Beispiel #1
/* don't set windows active in here, is used by renderwin too */
void view3d_viewmatrix_set(Scene *scene, const View3D *v3d, RegionView3D *rv3d)
	if (rv3d->persp == RV3D_CAMOB) {      /* obs/camera */
		if (v3d->camera) {
			BKE_object_where_is_calc(scene, v3d->camera);
			obmat_to_viewmat(rv3d, v3d->camera);
		else {
			quat_to_mat4(rv3d->viewmat, rv3d->viewquat);
			rv3d->viewmat[3][2] -= rv3d->dist;
	else {
		bool use_lock_ofs = false;

		/* should be moved to better initialize later on XXX */
		if (rv3d->viewlock & RV3D_LOCKED)
		quat_to_mat4(rv3d->viewmat, rv3d->viewquat);
		if (rv3d->persp == RV3D_PERSP) rv3d->viewmat[3][2] -= rv3d->dist;
		if (v3d->ob_centre) {
			Object *ob = v3d->ob_centre;
			float vec[3];
			copy_v3_v3(vec, ob->obmat[3]);
			if (ob->type == OB_ARMATURE && v3d->ob_centre_bone[0]) {
				bPoseChannel *pchan = BKE_pose_channel_find_name(ob->pose, v3d->ob_centre_bone);
				if (pchan) {
					copy_v3_v3(vec, pchan->pose_mat[3]);
					mul_m4_v3(ob->obmat, vec);
			translate_m4(rv3d->viewmat, -vec[0], -vec[1], -vec[2]);
			use_lock_ofs = true;
		else if (v3d->ob_centre_cursor) {
			float vec[3];
			copy_v3_v3(vec, ED_view3d_cursor3d_get(scene, (View3D *)v3d));
			translate_m4(rv3d->viewmat, -vec[0], -vec[1], -vec[2]);
			use_lock_ofs = true;
		else {
			translate_m4(rv3d->viewmat, rv3d->ofs[0], rv3d->ofs[1], rv3d->ofs[2]);

		/* lock offset */
		if (use_lock_ofs) {
			float persmat[4][4], persinv[4][4];
			float vec[3];

			/* we could calculate the real persmat/persinv here
			 * but it would be unreliable so better to later */
			mul_m4_m4m4(persmat, rv3d->winmat, rv3d->viewmat);
			invert_m4_m4(persinv, persmat);

			mul_v2_v2fl(vec, rv3d->ofs_lock, rv3d->is_persp ? rv3d->dist : 1.0f);
			vec[2] = 0.0f;
			mul_mat3_m4_v3(persinv, vec);
			translate_m4(rv3d->viewmat, vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]);
		/* end lock offset */
Beispiel #2
LatticeDeformData *init_latt_deform(Object *oblatt, Object *ob)
	/* we make an array with all differences */
	Lattice *lt = oblatt->data;
	BPoint *bp;
	DispList *dl = oblatt->curve_cache ? BKE_displist_find(&oblatt->curve_cache->disp, DL_VERTS) : NULL;
	const float *co = dl ? dl->verts : NULL;
	float *fp, imat[4][4];
	float fu, fv, fw;
	int u, v, w;
	float *latticedata;
	float latmat[4][4];
	LatticeDeformData *lattice_deform_data;

	if (lt->editlatt) lt = lt->editlatt->latt;
	bp = lt->def;
	fp = latticedata = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float) * 3 * lt->pntsu * lt->pntsv * lt->pntsw, "latticedata");
	/* for example with a particle system: (ob == NULL) */
	if (ob == NULL) {
		/* in deformspace, calc matrix  */
		invert_m4_m4(latmat, oblatt->obmat);
		/* back: put in deform array */
		invert_m4_m4(imat, latmat);
	else {
		/* in deformspace, calc matrix */
		invert_m4_m4(imat, oblatt->obmat);
		mul_m4_m4m4(latmat, imat, ob->obmat);
		/* back: put in deform array */
		invert_m4_m4(imat, latmat);
	for (w = 0, fw = lt->fw; w < lt->pntsw; w++, fw += lt->dw) {
		for (v = 0, fv = lt->fv; v < lt->pntsv; v++, fv += lt->dv) {
			for (u = 0, fu = lt->fu; u < lt->pntsu; u++, bp++, co += 3, fp += 3, fu += lt->du) {
				if (dl) {
					fp[0] = co[0] - fu;
					fp[1] = co[1] - fv;
					fp[2] = co[2] - fw;
				else {
					fp[0] = bp->vec[0] - fu;
					fp[1] = bp->vec[1] - fv;
					fp[2] = bp->vec[2] - fw;

				mul_mat3_m4_v3(imat, fp);

	lattice_deform_data = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(LatticeDeformData), "Lattice Deform Data");
	lattice_deform_data->latticedata = latticedata;
	lattice_deform_data->object = oblatt;
	copy_m4_m4(lattice_deform_data->latmat, latmat);

	return lattice_deform_data;
Beispiel #3
static DerivedMesh *uvprojectModifier_do(UVProjectModifierData *umd,
                                         Object *ob, DerivedMesh *dm)
	float (*coords)[3], (*co)[3];
	MLoopUV *mloop_uv;
	MTexPoly *mtexpoly, *mt = NULL;
	int i, numVerts, numPolys, numLoops;
	Image *image = umd->image;
	MPoly *mpoly, *mp;
	MLoop *mloop;
	const bool override_image = (umd->flags & MOD_UVPROJECT_OVERRIDEIMAGE) != 0;
	int num_projectors = 0;
	float aspx = umd->aspectx ? umd->aspectx : 1.0f;
	float aspy = umd->aspecty ? umd->aspecty : 1.0f;
	float scax = umd->scalex ? umd->scalex : 1.0f;
	float scay = umd->scaley ? umd->scaley : 1.0f;
	int free_uci = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < umd->num_projectors; ++i)
		if (umd->projectors[i])
			projectors[num_projectors++].ob = umd->projectors[i];

	if (num_projectors == 0) return dm;

	/* make sure there are UV Maps available */

	if (!CustomData_has_layer(&dm->loopData, CD_MLOOPUV)) return dm;

	/* make sure we're using an existing layer */
	CustomData_validate_layer_name(&dm->loopData, CD_MLOOPUV, umd->uvlayer_name, uvname);

	/* calculate a projection matrix and normal for each projector */
	for (i = 0; i < num_projectors; ++i) {
		float tmpmat[4][4];
		float offsetmat[4][4];
		Camera *cam = NULL;
		/* calculate projection matrix */
		invert_m4_m4(projectors[i].projmat, projectors[i].ob->obmat);

		projectors[i].uci = NULL;

		if (projectors[i].ob->type == OB_CAMERA) {
			cam = (Camera *)projectors[i].ob->data;
			if (cam->type == CAM_PANO) {
				projectors[i].uci = BLI_uvproject_camera_info(projectors[i].ob, NULL, aspx, aspy);
				BLI_uvproject_camera_info_scale(projectors[i].uci, scax, scay);
				free_uci = 1;
			else {
				CameraParams params;

				/* setup parameters */
				BKE_camera_params_from_object(&params, projectors[i].ob);

				/* compute matrix, viewplane, .. */
				BKE_camera_params_compute_viewplane(&params, 1, 1, aspx, aspy);

				/* scale the view-plane */
				params.viewplane.xmin *= scax;
				params.viewplane.xmax *= scax;
				params.viewplane.ymin *= scay;
				params.viewplane.ymax *= scay;

				mul_m4_m4m4(tmpmat, params.winmat, projectors[i].projmat);
		else {
			copy_m4_m4(tmpmat, projectors[i].projmat);

		mul_mat3_m4_fl(offsetmat, 0.5);
		offsetmat[3][0] = offsetmat[3][1] = offsetmat[3][2] = 0.5;

		mul_m4_m4m4(projectors[i].projmat, offsetmat, tmpmat);

