void IGame_Persistent::OnGameStart()
#ifndef _EDITOR
	LoadTitle								("st_prefetching_objects");
	if (strstr(Core.Params,"-noprefetch"))	return;

	// prefetch game objects & models
	float	p_time		=			1000.f*Device.GetTimerGlobal()->GetElapsed_sec();
	u32	mem_0			=			Memory.mem_usage()	;

	Log				("Loading objects...");
	ObjectPool.prefetch					();
	Log				("Loading models...");
	Render->models_Prefetch				();
	//Device.Resources->DeferredUpload	();

	p_time				=			1000.f*Device.GetTimerGlobal()->GetElapsed_sec() - p_time;
	u32		p_mem		=			Memory.mem_usage() - mem_0	;

	Msg					("* [prefetch] time:    %d ms",	iFloor(p_time));
	Msg					("* [prefetch] memory:  %dKb",	p_mem/1024);
Beispiel #2
void dxEnvironmentRender::RenderClouds(CEnvironment &env)
	::Render->rmFar				();

	Fmatrix						mXFORM, mScale;
	mScale.scale				(10,0.4f,10);
	mXFORM.rotateY				(env.CurrentEnv->sky_rotation);
	mXFORM.mulB_43				(mScale);
	mXFORM.translate_over		(Device.vCameraPosition);

	Fvector wd0,wd1;
	Fvector4 wind_dir;
	wd0.setHP					(PI_DIV_4,0);
	wd1.setHP					(PI_DIV_4+PI_DIV_8,0);
	wind_dir.set				(wd0.x,wd0.z,wd1.x,wd1.z).mul(0.5f).add(0.5f).mul(255.f);
	u32		i_offset,v_offset;
	u32		C0					= color_rgba(iFloor(wind_dir.x),iFloor(wind_dir.y),iFloor(wind_dir.w),iFloor(wind_dir.z));
	u32		C1					= color_rgba(iFloor(env.CurrentEnv->clouds_color.x*255.f),iFloor(env.CurrentEnv->clouds_color.y*255.f),iFloor(env.CurrentEnv->clouds_color.z*255.f),iFloor(env.CurrentEnv->clouds_color.w*255.f));

	// Fill index buffer
	u16*	pib					= RCache.Index.Lock	(env.CloudsIndices.size(),i_offset);
	CopyMemory					(pib,&env.CloudsIndices.front(),env.CloudsIndices.size()*sizeof(u16));
	RCache.Index.Unlock			(env.CloudsIndices.size());

	// Fill vertex buffer
	v_clouds* pv				= (v_clouds*)	RCache.Vertex.Lock	(env.CloudsVerts.size(),clouds_geom.stride(),v_offset);
	for (FvectorIt it=env.CloudsVerts.begin(); it!=env.CloudsVerts.end(); it++,pv++)
		pv->set					(*it,C0,C1);
	RCache.Vertex.Unlock		(env.CloudsVerts.size(),clouds_geom.stride());

	// Render
	RCache.set_xform_world		(mXFORM);
	RCache.set_Geometry			(clouds_geom);
	RCache.set_Shader			(clouds_sh);
	dxEnvDescriptorMixerRender	&mixRen = *(dxEnvDescriptorMixerRender*)&*env.CurrentEnv->m_pDescriptorMixer;
	RCache.set_Textures			(&mixRen.clouds_r_textures);
	RCache.Render				(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST,v_offset,0,env.CloudsVerts.size(),i_offset,env.CloudsIndices.size()/3);

	::Render->rmNormal			();
Beispiel #3
void xrBuildNodes()
	// begin
	XRC.box_options	(CDB::OPT_FULL_TEST);
	g_nodes.reserve	(1024*1024);

	// Initialize hash
	hash_Initialize ();

	for (u32 em=0; em<Emitters.size(); em++) 
		// Align emitter
		Fvector			Pos = Emitters[em];
		SnapXZ			(Pos);
		Pos.y			+=1;
		Fvector			Dir; Dir.set(0,-1,0);
		XRC.ray_query	(&Level,Pos,Dir,3);
		if (XRC.r_count()==0) {
			Msg		("Can't align emitter");
			abort	();
		} else {
			CDB::RESULT& R = *XRC.r_begin();
			Pos.y = Pos.y - R.range;
		// Build first node
		int oldcount = g_nodes.size();
		int start = BuildNode		(Pos,Pos);
		if (start==InvalidNode)		continue;
		if (start<oldcount)			continue;

		// Estimate nodes
		Fvector	LevelSize;
		LevelBB.getsize				(LevelSize);
		u32	estimated_nodes		= iFloor(LevelSize.x/g_params.fPatchSize)*iFloor(LevelSize.z/g_params.fPatchSize);
		// General cycle
		for (u32 i=0; i<g_nodes.size(); i++)
			// left 
			if (g_nodes[i].n1==UnkonnectedNode)
				Pos.set			(g_nodes[i].Pos);
				Pos.x			-=	g_params.fPatchSize;
				int	id			=	BuildNode(g_nodes[i].Pos,Pos);
				g_nodes[i].n1	=	id;
			// fwd
			if (g_nodes[i].n2==UnkonnectedNode)
				Pos.set			(g_nodes[i].Pos);
				Pos.z			+=	g_params.fPatchSize;
				int id			=	BuildNode(g_nodes[i].Pos,Pos);
				g_nodes[i].n2	=	id;
			// right
			if (g_nodes[i].n3==UnkonnectedNode)
				Pos.set			(g_nodes[i].Pos);
				Pos.x			+=	g_params.fPatchSize;
				int id			=	BuildNode(g_nodes[i].Pos,Pos);
				g_nodes[i].n3	=	id;
			// back
			if (g_nodes[i].n4==UnkonnectedNode)
				Pos.set			(g_nodes[i].Pos);
				Pos.z			-=	g_params.fPatchSize;
				int	id			=	BuildNode(g_nodes[i].Pos,Pos);
				g_nodes[i].n4	=	id;
			if (i%512==0) {
				Status("%d / %d nodes created.",g_nodes.size()-i,g_nodes.size());

				float	p1	= float(i)/float(g_nodes.size());
				float	p2	= float(g_nodes.size())/estimated_nodes;
				float	p	= 0.1f*p1+0.9f*p2;

				clamp	(p,0.f,1.f);
	Msg("Freeing memory...");
	hash_Destroy	();
Beispiel #4
Vector2int32::Vector2int32(const class Vector2& v) {
    x = (int32)iFloor(v.x + 0.5);
    y = (int32)iFloor(v.y + 0.5);
Beispiel #5
// Calculate T&B
void OGF::CalculateTB()
	u32 v_count_reserve			= 3*iFloor(float(data.vertices.size())*1.33f);
	u32 i_count_reserve			= 3*data.faces.size();

	// Declare inputs
	xr_vector<NVMeshMender::VertexAttribute> 			input;
	input.push_back	(NVMeshMender::VertexAttribute());	// pos
	input.push_back	(NVMeshMender::VertexAttribute());	// norm
	input.push_back	(NVMeshMender::VertexAttribute());	// tex0
	input.push_back	(NVMeshMender::VertexAttribute());	// color
	input.push_back	(NVMeshMender::VertexAttribute());	// *** faces

	input[0].Name_= "position";	xr_vector<float>&	i_position	= input[0].floatVector_;	i_position.reserve	(v_count_reserve);
	input[1].Name_= "normal";	xr_vector<float>&	i_normal	= input[1].floatVector_;	i_normal.reserve	(v_count_reserve);
	input[2].Name_= "tex0";		xr_vector<float>&	i_tc		= input[2].floatVector_;	i_tc.reserve		(v_count_reserve);
	input[3].Name_= "clr";		xr_vector<float>&	i_color		= input[3].floatVector_;	i_normal.reserve	(v_count_reserve);
	input[4].Name_= "indices";	xr_vector<int>&		i_indices	= input[4].intVector_;		i_indices.reserve	(i_count_reserve);

	// Declare outputs
	xr_vector<NVMeshMender::VertexAttribute> 			output;
	output.push_back(NVMeshMender::VertexAttribute());	// position, needed for mender
	output.push_back(NVMeshMender::VertexAttribute());	// normal
	output.push_back(NVMeshMender::VertexAttribute());	// tangent
	output.push_back(NVMeshMender::VertexAttribute());	// binormal
	output.push_back(NVMeshMender::VertexAttribute());	// tex0
	output.push_back(NVMeshMender::VertexAttribute());	// color
	output.push_back(NVMeshMender::VertexAttribute());	// *** faces

	output[0].Name_= "position";
	output[1].Name_= "normal";
	output[2].Name_= "tangent";	
	output[3].Name_= "binormal";
	output[4].Name_= "tex0";	
	output[5].Name_= "clr";	
	output[6].Name_= "indices";	

	fill_mender_input( data.vertices, data.faces, i_position, i_normal, i_tc, i_color, i_indices  );

	// Perform munge
	NVMeshMender mender;
	if (!mender.Munge(
		input,										// input attributes
		output,										// outputs attributes
		deg2rad(75.f),								// tangent space smooth angle
		0,											// no texture matrix applied to my texture coordinates
		NVMeshMender::FixTangents,					// fix degenerate bases & texture mirroring
		NVMeshMender::DontFixCylindricalTexGen,		// handle cylindrically mapped textures via vertex duplication
		NVMeshMender::DontWeightNormalsByFaceSize	// weigh vertex normals by the triangle's size
		xrDebug::Fatal	(DEBUG_INFO,"NVMeshMender failed (%s)",mender.GetLastError().c_str());

	// Bind declarators
	xr_vector<float>&	o_position	= output[0].floatVector_;	R_ASSERT(output[0].Name_=="position");
	xr_vector<float>&	o_normal	= output[1].floatVector_;	R_ASSERT(output[1].Name_=="normal");
	xr_vector<float>&	o_tangent	= output[2].floatVector_;	R_ASSERT(output[2].Name_=="tangent");
	xr_vector<float>&	o_binormal	= output[3].floatVector_;	R_ASSERT(output[3].Name_=="binormal");
	xr_vector<float>&	o_tc		= output[4].floatVector_;	R_ASSERT(output[4].Name_=="tex0");
	xr_vector<float>&	o_color		= output[5].floatVector_;	R_ASSERT(output[5].Name_=="clr");
	xr_vector<int>&		o_indices	= output[6].intVector_;		R_ASSERT(output[6].Name_=="indices");

