Beispiel #1
 * main: Starts with an RPTable of 10 resources, multiple rdrs
 * on some resources. Remove resource. Check if resource was removed
 * searching for it in sequence. If not fail, else passed test.
 * Return value: 0 on success, 1 on failure
int main(int argc, char **argv)
        RPTable *rptable = (RPTable *)g_malloc0(sizeof(RPTable));
        SaHpiRptEntryT *tmpentry = NULL;
        guint i = 0;

        for (i = 0; rptentries[i].ResourceId != 0; i++) {
                if (oh_add_resource(rptable, rptentries + i, NULL, 0))
                        return 1;

        for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                if (oh_add_rdr(rptable, SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY, rdrs + i, NULL,0))
                        return 1;

        for (; i < 7; i++) {
                if (oh_add_rdr(rptable, rptentries[9].ResourceId, rdrs + i, NULL,0))
                        return 1;

        oh_remove_resource(rptable, rptentries[0].ResourceId);
        for (tmpentry = oh_get_resource_by_id(rptable, SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY);
             tmpentry = oh_get_resource_next(rptable, tmpentry->ResourceId)) {
                if (tmpentry->ResourceId == rptentries[0].ResourceId)
                        return 1;
        return 0;
Beispiel #2
 * main: Starts with an RPTable of 10 resources (one with data), adds 5 rdr
 * to first resource and 2 to the last one.
 * Invokes oh_flush on the table.
 * Should return without crashing and there should be no resources left
 * in the table.
 * Return value: 0 on success, 1 on failure
int main(int argc, char **argv)
        RPTable *rptable = (RPTable *)g_malloc0(sizeof(RPTable));
        guint i;
        gchar *data = "My data.";

        if (oh_add_resource(rptable, rptentries, data, 1))
                return 1;

        for (i = 1; rptentries[i].ResourceId != 0; i++) {
                if (oh_add_resource(rptable, rptentries + i, NULL, 0))
                        return 1;

        for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                if (oh_add_rdr(rptable, SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY, rdrs + i, NULL, 0))
                        return 1;

        for (; i < 7; i++) {
                if (oh_add_rdr(rptable, rptentries[9].ResourceId, rdrs + i, NULL, 0))
                        return 1;


        if (oh_get_resource_by_id(rptable, SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY))
                return 1;

        return 0;
Beispiel #3
static void
AddInventoryDataEvent( cIpmiEntity *ent, cIpmiFru *fru, const SaHpiRptEntryT &resource )
  struct oh_event *e;

  e = (oh_event *)g_malloc0( sizeof( struct oh_event ) );

  if ( !e )
       IpmiLog( "Out of space !\n" );   

  memset( e, 0, sizeof( struct oh_event ) );

  e->type                   = oh_event::OH_ET_RDR;

  AddFruEventRdr( fru, e->u.rdr_event.rdr, resource );

  //  SaHpiResourceIdT rid = oh_uid_lookup( &e->u.rdr_event.rdr.Entity );
  oh_add_rdr( ent->Domain()->GetHandler()->rptcache,
              &e->u.rdr_event.rdr, fru, 1);

  // assign the hpi record id to fru, so we can find
  // the rdr for a given fru.
  // the id comes from oh_add_rdr.
  fru->m_record_id = e->u.rdr_event.rdr.RecordId;

  ent->Domain()->AddHpiEvent( e );
Beispiel #4
 * main: Starts with an RPTable of 10 resources, adds 5 rdr
 * to first resource. Fetches sensors ++in sequence by record id and compares
 * with original. A failed comparison means the test failed,
 * otherwise the test passed.
 * Return value: 0 on success, 1 on failure
int main(int argc, char **argv)
        RPTable *rptable = (RPTable *)g_malloc0(sizeof(RPTable));
        SaHpiRdrT *tmprdr = NULL;
        guint i = 0;

        for (i = 0; rptentries[i].ResourceId != 0; i++) {
                if (oh_add_resource(rptable, rptentries + i, NULL, 0))
                        return 1;

        for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                if (oh_add_rdr(rptable, SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY, sensors + i, NULL,0))
                        return 1;                

        for (i = 0, tmprdr = oh_get_rdr_by_id(rptable, SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY, SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY);
             tmprdr = oh_get_rdr_next(rptable, SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY, tmprdr->RecordId)) {
                if (memcmp(sensors + (i++), tmprdr, sizeof(SaHpiRdrT)))
                        return 1;                

        return 0;
Beispiel #5
 * main: Starts with an RPTable of 10 resources, adds 1 rdr
 * to first resource. Fetches rdr by its type and num and compares
 * with original. A failed comparison means the test failed,
 * otherwise the test passed.
 * Return value: 0 on success, 1 on failure
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    RPTable *rptable = (RPTable *)g_malloc0(sizeof(RPTable));
    SaHpiEntryIdT record_id;
    SaHpiRdrT *tmprdr = NULL;
    guint i = 0;

