void __fastcall TQRigSyncMain::Timer1Timer(TObject *Sender)
   static bool inTimer = false;
   if (inTimer)
   inTimer = true;
      float freq = qs1r->getFrequency(0);
      Label1->Caption = String(freq);
      static long lastFreq = -1;
      long lfreq = (long)freq;
      if ( lfreq != lastFreq )
         RPCPubSub::publish( "SecondRX", "Frequency", makeStr(lfreq), psPublished );

         lastFreq = lfreq;
   catch (const Ice::Exception& ex)
   catch (const char* msg)
   inTimer = false;
void TSingleLogFrame::closeContest()
   if ( TContestApp::getContestApp() )
      RPCPubSub::publish( "ContestLog", contest->publishedName, makeStr( 0 ), psRevoked );
      TContestApp::getContestApp() ->closeFile( contest );
      contest = 0;
void addSymbol(const char *name, type_t type) {
    // fprintf(stderr, "addSymbol begin\n"); 
    int hash = strHash(name);    
    int pos = hash;
    while (symbol_table[pos].valid) {
        pos = (pos + 1) % ID_MAX;
        if (pos == hash) {
            attrError("Too many variables");
    symbol_table[pos].valid = 1;
    symbol_table[pos].type = type;
    symbol_table[pos].name = makeStr(name);
    // fprintf(stderr, "Saving %s to position %d\n", name, hash); 
    // fprintf(stderr, "addSymbol succeeded\n"); 
void __fastcall TSingleLogFrame::PublishTimerTimer( TObject */*Sender*/ )
   LoggerContestLog * ct = dynamic_cast<LoggerContestLog *>( contest );
   if ( ct && ct->isMinosFile() && !ct->isReadOnly() && !ct->isPostEntry() )
      int stanzaCount = contest->getStanzaCount();
      if ( lastStanzaCount != stanzaCount )
         // publish this contest details - what to use?
         // category LoggerContestLog
         // name filename(?)
         // value stanzaCount
         RPCPubSub::publish( "ContestLog", contest->publishedName, makeStr( stanzaCount ), psPublished );
         lastStanzaCount = stanzaCount;
bool reg1test::exportTest( HANDLE expfd )
   // export current contest as REG1TEST
   writer wr( expfd );
   char lbuff[ 1024 ];

   wr.lwrite( "[REG1TEST;1]" );

   // First the header info
   // calc mult count
   int ltot = 0;
   int nctry = 0;
   int ndistrict = 0;
   int nlocs = 0;

   if ( ct->countryMult.getValue() )
      ltot += ct->nctry ;
      nctry = ct->nctry;
   if ( ct->districtMult.getValue() )
      ltot += ct->ndistrict;
      ndistrict = ct->ndistrict;
   if ( ct->locMult.getValue() )
      ltot += ct->nlocs;
      nlocs = ct->nlocs;

   if ( ltot == 0 )
      ltot = 1;

   std::vector <std::string> remarks;
   remarks.push_back( ct->entCondx1.getValue() );
   remarks.push_back( ct->entCondx2.getValue() );
   remarks.push_back( ct->entCondx3.getValue() );
   remarks.push_back( ct->entCondx4.getValue() );
   int nvalid = 0;      // valid QSOs
   int nlines = 0;      // QSO records
   for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < ct->ctList.size(); i++ )
      BaseContact *dct = ct->ctList[ i ];
      ContestContact *cct = dynamic_cast<ContestContact *>( dct );
      // Extract comments for "Remarks" section
      cct->addReg1TestComment( remarks );

      if ( cct->contactFlags.getValue() & ( LOCAL_COMMENT | COMMENT_ONLY | DONT_PRINT ) )

      if ( cct->contactScore.getValue() > 0 )

   // get the best DX contact
   BaseContact *bestdx = ct->getBestDX();

   // build the list of main operators
      <std::string> op1list;

   for ( LogIterator i = ct->ctList.begin(); i != ct->ctList.end(); i++ )
      op1list.insert( ( *i ) ->op1.getValue() );

   linelist[ ( int ) TName ] = reg1testLine( "TName", ct->name.getValue()  /*, "Contest Name"*/ ),