	// verify
	R_ASSERT		(3*data.faces.size()	== o_indices.size());
	u32 v_cnt		= o_position.size();
	R_ASSERT		(0==v_cnt%3);
	R_ASSERT		(v_cnt == o_normal.size());
	R_ASSERT		(v_cnt == o_tangent.size());
	R_ASSERT		(v_cnt == o_binormal.size());
	R_ASSERT		(v_cnt == o_tc.size());
	R_ASSERT		(v_cnt == o_color.size());

	retrive_data_from_mender_otput( data.vertices, data.faces, o_position, o_normal, o_tc, o_tangent,  o_binormal, o_color, o_indices );
Beispiel #6
IC BYTE	compress(float c, int max_value)
	int	cover = iFloor(c*float(max_value)+.5f);
	return BYTE(cover);
Beispiel #7
void CHUDTarget::Render()
	VERIFY		(g_bRendering);

	CObject*	O		= Level().CurrentEntity();
	if (0==O)	return;
	CEntity*	E		= smart_cast<CEntity*>(O);
	if (0==E)	return;

	Fvector p1				= Device.vCameraPosition;
	Fvector dir				= Device.vCameraDirection;
	// Render cursor
	u32 C				= C_DEFAULT;
	FVF::TL				PT;
	Fvector				p2;
	p2.mad				(p1,dir,RQ.range);
	PT.transform		(p2,Device.mFullTransform);
	float				di_size = C_SIZE/powf(PT.p.w,.2f);

	CGameFont* F		= HUD().Font().pFontGraffiti19Russian;
	F->SetAligment		(CGameFont::alCenter);
	F->OutSetI			(0.f,0.05f);

	if (psHUD_Flags.test(HUD_CROSSHAIR_DIST)){
		F->SetColor		(C);
		F->OutNext		("%4.1f",RQ.range);

	if (psHUD_Flags.test(HUD_INFO)){ 
		if (RQ.O){
			CEntityAlive*	E		= smart_cast<CEntityAlive*>	(RQ.O);
			CEntityAlive*	pCurEnt = smart_cast<CEntityAlive*>	(Level().CurrentEntity());
			PIItem			l_pI	= smart_cast<PIItem>		(RQ.O);

			if (IsGameTypeSingle())
				CInventoryOwner* our_inv_owner		= smart_cast<CInventoryOwner*>(pCurEnt);
				if (E && E->g_Alive() && !E->cast_base_monster())
//.					CInventoryOwner* our_inv_owner		= smart_cast<CInventoryOwner*>(pCurEnt);
					CInventoryOwner* others_inv_owner	= smart_cast<CInventoryOwner*>(E);

					if(our_inv_owner && others_inv_owner){

						switch(RELATION_REGISTRY().GetRelationType(others_inv_owner, our_inv_owner))
						case ALife::eRelationTypeEnemy:
							C = C_ON_ENEMY; break;
						case ALife::eRelationTypeNeutral:
							C = C_ON_NEUTRAL; break;
						case ALife::eRelationTypeFriend:
							C = C_ON_FRIEND; break;

					if (fuzzyShowInfo>0.5f){
						CStringTable	strtbl		;
						F->SetColor	(subst_alpha(C,u8(iFloor(255.f*(fuzzyShowInfo-0.5f)*2.f))));
						F->OutNext	("%s", *strtbl.translate(others_inv_owner->Name()) );
						F->OutNext	("%s", *strtbl.translate(others_inv_owner->CharacterInfo().Community().id()) );

					fuzzyShowInfo += SHOW_INFO_SPEED*Device.fTimeDelta;
					if (l_pI && our_inv_owner && RQ.range < 2.0f*our_inv_owner->inventory().GetTakeDist())
						if (fuzzyShowInfo>0.5f){
							F->SetColor	(subst_alpha(C,u8(iFloor(255.f*(fuzzyShowInfo-0.5f)*2.f))));
							F->OutNext	("%s",l_pI->Name/*Complex*/());
						fuzzyShowInfo += SHOW_INFO_SPEED*Device.fTimeDelta;
				if (E && (E->GetfHealth()>0))
					if (pCurEnt && GameID() == GAME_SINGLE){	
						if (GameID() == GAME_DEATHMATCH)			C = C_ON_ENEMY;
							if (E->g_Team() != pCurEnt->g_Team())	C = C_ON_ENEMY;
							else									C = C_ON_FRIEND;
						if (RQ.range >= recon_mindist() && RQ.range <= recon_maxdist()){
							float ddist = (RQ.range - recon_mindist())/(recon_maxdist() - recon_mindist());
							float dspeed = recon_minspeed() + (recon_maxspeed() - recon_minspeed())*ddist;
							fuzzyShowInfo += Device.fTimeDelta/dspeed;
							if (RQ.range < recon_mindist()) fuzzyShowInfo += recon_minspeed()*Device.fTimeDelta;
							else fuzzyShowInfo = 0;

						if (fuzzyShowInfo>0.5f){
							int alpha_C = iFloor(255.f*(fuzzyShowInfo-0.5f)*2.f);
							u8 alpha_b	= u8(alpha_C & 0x00ff);
							F->SetColor	(subst_alpha(C,alpha_b));
							F->OutNext	("%s",*RQ.O->cName());

			fuzzyShowInfo -= HIDE_INFO_SPEED*Device.fTimeDelta;

	//отрендерить кружочек или крестик
		// actual rendering
		u32			vOffset;
		FVF::TL*	pv		= (FVF::TL*)RCache.Vertex.Lock(4,hGeom.stride(),vOffset);
		float			size_x = float(Device.dwWidth)	* di_size;
		float			size_y = float(Device.dwHeight) * di_size;
		size_y = size_x;

		float			w_2		= Device.fWidth_2;
		float			h_2		= Device.fHeight_2;

		// Convert to screen coords
		float cx		    = (PT.p.x+1)*w_2;
		float cy		    = (PT.p.y+1)*h_2;

		pv->set				(cx - size_x, cy + size_y, C, 0, 1); ++pv;
		pv->set				(cx - size_x, cy - size_y, C, 0, 0); ++pv;
		pv->set				(cx + size_x, cy + size_y, C, 1, 1); ++pv;
		pv->set				(cx + size_x, cy - size_y, C, 1, 0); ++pv;

		// unlock VB and Render it as triangle LIST
		RCache.set_Shader	(hShader);
		RCache.set_Geometry	(hGeom);
		RCache.Render		(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST,vOffset,0,4,0,2);
		//отрендерить прицел
		HUDCrosshair.cross_color	= C;
		HUDCrosshair.OnRender		();
Beispiel #8
const String& CompassDirection::nearestCompassPointAbbreviation() const {
    // Change names every 12.5 degrees, offset slightly
    const int i = iFloor(wrap(m_angleDegrees + (360 / 64.0f), 360) / 32);
    debugAssertM(i >= 0 && i < 32, "Index out of bounds");
    return NAME_TABLE[2 * i + 1];
Beispiel #9
void CUITrackBar::UpdatePosRelativeToMouse()
	float _bkf		= 0.0f;
	int _bki		= 0;
		_bkf = m_f_val; 
		_bki = m_i_val; 

	float btn_width				= m_pSlider->GetWidth();
	float window_width			= GetWidth();		
	//float fpos					= cursor_pos.x;

	// Start.Real Wolf.06.11.14.
	Fvector2 pos;
	float fpos = GetUICursor()->GetCursorPosition().x - pos.x; 
	// Finish.Real Wolf.06.11.14.

	if( GetInvert() )
		fpos					= window_width - fpos;

	if (fpos < btn_width/2)
		fpos = btn_width/2;
	if (fpos > window_width - btn_width/2)
		fpos = window_width - btn_width/2;

	float __fval;
	float __fmax	= (m_b_is_float)?m_f_max:(float)m_i_max;
	float __fmin	= (m_b_is_float)?m_f_min:(float)m_i_min;
	float __fstep	= (m_b_is_float)?m_f_step:(float)m_i_step;

	__fval						= (__fmax - __fmin)*(fpos - btn_width/2)/(window_width - btn_width)+ __fmin;
	float _d	= (__fval-__fmin);
	float _v	= _d/__fstep;
	int _vi		= iFloor(_v);
	float _vf	= __fstep*_vi;
		_vf		+= __fstep;

	__fval		= __fmin+_vf;
	clamp		(__fval, __fmin, __fmax);

		m_f_val	= __fval;
		m_i_val	= iFloor(__fval);

	bool b_ch = false;
		b_ch  = !fsimilar(_bkf, m_f_val); 
		b_ch  =  (_bki != m_i_val);

		GetMessageTarget()->SendMessage(this, BUTTON_CLICKED, NULL);

	UpdatePos	();
Beispiel #10
Vector3int16 Vector3int16::floor(const Vector3& v) {
    return Vector3int16(iFloor(v.x), iFloor(v.y), iFloor(v.z));
Beispiel #11
Vector3int16::Vector3int16(const class Vector3& v) {
    x = (int16)iFloor(v.x + 0.5);
    y = (int16)iFloor(v.y + 0.5);
    z = (int16)iFloor(v.z + 0.5);
Beispiel #12
BOOL CDemoPlay::ProcessCam(SCamEffectorInfo& info)
	// skeep a few frames before counting
	if (Device.dwPrecacheFrame)	return	TRUE;

	if (stat_started)

	// Per-frame statistics
		stat_table.push_back		(stat_Timer_frame.GetElapsed_sec());
		stat_Timer_frame.Start		();