    for (i = 0; rptentries[i].ResourceId != 0; i++) {
        if (oh_add_resource(rptable, rptentries + i, NULL, 0))
            return 1;

    if (oh_add_rdr(rptable, SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY, sensors, NULL,0))
        return 1;

    record_id =
        get_rdr_uid(sensors[0].RdrType, sensors[0].RdrTypeUnion.SensorRec.Num);
    sensors[0].RecordId = record_id;

    tmprdr =
        oh_get_rdr_by_type(rptable, SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY,
    if (!tmprdr ||
            memcmp(sensors, tmprdr, sizeof(SaHpiRdrT)))
        return 1;

    return 0;
Beispiel #6
 * add_alarm_rdr
static void add_alarm_rdr(
                char			*name,
                int			num,
		SaHpiResourceIdT   	rptid,
                SaHpiEntityPathT        parent_ent,
		ipmi_control_id_t   	*control_id,
		struct oh_handler_state *handler)
	SaHpiRdrT               rdr_temp;
	SaHpiRdrT               *rdr;
	rdr = &rdr_temp;
        rdr->RecordId = 0;
        rdr->RdrType = SAHPI_CTRL_RDR;
        rdr->Entity = parent_ent;
        rdr->IdString.DataType = SAHPI_TL_TYPE_ASCII6;
        rdr->IdString.Language = SAHPI_LANG_ENGLISH;
        rdr->IdString.DataLength = strlen(name);
        memcpy(rdr->IdString.Data, name, strlen(name));

        rdr->RdrTypeUnion.CtrlRec.Num   = num;
        rdr->RdrTypeUnion.CtrlRec.Type         = SAHPI_CTRL_TYPE_DIGITAL;
        rdr->RdrTypeUnion.CtrlRec.OutputType   = SAHPI_CTRL_LED; 
        rdr->RdrTypeUnion.CtrlRec.Oem          = OEM_ALARM_BASE + num;

        oh_add_rdr(handler->rptcache, rptid, rdr, control_id, 1);
	dbg("add_alarm_rdr: %s\n",name); 
Beispiel #7
static void add_control_event(ipmi_entity_t	*ent,
			     ipmi_control_t	*control,
			     struct oh_handler_state *handler,
			     SaHpiEntityPathT	parent_ep,
			     SaHpiResourceIdT	rid)
        ipmi_control_id_t        *control_id; 
	struct oh_event         *e;

        control_id = malloc(sizeof(*control_id));
        if (!control_id) {
                dbg("Out of memory");
        *control_id = ipmi_control_convert_to_id(control);
	e = malloc(sizeof(*e));
	if (!e) {
		dbg("Out of space");   
	memset(e, 0, sizeof(*e));

	e->type = OH_ET_RDR;

	add_control_event_rdr(control, &e->u.rdr_event.rdr, parent_ep, rid);	

	rid = oh_uid_lookup(&e->u.rdr_event.rdr.Entity);

	oh_add_rdr(handler->rptcache, rid, &e->u.rdr_event.rdr, control_id, 0);
Beispiel #8
// assumptions about the input SaHpiRdrT *data entry
// - all fields are assumed to have valid values
// - no checking of the data is performed
// assuptions about the input *privdata entry
// - no checking of the data is performed
SaErrorT sim_inject_rdr(struct oh_handler_state *state,
			struct oh_event *ohe,
                        SaHpiRdrT *rdr,
                        void *data) {
        SaErrorT rc;
        SaHpiResourceIdT rid;

        /* check arguments */
        if (state == NULL || ohe == NULL || rdr == NULL) {
                return SA_ERR_HPI_INVALID_PARAMS;
        rid = ohe->resource.ResourceId;

        /* perform the injection */
        dbg("Injecting rdr for ResourceId %d", rid);
        rc = oh_add_rdr(state->rptcache, rid, rdr, data, 0);
        if (rc) {
                err("Error %s injecting rdr for ResourceId %d",
		    oh_lookup_error(rc), rid);
                return rc;

        /* now add rdr to event */
	ohe->rdrs = g_slist_append(ohe->rdrs, (void *)rdr);

        return SA_OK;
Beispiel #9
 * snmp_bc_discover_inventory: 
 * @handler: Pointer to handler's data.
 * @inventory_array: Pointer to resource's static inventory data array.
 * @res_oh_event: Pointer to resource's event structure.
 * Discovers resource's available inventory data records.
 * Return values:
 * Adds inventory RDRs to internal Infra-structure queues - normal case
 * SA_ERR_HPI_OUT_OF_SPACE - Cannot allocate space for internal memory
SaErrorT snmp_bc_discover_inventories(struct oh_handler_state *handle,
				      struct snmp_bc_inventory *inventory_array,
				      struct oh_event *res_oh_event)
	int i;
	SaHpiBoolT valid_idr;
	SaErrorT err;
	struct oh_event *e;
	struct snmp_bc_hnd *custom_handle;
	struct InventoryInfo *inventory_info_ptr;

	custom_handle = (struct snmp_bc_hnd *)handle->data;

