Beispiel #1
    If ME_CONFIG_FILE is defined, use that as the base name for appweb.conf. Otherwise, use
    "programName.conf". Search order is:

static int findAppwebConf()
    char    *base, *filename;

    if (ME_CONFIG_FILE) {
        base = sclone(ME_CONFIG_FILE);
    } else {
        base = mprJoinPathExt(mprGetAppName(), ".conf");
#if !ME_ROM
    filename = base;
    if (!mprPathExists(filename, R_OK)) {
        filename = mprJoinPath(app->home, base);
        if (!mprPathExists(filename, R_OK)) {
            filename = mprJoinPath(mprGetPathParent(mprGetAppDir()), base);
            if (!mprPathExists(filename, R_OK)) {
                filename = mprJoinPath(mprGetPathParent(mprGetAppDir()), "appweb.conf");
                if (!mprPathExists(filename, R_OK)) {
                    mprError("Cannot find config file %s", base);
                    return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN;
    app->configFile = filename;
    return 0;
Beispiel #2
PUBLIC int maSetPlatform(cchar *platformPath)
    MaAppweb        *appweb;
    MprDirEntry     *dp;
    cchar           *platform, *dir, *junk, *appwebExe;
    int             next, i, notrace;

    appweb = MPR->appwebService;
    notrace = !platformPath;
    if (!platformPath) {
        platformPath = appweb->localPlatform;
    appweb->platform = appweb->platformDir = 0;
    platform = mprGetPathBase(platformPath);

    if (mprPathExists(platformPath, X_OK) && mprIsPathDir(platformPath)) {
        appweb->platform = platform;
        appweb->platformDir = sclone(platformPath);

    } else if (smatch(platform, appweb->localPlatform)) {
            If running inside an appweb source tree, locate the platform directory 
        appwebExe = mprJoinPath(mprGetAppDir(), "appweb" BIT_EXE);
        if (mprPathExists(appwebExe, R_OK)) {
            appweb->platform = appweb->localPlatform;
            appweb->platformDir = mprGetPathParent(mprGetAppDir());

        } else {
                Check installed appweb
            appwebExe = BIT_VAPP_PREFIX "/bin/appweb" BIT_EXE;
            if (mprPathExists(appwebExe, R_OK)) {
                appweb->platform = appweb->localPlatform;
                appweb->platformDir = sclone(BIT_VAPP_PREFIX);
        Last chance. Search up the tree for a similar platform directory.
        This permits specifying a partial platform like "vxworks" without architecture and profile.
    if (!appweb->platformDir) {
        dir = mprGetCurrentPath();
        for (i = 0; !mprSamePath(dir, "/") && i < 64; i++) {
            for (ITERATE_ITEMS(mprGetPathFiles(dir, 0), dp, next)) {
                if (dp->isDir && sstarts(mprGetPathBase(dp->name), platform)) {
                    appweb->platform = mprGetPathBase(dp->name);
                    appweb->platformDir = mprJoinPath(dir, dp->name);
            dir = mprGetPathParent(dir);
Beispiel #3
    Set the current working directory
    function chdir(value: String|Path): void
static EjsObj *app_chdir(Ejs *ejs, EjsObj *unused, int argc, EjsObj **argv)
    cchar   *path;

    assert(argc == 1);

    if (ejsIs(ejs, argv[0], Path)) {
        path = ((EjsPath*) argv[0])->value;

    } else if (ejsIs(ejs, argv[0], String)) {
        path = ejsToMulti(ejs, argv[0]);

    } else {
        ejsThrowIOError(ejs, "Bad path");
        return NULL;
    MprFileSystem   *fs;
    fs = mprLookupFileSystem(path);
    if (!mprPathExists(path, X_OK) && *path == '/') {
        path = sjoin(fs->cygwin, path, NULL);
    if (chdir((char*) path) < 0) {
        ejsThrowIOError(ejs, "Cannot change the current directory");
    return 0;
Beispiel #4
    Path is the path to the esp.json
static int defineApp(HttpRoute *route, cchar *path)
    EspRoute    *eroute;

    if ((eroute = espRoute(route)) == 0) {
        return MPR_ERR_MEMORY;
    eroute->top = eroute;
    if (path) {
        if (!mprPathExists(path, R_OK)) {
            mprLog("error esp", 0, "Cannot open %s", path);
            return MPR_ERR_CANT_FIND;
        httpSetRouteHome(route, mprGetPathDir(path));
        eroute->configFile = sclone(path);

    httpAddRouteHandler(route, "espHandler", "");
    httpAddRouteIndex(route, "index.esp");
    httpAddRouteIndex(route, "index.html");
    httpSetRouteXsrf(route, 1);
    mprLog("info esp", 3, "ESP app: %s", path);
    return 0;
Beispiel #5
static Edi *mdbOpen(cchar *source, int flags)
    Mdb         *mdb;

    if (flags & EDI_LITERAL) {
        flags |= EDI_NO_SAVE;
        if ((mdb = mdbCreate("literal", flags)) == 0) {
            return 0;
        if (mdbLoadFromString((Edi*) mdb, source) < 0) {
            return 0;

    } else {
        if (!mprPathExists(source, R_OK) && !(flags & EDI_CREATE)) {
            return 0;
        if ((mdb = mdbCreate(source, flags)) == 0) {
            return 0;
        if (mdbLoad((Edi*) mdb, source) < 0) {
            return 0;
    return (Edi*) mdb;
Beispiel #6
    Return true if the shared library in "file" can be found. Return the actual path in *path. The filename
    may not have a shared library extension which is typical so calling code can be cross platform.
static char *probe(cchar *filename)
    char    *path;

    assert(filename && *filename);

    if (mprPathExists(filename, R_OK)) {
        return sclone(filename);
    if (strstr(filename, ME_SHOBJ) == 0) {
        path = sjoin(filename, ME_SHOBJ, NULL);
        if (mprPathExists(path, R_OK)) {
            return path;
    return 0;
Beispiel #7
static int process(EjsMod *mp, cchar *output, int argc, char **argv)
    Ejs         *ejs;
    EjsModule   *module;
    MprFile     *outfile;
    MprList     *depends;
    int         count, i, next, moduleCount;

    ejs = mp->ejs;

    if (output) {
        outfile = mprOpenFile(output, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY, 0664);
    } else {
        outfile = 0;
    ejs->loaderCallback = (mp->listing) ? emListingLoadCallback : 0;
    mp->firstGlobal = ejsGetLength(ejs, ejs->global);