	// Process motion
	if (m_pMotion)
		Fvector R;
		Fmatrix mRotate;
		m_pMotion->_Evaluate	(m_MParam->Frame(),info.p,R);
		m_MParam->Update		(Device.fTimeDelta,1.f,true);
		fLifeTime				-= Device.fTimeDelta;
		if (m_MParam->bWrapped)	{ stat_Stop(); stat_Start(); }
		mRotate.setXYZi			(R.x,R.y,R.z);
		info.d.set				(mRotate.k);
		info.n.set				(mRotate.j);
		if (seq.empty()) {
			return		TRUE;

		fStartTime		+=	Device.fTimeDelta;
		float	ip;
		float	p		=	fStartTime/fSpeed;
		float	t		=	modff(p, &ip);
		int		frame	=	iFloor(ip);
		VERIFY	(t>=0);
		if (frame>=m_count)
			dwCyclesLeft			--	;
			if (0==dwCyclesLeft)	return FALSE;
			fStartTime				= 0	;
			// just continue
			// stat_Stop			();
			// stat_Start			();
		int f1=frame; FIX(f1);
		int f2=f1+1;  FIX(f2);
		int f3=f2+1;  FIX(f3);
		int f4=f3+1;  FIX(f4);
		Fmatrix *m1,*m2,*m3,*m4;
		Fvector v[4];
		m1 = (Fmatrix *) &seq[f1];
		m2 = (Fmatrix *) &seq[f2];
		m3 = (Fmatrix *) &seq[f3];
		m4 = (Fmatrix *) &seq[f4];
		for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
			v[0].x = m1->m[i][0]; v[0].y = m1->m[i][1];  v[0].z = m1->m[i][2];
			v[1].x = m2->m[i][0]; v[1].y = m2->m[i][1];  v[1].z = m2->m[i][2];
			v[2].x = m3->m[i][0]; v[2].y = m3->m[i][1];  v[2].z = m3->m[i][2];
			v[3].x = m4->m[i][0]; v[3].y = m4->m[i][1];  v[3].z = m4->m[i][2];
			spline1	( t, &(v[0]), (Fvector *) &(Device.mView.m[i][0]) );
		Fmatrix mInvCamera;
		info.n.set( mInvCamera._21, mInvCamera._22, mInvCamera._23 );
		info.d.set( mInvCamera._31, mInvCamera._32, mInvCamera._33 );
		info.p.set( mInvCamera._41, mInvCamera._42, mInvCamera._43 );
	return TRUE;
Beispiel #13
void CGameFont::OnRender()
	VERIFY				(g_bRendering);
	if (pShader)		RCache.set_Shader	(pShader);

	if (!(uFlags&fsValid)){
		CTexture* T		= RCache.get_ActiveTexture(0);
		vTS.set			((int)T->get_Width(),(int)T->get_Height());
		vHalfPixel.set	(0.5f/float(vTS.x),0.5f/float(vTS.y));
		for (int i=0; i<256; i++){
			Fvector& tc	= TCMap[i];
			tc.x		/= float(vTS.x);
			tc.y		/= float(vTS.y);
			tc.z		/= float(vTS.x);
		fTCHeight		= fHeight/float(vTS.y);
		uFlags			|= fsValid;
		fTCHeight		= fHeight/float(vTS.y);
		uFlags			|= fsValid;

	for (u32 i=0; i<strings.size(); ){
		// calculate first-fit
		int		count	=	1;
		int		length	=	xr_strlen(strings[i].string);
		while	((i+count)<strings.size()) {
			int	L	=	xr_strlen(strings[i+count].string);
			if ((L+length)<MAX_CHARS){
				count	++;
				length	+=	L;
			else		break;

		// lock AGP memory
		u32	vOffset;
		FVF::TL* v		= (FVF::TL*)RCache.Vertex.Lock	(length*4,pGeom.stride(),vOffset);
		FVF::TL* start	= v;

		// fill vertices
		u32 last		= i+count;
		for (; i<last; i++) {
			String		&PS	= strings[i];
			int			len	= xr_strlen(PS.string);
			if (len) {
				float	X	= float(iFloor(PS.x));
				float	Y	= float(iFloor(PS.y));
				float	S	= PS.height*g_current_font_scale.y;
				float	Y2	= Y+S;

				case alCenter:	
						X	-= ( iFloor(SizeOf_(PS.string,PS.height)*.5f) ) * g_current_font_scale.x;	
				case alRight:	
						X	-=	iFloor(SizeOf_(PS.string,PS.height));		

				u32	clr,clr2;
				clr2 = clr	= PS.c;
				if (uFlags&fsGradient){
					u32	_R	= color_get_R	(clr)/2;
					u32	_G	= color_get_G	(clr)/2;
					u32	_B	= color_get_B	(clr)/2;
					u32	_A	= color_get_A	(clr);
					clr2	= color_rgba	(_R,_G,_B,_A);

				float	tu,tv;
				for (int j=0; j<len; j++)
					int c			= GetCharRM	(PS.string[j]);
					Fvector l		= GetCharTC	(PS.string[j]);
					float scw		= l.z * g_current_font_scale.x;
//.					float scw		= vTS.x * l.z * g_current_font_scale.x;
					float fTCWidth	= l.z/vTS.x;

					if ((c>=0)&&!fis_zero(l.z))
						tu			= l.x/vTS.x;//+vHalfPixel.x;
						tv			= l.y/vTS.y;//+vHalfPixel.y;
						v->set		(X-0.5f,		Y2-0.5f,	clr2,tu,			tv+fTCHeight);	v++;
						v->set		(X-0.5f,		Y-0.5f,		clr, tu,			tv);			v++;
						v->set		(X+scw-0.5f,	Y2-0.5f,	clr2,tu+fTCWidth,	tv+fTCHeight);	v++;
						v->set		(X+scw-0.5f,	Y-0.5f,		clr, tu+fTCWidth,	tv);			v++;

		// Unlock and draw
		u32 vCount = (u32)(v-start);
		RCache.Vertex.Unlock		(vCount,pGeom.stride());
		if (vCount){
			RCache.set_Geometry		(pGeom);
			RCache.Render			(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST,vOffset,0,vCount,0,vCount/2);
	strings.clear_not_free			();
Beispiel #14
u32 CLAItem::CalculateBGR(float T, int& frame)
    frame	= iFloor(fmodf(T,float(iFrameCount)/fFPS)*fFPS);
    return InterpolateBGR(frame);
Beispiel #15
CRenderTarget::CRenderTarget		()
	param_blur			= 0.f;
	param_gray			= 0.f;
	param_noise			= 0.f;
	param_duality_h		= 0.f;
	param_duality_v		= 0.f;
	param_noise_fps		= 25.f;
	param_noise_scale	= 1.f;

	im_noise_time		= 1/100;
	im_noise_shift_w	= 0;
	im_noise_shift_h	= 0;

	param_color_base	= color_rgba(127,127,127,	0);
	param_color_gray	= color_rgba(85,85,85,		0);
	param_color_add.set( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );

	dwAccumulatorClearMark			= 0;
	dxRenderDeviceRender::Instance().Resources->Evict			();

	// Blenders
	b_occq							= new CBlender_light_occq();
	b_accum_mask					= new CBlender_accum_direct_mask();
	b_accum_direct					= new CBlender_accum_direct();
	b_accum_point					= new CBlender_accum_point();
	b_accum_spot					= new CBlender_accum_spot();
	b_accum_reflected				= new CBlender_accum_reflected();
	b_bloom							= new CBlender_bloom_build();
	b_ssao							= new CBlender_SSAO();
	b_luminance						= new CBlender_luminance();
	b_combine						= new CBlender_combine();

		u32		w=Device.dwWidth, h=Device.dwHeight;
		rt_Position.create			(r2_RT_P,		w,h,D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F);
		rt_Normal.create			(r2_RT_N,		w,h,D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F);

		// select albedo & accum
		if (RImplementation.o.mrtmixdepth)	
			// NV50
			rt_Color.create			(r2_RT_albedo,	w,h,D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8		);
			rt_Accumulator.create	(r2_RT_accum,	w,h,D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F);
			// can't - mix-depth
			if (RImplementation.o.fp16_blend) {
				// NV40
				rt_Color.create				(r2_RT_albedo,		w,h,D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F);	// expand to full
				rt_Accumulator.create		(r2_RT_accum,		w,h,D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F);
			} else {
				// R4xx, no-fp-blend,-> albedo_wo
				VERIFY						(RImplementation.o.albedo_wo);
				rt_Color.create				(r2_RT_albedo,		w,h,D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8		);	// normal
				rt_Accumulator.create		(r2_RT_accum,		w,h,D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F);
				rt_Accumulator_temp.create	(r2_RT_accum_temp,	w,h,D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F);

		// generic(LDR) RTs
		rt_Generic_0.create			(r2_RT_generic0,w,h,D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8		);
		rt_Generic_1.create			(r2_RT_generic1,w,h,D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8		);
		//	Igor: for volumetric lights
		//rt_Generic_2.create			(r2_RT_generic2,w,h,D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8		);
		//	temp: for higher quality blends
		if (RImplementation.o.advancedpp)
			rt_Generic_2.create			(r2_RT_generic2,w,h,D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F);

	s_occq.create					(b_occq,		"r2\\occq");

	// DIRECT (spot)
	D3DFORMAT						depth_format	= (D3DFORMAT)RImplementation.o.HW_smap_FORMAT;

	if (RImplementation.o.HW_smap)
		D3DFORMAT	nullrt				= D3DFMT_R5G6B5;
		if (RImplementation.o.nullrt)	nullrt	= (D3DFORMAT)MAKEFOURCC('N','U','L','L');

		u32	size					=RImplementation.o.smapsize	;
		rt_smap_depth.create		(r2_RT_smap_depth,			size,size,depth_format	);
		rt_smap_surf.create			(r2_RT_smap_surf,			size,size,nullrt		);
		rt_smap_ZB					= NULL;
		s_accum_mask.create			(b_accum_mask,				"r2\\accum_mask");
		s_accum_direct.create		(b_accum_direct,			"r2\\accum_direct");
		if (RImplementation.o.advancedpp)
		u32	size					=RImplementation.o.smapsize	;
		rt_smap_surf.create			(r2_RT_smap_surf,			size,size,D3DFMT_R32F);
		rt_smap_depth				= NULL;
		R_CHK						(HW.pDevice->CreateDepthStencilSurface	(size,size,D3DFMT_D24X8,D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE,0,TRUE,&rt_smap_ZB,NULL));
		s_accum_mask.create			(b_accum_mask,				"r2\\accum_mask");
		s_accum_direct.create		(b_accum_direct,			"r2\\accum_direct");
		if (RImplementation.o.advancedpp)

		s_accum_point.create		(b_accum_point,				"r2\\accum_point_s");
		accum_point_geom_create		();
		g_accum_point.create		(D3DFVF_XYZ,				g_accum_point_vb, g_accum_point_ib);
		accum_omnip_geom_create		();
		g_accum_omnipart.create		(D3DFVF_XYZ,				g_accum_omnip_vb, g_accum_omnip_ib);

	// SPOT
		s_accum_spot.create			(b_accum_spot,				"r2\\accum_spot_s",	"lights\\lights_spot01");
		accum_spot_geom_create		();
		g_accum_spot.create			(D3DFVF_XYZ,				g_accum_spot_vb, g_accum_spot_ib);

		s_accum_volume.create("accum_volumetric", "lights\\lights_spot01");
		g_accum_volumetric.create( D3DFVF_XYZ, g_accum_volumetric_vb, g_accum_volumetric_ib);

		s_accum_reflected.create	(b_accum_reflected,			"r2\\accum_refl");