		/* calculate worldspace projector normal (for best projector test) */
		projectors[i].normal[0] = 0;
		projectors[i].normal[1] = 0;
		projectors[i].normal[2] = 1;
		mul_mat3_m4_v3(projectors[i].ob->obmat, projectors[i].normal);

	numPolys = dm->getNumPolys(dm);
	numLoops = dm->getNumLoops(dm);

	/* make sure we are not modifying the original UV map */
	mloop_uv = CustomData_duplicate_referenced_layer_named(&dm->loopData,
	                                                       CD_MLOOPUV, uvname, numLoops);

	/* can be NULL */
	mt = mtexpoly = CustomData_duplicate_referenced_layer_named(&dm->polyData,
	                                                            CD_MTEXPOLY, uvname, numPolys);

	numVerts = dm->getNumVerts(dm);

	coords = MEM_malloc_arrayN(numVerts, sizeof(*coords),
	                     "uvprojectModifier_do coords");
	dm->getVertCos(dm, coords);

	/* convert coords to world space */
	for (i = 0, co = coords; i < numVerts; ++i, ++co)
		mul_m4_v3(ob->obmat, *co);
	/* if only one projector, project coords to UVs */
	if (num_projectors == 1 && projectors[0].uci == NULL)
		for (i = 0, co = coords; i < numVerts; ++i, ++co)
			mul_project_m4_v3(projectors[0].projmat, *co);

	mpoly = dm->getPolyArray(dm);
	mloop = dm->getLoopArray(dm);

	/* apply coords as UVs, and apply image if tfaces are new */
	for (i = 0, mp = mpoly; i < numPolys; ++i, ++mp, ++mt) {
		if (override_image || !image || (mtexpoly == NULL || mt->tpage == image)) {
			if (num_projectors == 1) {
				if (projectors[0].uci) {
					unsigned int fidx = mp->totloop - 1;
					do {
						unsigned int lidx = mp->loopstart + fidx;
						unsigned int vidx = mloop[lidx].v;
						BLI_uvproject_from_camera(mloop_uv[lidx].uv, coords[vidx], projectors[0].uci);
					} while (fidx--);
				else {
					/* apply transformed coords as UVs */
					unsigned int fidx = mp->totloop - 1;
					do {
						unsigned int lidx = mp->loopstart + fidx;
						unsigned int vidx = mloop[lidx].v;
						copy_v2_v2(mloop_uv[lidx].uv, coords[vidx]);
					} while (fidx--);
			else {
				/* multiple projectors, select the closest to face normal direction */
				float face_no[3];
				int j;
				Projector *best_projector;
				float best_dot;

				/* get the untransformed face normal */
				BKE_mesh_calc_poly_normal_coords(mp, mloop + mp->loopstart, (const float (*)[3])coords, face_no);

				/* find the projector which the face points at most directly
				 * (projector normal with largest dot product is best)
				best_dot = dot_v3v3(projectors[0].normal, face_no);
				best_projector = &projectors[0];

				for (j = 1; j < num_projectors; ++j) {
					float tmp_dot = dot_v3v3(projectors[j].normal,
					if (tmp_dot > best_dot) {
						best_dot = tmp_dot;
						best_projector = &projectors[j];

				if (best_projector->uci) {
					unsigned int fidx = mp->totloop - 1;
					do {
						unsigned int lidx = mp->loopstart + fidx;
						unsigned int vidx = mloop[lidx].v;
						BLI_uvproject_from_camera(mloop_uv[lidx].uv, coords[vidx], best_projector->uci);
					} while (fidx--);
				else {
					unsigned int fidx = mp->totloop - 1;
					do {
						unsigned int lidx = mp->loopstart + fidx;
						unsigned int vidx = mloop[lidx].v;
						mul_v2_project_m4_v3(mloop_uv[lidx].uv, best_projector->projmat, coords[vidx]);
					} while (fidx--);

		if (override_image && mtexpoly) {
			mt->tpage = image;

	if (free_uci) {
		int j;
		for (j = 0; j < num_projectors; ++j) {
			if (projectors[j].uci) {

	/* Mark tessellated CD layers as dirty. */

	return dm;
static int  RE_rayobject_instance_intersect(RayObject *o, Isect *isec)
	InstanceRayObject *obj = (InstanceRayObject *)o;
	float start[3], dir[3], idot_axis[3], dist;
	int changed = 0, i, res;

	// TODO - this is disabling self intersection on instances
	if (isec->orig.ob == obj->ob && obj->ob) {
		changed = 1;
		isec->orig.ob = obj->target_ob;

	// backup old values
	copy_v3_v3(start, isec->start);
	copy_v3_v3(dir, isec->dir);
	copy_v3_v3(idot_axis, isec->idot_axis);
	dist = isec->dist;

	// transform to target coordinates system
	mul_m4_v3(obj->global2target, isec->start);
	mul_mat3_m4_v3(obj->global2target, isec->dir);
	isec->dist *= normalize_v3(isec->dir);

	// update idot_axis and bv_index
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		isec->idot_axis[i]        = 1.0f / isec->dir[i];

		isec->bv_index[2 * i]     = isec->idot_axis[i] < 0.0 ? 1 : 0;
		isec->bv_index[2 * i + 1] = 1 - isec->bv_index[2 * i];

		isec->bv_index[2 * i]     = i + 3 * isec->bv_index[2 * i];
		isec->bv_index[2 * i + 1] = i + 3 * isec->bv_index[2 * i + 1];

	// raycast
	res = RE_rayobject_intersect(obj->target, isec);

	// map dist into original coordinate space
	if (res == 0) {
		isec->dist = dist;
	else {
		// note we don't just multiply dist, because of possible
		// non-uniform scaling in the transform matrix
		float vec[3];

		mul_v3_v3fl(vec, isec->dir, isec->dist);
		mul_mat3_m4_v3(obj->target2global, vec);

		isec->dist = len_v3(vec);
		isec->hit.ob = obj->ob;

		// TODO support for last hit optimization in instances that can jump
		// directly to the last hit face.
		// For now it jumps directly to the last-hit instance root node.
		isec->last_hit = RE_rayobject_unalignRayAPI((RayObject *) obj);

	// restore values
	copy_v3_v3(isec->start, start);
	copy_v3_v3(isec->dir, dir);
	copy_v3_v3(isec->idot_axis, idot_axis);

	if (changed)
		isec->orig.ob = obj->ob;

	// restore bv_index
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		isec->bv_index[2 * i]     = isec->idot_axis[i] < 0.0 ? 1 : 0;
		isec->bv_index[2 * i + 1] = 1 - isec->bv_index[2 * i];

		isec->bv_index[2 * i]     = i + 3 * isec->bv_index[2 * i];
		isec->bv_index[2 * i + 1] = i + 3 * isec->bv_index[2 * i + 1];

	return res;
Beispiel #5
int get_effector_data(EffectorCache *eff, EffectorData *efd, EffectedPoint *point, int real_velocity)
	float cfra = eff->scene->r.cfra;
	int ret = 0;

	if (eff->pd && eff->pd->shape==PFIELD_SHAPE_SURFACE && eff->surmd) {
		/* closest point in the object surface is an effector */
		float vec[3];

		/* using velocity corrected location allows for easier sliding over effector surface */
		copy_v3_v3(vec, point->vel);
		mul_v3_fl(vec, point->vel_to_frame);
		add_v3_v3(vec, point->loc);

		ret = closest_point_on_surface(eff->surmd, vec, efd->loc, efd->nor, real_velocity ? efd->vel : NULL);

		efd->size = 0.0f;
	else if (eff->pd && eff->pd->shape==PFIELD_SHAPE_POINTS) {

		if (eff->ob->derivedFinal) {
			DerivedMesh *dm = eff->ob->derivedFinal;

			dm->getVertCo(dm, *efd->index, efd->loc);
			dm->getVertNo(dm, *efd->index, efd->nor);

			mul_m4_v3(eff->ob->obmat, efd->loc);
			mul_mat3_m4_v3(eff->ob->obmat, efd->nor);


			efd->size = 0.0f;

			ret = 1;
	else if (eff->psys) {
		ParticleData *pa = eff->psys->particles + *efd->index;
		ParticleKey state;

