Beispiel #1
irc_input_data_cb (void *data, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer,
                   const char *input_data)
    /* make C compiler happy */
    (void) data;

    return irc_input_data (buffer, input_data, IRC_SERVER_SEND_OUTQ_PRIO_HIGH);
Beispiel #2
irc_input_send_cb (const void *pointer, void *data,
                   const char *signal,
                   const char *type_data, void *signal_data)
    const char *ptr_string, *ptr_message;
    char *pos_semicol1, *pos_semicol2, *pos_semicol3, *pos_semicol4;
    char *server, *channel, *options, *tags, *data_with_colors, **list_options;
    int i, num_options, flags, force_user_message;
    struct t_irc_server *ptr_server;
    struct t_irc_channel *ptr_channel;
    struct t_gui_buffer *ptr_buffer;

    /* make C compiler happy */
    (void) pointer;
    (void) data;
    (void) signal;
    (void) type_data;

    ptr_string = (const char *)signal_data;

    server = NULL;
    channel = NULL;
    options = NULL;
    force_user_message = 0;
    tags = NULL;
    ptr_message = NULL;
    ptr_server = NULL;
    ptr_channel = NULL;

    pos_semicol1 = strchr (ptr_string, ';');
    if (pos_semicol1)
        if (pos_semicol1 > ptr_string + 1)
            server = weechat_strndup (ptr_string, pos_semicol1 - ptr_string);
        pos_semicol2 = strchr (pos_semicol1 + 1, ';');
        if (pos_semicol2)
            if (pos_semicol2 > pos_semicol1 + 1)
                channel = weechat_strndup (pos_semicol1 + 1,
                                           pos_semicol2 - pos_semicol1 - 1);
            pos_semicol3 = strchr (pos_semicol2 + 1, ';');
            if (pos_semicol3)
                if (pos_semicol3 > pos_semicol2 + 1)
                    options = weechat_strndup (pos_semicol2 + 1,
                                               pos_semicol3 - pos_semicol2 - 1);
                pos_semicol4 = strchr (pos_semicol3 + 1, ';');
                if (pos_semicol4)
                    if (pos_semicol4 > pos_semicol3 + 1)
                        tags = weechat_strndup (pos_semicol3 + 1,
                                                pos_semicol4 - pos_semicol3 - 1);
                    ptr_message = pos_semicol4 + 1;

    if (options && options[0])
        list_options = weechat_string_split (options, ",", 0, 0, &num_options);
        if (list_options)
            for (i = 0; i < num_options; i++)
                if (strcmp (list_options[i], "priority_high") == 0)
                    flags = IRC_SERVER_SEND_OUTQ_PRIO_HIGH;
                else if (strcmp (list_options[i], "priority_low") == 0)
                    flags = IRC_SERVER_SEND_OUTQ_PRIO_LOW;
                else if (strcmp (list_options[i], "user_message") == 0)
                    force_user_message = 1;
            weechat_string_free_split (list_options);

    if (server && ptr_message)
        ptr_server = irc_server_search (server);
        if (ptr_server)
            ptr_buffer = ptr_server->buffer;
            if (channel)
                ptr_channel = irc_channel_search (ptr_server, channel);
                if (ptr_channel)
                    ptr_buffer = ptr_channel->buffer;

            /* set tags to use by default */
            irc_server_set_send_default_tags (tags);

            /* send text to buffer, or execute command */
            if (force_user_message
                || weechat_string_input_for_buffer (ptr_message))
                /* text as input */
                irc_input_data (ptr_buffer, ptr_message, flags, 1);
                /* command */
                data_with_colors = irc_color_encode (
                    weechat_config_boolean (irc_config_network_colors_send));
                weechat_command (
                    (data_with_colors) ? data_with_colors : ptr_message);
                if (data_with_colors)
                    free (data_with_colors);

            /* reset tags to use by default */
            irc_server_set_send_default_tags (NULL);

    if (server)
        free (server);
    if (channel)
        free (channel);
    if (options)
        free (options);
    if (tags)
        free (tags);

    return WEECHAT_RC_OK;
Beispiel #3
irc_input_send_cb (void *data, const char *signal,
                   const char *type_data, void *signal_data)
    const char *ptr_string, *ptr_message;
    char *pos_semicol1, *pos_semicol2, *pos_semicol3, *pos_semicol4, *error;
    char *server, *channel, *flags, *tags;
    long flags_value;
    char *data_with_colors;
    struct t_irc_server *ptr_server;
    struct t_irc_channel *ptr_channel;
    struct t_gui_buffer *ptr_buffer;

    /* make C compiler happy */
    (void) data;
    (void) signal;
    (void) type_data;

    ptr_string = (const char *)signal_data;

    server = NULL;
    channel = NULL;
    flags = NULL;
    tags = NULL;
    ptr_message = NULL;
    ptr_server = NULL;
    ptr_channel = NULL;

    pos_semicol1 = strchr (ptr_string, ';');
    if (pos_semicol1)
        if (pos_semicol1 > ptr_string + 1)
            server = weechat_strndup (ptr_string, pos_semicol1 - ptr_string);
        pos_semicol2 = strchr (pos_semicol1 + 1, ';');
        if (pos_semicol2)
            if (pos_semicol2 > pos_semicol1 + 1)
                channel = weechat_strndup (pos_semicol1 + 1,
                                           pos_semicol2 - pos_semicol1 - 1);
            pos_semicol3 = strchr (pos_semicol2 + 1, ';');
            if (pos_semicol3)
                if (pos_semicol3 > pos_semicol2 + 1)
                    flags = weechat_strndup (pos_semicol2 + 1,
                                             pos_semicol3 - pos_semicol2 - 1);
                pos_semicol4 = strchr (pos_semicol3 + 1, ';');
                if (pos_semicol4)
                    if (pos_semicol4 > pos_semicol3 + 1)
                        tags = weechat_strndup (pos_semicol3 + 1,
                                                pos_semicol4 - pos_semicol3 - 1);
                    ptr_message = pos_semicol4 + 1;

    if (flags)
        error = NULL;
        flags_value = strtol (flags, &error, 10);
        if (flags_value < 0)
            flags_value = IRC_SERVER_SEND_OUTQ_PRIO_HIGH;

    if (server && ptr_message)
        ptr_server = irc_server_search (server);
        if (ptr_server)
            ptr_buffer = ptr_server->buffer;
            if (channel)
                ptr_channel = irc_channel_search (ptr_server, channel);
                if (ptr_channel)
                    ptr_buffer = ptr_channel->buffer;

            /* set tags to use by default */
            irc_server_set_send_default_tags (tags);

            /* send text to buffer, or execute command */
            if (weechat_string_input_for_buffer (ptr_message))
                /* text as input */
                irc_input_data (ptr_buffer, ptr_message, flags_value);
                /* command */
                data_with_colors = irc_color_encode (ptr_message,
                                                     weechat_config_boolean (irc_config_network_colors_send));
                weechat_command (ptr_buffer,
                                 (data_with_colors) ? data_with_colors : ptr_message);
                if (data_with_colors)
                    free (data_with_colors);

            /* reset tags to use by default */
            irc_server_set_send_default_tags (NULL);

    if (server)
        free (server);
    if (channel)
        free (channel);
    if (flags)
        free (flags);
    if (tags)
        free (tags);

    return WEECHAT_RC_OK;