bool isNStraightHand(int*hand, int handSz, int W){
    qsort(hand, handSz, sizeof(int), cmp);
    int n = handSz;
    int k = 0;
    for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
        if(!i||hand[i] != hand[i-1])
            s[k++] = newPair(hand[i],1);
    for(int i=0;i<k;i++){
                return false;
            for(int j=0; j<W; j++){
                if(s[i+j].first != s[i].first+j||s[i+j].second<=0)
                    return false;
    return true;
Beispiel #2
int main() {
	int aux, n, k;
	scanf("%d %d %d", &aux, &n, &k); getchar();
	int*begin_position= malloc((n + 2) * sizeof(int));	memset(begin_position, 0, (n + 2) * sizeof(int));
	int*  end_position= malloc((n + 2) * sizeof(int));	memset(end_position,   0, (n + 2) * sizeof(int));
	for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
		int x, y;
		scanf("%d %d", &x, &y);
		swaps[i] = newPair(x, y);
	begin_position[0] = 1;
	end_position[n + 1] = k;
	for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
		int position = begin_position[i - 1];
		if (swaps[i].first == position || swaps[i].second == position)
			begin_position[i] = swaps[i].first + swaps[i].second - position;
			begin_position[i] = position;
	for (int i = n; i; i--) {
		int position = end_position[i + 1];
		if (swaps[i].first == position || swaps[i].second == position)
			end_position[i] = swaps[i].first + swaps[i].second - position;
			end_position[i] = position;
	for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
		if (begin_position[i - 1] == end_position[i + 1]) {
			printf("%d\n", i);
			return 0;
	printf("%d\n", -1);
	return 0;
/* Function loads a password file and gets each hexadecimal string line-by-line and attempts to match
the each one with the hex strings in entryMap, which must be preloaded from Menu Option 2 (DictionaryLoader).
For those that cannot be found in entryMap, the passwords are cracked with the bruteForceSolve method.
void DictionaryDecrypter::decryptDictionary(bool defaultFilename,
	std::unordered_map<std::string, DictionaryLoader::entry*> &entryMap,
	std::map<int, DictionaryDecrypter::SolvedEntry*> &solvedPasswords){

	std::string filename;
	std::list<SolvedEntry*> unsolvedPasswords;

	int entryNumber = 0;

	if (!defaultFilename){
		std::cout << "Enter custom filename: ";
		std::getline(std::cin, filename);
	else {
		filename = "pass.txt";

	std::ifstream file(filename);
	std::ofstream outfile("pass_solved.txt");

	if (file.is_open()){
		std::cout << "Decrypting " + filename + "...\n";
		std::string line;
		while (std::getline(file, line)){
			SolvedEntry * newEntry = new SolvedEntry;
			newEntry->passwordEntryNumber = entryNumber++;	// Increment entryNumber for each entry and store it so the passwords are
			// outputted correctly after all are decrypted
			newEntry->hex_str = line;						// Store the hexadecimal string

			if (entryMap.find(line) != entryMap.end()){		// If an entry in the entryMap matches the hex string...
				newEntry->plainTextSolution = entryMap[line]->word; // Store the plainText solution from the entryMap
				std::pair<int, SolvedEntry*> newPair(newEntry->passwordEntryNumber, newEntry); // Make a pair of the entryNumber and pointer to the entry
			else {
				unsolvedPasswords.push_back(newEntry);	// If a hex doesn't get a match in the entryMap, store in
			}											// list of unsolved passwords to later brute force solve

		// Measures performance time of brute force solve
		LARGE_INTEGER freq, before, after; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&freq); QueryPerformanceCounter(&before);

		// Uses Concurrency to brute force solve multiple passwords
		// Lambda that passes in solvedPasswords by reference and each of the unsolved passwords into bruteForceSolve
		Concurrency::parallel_for_each(unsolvedPasswords.begin(), unsolvedPasswords.end(), [this, &solvedPasswords](SolvedEntry* x) {
			DictionaryDecrypter::bruteForceSolve(x, solvedPasswords);

		float fElapsed = static_cast<float>(after.QuadPart - before.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart;

		std::cout << "\nTime elapsed: " << fElapsed << " seconds" << std::endl;

		std::map<int, SolvedEntry*>::iterator iter;
		std::string strToReturn;

		// Once all passwords are decrypted, print them out into the outfile "pass_solved.txt"
		for (iter = solvedPasswords.begin(); iter != solvedPasswords.end(); ++iter) {
			strToReturn.append(iter->second->hex_str);					// First item is the hexadecimal string
			strToReturn.append(", ");
			strToReturn.append(iter->second->plainTextSolution + "\n"); // Second item is the actual password

		outfile << strToReturn;

		std::cout << "Output file pass_solved.txt created. \n\n";