		/* exclude the particle itself for self effecting particles */
		if (eff->psys == point->psys && *efd->index == point->index) {
			/* pass */
		else {
			ParticleSimulationData sim= {NULL};
			sim.scene= eff->scene;
			sim.ob= eff->ob;
			sim.psys= eff->psys;

			/* TODO: time from actual previous calculated frame (step might not be 1) */
			state.time = cfra - 1.0f;
			ret = psys_get_particle_state(&sim, *efd->index, &state, 0);

			/* TODO */
			//if (eff->pd->forcefiled == PFIELD_HARMONIC && ret==0) {
			//	if (pa->dietime < eff->psys->cfra)
			//		eff->flag |= PE_VELOCITY_TO_IMPULSE;


			/* rather than use the velocity use rotated x-axis (defaults to velocity) */
			efd->nor[0] = 1.f;
			efd->nor[1] = efd->nor[2] = 0.f;
			mul_qt_v3(state.rot, efd->nor);
			if (real_velocity)
				copy_v3_v3(efd->vel, state.vel);

			efd->size = pa->size;
	else {
		/* use center of object for distance calculus */
		Object *ob = eff->ob;
		Object obcopy = *ob;

		/* use z-axis as normal*/
		normalize_v3_v3(efd->nor, ob->obmat[2]);

		if (eff->pd && eff->pd->shape == PFIELD_SHAPE_PLANE) {
			float temp[3], translate[3];
			sub_v3_v3v3(temp, point->loc, ob->obmat[3]);
			project_v3_v3v3(translate, temp, efd->nor);

			/* for vortex the shape chooses between old / new force */
			if (eff->pd->forcefield == PFIELD_VORTEX)
				add_v3_v3v3(efd->loc, ob->obmat[3], translate);
			else /* normally efd->loc is closest point on effector xy-plane */
				sub_v3_v3v3(efd->loc, point->loc, translate);
		else {
			copy_v3_v3(efd->loc, ob->obmat[3]);

		if (real_velocity)
			copy_v3_v3(efd->vel, eff->velocity);

		*eff->ob = obcopy;

		efd->size = 0.0f;

		ret = 1;

	if (ret) {
		sub_v3_v3v3(efd->vec_to_point, point->loc, efd->loc);
		efd->distance = len_v3(efd->vec_to_point);

		/* rest length for harmonic effector, will have to see later if this could be extended to other effectors */
		if (eff->pd && eff->pd->forcefield == PFIELD_HARMONIC && eff->pd->f_size)
			mul_v3_fl(efd->vec_to_point, (efd->distance-eff->pd->f_size)/efd->distance);

		if (eff->flag & PE_USE_NORMAL_DATA) {
			copy_v3_v3(efd->vec_to_point2, efd->vec_to_point);
			copy_v3_v3(efd->nor2, efd->nor);
		else {
			/* for some effectors we need the object center every time */
			sub_v3_v3v3(efd->vec_to_point2, point->loc, eff->ob->obmat[3]);
			normalize_v3_v3(efd->nor2, eff->ob->obmat[2]);

	return ret;
static int mesh_bisect_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
	Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);

	/* both can be NULL, fallbacks values are used */
	View3D *v3d = CTX_wm_view3d(C);
	RegionView3D *rv3d = ED_view3d_context_rv3d(C);

	Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C);
	BMEditMesh *em = BKE_editmesh_from_object(obedit);
	BMesh *bm;
	BMOperator bmop;
	float plane_co[3];
	float plane_no[3];
	float imat[4][4];

	const float thresh = RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "threshold");
	const bool use_fill = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "use_fill");
	const bool clear_inner = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "clear_inner");
	const bool clear_outer = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "clear_outer");

	PropertyRNA *prop_plane_co;
	PropertyRNA *prop_plane_no;

	prop_plane_co = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "plane_co");
	if (RNA_property_is_set(op->ptr, prop_plane_co)) {
		RNA_property_float_get_array(op->ptr, prop_plane_co, plane_co);
	else {
		copy_v3_v3(plane_co, ED_view3d_cursor3d_get(scene, v3d));
		RNA_property_float_set_array(op->ptr, prop_plane_co, plane_co);

	prop_plane_no = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "plane_no");
	if (RNA_property_is_set(op->ptr, prop_plane_no)) {
		RNA_property_float_get_array(op->ptr, prop_plane_no, plane_no);
	else {
		if (rv3d) {
			copy_v3_v3(plane_no, rv3d->viewinv[1]);
		else {
			/* fallback... */
			plane_no[0] = plane_no[1] = 0.0f; plane_no[2] = 1.0f;
		RNA_property_float_set_array(op->ptr, prop_plane_no, plane_no);

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/* Modal support */
	/* Note: keep this isolated, exec can work wihout this */
	if ((op->customdata != NULL) &&
	    mesh_bisect_interactive_calc(C, op, em, plane_co, plane_no))
		/* write back to the props */
		RNA_property_float_set_array(op->ptr, prop_plane_no, plane_no);
		RNA_property_float_set_array(op->ptr, prop_plane_co, plane_co);
	/* End Modal */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

	bm = em->bm;

	invert_m4_m4(imat, obedit->obmat);
	mul_m4_v3(imat, plane_co);
	mul_mat3_m4_v3(imat, plane_no);

	EDBM_op_init(em, &bmop, op,
	             "bisect_plane geom=%hvef plane_co=%v plane_no=%v dist=%f clear_inner=%b clear_outer=%b",
	             BM_ELEM_SELECT, plane_co, plane_no, thresh, clear_inner, clear_outer);
	BMO_op_exec(bm, &bmop);

	EDBM_flag_disable_all(em, BM_ELEM_SELECT);

	if (use_fill) {
		float normal_fill[3];
		BMOperator bmop_fill;
		BMOperator bmop_attr;

		normalize_v3_v3(normal_fill, plane_no);
		if (clear_outer == true && clear_inner == false) {

		/* Fill */
		        bm, &bmop_fill, op->flag,
		        "triangle_fill edges=%S normal=%v use_dissolve=%b",
		        &bmop, "geom_cut.out", normal_fill, true);
		BMO_op_exec(bm, &bmop_fill);

		/* Copy Attributes */
		BMO_op_initf(bm, &bmop_attr, op->flag,
		             "face_attribute_fill faces=%S use_normals=%b use_data=%b",
		             &bmop_fill, "geom.out", false, true);
		BMO_op_exec(bm, &bmop_attr);

		BMO_slot_buffer_hflag_enable(bm, bmop_fill.slots_out, "geom.out", BM_FACE, BM_ELEM_SELECT, true);

		BMO_op_finish(bm, &bmop_attr);
		BMO_op_finish(bm, &bmop_fill);

	BMO_slot_buffer_hflag_enable(bm, bmop.slots_out, "geom_cut.out", BM_VERT | BM_EDGE, BM_ELEM_SELECT, true);

	if (!EDBM_op_finish(em, &bmop, op, true)) {
	else {
		EDBM_update_generic(em, true, true);
Nurb *add_nurbs_primitive(bContext *C, Object *obedit, float mat[4][4], int type, int newob)
	static int xzproj = 0;   /* this function calls itself... */
	ListBase *editnurb = object_editcurve_get(obedit);
	RegionView3D *rv3d = ED_view3d_context_rv3d(C);
	Nurb *nu = NULL;
	BezTriple *bezt;
	BPoint *bp;
	Curve *cu = (Curve *)obedit->data;
	float vec[3], zvec[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
	float umat[4][4], viewmat[4][4];
	float fac;
	int a, b;
	const float grid = 1.0f;
	const int cutype = (type & CU_TYPE); // poly, bezier, nurbs, etc
	const int stype = (type & CU_PRIMITIVE);
	const bool force_3d = (((Curve *)obedit->data)->flag & CU_3D) != 0; /* could be adding to an existing 3D curve */


	if (rv3d) {
		copy_m4_m4(viewmat, rv3d->viewmat);
		copy_v3_v3(zvec, rv3d->viewinv[2]);

	BKE_nurbList_flag_set(editnurb, 0);