	/* Assumming OidManufacturer is defined and determines readable of other VPD */
	for (i=0; inventory_array[i].inventory_info.mib.oid.OidManufacturer != NULL; i++) {
		e = (struct oh_event *)g_malloc0(sizeof(struct oh_event));
		if (e == NULL) {
			dbg("Out of memory.");
		valid_idr = rdr_exists(custom_handle,
				       &(res_oh_event->u.res_event.entry.ResourceEntity), 0,
				       0, 0);

		/* Add inventory RDR, if inventory can be read */
		if (valid_idr) {
			e->type = OH_ET_RDR;
			e->did = oh_get_default_domain_id();
			e->u.rdr_event.parent = res_oh_event->u.res_event.entry.ResourceId;
			e->u.rdr_event.rdr.RdrType = SAHPI_INVENTORY_RDR;
			e->u.rdr_event.rdr.Entity = res_oh_event->u.res_event.entry.ResourceEntity;
			e->u.rdr_event.rdr.RdrTypeUnion.InventoryRec = inventory_array[i].inventory;

			oh_append_textbuffer(&(e->u.rdr_event.rdr.IdString), inventory_array[i].comment);

			trace("Discovered inventory: %s.", e->u.rdr_event.rdr.IdString.Data);

			inventory_info_ptr = g_memdup(&(inventory_array[i].inventory_info), sizeof(struct InventoryInfo));
			err = oh_add_rdr(custom_handle->tmpcache,
					 inventory_info_ptr, 0);
			if (err) {
				dbg("Cannot add RDR. Error=%s.", oh_lookup_error(err));
			else {
				custom_handle->tmpqueue = g_slist_append(custom_handle->tmpqueue, e);
		else {
Beispiel #10
 * snmp_bc_discover_controls: 
 * @handler: Pointer to handler's data.
 * @control_array: Pointer to resource's static control data array.
 * @res_oh_event: Pointer to resource's event structure.
 * Discovers resource's available controls.
 * Return values:
 * Adds control RDRs to internal Infra-structure queues - normal case
 * SA_ERR_HPI_OUT_OF_SPACE - Cannot allocate space for internal memory
SaErrorT snmp_bc_discover_controls(struct oh_handler_state *handle,
				   struct snmp_bc_control *control_array,
				   struct oh_event *res_oh_event)
	int i;
	SaErrorT err;
	SaHpiBoolT valid_control;
	SaHpiRdrT *rdrptr;
	struct snmp_bc_hnd *custom_handle;
	struct ControlInfo *control_info_ptr;
	custom_handle = (struct snmp_bc_hnd *)handle->data;
	for (i=0; control_array[i].index != 0; i++) {
		rdrptr = (SaHpiRdrT *)g_malloc0(sizeof(SaHpiRdrT));
		if (rdrptr == NULL) {
			dbg("Out of memory.");

		valid_control = rdr_exists(custom_handle,

		/* Add control RDR, if control can be read */
		if (valid_control) {
			rdrptr->RdrType = SAHPI_CTRL_RDR;
			rdrptr->Entity = res_oh_event->resource.ResourceEntity;
			rdrptr->RdrTypeUnion.CtrlRec = control_array[i].control;

			oh_append_textbuffer(&(rdrptr->IdString), control_array[i].comment);

			trace("Discovered control: %s.", rdrptr->IdString.Data);

			control_info_ptr = g_memdup(&(control_array[i].control_info), sizeof(struct ControlInfo));
			err = oh_add_rdr(handle->rptcache,
					 control_info_ptr, 0);
			if (err) {
				dbg("Cannot add RDR. Error=%s.", oh_lookup_error(err));
			else {
				res_oh_event->rdrs = g_slist_append(res_oh_event->rdrs, rdrptr);
		else {
Beispiel #11
 * snmp_bc_discover_controls: 
 * @handler: Pointer to handler's data.
 * @control_array: Pointer to resource's static control data array.
 * @res_oh_event: Pointer to resource's event structure.
 * Discovers resource's available controls.
 * Return values:
 * Adds control RDRs to internal Infra-structure queues - normal case
 * SA_ERR_HPI_OUT_OF_SPACE - Cannot allocate space for internal memory
SaErrorT snmp_bc_discover_controls(struct oh_handler_state *handle,
				   struct snmp_bc_control *control_array,
				   struct oh_event *res_oh_event)
	int i;
	SaErrorT err;
	SaHpiBoolT valid_control;
	struct oh_event *e;
	struct snmp_bc_hnd *custom_handle = (struct snmp_bc_hnd *)handle->data;
	struct ControlInfo *control_info_ptr;
	for (i=0; control_array[i].control.Num != 0; i++) {
		e = (struct oh_event *)g_malloc0(sizeof(struct oh_event));
		if (e == NULL) {
			dbg("Out of memory.");