		// Avoid memory leak and delete all SolvedEntrys
		for (SolvedEntry * x : unsolvedPasswords){
			delete x;
	else {
		std::cout << "File could not be opened." << std::endl << std::endl;
/* Function that brute force solves any unsolved passwords by trying every possible permutation
for four-letter passwords. Passes in a pointer to an unsolvedPassword entry, and the solvedPasswords
map by reference.
void DictionaryDecrypter::bruteForceSolve(SolvedEntry* unsolvedPassword,
	std::map<int, DictionaryDecrypter::SolvedEntry*> &solvedPasswords){

	// Initialization
	int digits[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
	char potentialPassword[5] = { NULL };
	unsigned char hash[20];
	char hex_str[41];

	/* Loop through all unsolved passwords and try each permutation four digits long until
	all passwords are solved. For loop of int i iterates 1679616 times because that is 36^4,
	the number of permutations of four characters.
	Digits: [0][1][2][3]
	Potential Password: [0][1][2][3]
	for (int i = 0; i < 1679616; i++){
		if (digits[0] == 36){	// Carryover to tens digit
			digits[0] = 0;
		if (digits[1] == 36){	// Carryover to hundreds digit
			digits[1] = 0;
		if (digits[2] == 36){	// Carryover to thousands digit
			digits[2] = 0;

		// Always convert the ones digit to a character
		potentialPassword[0] = convertDigitToCharacter(digits[0]);

		// Only convert the tens digit to a character once a carryover to the tens digit has occurred
		if (i >= 36){
			if (i == 36) digits[1] = 0; // Must initialize to 0, otherwise the carryover will increment
			// and just start at 1
			potentialPassword[1] = convertDigitToCharacter(digits[1]);

		// Only convert the hundreds digit to a character once a carryover to the hundreds digit has occurred
		if (i >= 1296){
			if (i == 1296) digits[2] = 0;	// Must initialize to 0, otherwise the carryover will increment
			// and just start at 1
			potentialPassword[2] = convertDigitToCharacter(digits[2]);

		// Only convert the thousands digit to a character once a carryover to the thousands digit has occurred
		if (i >= 46656){
			if (i == 46656) digits[3] = 0;	// Must initialize to 0, otherwise the carryover will increment
			// and just start at 1
			potentialPassword[3] = convertDigitToCharacter(digits[3]);

		digits[0]++; // Increment the ones digit here rather than earlier so [0000] is checked as a possible solution 

		hashWord(potentialPassword, hash, hex_str);		// Convert the permutation into hex

		if (unsolvedPassword->hex_str == hex_str){		// Check if the hex matches the unsolved password hex
			// If it does, store everything!
			unsolvedPassword->plainTextSolution = potentialPassword;
			std::pair<int, SolvedEntry*> newPair(unsolvedPassword->passwordEntryNumber, unsolvedPassword);
			return; // Break out of this function because the password has been decrypted, don't need to try other permutations