                               linelist[ ( int ) TdDate ] = reg1testLine( "TDate", ct->dateRange( DTGFULL )  /*, "Start Date;End Date"*/ );
   linelist[ ( int ) PCall ] = reg1testLine( "PCall", ct->mycall.fullCall.getValue()  /*, "Callsign Used"*/ );
   linelist[ ( int ) PWWLo ] = reg1testLine( "PWWLo", ct->myloc.loc.getValue()  /*, "Locator Used"*/ );
   linelist[ ( int ) PExch ] = reg1testLine( "PExch", ct->location.getValue()  /*, "Exchange Used"*/ );
   linelist[ ( int ) PAdr1 ] = reg1testLine( "PAdr1", ct->sqth1.getValue()  /*, "Address line 1/2 of station"*/ );
   linelist[ ( int ) PAdr2 ] = reg1testLine( "PAdr2", ct->sqth2.getValue()  /*, "Address line 2/2 of station"*/ );
   linelist[ ( int ) PSect ] = reg1testLine( "PSect", ct->entSect.getValue()  /*, "Section Entered"*/ );
   linelist[ ( int ) PBand ] = reg1testLine( "PBand", ct->band.getValue()  /*, "Band Used"*/ );

   linelist[ ( int ) PClub ] = reg1testLine( "PClub", ct->entrant.getValue()  /*, "Name of club/group"*/ );
   linelist[ ( int ) RName ] = reg1testLine( "RName", ct->entName.getValue()  /*, "Name of responsible operator"*/ );
   linelist[ ( int ) RCall ] = reg1testLine( "RCall", ct->entCall.getValue()  /*, "Callsign of responsible operator"*/ );

   linelist[ ( int ) RAdr1 ] = reg1testLine( "RAdr1", ct->entAddr1.getValue()  /*, "Address line 1/2 of responsible operator"*/ );
   linelist[ ( int ) RAdr2 ] = reg1testLine( "RAdr2", ct->entAddr2.getValue()  /*, "Address line 2/2 of responsible operator"*/ );
   linelist[ ( int ) RCity ] = reg1testLine( "RCity", ct->entCity.getValue()  /*, "City of responsible operator"*/ );
   linelist[ ( int ) RPoCo ] = reg1testLine( "RPoCo", ct->entPostCode.getValue()  /*, "Post Code of responsible operator"*/ );
   linelist[ ( int ) RCoun ] = reg1testLine( "RCoun", ct->entCountry.getValue()  /*, "Country of responsible operator"*/ );
   linelist[ ( int ) RPhon ] = reg1testLine( "RPhon", ct->entPhone.getValue()  /*, "Phone no. of responsible operator"*/ );

   linelist[ ( int ) RHBBS ] = reg1testLine( "RHBBS", ct->entEMail.getValue()  /*, "EMAIL address of responsible operator"*/ );
   linelist[ ( int ) MOpe1 ] = reg1testLine( "MOpe1", ct->ops1.getValue()  /*, "Operators line 1/2"*/ );
   linelist[ ( int ) MOpe2 ] = reg1testLine( "MOpe2", ct->ops2.getValue()  /*, "Operators line 2/2"*/ );
   linelist[ ( int ) STXEq ] = reg1testLine( "STXEq", ct->entTx.getValue()  /*, "TX Equipment"*/ );
   linelist[ ( int ) SPowe ] = reg1testLine( "SPowe", ct->power.getValue()  /*, "TX Power (W)"*/ );
   linelist[ ( int ) SRXEq ] = reg1testLine( "SRXEq", ct->entRx.getValue()  /*, "RX Equipment"*/ );
   linelist[ ( int ) SAnte ] = reg1testLine( "SAnte", ct->entAnt.getValue()  /*, "Antenna"*/ );
   linelist[ ( int ) SAntH ] = reg1testLine( "SAntH", ct->entAGL.getValue() + ";" + ct->entASL.getValue()  /*, "Antenna Height agl;height asl"*/ );
   linelist[ ( int ) CQSOs ] = reg1testLine( "CQSOs", makeStr( nvalid ) + ";1" /*, "Claimed no. of valid QSOs;Band multiplier"*/ );