	/* these types call this function to return a Nurb */
	if (stype != CU_PRIM_TUBE && stype != CU_PRIM_DONUT) {
		nu = (Nurb *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(Nurb), "addNurbprim");
		nu->type = cutype;
		nu->resolu = cu->resolu;
		nu->resolv = cu->resolv;

	switch (stype) {
		case CU_PRIM_CURVE: /* curve */
			nu->resolu = cu->resolu;
			if (cutype == CU_BEZIER) {
				if (!force_3d) nu->flag |= CU_2D;
				nu->pntsu = 2;
				nu->bezt = (BezTriple *)MEM_callocN(2 * sizeof(BezTriple), "addNurbprim1");
				bezt = nu->bezt;
				bezt->h1 = bezt->h2 = HD_ALIGN;
				bezt->f1 = bezt->f2 = bezt->f3 = SELECT;
				bezt->radius = 1.0;

				bezt->vec[1][0] += -grid;
				bezt->vec[0][0] += -1.5f * grid;
				bezt->vec[0][1] += -0.5f * grid;
				bezt->vec[2][0] += -0.5f * grid;
				bezt->vec[2][1] +=  0.5f * grid;
				for (a = 0; a < 3; a++) mul_m4_v3(mat, bezt->vec[a]);

				bezt->h1 = bezt->h2 = HD_ALIGN;
				bezt->f1 = bezt->f2 = bezt->f3 = SELECT;
				bezt->radius = bezt->weight = 1.0;

				bezt->vec[0][0] = 0;
				bezt->vec[0][1] = 0;
				bezt->vec[1][0] = grid;
				bezt->vec[1][1] = 0;
				bezt->vec[2][0] = grid * 2;
				bezt->vec[2][1] = 0;
				for (a = 0; a < 3; a++) mul_m4_v3(mat, bezt->vec[a]);

			else {

				nu->pntsu = 4;
				nu->pntsv = 1;
				nu->orderu = 4;
				nu->bp = (BPoint *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(BPoint) * 4, "addNurbprim3");

				bp = nu->bp;
				for (a = 0; a < 4; a++, bp++) {
					bp->vec[3] = 1.0;
					bp->f1 = SELECT;
					bp->radius = bp->weight = 1.0;

				bp = nu->bp;
				bp->vec[0] += -1.5f * grid;
				bp->vec[0] += -grid;
				bp->vec[1] +=  grid;
				bp->vec[0] += grid;
				bp->vec[1] += grid;
				bp->vec[0] += 1.5f * grid;

				bp = nu->bp;
				for (a = 0; a < 4; a++, bp++) mul_m4_v3(mat, bp->vec);

				if (cutype == CU_NURBS) {
					nu->knotsu = NULL; /* nurbs_knot_calc_u allocates */

		case CU_PRIM_PATH: /* 5 point path */
			nu->pntsu = 5;
			nu->pntsv = 1;
			nu->orderu = 5;
			nu->flagu = CU_NURB_ENDPOINT; /* endpoint */
			nu->resolu = cu->resolu;
			nu->bp = (BPoint *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(BPoint) * 5, "addNurbprim3");

			bp = nu->bp;
			for (a = 0; a < 5; a++, bp++) {
				bp->vec[3] = 1.0;
				bp->f1 = SELECT;
				bp->radius = bp->weight = 1.0;

			bp = nu->bp;
			bp->vec[0] += -2.0f * grid;
			bp->vec[0] += -grid;
			bp++; bp++;
			bp->vec[0] += grid;
			bp->vec[0] += 2.0f * grid;

			bp = nu->bp;
			for (a = 0; a < 5; a++, bp++) mul_m4_v3(mat, bp->vec);

			if (cutype == CU_NURBS) {
				nu->knotsu = NULL; /* nurbs_knot_calc_u allocates */

		case CU_PRIM_CIRCLE: /* circle */
			nu->resolu = cu->resolu;

			if (cutype == CU_BEZIER) {
				if (!force_3d) nu->flag |= CU_2D;
				nu->pntsu = 4;
				nu->bezt = (BezTriple *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(BezTriple) * 4, "addNurbprim1");
				nu->flagu = CU_NURB_CYCLIC;
				bezt = nu->bezt;

				bezt->h1 = bezt->h2 = HD_AUTO;
				bezt->f1 = bezt->f2 = bezt->f3 = SELECT;
				bezt->vec[1][0] += -grid;
				for (a = 0; a < 3; a++) mul_m4_v3(mat, bezt->vec[a]);
				bezt->radius = bezt->weight = 1.0;

				bezt->h1 = bezt->h2 = HD_AUTO;
				bezt->f1 = bezt->f2 = bezt->f3 = SELECT;
				bezt->vec[1][1] += grid;
				for (a = 0; a < 3; a++) mul_m4_v3(mat, bezt->vec[a]);
				bezt->radius = bezt->weight = 1.0;

				bezt->h1 = bezt->h2 = HD_AUTO;
				bezt->f1 = bezt->f2 = bezt->f3 = SELECT;
				bezt->vec[1][0] += grid;
				for (a = 0; a < 3; a++) mul_m4_v3(mat, bezt->vec[a]);
				bezt->radius = bezt->weight = 1.0;

				bezt->h1 = bezt->h2 = HD_AUTO;
				bezt->f1 = bezt->f2 = bezt->f3 = SELECT;
				bezt->vec[1][1] += -grid;
				for (a = 0; a < 3; a++) mul_m4_v3(mat, bezt->vec[a]);
				bezt->radius = bezt->weight = 1.0;

			else if (cutype == CU_NURBS) { /* nurb */
				nu->pntsu = 8;
				nu->pntsv = 1;
				nu->orderu = 4;
				nu->bp = (BPoint *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(BPoint) * 8, "addNurbprim6");
				nu->flagu = CU_NURB_CYCLIC;
				bp = nu->bp;

				for (a = 0; a < 8; a++) {
					bp->f1 = SELECT;
					if (xzproj == 0) {
						bp->vec[0] += nurbcircle[a][0] * grid;
						bp->vec[1] += nurbcircle[a][1] * grid;
					else {
						bp->vec[0] += 0.25f * nurbcircle[a][0] * grid - 0.75f * grid;
						bp->vec[2] += 0.25f * nurbcircle[a][1] * grid;
					if (a & 1) bp->vec[3] = 0.25 * M_SQRT2;
					else bp->vec[3] = 1.0;
					mul_m4_v3(mat, bp->vec);
					bp->radius = bp->weight = 1.0;


		case CU_PRIM_PATCH: /* 4x4 patch */
			if (cutype == CU_NURBS) { /* nurb */

				nu->pntsu = 4;
				nu->pntsv = 4;
				nu->orderu = 4;
				nu->orderv = 4;
				nu->flag = CU_SMOOTH;
				nu->bp = (BPoint *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(BPoint) * (4 * 4), "addNurbprim6");
				nu->flagu = 0;
				nu->flagv = 0;
				bp = nu->bp;

				for (a = 0; a < 4; a++) {
					for (b = 0; b < 4; b++) {
						bp->f1 = SELECT;
						fac = (float)a - 1.5f;
						bp->vec[0] += fac * grid;
						fac = (float)b - 1.5f;
						bp->vec[1] += fac * grid;
						if ((a == 1 || a == 2) && (b == 1 || b == 2)) {
							bp->vec[2] += grid;
						mul_m4_v3(mat, bp->vec);
						bp->vec[3] = 1.0;

		case CU_PRIM_TUBE: /* Cylinder */
			if (cutype == CU_NURBS) {
				nu = add_nurbs_primitive(C, obedit, mat, CU_NURBS | CU_PRIM_CIRCLE, 0); /* circle */
				nu->resolu = cu->resolu;
				nu->flag = CU_SMOOTH;
				BLI_addtail(editnurb, nu); /* temporal for extrude and translate */
				vec[0] = vec[1] = 0.0;
				vec[2] = -grid;

				mul_mat3_m4_v3(mat, vec);

				ed_editnurb_translate_flag(editnurb, SELECT, vec);
				ed_editnurb_extrude_flag(cu->editnurb, SELECT);
				mul_v3_fl(vec, -2.0f);
				ed_editnurb_translate_flag(editnurb, SELECT, vec);