		valid_control = rdr_exists(custom_handle,

		/* Add control RDR, if control can be read */
		if (valid_control) {
			e->type = OH_ET_RDR;
			e->did = oh_get_default_domain_id();
			e->u.rdr_event.parent = res_oh_event->u.res_event.entry.ResourceId;
			e->u.rdr_event.rdr.RdrType = SAHPI_CTRL_RDR;
			e->u.rdr_event.rdr.Entity = res_oh_event->u.res_event.entry.ResourceEntity;
			e->u.rdr_event.rdr.RdrTypeUnion.CtrlRec = control_array[i].control;

			oh_append_textbuffer(&(e->u.rdr_event.rdr.IdString), control_array[i].comment);

			trace("Discovered control: %s.", e->u.rdr_event.rdr.IdString.Data);

			control_info_ptr = g_memdup(&(control_array[i].control_info), sizeof(struct ControlInfo));
			err = oh_add_rdr(custom_handle->tmpcache,
					 control_info_ptr, 0);
			if (err) {
				dbg("Cannot add RDR. Error=%s.", oh_lookup_error(err));
			else {
				custom_handle->tmpqueue = g_slist_append(custom_handle->tmpqueue, e);
		else {
Beispiel #12
 * add_alarm_rdr
static void add_alarm_rdr(char 				*name,
			  int 				num,
			  SaHpiResourceIdT 		rptid,
			  SaHpiEntityPathT 		parent_ent,
			  SaHpiCtrlDefaultModeT		*def_mode,
			  SaHpiBoolT			wo,
			  ipmi_control_id_t 		*control_id,
			  struct oh_handler_state 	*handler)
	SaHpiRdrT               rdr_temp;
	SaHpiRdrT               *rdr;
	int			name_len;
	struct ohoi_control_info *ctrl_info;
        ctrl_info = malloc(sizeof(struct ohoi_control_info));
        if (!ctrl_info) {
                dbg("Out of memory");
	ctrl_info->type = OHOI_CTRL_ORIGINAL;
        ctrl_info->info.orig_ctrl_info.ctrl_id = *control_id;
	ctrl_info->mode = SAHPI_CTRL_MODE_AUTO;
	ctrl_info->ohoii.get_control_state = orig_get_control_state;
	ctrl_info->ohoii.set_control_state = orig_set_control_state;
	rdr = &rdr_temp;
        rdr->RecordId = 0;
        rdr->RdrType = SAHPI_CTRL_RDR;
        rdr->Entity = parent_ent;
	name_len = strlen(name);
        rdr->IdString.DataType = SAHPI_TL_TYPE_TEXT;
        rdr->IdString.Language = SAHPI_LANG_ENGLISH;
        rdr->IdString.DataLength = strlen(name);
        memset(rdr->IdString.Data, 0, SAHPI_MAX_TEXT_BUFFER_LENGTH);
        memcpy(rdr->IdString.Data, name, strlen(name));

        rdr->RdrTypeUnion.CtrlRec.Num   = num;
        rdr->RdrTypeUnion.CtrlRec.Type         = SAHPI_CTRL_TYPE_DIGITAL;
        rdr->RdrTypeUnion.CtrlRec.TypeUnion.Digital.Default =
        rdr->RdrTypeUnion.CtrlRec.OutputType   = SAHPI_CTRL_LED; 
        rdr->RdrTypeUnion.CtrlRec.Oem          = OEM_ALARM_BASE + num;
	/* FIXME: OpenIPMI does not provide a reading */
        rdr->RdrTypeUnion.CtrlRec.WriteOnly    = wo;
	rdr->RdrTypeUnion.CtrlRec.DefaultMode.Mode = def_mode->Mode;
	rdr->RdrTypeUnion.CtrlRec.DefaultMode.ReadOnly = def_mode->ReadOnly;
        if(oh_add_rdr(handler->rptcache, rptid, rdr, ctrl_info, 1)) {
		dbg("couldn't add alarm control");
	trace_ipmi("add_alarm_rdr: %s\n",name); 
Beispiel #13
 * snmp_bc_discover_inventory: 
 * @handler: Pointer to handler's data.
 * @inventory_array: Pointer to resource's static inventory data array.
 * @res_oh_event: Pointer to resource's event structure.
 * Discovers resource's available inventory data records.
 * Return values:
 * Adds inventory RDRs to internal Infra-structure queues - normal case
 * SA_ERR_HPI_OUT_OF_SPACE - Cannot allocate space for internal memory
SaErrorT snmp_bc_discover_inventories(struct oh_handler_state *handle,
				      struct snmp_bc_inventory *inventory_array,
				      struct oh_event *res_oh_event)
	int i;
	SaHpiBoolT valid_idr;
	SaErrorT err;
	SaHpiRdrT *rdrptr;
	struct snmp_bc_hnd *custom_handle;
	struct InventoryInfo *inventory_info_ptr;

	custom_handle = (struct snmp_bc_hnd *)handle->data;

