Beispiel #1
static bool 
framebuffer_plot_bitmap(int x, int y,
                        int width, int height,
                        struct bitmap *bitmap, colour bg,
                        bitmap_flags_t flags)
	int xf,yf;
        nsfb_bbox_t loc;
        nsfb_bbox_t clipbox;
        bool repeat_x = (flags & BITMAPF_REPEAT_X);
        bool repeat_y = (flags & BITMAPF_REPEAT_Y);
	int bmwidth;
	int bmheight;
	unsigned char *bmptr;
	nsfb_t *bm = (nsfb_t *)bitmap;

	/* x and y define coordinate of top left of of the initial explicitly
	 * placed tile. The width and height are the image scaling and the
	 * bounding box defines the extent of the repeat (which may go in all
	 * four directions from the initial tile).

	if (!(repeat_x || repeat_y)) {
		/* Not repeating at all, so just plot it */
                loc.x0 = x;
                loc.y0 = y;
                loc.x1 = loc.x0 + width;
                loc.y1 = loc.y0 + height;

		return nsfb_plot_copy(bm, NULL, nsfb, &loc);		

        nsfb_plot_get_clip(nsfb, &clipbox);
	nsfb_get_geometry(bm, &bmwidth, &bmheight, NULL);
	nsfb_get_buffer(bm, &bmptr, NULL);

	/* Optimise tiled plots of 1x1 bitmaps by replacing with a flat fill
	 * of the area.  Can only be done when image is fully opaque. */
	if ((bmwidth == 1) && (bmheight == 1)) {
		if ((*(nsfb_colour_t *)bmptr & 0xff000000) != 0) {
			return nsfb_plot_rectangle_fill(nsfb, &clipbox,
					*(nsfb_colour_t *)bmptr);

	/* Optimise tiled plots of bitmaps scaled to 1x1 by replacing with
	 * a flat fill of the area.  Can only be done when image is fully
	 * opaque. */
	if ((width == 1) && (height == 1)) {
		if (bitmap_get_opaque(bm)) {
			/** TODO: Currently using top left pixel. Maybe centre
			 *        pixel or average value would be better. */
			return nsfb_plot_rectangle_fill(nsfb, &clipbox,
					*(nsfb_colour_t *)bmptr);

	/* get left most tile position */
	if (repeat_x)
		for (; x > clipbox.x0; x -= width);

	/* get top most tile position */
	if (repeat_y)
		for (; y > clipbox.y0; y -= height);

	/* tile down and across to extents */
	for (xf = x; xf < clipbox.x1; xf += width) {
		for (yf = y; yf < clipbox.y1; yf += height) {

                        loc.x0 = xf;
                        loc.y0 = yf;
                        loc.x1 = loc.x0 + width;
                        loc.y1 = loc.y0 + height;

			nsfb_plot_copy(bm, NULL, nsfb, &loc);		

			if (!repeat_y)
		if (!repeat_x)
	return true;
Beispiel #2
static bool
framebuffer_plot_bitmap(int x, int y,
                        int width, int height,
                        struct bitmap *bitmap, colour bg,
                        bitmap_flags_t flags)
    nsfb_bbox_t loc;
    nsfb_bbox_t clipbox;
    bool repeat_x = (flags & BITMAPF_REPEAT_X);
    bool repeat_y = (flags & BITMAPF_REPEAT_Y);
    int bmwidth;
    int bmheight;
    int bmstride;
    enum nsfb_format_e bmformat;
    unsigned char *bmptr;
    nsfb_t *bm = (nsfb_t *)bitmap;

    /* x and y define coordinate of top left of of the initial explicitly
     * placed tile. The width and height are the image scaling and the
     * bounding box defines the extent of the repeat (which may go in all
     * four directions from the initial tile).

    if (!(repeat_x || repeat_y)) {
        /* Not repeating at all, so just plot it */
        loc.x0 = x;
        loc.y0 = y;
        loc.x1 = loc.x0 + width;
        loc.y1 = loc.y0 + height;

        return nsfb_plot_copy(bm, NULL, nsfb, &loc);

    nsfb_plot_get_clip(nsfb, &clipbox);
    nsfb_get_geometry(bm, &bmwidth, &bmheight, &bmformat);
    nsfb_get_buffer(bm, &bmptr, &bmstride);