				BLI_remlink(editnurb, nu);

				a = nu->pntsu * nu->pntsv;
				bp = nu->bp;
				while (a-- > 0) {
					bp->f1 |= SELECT;
		case CU_PRIM_SPHERE: /* sphere */
			if (cutype == CU_NURBS) {
				float tmp_cent[3] = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
				float tmp_vec[3] = {0.f, 0.f, 1.f};

				nu->pntsu = 5;
				nu->pntsv = 1;
				nu->orderu = 3;
				nu->resolu = cu->resolu;
				nu->resolv = cu->resolv;
				nu->flag = CU_SMOOTH;
				nu->bp = (BPoint *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(BPoint) * 5, "addNurbprim6");
				nu->flagu = 0;
				bp = nu->bp;

				for (a = 0; a < 5; a++) {
					bp->f1 = SELECT;
					bp->vec[0] += nurbcircle[a][0] * grid;
					bp->vec[2] += nurbcircle[a][1] * grid;
					if (a & 1) bp->vec[3] = 0.5 * M_SQRT2;
					else bp->vec[3] = 1.0;
					mul_m4_v3(mat, bp->vec);
				nu->flagu = CU_NURB_BEZIER;

				BLI_addtail(editnurb, nu); /* temporal for spin */

				if (newob && (U.flag & USER_ADD_VIEWALIGNED) == 0)
					ed_editnurb_spin(umat, obedit, tmp_vec, tmp_cent);
				else if ((U.flag & USER_ADD_VIEWALIGNED))
					ed_editnurb_spin(viewmat, obedit, zvec, mat[3]);
					ed_editnurb_spin(umat, obedit, tmp_vec, mat[3]);


				a = nu->pntsu * nu->pntsv;
				bp = nu->bp;
				while (a-- > 0) {
					bp->f1 |= SELECT;
				BLI_remlink(editnurb, nu);
		case CU_PRIM_DONUT: /* torus */
			if (cutype == CU_NURBS) {
				float tmp_cent[3] = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
				float tmp_vec[3] = {0.f, 0.f, 1.f};

				xzproj = 1;
				nu = add_nurbs_primitive(C, obedit, mat, CU_NURBS | CU_PRIM_CIRCLE, 0); /* circle */
				xzproj = 0;
				nu->resolu = cu->resolu;
				nu->resolv = cu->resolv;
				nu->flag = CU_SMOOTH;
				BLI_addtail(editnurb, nu); /* temporal for spin */

				/* same as above */
				if (newob && (U.flag & USER_ADD_VIEWALIGNED) == 0)
					ed_editnurb_spin(umat, obedit, tmp_vec, tmp_cent);
				else if ((U.flag & USER_ADD_VIEWALIGNED))
					ed_editnurb_spin(viewmat, obedit, zvec, mat[3]);
					ed_editnurb_spin(umat, obedit, tmp_vec, mat[3]);

				BLI_remlink(editnurb, nu);

				a = nu->pntsu * nu->pntsv;
				bp = nu->bp;
				while (a-- > 0) {
					bp->f1 |= SELECT;


		default: /* should never happen */
			BLI_assert(!"invalid nurbs type");
			return NULL;

	BLI_assert(nu != NULL);

	if (nu) { /* should always be set */
		nu->flag |= CU_SMOOTH;
		cu->actnu = BLI_listbase_count(editnurb);
		cu->actvert = CU_ACT_NONE;


	return nu;
Beispiel #8
static DerivedMesh *arrayModifier_doArray(
        ArrayModifierData *amd,
        Scene *scene, Object *ob, DerivedMesh *dm,
        ModifierApplyFlag flag)
	const float eps = 1e-6f;
	const MVert *src_mvert;
	MVert *mv, *mv_prev, *result_dm_verts;

	MEdge *me;
	MLoop *ml;
	MPoly *mp;
	int i, j, c, count;
	float length = amd->length;
	/* offset matrix */
	float offset[4][4];
	float scale[3];
	bool offset_has_scale;
	float current_offset[4][4];
	float final_offset[4][4];
	int *full_doubles_map = NULL;
	int tot_doubles;

	const bool use_merge = (amd->flags & MOD_ARR_MERGE) != 0;
	const bool use_recalc_normals = (dm->dirty & DM_DIRTY_NORMALS) || use_merge;
	const bool use_offset_ob = ((amd->offset_type & MOD_ARR_OFF_OBJ) && amd->offset_ob);

	int start_cap_nverts = 0, start_cap_nedges = 0, start_cap_npolys = 0, start_cap_nloops = 0;
	int end_cap_nverts = 0, end_cap_nedges = 0, end_cap_npolys = 0, end_cap_nloops = 0;
	int result_nverts = 0, result_nedges = 0, result_npolys = 0, result_nloops = 0;
	int chunk_nverts, chunk_nedges, chunk_nloops, chunk_npolys;
	int first_chunk_start, first_chunk_nverts, last_chunk_start, last_chunk_nverts;

	DerivedMesh *result, *start_cap_dm = NULL, *end_cap_dm = NULL;

	int *vgroup_start_cap_remap = NULL;
	int vgroup_start_cap_remap_len = 0;
	int *vgroup_end_cap_remap = NULL;
	int vgroup_end_cap_remap_len = 0;

	chunk_nverts = dm->getNumVerts(dm);
	chunk_nedges = dm->getNumEdges(dm);
	chunk_nloops = dm->getNumLoops(dm);
	chunk_npolys = dm->getNumPolys(dm);

	count = amd->count;

	if (amd->start_cap && amd->start_cap != ob && amd->start_cap->type == OB_MESH) {
		vgroup_start_cap_remap = BKE_object_defgroup_index_map_create(amd->start_cap, ob, &vgroup_start_cap_remap_len);

		start_cap_dm = get_dm_for_modifier(amd->start_cap, flag);
		if (start_cap_dm) {
			start_cap_nverts = start_cap_dm->getNumVerts(start_cap_dm);
			start_cap_nedges = start_cap_dm->getNumEdges(start_cap_dm);
			start_cap_nloops = start_cap_dm->getNumLoops(start_cap_dm);
			start_cap_npolys = start_cap_dm->getNumPolys(start_cap_dm);
	if (amd->end_cap && amd->end_cap != ob && amd->end_cap->type == OB_MESH) {
		vgroup_end_cap_remap = BKE_object_defgroup_index_map_create(amd->end_cap, ob, &vgroup_end_cap_remap_len);

		end_cap_dm = get_dm_for_modifier(amd->end_cap, flag);
		if (end_cap_dm) {
			end_cap_nverts = end_cap_dm->getNumVerts(end_cap_dm);
			end_cap_nedges = end_cap_dm->getNumEdges(end_cap_dm);
			end_cap_nloops = end_cap_dm->getNumLoops(end_cap_dm);
			end_cap_npolys = end_cap_dm->getNumPolys(end_cap_dm);

	/* Build up offset array, cumulating all settings options */

	src_mvert = dm->getVertArray(dm);

	if (amd->offset_type & MOD_ARR_OFF_CONST) {
		add_v3_v3(offset[3], amd->offset);

	if (amd->offset_type & MOD_ARR_OFF_RELATIVE) {
		float min[3], max[3];
		const MVert *src_mv;

		INIT_MINMAX(min, max);
		for (src_mv = src_mvert, j = chunk_nverts; j--; src_mv++) {
			minmax_v3v3_v3(min, max, src_mv->co);

		for (j = 3; j--; ) {
			offset[3][j] += amd->scale[j] * (max[j] - min[j]);

	if (use_offset_ob) {
		float obinv[4][4];
		float result_mat[4][4];

		if (ob)
			invert_m4_m4(obinv, ob->obmat);

		mul_m4_series(result_mat, offset,
		              obinv, amd->offset_ob->obmat);
		copy_m4_m4(offset, result_mat);