	/* Assumming OidManufacturer is defined and determines readable of other VPD */
	for (i=0; inventory_array[i].inventory_info.mib.oid.OidManufacturer != NULL; i++) {
		rdrptr = (SaHpiRdrT *)g_malloc0(sizeof(SaHpiRdrT));
		if (rdrptr == NULL) {
			dbg("Out of memory.");
		valid_idr = rdr_exists(custom_handle,
				       &(res_oh_event->resource.ResourceEntity), 0,
				       0, 0);

		/* Add inventory RDR, if inventory can be read */
		if (valid_idr) {
			rdrptr->RdrType = SAHPI_INVENTORY_RDR;
			rdrptr->Entity = res_oh_event->resource.ResourceEntity;
			rdrptr->RdrTypeUnion.InventoryRec = inventory_array[i].inventory;

			oh_append_textbuffer(&(rdrptr->IdString), inventory_array[i].comment);

			trace("Discovered inventory: %s.", rdrptr->IdString.Data);

			inventory_info_ptr = g_memdup(&(inventory_array[i].inventory_info), sizeof(struct InventoryInfo));
			err = oh_add_rdr(handle->rptcache,
					 inventory_info_ptr, 0);
			if (err) {
				dbg("Cannot add RDR. Error=%s.", oh_lookup_error(err));
			else {
				res_oh_event->rdrs = g_slist_append(res_oh_event->rdrs, rdrptr);
		else {
Beispiel #14
 * main: Starting with an empty RPTable, adds 1 resource to it
 * and then adds 1 NULL rdr to it using a NULL table.
 * Passes the test if the interface returns an error, else it fails.
 * Return value: 0 on success, 1 on failure
int main(int argc, char **argv)
        RPTable *rptable = (RPTable *)g_malloc0(sizeof(RPTable));

        if (oh_add_resource(rptable, rptentries, NULL, 0))
                return 1;

        if (!oh_add_rdr(NULL, rptentries[0].ResourceId, NULL, NULL, 1))
                return 1;

        return 0;
Beispiel #15
static int add_control_event(ipmi_entity_t	*ent,
			     ipmi_control_t	*control,
			     struct oh_handler_state *handler,
			     SaHpiEntityPathT	parent_ep,
			     SaHpiResourceIdT	rid)
        struct ohoi_resource_info *info;
	struct ohoi_control_info  *ctrl_info;
	SaHpiRdrT		rdr;

        ctrl_info = malloc(sizeof(struct ohoi_control_info));
        if (!ctrl_info) {
                dbg("Out of memory");
                return 1;
	memset(&rdr, 0, sizeof(rdr));
	ctrl_info->type = OHOI_CTRL_ORIGINAL;
        ctrl_info->info.orig_ctrl_info.ctrl_id =
	ctrl_info->mode = SAHPI_CTRL_MODE_AUTO;
	ctrl_info->ohoii.get_control_state = orig_get_control_state;
	ctrl_info->ohoii.set_control_state = orig_set_control_state;

	rdr.RecordId = 0;
	rdr.Entity = parent_ep;
	rdr.RdrTypeUnion.CtrlRec.OutputType = _control_type_from_ipmi_to_hpi(control);
	rdr.RdrTypeUnion.CtrlRec.Type = SAHPI_CTRL_TYPE_OEM;

	set_idstring(control, &rdr);

	info = oh_get_resource_data(handler->rptcache, rid);
        if (!info) {
                dbg("No info in resource(%d)\n", rid);
                return 1;
        rdr.RdrTypeUnion.CtrlRec.Num = info->ctrl_count;

        rid = oh_uid_lookup(&rdr.Entity);
	if (oh_add_rdr(handler->rptcache, rid,
			&rdr, ctrl_info, 1) != SA_OK) {
		dbg("couldn't add control rdr");
		return 1;
	return 0;
Beispiel #16
 * main: Starting with an empty RPTable, adds 10 resources to it
 * and then adds 1 rdr to it using a Resource Id not present in the table.
 * Passes the test if the interface returns an error, else it fails.
 * Return value: 0 on success, 1 on failure
int main(int argc, char **argv)
        RPTable *rptable = (RPTable *)g_malloc0(sizeof(RPTable));
        guint i;

