Beispiel #1
void check_char(int c)
	if ( c >= CSIZE )
		lerrsf( _( "bad character '%s' detected in check_char()" ),
			readable_form( c ) );

	if ( c >= csize )
		_( "scanner requires -8 flag to use the character %s" ),
			readable_form( c ) );
Beispiel #2
void readin(void)
	static char yy_stdinit[] = "FILE *yyin = stdin, *yyout = stdout;";
	static char yy_nostdinit[] =
		"FILE *yyin = NULL, *yyout = NULL;";

	line_directive_out( NULL, 1 );

	if ( yyparse() )
		pinpoint_message( _( "fatal parse error" ) );
		flexend( 1 );

	if ( syntaxerror )
		flexend( 1 );

	if ( backing_up_report )
		backing_up_file = fopen( backing_name, "w" );
		if ( backing_up_file == NULL )
			_( "could not create backing-up info file %s" ),
				backing_name );

		backing_up_file = NULL;

	if ( yymore_really_used == true )
		yymore_used = true;
	else if ( yymore_really_used == false )
		yymore_used = false;

	if ( reject_really_used == true )
		reject = true;
	else if ( reject_really_used == false )
		reject = false;

	if ( performance_report > 0 )
		if ( lex_compat )
			fprintf( stderr,
_( "-l AT&T lex compatibility option entails a large performance penalty\n" ) );
			fprintf( stderr,
_( " and may be the actual source of other reported performance penalties\n" ) );

		else if ( do_yylineno )
			fprintf( stderr,
	_( "%%option yylineno entails a large performance penalty\n" ) );

		if ( performance_report > 1 )
			if ( interactive )
				fprintf( stderr,
	_( "-I (interactive) entails a minor performance penalty\n" ) );

			if ( yymore_used )
				fprintf( stderr,
		_( "yymore() entails a minor performance penalty\n" ) );

		if ( reject )
			fprintf( stderr,
			_( "REJECT entails a large performance penalty\n" ) );

		if ( variable_trailing_context_rules )
			fprintf( stderr,
_( "Variable trailing context rules entail a large performance penalty\n" ) );

	if ( reject )
		real_reject = true;

	if ( variable_trailing_context_rules )
		reject = true;

	if ( (fulltbl || fullspd) && reject )
		if ( real_reject )
				_( "REJECT cannot be used with -f or -F" ) );
		else if ( do_yylineno )
			_( "%option yylineno cannot be used with -f or -F" ) );
	_( "variable trailing context rules cannot be used with -f or -F" ) );

	if ( reject )
		outn( "\n#define YY_USES_REJECT" );

	if ( ! do_yywrap )
		outn( "\n#define yywrap() 1" );
		outn( "#define YY_SKIP_YYWRAP" );

	if ( ddebug )
		outn( "\n#define FLEX_DEBUG" );

	if ( csize == 256 )
		outn( "typedef unsigned char YY_CHAR;" );
		outn( "typedef char YY_CHAR;" );

	if ( C_plus_plus )
		outn( "#define yytext_ptr yytext" );

		if ( interactive )
			outn( "#define YY_INTERACTIVE" );

		if ( do_stdinit )
			outn( yy_stdinit );

			outn( yy_nostdinit );

	if ( fullspd )
		outn( "typedef yyconst struct yy_trans_info *yy_state_type;" );
	else if ( ! C_plus_plus )
		outn( "typedef int yy_state_type;" );

	if ( ddebug )
		outn( "\n#define FLEX_DEBUG" );

	if ( lex_compat )
		outn( "#define YY_FLEX_LEX_COMPAT" );

	if ( do_yylineno && ! C_plus_plus )
		outn( "extern int yylineno;" );
		outn( "int yylineno = 1;" );

	if ( C_plus_plus )
		outn( "\n#include <FlexLexer.h>" );

		if ( yyclass )
			outn( "int yyFlexLexer::yylex()" );
			outn( "\t{" );
"\tLexerError( \"yyFlexLexer::yylex invoked but %option yyclass used\" );" );
			outn( "\treturn 0;" );
			outn( "\t}" );
			out_str( "\n#define YY_DECL int %s::yylex()\n",
				yyclass );

		if ( yytext_is_array )
			outn( "extern char yytext[];\n" );

			outn( "extern char *yytext;" );
			outn( "#define yytext_ptr yytext" );

		if ( yyclass )
		_( "%option yyclass only meaningful for C++ scanners" ) );

	if ( useecs )
		numecs = cre8ecs( nextecm, ecgroup, csize );
		numecs = csize;