        For each module on the command line
    for (i = 0; i < argc && !mp->fatalError; i++) {
        moduleCount = mprGetListLength(ejs->modules);
        ejs->loadData = mp;
        if (!mprPathExists(argv[i], R_OK)) {
            mprError("Can't access module %s", argv[i]);
            return EJS_ERR;
        if ((ejsLoadModule(ejs, ejsCreateStringFromAsc(ejs, argv[i]), -1, -1, EJS_LOADER_NO_INIT)) < 0) {
            ejs->loaderCallback = NULL;
            mprError("Can't load module %s\n%s", argv[i], ejsGetErrorMsg(ejs, 0));
            return EJS_ERR;
        if (mp->genSlots) {
            for (next = moduleCount; (module = mprGetNextItem(ejs->modules, &next)) != 0; ) {
                emCreateSlotFiles(mp, module, outfile);
        if (mp->depends) {
            depends = mprCreateList(-1, 0);
            for (next = moduleCount; (module = mprGetNextItem(ejs->modules, &next)) != 0; ) {
                getDepends(ejs, depends, module);
            count = mprGetListLength(depends);
            for (next = 1; (module = mprGetNextItem(depends, &next)) != 0; ) {
                int version = module->version;
                mprPrintf("%@-%d.%d.%d%s", module->name, EJS_MAJOR(version), EJS_MINOR(version), EJS_PATCH(version),
                          (next >= count) ? "" : " ");
    if (mp->html || mp->xml) {
    return 0;
Beispiel #8
static void setAppDefaults()
    app->appName = mprGetAppName();
    app->serviceProgram = sclone(SERVICE_PROGRAM);
    app->serviceName = sclone(SERVICE_NAME);
    app->serviceHome = mprGetNativePath(SERVICE_HOME);
    app->retries = RESTART_MAX;
    app->signal = SIGTERM;

    if (mprPathExists("/var/run", X_OK) && getuid() == 0) {
        app->pidDir = sclone("/var/run");
    } else if (mprPathExists("/tmp", X_OK)) {
        app->pidDir = sclone("/tmp");
    } else if (mprPathExists("/Temp", X_OK)) {
        app->pidDir = sclone("/Temp");
    } else {
        app->pidDir = sclone(".");
Beispiel #9
static int findConfig()
    char    *base, *filename;

    base = sclone("http.json");
    filename = base;
    if (!mprPathExists(filename, R_OK)) {
        filename = mprJoinPath(mprGetPathParent(mprGetAppDir()), base);
        if (!mprPathExists(filename, R_OK)) {
            filename = mprJoinPath(mprGetPathParent(mprGetAppDir()), base);
            if (!mprPathExists(filename, R_OK)) {
                mprError("Cannot find config file %s", base);
                return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN;
    app->configFile = filename;
    return 0;
Beispiel #10
static void testTemp(MprTestGroup *gp)
    char    *path;

    path = mprGetTempPath(NULL);
    assert(path && *path);
    assert(mprPathExists(path, F_OK));
Beispiel #11
static void testCopyPath(MprTestGroup *gp)
    MprFile     *file;
    char        *from, *to;

    from = sfmt("copyTest-%s.tmp", mprGetCurrentThreadName(gp));
    assert(from != 0);
    file = mprOpenFile(from, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, 0664);
    assert(file != 0);
    mprWriteFileString(file, "Hello World");

    to = sfmt("newTest-%s.tmp", mprGetCurrentThreadName(gp));
    assert(mprPathExists(from, F_OK));
    mprCopyPath(from, to, 0664);
    assert(mprPathExists(to, F_OK));
Beispiel #12
    Return true if the shared library in "file" can be found. Return the actual path in *path. The filename
    may not have a shared library extension which is typical so calling code can be cross platform.
static char *probe(cchar *filename)
    char    *path;

    mprAssert(filename && *filename);

    mprLog(7, "Probe for native module %s", filename);
    if (mprPathExists(filename, R_OK)) {
        return sclone(filename);

    if (strstr(filename, BIT_SHOBJ) == 0) {
        path = sjoin(filename, BIT_SHOBJ, NULL);
        mprLog(7, "Probe for native module %s", path);
        if (mprPathExists(path, R_OK)) {
            return path;
    return 0;
Beispiel #13
static bool exists(cchar *fmt, ...)
    va_list     args;
    cchar       *path;
    bool        rc;

    va_start(args, fmt);
    path = sfmtv(fmt, args);
    rc = mprPathExists(path, F_OK);
    return rc;
Beispiel #14
    Set the platform objects location
PUBLIC int httpSetPlatformDir(cchar *path)
    Http    *http;

    http = HTTP;
    if (path) {
        if (mprPathExists(path, X_OK)) {
            http->platformDir = mprGetAbsPath(path);
        } else {
                Possible source tree platform directory
            http->platformDir = mprJoinPath(mprGetPathDir(mprGetPathDir(mprGetPathDir(mprGetAppPath()))), path);
            if (!mprPathExists(http->platformDir, X_OK)) {
                http->platformDir = mprGetAbsPath(path);
    } else {
        http->platformDir = mprGetPathDir(mprGetPathDir(mprGetAppPath()));
    return 0;
Beispiel #15
static int findConfigFile()
    cchar   *userPath;

    userPath = app->configFile;
    if (app->configFile == 0) {
        app->configFile = mprJoinPathExt(mprGetAppName(), ".conf");
    if (!mprPathExists(app->configFile, R_OK)) {
        if (!userPath) {
            app->configFile = mprJoinPath(app->home, "appweb.conf");
            if (!mprPathExists(app->configFile, R_OK)) {
                app->configFile = mprJoinPath(mprGetAppDir(), sfmt("../%s/%s.conf", BLD_LIB_NAME, mprGetAppName()));
        if (!mprPathExists(app->configFile, R_OK)) {
            mprError("Can't open config file %s", app->configFile);
            return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN;
    return 0;
Beispiel #16
static int findAppwebConf()
    cchar   *userPath;

    userPath = app->configFile;
    if (!app->configFile || *app->configFile == '\0') {
        app->configFile = mprJoinPathExt(mprGetAppName(), ".conf");
#if !BIT_ROM
    if (!mprPathExists(app->configFile, R_OK)) {
        if (!userPath) {
            app->configFile = mprJoinPath(app->home, "appweb.conf");
            if (!mprPathExists(app->configFile, R_OK)) {
                app->configFile = mprJoinPath(mprGetAppDir(), sfmt("%s.conf", mprGetAppName()));
        if (!mprPathExists(app->configFile, R_OK)) {
            mprError("Cannot open config file %s", app->configFile);
            return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN;
    return 0;
Beispiel #17
 *  Set the Server Root directory. We convert path into an absolute path.
void maSetServerRoot(MaServer *server, cchar *path)
    if (path == 0 || BLD_FEATURE_ROMFS) {
        path = ".";
     *  VxWorks stat() is broken if using a network FTP server.
    if (! mprPathExists(server, path, R_OK)) {
        mprError(server, "Can't access ServerRoot directory %s", path);
    server->serverRoot = mprGetAbsPath(server, path);
Beispiel #18
    Set the home directory (Server Root). We convert path into an absolute path.
void maSetServerHome(MaServer *server, cchar *path)
    if (path == 0 || BLD_FEATURE_ROMFS) {
        path = ".";
        VxWorks stat() is broken if using a network FTP server.
    if (! mprPathExists(path, R_OK)) {
        mprError("Can't access ServerRoot directory %s", path);
    server->home = mprGetAbsPath(path);
    mprLog(MPR_CONFIG, "Set server root to: \"%s\"", server->home);
Beispiel #19
    Write upload data. This routine blocks. If you need non-blocking ... cut and paste.
PUBLIC ssize httpWriteUploadData(HttpConn *conn, MprList *fileData, MprList *formData)
    char    *path, *pair, *key, *value, *name;
    cchar   *type;
    ssize   rc;
    int     next;