        for (i = 0; rptentries[i].ResourceId; i++) {
                if (oh_add_resource(rptable, rptentries+i, NULL, 0))
                        return 1;

        if (!oh_add_rdr(rptable, 1234567, rdrs, NULL, 1))
                return 1;

        return 0;
Beispiel #17
 * main: Starts with an RPTable of 1 resource, adds 1 rdr with data
 * to first resource. Fetches data using a SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY as the Record Id.
 * Success if the interface returns an ok, otherwise there was a failure.
 * Return value: 0 on success, 1 on failure
int main(int argc, char **argv)
        RPTable *rptable = (RPTable *)g_malloc0(sizeof(RPTable));
        gchar *data = "My data";

        if (oh_add_resource(rptable, rptentries, NULL, 1))
                return 1;

        if (oh_add_rdr(rptable, rptentries[0].ResourceId, rdrs, data, 1))
                return 1;

        if (!oh_get_rdr_data(rptable, rptentries[0].ResourceId, SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY))
                return 1;

        return 0;
Beispiel #18
 * main: Starts with an RPTable of 1 resource, adds 1 rdr with data
 * to first resource. Fetches data using a Resource Id not present in the table.
 * Success if the interface returns an error, otherwise there was a failure.
 * Return value: 0 on success, 1 on failure
int main(int argc, char **argv)
        RPTable *rptable = (RPTable *)g_malloc0(sizeof(RPTable));
        gchar *data = "My data";

        if (oh_add_resource(rptable, rptentries, NULL, 1))
                return 1;

        if (oh_add_rdr(rptable, rptentries[0].ResourceId, sensors, data, 1))
                return 1;

        if (oh_get_rdr_data(rptable, 1234567, sensors[0].RecordId))
                return 1;

        return 0;
Beispiel #19
static int process_rdr_event(struct oh_handler *h, RPTable *rpt, struct oh_event *e)
        int rv;
        SaHpiResourceIdT rid;

        if (e->type == OH_ET_RDR_DEL) {
                rid = oh_uid_lookup(&(e->u.rdr_del_event.parent_entity));
                rv = (rid)? oh_remove_rdr(rpt,rid,e->u.rdr_del_event.record_id) : -1;
        } else {
                rid = oh_uid_lookup(&(e->u.rdr_event.rdr.Entity));
                rv = (rid)? oh_add_rdr(rpt,rid,&(e->u.rdr_event.rdr),NULL) : -1;

        if (rv) dbg("Could not process rdr event. Parent resource not found.");
        return rv;
Beispiel #20
static void add_sensor_event(ipmi_entity_t	*ent,
			     ipmi_sensor_t	*sensor,
			     struct oh_handler_state *handler,
			     SaHpiEntityPathT	parent_ep,
			     SaHpiResourceIdT	rid)
	struct ohoi_sensor_info *sensor_info;
	struct oh_event         *e;
        struct ohoi_resource_info *info;

	sensor_info = malloc(sizeof(*sensor_info));

	if (!sensor_info) {
		dbg("Out of memory for sensor info");

	sensor_info->sensor_id  = ipmi_sensor_convert_to_id(sensor);
	sensor_info->valid = 0;
        sensor_info->enable = SAHPI_TRUE;
	e = malloc(sizeof(*e));
	if (!e) {
		dbg("Out of space");   
	memset(e, 0, sizeof(*e));

	e->type = OH_ET_RDR;
	add_sensor_event_rdr(sensor, &e->u.rdr_event.rdr, parent_ep, rid);	

        info = oh_get_resource_data(handler->rptcache, rid);
        if (!info) {
                dbg("No info in resource(%d)\n", rid);
        e->u.rdr_event.rdr.RdrTypeUnion.SensorRec.Num = info->sensor_count;

	rid = oh_uid_lookup(&e->u.rdr_event.rdr.Entity);

	oh_add_rdr(handler->rptcache, rid, &e->u.rdr_event.rdr, sensor_info, 1);
Beispiel #21
 * main: Starts with an RPTable of 10 resources, adds 5 rdr
 * to first resource. Fetches rdrs randomly by type and compares
 * with original. A failed comparison means the test failed,
 * otherwise the test passed.
 * Return value: 0 on success, 1 on failure
int main(int argc, char **argv)
        RPTable *rptable = (RPTable *)g_malloc0(sizeof(RPTable));
        GSList *records = NULL;
        guint i = 0;

        for (i = 0; rptentries[i].ResourceId != 0; i++) {
                if (oh_add_resource(rptable, rptentries + i, NULL, 0))
                        return 1;

        for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                if (oh_add_rdr(rptable, SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY, rdrs + i, NULL,0))
                        return 1;
                        records = g_slist_append(records, rdrs + i);

        for (; records; i--) {
                SaHpiRdrT *tmprdr = NULL, *randrdr = NULL;
                GSList *tmpnode = NULL;
                guint k = (guint) (((gfloat)i)*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0));

