Beispiel #1
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int i;
    int rc;
    int verbose;
    int md5only;
    int filearg;

    if (argc < 2) {
	printf("Usage: checkisomd5 [--md5sumonly] [--verbose] <isofilename>|<blockdevice>\n\n");

    md5only = 0;
    verbose = 0;
    filearg = 1;
    for (i=1; i < argc; i++) {
	if (strcmp(argv[i], "--md5sumonly") == 0) {
	    md5only = 1;
	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--verbose") == 0) {
	    verbose = 1;
	} else 

    if (md5only|verbose)

    if (md5only)

    rc = mediaCheckFile(argv[filearg], !verbose);

    /* 1 means it passed, 0 means it failed, -1 means we couldnt find chksum */
    if (rc == 1)
Beispiel #2
int doMediaCheck(char *file, char *descr) {
    struct progressCBdata data;
    newtComponent t, f, scale, label;
    int rc;
    int dlen;
    int llen;
    char tmpstr[1024];

    if (access(file, R_OK) < 0) {
	newtWinMessage(_("Error"), _("OK"), _("Unable to find install image "
					      "%s"), file);
	return -1;

    if (descr)
	snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), _("Checking \"%s\"..."), descr);
	snprintf(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), _("Checking media now..."));

    dlen = strlen(tmpstr);
    if (dlen > 65)
	dlen = 65;

    newtCenteredWindow(dlen+8, 6, _("Media Check"));
    t = newtTextbox(1, 1, dlen+4, 3, NEWT_TEXTBOX_WRAP);

    newtTextboxSetText(t, tmpstr);
    llen = strlen(tmpstr);

    label = newtLabel(llen+1, 1, "-");
    f = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0);
    newtFormAddComponent(f, t);
    scale = newtScale(3, 3, dlen, 100);
    newtFormAddComponent(f, scale);


    data.scale = scale;
    data.label = label;

    rc = mediaCheckFile(file, progressCallback, &data);


    if (rc == -1) {
	logMessage(WARNING, "mediacheck: %s (%s) has no checksum info", file, descr);
	newtWinMessage(_("Error"), _("OK"),
		       _("Unable to read the disc checksum from the "
			 "primary volume descriptor.  This probably "
			 "means the disc was created without adding the "
    } else if (rc == 0) {
        logMessage(ERROR, "mediacheck: %s (%s) FAILED", file, descr);
        newtWinMessage(_("Error"), _("OK"),
                       _("The image which was just tested has errors. "
                         "This could be due to a "
                         "corrupt download or a bad disc.  "
                         "If applicable, please clean the disc "
                         "and try again.  If this test continues to fail you "
                         "should not continue the install."));
    } else if (rc > 0) {
        logMessage(INFO, "mediacheck: %s (%s) PASSED", file, descr);
        newtWinMessage(_("Success"), _("OK"),
                       _("The image which was just tested was successfully "
                         "verified.  It should be OK to install from this "
                         "media.  Note that not all media/drive errors can "
                         "be detected by the media check."));

    return rc;
 * Given cd device cddriver, this function will attempt to check its internal
 * checksum.
 * JKFIXME: this ignores "location", which should be fixed */
static char * mediaCheckCdrom(char *cddriver) {
    int rc;
    int first;

    devMakeInode(cddriver, "/tmp/cdrom");

    first = 1;
    do {
        char *descr;
        char *tstamp;
        int ejectcd;

        /* init every pass */
        ejectcd = 0;
        descr = NULL;

        /* if first time through, see if they want to eject the CD      */
        /* currently in the drive (most likely the CD they booted from) */
        /* and test a different disk.  Otherwise just test the disk in  */
        /* the drive since it was inserted in the previous pass through */
        /* this loop, so they want it tested.                           */
        if (first) {
            first = 0;
            rc = newtWinChoice(_("Media Check"), _("Test"), _("Eject CD"),
                               _("Choose \"%s\" to test the CD currently in "
                                 "the drive, or \"%s\" to eject the CD and "
                                 "insert another for testing."), _("Test"),
                               _("Eject CD"));

            if (rc == 2)
                ejectcd = 1;

        if (!ejectcd) {
            /* XXX MSFFIXME: should check return code for error */
            readStampFileFromIso("/tmp/cdrom", &tstamp, &descr);
            mediaCheckFile("/tmp/cdrom", descr);

            if (descr)

        if (!FL_NOEJECT(flags))
            logMessage(INFO, "noeject in effect, not ejecting cdrom");

        rc = newtWinChoice(_("Media Check"), _("Test"), _("Continue"),
                       _("If you would like to test additional media, "
                       "insert the next CD and press \"%s\". "
                       "Testing each CD is not strictly required, however "
                       "it is highly recommended.  Minimally, the CDs should "
                       "be tested prior to using them for the first time. "
                       "After they have been successfully tested, it is not "
                       "required to retest each CD prior to using it again."),
                       _("Test"), _("Continue"));

        if (rc == 2) {
            if (!FL_NOEJECT(flags))
                logMessage(INFO, "noeject in effect, not unmounting /tmp/cdrom");
            return NULL;
        } else {
    } while (1);
    return NULL;