    rc = 0;
    if (formData) {
        for (rc = next = 0; rc >= 0 && (pair = mprGetNextItem(formData, &next)) != 0; ) {
            key = ssplit(sclone(pair), "=", &value);
            rc += httpWrite(conn->writeq, "%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"%s\";\r\n", conn->boundary, key);
            rc += httpWrite(conn->writeq, "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n\r\n%s\r\n", value);
    if (fileData) {
        for (rc = next = 0; rc >= 0 && (path = mprGetNextItem(fileData, &next)) != 0; ) {
            if (!mprPathExists(path, R_OK)) {
                httpError(conn, HTTP_CODE_NOT_FOUND, "Cannot open %s", path);
                return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN;
            name = mprGetPathBase(path);
            rc += httpWrite(conn->writeq, "%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file%d\"; filename=\"%s\"\r\n",
                conn->boundary, next - 1, name);
            if ((type = mprLookupMime(MPR->mimeTypes, path)) != 0) {
                rc += httpWrite(conn->writeq, "Content-Type: %s\r\n", mprLookupMime(MPR->mimeTypes, path));
            httpWrite(conn->writeq, "\r\n");
            if (blockingFileCopy(conn, path) < 0) {
                return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE;
            rc += httpWrite(conn->writeq, "\r\n");
    rc += httpWrite(conn->writeq, "%s--\r\n--", conn->boundary);
    return rc;
Beispiel #20
MAIN(appweb, int argc, char **argv)
    Mpr         *mpr;
    MaHttp      *http;
    cchar       *ipAddrPort, *documentRoot, *argp, *logSpec;
    char        *configFile, *ipAddr, *homeDir, *timeText, *ejsPrefix, *ejsPath, *changeRoot;
    int         workers, outputVersion, argind, port;
    documentRoot = 0;
    changeRoot = ejsPrefix = ejsPath = 0;
    ipAddrPort = 0;
    ipAddr = 0;
    port = -1;
    logSpec = 0;
    server = 0;
    outputVersion = 0;
    workers = -1;


    mpr = mprCreate(argc, argv, memoryFailure);
    argc = mpr->argc;
    argv = mpr->argv;

    extern MprRomInode romFiles[];
    mprSetRomFileSystem(mpr, romFiles);

    if (osInit(mpr) < 0) {
    if (mprStart(mpr, 0) < 0) {
        mprUserError(mpr, "Can't start MPR for %s", mprGetAppName(mpr));

    for (argind = 1; argind < argc; argind++) {
        argp = argv[argind];
        if (*argp != '-') {
        if (strcmp(argp, "--config") == 0) {
            if (argind >= argc) {
                return printUsage(mpr);
            configFile = argv[++argind];

        } else if (strcmp(argp, "--chroot") == 0) {
            if (argind >= argc) {
                return printUsage(mpr);
            changeRoot = mprGetAbsPath(mpr, argv[++argind]);

        } else if (strcmp(argp, "--debug") == 0 || strcmp(argp, "-D") == 0 || 
                strcmp(argp, "-d") == 0 || strcmp(argp, "--debugger") == 0) {
            mprSetDebugMode(mpr, 1);

        } else if (strcmp(argp, "--ejs") == 0) {
            if (argind >= argc) {
                return printUsage(mpr);
            ejsPrefix = mprStrdup(mpr, argv[++argind]);
            if ((ejsPath = strchr(ejsPrefix, ':')) != 0) {
                *ejsPath++ = '\0';
            ejsPath = mprGetAbsPath(mpr, ejsPath);

        } else if (strcmp(argp, "--home") == 0) {
            if (argind >= argc) {
                return printUsage(mpr);
            homeDir = mprGetAbsPath(mpr, argv[++argind]);
            if (chdir((char*) homeDir) < 0) {
                mprPrintfError(mpr, "%s: Can't change directory to %s\n", mprGetAppName(mpr), homeDir);

        } else if (strcmp(argp, "--log") == 0 || strcmp(argp, "-l") == 0) {
            if (argind >= argc) {
                return printUsage(mpr);
            logSpec = argv[++argind];
            maStartLogging(mpr, logSpec);

        } else if (strcmp(argp, "--name") == 0 || strcmp(argp, "-n") == 0) {
            if (argind >= argc) {
                return printUsage(mpr);
            mprSetAppName(mpr, argv[++argind], 0, 0);

        } else if (strcmp(argp, "--threads") == 0) {
            if (argind >= argc) {
                return printUsage(mpr);
            workers = atoi(argv[++argind]);

        } else if (strcmp(argp, "--verbose") == 0 || strcmp(argp, "-v") == 0) {
            maStartLogging(mpr, "stdout:2");

        } else if (strcmp(argp, "--version") == 0 || strcmp(argp, "-V") == 0) {

        } else {
            mprPrintfError(mpr, "Unknown switch \"%s\"\n", argp);

    if (argc > argind) {
        if (argc > (argind + 2)) {
            return printUsage(mpr);
        ipAddrPort = argv[argind++];
        if (argc > argind) {
            documentRoot = argv[argind++];
        } else {
            documentRoot = ".";

    if (outputVersion) {
        mprPrintf(mpr, "%s %s-%s\n", mprGetAppTitle(mpr), BLD_VERSION, BLD_NUMBER);

    if (ipAddrPort) {
        mprParseIp(mpr, ipAddrPort, &ipAddr, &port, MA_SERVER_DEFAULT_PORT_NUM);
    } else {
        if (configFile == 0) {
            configFile = mprStrcat(mpr, -1, mprGetAppName(mpr), ".conf", NULL);
        if (!mprPathExists(mpr, configFile, R_OK)) {
            mprPrintfError(mpr, "Can't open config file %s\n", configFile);
        return printUsage(mpr);
        if (homeDir == 0) {
            homeDir = mprGetPathParent(mpr, configFile);
            if (chdir((char*) homeDir) < 0) {
                mprPrintfError(mpr, "%s: Can't change directory to %s\n", mprGetAppName(mpr), homeDir);
    homeDir = mprGetCurrentPath(mpr);
    if (checkEnvironment(mpr, argv[0], homeDir) < 0) {

    if (changeRoot) {
        homeDir = mprGetAbsPath(mpr, changeRoot);
        if (chdir(homeDir) < 0) {
            mprError(mpr, "%s: Can't change directory to %s", homeDir);
        if (chroot(homeDir) < 0) {
            if (errno == EPERM) {
                mprError(mpr, "%s: Must be super user to use the --chroot option", mprGetAppName(mpr));
            } else {
                mprError(mpr, "%s: Can't change change root directory to %s, errno %d",
                    mprGetAppName(mpr), homeDir, errno);

     *  Create the top level HTTP service and default HTTP server. Set the initial server root to "."
    http = maCreateHttp(mpr);
    if (http == 0) {
        mprUserError(mpr, "Can't create HTTP service for %s", mprGetAppName(mpr));
    server = maCreateServer(http, "default", ".", 0, -1);
    if (server == 0) {
        mprUserError(mpr, "Can't create HTTP server for %s", mprGetAppName(mpr));
    if (maConfigureServer(mpr, http, server, configFile, ipAddr, port, documentRoot) < 0) {
        /* mprUserError(mpr, "Can't configure the server, exiting."); */
    if (mpr->ipAddr) {
        mprLog(mpr, 2, "Server IP address %s", mpr->ipAddr);
    timeText = mprFormatLocalTime(mpr, mprGetTime(mpr));
    mprLog(mpr, 1, "Started at %s", timeText);

    if (ejsPrefix) {
        createEjsAlias(mpr, http, server, ejsPrefix, ejsPath);

    if (workers >= 0) {
        mprSetMaxWorkers(http, workers);
    if (!ejsPrefix) {

    if (maStartHttp(http) < 0) {
        mprUserError(mpr, "Can't start HTTP service, exiting.");

    mprLog(mpr, 1, "HTTP services are ready with max %d worker threads", mprGetMaxWorkers(mpr));
    mprLog(mpr, 1, "HTTP services are ready (single-threaded)");

     *  Service I/O events until instructed to exit
    while (!mprIsExiting(mpr)) {
        mprServiceEvents(mpr->dispatcher, -1, MPR_SERVICE_EVENTS | MPR_SERVICE_IO);