    /* Optimise tiled plots of 1x1 bitmaps by replacing with a flat fill
     * of the area.  Can only be done when image is fully opaque. */
    if ((bmwidth == 1) && (bmheight == 1)) {
        if ((*(nsfb_colour_t *)bmptr & 0xff000000) != 0) {
            return nsfb_plot_rectangle_fill(nsfb, &clipbox,
                                            *(nsfb_colour_t *)bmptr);

    /* Optimise tiled plots of bitmaps scaled to 1x1 by replacing with
     * a flat fill of the area.  Can only be done when image is fully
     * opaque. */
    if ((width == 1) && (height == 1)) {
        if (framebuffer_bitmap_get_opaque(bm)) {
            /** TODO: Currently using top left pixel. Maybe centre
             *        pixel or average value would be better. */
            return nsfb_plot_rectangle_fill(nsfb, &clipbox,
                                            *(nsfb_colour_t *)bmptr);

    /* get left most tile position */
    if (repeat_x)
        for (; x > clipbox.x0; x -= width);

    /* get top most tile position */
    if (repeat_y)
        for (; y > clipbox.y0; y -= height);

    /* set up top left tile location */
    loc.x0 = x;
    loc.y0 = y;
    loc.x1 = loc.x0 + width;
    loc.y1 = loc.y0 + height;

    /* plot tiling across and down to extents */
    nsfb_plot_bitmap_tiles(nsfb, &loc,
                           repeat_x ? ((clipbox.x1 - x) + width  - 1) / width  : 1,
                           repeat_y ? ((clipbox.y1 - y) + height - 1) / height : 1,
                           (nsfb_colour_t *)bmptr, bmwidth, bmheight,
                           bmstride * 8 / 32, bmformat == NSFB_FMT_ABGR8888);

    return true;
Beispiel #3
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    const char *fename;
    enum nsfb_type_e fetype;
    nsfb_t *nsfb;

    nsfb_bbox_t box;
    nsfb_bbox_t box3;
    uint8_t *fbptr;
    int fbstride;
    int i;
    unsigned int x, y;

    if (argc < 2) {
    } else {
        fename = argv[1];

    fetype = nsfb_type_from_name(fename);
    if (fetype == NSFB_SURFACE_NONE) {
        printf("Unable to convert \"%s\" to nsfb surface type\n",
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    nsfb = nsfb_new(fetype);
    if (nsfb == NULL) {
        printf("Unable to allocate \"%s\" nsfb surface\n", fename);
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    if (nsfb_init(nsfb) == -1) {
        printf("Unable to initialise nsfb surface\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    /* get the geometry of the whole screen */
    box.x0 = box.y0 = 0;
    nsfb_get_geometry(nsfb, &box.x1, &box.y1, NULL);

    nsfb_get_buffer(nsfb, &fbptr, &fbstride);
    nsfb_claim(nsfb, &box);

    /* Clear to white */
    nsfb_plot_clg(nsfb, 0xffffffff);
    nsfb_update(nsfb, &box);

    /* test glyph plotting */
    for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
        for (y = 0; y < box.y1 - Mglyph1.h; y += Mglyph1.h) {
            for (x = 0; x < box.x1 - Mglyph1.w; x += Mglyph1.w) {
                box3.x0 = x;
                box3.y0 = y;
                box3.x1 = box3.x0 + Mglyph1.w;
                box3.y1 = box3.y0 + Mglyph1.h;

                nsfb_plot_glyph1(nsfb, &box3,,
                                 Mglyph1.w, 0xff000000);
        nsfb_update(nsfb, &box);

    nsfb_update(nsfb, &box);

    return 0;
Beispiel #4
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    const char *fename;
    enum nsfb_type_e fetype;
    nsfb_t *nsfb;

    int waitloop = 3;

    nsfb_event_t event;
    nsfb_bbox_t box;
    uint8_t *fbptr;
    int fbstride;

    int sides;
    int radius;
    nsfb_point_t *points;
    int loop;
    nsfb_plot_pen_t pen;

    double rotate;

    if (argc < 2) {
    } else {
        fename = argv[1];

    fetype = nsfb_type_from_name(fename);
    if (fetype == NSFB_SURFACE_NONE) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to convert \"%s\" to nsfb surface type\n", fename);
        return 1;

    nsfb = nsfb_new(fetype);
    if (nsfb == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate \"%s\" nsfb surface\n", fename);
        return 2;

    if (nsfb_init(nsfb) == -1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialise nsfb surface\n");
        return 4;