                tmpnode = g_slist_nth(records, k);
                randrdr = (SaHpiRdrT *)tmpnode->data;
                randrdr->RecordId =

                tmprdr = oh_get_rdr_by_type(rptable, SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY,

                if (!tmprdr ||
                    memcmp(randrdr, tmprdr, sizeof(SaHpiRdrT)))
                        return 1;
                else {
                        records = g_slist_remove_link(records, tmpnode);

        return 0;
Beispiel #22
 * main: resource must NOT have SAHPI_CAPABILITY_AGGREGATE_STATUS capability,
 * sensor num should be between SAHPI_STANDARD_SENSOR_MIN and
 * With these conditions, oh_add_rdr is expected to return an error.
 * This is because for a sensor to have a num in the reserved range,
 * the resource must have SAHPI_CAPABILITY_AGGREGATE_STATUS capability
 * set.
 * If so, the test passes, otherwise it failed.
 * Return value: 0 on success, 1 on failure
int main(int argc, char **argv)
        RPTable *rptable = (RPTable *)g_malloc0(sizeof(RPTable));
        guint i;

        rptentries[0].ResourceCapabilities = rptentries[0].ResourceCapabilities & 0xFFFFDFFF;
        for (i = 0; rptentries[i].ResourceId; i++) {
                if (oh_add_resource(rptable, rptentries+i, NULL, 0))
                        return 1;

	rdrs[0].RdrTypeUnion.SensorRec.Num = SAHPI_STANDARD_SENSOR_MIN;
        if (!oh_add_rdr(rptable, SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY, rdrs, NULL, 1))
                return 1;

        return 0;
Beispiel #23
 * main: Starting with an empty RPTable, adds 1 resource to it
 * and then adds 1 rdr to it. Removes rdr using a special value like
 * Passes the test if the interface returns ok, else it fails.
 * Return value: 0 on success, 1 on failure
int main(int argc, char **argv)
        RPTable *rptable = (RPTable *)g_malloc0(sizeof(RPTable));
        guint i;

        for (i = 0; rptentries[i].ResourceId != 0; i++) {
                if (oh_add_resource(rptable, rptentries+i, NULL, 0))
                        return 1;

        if (oh_add_rdr(rptable, rptentries[0].ResourceId, rdrs, NULL, 1))
                return 1;

        if (oh_remove_rdr(rptable, rptentries[0].ResourceId, SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY))
                return 1;

        return 0;
Beispiel #24
 * main: Starts with an RPTable of 1 resource, adds 5 rdrs to first resource.
 * Fetches an rdr by id using a NULL table.
 * Success if the interface returns an error, otherwise there was a failure.
 * Return value: 0 on success, 1 on failure
int main(int argc, char **argv)
        RPTable *rptable = (RPTable *)g_malloc0(sizeof(RPTable));
        guint i;

        if (oh_add_resource(rptable, rptentries, NULL, 1))
                return 1;

        for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                if (oh_add_rdr(rptable, rptentries[0].ResourceId, rdrs+i, NULL, 1))
                        return 1;

        if (oh_get_rdr_by_id(NULL, rptentries[0].ResourceId, rdrs[0].RecordId))
                return 1;

        return 0;
Beispiel #25
 * main: Starting with an empty RPTable, adds 1 resource to it
 * and then adds 1 rdr to it. Removes rdr using a Resource Id not present
 * in the table.
 * Passes the test if the interface returns an error, else it fails.
 * Return value: 0 on success, 1 on failure
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    RPTable *rptable = (RPTable *)g_malloc0(sizeof(RPTable));
    guint i;

    for (i = 0; rptentries[i].ResourceId != 0; i++) {
        if (oh_add_resource(rptable, rptentries+i, NULL, 0))
            return 1;

    if (oh_add_rdr(rptable, rptentries[0].ResourceId, sensors, NULL, 1))
        return 1;

    if (!oh_remove_rdr(rptable, 1234567, sensors[0].RecordId))
        return 1;

    return 0;
Beispiel #26
 * main: Starts with an RPTable of 1 resource, adds 5 rdrs to first resource.
 * Fetches an rdr using get_next with the Record Id as SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY.
 * Success if the interface returns a valid pointer, otherwise there was a failure.
 * Return value: 0 on success, 1 on failure
int main(int argc, char **argv)
        RPTable *rptable = (RPTable *)g_malloc0(sizeof(RPTable));
        guint i;

        if (oh_add_resource(rptable, rptentries, NULL, 1))
                return 1;

        for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                if (oh_add_rdr(rptable, rptentries[0].ResourceId, rdrs+i, NULL, 1))
                        return 1;

        if (!oh_get_rdr_next(rptable, rptentries[0].ResourceId, SAHPI_FIRST_ENTRY))
                return 1;

        return 0;
Beispiel #27
cIpmiRdr::Populate(GSList **list)
  if ( m_populate )
       return true;