     *  Signal a graceful shutdown
    mprLog(http, 1, "Exiting ...");
    mprLog(http, 1, "Exit complete");

    if (mprStop(mpr)) {
    return 0;
Beispiel #21
    If the program has a UNIX style "#!/program" string at the start of the file that program will be selected 
    and the original program will be passed as the first arg to that program with argv[] appended after that. If 
    the program is not found, this routine supports a safe intelligent search for the command. If all else fails, 
    we just return in program the fileName we were passed in. script will be set if we are modifying the program 
    to run and we have extracted the name of the file to run as a script.
static void findExecutable(MaConn *conn, char **program, char **script, char **bangScript, char *fileName)
    MaRequest       *req;
    MaResponse      *resp;
    MaLocation      *location;
    MprHash         *hp;
    MprFile         *file;
    cchar           *actionProgram, *ext, *cmdShell;
    char            *tok, buf[MPR_MAX_FNAME + 1], *path;

    req = conn->request;
    resp = conn->response;
    location = req->location;

    *bangScript = 0;
    *script = 0;
    *program = 0;
    path = 0;

    actionProgram = maGetMimeActionProgram(conn->host, req->mimeType);
    ext = resp->extension;

        If not found, go looking for the fileName with the extensions defined in appweb.conf. 
        NOTE: we don't use PATH deliberately!!!
    if (access(fileName, X_OK) < 0 /* && *ext == '\0' */) {
        for (hp = 0; (hp = mprGetNextHash(location->extensions, hp)) != 0; ) {
            path = mprStrcat(resp, -1, fileName, ".", hp->key, NULL);
            if (access(path, X_OK) == 0) {
            path = 0;
        if (hp) {
            ext = hp->key;
        } else {
            path = fileName;

    } else {
        path = fileName;
    mprAssert(path && *path);

    if (ext && (strcmp(ext, ".bat") == 0 || strcmp(ext, ".cmd") == 0)) {
            Let a mime action override COMSPEC
        if (actionProgram) {
            cmdShell = actionProgram;
        } else {
            cmdShell = getenv("COMSPEC");
        if (cmdShell == 0) {
            cmdShell = "cmd.exe";
        *script = mprStrdup(resp, path);
        *program = mprStrdup(resp, cmdShell);

    if ((file = mprOpen(resp, path, O_RDONLY, 0)) != 0) {
        if (mprRead(file, buf, MPR_MAX_FNAME) > 0) {
            buf[MPR_MAX_FNAME] = '\0';
            if (buf[0] == '#' && buf[1] == '!') {
                cmdShell = mprStrTok(&buf[2], " \t\r\n", &tok);
                if (cmdShell[0] != '/' && (cmdShell[0] != '\0' && cmdShell[1] != ':')) {
                        If we can't access the command shell and the command is not an absolute path, 
                        look in the same directory as the script.
                    if (mprPathExists(resp, cmdShell, X_OK)) {
                        cmdShell = mprJoinPath(resp, mprGetPathDir(resp, path), cmdShell);
                if (actionProgram) {
                    *program = mprStrdup(resp, actionProgram);
                } else {
                    *program = mprStrdup(resp, cmdShell);
                *bangScript = mprStrdup(resp, path);
        } else {

    if (actionProgram) {
        *program = mprStrdup(resp, actionProgram);
        *bangScript = mprStrdup(resp, path);
    } else {
        *program = mprStrdup(resp, path);
Beispiel #22
    Determine the windows program to invoke.
    Support UNIX style "#!/program" bang directives on windows.
    Also supports ".cmd" and ".bat" alternatives.
static void prepWinProgram(MprCmd *cmd)
    MprFile     *file;
    cchar       *bat, *ext, *shell, *cp, *start;
    char        bang[ME_MAX_FNAME + 1], *path, *pp;

        Map separators, convert carriage-returns and newlines to spaces and remove quotes on the command
    path = mprAlloc(slen(cmd->argv[0]) * 2 + 1);
    strcpy(path, cmd->argv[0]);
    for (pp = path; *pp; pp++) {
        if (*pp == '/') {
            *pp = '\\';
        } else if (*pp == '\r' || *pp == '\n') {
            *pp = ' ';
    if (*path == '\"') {
        if ((pp = strrchr(++path, '"')) != 0) {
            *pp = '\0';
        path = sclone(path);
    cmd->argv[0] = path;

        Support ".cmd" and ".bat" files that take precedence
    if ((ext = mprGetPathExt(path)) == 0) {
        if ((bat = mprSearchPath(mprJoinPathExt(path, ".cmd"), MPR_SEARCH_EXE, cmd->searchPath, NULL)) == 0) {
            bat = mprSearchPath(mprJoinPathExt(path, ".bat"), MPR_SEARCH_EXE, cmd->searchPath, NULL);
        if (bat) {
            if ((shell = getenv("COMSPEC")) == 0) {
                shell = "cmd.exe";
            cmd->argv = mprRealloc((void*) cmd->argv, (cmd->argc + 4) * sizeof(char*));
            memmove((void*) &cmd->argv[3], (void*) cmd->argv, sizeof(char*) * (cmd->argc + 1));
            cmd->argv[0] = sclone(shell);
            cmd->argv[1] = sclone("/Q");
            cmd->argv[2] = sclone("/C");
            cmd->argv[3] = bat;
            cmd->argc += 3;
            cmd->argv[cmd->argc] = 0;
    if ((file = mprOpenFile(path, O_RDONLY, 0)) != 0) {
        if (mprReadFile(file, bang, ME_MAX_FNAME) > 0) {
            bang[ME_MAX_FNAME] = '\0';
            if (bang[0] == '#' && bang[1] == '!') {
                cp = start = &bang[2];
                shell = ssplit(&bang[2], "\r\n", NULL);
                if (!mprIsPathAbs(shell)) {
                        If we cannot access the command shell and the command is not an absolute path,
                        look in the same directory as the script.
                    if (mprPathExists(shell, X_OK)) {
                        shell = mprJoinPath(mprGetPathDir(path), shell);
                    Get length of argv with NULL and add one
                assert(cmd->argv[cmd->argc] == 0);
                cmd->argv = mprRealloc((void*) cmd->argv, (cmd->argc + 2) * sizeof(char*));
                cmd->argv[cmd->argc + 1] = 0;

                    Copy up to make room to insert the shell argument. This copies the original NULL
                memmove((void*) &cmd->argv[1], (void*) cmd->argv, sizeof(char*) * cmd->argc);
                cmd->argv[0] = sclone(shell);
                cmd->argv[1] = path;
                cmd->argc += 1;
                assert(cmd->argv[cmd->argc] == 0);
        } else {
Beispiel #23
static int parseArgs(int argc, char **argv)
    char        *argp, *key, *value;
    int         i, setWorkers, nextArg, ssl;

    setWorkers = 0;
    ssl = 0;

    for (nextArg = 1; nextArg < argc; nextArg++) {
        argp = argv[nextArg];
        if (*argp != '-') {
        if (smatch(argp, "--auth")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->authType = slower(argv[++nextArg]);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--benchmark") || smatch(argp, "-b")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--ca")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->ca = sclone(argv[++nextArg]);
                if (!mprPathExists(app->ca, R_OK)) {
                    mprError("Cannot find ca file %s", app->ca);
                    return MPR_ERR_BAD_ARGS;
            ssl = 1;

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--cert")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->cert = sclone(argv[++nextArg]);
                if (!mprPathExists(app->cert, R_OK)) {
                    mprError("Cannot find cert file %s", app->cert);
                    return MPR_ERR_BAD_ARGS;
            ssl = 1;