    /* get the geometry of the whole screen */
    box.x0 = box.y0 = 0;
    nsfb_get_geometry(nsfb, &box.x1, &box.y1, NULL);

    nsfb_get_buffer(nsfb, &fbptr, &fbstride);

    pen.stroke_colour = 0xff000000;
    pen.stroke_type = NFSB_PLOT_OPTYPE_SOLID;

    for (rotate =0; rotate < (2 * M_PI); rotate += (M_PI / 8)) {
	    /* claim the whole screen for update */
	    nsfb_claim(nsfb, &box);

	    nsfb_plot_clg(nsfb, 0xffffffff);

	    radius = (box.y1 / 2);

	    for (sides = 18; sides >=9; sides-=2) {
		    points = malloc(sizeof(nsfb_point_t) * sides);

		    for (loop = 0; loop < sides;loop+=2) {
			    points[loop].x = (box.x1 / 2) + 
				    (radius * cos((loop * 2 * M_PI / sides) + rotate));
			    points[loop].y = (box.y1 / 2) + 
				    (radius * sin((loop * 2 * M_PI / sides) + rotate));

			    points[loop+1].x = (box.x1 / 2) + 
				     ((radius / 3) * cos(((loop+1) * 2 * M_PI / sides) + rotate));
			    points[loop+1].y = (box.y1 / 2) + 
				     ((radius / 3) * sin(((loop+1) * 2 * M_PI / sides) + rotate));

		    nsfb_plot_polygon(nsfb, (const int *)points, sides, 
				      0xff000000 | (0xffffff / (sides * 2)));

		    nsfb_plot_polylines(nsfb, sides, points, &pen);

		    radius -= 40;

	    nsfb_update(nsfb, &box);
    /* wait for quit event or timeout */
    while (waitloop > 0) {
	if (nsfb_event(nsfb, &event, 1000)  == false) {
	if (event.type == NSFB_EVENT_CONTROL) {
	    if (event.value.controlcode == NSFB_CONTROL_TIMEOUT) {
		/* timeout */
	    } else if (event.value.controlcode == NSFB_CONTROL_QUIT) {


    return 0;
Beispiel #5
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    const char *fename;
    enum nsfb_type_e fetype;
    nsfb_t *nsfb;
    nsfb_event_t event;
    int waitloop = 3;

    nsfb_bbox_t box;
    nsfb_bbox_t box2;
    nsfb_bbox_t box3;
    uint8_t *fbptr;
    int fbstride;
    int p[] = { 300,300,  350,350, 400,300, 450,250, 400,200};
    int loop;
    nsfb_plot_pen_t pen;
    const char *dumpfile = NULL;

    if (argc < 2) {
    } else {
        fename = argv[1];
	if (argc >= 3) {
	    dumpfile = argv[2];

    fetype = nsfb_type_from_name(fename);
    if (fetype == NSFB_SURFACE_NONE) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to convert \"%s\" to nsfb surface type\n", fename);
        return 1;

    nsfb = nsfb_new(fetype);
    if (nsfb == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate \"%s\" nsfb surface\n", fename);
        return 2;

    if (nsfb_init(nsfb) == -1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialise nsfb surface\n");
        return 4;

    /* get the geometry of the whole screen */
    box.x0 = box.y0 = 0;
    nsfb_get_geometry(nsfb, &box.x1, &box.y1, NULL);

    nsfb_get_buffer(nsfb, &fbptr, &fbstride);

    /* claim the whole screen for update */
    nsfb_claim(nsfb, &box);

    /* first test, repeatedly clear the graphics area, should result in the
     * same operation as a single clear to the final colour 
    for (loop = 0; loop < 256;loop++) {
        nsfb_plot_clg(nsfb, 0xffffff00 | loop);