	/* Check if there is some scaling.  If scaling, then we will not translate mapping */
	mat4_to_size(scale, offset);
	offset_has_scale = !is_one_v3(scale);

	if (amd->fit_type == MOD_ARR_FITCURVE && amd->curve_ob) {
		Curve *cu = amd->curve_ob->data;
		if (cu) {
			if (amd->curve_ob->curve_cache == NULL) {
				BKE_displist_make_curveTypes(scene, amd->curve_ob, false);

			if (amd->curve_ob->curve_cache && amd->curve_ob->curve_cache->path) {
				float scale_fac = mat4_to_scale(amd->curve_ob->obmat);
				length = scale_fac * amd->curve_ob->curve_cache->path->totdist;

	/* calculate the maximum number of copies which will fit within the
	 * prescribed length */
	if (amd->fit_type == MOD_ARR_FITLENGTH || amd->fit_type == MOD_ARR_FITCURVE) {
		float dist = len_v3(offset[3]);

		if (dist > eps) {
			/* this gives length = first copy start to last copy end
			 * add a tiny offset for floating point rounding errors */
			count = (length + eps) / dist + 1;
		else {
			/* if the offset has no translation, just make one copy */
			count = 1;

	if (count < 1)
		count = 1;

	/* The number of verts, edges, loops, polys, before eventually merging doubles */
	result_nverts = chunk_nverts * count + start_cap_nverts + end_cap_nverts;
	result_nedges = chunk_nedges * count + start_cap_nedges + end_cap_nedges;
	result_nloops = chunk_nloops * count + start_cap_nloops + end_cap_nloops;
	result_npolys = chunk_npolys * count + start_cap_npolys + end_cap_npolys;

	/* Initialize a result dm */
	result = CDDM_from_template(dm, result_nverts, result_nedges, 0, result_nloops, result_npolys);
	result_dm_verts = CDDM_get_verts(result);

	if (use_merge) {
		/* Will need full_doubles_map for handling merge */
		full_doubles_map = MEM_malloc_arrayN(result_nverts, sizeof(int), "mod array doubles map");
		copy_vn_i(full_doubles_map, result_nverts, -1);

	/* copy customdata to original geometry */
	DM_copy_vert_data(dm, result, 0, 0, chunk_nverts);
	DM_copy_edge_data(dm, result, 0, 0, chunk_nedges);
	DM_copy_loop_data(dm, result, 0, 0, chunk_nloops);
	DM_copy_poly_data(dm, result, 0, 0, chunk_npolys);

	/* Subsurf for eg won't have mesh data in the custom data arrays.
	 * now add mvert/medge/mpoly layers. */

	if (!CustomData_has_layer(&dm->vertData, CD_MVERT)) {
		dm->copyVertArray(dm, result_dm_verts);
	if (!CustomData_has_layer(&dm->edgeData, CD_MEDGE)) {
		dm->copyEdgeArray(dm, CDDM_get_edges(result));
	if (!CustomData_has_layer(&dm->polyData, CD_MPOLY)) {
		dm->copyLoopArray(dm, CDDM_get_loops(result));
		dm->copyPolyArray(dm, CDDM_get_polys(result));

	/* Remember first chunk, in case of cap merge */
	first_chunk_start = 0;
	first_chunk_nverts = chunk_nverts;

	for (c = 1; c < count; c++) {
		/* copy customdata to new geometry */
		DM_copy_vert_data(result, result, 0, c * chunk_nverts, chunk_nverts);
		DM_copy_edge_data(result, result, 0, c * chunk_nedges, chunk_nedges);
		DM_copy_loop_data(result, result, 0, c * chunk_nloops, chunk_nloops);
		DM_copy_poly_data(result, result, 0, c * chunk_npolys, chunk_npolys);

		mv_prev = result_dm_verts;
		mv = mv_prev + c * chunk_nverts;

		/* recalculate cumulative offset here */
		mul_m4_m4m4(current_offset, current_offset, offset);

		/* apply offset to all new verts */
		for (i = 0; i < chunk_nverts; i++, mv++, mv_prev++) {
			mul_m4_v3(current_offset, mv->co);

			/* We have to correct normals too, if we do not tag them as dirty! */
			if (!use_recalc_normals) {
				float no[3];
				normal_short_to_float_v3(no, mv->no);
				mul_mat3_m4_v3(current_offset, no);
				normal_float_to_short_v3(mv->no, no);

		/* adjust edge vertex indices */
		me = CDDM_get_edges(result) + c * chunk_nedges;
		for (i = 0; i < chunk_nedges; i++, me++) {
			me->v1 += c * chunk_nverts;
			me->v2 += c * chunk_nverts;

		mp = CDDM_get_polys(result) + c * chunk_npolys;
		for (i = 0; i < chunk_npolys; i++, mp++) {
			mp->loopstart += c * chunk_nloops;

		/* adjust loop vertex and edge indices */
		ml = CDDM_get_loops(result) + c * chunk_nloops;
		for (i = 0; i < chunk_nloops; i++, ml++) {
			ml->v += c * chunk_nverts;
			ml->e += c * chunk_nedges;

		/* Handle merge between chunk n and n-1 */
		if (use_merge && (c >= 1)) {
			if (!offset_has_scale && (c >= 2)) {
				/* Mapping chunk 3 to chunk 2 is a translation of mapping 2 to 1
				 * ... that is except if scaling makes the distance grow */
				int k;
				int this_chunk_index = c * chunk_nverts;
				int prev_chunk_index = (c - 1) * chunk_nverts;
				for (k = 0; k < chunk_nverts; k++, this_chunk_index++, prev_chunk_index++) {
					int target = full_doubles_map[prev_chunk_index];
					if (target != -1) {
						target += chunk_nverts; /* translate mapping */
						while (target != -1 && !ELEM(full_doubles_map[target], -1, target)) {
							/* If target is already mapped, we only follow that mapping if final target remains
							 * close enough from current vert (otherwise no mapping at all). */
							if (compare_len_v3v3(result_dm_verts[this_chunk_index].co,
								target = full_doubles_map[target];
							else {
								target = -1;
					full_doubles_map[this_chunk_index] = target;
			else {
				        (c - 1) * chunk_nverts,
				        c * chunk_nverts,

	/* handle UVs */
	if (chunk_nloops > 0 && is_zero_v2(amd->uv_offset) == false) {
		const int totuv = CustomData_number_of_layers(&result->loopData, CD_MLOOPUV);
		for (i = 0; i < totuv; i++) {
			MLoopUV *dmloopuv = CustomData_get_layer_n(&result->loopData, CD_MLOOPUV, i);
			dmloopuv += chunk_nloops;
			for (c = 1; c < count; c++) {
				const float uv_offset[2] = {
					amd->uv_offset[0] * (float)c,
					amd->uv_offset[1] * (float)c,
				int l_index = chunk_nloops;
				for (; l_index-- != 0; dmloopuv++) {
					dmloopuv->uv[0] += uv_offset[0];
					dmloopuv->uv[1] += uv_offset[1];

	last_chunk_start = (count - 1) * chunk_nverts;
	last_chunk_nverts = chunk_nverts;

	copy_m4_m4(final_offset, current_offset);

	if (use_merge && (amd->flags & MOD_ARR_MERGEFINAL) && (count > 1)) {
		/* Merge first and last copies */

	/* start capping */
	if (start_cap_dm) {
		float start_offset[4][4];
		int start_cap_start = result_nverts - start_cap_nverts - end_cap_nverts;
		invert_m4_m4(start_offset, offset);
		        result, start_cap_dm, start_offset,
		        result_nverts - start_cap_nverts - end_cap_nverts,
		        result_nedges - start_cap_nedges - end_cap_nedges,
		        result_nloops - start_cap_nloops - end_cap_nloops,
		        result_npolys - start_cap_npolys - end_cap_npolys,
		        start_cap_nverts, start_cap_nedges, start_cap_nloops, start_cap_npolys,
		        vgroup_start_cap_remap, vgroup_start_cap_remap_len);
		/* Identify doubles with first chunk */
		if (use_merge) {

	if (end_cap_dm) {
		float end_offset[4][4];
		int end_cap_start = result_nverts - end_cap_nverts;
		mul_m4_m4m4(end_offset, current_offset, offset);
		        result, end_cap_dm, end_offset,
		        result_nverts - end_cap_nverts,
		        result_nedges - end_cap_nedges,
		        result_nloops - end_cap_nloops,
		        result_npolys - end_cap_npolys,
		        end_cap_nverts, end_cap_nedges, end_cap_nloops, end_cap_npolys,
		        vgroup_end_cap_remap, vgroup_end_cap_remap_len);
		/* Identify doubles with last chunk */
		if (use_merge) {
	/* done capping */