		D3DFORMAT	fmt				= D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8;			//;		// D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8
		u32	w=BLOOM_size_X, h=BLOOM_size_Y;
		rt_Bloom_1.create			(r2_RT_bloom1,	w,h,		fmt);
		rt_Bloom_2.create			(r2_RT_bloom2,	w,h,		fmt);
		g_bloom_build.create		(fvf_build,		RCache.Vertex.Buffer(), RCache.QuadIB);
		g_bloom_filter.create		(fvf_filter,	RCache.Vertex.Buffer(), RCache.QuadIB);
		s_bloom_dbg_1.create		("effects\\screen_set",		r2_RT_bloom1);
		s_bloom_dbg_2.create		("effects\\screen_set",		r2_RT_bloom2);
		s_bloom.create				(b_bloom,					"r2\\bloom");
		f_bloom_factor				= 0.5f;

	if (RImplementation.o.ssao_opt_data)
		u32		w = 0;
		u32		h = 0;
		if (RImplementation.o.ssao_half_data)
			w = Device.dwWidth / 2;
			h = Device.dwHeight / 2;
			w = Device.dwWidth;
			h = Device.dwHeight;
		D3DFORMAT	fmt = HW.Caps.id_vendor==0x10DE?D3DFMT_R32F:D3DFMT_R16F;

		rt_half_depth.create		(r2_RT_half_depth, w, h, fmt);
		s_ssao.create				(b_ssao, "r2\\ssao");

	if (RImplementation.o.ssao_blur_on)
		u32		w = Device.dwWidth, h = Device.dwHeight;
		rt_ssao_temp.create			(r2_RT_ssao_temp, w, h, D3DFMT_G16R16F);
		s_ssao.create				(b_ssao, "r2\\ssao");

		rt_LUM_64.create			(r2_RT_luminance_t64,	64, 64,	D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F	);
		rt_LUM_8.create				(r2_RT_luminance_t8,	8,	8,	D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F	);
		s_luminance.create			(b_luminance,				"r2\\luminance");
		f_luminance_adapt			= 0.5f;

		t_LUM_src.create			(r2_RT_luminance_src);
		t_LUM_dest.create			(r2_RT_luminance_cur);

		// create pool
		for (u32 it=0; it<HW.Caps.iGPUNum*2; it++)	{
			string256					name;
			sprintf						(name,"%s_%d",	r2_RT_luminance_pool,it	);
			rt_LUM_pool[it].create		(name,	1,	1,	D3DFMT_R32F				);
			u_setrt						(rt_LUM_pool[it],	0,	0,	0			);
			CHK_DX						(HW.pDevice->Clear( 0L, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET,	0x7f7f7f7f,	1.0f, 0L));
		u_setrt						( Device.dwWidth,Device.dwHeight,HW.pBaseRT,NULL,NULL,HW.pBaseZB);

		static D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 dwDecl[] =
		s_combine.create					(b_combine,					"r2\\combine");
		s_combine_volumetric.create			("combine_volumetric");
		s_combine_dbg_0.create				("effects\\screen_set",		r2_RT_smap_surf		);	
		s_combine_dbg_1.create				("effects\\screen_set",		r2_RT_luminance_t8	);
		s_combine_dbg_Accumulator.create	("effects\\screen_set",		r2_RT_accum			);
		g_combine_VP.create					(dwDecl,		RCache.Vertex.Buffer(), RCache.QuadIB);
		g_combine.create					(FVF::F_TL,		RCache.Vertex.Buffer(), RCache.QuadIB);
		g_combine_2UV.create				(FVF::F_TL2uv,	RCache.Vertex.Buffer(), RCache.QuadIB);

		g_aa_blur.create			(fvf_aa_blur,	RCache.Vertex.Buffer(), RCache.QuadIB);

		g_aa_AA.create				(fvf_aa_AA,		RCache.Vertex.Buffer(), RCache.QuadIB);

		t_envmap_0.create			(r2_T_envs0);
		t_envmap_1.create			(r2_T_envs1);

	// Build textures
		// Build material(s)
			// Surface
			R_CHK						(D3DXCreateVolumeTexture(HW.pDevice,TEX_material_LdotN,TEX_material_LdotH,4,1,0,D3DFMT_A8L8,D3DPOOL_MANAGED,&t_material_surf));
			t_material					= dxRenderDeviceRender::Instance().Resources->_CreateTexture(r2_material);
			t_material->surface_set		(t_material_surf);

			// Fill it (addr: x=dot(L,N),y=dot(L,H))
			R_CHK						(t_material_surf->LockBox	(0,&R,0,0));
			for (u32 slice=0; slice<4; slice++)
				for (u32 y=0; y<TEX_material_LdotH; y++)
					for (u32 x=0; x<TEX_material_LdotN; x++)
						u16*	p	=	(u16*)		(LPBYTE (R.pBits) + slice*R.SlicePitch + y*R.RowPitch + x*2);
						float	ld	=	float(x)	/ float	(TEX_material_LdotN-1);
						float	ls	=	float(y)	/ float	(TEX_material_LdotH-1) + EPS_S;
						ls			*=	powf(ld,1/32.f);
						float	fd,fs;

						switch	(slice)
						case 0:	{ // looks like OrenNayar
							fd	= powf(ld,0.75f);		// 0.75
							fs	= powf(ls,16.f)*.5f;
								}	break;
						case 1:	{// looks like Blinn
							fd	= powf(ld,0.90f);		// 0.90
							fs	= powf(ls,24.f);
								}	break;
						case 2:	{ // looks like Phong
							fd	= ld;					// 1.0
							fs	= powf(ls*1.01f,128.f	);
								}	break;
						case 3:	{ // looks like Metal
							float	s0	=	_abs	(1-_abs	(0.05f*_sin(33.f*ld)+ld-ls));
							float	s1	=	_abs	(1-_abs	(0.05f*_cos(33.f*ld*ls)+ld-ls));
							float	s2	=	_abs	(1-_abs	(ld-ls));
							fd		=	ld;				// 1.0
							fs		=	powf	(_max(_max(s0,s1),s2), 24.f);
							fs		*=	powf	(ld,1/7.f);
								}	break;
							fd	= fs = 0;
						s32		_d	=	clampr	(iFloor	(fd*255.5f),	0,255);
						s32		_s	=	clampr	(iFloor	(fs*255.5f),	0,255);
						if ((y==(TEX_material_LdotH-1)) && (x==(TEX_material_LdotN-1)))	{ _d = 255; _s=255;	}
						*p			=	u16		(_s*256 + _d);
			R_CHK		(t_material_surf->UnlockBox	(0));
			// #ifdef DEBUG
			// R_CHK	(D3DXSaveTextureToFile	("x:\\r2_material.dds",D3DXIFF_DDS,t_material_surf,0));
			// #endif

		// Build noise table
		if (1)
			// Surfaces
			D3DLOCKED_RECT				R[TEX_jitter_count];
			for (int it1=0; it1<TEX_jitter_count-1; it1++)
				string_path					name;
				sprintf						(name,"%s%d",r2_jitter,it1);
				R_CHK	(D3DXCreateTexture	(HW.pDevice,TEX_jitter,TEX_jitter,1,0,D3DFMT_Q8W8V8U8,D3DPOOL_MANAGED,&t_noise_surf[it1]));
				t_noise[it1]					= dxRenderDeviceRender::Instance().Resources->_CreateTexture	(name);
				t_noise[it1]->surface_set	(t_noise_surf[it1]);
				R_CHK						(t_noise_surf[it1]->LockRect	(0,&R[it1],0,0));

			// Fill it,
			for (u32 y=0; y<TEX_jitter; y++)
				for (u32 x=0; x<TEX_jitter; x++)
					DWORD	data	[TEX_jitter_count-1];
					generate_jitter	(data,TEX_jitter_count-1);
					for (u32 it2=0; it2<TEX_jitter_count-1; it2++)
						u32*	p	=	(u32*)	(LPBYTE (R[it2].pBits) + y*R[it2].Pitch + x*4);
								*p	=	data	[it2];
			for (int it3=0; it3<TEX_jitter_count-1; it3++)	{
				R_CHK						(t_noise_surf[it3]->UnlockRect(0));

			// generate HBAO jitter texture (last)
			int it = TEX_jitter_count - 1;
			string_path					name;
			sprintf						(name,"%s%d",r2_jitter,it);
			R_CHK	(D3DXCreateTexture	(HW.pDevice,TEX_jitter,TEX_jitter,1,0,D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F,D3DPOOL_MANAGED,&t_noise_surf[it]));
			t_noise[it]					= dxRenderDeviceRender::Instance().Resources->_CreateTexture	(name);
			t_noise[it]->surface_set	(t_noise_surf[it]);
			R_CHK						(t_noise_surf[it]->LockRect	(0,&R[it],0,0));
			// Fill it,
			for (u32 y=0; y<TEX_jitter; y++)
				for (u32 x=0; x<TEX_jitter; x++)
					float numDir = 1.0f;
					switch (ps_r_ssao)
						case 1: numDir = 4.0f; break;
						case 2: numDir = 6.0f; break;
						case 3: numDir = 8.0f; break;
					float angle = 2 * PI * ::Random.randF(0.0f, 1.0f) / numDir;
					float dist = ::Random.randF(0.0f, 1.0f);
					//float dest[4];
					float*	p	=	(float*)	(LPBYTE (R[it].pBits) + y*R[it].Pitch + x*4*sizeof(float));
					*p = (float)(_cos(angle));
					*(p+1) = (float)(_sin(angle));
					*(p+2) = (float)(dist);
					*(p+3) = 0;
					//generate_hbao_jitter	(data,TEX_jitter*TEX_jitter);
			R_CHK						(t_noise_surf[it]->UnlockRect(0));

	// PP
	s_postprocess.create				("postprocess");
	g_postprocess.create				(D3DFVF_XYZRHW|D3DFVF_DIFFUSE|D3DFVF_SPECULAR|D3DFVF_TEX3,RCache.Vertex.Buffer(),RCache.QuadIB);

	// Menu
	s_menu.create						("distort");
	g_menu.create						(FVF::F_TL,RCache.Vertex.Buffer(),RCache.QuadIB);