	/* Now map the equivalence class for NUL to its expected place. */
	ecgroup[0] = ecgroup[csize];
	NUL_ec = ABS( ecgroup[0] );

	if ( useecs )
Beispiel #3
/** Adjust the line numbers in the #line directives of the generated scanner.
 * After the m4 expansion, the line numbers are incorrect since the m4 macros
 * can add or remove lines.  This only adjusts line numbers for generated code,
 * not user code. This also happens to be a good place to squeeze multiple
 * blank lines into a single blank line.
int filter_postprocess_output (struct filter *chain)
	char   *buf;
	const int readsz = 512;
	int     lineno = 1;
	bool    in_gen = true;	/* in generated code */
	bool    last_was_blank = true;

	if (!chain)
		return 0;

	buf = (char *) flex_alloc (readsz);

	while (fgets (buf, readsz, stdin)) {

        char *p, *q;
        int is_blank = true;

        if (strncmp (buf, "#line ", 6) == 0)
            in_gen = false;

        if (strncmp (buf, "@output(", 8) == 0) {
            char *filename = strdup (buf);
            FILE *prev_stdout;

            /* Remove "@)\n".  */
            filename[strlen (filename) - 3] = '\0';
		    prev_stdout = freopen (filename + 8, "w+", stdout);
		    if (prev_stdout == NULL)
			    lerrsf (_("could not create %s"), filename + 8);

            free (filename);
            lineno = 1;
    		outfile_created = 1;
            last_was_blank = true;

        for (p = q = buf; *p; ) {
            if (!isspace (*p))
                is_blank = false;

            if (*p == '@') {
                if (p[1] == '@')
                    *q++ = p[1], p += 2;
                else if (p[1] == '{')
                    *q++ = '[', p += 2;
                else if (p[1] == '}')
                    *q++ = ']', p += 2;
                else if (strncmp (p, "@oline@", 7) == 0)
                    in_gen = true, q += sprintf (q, "%d", lineno + 1), p += 7;
            } else
                *q++ = *p++;

        *q = '\0';

		/* squeeze blank lines from generated code */
		if (in_gen && is_blank && last_was_blank)

		last_was_blank = is_blank;
		fputs (buf, stdout);
	fflush (stdout);
	if (ferror (stdout))
		lerrsf (_("error writing output file %s"),
			outfilename ? outfilename : "<stdout>");

	else if (fclose (stdout))
		lerrsf (_("error closing output file %s"),
			outfilename ? outfilename : "<stdout>");

	return 0;
Beispiel #4
void flexend(int exit_status)
	int tblsiz;
	int unlink();

	if ( skelfile != NULL )
		if ( ferror( skelfile ) )
			lerrsf( _( "input error reading skeleton file %s" ),
				skelname );

		else if ( fclose( skelfile ) )
			lerrsf( _( "error closing skeleton file %s" ),
				skelname );

	if ( exit_status != 0 && outfile_created )
		if ( ferror( stdout ) )
			lerrsf( _( "error writing output file %s" ),
				outfilename );

		else if ( fclose( stdout ) )
			lerrsf( _( "error closing output file %s" ),
				outfilename );

		else if ( unlink( outfilename ) )
			lerrsf( _( "error deleting output file %s" ),
				outfilename );

	if ( backing_up_report && backing_up_file )
		if ( num_backing_up == 0 )
			fprintf( backing_up_file, _( "No backing up.\n" ) );
		else if ( fullspd || fulltbl )
			fprintf( backing_up_file,
				_( "%d backing up (non-accepting) states.\n" ),
				num_backing_up );
			fprintf( backing_up_file,
				_( "Compressed tables always back up.\n" ) );

		if ( ferror( backing_up_file ) )
			lerrsf( _( "error writing backup file %s" ),
				backing_name );

		else if ( fclose( backing_up_file ) )
			lerrsf( _( "error closing backup file %s" ),
				backing_name );

	if ( printstats )
		fprintf( stderr, _( "%s version %s usage statistics:\n" ),
			program_name, flex_version );

		fprintf( stderr, _( "  scanner options: -" ) );

