Beispiel #1
void sim_endofcompile_callback()
  // Init the RSP server
  init_jtag_server(RSP_SERVER_PORT); // Start the RSP server from here!

Beispiel #2
void check_for_command(char *userdata)
	vpiHandle systfref, args_iter, argh;
	struct t_vpi_value argval;
	struct vpi_cmd vpi;
	int nb;
	int loaded_words = 0;


	// Get the command from TCP server
	nb = read(connfd, &vpi, sizeof(struct vpi_cmd));

	if (((nb < 0) && (errno == EAGAIN)) || (nb == 0)) {
		// Nothing in the fifo this time, let's return
	} else {
		if (nb < 0) {
			// some sort of error

/************* vpi.cmd to VPI ******************************/

	// Obtain a handle to the argument list
	systfref = vpi_handle(vpiSysTfCall, NULL);
	// Now call iterate with the vpiArgument parameter
	args_iter = vpi_iterate(vpiArgument, systfref);
	// get a handle on the variable passed to the function
	argh = vpi_scan(args_iter);
	// now store the command value back in the sim
	argval.format = vpiIntVal;
	// Now set the command value
	vpi_get_value(argh, &argval);

	argval.value.integer = (uint32_t)vpi.cmd;

	// And vpi_put_value() it back into the sim
	vpi_put_value(argh, &argval, NULL, vpiNoDelay);

/************* vpi.length to VPI ******************************/

	// now get a handle on the next object (memory array)
	argh = vpi_scan(args_iter);
	// now store the command value back in the sim
	argval.format = vpiIntVal;
	// Now set the command value
	vpi_get_value(argh, &argval);

	argval.value.integer = (uint32_t)vpi.length;

	// And vpi_put_value() it back into the sim
	vpi_put_value(argh, &argval, NULL, vpiNoDelay);

/************* vpi.nb_bits to VPI ******************************/

	// now get a handle on the next object (memory array)
	argh = vpi_scan(args_iter);
	// now store the command value back in the sim
	argval.format = vpiIntVal;
	// Now set the command value
	vpi_get_value(argh, &argval);

	argval.value.integer = (uint32_t)vpi.nb_bits;

	// And vpi_put_value() it back into the sim
	vpi_put_value(argh, &argval, NULL, vpiNoDelay);

/*****************vpi.buffer_out to VPI ********/

	// now get a handle on the next object (memory array)
	argh = vpi_scan(args_iter);
	vpiHandle array_word;

	// Loop to load the words
	while (loaded_words < vpi.length) {
		// now get a handle on the current word we want in the array that was passed to us
		array_word = vpi_handle_by_index(argh, loaded_words);

		if (array_word != NULL) {
			argval.value.integer = (uint32_t)vpi.buffer_out[loaded_words];
			// And vpi_put_value() it back into the sim
			vpi_put_value(array_word, &argval, NULL, vpiNoDelay);
		} else



	// Cleanup and return