Beispiel #1
static int rpois_rng (lua_State *L) {
  nl_RNG *r = getrng(L);
  lua_Number mu = luaL_checknumber(L, 1);
  checkneg(L, mu);
  setdeviate(integer, ignpoi(r, mu), 2);
  return 1;
Beispiel #2
    double PoissonRandom(double mean)
      // Call into ranlib for the Poisson deviate.
      if (mean == 0) { 
	return 0; 
      } else if (mean > 1e3) { 
	return (mean + sqrt(mean)*snorm()); 
      } else if (mean > 1e6) { 
	return mean; 
      } else 
        return static_cast<double>(ignpoi(static_cast<float>(mean)));
Beispiel #3
long ignnbn(lua_RNG *o,long n,double p)
                GENerate Negative BiNomial random deviate
     Generates a single random deviate from a negative binomial
     N  --> The number of trials in the negative binomial distribution
            from which a random deviate is to be generated.
     P  --> The probability of an event.
     Algorithm from page 480 of
     Devroye, Luc
     Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation.  Springer-Verlag,
     New York, 1986.
static long ignnbn;
static double y,a,r;
     .. Executable Statements ..
     Check Arguments
    if(n < 0) ftnstop("N < 0 in IGNNBN");
    if(p <= 0.0F) ftnstop("P <= 0 in IGNNBN");
    if(p >= 1.0F) ftnstop("P >= 1 in IGNNBN");
     Generate Y, a random gamma (n,(1-p)/p) variable
    r = (float)n;
    a = p/(1.0F-p);
    y = gengam(o,a,r);
     Generate a random Poisson(y) variable
    ignnbn = ignpoi(o,y);
    return ignnbn;