		if ( C_plus_plus )
			putc( '+', stderr );
		if ( backing_up_report )
			putc( 'b', stderr );
		if ( ddebug )
			putc( 'd', stderr );
		if ( caseins )
			putc( 'i', stderr );
		if ( lex_compat )
			putc( 'l', stderr );
		if ( performance_report > 0 )
			putc( 'p', stderr );
		if ( performance_report > 1 )
			putc( 'p', stderr );
		if ( spprdflt )
			putc( 's', stderr );
		if ( use_stdout )
			putc( 't', stderr );
		if ( printstats )
			putc( 'v', stderr );	/* always true! */
		if ( nowarn )
			putc( 'w', stderr );
		if ( interactive == false )
			putc( 'B', stderr );
		if ( interactive == true )
			putc( 'I', stderr );
		if ( ! gen_line_dirs )
			putc( 'L', stderr );
		if ( trace )
			putc( 'T', stderr );

		if ( csize == unspecified )
			/* We encountered an error fairly early on, so csize
			 * never got specified.  Define it now, to prevent
			 * bogus table sizes being written out below.
			csize = 256;

		if ( csize == 128 )
			putc( '7', stderr );
			putc( '8', stderr );

		fprintf( stderr, " -C" );

		if ( long_align )
			putc( 'a', stderr );
		if ( fulltbl )
			putc( 'f', stderr );
		if ( fullspd )
			putc( 'F', stderr );
		if ( useecs )
			putc( 'e', stderr );
		if ( usemecs )
			putc( 'm', stderr );
		if ( use_read )
			putc( 'r', stderr );

		if ( did_outfilename )
			fprintf( stderr, " -o%s", outfilename );

		if ( skelname )
			fprintf( stderr, " -S%s", skelname );

		if ( strcmp( prefix, "yy" ) )
			fprintf( stderr, " -P%s", prefix );

		putc( '\n', stderr );

		fprintf( stderr, _( "  %d/%d NFA states\n" ),
			lastnfa, current_mns );
		fprintf( stderr, _( "  %d/%d DFA states (%d words)\n" ),
			lastdfa, current_max_dfas, totnst );
		fprintf( stderr, _( "  %d rules\n" ),
		num_rules + num_eof_rules - 1 /* - 1 for def. rule */ );

		if ( num_backing_up == 0 )
			fprintf( stderr, _( "  No backing up\n" ) );
		else if ( fullspd || fulltbl )
			fprintf( stderr,
			_( "  %d backing-up (non-accepting) states\n" ),
				num_backing_up );
			fprintf( stderr,
				_( "  Compressed tables always back-up\n" ) );

		if ( bol_needed )
			fprintf( stderr,
				_( "  Beginning-of-line patterns used\n" ) );

		fprintf( stderr, _( "  %d/%d start conditions\n" ), lastsc,
			current_max_scs );
		fprintf( stderr,
			_( "  %d epsilon states, %d double epsilon states\n" ),
			numeps, eps2 );

		if ( lastccl == 0 )
			fprintf( stderr, _( "  no character classes\n" ) );
			fprintf( stderr,
_( "  %d/%d character classes needed %d/%d words of storage, %d reused\n" ),
				lastccl, current_maxccls,
				cclmap[lastccl] + ccllen[lastccl],
				current_max_ccl_tbl_size, cclreuse );

		fprintf( stderr, _( "  %d state/nextstate pairs created\n" ),
			numsnpairs );
		fprintf( stderr, _( "  %d/%d unique/duplicate transitions\n" ),
			numuniq, numdup );

		if ( fulltbl )
			tblsiz = lastdfa * numecs;
			fprintf( stderr, _( "  %d table entries\n" ), tblsiz );

			tblsiz = 2 * (lastdfa + numtemps) + 2 * tblend;

			fprintf( stderr,
				_( "  %d/%d base-def entries created\n" ),
				lastdfa + numtemps, current_max_dfas );
			fprintf( stderr,
			_( "  %d/%d (peak %d) nxt-chk entries created\n" ),
				tblend, current_max_xpairs, peakpairs );
			fprintf( stderr,
		_( "  %d/%d (peak %d) template nxt-chk entries created\n" ),
				numtemps * nummecs,
				numtemps * numecs );
			fprintf( stderr, _( "  %d empty table entries\n" ),
				nummt );
			fprintf( stderr, _( "  %d protos created\n" ),
				numprots );
			fprintf( stderr,
				_( "  %d templates created, %d uses\n" ),
				numtemps, tmpuses );