	// Password was not able to be decrypted
	unsolvedPassword->plainTextSolution = "????";
	std::pair<int, SolvedEntry*> newPair(unsolvedPassword->passwordEntryNumber, unsolvedPassword);
Beispiel #5
int Oligos::readOligos(){
	try {
		ifstream inOligos;
		m->openInputFile(oligosfile, inOligos);
		string type, oligo, roligo, group;
        bool pfUsesNone = false; bool prUsesNone = false; bool bfUsesNone = false; bool brUsesNone = false;
			inOligos >> type;
		 	if (m->debug) { m->mothurOut("[DEBUG]: reading type - " + type + ".\n"); }
			if(type[0] == '#'){
				while (!inOligos.eof())	{	char c = inOligos.get();  if (c == 10 || c == 13){	break;	}	} // get rest of line if there's any crap there
				//make type case insensitive
				for(int i=0;i<type.length();i++){	type[i] = toupper(type[i]);  }
				inOligos >> oligo;
                if (m->debug) { m->mothurOut("[DEBUG]: reading - " + oligo + ".\n"); }
				for(int i=0;i<oligo.length();i++){
					oligo[i] = toupper(oligo[i]);
					if(oligo[i] == 'U')	{	oligo[i] = 'T';	}
				if(type == "FORWARD"){
					group = "";
					// get rest of line in case there is a primer name
					while (!inOligos.eof())	{
						char c = inOligos.get();
						if (c == 10 || c == 13 || c == -1){	break;	}
						else if (c == 32 || c == 9){;} //space or tab
						else { 	group += c;  }
					//check for repeat barcodes
					map<string, int>::iterator itPrime = primers.find(oligo);
					if (itPrime != primers.end()) { m->mothurOut("[WARNING]: primer " + oligo + " is in your oligos file already, disregarding."); m->mothurOutEndLine();  }
                    else {
                        if (m->debug) {  if (group != "") { m->mothurOut("[DEBUG]: reading group " + group + ".\n"); }else{ m->mothurOut("[DEBUG]: no group for primer " + oligo + ".\n"); }  }
                        primers[oligo]=indexPrimer; indexPrimer++;
                else if (type == "PRIMER"){
                    inOligos >> roligo;
                    for(int i=0;i<roligo.length();i++){
                        roligo[i] = toupper(roligo[i]);
                        if(roligo[i] == 'U')	{	roligo[i] = 'T';	}
                    if (oligo == "NONE")        {  pfUsesNone = true; }
                    else if (roligo == "NONE")  { prUsesNone = true;  }
                    if (roligo != "NONE") {
                        if (reversePairs) {  roligo = reverseOligo(roligo); }
                    group = "";
					// get rest of line in case there is a primer name
					while (!inOligos.eof())	{
						char c = inOligos.get();
						if (c == 10 || c == 13 || c == -1){	break;	}
						else if (c == 32 || c == 9){;} //space or tab
						else { 	group += c;  }
                    oligosPair newPrimer(oligo, roligo);
                    if (m->debug) { m->mothurOut("[DEBUG]: primer pair " + newPrimer.forward + " " + newPrimer.reverse + ", and group = " + group + ".\n"); }
					//check for repeat barcodes
                    string tempPair = oligo+roligo;
                    if (uniquePrimers.count(tempPair) != 0) { m->mothurOut("primer pair " + newPrimer.forward + " " + newPrimer.reverse + " is in your oligos file already, disregarding."); m->mothurOutEndLine();  }
                    else { uniquePrimers.insert(tempPair);
                        if (m->debug) {  if (group != "") { m->mothurOut("[DEBUG]: reading group " + group + ".\n"); }else{ m->mothurOut("[DEBUG]: no group for primer pair " + newPrimer.forward + " " + newPrimer.reverse + ".\n"); }  }
                        pairedPrimers[indexPairedPrimer]=newPrimer; indexPairedPrimer++;
                        hasPPrimers = true;
				else if(type == "REVERSE"){
                    string oligoRC = reverseOligo(oligo);
				else if(type == "BARCODE"){
					inOligos >> group;
                    //barcode lines can look like   BARCODE   atgcatgc   groupName  - for 454 seqs
                    //or                            BARCODE   atgcatgc   atgcatgc    groupName  - for illumina data that has forward and reverse info
                    string temp = "";
                    while (!inOligos.eof())	{
						char c = inOligos.get();
						if (c == 10 || c == 13 || c == -1){	break;	}
						else if (c == 32 || c == 9){;} //space or tab
						else { 	temp += c;  }
                    //then this is illumina data with 4 columns
                    if (temp != "") {
                        hasPBarcodes = true;
                        string reverseBarcode = group; //reverseOligo(group); //reverse barcode
                        group = temp;
                        for(int i=0;i<reverseBarcode.length();i++){
                            reverseBarcode[i] = toupper(reverseBarcode[i]);
                            if(reverseBarcode[i] == 'U')	{	reverseBarcode[i] = 'T';	}
                        if (oligo == "NONE")                {  bfUsesNone = true; }
                        else if (reverseBarcode == "NONE")  { brUsesNone = true;  }
                        if (reverseBarcode != "NONE") {
                            if (reversePairs) {   reverseBarcode = reverseOligo(reverseBarcode); }
                        oligosPair newPair(oligo, reverseBarcode);
                        if (m->debug) { m->mothurOut("[DEBUG]: barcode pair " + newPair.forward + " " + newPair.reverse + ", and group = " + group + ".\n"); }
                        //check for repeat barcodes
                        string tempPair = oligo+reverseBarcode;
                        if (uniqueBarcodes.count(tempPair) != 0) { m->mothurOut("barcode pair " + newPair.forward + " " + newPair.reverse +  " is in your oligos file already, disregarding."); m->mothurOutEndLine();  }
                        else {
                            pairedBarcodes[indexPairedBarcode]=newPair; indexPairedBarcode++;
                    }else {
                        //check for repeat barcodes
                        map<string, int>::iterator itBar = barcodes.find(oligo);
                        if (itBar != barcodes.end()) { m->mothurOut("[WARNING]: barcode " + oligo + " is in your oligos file already, disregarding."); m->mothurOutEndLine();  }
                        else {
                            barcodes[oligo]=indexBarcode; indexBarcode++;
				}else if(type == "LINKER"){
				}else if(type == "SPACER"){
				else{	m->mothurOut("[WARNING]: " + type + " is not recognized as a valid type. Choices are forward, reverse, and barcode. Ignoring " + oligo + "."); m->mothurOutEndLine(); }
void GameObjectManager::AddObject(uint id, GameObject* object){
	std::pair<uint, GameObject*> newPair(id, object);
Beispiel #7
bool SMatrix::setVal(size_type row, size_type col, int val) throw(MatrixError) {
   bool valSet = false;
   if(row > m_ && col > n_) {
      throw MatrixError("Matrix bound error");  //CHANGE LATER??