	/* Handle merging */
	tot_doubles = 0;
	if (use_merge) {
		for (i = 0; i < result_nverts; i++) {
			int new_i = full_doubles_map[i];
			if (new_i != -1) {
				/* We have to follow chains of doubles (merge start/end especially is likely to create some),
				 * those are not supported at all by CDDM_merge_verts! */
				while (!ELEM(full_doubles_map[new_i], -1, new_i)) {
					new_i = full_doubles_map[new_i];
				if (i == new_i) {
					full_doubles_map[i] = -1;
				else {
					full_doubles_map[i] = new_i;
		if (tot_doubles > 0) {
			result = CDDM_merge_verts(result, full_doubles_map, tot_doubles, CDDM_MERGE_VERTS_DUMP_IF_EQUAL);

	/* In case org dm has dirty normals, or we made some merging, mark normals as dirty in new dm!
	 * TODO: we may need to set other dirty flags as well?
	if (use_recalc_normals) {
		result->dirty |= DM_DIRTY_NORMALS;

	if (vgroup_start_cap_remap) {
	if (vgroup_end_cap_remap) {

	return result;
Beispiel #9
void do_kink(ParticleKey *state, const float par_co[3], const float par_vel[3], const float par_rot[4], float time, float freq, float shape,
             float amplitude, float flat, short type, short axis, float obmat[4][4], int smooth_start)
	float kink[3] = {1.f, 0.f, 0.f}, par_vec[3], q1[4] = {1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
	float t, dt = 1.f, result[3];


	CLAMP(time, 0.f, 1.f);

	if (shape != 0.0f && !ELEM(type, PART_KINK_BRAID)) {
		if (shape < 0.0f)
			time = (float)pow(time, 1.f + shape);
			time = (float)pow(time, 1.f / (1.f - shape));

	t = time * freq * (float)M_PI;

	if (smooth_start) {
		dt = fabsf(t);
		/* smooth the beginning of kink */
		CLAMP(dt, 0.f, (float)M_PI);
		dt = sinf(dt / 2.f);

	if (!ELEM(type, PART_KINK_RADIAL)) {
		float temp[3];

		kink[axis] = 1.f;

		if (obmat)
			mul_mat3_m4_v3(obmat, kink);

		mul_qt_v3(par_rot, kink);

		/* make sure kink is normal to strand */
		project_v3_v3v3(temp, kink, par_vel);
		sub_v3_v3(kink, temp);

	copy_v3_v3(result, state->co);
	sub_v3_v3v3(par_vec, par_co, state->co);

	switch (type) {
			float curl_offset[3];

			/* rotate kink vector around strand tangent */
			mul_v3_v3fl(curl_offset, kink, amplitude);
			axis_angle_to_quat(q1, par_vel, t);
			mul_qt_v3(q1, curl_offset);

			interp_v3_v3v3(par_vec, state->co, par_co, flat);
			add_v3_v3v3(result, par_vec, curl_offset);
			if (flat > 0.f) {
				float proj[3];
				/* flatten along strand */
				project_v3_v3v3(proj, par_vec, par_vel);
				madd_v3_v3fl(result, proj, flat);

			madd_v3_v3fl(result, par_vec, -amplitude * sinf(t));
			madd_v3_v3fl(result, kink, amplitude * sinf(t));

			if (flat > 0.f) {
				float proj[3];
				/* flatten along wave */
				project_v3_v3v3(proj, par_vec, kink);
				madd_v3_v3fl(result, proj, flat);

				/* flatten along strand */
				project_v3_v3v3(proj, par_vec, par_vel);
				madd_v3_v3fl(result, proj, flat);
			float y_vec[3] = {0.f, 1.f, 0.f};
			float z_vec[3] = {0.f, 0.f, 1.f};
			float vec_one[3], state_co[3];
			float inp_y, inp_z, length;

			if (par_rot) {
				mul_qt_v3(par_rot, y_vec);
				mul_qt_v3(par_rot, z_vec);

			normalize_v3_v3(vec_one, par_vec);

			inp_y = dot_v3v3(y_vec, vec_one);
			inp_z = dot_v3v3(z_vec, vec_one);

			if (inp_y > 0.5f) {
				copy_v3_v3(state_co, y_vec);

				mul_v3_fl(y_vec, amplitude * cosf(t));
				mul_v3_fl(z_vec, amplitude / 2.f * sinf(2.f * t));
			else if (inp_z > 0.0f) {
				mul_v3_v3fl(state_co, z_vec, sinf((float)M_PI / 3.f));
				madd_v3_v3fl(state_co, y_vec, -0.5f);

				mul_v3_fl(y_vec, -amplitude * cosf(t + (float)M_PI / 3.f));
				mul_v3_fl(z_vec, amplitude / 2.f * cosf(2.f * t + (float)M_PI / 6.f));
			else {
				mul_v3_v3fl(state_co, z_vec, -sinf((float)M_PI / 3.f));
				madd_v3_v3fl(state_co, y_vec, -0.5f);

				mul_v3_fl(y_vec, amplitude * -sinf(t + (float)M_PI / 6.f));
				mul_v3_fl(z_vec, amplitude / 2.f * -sinf(2.f * t + (float)M_PI / 3.f));

			mul_v3_fl(state_co, amplitude);
			add_v3_v3(state_co, par_co);
			sub_v3_v3v3(par_vec, state->co, state_co);

			length = normalize_v3(par_vec);
			mul_v3_fl(par_vec, MIN2(length, amplitude / 2.f));

			add_v3_v3v3(state_co, par_co, y_vec);
			add_v3_v3(state_co, z_vec);
			add_v3_v3(state_co, par_vec);

			shape = 2.f * (float)M_PI * (1.f + shape);

			if (t < shape) {
				shape = t / shape;
				shape = (float)sqrt((double)shape);
				interp_v3_v3v3(result, result, state_co, shape);
			else {
				copy_v3_v3(result, state_co);

	/* blend the start of the kink */
	if (dt < 1.f)
		interp_v3_v3v3(state->co, state->co, result, dt);
		copy_v3_v3(state->co, result);
Beispiel #10
static void do_kink_spiral(ParticleThreadContext *ctx, ParticleTexture *ptex, const float parent_orco[3],
                           ChildParticle *cpa, const float orco[3], float hairmat[4][4],
                           ParticleCacheKey *keys, ParticleCacheKey *parent_keys, int *r_totkeys, float *r_max_length)
	struct ParticleSettings *part = ctx->sim.psys->part;
	const int seed = ctx->sim.psys->child_seed + (int)(cpa - ctx->sim.psys->child);
	const int totkeys = ctx->segments + 1;
	const int extrakeys = ctx->extra_segments;

	float kink_amp_random = part->kink_amp_random;
	float kink_amp = part->kink_amp * (1.0f - kink_amp_random * psys_frand(ctx->sim.psys, 93541 + seed));
	float kink_freq = part->kink_freq;
	float kink_shape = part->kink_shape;
	float kink_axis_random = part->kink_axis_random;
	float rough1 = part->rough1;
	float rough2 = part->rough2;
	float rough_end = part->rough_end;