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--chunk")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                value = argv[++nextArg];
                app->chunkSize = atoi(value);
                if (app->chunkSize < 0) {
                    mprError("Bad chunksize %d", app->chunkSize);
                    return MPR_ERR_BAD_ARGS;

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--ciphers")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->ciphers = sclone(argv[++nextArg]);
            ssl = 1;

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--continue") || smatch(argp, "-c")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--cookie")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                mprAddItem(app->headers, mprCreateKeyPair("Cookie", argv[++nextArg], 0));

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--data")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                if (app->bodyData == 0) {
                    app->bodyData = mprCreateBuf(-1, -1);
                mprPutStringToBuf(app->bodyData, argv[++nextArg]);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--debugger") || smatch(argp, "-D")) {
            app->retries = 0;
            app->timeout = MAXINT;

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--delete")) {
            app->method = "DELETE";

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--form") || smatch(argp, "-f")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                if (app->formData == 0) {
                    app->formData = mprCreateList(-1, 0);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--header")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                key = argv[++nextArg];
                if ((value = strchr(key, ':')) == 0) {
                    mprError("Bad header format. Must be \"key: value\"");
                    return MPR_ERR_BAD_ARGS;
                *value++ = '\0';
                while (isspace((uchar) *value)) {
                mprAddItem(app->headers, mprCreateKeyPair(key, value, 0));

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--host")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->host = argv[++nextArg];
                if (*app->host == ':') {
                    app->host = &app->host[1];
                if (isPort(app->host)) {
                    app->host = sfmt("", app->host);
                } else {
                    app->host = sclone(app->host);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--iterations") || smatch(argp, "-i")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->iterations = atoi(argv[++nextArg]);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--key")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->key = sclone(argv[++nextArg]);
                if (!mprPathExists(app->key, R_OK)) {
                    mprError("Cannot find key file %s", app->key);
                    return MPR_ERR_BAD_ARGS;
            ssl = 1;

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--log") || smatch(argp, "-l")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                mprStartLogging(argv[++nextArg], 0);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--method") || smatch(argp, "-m")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->method = argv[++nextArg];

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--out") || smatch(argp, "-o")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->outFilename = sclone(argv[++nextArg]);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--noout") || smatch(argp, "-n")  ||
                   smatch(argp, "--quiet") || smatch(argp, "-q")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--nofollow")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--password") || smatch(argp, "-p")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->password = sclone(argv[++nextArg]);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--post")) {
            app->method = "POST";

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--printable")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--protocol")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->protocol = supper(argv[++nextArg]);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--provider")) {
            /* Undocumented SSL provider selection */
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->provider = sclone(argv[++nextArg]);
            ssl = 1;

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--put")) {
            app->method = "PUT";

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--range")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                if (app->ranges == 0) {
                    app->ranges = sfmt("bytes=%s", argv[++nextArg]);
                } else {
                    app->ranges = srejoin(app->ranges, ",", argv[++nextArg], NULL);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--retries") || smatch(argp, "-r")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->retries = atoi(argv[++nextArg]);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--self")) {
            /* Undocumented. Allow self-signed certs. Users should just not set --verify */
            app->verifyIssuer = 0;
            ssl = 1;

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--sequence")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--showHeaders") || smatch(argp, "--show") || smatch(argp, "-s")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--showStatus") || smatch(argp, "--showCode")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--single") || smatch(argp, "-s")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--text")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--threads") || smatch(argp, "-t")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->loadThreads = atoi(argv[++nextArg]);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--timeout")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->timeout = atoi(argv[++nextArg]) * MPR_TICKS_PER_SEC;

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--upload") || smatch(argp, "-u")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--user") || smatch(argp, "--username")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->username = argv[++nextArg];

        //  DEPRECATE validate. Preserve verify.
        } else if (smatch(argp, "--validate") || smatch(argp, "--verify")) {
            app->verifyPeer = 1;
            ssl = 1;

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--verbose") || smatch(argp, "-v")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--version") || smatch(argp, "-V")) {
            mprEprintf("%s %s\n"
                "Copyright (C) Embedthis Software 2003-2013\n"
                "Copyright (C) Michael O'Brien 2003-2013\n",
               BIT_TITLE, BIT_VERSION);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--workerTheads") || smatch(argp, "-w")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->workers = atoi(argv[++nextArg]);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--zero")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "-")) {

        } else {
            return showUsage();
    if (argc == nextArg) {
        return showUsage();
    app->nextArg = nextArg;
    argc = argc - nextArg;
    argv = &argv[nextArg];
    app->target = argv[argc - 1];
    if (--argc > 0) {
            Files present on command line
        app->files = mprCreateList(argc, MPR_LIST_STATIC_VALUES);
        for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
            mprAddItem(app->files, argv[i]);
    if (!setWorkers) {
        app->workers = app->loadThreads + 2;
    if (app->method == 0) {
        if (app->bodyData || app->formData || app->upload) {
            app->method = "POST";
        } else if (app->files) {
            app->method = "PUT";
        } else {
            app->method = "GET";
    HttpUri *uri = httpCreateUri(app->target, 0);
    if (uri->secure || ssl) {
        app->ssl = mprCreateSsl(0);
        if (app->provider) {
            mprSetSslProvider(app->ssl, app->provider);
        if (app->cert) {
            if (!app->key) {
                mprError("Must specify key file");
                return 0;
            mprSetSslCertFile(app->ssl, app->cert);
            mprSetSslKeyFile(app->ssl, app->key);
        if (app->ca) {
            mprLog(4, "Using CA: \"%s\"", app->ca);
            mprSetSslCaFile(app->ssl, app->ca);
        if (app->verifyIssuer == -1) {
            app->verifyIssuer = app->verifyPeer ? 1 : 0;
        mprVerifySslPeer(app->ssl, app->verifyPeer);
        mprVerifySslIssuer(app->ssl, app->verifyIssuer);
        if (app->ciphers) {
            mprSetSslCiphers(app->ssl, app->ciphers);
    } else {
        mprVerifySslPeer(NULL, 0);
    /* Suppress comp warning */
    return 0;
Beispiel #24
    Compile a view or controller

    cacheName   MD5 cache name (not a full path)
    source      ESP source file name
    module      Module file name
bool espCompile(HttpConn *conn, cchar *source, cchar *module, cchar *cacheName, int isView)
    MprFile     *fp;
    HttpRx      *rx;
    HttpRoute   *route;
    EspRoute    *eroute;
    cchar       *csource;
    char        *layout, *script, *page, *err;
    ssize       len;

    rx = conn->rx;
    route = rx->route;
    eroute = route->eroute;
    layout = 0;

    if (isView) {
        if ((page = mprReadPathContents(source, &len)) == 0) {
            httpError(conn, HTTP_CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Can't read %s", source);
            return 0;
            Use layouts iff there is a source defined on the route. Only MVC/controllers based apps do this.
        if (eroute->layoutsDir) {
        layout = mprSamePath(eroute->layoutsDir, route->dir) ? 0 : mprJoinPath(eroute->layoutsDir, "default.esp");
        layout = mprJoinPath(eroute->layoutsDir, "default.esp");
        if ((script = espBuildScript(route, page, source, cacheName, layout, &err)) == 0) {
            httpError(conn, HTTP_CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Can't build %s, error %s", source, err);
            return 0;
        csource = mprJoinPathExt(mprTrimPathExt(module), ".c");
        if ((fp = mprOpenFile(csource, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT | O_BINARY, 0664)) == 0) {
            httpError(conn, HTTP_CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Can't open compiled script file %s", csource);
            return 0;
        len = slen(script);
        if (mprWriteFile(fp, script, len) != len) {
            httpError(conn, HTTP_CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Can't write compiled script file %s", csource);
            return 0;
    } else {
        csource = source;
    mprMakeDir(eroute->cacheDir, 0775, -1, -1, 1);
        WARNING: GC yield here
    if (runCommand(conn, eroute->compile, csource, module) < 0) {
        return 0;
    if (eroute->link) {
            WARNING: GC yield here
        if (runCommand(conn, eroute->link, csource, module) < 0) {
            return 0;
            MAC needs the object for debug information
        mprDeletePath(mprJoinPathExt(mprTrimPathExt(module), BLD_OBJ));
            Windows leaves intermediate object in the current directory
        cchar   *obj;
        obj = mprReplacePathExt(mprGetPathBase(csource), BLD_OBJ);
        if (mprPathExists(obj, F_OK)) {
    if (!eroute->keepSource && isView) {
    return 1;
Beispiel #25
    <% stylesheets(patterns); %>

