Beispiel #1
/* Callback when the configuration dialog has recorded a configuration change. */
static gboolean dirmenu_apply_configuration(gpointer user_data)
    GtkWidget * p = user_data;
    DirMenuPlugin * dm = lxpanel_plugin_get_data(p);
    char * path = dm->path;

    /* Normalize path */
    if (path == NULL)
        dm->path = g_strdup(fm_get_home_dir());
    else if (path[0] == '~')
        dm->path = expand_tilda(path);

    /* Save configuration */
    config_group_set_string(dm->settings, "path", dm->path);
    config_group_set_string(dm->settings, "name", dm->name);
    config_group_set_string(dm->settings, "image", dm->image);

    lxpanel_button_set_icon(p, ((dm->image != NULL) ? dm->image : "file-manager"), -1);
    lxpanel_button_set_label(p, dm->name);

    gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(p, dm->path);
    return FALSE;
Beispiel #2
/* Callback when panel configuration changes. */
static void wincmd_panel_reconfigure(LXPanel *panel, GtkWidget *p)
    WinCmdPlugin * wc = lxpanel_plugin_get_data(p);

    lxpanel_button_set_icon(p, wc->image, panel_get_icon_size(panel));
Beispiel #3
/* parameters width and keep_ratio are unused, kept for backward compatibility */
void fb_button_set_from_file(GtkWidget * btn, const char * img_file, gint width, gint height, gboolean keep_ratio)
    lxpanel_button_set_icon(btn, img_file, height);