   } else {
      if(ridx_.find(row) != ridx_.cend()) {   //row already in ridx
         int nElements = ridx_[row].first + ridx_[row].second;   
         //cout << ridx_[row].first << " " << ridx_[row].second << endl;         
         //finding insert position
         int pos;
         for(pos = ridx_[row].first;pos < nElements;++pos) {
            if(col < cidx_[pos]) {  
         //if at near capacity double the size of the arrays 
         if(k_ >= arrSize_) { //arrSize_ - 2) {     
            valSet = true;    //returns true if additional memory must be allocated
            int* tempVal = vals_;
            size_type* tempCidx = cidx_;

            arrSize_ = arrSize_*2;
            vals_ = new int[arrSize_];   
            cidx_ = new size_type[arrSize_];
            for(size_type i = 0;i < k_;++i) {
               vals_[i] = tempVal[i];
               cidx_[i] = tempCidx[i];
         //loop to find insert position
         for(int i = k_; i > pos;--i) {
            vals_[i] = vals_[i-1];
            cidx_[i] = cidx_[i-1];
         vals_[pos] = val;    //inserting new element
         cidx_[pos] = col;

         //cout << "row: " << row << "num elements" << ridx_[row].second << endl;
         //cout << vals_[0] << " " << vals_[1] << " " << vals_[2] <<endl;
         //cout << cidx_[0] << " " << cidx_[1] << " " << cidx_[2] << endl;
         //cout << ridx_[row].first << " " << ridx_[row].second << endl;

      } else {
         if(val != 0) {      //avoid creating new entry if it is a non zero element
            if(k_ > arrSize_) {
               valSet = true;    //returns true if additional memory must be allocated
               //allocate more memory
            } else {
               vals_[k_] = val;    //setting val 
               cidx_[k_] = col;    //setting corresponding column        
               pair<size_t, unsigned int> newPair(k_,1);   //new pair to add to ridx
               ridx_[row] = newPair;
   return valSet; 
Beispiel #8
void graph<vertex_type>::insert(const vertex_type & item, const list< pair<vertex_type, double> > & adjList)

	typename unordered_map<vertex_type, vertex<vertex_type>* >::const_iterator lookup = graph_.find(item);

	if( lookup == graph_.end())

		vertex<vertex_type>* newVertex = new vertex<vertex_type>(item);

		for(auto list_entry: adjList)
			lookup = graph_.find(list_entry.first);

			if(lookup == graph_.end())
				vertex<vertex_type>* temp_vertex = new vertex<vertex_type>{list_entry.first};

				pair< vertex_type, vertex<vertex_type>* > pairToInsert(list_entry.first, temp_vertex);

				newVertex->addToList(temp_vertex, list_entry.second);


			else//vertex found in graph

				newVertex->addToList(lookup->second, list_entry.second);



		pair<vertex_type, vertex<vertex_type>* > newPair(item, newVertex);



	else //item is already a vertex in the graph
		vertex<vertex_type>* current_vertex = lookup->second;

		for(auto list_entry: adjList)
			lookup = graph_.find(list_entry.first);

			if(lookup == graph_.end())//not found
				vertex<vertex_type>* temp_vertex = new vertex<vertex_type>{list_entry.first};

				pair< vertex_type, vertex<vertex_type>* > pairToInsert(list_entry.first, temp_vertex);

				current_vertex->addToList(temp_vertex, list_entry.second);


			else//vertex found in graph

				current_vertex->addToList(lookup->second, list_entry.second);




quad get_tr(node *t){
    if(t == NULL)
        return newQuad(newPair(1,0),
    return t->tr;
quad mkQuad(ll v){
    quad rv;
    rv.first  = newPair(1,(v-1)/2);
    rv.second = newPair(1, v/2 );
    return rv;