    Where patterns may contain *, ** and !pattern for exclusion
PUBLIC void stylesheets(cchar *patterns)
    HttpStream    *stream;
    HttpRx      *rx;
    HttpRoute   *route;
    EspRoute    *eroute;
    MprList     *files;
    cchar       *filename, *ext, *uri, *path, *kind, *version, *clientDir;
    int         next;

    stream = getStream();
    rx = stream->rx;
    route = rx->route;
    eroute = route->eroute;
    patterns = httpExpandRouteVars(route, patterns);
    clientDir = httpGetDir(route, "documents");

    if (!patterns || !*patterns) {
        version = espGetConfig(route, "version", "1.0.0");
        if (eroute->combineSheet) {
            /* Previously computed combined stylesheet filename */

        } else if (espGetConfig(route, "http.content.combine[@=css]", 0)) {
            if (espGetConfig(route, "http.content.minify[@=css]", 0)) {
                eroute->combineSheet = sfmt("css/all-%s.min.css", version);
            } else {
                eroute->combineSheet = sfmt("css/all-%s.css", version);

        } else {
                Not combining into a single stylesheet, so give priority to all.less over all.css if present
                Load a pure CSS incase some styles need to be applied before the lesssheet is parsed
            ext = espGetConfig(route, "http.content.stylesheets", "css");
            filename = mprJoinPathExt("css/all", ext);
            path = mprJoinPath(clientDir, filename);
            if (mprPathExists(path, R_OK)) {
            } else if (!smatch(ext, "less")) {
                path = mprJoinPath(clientDir, "css/all.less");
                if (mprPathExists(path, R_OK)) {
    } else {
        if (sends(patterns, "all.less")) {
            path = mprJoinPath(clientDir, "css/fix.css");
            if (mprPathExists(path, R_OK)) {
        if ((files = mprGlobPathFiles(clientDir, patterns, MPR_PATH_RELATIVE)) == 0 || mprGetListLength(files) == 0) {
            files = mprCreateList(0, 0);
            mprAddItem(files, patterns);
        for (ITERATE_ITEMS(files, path, next)) {
            path = sjoin("~/", strim(path, ".gz", MPR_TRIM_END), NULL);
            uri = httpLink(stream, path);
            kind = mprGetPathExt(path);
            if (smatch(kind, "css")) {
                espRender(stream, "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='%s' />\n", uri);
            } else {
                espRender(stream, "<link rel='stylesheet/%s' type='text/css' href='%s' />\n", kind, uri);
Beispiel #26
    If the program has a UNIX style "#!/program" string at the start of the file that program will be selected 
    and the original program will be passed as the first arg to that program with argv[] appended after that. If 
    the program is not found, this routine supports a safe intelligent search for the command. If all else fails, 
    we just return in program the fileName we were passed in. script will be set if we are modifying the program 
    to run and we have extracted the name of the file to run as a script.
static void findExecutable(HttpConn *conn, char **program, char **script, char **bangScript, cchar *fileName)
    HttpRx      *rx;
    HttpTx      *tx;
    HttpRoute   *route;
    MprKey      *kp;
    MprFile     *file;
    cchar       *actionProgram, *ext, *cmdShell, *cp, *start, *path;
    char        buf[ME_MAX_FNAME + 1];

    rx = conn->rx;
    tx = conn->tx;
    route = rx->route;

    *bangScript = 0;
    *script = 0;
    *program = 0;
    path = 0;

    actionProgram = mprGetMimeProgram(rx->route->mimeTypes, rx->mimeType);
    ext = tx->ext;

        If not found, go looking for the fileName with the extensions defined in appweb.conf. 
        NOTE: we don't use PATH deliberately!!!
    if (access(fileName, X_OK) < 0) {
        for (kp = 0; (kp = mprGetNextKey(route->extensions, kp)) != 0; ) {
            path = sjoin(fileName, ".", kp->key, NULL);
            if (access(path, X_OK) == 0) {
            path = 0;
        if (kp) {
            ext = kp->key;
        } else {
            path = fileName;

    } else {
        path = fileName;
    assert(path && *path);

    if (ext && (strcmp(ext, ".bat") == 0 || strcmp(ext, ".cmd") == 0)) {
            Let a mime action override COMSPEC
        if (actionProgram) {
            cmdShell = actionProgram;
        } else {
            cmdShell = getenv("COMSPEC");
        if (cmdShell == 0) {
            cmdShell = "cmd.exe";
        *script = sclone(path);
        *program = sclone(cmdShell);

    if (actionProgram) {
        *program = sclone(actionProgram);

    } else if ((file = mprOpenFile(path, O_RDONLY, 0)) != 0) {
        if (mprReadFile(file, buf, ME_MAX_FNAME) > 0) {
            buf[ME_MAX_FNAME] = '\0';
            if (buf[0] == '#' && buf[1] == '!') {
                cp = start = &buf[2];
                cmdShell = ssplit(&buf[2], "\r\n", NULL);
                if (!mprIsPathAbs(cmdShell)) {
                        If we cannot access the command shell and the command is not an absolute path, 
                        look in the same directory as the script.
                    if (mprPathExists(cmdShell, X_OK)) {
                        cmdShell = mprJoinPath(mprGetPathDir(path), cmdShell);
                *program = sclone(cmdShell);
                *bangScript = sclone(path);
        } else {

    if (actionProgram) {
        *program = sclone(actionProgram);
        *bangScript = sclone(path);
    } else {
        *program = sclone(path);
Beispiel #27
    Test if the request matches. This may delegate the request to the dirHandler if a directory listing is required.
static int matchFileHandler(HttpConn *conn, HttpRoute *route, int dir)
    HttpRx      *rx;
    HttpTx      *tx;
    HttpUri     *prior;
    MprPath     *info, zipInfo;
    cchar       *index;
    char        *path, *pathInfo, *uri, *zipfile;
    int         next;
	printf("\n  matchFileHandler  \n");
    rx = conn->rx;
    tx = conn->tx;
    rx = conn->rx;
    prior = rx->parsedUri;
    info = &tx->fileInfo;

    httpMapFile(conn, route);

