//  C_1_1 = M1 + M4 - M5 + M7
void strassen_calculate_C_1_1(
    int m, int n, int k,
    const Dtype* M1, const Dtype* M4,
    const Dtype* M5, const Dtype* M7,
    Dtype* C_1_1, int incRowC_1_1
    // C_1_1 = M1 + M4 - M5 + M7
    // C_1_1 = M1 + M4
    matrix_addition(m, k,
        M1, k,
        M4, k,
        C_1_1, incRowC_1_1);
    // C_1_1 += M7
    matrix_addition(m, k,
        C_1_1, incRowC_1_1,
        M7, k,
        C_1_1, incRowC_1_1);
    // C_1_1 -= M5
    matrix_subtraction(m, k,
        C_1_1, incRowC_1_1,
        M5, k,
        C_1_1, incRowC_1_1);

//  C_2_2 = M1 - M2 + M3 + M6
void strassen_calculate_C_2_2(
    int m, int n, int k,
    const Dtype* M1, const Dtype* M2,
    const Dtype* M3, const Dtype* M6,
    Dtype* C_2_2, int incRowC_2_2

    // C_2_2 = M1 - M2
    matrix_subtraction(m, k,
        M1, k,
        M2, k,
        C_2_2, incRowC_2_2);
    // C_2_2 += M3
    matrix_addition(m, k,
        C_2_2, incRowC_2_2,
        M3, k,
        C_2_2, incRowC_2_2);
    // C_2_2 += M6

    matrix_addition(m, k,
        C_2_2, incRowC_2_2,
        M6, k,
        C_2_2, incRowC_2_2);

Dtype* strassen_make_M4_submatrix(
    const unsigned int m,
    const unsigned int n,
    const unsigned int k,    
    const Dtype *A_2_2, const int incRowA_2_2,
    const Dtype *B_2_1, const int incRowB_2_1,
    const Dtype *B_1_1, const int incRowB_1_1){

    construct M4 by the formula
    M4 = A_2_2 * (B_2_1 - B_1_1)
    Dtype* T1 = make_matrix(m, k);
    // T1 = B_2_1 - B_1_1
    matrix_subtraction(m, k,
        B_2_1, incRowB_2_1,
        B_1_1, incRowB_1_1,
        T1, k);

    Dtype* M4 = make_matrix(m, k);
        m, n, k,
        A_2_2, incRowA_2_2,
        T1, k,
        M4, k);

    return M4;
Dtype* strassen_make_M3_submatrix(
    const unsigned int m,
    const unsigned int n,
    const unsigned int k,    
    const Dtype *A_1_1, const int incRowA_1_1,
    const Dtype *B_1_2, const int incRowB_1_2,
    const Dtype *B_2_2, const int incRowB_2_2){

    construct M3 by the formula
    M3 = A_1_1 * (B_1_2 - B_2_2)
    // T1 = B_1_2 - B_2_2
    Dtype* T1 = make_matrix(m, k);
    matrix_subtraction(m, k,
        B_1_2, incRowB_1_2,
        B_2_2, incRowB_2_2,
        T1, k);

    Dtype* M3 = make_matrix(m, k);
        m, n, k,
        A_1_1, incRowA_1_1,
        T1, k,
        M3, k); 

    return M3;
// M7 = (A_1_2 - A_2_2) * (B_2_1 + B_2_2)
Dtype* strassen_make_M7_submatrix(
    const unsigned int m,
    const unsigned int n,
    const unsigned int k,    
    const Dtype *A_1_2, const int incRowA_1_2,
    const Dtype *A_2_2, const int incRowA_2_2,
    const Dtype *B_2_1, const int incRowB_2_1,
    const Dtype *B_2_2, const int incRowB_2_2){

    construct M7 by the formula
    M7 = (A_1_2 - A_2_2) * (B_2_1 + B_2_2)
    Dtype* T1 = make_matrix(m, k);
    Dtype* T2 = make_matrix(m, k);    
    // T1 = (A_1_2 - A_2_2)
    matrix_subtraction(m, k,
        A_1_2, incRowA_1_2,
        A_2_2, incRowA_2_2,
        T1, k);
    // T2 = (B_2_1 + B_2_2)
    matrix_addition(m, k,
        B_2_1, incRowB_2_1,
        B_2_2, incRowB_2_2,
        T2, k);

    // M7 = T1 * T2
    Dtype* M7 = make_matrix(m, k);
        m, n, k,
        T1, k,
        T2, k,
        M7, k);

    return M7;
void kalman(float* in,float* out, float measure_noise, float process_noise)
  float R[3][3]={0}, Q[3][3]={0};

  /*const float A[3][3]= {
  const float H[3][3]= {
                        }; */
  const float B[3][3]= {
  const float I[3][3]= {
  static float x_hat[3][1];
  static float P[3][3];
  float z[3][1]; 
  float x_hat_[3][1];
  float P_[3][3];
  float K[3][3];
  float P_R1[3][3],P_R2[3][3];
  float z_x_hat_[3][1],K_z_x_hat_[3][1];
  float I_K[3][3];