   linelist[ ( int ) CQSOP ] = reg1testLine( "CQSOP", makeStr( ct->contestScore ) ); /*, "Claimed no. of QSO points"*/
   linelist[ ( int ) CWWLs ] = reg1testLine( "CWWLs", makeStr( nlocs ) + ";0;1" ); /*, "Claimed no. of WWLs;Bonus per new WWL;WWL multiplier"*/
   linelist[ ( int ) CWWLB ] = reg1testLine( "CWWLB", "0" ); /*, "Claimed no. of WWL bonus points"*/
   linelist[ ( int ) CExcs ] = reg1testLine( "CExcs", makeStr( ndistrict ) + ";0;1" ); /*, "Claimed no. of exchanges; Bonus for each new exchange; Exchange Multiplier"*/
   linelist[ ( int ) CExcB ] = reg1testLine( "CExcB", "0" ); /*, "Claimed no. of exchange bonus points"*/
   linelist[ ( int ) CDXCs ] = reg1testLine( "CDXCs", makeStr( nctry ) + ";0;1" ); /*, "Claimed no. of DXCCs; Bonus for each new DXCC;DXCC multiplier"*/
   linelist[ ( int ) CDXCB ] = reg1testLine( "CDXCB", "0" ); /*, "Claimed no of DXCC bonus points"*/
   linelist[ ( int ) CToSc ] = reg1testLine( "CToSc", makeStr( ct->contestScore * ltot ) ); /*, "Claimed total score"*/
   linelist[ ( int ) CODXC ] = reg1testLine( "CODXC", bestdx ? ( ( bestdx->cs.fullCall.getValue() + ";" + bestdx->loc.loc.getValue() + ";" + makeStr( bestdx->contactScore.getValue() ).c_str() ).c_str() ) : ";;" ); /*, "(Best DX) Callsign; Locator; Distance"*/

   for ( int i = 0; i < LineCount; i++ )
      sprintf( lbuff, "%s=%s", linelist[ i ].prefix.c_str(), linelist[ i ].data.c_str() );
      wr.lwrite( lbuff );
      [Remarks]Remarks identifier
      F Remarks lines
   wr.lwrite( "[Remarks]" );

   for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < remarks.size(); i++ )
      wr.lwrite( remarks[ i ].c_str() );

   TMyRCVersion RCVersion;
   String ProductName = RCVersion.ProductName;
   String Version = RCVersion.FileVersion;

   String pver = "Produced by " + ProductName + " version " + Version;
   wr.lwrite( pver.c_str() );

      [QSORecords;Number of QSO records following]QSO records identifier;number of QSO records following
   sprintf( lbuff, "[QSORecords;%d]", nlines );
   wr.lwrite( lbuff );
   // and then the contact list

   for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < ct->ctList.size(); i++ )
      BaseContact *dct = ct->ctList[ i ];
      ContestContact *cct = dynamic_cast<ContestContact *>( dct );

      if ( cct->contactFlags.getValue() & ( LOCAL_COMMENT | COMMENT_ONLY | DONT_PRINT ) )
         // should all COMMENT_ONLY records go into remarks?
         // and also comments on individual QSOs?

      std::string sbuff;
      cct->getReg1TestText( sbuff );   // lbuff if "bsize" = 256

      if ( sbuff.length() == 0 )

      trimr( sbuff );			// No need to pad to 250!!
      wr.lwrite( sbuff.c_str() );

   return true;

Beispiel #6
bool baseRunApp( const std::string &commandLine, const std::string &params, const std::string &rundir, std::string &outfname, bool wait, bool minimise )

   StartInfo.hStdInput = 0;
   StartInfo.hStdOutput = 0;
   StartInfo.hStdError = 0;

   char appFName[ 255 ];
   int nLen = 0;
   nLen = ::GetModuleFileName( HInstance, appFName, 255 );
   appFName[ nLen ] = '\0';

   String fname = ExtractFilePath( appFName );
   fname += "TraceLog\\Runapp_";
   String progname = ExtractFileName( commandLine.c_str() );
   progname = progname.SubString( 1, progname.Pos( "." ) - 1 );
   std::string outFileName = ( fname + progname + ".log" ).c_str() ;

   // use the system defined TEMP directory
   std::string inFileName = "%TEMP%\\NullInput.txt";
   char cline[ 1024 ];
   DWORD cnt = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( inFileName.c_str(), cline, 1023 );
   if ( !cnt )
      logMessage( std::string( fname.c_str() ), std::string( "Error Expanding Environment Strings in " ) + inFileName + lastError() );
      outfname = outFileName.c_str();
      return false;
   cline[ cnt ] = 0;
   inFileName = cline;

   PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInformation;
   memset( &StartInfo, 0, sizeof( STARTUPINFO ) );
   StartInfo.cb = sizeof( STARTUPINFO );
   StartInfo.wShowWindow = ( minimise ? SW_MINIMIZE : SW_NORMAL );

   outsa.nLength = sizeof( outsa );
   outsa.lpSecurityDescriptor = 0;
   outsa.bInheritHandle = TRUE;

