 * Is this a valid tile for an entity with this movement type?
bool MapCollision::is_valid_tile(const int& tile_x, const int& tile_y, MOVEMENTTYPE movement_type, bool is_hero) const {
	// outside the map isn't valid
	if (is_outside_map(tile_x,tile_y)) return false;

	if(is_hero) {
		if(colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == BLOCKS_ENEMIES && !ENABLE_ALLY_COLLISION) return true;
	else if(colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == BLOCKS_ENEMIES) return false;

	// occupied by an entity isn't valid
	if (colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == BLOCKS_ENTITIES) return false;

	// intangible creatures can be everywhere
	if (movement_type == MOVEMENT_INTANGIBLE) return true;

	// flying creatures can't be in walls
	if (movement_type == MOVEMENT_FLYING) {
		return (!(colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == BLOCKS_ALL || colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == BLOCKS_ALL_HIDDEN));

	if (colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == MAP_ONLY || colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == MAP_ONLY_ALT)
		return true;

	// normal creatures can only be in empty spaces
	return (colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == BLOCKS_NONE);
 * A map space is a wall if it contains a wall blocking type (normal or hidden)
 * A position outside the map boundary is a wall
bool MapCollision::is_wall(const float& x, const float& y) const {
	// bounds check
	const int tile_x = int(x);
	const int tile_y = int(y);
	if (is_outside_map(tile_x, tile_y)) return true;

	// collision type check
	return (colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == BLOCKS_ALL || colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == BLOCKS_ALL_HIDDEN);
 * A map space is empty if it contains no blocking type
 * A position outside the map boundary is not empty
bool MapCollision::is_empty(const float& x, const float& y) const {
	// map bounds check
	const int tile_x = int(x);
	const int tile_y = int(y);
	if (is_outside_map(tile_x, tile_y)) return false;

	// collision type check
	return (colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == BLOCKS_NONE || colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == MAP_ONLY || colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == MAP_ONLY_ALT);
bool MapCollision::line_of_movement(const float& x1, const float& y1, const float& x2, const float& y2, MOVEMENTTYPE movement_type) {
	if (is_outside_map(x2, y2)) return false;

	// intangible entities can always move
	if (movement_type == MOVEMENT_INTANGIBLE) return true;

	// if the target is blocking, clear it temporarily
	int tile_x = int(x2);
	int tile_y = int(y2);
	bool target_blocks = false;
	int target_blocks_type = colmap[tile_x][tile_y];
	if (colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == BLOCKS_ENTITIES || colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == BLOCKS_ENEMIES) {
		target_blocks = true;

	bool has_movement = line_check(x1, y1, x2, y2, CHECK_MOVEMENT, movement_type);

	if (target_blocks) block(x2,y2, target_blocks_type == BLOCKS_ENEMIES);
	return has_movement;

* Compute a path from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2)
* Store waypoint inside path
* limit is the maximum number of explored node
* @return true if a path is found
bool MapCollision::compute_path(FPoint start_pos, FPoint end_pos, std::vector<FPoint> &path, MOVEMENTTYPE movement_type, unsigned int limit) {

	if (is_outside_map(end_pos.x, end_pos.y)) return false;

	if (limit == 0)
		limit = std::max(map_size.x, map_size.y);

	// path must be empty
	if (!path.empty())

	// convert start & end to MapCollision precision
	Point start = map_to_collision(start_pos);
	Point end = map_to_collision(end_pos);

	// if the target square has an entity, temporarily clear it to compute the path
	bool target_blocks = false;
	int target_blocks_type = colmap[end.x][end.y];
	if (colmap[end.x][end.y] == BLOCKS_ENTITIES || colmap[end.x][end.y] == BLOCKS_ENEMIES) {
		target_blocks = true;
		unblock(end_pos.x, end_pos.y);

	Point current = start;
	AStarNode* node = new AStarNode(start);

	AStarContainer open(map_size.x, map_size.y, limit);
	AStarCloseContainer close(map_size.x, map_size.y, limit);


	while (!open.isEmpty() && (unsigned)close.getSize() < limit) {
		node = open.get_shortest_f();

		current.x = node->getX();
		current.y = node->getY();

		if ( current.x == end.x && current.y == end.y)
			break; //path found !

		//limit evaluated nodes to the size of the map
		std::list<Point> neighbours = node->getNeighbours(map_size.x, map_size.y);

		// for every neighbour of current node
		for (std::list<Point>::iterator it=neighbours.begin(); it != neighbours.end(); ++it)	{
			Point neighbour = *it;

			// do not exceed the node limit when adding nodes
			if ((unsigned)open.getSize() >= limit) {

			// if neighbour is not free of any collision, skip it
			if (!is_valid_tile(neighbour.x,neighbour.y,movement_type, false))
			// if nabour is already in close, skip it

			// if neighbour isn't inside open, add it as a new Node
			if(!open.exists(neighbour)) {
				AStarNode* newNode = new AStarNode(neighbour.x,neighbour.y);
			// else, update it's cost if better
			else {
				AStarNode* i = open.get(neighbour.x, neighbour.y);
				if (node->getActualCost()+(float)calcDist(current,neighbour) < i->getActualCost()) {
					Point pos(i->getX(), i->getY());
					Point parent_pos(node->getX(), node->getY());
					open.updateParent(pos, parent_pos, node->getActualCost()+(float)calcDist(current,neighbour));

	if (current.x != end.x || current.y != end.y) {

		//couldnt find the target so map a path to the closest node found
		node = close.get_shortest_h();
		current.x = node->getX();
		current.y = node->getY();

		while (current.x != start.x || current.y != start.y) {
			current = close.get(current.x, current.y)->getParent();
	else {
		// store path from end to start
		while (current.x != start.x || current.y != start.y) {
			current = close.get(current.x, current.y)->getParent();
	// reblock target if needed
	if (target_blocks) block(end_pos.x, end_pos.y, target_blocks_type == BLOCKS_ENEMIES);

	return !path.empty();
bool MapCollision::is_outside_map(const float& tile_x, const float& tile_y) const {
	return is_outside_map((int)(tile_x), (int)(tile_y));
bool MapCollision::is_outside_map(const float& tile_x, const float& tile_y) const {
	return is_outside_map(static_cast<int>(tile_x), static_cast<int>(tile_y));