		if ( useecs )
			tblsiz = tblsiz + csize;
			fprintf( stderr,
				_( "  %d/%d equivalence classes created\n" ),
				numecs, csize );

		if ( usemecs )
			tblsiz = tblsiz + numecs;
			fprintf( stderr,
			_( "  %d/%d meta-equivalence classes created\n" ),
				nummecs, csize );

		fprintf( stderr,
		_( "  %d (%d saved) hash collisions, %d DFAs equal\n" ),
			hshcol, hshsave, dfaeql );
		fprintf( stderr, _( "  %d sets of reallocations needed\n" ),
			num_reallocs );
		fprintf( stderr, _( "  %d total table entries needed\n" ),
			tblsiz );

	exit( exit_status );
Beispiel #5
void check_options(void)
	int i;

	if ( lex_compat )
		if ( C_plus_plus )
			flexerror( _( "Can't use -+ with -l option" ) );

		if ( fulltbl || fullspd )
			flexerror( _( "Can't use -f or -F with -l option" ) );

		/* Don't rely on detecting use of yymore() and REJECT,
		 * just assume they'll be used.
		yymore_really_used = reject_really_used = true;

		yytext_is_array = true;
		do_yylineno = true;
		use_read = false;

	if ( do_yylineno )
		/* This should really be "maintain_backup_tables = true" */
		reject_really_used = true;

	if ( csize == unspecified )
		if ( (fulltbl || fullspd) && ! useecs )
			csize = DEFAULT_CSIZE;
			csize = CSIZE;

	if ( interactive == unspecified )
		if ( fulltbl || fullspd )
			interactive = false;
			interactive = true;

	if ( fulltbl || fullspd )
		if ( usemecs )
			_( "-Cf/-CF and -Cm don't make sense together" ) );

		if ( interactive )
			flexerror( _( "-Cf/-CF and -I are incompatible" ) );

		if ( lex_compat )
		_( "-Cf/-CF are incompatible with lex-compatibility mode" ) );

		if ( do_yylineno )
			_( "-Cf/-CF and %option yylineno are incompatible" ) );

		if ( fulltbl && fullspd )
			flexerror( _( "-Cf and -CF are mutually exclusive" ) );

	if ( C_plus_plus && fullspd )
		flexerror( _( "Can't use -+ with -CF option" ) );

	if ( C_plus_plus && yytext_is_array )
		warn( _( "%array incompatible with -+ option" ) );
		yytext_is_array = false;

	if ( useecs )
		{ /* Set up doubly-linked equivalence classes. */

		/* We loop all the way up to csize, since ecgroup[csize] is
		 * the position used for NUL characters.
		ecgroup[1] = NIL;

		for ( i = 2; i <= csize; ++i )
			ecgroup[i] = i - 1;
			nextecm[i - 1] = i;

		nextecm[csize] = NIL;

		/* Put everything in its own equivalence class. */
		for ( i = 1; i <= csize; ++i )
			ecgroup[i] = i;
			nextecm[i] = BAD_SUBSCRIPT;	/* to catch errors */

	if ( ! use_stdout )
		FILE *prev_stdout;

		if ( ! did_outfilename )
			char *suffix;

			if ( C_plus_plus )
				suffix = "cc";
				suffix = "c";

			sprintf( outfile_path, outfile_template,
				prefix, suffix );

			outfilename = outfile_path;

		prev_stdout = freopen( outfilename, "w", stdout );

		if ( prev_stdout == NULL )
			lerrsf( _( "could not create %s" ), outfilename );

		outfile_created = 1;

	if ( skelname && (skelfile = fopen( skelname, "r" )) == NULL )
		lerrsf( _( "can't open skeleton file %s" ), skelname );

