that we're running concurrent with, and on the same
    // stack, as the _test_task. Verify that we're on the same stack.
    ptrdiff_t d = &local - task_sp;

    if (0 < d && d < 1000) {
      // We're on the same stack---for this to be safe, the _test_task MUST have
      // already run, which implies that the value for n must be 1.
      int v = sync_load(&n, SYNC_ACQUIRE);
      printf("stack difference is %td, value is %d\n", d, v);
      assert(v == 1 && "work-first task test failed\n");
    else {
      printf("test indeterminate, task spawned with new stack, d=%td\n", d);

    printf("work-first task test success\n");
  else {
    // I lost the race, wait for the entire thing to be set up before
    // returning and becoming a "stealer".
    sync_barrier_join(barrier, HPX_THREAD_ID);
  printf("finishing %d\n", HPX_THREAD_ID);
  return HPX_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #5
static int _test_try_task_handler(void) {
  barrier = sr_barrier_new(HPX_THREADS);
  hpx_addr_t and = hpx_lco_and_new(HPX_THREADS + 1);
  for (int i = 0; i < HPX_THREADS; ++i) {
    int e = hpx_call(HPX_HERE, _test_action, and);
    assert(e == HPX_SUCCESS);
  hpx_lco_delete(and, HPX_NULL);
  return HPX_SUCCESS;
static int
_lco_get_remote_handler(void) {
  int rank = (HPX_LOCALITY_ID + 1) % HPX_LOCALITIES;
  hpx_addr_t there = HPX_THERE(rank);
  hpx_addr_t lco;
  int e = hpx_call_sync(there, _new_future, &lco, sizeof(lco));
  assert(e == HPX_SUCCESS);
  int i = 42;
  e = hpx_call(lco, hpx_lco_set_action, HPX_NULL, &i, sizeof(i));
  assert(e == HPX_SUCCESS);
  i = 0;
  e = hpx_lco_get(lco, sizeof(i), &i);
  assert(e == HPX_SUCCESS);
  assert(i = 42);
  return hpx_call_cc(lco, hpx_lco_delete_action);
static int _main_action(int *args, size_t size) {
  int n = *args;
  printf("seqspawn(%d)\n", n); fflush(stdout);

  hpx_addr_t and = hpx_lco_and_new(n);
  hpx_time_t now = hpx_time_now();
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    hpx_call(HPX_HERE, _nop, and, 0, 0);
  double elapsed = hpx_time_elapsed_ms(now)/1e3;
  hpx_lco_delete(and, HPX_NULL);

  printf("seconds: %.7f\n", elapsed);
  printf("localities:   %d\n", HPX_LOCALITIES);
  printf("threads:      %d\n", HPX_THREADS);
static int lco_error_handler(void) {
  printf("Starting the HPX LCO get all test\n");
  hpx_time_t t1 = hpx_time_now();
  hpx_addr_t lco = hpx_lco_future_new(0);
  hpx_addr_t done = hpx_lco_future_new(0);
  hpx_call(HPX_HERE, _errorset, done, &lco, sizeof(lco));
  hpx_status_t status = hpx_lco_wait(lco);
  printf("status == %d\n", status);
  assert(status == HPX_ERROR);

  hpx_lco_delete(lco, HPX_NULL);
  hpx_lco_delete(done, HPX_NULL);

  printf(" Elapsed: %.7f\n", hpx_time_elapsed_ms(t1)/1e3);
  return HPX_SUCCESS;
int parallel_nqueens(int n, int col, int *hist)
	hpx_addr_t theThread = HPX_HERE;
	struct thread_data td;
	//td.lyst = hist;
	td.n = n;
	td.col = col;
	memcpy(td.lyst, hist, MAX_SIZE*sizeof(int));
	//printf("thread_data size:%d\n", sizeof(struct thread_data));
	mutex = hpx_lco_sema_new(1);