    /* draw black radial lines from the origin */
    pen.stroke_colour = 0xff000000;
    for (loop = 0; loop < box.x1; loop += 20) {
        box2 = box;
        box2.x1 = loop;
        nsfb_plot_line(nsfb, &box2, &pen);
    /* draw blue radial lines from the bottom right */
    pen.stroke_colour = 0xffff0000;
    for (loop = 0; loop < box.x1; loop += 20) {
        box2 = box;
        box2.x0 = loop;
        nsfb_plot_line(nsfb, &box2, &pen);
    /* draw green radial lines from the bottom left */
    pen.stroke_colour = 0xff00ff00;
    for (loop = 0; loop < box.x1; loop += 20) {
        box2.x0 = box.x0;
        box2.x1 = loop;
        box2.y0 = box.y1;
        box2.y1 = box.y0;
        nsfb_plot_line(nsfb, &box2, &pen);

    /* draw red radial lines from the top right */
    pen.stroke_colour = 0xff0000ff;
    for (loop = 0; loop < box.x1; loop += 20) {
        box2.x0 = box.x1;
        box2.x1 = loop;
        box2.y0 = box.y0;
        box2.y1 = box.y1;
        nsfb_plot_line(nsfb, &box2, &pen);

    /* draw an unclipped rectangle */
    box2.x0 = box2.y0 = 100;
    box2.x1 = box2.y1 = 300;

    nsfb_plot_rectangle_fill(nsfb, &box2, 0xff0000ff);

    nsfb_plot_rectangle(nsfb, &box2, 1, 0xff00ff00, false, false);

    nsfb_plot_polygon(nsfb, p, 5, 0xffff0000);

    nsfb_plot_set_clip(nsfb, &box2);

    box3.x0 = box3.y0 = 200;
    box3.x1 = box3.y1 = 400;

    nsfb_plot_rectangle_fill(nsfb, &box3, 0xff00ffff);

    nsfb_plot_rectangle(nsfb, &box3, 1, 0xffffff00, false, false);

    for (loop = 100; loop < 400;loop++) {
        nsfb_plot_point(nsfb, loop, 150, 0xffaa1111);
        nsfb_plot_point(nsfb, loop, 160, 0x99aa1111);

    nsfb_plot_set_clip(nsfb, NULL);

    box3.x0 = box3.y0 = 400;
    box3.x1 = box3.y1 = 600;

    nsfb_plot_ellipse_fill(nsfb, &box3, 0xffff0000);

    nsfb_plot_ellipse(nsfb, &box3, 0xff0000ff);

    box3.x0 = 500;
    box3.x1 = 700;
    box3.y0 = 400;
    box3.y1 = 500;

    nsfb_plot_ellipse_fill(nsfb, &box3, 0xffff0000);

    nsfb_plot_ellipse(nsfb, &box3, 0xff0000ff);

    box3.x0 = 600;
    box3.x1 = 700;
    box3.y0 = 300;
    box3.y1 = 500;

    nsfb_plot_ellipse_fill(nsfb, &box3, 0xff0000ff);

    nsfb_plot_ellipse(nsfb, &box3, 0xffff0000);

    box2.x0 = 400;
    box2.y0 = 400;
    box2.x1 = 500;
    box2.y1 = 500;

    box3.x0 = 600;
    box3.y0 = 200;
    box3.x1 = 700;
    box3.y1 = 300;

    nsfb_plot_copy(nsfb, &box2, nsfb, &box3);

    /* test glyph plotting */
    for (loop = 100; loop < 200; loop+= Mglyph1.w) {
        box3.x0 = loop;
        box3.y0 = 20;
        box3.x1 = box3.x0 + Mglyph8.w;
        box3.y1 = box3.y0 + Mglyph8.h;

        nsfb_plot_glyph1(nsfb, &box3,, Mglyph1.w, 0xff000000);

    /* test glyph plotting */
    for (loop = 100; loop < 200; loop+= Mglyph8.w) {
        box3.x0 = loop;
        box3.y0 = 50;
        box3.x1 = box3.x0 + Mglyph8.w;
        box3.y1 = box3.y0 + Mglyph8.h;

        nsfb_plot_glyph8(nsfb, &box3,, Mglyph8.w, 0xff000000);

    nsfb_update(nsfb, &box);