	if ( strcmp( prefix, "yy" ) )
#define GEN_PREFIX(name) out_str3( "#define yy%s %s%s\n", name, prefix, name )
		if ( C_plus_plus )
			GEN_PREFIX( "FlexLexer" );
			GEN_PREFIX( "_create_buffer" );
			GEN_PREFIX( "_delete_buffer" );
			GEN_PREFIX( "_scan_buffer" );
			GEN_PREFIX( "_scan_string" );
			GEN_PREFIX( "_scan_bytes" );
			GEN_PREFIX( "_flex_debug" );
			GEN_PREFIX( "_init_buffer" );
			GEN_PREFIX( "_flush_buffer" );
			GEN_PREFIX( "_load_buffer_state" );
			GEN_PREFIX( "_switch_to_buffer" );
			GEN_PREFIX( "in" );
			GEN_PREFIX( "leng" );
			GEN_PREFIX( "lex" );
			GEN_PREFIX( "out" );
			GEN_PREFIX( "restart" );
			GEN_PREFIX( "text" );

			if ( do_yylineno )
				GEN_PREFIX( "lineno" );

		if ( do_yywrap )
			GEN_PREFIX( "wrap" );

		outn( "" );

	if ( did_outfilename )
		line_directive_out( stdout, 0 );

Beispiel #6
/** Adjust the line numbers in the #line directives of the generated scanner.
 * After the m4 expansion, the line numbers are incorrect since the m4 macros
 * can add or remove lines.  This only adjusts line numbers for generated code,
 * not user code. This also happens to be a good place to squeeze multiple
 * blank lines into a single blank line.
filter_fix_linedirs(struct filter * chain)
	char *buf;
	const int readsz = 512;
	int lineno = 1;
	bool in_gen = true;	/* in generated code */
	bool last_was_blank = false;

	if (!chain)
		return 0;

	buf = malloc(readsz);
	if (!buf)
		flexerror(_("malloc failed in filter_fix_linedirs"));

	while (fgets(buf, readsz, stdin)) {

		regmatch_t m[10];

		/* Check for #line directive. */
		if (buf[0] == '#'
		    && regexec(&regex_linedir, buf, 3, m, 0) == 0) {

			int num;
			char *fname;

			/* extract the line number and filename */
			num = regmatch_strtol(&m[1], buf, NULL, 0);
			fname = regmatch_dup(&m[2], buf);

			if (strcmp(fname,
				outfilename ? outfilename : "<stdout>") == 0 ||
			    strcmp(fname, headerfilename ? headerfilename :
				"<stdout>") == 0) {

				char *s1, *s2;
				char filename[MAXLINE];

				s1 = fname;
				s2 = filename;

				while ((s2 - filename) < (MAXLINE - 1) && *s1) {
					/* Escape the backslash */
					if (*s1 == '\\')
						*s2++ = '\\';
					/* Escape the double quote */
					if (*s1 == '\"')
						*s2++ = '\\';
					/* Copy the character as usual */
					*s2++ = *s1++;

				*s2 = '\0';

				/* Adjust the line directives. */
				in_gen = true;
				snprintf(buf, readsz, "#line %d \"%s\"\n",
				    lineno + 1, filename);
			} else {
				 * it's a #line directive for code we didn't
				 * write
				in_gen = false;

			last_was_blank = false;
		/* squeeze blank lines from generated code */
		else if (in_gen &&
		    regexec(&regex_blank_line, buf, 0, NULL, 0) == 0) {
			if (last_was_blank)
				last_was_blank = true;
		} else {
			/* it's a line of normal, non-empty code. */
			last_was_blank = false;

		fputs(buf, stdout);
	if (ferror(stdout))
		lerrsf(_("error writing output file %s"),
		    outfilename ? outfilename : "<stdout>");

	else if (fclose(stdout))
		lerrsf(_("error closing output file %s"),
		    outfilename ? outfilename : "<stdout>");

	return 0;
Beispiel #7
/** Splits the chain in order to write to a header file.
 *  Similar in spirit to the 'tee' program.
 *  The header file name is in extra.
 *  @return 0 (zero) on success, and -1 on failure.
filter_tee_header(struct filter * chain)
	 * This function reads from stdin and writes to both the C file and
	 * the header file at the same time.

	const int readsz = 512;
	char *buf;
	int to_cfd = -1;
	FILE *to_c = NULL, *to_h = NULL;
	bool write_header;

	write_header = (chain->extra != NULL);

	 * Store a copy of the stdout pipe, which is already piped to C file
	 * through the running chain. Then create a new pipe to the H file as
	 * stdout, and fork the rest of the chain again.