  R[0][0] = measure_noise*measure_noise;
  R[1][1] = measure_noise*measure_noise;
  R[2][2] = measure_noise*measure_noise;
  Q[0][0] = process_noise*process_noise;
  Q[1][1] = process_noise*process_noise;
  Q[2][2] = process_noise*process_noise;

// x_hat_ = A*x_hat + B*u_;     <=>  x_hat_ = B*x_hat  
matrix_multiply((float*)B, (float*)x_hat,3,3,1,(float*)x_hat_);

//P_ = A*P*A' + Q;   <=>  P_ = P + Q

//K = P_*H'*inv(H*P_*H' + R);   <=>  K = P_*inv(P_ + R)
matrix_addition((float*)P_,(float*)R,3,3,(float*)P_R1);  // P_R1 = P_ + R
matrix_inversion((float*)P_R1,3,(float*)P_R2);  // P_R2 = inv( P_R1)
matrix_multiply((float*)P_, (float*)P_R2,3,3,3,(float*)K);

//x_hat = x_hat_ + K*(z - H*x_hat_);    <=>   x_hat = x_hat_ + K*(z - x_hat_)
matrix_subtraction((float*)z,(float*)x_hat_,3,1,(float*)z_x_hat_); // z_x_hat_ = z - x_hat_
matrix_multiply((float*)K, (float*)z_x_hat_,3,3,1,(float*)K_z_x_hat_); // K_z_x_hat_ = K*z_x_hat_
matrix_addition((float*)x_hat_,(float*)K_z_x_hat_,3,1,(float*)x_hat); // x_hat = x_hat_ + K_z_x_hat_

//P = ( I - K*H)*P_;    <=>   ( I - K )*P_
matrix_subtraction((float*)I,(float*)K,3,3,(float*)I_K);   // I_K = I - K
matrix_multiply((float*)I_K, (float*)P_,3,3,3,(float*)P);  // P = I_K*P_

float kalman_update(float gyroscope_rate, float accelerometer_angle) 

   static  float A[2][2] = {{1.0, -0.019968}, {0.0, 1.0}}; 
   static  float B[2][1] = {{0.019968}, {0.0}}; 
  static   float C[1][2] = {{1.0, 0.0}}; 
  static   float Sz[1][1] = {{17.2}}; 
  static   float Sw[2][2] = {{0.005, 0.005}, {0.005, 0.005}}; 

   static   float xhat[2][1] = {{0.0}, {0.0}}; 
   static   float P[2][2] = {{0.005, 0.005}, {0.005, 0.005}}; 

    float u[1][1];        
    float y[1][1];         

    float AP[2][2];            
    float CT[2][1];         
    float APCT[2][1];         
    float CP[1][2];  
    float CPCT[1][1];   
    float CPCTSz[1][1];   
    float CPCTSzInv[1][1]; 
    float K[2][1];   
    float Cxhat[1][1];   
    float yCxhat[1][1];      
    float KyCxhat[2][1];  
    float Axhat[2][1];      
    float Bu[2][1];  
    float AxhatBu[2][1];  
    float AT[2][2];   
    float APAT[2][2];       
    float APATSw[2][2];         
    float KC[2][2];          
    float KCP[2][2];        
    float KCPAT[2][2];     

    u[0][0] = gyroscope_rate; 
    y[0][0] = accelerometer_angle; 

    matrix_multiply((float*) A, (float*) xhat, 2, 2, 1, (float*) Axhat); 
    matrix_multiply((float*) B, (float*) u, 2, 1, 1, (float*) Bu); 
    matrix_addition((float*) Axhat, (float*) Bu, 2, 1, (float*) AxhatBu); 

    matrix_multiply((float*) C, (float*) xhat, 1, 2, 1, (float*) Cxhat); 
    matrix_subtraction((float*) y, (float*) Cxhat, 1, 1, (float*) yCxhat); 

    matrix_transpose((float*) C, 1, 2, (float*) CT); 
    matrix_multiply((float*) C, (float*) P, 1, 2, 2, (float*) CP); 
    matrix_multiply((float*) CP, (float*) CT, 1, 2, 1, (float*) CPCT); 
    matrix_addition((float*) CPCT, (float*) Sz, 1, 1, (float*) CPCTSz); 

    matrix_multiply((float*) A, (float*) P, 2, 2, 2, (float*) AP); 
    matrix_multiply((float*) AP, (float*) CT, 2, 2, 1, (float*) APCT); 
    matrix_inversion((float*) CPCTSz, 1, (float*) CPCTSzInv); 
    matrix_multiply((float*) APCT, (float*) CPCTSzInv, 2, 1, 1, (float*) K); 

    matrix_multiply((float*) K, (float*) yCxhat, 2, 1, 1, (float*) KyCxhat); 
    matrix_addition((float*) AxhatBu, (float*) KyCxhat, 2, 1, (float*) xhat); 