	//	Igor: TMP
	//	Create an RT for online screenshot makining
	//u32		w = Device.dwWidth, h = Device.dwHeight;

	dwWidth		= Device.dwWidth;
	dwHeight	= Device.dwHeight;
Beispiel #16
IC void Dequantize(CKey& K,const CBlend& BD,const CMotion& M)
	CKey*			D		=	&K;
	const CBlend*	B		=	&BD;
	float			time	=	B->timeCurrent*float(SAMPLE_FPS);

	u32				frame	=	iFloor(time);
	float			delta	=	time-float(frame);
	u32				count	=	M.get_count();
	// rotation
	if (M.test_flag(flRKeyAbsent)){
		const CKeyQR *		K		=	&M._keysR[0];
		const CKeyQR*		K1r		=	&M._keysR[(frame+0)%count];
		const CKeyQR*		K2r		=	&M._keysR[(frame+1)%count];
		Fquaternion	Q1,Q2;
		D->Q.slerp	(Q1,Q2,clampr(delta,0.f,1.f));

	// translate
	if (M.test_flag(flTKeyPresent))
		const CKeyQT*	K1t	= &M._keysT[(frame+0)%count];
		const CKeyQT*	K2t	= &M._keysT[(frame+1)%count];

		Fvector T1,T2;
		T1.x		= float(K1t->x)*M._sizeT.x+M._initT.x;
		T1.y		= float(K1t->y)*M._sizeT.y+M._initT.y;
		T1.z		= float(K1t->z)*M._sizeT.z+M._initT.z;

		T2.x		= float(K2t->x)*M._sizeT.x+M._initT.x;
		T2.y		= float(K2t->y)*M._sizeT.y+M._initT.y;
		T2.z		= float(K2t->z)*M._sizeT.z+M._initT.z;
		D->T.lerp	(T1,T2,delta);
		if ((_abs(D->T.y)>10000) || (_abs(D->T.x)>10000) || (_abs(D->T.z)>10000))
		Log("blendAmount", B->blendAmount);
		Log("timeCurrent", B->timeCurrent);
		Log("timeTotal", B->timeTotal);
		Log("bone_or_part", B->bone_or_part);

		Log("blendAccrue", B->blendAccrue);
		Log("blendFalloff", B->blendFalloff);
		Log("blendPower", B->blendPower);
		Log("speed", B->speed);
		Log("playing", B->playing);
		Log("stop_at_end", B->stop_at_end);
		Log("motionID", (u32)B->motionID.idx);
		Log("blend", B->blend);

		Log("dwFrame", B->dwFrame);
		Log("Device.dwFrame", Device.dwFrame);

		Msg("K1t %d,%d,%d",K1t->x,K1t->y,K1t->z);
		Msg("K2t %d,%d,%d",K2t->x,K2t->y,K2t->z);


	} //if (M.test_flag(flTKeyPresent))
		D->T.set	(M._initT);
Beispiel #17
void SplineBase::computeIndex(float s, int& i, float& u) const {
    int N = time.size();
    debugAssertM(N > 0, "No control points");
    float t0 = time[0];
    float tn = time[N - 1];
    if (N < 2) {
        // No control points to work with
        i = 0;
        u = 0.0;
    } else if (cyclic) {
        float fi = getFinalInterval();
        // Cyclic spline
        if ((s < t0) || (s >= tn + fi)) {
            // Cyclic, off the bottom or top
            // Compute offset and reduce to the in-bounds case

            float d = duration();
            // Number of times we wrapped around the cyclic array
            int wraps = iFloor((s - t0) / d);
            debugAssert(s - d * wraps >= t0);
            debugAssert(s - d * wraps < tn + getFinalInterval());

            computeIndex(s - d * wraps, i, u);
            i += wraps * N;
        } else if (s >= tn) {
            debugAssert(s < tn + fi);
            // Cyclic, off the top but before the end of the last interval
            i = N - 1;
            u = (s - tn) / fi;
        } else {
            // Cyclic, in bounds
            computeIndexInBounds(s, i, u);
    } else {
        // Non-cyclic
        if (s < t0) {
            // Non-cyclic, off the bottom.  Assume points are spaced
            // following the first time interval.
            float dt = time[1] - t0;
            float x = (s - t0) / dt;
            i = iFloor(x);
            u = x - i;
        } else if (s >= tn) {
            // Non-cyclic, off the top.  Assume points are spaced following
            // the last time interval.
            float dt = tn - time[N - 2];
            float x = N - 1 + (s - tn) / dt;
            i = iFloor(x);
            u = x - i;  
        } else {
            // In bounds, non-cyclic.  Assume a regular
            // distribution (which gives O(1) for uniform spacing)
            // and then binary search to handle the general case
            // efficiently.
            computeIndexInBounds(s, i, u);
        } // if in bounds
    } // if cyclic
Beispiel #18
Vector3int32::Vector3int32(const class Vector3& v) {
	x = (int32)iFloor(v.x + 0.5);
	y = (int32)iFloor(v.y + 0.5);
	z = (int32)iFloor(v.z + 0.5);
// There is no "ParseOFF" because OFF parsing is trivial--it has no subparts or materials,
// and is directly an indexed format.
void ArticulatedModel::loadOFF(const Specification& specification) {
    Part* part      = addPart(m_name);
    Geometry* geom  = addGeometry("geom");
    Mesh* mesh      = addMesh("mesh", part, geom);
    mesh->material = UniversalMaterial::create();
    TextInput::Settings s;
    s.cppBlockComments = false;
    s.cppLineComments = false;
    s.otherCommentCharacter = '#';
    TextInput ti(specification.filename, s);           
    // Parse header
    std::string header = ti.readSymbol();
    bool hasTexCoords = false;
    bool hasColors = false;
    bool hasNormals = false;
    bool hasHomogeneous = false;
    bool hasHighDimension = false;

    if (beginsWith(header, "ST")) {
        hasTexCoords = true;
        header = header.substr(2);
    if (beginsWith(header, "C")) {
        hasColors = true;
        header = header.substr(1);
    if (beginsWith(header, "N")) {
        hasNormals = true;
        header = header.substr(1);
    if (beginsWith(header, "4")) {
        hasHomogeneous = true;
        header = header.substr(1);
    if (beginsWith(header, "n")) {
        hasHighDimension = true;
        header = header.substr(1);
    geom->cpuVertexArray.hasTexCoord0   = hasTexCoords;
    geom->cpuVertexArray.hasTangent     = false;

    // Remaining header should be "OFF", but is not required according to the spec

    Token t = ti.peek();
    if ((t.type() == Token::SYMBOL) && (t.string() == "BINARY")) {
        throw std::string("BINARY OFF files are not supported by this version of G3D::ArticulatedModel");

    int ndim = 3;
    if (hasHighDimension) {
        ndim = int(ti.readNumber());
    if (hasHomogeneous) {

    if (ndim < 3) {
        throw std::string("OFF files must contain at least 3 dimensions");

    int nV = iFloor(ti.readNumber());
    int nF = iFloor(ti.readNumber());
    int nE = iFloor(ti.readNumber());


    Array<int>& index = mesh->cpuIndexArray;

    // Read the per-vertex data
    for (int v = 0; v < nV; ++v) {
        CPUVertexArray::Vertex& vertex = geom->cpuVertexArray.vertex[v];

        // Position 
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
            vertex.position[i] = float(ti.readNumber());
        // Ignore higher dimensions
        for (int i = 3; i < ndim; ++i) {

        if (hasNormals) {
            // Normal (assume always 3 components)
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
                vertex.normal[i] = float(ti.readNumber());
        } else {
            vertex.normal.x = fnan();

        if (hasColors) {
            // Color (assume always 3 components)
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {

        if (hasTexCoords) {
            // Texcoords (assume always 2 components)
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
                vertex.texCoord0[i] = float(ti.readNumber());
        // Skip to the end of the line.  If the file was corrupt we'll at least get the next vertex right

    // Faces

    // Convert arbitrary triangle fans to triangles
    Array<int> poly;
    for (int i = 0; i < nF; ++i) {
        int polySize = iFloor(ti.readNumber());
        debugAssert(polySize > 2);

        if (polySize == 3) {
            // Triangle (common case)
            for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
        } else {
            for (int j = 0; j < polySize; ++j) {
                poly[j] = iFloor(ti.readNumber());
                debugAssertM(poly[j] < nV, 
                             "OFF file contained an index greater than the number of vertices."); 

            // Expand the poly into triangles
            MeshAlg::toIndexedTriList(poly, PrimitiveType::TRIANGLE_FAN, index);

        // Trim to the end of the line, except on the last line of the
        // file (where it doesn't matter)
        if (i != nF - 1) {
            // Ignore per-face colors
Beispiel #20
u8		fpackZ			(float v)				{
	s32	_v	= iFloor	(_abs(v)*255.f + .5f);
	clamp	(_v,0,255);
	return	u8(_v);
Beispiel #21
Color4uint8::Color4uint8(const class Color4& c) {
    r = iMin(255, iFloor(c.r * 256));
    g = iMin(255, iFloor(c.g * 256));
    b = iMin(255, iFloor(c.b * 256));
    a = iMin(255, iFloor(c.a * 256));
Beispiel #22
CRenderTarget::CRenderTarget		()
	param_blur			= 0.f;
	param_gray			= 0.f;
	param_noise			= 0.f;
	param_duality_h		= 0.f;
	param_duality_v		= 0.f;
	param_noise_fps		= 25.f;
	param_noise_scale	= 1.f;

	im_noise_time		= 1/100;
	im_noise_shift_w	= 0;
	im_noise_shift_h	= 0;

	param_color_base	= color_rgba(127,127,127,	0);
	param_color_gray	= color_rgba(85,85,85,		0);
	param_color_add		= color_rgba(0,0,0,			0);

	dwAccumulatorClearMark			= 0;
	Device.Resources->Evict			();

	// Blenders
	b_occq							= xr_new<CBlender_light_occq>			();
	b_accum_mask					= xr_new<CBlender_accum_direct_mask>	();
	b_accum_direct					= xr_new<CBlender_accum_direct>			();
	b_accum_point					= xr_new<CBlender_accum_point>			();
	b_accum_spot					= xr_new<CBlender_accum_spot>			();
	b_accum_reflected				= xr_new<CBlender_accum_reflected>		();
	b_bloom							= xr_new<CBlender_bloom_build>			();
	b_luminance						= xr_new<CBlender_luminance>			();
	b_combine						= xr_new<CBlender_combine>				();

		u32		w=Device.dwWidth, h=Device.dwHeight;
		rt_Position.create			(r2_RT_P,		w,h,D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F);
		rt_Normal.create			(r2_RT_N,		w,h,D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F);

