Beispiel #1
/* is_past_event:
 * returns TRUE if @comp is in the past, FALSE otherwise.
 * Comparision is based only on date part, time part is ignored.
static gboolean
is_past_event (ECalComponent *comp)
	ECalComponentDateTime end_date;
	gboolean res;

	if (!comp) return TRUE;

	e_cal_component_get_dtend (comp, &end_date);
	res = icaltime_compare_date_only (
		icaltime_current_time_with_zone (
		icaltime_get_timezone (*end_date.value))) == -1;
	e_cal_component_free_datetime (&end_date);

	return res;
CamelMimeMessage *
scalix_appointment_to_mime_message (ScalixObject * object)
    CamelMimeMessage *message;
    CamelMultipart *multipart;
    CamelMimePart *part;
    CamelMedium *medium;
    CamelStream *stream;
    CamelDataWrapper *wrapper;
    ECalComponentDateTime dtstart, dtend;
    ECalComponent *comp;
    ECalComponentText text;
    icalcomponent_kind kind;
    icalcomponent *icalcomp, *toplevel_comp;
    icaltimezone *zone = NULL;
    GSList *attachment_list = NULL;
    GSList *attachment_list_new = NULL;
    GSList *siter = NULL;
    GList *part_list = NULL;
    GList *iter = NULL;
    char *msgid;
    char *str, *meeting_status;
    const char *ouid = NULL;
    char *file_contents = NULL;
    char *full_path, *filename, *mime_filename;
    char *cid;
    int size;

    g_object_get (SCALIX_APPOINTMENT (object), "timezone", &zone, NULL);

    comp = E_CAL_COMPONENT (scalix_object_clone (object));
    message = camel_mime_message_new ();
    medium = CAMEL_MEDIUM (message);

    camel_medium_add_header (medium, "X-Scalix-Class", "IPM.Appointment");

    /* Preserve msg id if there is already one */
    if (scalix_appointment_get (SCALIX_APPOINTMENT (comp),
                                X_SCALIX_MSG_ID, &msgid)) {

        scalix_appointment_unset (SCALIX_APPOINTMENT (comp), X_SCALIX_MSG_ID);

    } else {
        msgid = camel_header_msgid_generate ();

    camel_mime_message_set_message_id (message, msgid);

    /* subject */
    e_cal_component_get_summary (comp, &text);

    if (text.value != NULL) {
        camel_mime_message_set_subject (message, text.value);

    /* start day */
    e_cal_component_get_dtstart (comp, &dtstart);

    if (!icaltime_get_timezone (*dtstart.value))
        icaltime_set_timezone (dtstart.value,

    /* end day */
    e_cal_component_get_dtend (comp, &dtend);

    if (!icaltime_get_timezone (*dtend.value))
        icaltime_set_timezone (dtend.value,

    /* set From: and Sender: */
    if (e_cal_component_has_organizer (comp)) {
        ECalComponentOrganizer organizer;

        e_cal_component_get_organizer (comp, &organizer);
        if (!strncasecmp (organizer.value, "MAILTO:", 7)) {
            camel_medium_add_header (medium, "Sender", organizer.value + 7);
            camel_medium_add_header (medium, "From", organizer.value + 7);

    /* set the appropriate recipient headers from the recipient table */
    if (e_cal_component_has_attendees (comp)
        && e_cal_component_has_organizer (comp)) {
        GSList *iter, *attendees = NULL;
        CamelInternetAddress *recipients_to = NULL;
        CamelInternetAddress *recipients_cc = NULL;

        meeting_status = "1";

        e_cal_component_get_attendee_list (comp, &attendees);

        for (iter = attendees; iter; iter = iter->next) {
            ECalComponentAttendee *attendee = iter->data;
            const char *mail = NULL;

            /* attendee entries must start with MAILTO: */
            if (strncasecmp (attendee->value, "MAILTO:", 7)) {

            mail = attendee->value + 7;

            if (attendee->role == ICAL_ROLE_REQPARTICIPANT) {
                if (recipients_to == NULL) {
                    recipients_to = camel_internet_address_new ();
                camel_internet_address_add (recipients_to, attendee->cn, mail);
            } else if (attendee->role == ICAL_ROLE_OPTPARTICIPANT) {
                if (recipients_cc == NULL) {
                    recipients_cc = camel_internet_address_new ();
                camel_internet_address_add (recipients_cc, attendee->cn, mail);
            } else {

        if (recipients_to != NULL) {
            camel_mime_message_set_recipients (message, "To", recipients_to);
            camel_object_unref (recipients_to);

        if (recipients_cc != NULL) {
            camel_mime_message_set_recipients (message, "Cc", recipients_cc);
            camel_object_unref (recipients_cc);
    } else {
        meeting_status = "0";