  // find resource
  SaHpiRptEntryT *resource = Domain()->FindResource( Resource()->m_resource_id );

  if ( !resource )
       stdlog << "Resource not found: Can't populate RDR !\n";
       return false;

  // create rdr
  SaHpiRdrT *rdr = (SaHpiRdrT *)g_malloc0(sizeof(SaHpiRdrT));
  CreateRdr( *resource, *rdr );

  int rv = oh_add_rdr( Domain()->GetHandler()->rptcache,
                       rdr, this, 1 );

  if ( rv != 0 )
       stdlog << "Can't add RDR to plugin cache !\n";
       g_free( rdr );
       return false;

  // assign the hpi record id to sensor, so we can find
  // the rdr for a given sensor.
  // the id comes from oh_add_rdr.
  RecordId() = rdr->RecordId;

  stdlog << "cIpmiRdr::Populate RDR for resource " << resource->ResourceId << " RDR " << RecordId() << "\n";
  *list = g_slist_append(*list, rdr);

  m_populate = true;

  return true;
static void add_inventory_event(struct ohoi_resource_info *res_info,
			      ipmi_entity_t     *ent,
			      struct oh_handler_state *handler,
			      SaHpiRptEntryT           *rpt_entry)
	SaHpiResourceIdT  rid = rpt_entry->ResourceId;
	SaHpiRdrT		rdr;
	int rv;
	init_inventory_info(handler, res_info, ent);
	if (res_info->fru == NULL) {
		err("Out of memory");

        memset(&rdr, 0, sizeof(rdr));
        rdr.RecordId = 0;
        rdr.RdrType = SAHPI_INVENTORY_RDR;
        rdr.Entity = rpt_entry->ResourceEntity;
	rdr.IsFru = SAHPI_TRUE;

	/* One Fru has only one inventory, so IdrId always is 0 */
	rdr.RdrTypeUnion.InventoryRec.IdrId = 0;
        rdr.RdrTypeUnion.InventoryRec.Persistent = SAHPI_TRUE;
	rdr.RdrTypeUnion.InventoryRec.Oem = 0;

	oh_append_textbuffer(&rdr.IdString, "FRU Inventory data");

        rid = oh_uid_lookup(&rdr.Entity);
        rv = oh_add_rdr(handler->rptcache, rid, &rdr, NULL, 0);
	if (rv == SA_OK) {
		rpt_entry->ResourceCapabilities |= SAHPI_CAPABILITY_INVENTORY_DATA |
	} else {
		res_info->fru = NULL;
		err("couldn't add inventory. rv = %d", rv);
Beispiel #29
 * main: Starts with an RPTable of 1 resource, adds 5 rdrs to first resource.
 * Fetches an rdr by type using a NULL table.
 * Success if the interface returns an error, otherwise there was a failure.
 * Return value: 0 on success, 1 on failure
int main(int argc, char **argv)
        RPTable *rptable = (RPTable *)g_malloc0(sizeof(RPTable));
        guint i;

        if (oh_add_resource(rptable, rptentries, NULL, 1))
                return 1;

        for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                if (oh_add_rdr(rptable, rptentries[0].ResourceId, rdrs+i, NULL, 1))
                        return 1;

        if (oh_get_rdr_by_type(NULL, rptentries[0].ResourceId,
                               rdrs[0].RdrType, rdrs[0].RdrTypeUnion.SensorRec.Num))
                return 1;

        return 0;
Beispiel #30
static void add_control_event(ipmi_entity_t	*ent,
			     ipmi_control_t	*control,
			     struct oh_handler_state *handler,
			     SaHpiEntityPathT	parent_ep,
			     SaHpiResourceIdT	rid)
        ipmi_control_id_t         *control_id; 
	struct oh_event           *e;
        struct ohoi_resource_info *info;

        control_id = malloc(sizeof(*control_id));
        if (!control_id) {
                dbg("Out of memory");
        *control_id = ipmi_control_convert_to_id(control);
	e = malloc(sizeof(*e));
	if (!e) {
		dbg("Out of space");   
	memset(e, 0, sizeof(*e));

	e->type = OH_ET_RDR;
	add_control_event_rdr(control, &e->u.rdr_event.rdr, parent_ep, rid);	

	info = oh_get_resource_data(handler->rptcache, rid);
        if (!info) {
                dbg("No info in resource(%d)\n", rid);
        e->u.rdr_event.rdr.RdrTypeUnion.SensorRec.Num = info->ctrl_count;

        rid = oh_uid_lookup(&e->u.rdr_event.rdr.Entity);
	oh_add_rdr(handler->rptcache, rid, &e->u.rdr_event.rdr, control_id, 1);