		// select albedo & accum
		if (RImplementation.o.mrtmixdepth)	
			// NV50
			rt_Color.create			(r2_RT_albedo,	w,h,D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8		);
			rt_Accumulator.create	(r2_RT_accum,	w,h,D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F);
			// can't - mix-depth
			if (RImplementation.o.fp16_blend) {
				// NV40
				rt_Color.create				(r2_RT_albedo,		w,h,D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F);	// expand to full
				rt_Accumulator.create		(r2_RT_accum,		w,h,D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F);
			} else {
				// R4xx, no-fp-blend,-> albedo_wo
				VERIFY						(RImplementation.o.albedo_wo);
				rt_Color.create				(r2_RT_albedo,		w,h,D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8		);	// normal
				rt_Accumulator.create		(r2_RT_accum,		w,h,D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F);
				rt_Accumulator_temp.create	(r2_RT_accum_temp,	w,h,D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F);

		// generic(LDR) RTs
		rt_Generic_0.create			(r2_RT_generic0,w,h,D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8		);
		rt_Generic_1.create			(r2_RT_generic1,w,h,D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8		);

	s_occq.create					(b_occq,		"r2\\occq");

	// DIRECT (spot)
	D3DFORMAT						depth_format	= (D3DFORMAT)RImplementation.o.HW_smap_FORMAT;

	if (RImplementation.o.HW_smap)
		D3DFORMAT	nullrt				= D3DFMT_R5G6B5;
		if (RImplementation.o.nullrt)	nullrt	= (D3DFORMAT)MAKEFOURCC('N','U','L','L');

		u32	size					=RImplementation.o.smapsize	;
		rt_smap_depth.create		(r2_RT_smap_depth,			size,size,depth_format	);
		rt_smap_surf.create			(r2_RT_smap_surf,			size,size,nullrt		);
		rt_smap_ZB					= NULL;
		s_accum_mask.create			(b_accum_mask,				"r2\\accum_mask");
		s_accum_direct.create		(b_accum_direct,			"r2\\accum_direct");
		u32	size					=RImplementation.o.smapsize	;
		rt_smap_surf.create			(r2_RT_smap_surf,			size,size,D3DFMT_R32F);
		rt_smap_depth				= NULL;
		R_CHK						(HW.pDevice->CreateDepthStencilSurface	(size,size,D3DFMT_D24X8,D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE,0,TRUE,&rt_smap_ZB,NULL));
		s_accum_mask.create			(b_accum_mask,				"r2\\accum_mask");
		s_accum_direct.create		(b_accum_direct,			"r2\\accum_direct");

		s_accum_point.create		(b_accum_point,				"r2\\accum_point_s");
		accum_point_geom_create		();
		g_accum_point.create		(D3DFVF_XYZ,				g_accum_point_vb, g_accum_point_ib);
		accum_omnip_geom_create		();
		g_accum_omnipart.create		(D3DFVF_XYZ,				g_accum_omnip_vb, g_accum_omnip_ib);

	// SPOT
		s_accum_spot.create			(b_accum_spot,				"r2\\accum_spot_s",	"lights\\lights_spot01");
		accum_spot_geom_create		();
		g_accum_spot.create			(D3DFVF_XYZ,				g_accum_spot_vb, g_accum_spot_ib);

		s_accum_reflected.create	(b_accum_reflected,			"r2\\accum_refl");

		D3DFORMAT	fmt				= D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8;			//;		// D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8
		u32	w=BLOOM_size_X, h=BLOOM_size_Y;
		rt_Bloom_1.create			(r2_RT_bloom1,	w,h,		fmt);
		rt_Bloom_2.create			(r2_RT_bloom2,	w,h,		fmt);
		g_bloom_build.create		(fvf_build,		RCache.Vertex.Buffer(), RCache.QuadIB);
		g_bloom_filter.create		(fvf_filter,	RCache.Vertex.Buffer(), RCache.QuadIB);
		s_bloom_dbg_1.create		("effects\\screen_set",		r2_RT_bloom1);
		s_bloom_dbg_2.create		("effects\\screen_set",		r2_RT_bloom2);
		s_bloom.create				(b_bloom,					"r2\\bloom");
		f_bloom_factor				= 0.5f;

		rt_LUM_64.create			(r2_RT_luminance_t64,	64, 64,	D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F	);
		rt_LUM_8.create				(r2_RT_luminance_t8,	8,	8,	D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F	);
		s_luminance.create			(b_luminance,				"r2\\luminance");
		f_luminance_adapt			= 0.5f;

		t_LUM_src.create			(r2_RT_luminance_src);
		t_LUM_dest.create			(r2_RT_luminance_cur);

		// create pool
		for (u32 it=0; it<4; it++)	{
			string256					name;
			sprintf						(name,"%s_%d",	r2_RT_luminance_pool,it	);
			rt_LUM_pool[it].create		(name,	1,	1,	D3DFMT_R32F				);
			u_setrt						(rt_LUM_pool[it],	0,	0,	0			);
			CHK_DX						(HW.pDevice->Clear( 0L, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET,	0x7f7f7f7f,	1.0f, 0L));
		u_setrt						( Device.dwWidth,Device.dwHeight,HW.pBaseRT,NULL,NULL,HW.pBaseZB);

		static D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 dwDecl[] =
		s_combine.create					(b_combine,					"r2\\combine");
		s_combine_dbg_0.create				("effects\\screen_set",		r2_RT_smap_surf		);	
		s_combine_dbg_1.create				("effects\\screen_set",		r2_RT_luminance_t8	);
		s_combine_dbg_Accumulator.create	("effects\\screen_set",		r2_RT_accum			);
		g_combine_VP.create					(dwDecl,		RCache.Vertex.Buffer(), RCache.QuadIB);
		g_combine.create					(FVF::F_TL,		RCache.Vertex.Buffer(), RCache.QuadIB);
		g_combine_2UV.create				(FVF::F_TL2uv,	RCache.Vertex.Buffer(), RCache.QuadIB);

		g_aa_blur.create			(fvf_aa_blur,	RCache.Vertex.Buffer(), RCache.QuadIB);

		g_aa_AA.create				(fvf_aa_AA,		RCache.Vertex.Buffer(), RCache.QuadIB);

		t_envmap_0.create			(r2_T_envs0);
		t_envmap_1.create			(r2_T_envs1);

	// Build textures
		// Build material(s)
			// Surface
			R_CHK						(D3DXCreateVolumeTexture(HW.pDevice,TEX_material_LdotN,TEX_material_LdotH,4,1,0,D3DFMT_A8L8,D3DPOOL_MANAGED,&t_material_surf));
			t_material					= Device.Resources->_CreateTexture(r2_material);
			t_material->surface_set		(t_material_surf);

			// Fill it (addr: x=dot(L,N),y=dot(L,H))
			R_CHK						(t_material_surf->LockBox	(0,&R,0,0));
			for (u32 slice=0; slice<4; slice++)
				for (u32 y=0; y<TEX_material_LdotH; y++)
					for (u32 x=0; x<TEX_material_LdotN; x++)
						u16*	p	=	(u16*)		(LPBYTE (R.pBits) + slice*R.SlicePitch + y*R.RowPitch + x*2);
						float	ld	=	float(x)	/ float	(TEX_material_LdotN-1);
						float	ls	=	float(y)	/ float	(TEX_material_LdotH-1) + EPS_S;
						ls			*=	powf(ld,1/32.f);
						float	fd,fs;

						switch	(slice)
						case 0:	{ // looks like OrenNayar
							fd	= powf(ld,0.75f);		// 0.75
							fs	= powf(ls,16.f)*.5f;
								}	break;
						case 1:	{// looks like Blinn
							fd	= powf(ld,0.90f);		// 0.90
							fs	= powf(ls,24.f);
								}	break;
						case 2:	{ // looks like Phong
							fd	= ld;					// 1.0
							fs	= powf(ls*1.01f,128.f	);
								}	break;
						case 3:	{ // looks like Metal
							float	s0	=	_abs	(1-_abs	(0.05f*_sin(33.f*ld)+ld-ls));
							float	s1	=	_abs	(1-_abs	(0.05f*_cos(33.f*ld*ls)+ld-ls));
							float	s2	=	_abs	(1-_abs	(ld-ls));
							fd		=	ld;				// 1.0
							fs		=	powf	(_max(_max(s0,s1),s2), 24.f);
							fs		*=	powf	(ld,1/7.f);
								}	break;
							fd	= fs = 0;
						s32		_d	=	clampr	(iFloor	(fd*255.5f),	0,255);
						s32		_s	=	clampr	(iFloor	(fs*255.5f),	0,255);
						if ((y==(TEX_material_LdotH-1)) && (x==(TEX_material_LdotN-1)))	{ _d = 255; _s=255;	}
						*p			=	u16		(_s*256 + _d);
			R_CHK		(t_material_surf->UnlockBox	(0));
			// #ifdef DEBUG
			// R_CHK	(D3DXSaveTextureToFile	("x:\\r2_material.dds",D3DXIFF_DDS,t_material_surf,0));
			// #endif

		// Build noise table
		if (1)
			// Surfaces
			D3DLOCKED_RECT				R[TEX_jitter_count];
			for (int it=0; it<TEX_jitter_count; it++)
				string_path					name;
				sprintf						(name,"%s%d",r2_jitter,it);
				R_CHK	(D3DXCreateTexture	(HW.pDevice,TEX_jitter,TEX_jitter,1,0,D3DFMT_Q8W8V8U8,D3DPOOL_MANAGED,&t_noise_surf[it]));
				t_noise[it]					= Device.Resources->_CreateTexture	(name);
				t_noise[it]->surface_set	(t_noise_surf[it]);
				R_CHK						(t_noise_surf[it]->LockRect	(0,&R[it],0,0));

			// Fill it,
			for (u32 y=0; y<TEX_jitter; y++)
				for (u32 x=0; x<TEX_jitter; x++)
					DWORD	data	[TEX_jitter_count];
					generate_jitter	(data,TEX_jitter_count);
					for (u32 it=0; it<TEX_jitter_count; it++)
						u32*	p	=	(u32*)	(LPBYTE (R[it].pBits) + y*R[it].Pitch + x*4);
								*p	=	data	[it];
			for (int it=0; it<TEX_jitter_count; it++)	{
				R_CHK						(t_noise_surf[it]->UnlockRect(0));

	// PP
	s_postprocess.create				("postprocess");
	g_postprocess.create				(D3DFVF_XYZRHW|D3DFVF_DIFFUSE|D3DFVF_SPECULAR|D3DFVF_TEX3,RCache.Vertex.Buffer(),RCache.QuadIB);