    /* Clear properties */
    scalix_appointment_unset (SCALIX_APPOINTMENT (comp), X_SCALIX_IMAP_UID);
    /* Render the text/calendar  */
    e_cal_component_commit_sequence (comp);
    icalcomp = e_cal_component_get_icalcomponent (comp);

    kind = icalcomponent_isa (icalcomp);
        /* If its not a VCALENDAR, make it one to simplify below */
        toplevel_comp = e_cal_util_new_top_level ();
        icalcomponent_add_component (toplevel_comp, icalcomp);
        icalcomp = toplevel_comp;

    /* set METHOD to PUSBLISH */
    icalcomponent_set_method (icalcomp, ICAL_METHOD_PUBLISH);

    /* Add the VTIMEZONE components for start- and/or end-times */
    if (zone) {
        icalcomponent_add_component (icalcomp,
                                     icaltimezone_get_component (zone));
    } else if (dtstart.tzid) {
        icalcomponent_add_component (icalcomp,

    if (dtstart.tzid && dtend.tzid && strcmp (dtstart.tzid, dtend.tzid) != 0) {
        icalcomponent_add_component (icalcomp,

    /* FIXME: do we leek icalcomponents here? */

    if (e_cal_component_has_attachments (comp)) {

        multipart = camel_multipart_new ();
        camel_multipart_set_boundary (multipart, NULL);

        e_cal_component_get_uid (comp, &ouid);
        e_cal_component_get_attachment_list (comp, &attachment_list);

        for (siter = attachment_list; siter; siter = siter->next) {

            if (siter->data == NULL)

            if (strstr (siter->data, "file://") != siter->data)

            full_path = ((char *) siter->data) + strlen ("file://");
            filename = g_strrstr (full_path, "/") + 1;
            mime_filename = filename + strlen (ouid) + 1;

            size = 0;
            file_contents = get_file_contents (full_path, &size);

            if (file_contents == NULL)

            stream = camel_stream_mem_new_with_buffer (file_contents, size);
            wrapper = camel_data_wrapper_new ();
            camel_data_wrapper_construct_from_stream (wrapper, stream);
            camel_object_unref (stream);

            part = camel_mime_part_new ();
            camel_medium_set_content_object (CAMEL_MEDIUM (part), wrapper);
            camel_mime_part_set_filename (part, mime_filename);
            camel_mime_part_set_encoding (part, CAMEL_TRANSFER_ENCODING_BASE64);

            cid = camel_header_msgid_generate ();
            camel_mime_part_set_content_id (part, cid);
            camel_mime_part_set_description (part, mime_filename);
            camel_mime_part_set_disposition (part, "attachment");
            part_list = g_list_append (part_list, part);

            attachment_list_new = g_slist_append (attachment_list_new,
                                                  g_strdup_printf ("CID:%s",
            g_free (cid);

        e_cal_component_set_attachment_list (comp, attachment_list_new);
        str = icalcomponent_as_ical_string (icalcomp);

        part = camel_mime_part_new ();

        camel_mime_part_set_content (part,
                                     strlen (str),
                                     "text/calendar; method=PUBLISH; charset=UTF-8");

        part_list = g_list_prepend (part_list, part);

        for (iter = part_list; iter; iter = iter->next) {
            part = (CamelMimePart *) iter->data;
            camel_multipart_add_part (multipart, part);
            camel_object_unref (part);

        camel_medium_set_content_object (CAMEL_MEDIUM (message),
                                         CAMEL_DATA_WRAPPER (multipart));
        camel_object_unref (multipart);

        g_slist_free (attachment_list);
        g_slist_free (attachment_list_new);
        g_list_free (part_list);

    } else {
        str = icalcomponent_as_ical_string (icalcomp);

        camel_mime_part_set_content (CAMEL_MIME_PART (message),
                                     strlen (str),
                                     "text/calendar; method=PUBLISH; charset=UTF-8");

    scalix_appointment_set (SCALIX_APPOINTMENT (object),
                            X_SCALIX_MSG_ID, msgid);

    return message;