    if (rx->flags & (HTTP_DELETE | HTTP_PUT)) {
        return HTTP_ROUTE_OK;
    if (info->isDir) {
            Manage requests for directories
        if (!sends(rx->pathInfo, "/")) {
               Append "/" and do an external redirect 
            pathInfo = sjoin(rx->pathInfo, "/", NULL);
            uri = httpFormatUri(prior->scheme, prior->host, prior->port, pathInfo, prior->reference, prior->query, 0);
            httpRedirect(conn, HTTP_CODE_MOVED_PERMANENTLY, uri);
            return HTTP_ROUTE_OK;
        if (route->indicies) {
                Ends with a "/" so do internal redirection to an index file
            for (ITERATE_ITEMS(route->indicies, index, next)) {
                    Internal directory redirections. Transparently append index. Test indicies in order.
                path = mprJoinPath(tx->filename, index);

                if (mprPathExists(path, R_OK)) {
                    pathInfo = sjoin(rx->scriptName, rx->pathInfo, index, NULL);
                    uri = httpFormatUri(prior->scheme, prior->host, prior->port, pathInfo, prior->reference, 
                        prior->query, 0);
                    httpSetUri(conn, uri);
                    tx->filename = path;
                    tx->ext = httpGetExt(conn);
                    mprGetPathInfo(tx->filename, info);
                    return HTTP_ROUTE_REROUTE;
            If a directory, test if a directory listing should be rendered. If so, delegate to the dirHandler.
            Cannot use the sendFile handler and must use the netConnector.
        if (info->isDir && maRenderDirListing(conn)) {
            tx->handler = conn->http->dirHandler;
            tx->connector = conn->http->netConnector;
            return HTTP_ROUTE_OK;
    if (!info->valid && (route->flags & HTTP_ROUTE_GZIP) && rx->acceptEncoding && strstr(rx->acceptEncoding, "gzip") != 0) {
            If the route accepts zipped data and a zipped file exists, then transparently respond with it.
        zipfile = sfmt("%s.gz", tx->filename);
        if (mprGetPathInfo(zipfile, &zipInfo) == 0) {
            tx->filename = zipfile;
            tx->fileInfo = zipInfo;
            httpSetHeader(conn, "Content-Encoding", "gzip");
    if (rx->flags & (HTTP_GET | HTTP_HEAD | HTTP_POST) && info->valid && !info->isDir && tx->length < 0) {
            The sendFile connector is optimized on some platforms to use the sendfile() system call.
            Set the entity length for the sendFile connector to utilize.
        httpSetEntityLength(conn, tx->fileInfo.size);


    return HTTP_ROUTE_OK;
Beispiel #28
    Expecting content headers. A blank line indicates the start of the data.
    Returns  < 0  Request or state error
    Returns == 0  Successfully parsed the input line.
static int processUploadHeader(HttpQueue *q, char *line)
    HttpConn        *conn;
    HttpRx          *rx;
    HttpUploadFile  *file;
    Upload          *up;
    cchar           *uploadDir;
    char            *key, *headerTok, *rest, *nextPair, *value;

    conn = q->conn;
    rx = conn->rx;
    up = q->queueData;

    if (line[0] == '\0') {
        up->contentState = HTTP_UPLOAD_CONTENT_DATA;
        return 0;

    headerTok = line;
    stok(line, ": ", &rest);

    if (scaselesscmp(headerTok, "Content-Disposition") == 0) {
            The content disposition header describes either a form
            variable or an uploaded file.

            Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field1"
            >>blank line
            Field Data

            Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field1" ->
            >>blank line
            File data
        key = rest;
        up->name = up->clientFilename = 0;
        while (key && stok(key, ";\r\n", &nextPair)) {

            key = strim(key, " ", MPR_TRIM_BOTH);
            stok(key, "= ", &value);
            value = strim(value, "\"", MPR_TRIM_BOTH);

            if (scaselesscmp(key, "form-data") == 0) {
                /* Nothing to do */

            } else if (scaselesscmp(key, "name") == 0) {
                up->name = sclone(value);

            } else if (scaselesscmp(key, "filename") == 0) {
                if (up->name == 0) {
                    httpError(conn, HTTP_CODE_BAD_REQUEST, "Bad upload state. Missing name field");
                    return MPR_ERR_BAD_STATE;
                    Client filenames must be simple filenames without illegal characters or path separators.
                    We are deliberately restrictive here to assist users that may use the clientFilename in shell scripts.
                    They MUST still sanitize for their environment, but some extra caution is worthwhile.
                value = mprNormalizePath(value);
                if (*value == '.' || !httpValidUriChars(value) || strpbrk(value, "\\/:*?<>|~\"'%`^\n\r\t\f")) {
                    httpError(conn, HTTP_CODE_BAD_REQUEST, "Bad upload client filename.");
                    return MPR_ERR_BAD_STATE;
                up->clientFilename = sclone(value);
                    Create the file to hold the uploaded data
                uploadDir = getUploadDir(rx->route);
                up->tmpPath = mprGetTempPath(uploadDir);
                if (up->tmpPath == 0) {
                    if (!mprPathExists(uploadDir, X_OK)) {
                        mprLog("http error", 0, "Cannot access upload directory %s", uploadDir);
                    httpError(conn, HTTP_CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
                        "Cannot create upload temp file %s. Check upload temp dir %s", up->tmpPath, uploadDir);
                    return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN;
                httpTrace(conn, "request.upload.file", "context", "clientFilename:'%s',filename:'%s'", 
                    up->clientFilename, up->tmpPath);

                up->file = mprOpenFile(up->tmpPath, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY, 0600);
                if (up->file == 0) {
                    httpError(conn, HTTP_CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Cannot open upload temp file %s", up->tmpPath);
                    return MPR_ERR_BAD_STATE;
                    Create the files[id]
                file = up->currentFile = mprAllocObj(HttpUploadFile, manageHttpUploadFile);
                file->clientFilename = up->clientFilename;
                file->filename = up->tmpPath;
                file->name = up->name;
                addUploadFile(conn, file);
            key = nextPair;

    } else if (scaselesscmp(headerTok, "Content-Type") == 0) {
        if (up->clientFilename) {
            up->currentFile->contentType = sclone(rest);
    return 0;
Beispiel #29
    Configure the server. If the configFile is defined, use it. If not, then consider home, documents, ip and port.
int maConfigureServer(MaServer *server, cchar *configFile, cchar *home, cchar *documents, cchar *ip, int port)
    MaAppweb        *appweb;
    Http            *http;
    HttpEndpoint    *endpoint;
    HttpHost        *host;
    HttpRoute       *route;
    char            *path;

    appweb = server->appweb;
    http = appweb->http;

    if (configFile) {
        path = mprGetAbsPath(configFile);
        if (maParseConfig(server, path, 0) < 0) {
            /* mprUserError("Can't configure server using %s", path); */
            return MPR_ERR_CANT_INITIALIZE;
        return 0;

    } else {
        mprLog(2, "DocumentRoot %s", documents);
        if ((endpoint = httpCreateConfiguredEndpoint(home, documents, ip, port)) == 0) {
            return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN;
        maAddEndpoint(server, endpoint);
        host = mprGetFirstItem(endpoint->hosts);
        route = mprGetFirstItem(host->routes);

        searchPath = getSearchPath(dir);

        maLoadModule(appweb, "cgiHandler", "mod_cgi");
        if (httpLookupStage(http, "cgiHandler")) {
            httpAddRouteHandler(route, "cgiHandler", "cgi cgi-nph bat cmd pl py");
                Add cgi-bin with a route for the /cgi-bin URL prefix.
            path = "cgi-bin";
            if (mprPathExists(path, X_OK)) {
                HttpRoute *cgiRoute;
                cgiRoute = httpCreateAliasRoute(route, "/cgi-bin/", path, 0);
                mprLog(4, "ScriptAlias \"/cgi-bin/\":\"%s\"", path);
                httpSetRouteHandler(cgiRoute, "cgiHandler");
        maLoadModule(appweb, "espHandler", "mod_esp");
        if (httpLookupStage(http, "espHandler")) {
            httpAddRouteHandler(route, "espHandler", "esp");
        maLoadModule(appweb, "ejsHandler", "mod_ejs");
        if (httpLookupStage(http, "ejsHandler")) {
            httpAddRouteHandler(route, "ejsHandler", "ejs");
        maLoadModule(appweb, "phpHandler", "mod_php");
        if (httpLookupStage(http, "phpHandler")) {
            httpAddRouteHandler(route, "phpHandler", "php");
        httpAddRouteHandler(route, "fileHandler", "");
    if (home) {
        maSetServerHome(server, home);
    if (ip || port > 0) {
        maSetServerAddress(server, ip, port);
    return 0;
Beispiel #30
    Convert an ESP web page into C code