	if ((to_cfd = dup(1)) == -1)
		flexfatal(_("dup(1) failed"));
	to_c = fdopen(to_cfd, "w");

	if (write_header) {
		if (freopen((char *) chain->extra, "w", stdout) == NULL)
			flexfatal(_("freopen(headerfilename) failed"));

		to_h = stdout;
	 * Now to_c is a pipe to the C branch, and to_h is a pipe to the H
	 * branch.

	if (write_header) {
		fputs(check_4_gnu_m4, to_h);
		fputs("m4_changecom`'m4_dnl\n", to_h);
		fputs("m4_changequote`'m4_dnl\n", to_h);
		fputs("m4_changequote([[,]])[[]]m4_dnl\n", to_h);
		fputs("m4_define([[M4_YY_NOOP]])[[]]m4_dnl\n", to_h);
		fputs("m4_define( [[M4_YY_IN_HEADER]],[[]])m4_dnl\n",
		fprintf(to_h, "#ifndef %sHEADER_H\n", prefix);
		fprintf(to_h, "#define %sHEADER_H 1\n", prefix);
		fprintf(to_h, "#define %sIN_HEADER 1\n\n", prefix);
		    "m4_define( [[M4_YY_OUTFILE_NAME]],[[%s]])m4_dnl\n",
		    headerfilename ? headerfilename : "<stdout>");

	fputs(check_4_gnu_m4, to_c);
	fputs("m4_changecom`'m4_dnl\n", to_c);
	fputs("m4_changequote`'m4_dnl\n", to_c);
	fputs("m4_changequote([[,]])[[]]m4_dnl\n", to_c);
	fputs("m4_define([[M4_YY_NOOP]])[[]]m4_dnl\n", to_c);
	fprintf(to_c, "m4_define( [[M4_YY_OUTFILE_NAME]],[[%s]])m4_dnl\n",
	    outfilename ? outfilename : "<stdout>");

	buf = malloc(readsz);
	if (!buf)
		flexerror(_("malloc failed in filter_tee_header"));
	while (fgets(buf, readsz, stdin)) {
		fputs(buf, to_c);
		if (write_header)
			fputs(buf, to_h);

	if (write_header) {
		fprintf(to_h, "\n");

		 * write a fake line number. It will get fixed by the linedir
		 * filter.
		fprintf(to_h, "#line 4000 \"M4_YY_OUTFILE_NAME\"\n");

		fprintf(to_h, "#undef %sIN_HEADER\n", prefix);
		fprintf(to_h, "#endif /* %sHEADER_H */\n", prefix);
		fputs("m4_undefine( [[M4_YY_IN_HEADER]])m4_dnl\n", to_h);

		if (ferror(to_h))
			lerrsf(_("error writing output file %s"),
			    (char *) chain->extra);

		else if (fclose(to_h))
			lerrsf(_("error closing output file %s"),
			    (char *) chain->extra);
	if (ferror(to_c))
		lerrsf(_("error writing output file %s"),
		    outfilename ? outfilename : "<stdout>");

	else if (fclose(to_c))
		lerrsf(_("error closing output file %s"),
		    outfilename ? outfilename : "<stdout>");

	while (wait(0) > 0);

	return 0;
Beispiel #8
void flexinit(int argc, char **argv)
    int i, sawcmpflag;
    char *arg, *flex_gettime(), *mktemp();

    printstats = syntaxerror = trace = spprdflt = interactive = caseins = false;
    backtrack_report = performance_report = ddebug = fulltbl = fullspd = false;
    yymore_used = continued_action = reject = false;
    yymore_really_used = reject_really_used = false;
    gen_line_dirs = usemecs = useecs = true;

    sawcmpflag = false;
    use_stdout = false;

    csize = DEFAULT_CSIZE;

    program_name = argv[0];

    /* read flags */
    for ( --argc, ++argv; argc ; --argc, ++argv )
	if ( argv[0][0] != '-' || argv[0][1] == '\0' )

	arg = argv[0];

	for ( i = 1; arg[i] != '\0'; ++i )
	    switch ( arg[i] )
		case 'b':
		    backtrack_report = true;

		case 'c':
		    fprintf( stderr,
	"%s: Assuming use of deprecated -c flag is really intended to be -C\n",
			     program_name );