   StartInfo.hStdOutput = CreateFile( outFileName.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_READ, &outsa,
                                      CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH, 0 );

   if ( StartInfo.hStdOutput == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
      logMessage( std::string( fname.c_str() ), std::string( "Error opening output file " ) + outFileName.c_str() + " : " + lastError() );
      logMessage( std::string( fname.c_str() ), std::string( "Current directory is " ) + GetCurrentDir().c_str() );
      outfname = outFileName.c_str();
      return false;
   logMessage( std::string( fname.c_str() ), std::string( "Output file is " ) + outFileName );
   insa.nLength = sizeof( insa );
   insa.lpSecurityDescriptor = 0;
   insa.bInheritHandle = TRUE;

   StartInfo.hStdInput = CreateFile( inFileName.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, &insa,
                                     OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0 );

   if ( StartInfo.hStdInput == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
      logMessage( std::string( fname.c_str() ), std::string( "Error opening input file " ) + inFileName.c_str() + " : " + lastError() );
      logMessage( std::string( fname.c_str() ), std::string( "Current directory is " ) + GetCurrentDir().c_str() );
      outfname = outFileName.c_str();
      return false;

   // StdErr is a duplicate of StdOut

   BOOL cret = DuplicateHandle(
                  GetCurrentProcess(),   	// handle to process with handle to duplicate
                  StartInfo.hStdOutput,   	// handle to duplicate
                  GetCurrentProcess(),   	// handle to process to duplicate to
                  &StartInfo.hStdError,   	// pointer to duplicate handle
                  0,   	// access for duplicate handle
                  TRUE,   	// handle inheritance flag
                  DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS 	// optional actions
   if ( !cret )
      logMessage( std::string( fname.c_str() ), std::string( "Error duplicating handle for StdErr : " ) + lastError() );
      outfname = outFileName.c_str();
      return false;

   std::string cmdl = commandLine;
   if ( params.size() )
      cmdl += " " + params;
   cnt = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( cmdl.c_str(), cline, 1023 );
   if ( !cnt )
      logMessage( std::string( fname.c_str() ), std::string( "Error Expanding Environment Strings in " ) + cmdl + lastError() );
      outfname = outFileName.c_str();
      return false;
   cline[ cnt ] = 0;

   // All of our handles get passed on.

   cret = CreateProcess(
             0,    						// pointer to name of executable module
             cline,   					// pointer to command line string - NOT CONST!
             0,   							// pointer to process security attributes
             0,   							// pointer to thread security attributes

             TRUE,   						// handle inheritance flag - must be true to assign even the standard handles

             CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE,   	// creation flags
             0,   							// pointer to new environment block
             ( rundir.size() ? rundir.c_str() : 0 ),  		// pointer to current directory name
             &StartInfo,   				// pointer to STARTUPINFO
             &ProcessInformation 	// pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION

   // close all the handles - they are now given to the child process
   if ( StartInfo.hStdInput != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
      CloseHandle( StartInfo.hStdInput );
   if ( StartInfo.hStdError != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
      CloseHandle( StartInfo.hStdError );
   if ( StartInfo.hStdOutput != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
      CloseHandle( StartInfo.hStdOutput );

   if ( !cret )
      logMessage( std::string( fname.c_str() ), std::string( "Error running <" ) + commandLine + "> : " + lastError() );
      outfname = outFileName.c_str();
      return false;

   DWORD exitstat = 1;
   if ( wait )
      // we need to look at a closedown flag as well...
      WaitForSingleObject( ProcessInformation.hProcess, INFINITE );

      if ( !GetExitCodeProcess( ProcessInformation.hProcess, &exitstat ) )
         logMessage( std::string( outfname ), std::string( "Unable to get process exit status" ) + lastError() );


   CloseHandle( ProcessInformation.hThread );
   CloseHandle( ProcessInformation.hProcess );

   if ( wait )
      logMessage( std::string( fname.c_str() ), std::string( "Exit status was " ) + makeStr( exitstat ) );
   outfname = outFileName.c_str();
   return true;
ProfileEntry::ProfileEntry( int id, const char *n, bool d, const char *h )
      : id( id ), name( n ), bdefaultval( d ), sdefaultval( makeStr( d ) ), hint( h ), pt( petBool )
ProfileEntry::ProfileEntry( int id, const char *n, int d, const char *h )
      : id( id ), name( n ), idefaultval( d ), sdefaultval( makeStr( d ) ), hint( h ), pt( petInteger )