	//solve(td.n, td.col, td.lyst);
	hpx_addr_t done = hpx_lco_future_new(sizeof(uint64_t));
	hpx_call(theThread, _nqueens, done, &td, sizeof(td));
	hpx_lco_delete(done, HPX_NULL);

	return HPX_SUCCESS;
static int _spawn_handler(hpx_addr_t termination_lco) {
  int e;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < LCOS_PER_LOCALITY; ++i) {
    // test futures
    const hpx_addr_t test_futures[3] = {

    e = hpx_call(HPX_THERE(rand() % HPX_LOCALITIES), _set, HPX_NULL,
                 &test_futures[0], sizeof(hpx_addr_t));
    assert(e == HPX_SUCCESS);

    for(size_t j = 0; j < WAITERS; ++j) {
      e = hpx_call(HPX_THERE(rand() % HPX_LOCALITIES), _wait, test_futures[2],
                   &test_futures[0], sizeof(hpx_addr_t));
      assert(e == HPX_SUCCESS);
    e = hpx_call(HPX_THERE(rand() % HPX_LOCALITIES), _delete, HPX_NULL,
                 test_futures, sizeof(test_futures));
    assert(e == HPX_SUCCESS);

    // test and lco
    const hpx_addr_t test_ands[3] = {

    for(size_t j = 0; j < PARTICIPANTS; ++j) {
      e = hpx_call(HPX_THERE(rand() % HPX_LOCALITIES), _set, HPX_NULL,
                   &test_ands[0], sizeof(hpx_addr_t));
      assert(e == HPX_SUCCESS);

    for(size_t j = 0; j < WAITERS; ++j) {
      e = hpx_call(HPX_THERE(rand() % HPX_LOCALITIES), _wait, test_ands[2],
                   &test_ands[0], sizeof(hpx_addr_t));
      assert(e == HPX_SUCCESS);

    e = hpx_call(HPX_THERE(rand() % HPX_LOCALITIES), _delete, HPX_NULL,
                 test_ands, sizeof(test_ands));
    assert(e == HPX_SUCCESS);
  return HPX_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #11
/// Free a global address.
/// This global address must either be the base of a cyclic allocation, or a
/// block allocated by _pgas_gas_alloc_local. At this time, we do not attempt to deal
/// with the cyclic allocations, as they are using a simple csbrk allocator.
static void _pgas_gas_free(void *gas, hpx_addr_t gpa, hpx_addr_t sync) {
  if (gpa == HPX_NULL) {

  uint64_t offset = gpa_to_offset(gpa);
  void *lva = heap_offset_to_lva(global_heap, offset);
  dbg_assert_str(heap_contains_lva(global_heap, lva),
                 "attempt to free out of bounds offset %"PRIu64"", offset);

  if (heap_offset_is_cyclic(global_heap, offset)) {
    heap_free_cyclic(global_heap, offset);
    hpx_lco_set(sync, 0, NULL, HPX_NULL, HPX_NULL);
  else if (gpa_to_rank(gpa) == here->rank) {
    hpx_lco_set(sync, 0, NULL, HPX_NULL, HPX_NULL);
  else {
    dbg_check(hpx_call(gpa, pgas_free, sync), "free failed on %"PRIu64"", gpa);
// hpx_thread_current_cont_action gets the continuation action for the current
// thread
static int _thread_current_cont_target_handler(void) {
  hpx_action_t c_action = hpx_thread_current_cont_action();
  hpx_addr_t c_target = hpx_thread_current_cont_target();
  hpx_call(c_target, c_action, HPX_NULL, NULL, 0);
  return HPX_SUCCESS;
static int _main_action(int *args, size_t size) {
  hpx_time_t t;
  int count;

  fprintf(stdout, HEADER);
  fprintf(stdout, "# Latency in (ms)\n");

  t = hpx_time_now();
  hpx_addr_t done = hpx_lco_future_new(0);
  fprintf(stdout, "Creation time: %g\n", hpx_time_elapsed_ms(t));

  value = 1234;

  t = hpx_time_now();
  hpx_call(HPX_HERE, _set_value, done, &value, sizeof(value));
  fprintf(stdout, "Value set time: %g\n", hpx_time_elapsed_ms(t));

  t = hpx_time_now();
  fprintf(stdout, "Wait time: %g\n", hpx_time_elapsed_ms(t));

  t = hpx_time_now();
  hpx_lco_delete(done, HPX_NULL);
  fprintf(stdout, "Deletion time: %g\n", hpx_time_elapsed_ms(t));