    matrix_transpose((float*) A, 2, 2, (float*) AT); 
    matrix_multiply((float*) AP, (float*) AT, 2, 2, 2, (float*) APAT); 
    matrix_addition((float*) APAT, (float*) Sw, 2, 2, (float*) APATSw); 
    matrix_multiply((float*) K, (float*) C, 2, 1, 2, (float*) KC); 
    matrix_multiply((float*) KC, (float*) P, 2, 2, 2, (float*) KCP); 
    matrix_multiply((float*) KCP, (float*) AT, 2, 2, 2, (float*) KCPAT); 
    matrix_subtraction((float*) APATSw, (float*) KCPAT, 2, 2, (float*) P); 

    return xhat[0][0]; 
Beispiel #8
matrix_t matrix_multiplication_strassen(matrix_t mat_a, matrix_t mat_b,
				        matrix_t mat_c, int min_thres)
    int len = mat_a.row_end - mat_a.row_start + 1;
    matrix_t p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7;
    matrix_t c_copy = mat_c;
    /* if (len != pow(2, log2(len))) { */
    /* 	printf("Strassen Algorithm not applicable\n"); */
    /* 	return mat_c; */
    /* } */
    if (len <= min_thres) {
	return matrix_multiplication(mat_a, mat_b, mat_c);
    } else {
	printf("Divide and Conquer\n");
	matrix_init(&p1, &p2, &p3, &p4, &p5, &p6, &p7, len/2);
	matrix_multiplication_strassen(partition_matrix(mat_a, 1, 1),
				       matrix_subtraction(partition_matrix(mat_b, 1, 2),
							  partition_matrix(mat_b, 2, 2), p1),
				       p1, min_thres);
	matrix_multiplication_strassen(partition_matrix(mat_b, 2, 2),
				       matrix_addition(partition_matrix(mat_a, 1, 1),
						       partition_matrix(mat_a, 1, 2), p2),
				       p2, min_thres);
	matrix_multiplication_strassen(partition_matrix(mat_b, 1, 1),
				       matrix_addition(partition_matrix(mat_a, 2, 1),
						       partition_matrix(mat_a, 2, 2), p3),
				       p3, min_thres);
	matrix_multiplication_strassen(partition_matrix(mat_a, 2, 2),
				       matrix_subtraction(partition_matrix(mat_b, 2, 1),
							  partition_matrix(mat_b, 1, 1), p3),
				       p3, min_thres);
        matrix_addition(matrix_multiplication_strassen(partition_matrix(mat_a, 1, 1),
						       matrix_addition(partition_matrix(mat_b, 1, 1),
								       partition_matrix(mat_b, 2, 2),
								       p5), p5, min_thres),
			matrix_multiplication_strassen(partition_matrix(mat_a, 2, 2),
						       matrix_addition(partition_matrix(mat_b, 1, 1),
								       partition_matrix(mat_b, 2, 2),
								       p5), p5, min_thres),
	matrix_subtraction(matrix_multiplication_strassen(partition_matrix(mat_a, 1, 2),
							  matrix_addition(partition_matrix(mat_b, 2, 1),
									  partition_matrix(mat_b, 2, 2),
									  p6), p6, min_thres),
			   matrix_multiplication_strassen(partition_matrix(mat_a, 2, 2),
							  matrix_addition(partition_matrix(mat_b, 2, 1),
									  partition_matrix(mat_b, 2, 2),
									  p6), p6, min_thres),
	matrix_subtraction(matrix_multiplication_strassen(partition_matrix(mat_a, 1, 1),
							  matrix_addition(partition_matrix(mat_b, 1, 1),
									  partition_matrix(mat_b, 1, 2),
									  p7), p7, min_thres),
			   matrix_multiplication_strassen(partition_matrix(mat_a, 2, 1),
							  matrix_addition(partition_matrix(mat_b, 1, 1),
									  partition_matrix(mat_b, 1, 2),
									  p7), p7, min_thres),
	matrix_addition(matrix_addition(p5, p4, partition_matrix(mat_c, 1, 1)),
			matrix_subtraction(p6, p2, partition_matrix(mat_c, 1, 1)),
			partition_matrix(mat_c, 1, 1));
	matrix_addition(p1, p2, partition_matrix(mat_c, 1, 2));
	matrix_addition(p3, p4, partition_matrix(mat_c, 2, 1));
	matrix_subtraction(matrix_addition(p5, p1, partition_matrix(mat_c, 2, 2)),
			   matrix_addition(p3, p7, partition_matrix(mat_c, 2, 2)),
			   partition_matrix(mat_c, 2, 2));
	mat_c.row_start = c_copy.row_start;
	mat_c.row_end = c_copy.row_end;
	mat_c.column_start = c_copy.column_start;
	mat_c.column_end = c_copy.column_end;
	return mat_c;