	// Menu
	s_menu.create						("distort");
	g_menu.create						(FVF::F_TL,RCache.Vertex.Buffer(),RCache.QuadIB);

	dwWidth		= Device.dwWidth;
	dwHeight	= Device.dwHeight;
Beispiel #23
float CMainWeaponPreference::ffGetValue()
	if (ef_storage().non_alife().member()) {
#pragma todo("Dima to Dima : Append MainWeaponPreference with non-ALife branch")
		return					(0);
	else {
		CSE_ALifeHumanAbstract	*l_tpALifeHumanAbstract = smart_cast<CSE_ALifeHumanAbstract*>(ef_storage().alife().member());
		R_ASSERT2				(l_tpALifeHumanAbstract,"Non-human object in EquipmentPreference evaluation function");
		return					(l_tpALifeHumanAbstract->m_cpMainWeaponPreferences[ef_storage().m_pfMainWeaponType->dwfGetDiscreteValue(iFloor(ef_storage().m_pfMainWeaponType->ffGetMaxResultValue() + .5f))]);
Beispiel #24
u8		fpack			(float v)				{
	s32	_v	= iFloor	(((v+1)*.5f)*255.f + .5f);
	clamp	(_v,0,255);
	return	u8(_v);
Beispiel #25
void		CLevel::ReculcInterpolationSteps ()
	lvInterpSteps			= iFloor(float(m_dwDeltaUpdate) / (fixed_step*1000));
	if (lvInterpSteps > 60) lvInterpSteps = 60;
	if (lvInterpSteps < 3)	lvInterpSteps = 3;
Beispiel #26
Vector2int16::Vector2int16(const class Vector2& v) {
    x = (int16)iFloor(v.x + 0.5);
    y = (int16)iFloor(v.y + 0.5);
Beispiel #27
void CBuild::PreOptimize()
	// We use overlapping hash table to avoid boundary conflicts
	vecVertex*			HASH	[HDIM_X+1][HDIM_Y+1][HDIM_Z+1];
	Fvector				VMmin,	VMscale, VMeps, scale;
	// Calculate offset,scale,epsilon
	Fbox				bb = scene_bb;
	VMscale.set			(bb.max.x-bb.min.x, bb.max.y-bb.min.y, bb.max.z-bb.min.z);
	VMmin.set			(bb.min);
	VMeps.set			(VMscale.x/HDIM_X/2,VMscale.y/HDIM_Y/2,VMscale.z/HDIM_Z/2);
	VMeps.x				= (VMeps.x<EPS_L)?VMeps.x:EPS_L;
	VMeps.y				= (VMeps.y<EPS_L)?VMeps.y:EPS_L;
	VMeps.z				= (VMeps.z<EPS_L)?VMeps.z:EPS_L;
	scale.set			(float(HDIM_X),float(HDIM_Y),float(HDIM_Z));
	scale.div			(VMscale);
	u32	Vcount		= lc_global_data()->g_vertices().size(),	Vremoved=0;
	u32	Fcount		= lc_global_data()->g_faces().size(),		Fremoved=0;
	// Pre-alloc memory
	int		_size	= (HDIM_X+1)*(HDIM_Y+1)*(HDIM_Z+1);
	int		_average= (Vcount/_size)/2;	if (_average<2)	_average = 2;
		for (int ix=0; ix<HDIM_X+1; ix++)
			for (int iy=0; iy<HDIM_Y+1; iy++)
				for (int iz=0; iz<HDIM_Z+1; iz++)
					HASH[ix][iy][iz] = new vecVertex();
					HASH[ix][iy][iz]->reserve	(_average);
	g_bUnregister		= false;
	for (int it = 0; it<(int)lc_global_data()->g_vertices().size(); it++)
		if (0==(it%100000)) {
			Status	("Processing... (%d verts removed)",Vremoved);

		if (it>=(int)lc_global_data()->g_vertices().size()) break;

		Vertex	*pTest	= lc_global_data()->g_vertices()[it];
		Fvector	&V		= pTest->P;

		// Hash
		u32 ix,iy,iz;
		ix = iFloor		((V.x-VMmin.x)*scale.x);
		iy = iFloor		((V.y-VMmin.y)*scale.y);
		iz = iFloor		((V.z-VMmin.z)*scale.z);
		R_ASSERT		(ix<=HDIM_X && iy<=HDIM_Y && iz<=HDIM_Z);
		vecVertex &H	= *(HASH[ix][iy][iz]);

		// Search similar vertices in hash table
		for (vecVertexIt T=H.begin(); T!=H.end(); T++)
			Vertex *pBase = *T;
			if (pBase->similar(*pTest,g_params().m_weld_distance)) 
					pTest->m_adjacents.front()->VReplace(pTest, pBase);

				Vremoved			+= 1;
				pTest				= NULL;
		// If we get here - there is no similar vertices - register in hash tables
		if (pTest) 
			H.push_back	(pTest);

			u32 ixE,iyE,izE;
			ixE = iFloor((V.x+VMeps.x-VMmin.x)*scale.x);
			iyE = iFloor((V.y+VMeps.y-VMmin.y)*scale.y);
			izE = iFloor((V.z+VMeps.z-VMmin.z)*scale.z);
			R_ASSERT(ixE<=HDIM_X && iyE<=HDIM_Y && izE<=HDIM_Z);

			if (ixE!=ix)							HASH[ixE][iy][iz]->push_back		(pTest);
			if (iyE!=iy)							HASH[ix][iyE][iz]->push_back		(pTest);
			if (izE!=iz)							HASH[ix][iy][izE]->push_back		(pTest);
			if ((ixE!=ix)&&(iyE!=iy))				HASH[ixE][iyE][iz]->push_back		(pTest);
			if ((ixE!=ix)&&(izE!=iz))				HASH[ixE][iy][izE]->push_back		(pTest);
			if ((iyE!=iy)&&(izE!=iz))				HASH[ix][iyE][izE]->push_back		(pTest);
			if ((ixE!=ix)&&(iyE!=iy)&&(izE!=iz))	HASH[ixE][iyE][izE]->push_back		(pTest);
	Status("Removing degenerated/duplicated faces...");
	g_bUnregister	= false;
	for (u32 it=0; it<lc_global_data()->g_faces().size(); it++)
		R_ASSERT		(it>=0 && it<(int)lc_global_data()->g_faces().size());
		Face* F			= lc_global_data()->g_faces()[it];
		if ( F->isDegenerated()) {
			lc_global_data()->destroy_face	(lc_global_data()->g_faces()[it]);
			Fremoved			++;
		} else {
			// Check validity
			F->Verify			( );
		Progress	(float(it)/float(lc_global_data()->g_faces().size()));
	if (InvalideFaces())	
		err_save		();
		xrDebug::Fatal		(DEBUG_INFO,"* FATAL: %d invalid faces. Compilation aborted",InvalideFaces());

	Status				("Adjacency check...");
	g_bUnregister		= false;

	for (u32 it = 0; it<lc_global_data()->g_vertices().size(); ++it)
		if (lc_global_data()->g_vertices()[it] && (lc_global_data()->g_vertices()[it]->m_adjacents.empty()))
			lc_global_data()->destroy_vertex	(lc_global_data()->g_vertices()[it]);
	Status				("Cleanup...");
	lc_global_data()->g_vertices().erase	(std::remove(lc_global_data()->g_vertices().begin(),lc_global_data()->g_vertices().end(),(Vertex*)0),lc_global_data()->g_vertices().end());
	lc_global_data()->g_faces().erase		(std::remove(lc_global_data()->g_faces().begin(),lc_global_data()->g_faces().end(),(Face*)0),lc_global_data()->g_faces().end());
		for (int ix=0; ix<HDIM_X+1; ix++)
			for (int iy=0; iy<HDIM_Y+1; iy++)
				for (int iz=0; iz<HDIM_Z+1; iz++)
	mem_Compact			();
	clMsg("%d vertices removed. (%d left)",Vcount-lc_global_data()->g_vertices().size(),lc_global_data()->g_vertices().size());
	clMsg("%d faces removed. (%d left)",   Fcount-lc_global_data()->g_faces().size(),   lc_global_data()->g_faces().size());
	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	int		err_count	=0 ;
	for (int _1=0; _1<g_faces.size(); _1++)
		for (int _2=0; _2<g_faces.size(); _2++)
			if (_1==_2)		continue;
			if (FaceEqual(*g_faces[_1],*g_faces[_2]))	{
				err_count	++;
	clMsg		("! duplicate/same faces found:%d",err_count);
	// -------------------------------------------------------------
Beispiel #28
IC void i_section	(int Sect, BOOL bMiddle)
	// Find the start/end Y pixel coord, set the starting pts for scan line ends
	int		startY, endY;
	float	*startp1, *startp2;
	float	E1[3], E2[3];

	if (Sect == BOTTOM) { 
		startY	= iCeil(currentA[1]); endY = iFloor(currentB[1])-1; 
		startp1 = startp2 = currentA;
		if (bMiddle)	endY ++;
		// check 'endY' for out-of-triangle 
		int test = iFloor(currentC[1]);
		if (endY   >=test) endY --;

		// Find the edge differences
		E1[0] = currentB[0]-currentA[0]; E2[0] = currentC[0]-currentA[0];
		E1[1] = currentB[1]-currentA[1]; E2[1] = currentC[1]-currentA[1];
		E1[2] = currentB[2]-currentA[2]; E2[2] = currentC[2]-currentA[2];
	else { 
		startY  = iCeil(currentB[1]); endY = iFloor(currentC[1]); 
		startp1 = currentA; startp2 = currentB;
		if (bMiddle)	startY --;
		// check 'startY' for out-of-triangle 
		int test = iCeil(currentA[1]);
		if (startY < test) startY ++;

		// Find the edge differences
		E1[0] = currentC[0]-currentA[0]; E2[0] = currentC[0]-currentB[0];
		E1[1] = currentC[1]-currentA[1]; E2[1] = currentC[1]-currentB[1];
		E1[2] = currentC[2]-currentA[2]; E2[2] = currentC[2]-currentB[2];
	Vclamp(endY,  0,occ_dim);
	if (startY >= endY) return;
	// Compute the inverse slopes of the lines, ie rate of change of X by Y
	float mE1	= E1[0]/E1[1];
	float mE2	= E2[0]/E2[1];
	// Initial Y offset for left and right (due to pixel rounding)
	float	e1_init_dY = float(startY) - startp1[1], e2_init_dY = float(startY) - startp2[1];
	float	t,leftX, leftZ, rightX, rightZ, left_dX, right_dX, left_dZ, right_dZ;
	// find initial values, step values
	if ( ((mE1<mE2)&&(Sect==BOTTOM)) || ((mE1>mE2)&&(Sect==TOP)) ) 
		// E1 is on the Left
		// Initial Starting values for left (from E1)
		t		= e1_init_dY/E1[1]; // Initial fraction of offset
		leftX	= startp1[0] + E1[0]*t; left_dX = mE1;
		leftZ	= startp1[2] + E1[2]*t; left_dZ = E1[2]/E1[1];