    /* random rectangles in clipped area*/
    box2.x0 = 400;
    box2.y0 = 50;
    box2.x1 = 600;
    box2.y1 = 100;

    nsfb_plot_set_clip(nsfb, &box2);


    for (loop=0; loop < 10000; loop++) {
        nsfb_claim(nsfb, &box2);
        box3.x0 = rand() / (RAND_MAX / box.x1);
        box3.y0 = rand() / (RAND_MAX / box.y1);
        box3.x1 = rand() / (RAND_MAX / 400);
        box3.y1 = rand() / (RAND_MAX / 400);
        nsfb_plot_rectangle_fill(nsfb, &box3, 0xff000000 | rand());
        nsfb_update(nsfb, &box2);

    /* wait for quit event or timeout */
    while (waitloop > 0) {
	if (nsfb_event(nsfb, &event, 1000)  == false) {
	if (event.type == NSFB_EVENT_CONTROL) {
	    if (event.value.controlcode == NSFB_CONTROL_TIMEOUT) {
		/* timeout */
	    } else if (event.value.controlcode == NSFB_CONTROL_QUIT) {

    dump(nsfb, dumpfile);


    return 0;
Beispiel #6
int main(int argc, char **argv)
extern nsfb_surface_rtns_t sdl_rtns;
	_nsfb_register_surface(NSFB_SURFACE_SDL, &sdl_rtns, "sdl");
	__menuet__debug_out("Starting bezier\n");

    const char *fename;
    enum nsfb_type_e fetype;
    nsfb_t *nsfb;
    nsfb_event_t event;
    int waitloop = 3;

    nsfb_bbox_t box;
    nsfb_bbox_t box2;
    uint8_t *fbptr;
    int fbstride;
    nsfb_point_t ctrla;
    nsfb_point_t ctrlb;
    int loop;
    nsfb_plot_pen_t pen;

    if (argc < 2) {
    } else {
        fename = argv[1];

    fetype = nsfb_type_from_name(fename);
    if (fetype == NSFB_SURFACE_NONE) {
    __menuet__debug_out("Can't convert\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to convert \"%s\" to nsfb surface type\n", fename);
        return 1;

    nsfb = nsfb_new(fetype);
    if (nsfb == NULL) {
		__menuet__debug_out("Can't allocate\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate \"%s\" nsfb surface\n", fename);
        return 2;

    if (nsfb_init(nsfb) == -1) {
		__menuet__debug_out("Init failed\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialise nsfb surface\n");
        return 4;

    /* get the geometry of the whole screen */
    box.x0 = box.y0 = 0;
    nsfb_get_geometry(nsfb, &box.x1, &box.y1, NULL);

    nsfb_get_buffer(nsfb, &fbptr, &fbstride);

    /* claim the whole screen for update */
    nsfb_claim(nsfb, &box);

    nsfb_plot_clg(nsfb, 0xffffffff);



    pen.stroke_colour = 0xff000000;
    pen.fill_colour = 0xffff0000;
    pen.stroke_type = NFSB_PLOT_OPTYPE_SOLID;
    pen.fill_type = NFSB_PLOT_OPTYPE_NONE;

    for (loop=-300;loop < 600;loop+=100) {
        ctrla.x = 100;
        ctrla.y = loop;

        ctrlb.x = 400;
        ctrlb.y = 500 - loop;

        nsfb_plot_cubic_bezier(nsfb, &box2, &ctrla, &ctrlb, &pen);



    nsfb_plot_line(nsfb, &box2, &pen);



    nsfb_plot_line(nsfb, &box2, &pen);



    ctrla.x = 600;
    ctrla.y = 400;

    pen.stroke_colour = 0xffff0000;

    nsfb_plot_cubic_bezier(nsfb, &box2, &ctrla, &ctrla, &pen);



    ctrla.x = 600;
    ctrla.y = 400;

    pen.stroke_colour = 0xff0000ff;

    nsfb_plot_quadratic_bezier(nsfb, &box2, &ctrla, &pen);

    nsfb_update(nsfb, &box);
    /* wait for quit event or timeout */
    while (waitloop > 0) {
	if (nsfb_event(nsfb, &event, 1000)  == false) {
	if (event.type == NSFB_EVENT_CONTROL) {
	    if (event.value.controlcode == NSFB_CONTROL_TIMEOUT) {
		/* timeout */
	    } else if (event.value.controlcode == NSFB_CONTROL_QUIT) {


    return 0;