	ParticlePathIterator iter;
	ParticleCacheKey *key;
	int k;

	float dir[3];
	float spiral_start[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
	float spiral_start_time = 0.0f;
	float spiral_par_co[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
	float spiral_par_vel[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
	float spiral_par_rot[4] = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
	float totlen;
	float cut_time;
	int start_index = 0, end_index = 0;
	float kink_base[3];

	if (ptex) {
		kink_amp *= ptex->kink_amp;
		kink_freq *= ptex->kink_freq;
		rough1 *= ptex->rough1;
		rough2 *= ptex->rough2;
		rough_end *= ptex->roughe;

	cut_time = (totkeys - 1) * ptex->length;

	for (k = 0, key = keys; k < totkeys-1; k++, key++) {
		if ((float)(k + 1) >= cut_time) {
			float fac = cut_time - (float)k;
			ParticleCacheKey *par = parent_keys + k;

			start_index = k + 1;
			end_index = start_index + extrakeys;

			spiral_start_time = ((float)k + fac) / (float)(totkeys - 1);
			interp_v3_v3v3(spiral_start, key->co, (key+1)->co, fac);

			interp_v3_v3v3(spiral_par_co, par->co, (par+1)->co, fac);
			interp_v3_v3v3(spiral_par_vel, par->vel, (par+1)->vel, fac);
			interp_qt_qtqt(spiral_par_rot, par->rot, (par+1)->rot, fac);



	kink_base[part->kink_axis] = 1.0f;
	mul_mat3_m4_v3(ctx->sim.ob->obmat, kink_base);

	/* Fill in invariant part of modifier context. */
	ParticleChildModifierContext modifier_ctx = {NULL};
	modifier_ctx.thread_ctx = ctx;
	modifier_ctx.sim = &ctx->sim;
	modifier_ctx.ptex = ptex; = cpa;
	modifier_ctx.orco = orco;
	modifier_ctx.parent_keys = parent_keys;

	for (k = 0, key = keys; k < end_index; k++, key++) {
		float par_time;
		float *par_co, *par_vel, *par_rot;

		psys_path_iter_get(&iter, keys, end_index, NULL, k);
		if (k < start_index) {
			sub_v3_v3v3(dir, (key+1)->co, key->co);

			par_time = (float)k / (float)(totkeys - 1);
			par_co = parent_keys[k].co;
			par_vel = parent_keys[k].vel;
			par_rot = parent_keys[k].rot;
		else {
			float spiral_time = (float)(k - start_index) / (float)(extrakeys-1);
			float kink[3], tmp[3];

			/* use same time value for every point on the spiral */
			par_time = spiral_start_time;
			par_co = spiral_par_co;
			par_vel = spiral_par_vel;
			par_rot = spiral_par_rot;

			project_v3_v3v3(tmp, kink_base, dir);
			sub_v3_v3v3(kink, kink_base, tmp);

			if (kink_axis_random > 0.0f) {
				float a = kink_axis_random * (psys_frand(ctx->sim.psys, 7112 + seed) * 2.0f - 1.0f) * (float)M_PI;
				float rot[3][3];

				axis_angle_normalized_to_mat3(rot, dir, a);
				mul_m3_v3(rot, kink);

			do_kink_spiral_deform((ParticleKey *)key, dir, kink, spiral_time, kink_freq, kink_shape, kink_amp, spiral_start);

		/* Fill in variant part of modifier context. */
		modifier_ctx.par_co = par_co;
		modifier_ctx.par_vel = par_vel;
		modifier_ctx.par_rot = par_rot;
		modifier_ctx.par_orco = parent_orco;

		/* Apply different deformations to the child path/ */
		do_child_modifiers(&modifier_ctx, hairmat, (ParticleKey *)key, par_time);

	totlen = 0.0f;
	for (k = 0, key = keys; k < end_index-1; k++, key++)
		totlen += len_v3v3((key+1)->co, key->co);

	*r_totkeys = end_index;
	*r_max_length = totlen;
Beispiel #11
static void space_transform_invert_normal(const SpaceTransform *data, float *no)
	mul_mat3_m4_v3(((SpaceTransform*)data)->target2local, no);
	normalize_v3(no); // TODO: could we just determine de scale value from the matrix?
Beispiel #12
static void draw_sim_debug_elements(SimDebugData *debug_data, float imat[4][4])
	GHashIterator iter;
	/**** dots ****/
	for (BLI_ghashIterator_init(&iter, debug_data->gh); !BLI_ghashIterator_done(&iter); BLI_ghashIterator_step(&iter)) {
		SimDebugElement *elem = BLI_ghashIterator_getValue(&iter);
		if (elem->type != SIM_DEBUG_ELEM_DOT)
		glColor3f(elem->color[0], elem->color[1], elem->color[2]);
		glVertex3f(elem->v1[0], elem->v1[1], elem->v1[2]);
	/**** circles ****/
		float circle[16][2] = {
		    {0.000000, 1.000000}, {0.382683, 0.923880}, {0.707107, 0.707107}, {0.923880, 0.382683},
		    {1.000000, -0.000000}, {0.923880, -0.382683}, {0.707107, -0.707107}, {0.382683, -0.923880},
		    {-0.000000, -1.000000}, {-0.382683, -0.923880}, {-0.707107, -0.707107}, {-0.923879, -0.382684},
		    {-1.000000, 0.000000}, {-0.923879, 0.382684}, {-0.707107, 0.707107}, {-0.382683, 0.923880} };
		for (BLI_ghashIterator_init(&iter, debug_data->gh); !BLI_ghashIterator_done(&iter); BLI_ghashIterator_step(&iter)) {
			SimDebugElement *elem = BLI_ghashIterator_getValue(&iter);
			float radius = elem->v2[0];
			float co[3];
			int i;
			if (elem->type != SIM_DEBUG_ELEM_CIRCLE)
			glColor3f(elem->color[0], elem->color[1], elem->color[2]);
			for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
				co[0] = radius * circle[i][0];
				co[1] = radius * circle[i][1];
				co[2] = 0.0f;
				mul_mat3_m4_v3(imat, co);
				add_v3_v3(co, elem->v1);
				glVertex3f(co[0], co[1], co[2]);
	/**** lines ****/
	for (BLI_ghashIterator_init(&iter, debug_data->gh); !BLI_ghashIterator_done(&iter); BLI_ghashIterator_step(&iter)) {
		SimDebugElement *elem = BLI_ghashIterator_getValue(&iter);
		if (elem->type != SIM_DEBUG_ELEM_LINE)
		glColor3f(elem->color[0], elem->color[1], elem->color[2]);
		glVertex3f(elem->v1[0], elem->v1[1], elem->v1[2]);
		glVertex3f(elem->v2[0], elem->v2[1], elem->v2[2]);
	/**** vectors ****/
	for (BLI_ghashIterator_init(&iter, debug_data->gh); !BLI_ghashIterator_done(&iter); BLI_ghashIterator_step(&iter)) {
		SimDebugElement *elem = BLI_ghashIterator_getValue(&iter);
		if (elem->type != SIM_DEBUG_ELEM_VECTOR)
		glColor3f(elem->color[0], elem->color[1], elem->color[2]);
		glVertex3f(elem->v1[0], elem->v1[1], elem->v1[2]);
	for (BLI_ghashIterator_init(&iter, debug_data->gh); !BLI_ghashIterator_done(&iter); BLI_ghashIterator_step(&iter)) {
		SimDebugElement *elem = BLI_ghashIterator_getValue(&iter);
		float t[3];
		if (elem->type != SIM_DEBUG_ELEM_VECTOR)
		glColor3f(elem->color[0], elem->color[1], elem->color[2]);
		glVertex3f(elem->v1[0], elem->v1[1], elem->v1[2]);
		add_v3_v3v3(t, elem->v1, elem->v2);
		glVertex3f(t[0], t[1], t[2]);
	/**** strings ****/
	for (BLI_ghashIterator_init(&iter, debug_data->gh); !BLI_ghashIterator_done(&iter); BLI_ghashIterator_step(&iter)) {
		SimDebugElement *elem = BLI_ghashIterator_getValue(&iter);
		if (elem->type != SIM_DEBUG_ELEM_STRING)
		unsigned char col[4];
		rgb_float_to_uchar(col, elem->color);
		col[3] = 255;
		view3d_cached_text_draw_add(elem->v1, elem->str, strlen(elem->str),
		                            0, V3D_CACHE_TEXT_GLOBALSPACE, col);