		    /* fall through */

		case 'C':
		    if ( i != 1 )
			flexerror( "-C flag must be given separately" );

		    if ( ! sawcmpflag )
			useecs = false;
			usemecs = false;
			fulltbl = false;
			sawcmpflag = true;

		    for ( ++i; arg[i] != '\0'; ++i )
			switch ( arg[i] )
			    case 'e':
				useecs = true;

			    case 'F':
				fullspd = true;

			    case 'f':
				fulltbl = true;

			    case 'm':
				usemecs = true;

				lerrif( "unknown -C option '%c'",
					(int) arg[i] );

		    goto get_next_arg;

		case 'd':
		    ddebug = true;

		case 'f':
		    useecs = usemecs = false;
		    fulltbl = true;

		case 'F':
		    useecs = usemecs = false;
		    fullspd = true;

		case 'I':
		    interactive = true;

		case 'i':
		    caseins = true;

		case 'L':
		    gen_line_dirs = false;

		case 'n':
		    /* stupid do-nothing deprecated option */

		case 'p':
		    performance_report = true;

		case 'S':
		    if ( i != 1 )
			flexerror( "-S flag must be given separately" );

		    skelname = arg + i + 1;
		    goto get_next_arg;

		case 's':
		    spprdflt = true;

		case 't':
		    use_stdout = true;

		case 'T':
		    trace = true;

		case 'v':
		    printstats = true;

		case '8':
		    csize = CSIZE;

		    lerrif( "unknown flag '%c'", (int) arg[i] );

get_next_arg: /* used by -C and -S flags in lieu of a "continue 2" control */

    if ( (fulltbl || fullspd) && usemecs )
	flexerror( "full table and -Cm don't make sense together" );

    if ( (fulltbl || fullspd) && interactive )
	flexerror( "full table and -I are (currently) incompatible" );

    if ( fulltbl && fullspd )
	flexerror( "full table and -F are mutually exclusive" );

    if ( ! skelname )
	static char skeleton_name_storage[400];

	skelname = skeleton_name_storage;
	(void) strcpy( skelname, ENQUOTE(DEFAULT_SKELETON_FILE) );

    if ( ! use_stdout )
	FILE *prev_stdout = freopen( outfile, "w", stdout );

	if ( prev_stdout == NULL )
	    lerrsf( "could not create %s", outfile );

	outfile_created = 1;

    num_input_files = argc;
    input_files = argv;
    set_input_file( num_input_files > 0 ? input_files[0] : NULL );

    if ( backtrack_report )
	backtrack_file = fopen( "lex.backtrack", "w" );
	backtrack_file = fopen( "lex.bck", "w" );

	if ( backtrack_file == NULL )
	    flexerror( "could not create lex.backtrack" );

	backtrack_file = NULL;

    lastccl = 0;
    lastsc = 0;

    /* initialize the statistics */
    starttime = flex_gettime();

    if ( (skelfile = fopen( skelname, "r" )) == NULL )
	lerrsf( "can't open skeleton file %s", skelname );

    epicsTempName ( action_file_name, sizeof ( action_file_name ) );
	if ( action_file_name[0] == '\0' )
	    lerrsf( "can't create temporary file name", "" );

    if ( ( temp_action_file = fopen ( action_file_name, "w" ) ) == NULL )
	lerrsf( "can't open temporary action file %s", action_file_name );

    lastdfa = lastnfa = num_rules = numas = numsnpairs = tmpuses = 0;
    numecs = numeps = eps2 = num_reallocs = hshcol = dfaeql = totnst = 0;
    numuniq = numdup = hshsave = eofseen = datapos = dataline = 0;
    num_backtracking = onesp = numprots = 0;
    variable_trailing_context_rules = bol_needed = false;

    linenum = sectnum = 1;
    firstprot = NIL;

    /* used in mkprot() so that the first proto goes in slot 1
     * of the proto queue
    lastprot = 1;

    if ( useecs )
	{ /* set up doubly-linked equivalence classes */
	/* We loop all the way up to csize, since ecgroup[csize] is the
	 * position used for NUL characters
	ecgroup[1] = NIL;

	for ( i = 2; i <= csize; ++i )
	    ecgroup[i] = i - 1;
	    nextecm[i - 1] = i;

	nextecm[csize] = NIL;

	{ /* put everything in its own equivalence class */
	for ( i = 1; i <= csize; ++i )
	    ecgroup[i] = i;
	    nextecm[i] = BAD_SUBSCRIPT;	/* to catch errors */