		// Initial Ending values for right	(from E2)
		t		= e2_init_dY/E2[1]; // Initial fraction of offset
		rightX	= startp2[0] + E2[0]*t; right_dX = mE2;
		rightZ	= startp2[2] + E2[2]*t; right_dZ = E2[2]/E2[1];
	else { 
		// E2 is on left
		// Initial Starting values for left (from E2)
		t		= e2_init_dY/E2[1]; // Initial fraction of offset
		leftX	= startp2[0] + E2[0]*t; left_dX = mE2;
		leftZ	= startp2[2] + E2[2]*t; left_dZ = E2[2]/E2[1];

		// Initial Ending values for right	(from E1)
		t		= e1_init_dY/E1[1]; // Initial fraction of offset
		rightX	= startp1[0] + E1[0]*t; right_dX = mE1;
		rightZ	= startp1[2] + E1[2]*t; right_dZ = E1[2]/E1[1];

	// Now scan all lines in this section
	float lhx = left_dX/2;	leftX	+= lhx;	// half pixel
	float rhx = right_dX/2;	rightX	+= rhx;	// half pixel
	for (; startY<=endY; startY++) 
		i_scan	(startY, leftX, lhx, rightX, rhx, leftZ, rightZ);
		leftX	+= left_dX; rightX += right_dX;
		leftZ	+= left_dZ; rightZ += right_dZ;
Beispiel #29
void dxThunderboltRender::Render(CEffect_Thunderbolt &owner)
	VERIFY	(owner.current);

	// lightning model
	float dv			= owner.lightning_phase*0.5f;
	dv					= (owner.lightning_phase>0.5f)?Random.randI(2)*0.5f:dv;

	RCache.set_CullMode	(CULL_NONE);
	u32					v_offset,i_offset;
	dxThunderboltDescRender *pThRen = (dxThunderboltDescRender*)&*owner.current->m_pRender;

	u32					vCount_Lock		= pThRen->l_model->number_vertices;
	u32					iCount_Lock		= pThRen->l_model->number_indices;
	IRender_DetailModel::fvfVertexOut* v_ptr= (IRender_DetailModel::fvfVertexOut*) 	RCache.Vertex.Lock	(vCount_Lock, hGeom_model->vb_stride, v_offset);
	u16*				i_ptr				=										RCache.Index.Lock	(iCount_Lock, i_offset);
	// XForm verts
	// Flush if needed
	RCache.Index.Unlock	(iCount_Lock);
	RCache.set_Shader	(pThRen->l_model->shader);
	RCache.set_Geometry	(hGeom_model);
	RCache.Render		(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST,v_offset,0,vCount_Lock,i_offset,iCount_Lock/3);
	RCache.set_CullMode	(CULL_CCW);

	// gradient
	Fvector				vecSx, vecSy;
	u32					VS_Offset;
	FVF::LIT *pv		= (FVF::LIT*) RCache.Vertex.Lock(8,hGeom_gradient.stride(),VS_Offset);
	// top
		u32 c_val		= iFloor(owner.current->m_GradientTop->fOpacity*owner.lightning_phase*255.f);
		u32 c			= color_rgba(c_val,c_val,c_val,c_val);
		vecSx.mul		(Device.vCameraRight, 	owner.current->m_GradientTop->fRadius.x*owner.lightning_size);
		vecSy.mul		(Device.vCameraTop, 	-owner.current->m_GradientTop->fRadius.y*owner.lightning_size);
		pv->set			(owner.current_xform.c.x+vecSx.x-vecSy.x, owner.current_xform.c.y+vecSx.y-vecSy.y, owner.current_xform.c.z+vecSx.z-vecSy.z, c, 0, 0); pv++;
		pv->set			(owner.current_xform.c.x+vecSx.x+vecSy.x, owner.current_xform.c.y+vecSx.y+vecSy.y, owner.current_xform.c.z+vecSx.z+vecSy.z, c, 0, 1); pv++;
		pv->set			(owner.current_xform.c.x-vecSx.x-vecSy.x, owner.current_xform.c.y-vecSx.y-vecSy.y, owner.current_xform.c.z-vecSx.z-vecSy.z, c, 1, 0); pv++;
		pv->set			(owner.current_xform.c.x-vecSx.x+vecSy.x, owner.current_xform.c.y-vecSx.y+vecSy.y, owner.current_xform.c.z-vecSx.z+vecSy.z, c, 1, 1); pv++;
	// center
		u32 c_val		= iFloor(owner.current->m_GradientTop->fOpacity*owner.lightning_phase*255.f);
		u32 c			= color_rgba(c_val,c_val,c_val,c_val);
		vecSx.mul		(Device.vCameraRight, 	owner.current->m_GradientCenter->fRadius.x*owner.lightning_size);
		vecSy.mul		(Device.vCameraTop, 	-owner.current->m_GradientCenter->fRadius.y*owner.lightning_size);
		pv->set			(owner.lightning_center.x+vecSx.x-vecSy.x, owner.lightning_center.y+vecSx.y-vecSy.y, owner.lightning_center.z+vecSx.z-vecSy.z, c, 0, 0); pv++;
		pv->set			(owner.lightning_center.x+vecSx.x+vecSy.x, owner.lightning_center.y+vecSx.y+vecSy.y, owner.lightning_center.z+vecSx.z+vecSy.z, c, 0, 1); pv++;
		pv->set			(owner.lightning_center.x-vecSx.x-vecSy.x, owner.lightning_center.y-vecSx.y-vecSy.y, owner.lightning_center.z-vecSx.z-vecSy.z, c, 1, 0); pv++;
		pv->set			(owner.lightning_center.x-vecSx.x+vecSy.x, owner.lightning_center.y-vecSx.y+vecSy.y, owner.lightning_center.z-vecSx.z+vecSy.z, c, 1, 1); pv++;
	RCache.Vertex.Unlock	(8,hGeom_gradient.stride());
	RCache.set_xform_world	(Fidentity);
	RCache.set_Geometry		(hGeom_gradient);
	RCache.set_Shader		(((dxFlareRender*)&*owner.current->m_GradientTop->m_pFlare)->hShader);

#ifdef	USE_DX10
	//	Hack. Since lightning gradient uses sun shader override z write settings manually
#endif	//	USE_DX10

#ifdef	USE_DX10
	//	Hack. Since lightning gradient uses sun shader override z write settings manually
#endif	//	USE_DX10
	RCache.Render			(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST,VS_Offset, 0,4,0,2);
	RCache.set_Shader		(((dxFlareRender*)&*owner.current->m_GradientCenter->m_pFlare)->hShader);

#ifdef	USE_DX10
	//	Hack. Since lightning gradient uses sun shader override z write settings manually
#endif	//	USE_DX10

#ifdef	USE_DX10
	//	Hack. Since lightning gradient uses sun shader override z write settings manually
#endif	//	USE_DX10
	RCache.Render			(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST,VS_Offset+4, 0,4,0,2);
Beispiel #30
// Rasterize a scan line between given X point values, corresponding Z values and current color
void i_scan		(int curY, float leftX, float lhx, float rightX, float rhx, float startZ, float endZ)
	// calculate span(s)
	float	start_c	= leftX+lhx;
	float	end_c	= rightX+rhx;
	float	startR	= leftX-lhx;
	float	endR	= rightX-rhx;
	float	startT	=startR,	endT	=end_c;
	float	startX	=start_c,	endX	=endR;
	if (start_c<startR)		{startT	= start_c;	startX	= startR;	}
	if (end_c<endR)			{endT	= endR;		endX	= end_c;	}
	// guard-banding and clipping
	int minT		= iFloor(startT)-1, maxT = iCeil(endT)+1;
	Vclamp			(minT,1,occ_dim-1);
	Vclamp			(maxT,1,occ_dim-1);
	if (minT >= maxT)		return;
	int minX		= iCeil(startX), maxX = iFloor(endX);
	Vclamp			(minX,0,occ_dim);
	Vclamp			(maxX,0,occ_dim);
	int limLeft,limRight;
	if (minX >  maxX)	{ limLeft=maxX; limRight=minX;	}
	else				{ limLeft=minX; limRight=maxX;	}
	// interpolate
	float lenR		= endR - startR;
	float Zlen		= endZ - startZ;
	float Z			= startZ + (minT - startR)/lenR * Zlen;		// interpolate Z to the start
	float Zend		= startZ + (maxT - startR)/lenR * Zlen;		// interpolate Z to the end
	float dZ		= (Zend-Z)/(maxT-minT);						// increment in Z / pixel wrt dX

	// Move to far my dz/5 to place the pixel at the center of face that it covers. 
	// This will make sure that objects will not be clipped for just standing next to the home from outside.
	Z				+= 0.5f*_abs(dZ);

	// gain access to buffers
	occTri** pFrame	= Raster.get_frame();
	float*	pDepth	= Raster.get_depth();
	// left connector
	int	i_base		= curY*occ_dim;
	int i			= i_base+minT;
	int limit		= i_base+limLeft;
	for (; i<limit; i++, Z+=dZ)
		if (shared(currentTri,pFrame[i-1])) 
			//float ZR = (Z+2*pDepth[i-1])*one_div_3;
			if (Z<pDepth[i])	{ pFrame[i]	= currentTri; pDepth[i]	= __max(Z,pDepth[i-1]); dwPixels++; }

	// compute the scanline 
	limit				= i_base+maxX;
	for (; i<limit; i++, Z+=dZ) 
		if (Z<pDepth[i])		{ pFrame[i]	= currentTri; pDepth[i] = Z;  dwPixels++; }
	// right connector
	i				= i_base+maxT-1;
	limit			= i_base+limRight;
	Z				= Zend-dZ;
	for (; i>=limit; i--, Z-=dZ)
		if (shared(currentTri,pFrame[i+1])) 
			//float ZR = (Z+2*pDepth[i+1])*one_div_3;
			if (Z<pDepth[i])	{ pFrame[i]	= currentTri; pDepth[i]	= __max(Z,pDepth[i+1]); dwPixels++; }