/* Estimate time for a nu step in milliseconds */
cl_double cudaEstimateIterTime(const DevInfo* di, cl_double flopsPerIter, cl_double flops)
    cl_double devFactor;

    /* Experimentally determined constants */
    devFactor = mwComputeCapabilityIs(di, 1, 3) ? 1.87 : 1.53;

    /* Idea is this is a sort of efficiency factor for the
     * architecture vs. the theoretical FLOPs. We can then scale by
     * the theoretical flops compared to the reference devices. */

    return 1000.0 * devFactor * flopsPerIter / flops;
/* Return flag for Nvidia compiler for maximum registers to use. */
static const char* getNvidiaRegCount(const DevInfo* di)
    const char* regCount32 = "-cl-nv-maxrregcount=32 ";
    const char* regDefault = "";

    if (mwComputeCapabilityIs(di, 1, 3)) /* 1.3 == GT200 */
        /* 32 allows for greatest number of threads at a time */
        mw_printf("Found a compute capability 1.3 device. Using %s\n", regCount32);
        return regCount32;

    /* Higher or other is Fermi or unknown, */
    return regDefault;