  fprintf(stdout, "%s\t%*s%*s%*s\n", "# NumReaders " , FIELD_WIDTH,
         "Get_Value ", FIELD_WIDTH, " LCO_Getall ", FIELD_WIDTH, "Delete");

  for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(num_readers)/sizeof(num_readers[0]); i++) {
    fprintf(stdout, "%d\t\t", num_readers[i]);
    count = num_readers[i];
    int values[count];
    void *addrs[count];
    size_t sizes[count];
    hpx_addr_t futures[count];

    for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
      addrs[j] = &values[j];
      sizes[j] = sizeof(int);
      futures[j] = hpx_lco_future_new(sizeof(int));

    t = hpx_time_now();
    for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
      t = hpx_time_now();
      hpx_call(HPX_HERE, _get_value, futures[j], NULL, 0);
    fprintf(stdout, "%*g", FIELD_WIDTH, hpx_time_elapsed_ms(t));

    t = hpx_time_now();
    hpx_lco_get_all(count, futures, sizes, addrs, NULL);
    fprintf(stdout, "%*g", FIELD_WIDTH, hpx_time_elapsed_ms(t));

    t = hpx_time_now();
    for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
      hpx_lco_delete(futures[j], HPX_NULL);
    fprintf(stdout, "%*g\n", FIELD_WIDTH, hpx_time_elapsed_ms(t));
static int _nqueens_action(void *args, size_t size)
	int i, j;
	struct thread_data *my_data;
	my_data = (struct thread_data *) args;

	printf("n = %d, col = %d, count = %d\n", my_data->n
			, my_data->col
			, count);

	if (my_data->col == my_data->n) {
						printf("\nNo. %d\n-----\n", count);
						for (i = 0; i < my_data->n; i++, putchar('\n'))
						for(j = 0; j < my_data->n; j++)
						putchar(j == my_data->lyst[i] ? 'Q' : ((i + j) & 1) ? ' ' : '.');

		//hpx_thread_continue(NULL, 0);
		//return HPX_SUCCESS;

#define p_attack(i, j) (my_data->lyst[j] == i || abs(my_data->lyst[j] - i) == my_data->col - j)

	int dummy=0;
	int num_spawns=0;
	for(i = 0, j = 0; i < my_data->n; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < my_data->col && !p_attack(i, j); j++);
		if (j < my_data->col) {
	//printf("dummy/spawns: %d/%d\n", dummy, my_data->n);

	num_spawns = my_data->n - dummy;
	bool D_CALL = false;

	//printf("num_spawns = %d\n", num_spawns);
	if( num_spawns == 0 ) {
		num_spawns = 1;
		D_CALL = true;

	//num_spawns = my_data->n;
	struct thread_data temp[num_spawns];
	hpx_addr_t futures[num_spawns];
	hpx_addr_t threads[num_spawns];
	int pqs[num_spawns];
	size_t p_size[num_spawns];
	void *addrs[num_spawns];

	for(i = 0; i < num_spawns; i++) {
		futures[i] = hpx_lco_future_new(sizeof(int));
		threads[i] = HPX_HERE;
		pqs[i] = 0;
		addrs[i] = &pqs[i];
		p_size[i] = sizeof(size_t);

	int k=0; // counter for hpx data
	for(i = 0, j = 0; i < my_data->n; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < my_data->col && !p_attack(i, j); j++);
		if (j < my_data->col) {
			//printf("[%d] call continue.\n", i);
		//printf("[%d] call nqueens %d\n", i, k);

		my_data->lyst[my_data->col] = i;

		memcpy(temp[k].lyst, my_data->lyst, MAX_SIZE*sizeof(int));
		temp[k].n    = my_data->n;
		temp[k].col  = my_data->col+1;

		//solve(n, col + 1, hist);
		hpx_call(threads[k], _nqueens, futures[k], (void *)&temp[k], sizeof(temp[k]));

	if( !D_CALL ) {
		hpx_lco_get_all(num_spawns, futures, p_size, addrs, NULL);

		for(i = 0; i < num_spawns; i++)
			hpx_lco_delete(futures[i], HPX_NULL);

	return HPX_SUCCESS;