        <%@ include "file"  Include an esp file
        <%@ layout "file"   Specify a layout page to use. Use layout "" to disable layout management
        <%@ content         Mark the location to substitute content in a layout pag

        <%                  Begin esp section containing C code
        <%^ global          Put esp code at the global level
        <%^ start           Put esp code at the start of the function
        <%^ end             Put esp code at the end of the function

        <%=                 Begin esp section containing an expression to evaluate and substitute
        <%= [%fmt]          Begin a formatted expression to evaluate and substitute. Format is normal printf format.
                            Use %S for safe HTML escaped output.
        %>                  End esp section
        -%>                 End esp section and trim trailing newline

        @@var               Substitue the value of a variable. Var can also be simple expressions (without spaces)
        @#field             Lookup the current record for the value of the field.

char *espBuildScript(HttpRoute *route, cchar *page, cchar *path, cchar *cacheName, cchar *layout, char **err)
    EspParse    parse;
    char        *control, *incBuf, *incText, *global, *token, *body, *where;
    char        *rest, *start, *end, *include, *line, *fmt, *layoutPage, *layoutBuf;
    ssize       len;
    int         tid;


    body = start = end = global = "";
    *err = 0;

    memset(&parse, 0, sizeof(parse)); = (char*) page; =;

    if ((parse.token = mprCreateBuf(-1, -1)) == 0) {
        return 0;
    tid = getEspToken(&parse);
    while (tid != ESP_TOK_EOF) {
        token = mprGetBufStart(parse.token);
        if (parse.lineNumber != lastLine) {
            body = sfmt("\n# %d \"%s\"\n", parse.lineNumber, path);
        switch (tid) {
        case ESP_TOK_CODE:
            if (*token == '^') {
                for (token++; *token && isspace((int) *token); token++) ;
                where = stok(token, " \t\r\n", &rest);
                if (rest == 0) {
                } else if (scmp(where, "global") == 0) {
                    global = sjoin(global, rest, NULL);

                } else if (scmp(where, "start") == 0) {
                    if (*start == '\0') {
                        start = "  ";
                    start = sjoin(start, rest, NULL);

                } else if (scmp(where, "end") == 0) {
                    if (*end == '\0') {
                        end = "  ";
                    end = sjoin(end, rest, NULL);
            } else {
                body = sjoin(body, token, NULL);

        case ESP_TOK_CONTROL:
            /* NOTE: layout parsing not supported */
            control = stok(token, " \t\r\n", &token);
            if (scmp(control, "content") == 0) {
                body = sjoin(body, CONTENT_MARKER, NULL);

            } else if (scmp(control, "include") == 0) {
                if (token == 0) {
                    token = "";
                token = strim(token, " \t\r\n\"", MPR_TRIM_BOTH);
                token = mprNormalizePath(token);
                if (token[0] == '/') {
                    include = sclone(token);
                } else {
                    include = mprJoinPath(mprGetPathDir(path), token);
                if ((incText = mprReadPathContents(include, &len)) == 0) {
                    *err = sfmt("Can't read include file: %s", include);
                    return 0;
                /* Recurse and process the include script */
                incBuf = 0;
                if ((incBuf = espBuildScript(route, incText, include, NULL, NULL, err)) == 0) {
                    return 0;
                body = sjoin(body, incBuf, NULL);

            } else if (scmp(control, "layout") == 0) {
                token = strim(token, " \t\r\n\"", MPR_TRIM_BOTH);
                if (*token == '\0') {
                    layout = 0;
                } else {
                    token = mprNormalizePath(token);
                    if (token[0] == '/') {
                        layout = sclone(token);
                    } else {
                        layout = mprJoinPath(mprGetPathDir(path), token);
                    if (!mprPathExists(layout, F_OK)) {
                        *err = sfmt("Can't access layout page %s", layout);
                        return 0;

            } else {
                *err = sfmt("Unknown control %s at line %d", control, parse.lineNumber);
                return 0;                

        case ESP_TOK_ERR:
            return 0;

        case ESP_TOK_EXPR:
            /* <%= expr %> */
            if (*token == '%') {
                fmt = stok(token, ": \t\r\n", &token);
                if (token == 0) { 
                    token = "";
            } else {
                fmt = "%s";
            token = strim(token, " \t\r\n;", MPR_TRIM_BOTH);
            body = sjoin(body, "  espRender(conn, \"", fmt, "\", ", token, ");\n", NULL);

        case ESP_TOK_FIELD:
            /* @#field */
            token = strim(token, " \t\r\n;", MPR_TRIM_BOTH);
            body = sjoin(body, "  espRender(conn, getField(\"", token, "\"));\n", NULL);

        case ESP_TOK_LITERAL:
            line = joinLine(token, &len);
            body = sfmt("%s  espRenderBlock(conn, \"%s\", %d);\n", body, line, len);

        case ESP_TOK_VAR:
            /* @@var */
            token = strim(token, " \t\r\n;", MPR_TRIM_BOTH);
            /* espRenderParam uses espRenderSafeString */
            body = sjoin(body, "  espRenderParam(conn, \"", token, "\");\n", NULL);

            return 0;
        tid = getEspToken(&parse);
    if (cacheName) {
            CacheName will only be set for the outermost invocation
        if (layout && mprPathExists(layout, R_OK)) {
            if ((layoutPage = mprReadPathContents(layout, &len)) == 0) {
                *err = sfmt("Can't read layout page: %s", layout);
                return 0;
            layoutBuf = 0;
            if ((layoutBuf = espBuildScript(route, layoutPage, layout, NULL, NULL, err)) == 0) {
                return 0;
            body = sreplace(layoutBuf, CONTENT_MARKER, body);
        if (start && start[slen(start) - 1] != '\n') {
            start = sjoin(start, "\n", NULL);
        if (end && end[slen(end) - 1] != '\n') {
            end = sjoin(end, "\n", NULL);
        mprAssert(slen(path) > slen(route->dir));
        mprAssert(sncmp(path, route->dir, slen(route->dir)) == 0);
        if (sncmp(path, route->dir, slen(route->dir)) == 0) {
            path = &path[slen(route->dir) + 1];
        body = sfmt(\
            "/*\n   Generated from %s\n */\n"\
            "#include \"esp-app.h\"\n"\
            "static void %s(HttpConn *conn) {\n"\
            "%s int esp_%s(HttpRoute *route, MprModule *module) {\n"\
            "   espDefineView(route, \"%s\", %s);\n"\
            "   return 0;\n"\
            path, global, cacheName, start, body, end, ESP_EXPORT_STRING, cacheName, mprGetPortablePath(path), cacheName);
        mprLog(6, "Create ESP script: \n%s\n", body);
    return body;